Exemple #1
bool TileMap::collision(const od::Shape * shape, float x, float y) const
    od::Rect box = shape->boundingBox();
    //od::Rect box = shape->boundingBox().translate(xoffset(), yoffset());
    // + ou -? => a verifier
    x -= xoffset();
    y -= yoffset();
    int x1 = (x + box.x1    ) / tileWidth();
    int x2 = (x + box.x2 - 1) / tileWidth();
    int y1 = (y + box.y1    ) / tileHeight();
    int y2 = (y + box.y2 - 1) / tileHeight();
    if(x1 < 0) x1 = 0;
    if(y1 < 0) y1 = 0;
    if(x2 > width()- 1) x2 = width()-1;
    if(y2 > height()-1) y2 = height()-1;
    for(int i=x1; i<=x2; ++i)
        for(int j=y1; j<=y2; ++j)
            const od::Shape * tile = tileCollisionMask(i, j);
            if(tile && tileSolid(i, j) && shape->collide(*tile, i * tileWidth() - x, j * tileHeight() - y))
                return true;
    return false;
Exemple #2
void ScaledImagePlane::ensureUpToDate(unsigned int tileX, unsigned int tileY,
                            PixmapTile* tile)
    ImageTile& imageTile = tiles.at(tileX, tileY);

    //Create the image if need be.
    if (imageTile.image.isNull())
        imageTile.image = parent->format.makeImage(tileWidth (tileX),
        std::memset(imageTile.versions, 0, Tile::TileSize);
    else ImageManager::imageCache()->touchEntry(&imageTile);

    //Pull in updates to the image.
    for (unsigned int line = 0; line < tileHeight(tileY); ++line)
        int origLine = yScaleTable[line + tileY*Tile::TileSize];
        if (imageTile.versions[line] < parent->versions[origLine])
            imageTile.versions[line] = parent->versions[origLine];
            if (parent->format.depth() == 1)
                scaleLoop<quint8>(&imageTile.image, xScaleTable, line, 
                                parent->image, origLine, tileX, tileY);
                scaleLoop<quint32>(&imageTile.image, xScaleTable, line,
                                parent->image, origLine, tileX, tileY);

    //Now, push stuff into the pixmap.
    updatePixmap(tile, imageTile.image, tileX, tileY, 0, 0, imageTile.versions);
Exemple #3
void TileSet::resizeTiles(int maxWidth, int maxHeight)
	// calculate largest tile size that will fit in maxWidth/maxHeight
	// and maintain the tile's height-to-width ratio
	double ratio = static_cast<double>(unscaledTileHeight()) / unscaledTileWidth();
	if(maxWidth * ratio < maxHeight)
		maxHeight = qRound(maxWidth * ratio);
		maxWidth = qRound(maxHeight / ratio);

	if(maxHeight == tileHeight() && maxWidth == tileWidth())

	//kdDebug() << "tile size: " << maxWidth << "x" << maxHeight << endl;

	QImage img;
	for(int i = 0; i < nTiles; i++)
		if(maxHeight == unscaledTileHeight())
			img = unscaledTiles[i].copy();//.convertDepth(32);
			img = unscaledTiles[i].smoothScale(maxWidth, maxHeight);

void TilesManager::allocateTextures()
    int nbTexturesToAllocate = m_currentTextureCount - m_textures.size();
    ALOGV("%d tiles to allocate (%d textures planned)", nbTexturesToAllocate, m_currentTextureCount);
    int nbTexturesAllocated = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nbTexturesToAllocate; i++) {
        TileTexture* texture = new TileTexture(
            tileWidth(), tileHeight());
        // the atomic load ensures that the texture has been fully initialized
        // before we pass a pointer for other threads to operate on
        TileTexture* loadedTexture =

