Exemple #1
void EventView::delayedInitialization()
    connect( &Application::instance().timeSpans(),
             SIGNAL( timeSpansChanged() ),
             SLOT( timeSpansChanged() ) );

Exemple #2
void EventView::delayedInitialization()
    connect( Application::instance().dateChangeWatcher(),
             SIGNAL( dateChanged() ),
             SLOT( timeSpansChanged() ) );

void WTSConfigurationPage::slotDelayedInitialization()
    connect( &Application::instance().timeSpans(),
             SIGNAL( timeSpansChanged() ),
             SLOT( slotStandardTimeSpansChanged() ) );

    // load settings:
    QSettings settings;
    if ( settings.contains( MetaKey_TimesheetActiveOnly ) ) {
        m_ui->checkBoxActiveOnly->setChecked( settings.value( MetaKey_TimesheetActiveOnly ).toBool() );
    } else {
        m_ui->checkBoxActiveOnly->setChecked( true );
Exemple #4
void EventView::setModel( ModelConnector* connector )
    EventModelFilter* model = connector->eventModel();
    m_listView->setModel( model );
    m_listView->setSelectionBehavior( QAbstractItemView::SelectRows );
    m_listView->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection );

    connect( m_listView->selectionModel(),
             SIGNAL( currentChanged( const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex& ) ),
             SLOT( slotCurrentItemChanged( const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex& ) ) );

    connect( model, SIGNAL( eventActivationNotice( EventId ) ),
             SLOT( slotEventActivated( EventId ) ) );
    connect( model, SIGNAL( eventDeactivationNotice( EventId ) ),
             SLOT( slotEventDeactivated( EventId ) ) );

    connect( model, SIGNAL( dataChanged( const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex& ) ),
             SLOT( slotUpdateCurrent() ) );
    connect( model, SIGNAL( rowsInserted( const QModelIndex&, int, int ) ),
             SLOT( slotUpdateTotal() ) );
    connect( model, SIGNAL( rowsRemoved( const QModelIndex&, int, int ) ),
             SLOT( slotUpdateTotal() ) );
    connect( model, SIGNAL( rowsInserted( const QModelIndex&, int, int ) ),
             SLOT( slotConfigureUi() ) );
    connect( model, SIGNAL( rowsRemoved( const QModelIndex&, int, int ) ),
             SLOT( slotConfigureUi() ) );
    connect( model, SIGNAL( layoutChanged() ),
             SLOT( slotUpdateCurrent() ) );
    connect( model, SIGNAL( modelReset() ),
             SLOT( slotUpdateTotal() ) );

    m_model = model;
    // normally, the model is set only once, so this should be no problem:
    EventEditorDelegate* delegate =
        new EventEditorDelegate( model, m_listView );
    m_listView->setItemDelegate( delegate );
Exemple #5
void EventView::delayedInitialization()
    connect(ApplicationCore::instance().dateChangeWatcher(), &DateChangeWatcher::dateChanged,
            this, &EventView::timeSpansChanged);