void TileLayer::draw(sf::RenderWindow* window, Camera* camera) {
    if (_map) {
        Point camera_pos = camera->position();
        TileHelper tile_helper(_tile_width, _tile_height);
        Rectangle view = camera->get_view_rect();
        Point draw_start = tile_helper.toTileCoords(view.left() - 32, view.top() - 32);
        Point draw_end = tile_helper.toTileCoords(view.right() + 32, view.bottom() + 32);

        // Some basic attempts at tile clipping
        draw_start.x = draw_start.x < 0 ? 0 : draw_start.x;
        draw_start.y = draw_start.y < 0 ? 0 : draw_start.y;
        draw_start.x = draw_start.x > _map_width ? _map_width : draw_start.x;
        draw_start.y = draw_start.y > _map_height ? _map_height : draw_start.y;

        draw_end.x = draw_end.x > _map_width ? _map_width : draw_end.x;
        draw_end.y = draw_end.y > _map_height ? _map_height : draw_end.y;
        draw_end.x = draw_end.x < 0 ? 0 : draw_end.x;
        draw_end.y = draw_end.y < 0 ? 0 : draw_end.y;

        for (I32 i = draw_start.y - 1; i < draw_end.y + 1; ++i) {
            if (i < 0 || i == _map_height)
            for (I32 j = draw_start.x - 1; j < draw_end.x + 1; ++j) {
                if (j < 0 || j == _map_width)

                _map[i][j]->draw(window, j * _tile_width - camera_pos.x, i * _tile_height - camera_pos.y);
Exemple #2
Grabs the names and loads the tile sets for the level
spider must be able to get to the "tileset" tags in one edge
stores them in the level::tileset.vector
void level::create_tilesets( pugi::xml_node spider )
  //temporary container for tileset image pointer
  SDL_Surface* temp;
  int first, Twidth ,id , last;

  //holds path to source
  char str[256];
  pugi::xml_node name;
  //traverses the Tileset tags in the TMX file
  for( spider = spider.child("tileset"); spider != 0; spider = spider.next_sibling("tileset") )
      //spider is in the <tileset> tag
      //sets first so we can know which prototile we are setting for each tileset
      first = spider.attribute("firstgid").as_int();
      Twidth = spider.attribute("tilewidth").as_int();
      //std::cout << "present tileset first Gid " << temp.first << std::endl;
      name = spider.child("image");

      //makes it so we can open the TMX files 
      strcpy(str, "assets/");
      strcat(str , (char*)name.attribute("source").value() );
      if( loadMedia( str  , temp , engine->get_screen()) )
	  //add to vector of tilesets
	  //tiles in this tileset
	  last = name.attribute("width").as_int()/Twidth  ;
	  prototile.resize ( prototile.size() +  last);
	  std::cout <<"prototile is "<< prototile.size() << " tiles big.\n";
	  //set up our prototiles with some basic attributes
	  for(int i = first; i < prototile.size(); i++)
	      prototile[i] = tile_helper( temp, 16, i-first);
	  //name.attribute("width").as_int()/Twidth ;
	  //runs through the tile properties and creates prototile vector
	  for( name = name.next_sibling("tile"); name != 0; name = name.next_sibling("tile") );
	    {//in tag <tile> if exists
	      id = name.attribute("id").as_int();
	      //std::cout << "tile id:" << id << " has colision attribute : " << name.child("properties").child_value("property") << std::endl;
	      //prototile[first+id].solid = name.child("properties").child("property").attribute("value").as_int();
				   "Tileset creation error",
				   "Now you f****d up This was ment to happen\n go change teh false thing",
	  exit( 1 );