    int nbLayersTexturesToAllocate = m_currentLayerTextureCount - m_tilesTextures.size();
    ALOGV("%d layers tiles to allocate (%d textures planned)",
          nbLayersTexturesToAllocate, m_currentLayerTextureCount);
    int nbLayersTexturesAllocated = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nbLayersTexturesToAllocate; i++) {
        TileTexture* texture = new TileTexture(
            tileWidth(), tileHeight());
        // the atomic load ensures that the texture has been fully initialized
        // before we pass a pointer for other threads to operate on
        TileTexture* loadedTexture =
    ALOGV("allocated %d textures for base (total: %d, %d Mb), %d textures for layers (total: %d, %d Mb)",
          nbTexturesAllocated, m_textures.size(),
          m_textures.size() * TILE_WIDTH * TILE_HEIGHT * 4 / 1024 / 1024,
          nbLayersTexturesAllocated, m_tilesTextures.size(),
          m_tilesTextures.size() * tileWidth() * tileHeight() * 4 / 1024 / 1024);
AudioPreviewPainter::AudioPreviewPainter(CompositionModelImpl& model,
					 CompositionModelImpl::AudioPreviewData* apData,
					 const Composition &composition,
					 const Segment* segment)
    : m_model(model),
    int pixWidth = std::min(m_rect.getBaseWidth(), tileWidth());

    //NB. m_image used to be created as an 8-bit image with 4 bits per pixel.
    // QImage::Format_Indexed8 seems to be close enough, since we manipulate the
    // pixels directly by index, rather than employ drawing tools.
    m_image = QImage(pixWidth, m_rect.height(), QImage::Format_Indexed8);
    m_penWidth = (std::max(1U, (unsigned int)m_rect.getPen().width()) * 2);
    m_halfRectHeight = m_model.grid().getYSnap()/2 - m_penWidth / 2 - 2;
void AudioPreviewPainter::paintPreviewImage()
    const CompositionModelImpl::AudioPreviewData::Values &values =

    if (values.empty())
    float gain[2] = { 1.0, 1.0 };
    int instrumentChannels = 2;
    TrackId trackId = m_segment->getTrack();
    Track *track = m_model.getComposition().getTrackById(trackId);
    if (track) {
        Instrument *instrument = m_model.getStudio().getInstrumentById(track->getInstrument());
        if (instrument) {
            float level = AudioLevel::dB_to_multiplier(instrument->getLevel());
            float pan = instrument->getPan() - 100.0;
            gain[0] = level * ((pan > 0.0) ? (1.0 - (pan / 100.0)) : 1.0);
            gain[1] = level * ((pan < 0.0) ? ((pan + 100.0) / 100.0) : 1.0);
	    instrumentChannels = instrument->getAudioChannels();

    // This was always false.
    bool showMinima = false;  //m_apData->showsMinima();

    unsigned int channels = m_apData->channels;
    if (channels == 0) {
        RG_DEBUG << "AudioPreviewPainter::paintPreviewImage : problem with audio file for segment "
                 << m_segment->getLabel().c_str() << endl;

    int samplePoints = int(values.size()) / (channels * (showMinima ? 2 : 1));
    float h1, h2, l1 = 0, l2 = 0;
    double sampleScaleFactor = samplePoints / double(m_rect.getBaseWidth());
    m_sliceNb = 0;


    int centre = m_image.height() / 2;

    RG_DEBUG << "AudioPreviewPainter::paintPreviewImage width = " << m_rect.getBaseWidth() << ", height = " << m_rect.height() << ", halfRectHeight = " << m_halfRectHeight << endl;

    RG_DEBUG << "AudioPreviewPainter::paintPreviewImage: channels = " << channels << ", gain left = " << gain[0] << ", right = " << gain[1] << endl;

    // double audioDuration = double(m_segment->getAudioEndTime().sec) +
    //     double(m_segment->getAudioEndTime().nsec) / 1000000000.0;

    // We need to take each pixel value and map it onto a point within
    // the preview.  We have samplePoints preview points in a known
    // duration of audioDuration.  Thus each point spans a real time
    // of audioDuration / samplePoints.  We need to convert the
    // accumulated real time back into musical time, and map this
    // proportionately across the segment width.

    RealTime startRT =
    double startTime = double(startRT.sec) + double(startRT.nsec) / 1000000000.0;

    RealTime endRT =
    double endTime = double(endRT.sec) + double(endRT.nsec) / 1000000000.0;

    bool haveTempoChange = false;

    int finalTempoChangeNumber =

    if ((finalTempoChangeNumber >= 0) &&

	(finalTempoChangeNumber > 
	 (m_segment->getStartTime()))) {

	haveTempoChange = true;

    QSettings settings;
    settings.beginGroup( GeneralOptionsConfigGroup );

    bool meterLevels = (settings.value("audiopreviewstyle", 1).toUInt() 
			== 1);

    for (int i = 0; i < m_rect.getBaseWidth(); ++i) {

	// i is the x coordinate within the rectangle.  We need to
	// calculate the position within the audio preview from which
	// to draw the peak for this coordinate.  It's possible there
	// may be more than one, in which case we need to find the
	// peak of all of them.

	int position = 0;

	if (haveTempoChange) {
	    // First find the time corresponding to this i.
	    timeT musicalTime =
		m_model.grid().getRulerScale()->getTimeForX(m_rect.x() + i);
	    RealTime realTime =
	    double time = double(realTime.sec) +
		double(realTime.nsec) / 1000000000.0;
	    double offset = time - startTime;

	    if (endTime > startTime) {
		position = offset * m_rect.getBaseWidth() / (endTime - startTime);
		position = int(channels * position);
	} else {

	    position = int(channels * i * sampleScaleFactor);

        if (position < 0) continue;

        if (position >= int(values.size()) - int(channels)) {

        if (channels == 1) {

            h1 = values[position++];
            h2 = h1;

            if (showMinima) {
                l1 = values[position++];
                l2 = l1;
        } else {

            h1 = values[position++];
            if (showMinima) l1 = values[position++];

            h2 = values[position++];
            if (showMinima) l2 = values[position++];

	if (instrumentChannels == 1 && channels == 2) {
	    h1 = h2 = (h1 + h2) / 2;
	    l1 = l2 = (l1 + l2) / 2;

	h1 *= gain[0];
	h2 *= gain[1];
	l1 *= gain[0];
	l2 *= gain[1];

        // int width = 1;
	int pixel;

        // h1 left, h2 right
        if (h1 >= 1.0) { h1 = 1.0; pixel = 2; }
	else { pixel = 1; }

        int h;

	if (meterLevels) {
	    h = AudioLevel::multiplier_to_preview(h1, m_height);
	} else {
	    h = h1 * m_height;
        if (h <= 0) h = 1;
	if (h > m_halfRectHeight) h = m_halfRectHeight;

        int rectX = i % tileWidth();

	for (int py = 0; py < h; ++py) {
	    m_image.setPixel(rectX, centre - py, pixel);
        if (h2 >= 1.0) { h2 = 1.0; pixel = 2; }
        else { pixel = 1; }

	if (meterLevels) {
	    h = AudioLevel::multiplier_to_preview(h2, m_height);
	} else {
	    h = h2 * m_height;
        if (h < 0) h = 0;
	for (int py = 0; py < h; ++py) {
	    m_image.setPixel(rectX, centre + py, pixel);

        if (((i+1) % tileWidth()) == 0 || i == (m_rect.getBaseWidth() - 1)) {

/* Auto-fade not yet implemented.

    if (m_segment->isAutoFading()) {

        Composition &comp = m_model.getComposition();

        int audioFadeInEnd = int(
                                                                     getElapsedTimeForRealTime(m_segment->getFadeInTime()) +
                                                                     m_segment->getStartTime()) -

        m_p.drawRect(0,  m_apData->getSegmentRect().height() - 1, audioFadeInEnd, 1);
        m_pb.drawRect(0, m_apData->getSegmentRect().height() - 1, audioFadeInEnd, 1);

