Exemple #1
	int main ()
		time_t start,end;
	    //double length;
        int number, input;
		int count=10;
		/* initialize random seed: */
		srand ( time(NULL) );
		/* Generate a random number: */
		number = rand() % 100 + 1;
        //start the timer 
		do {
			    //take input from the user about guessing the number
				printf (" Guess the number (1 to 100): ");
				scanf ("%d",&input);
				//various conditions to check weather the guessed number from user is smaller or higher
				if ((number)< input && input < (number+10))
					printf ("The number is smaller\n");
				else if ((number-10)< input && input< (number))
					printf ("The number is higher\n");
				else if (input > number)
					printf("The number is much smaller\n");
                else if (input < number)
					printf("The number is much higher\n");
                //reducing the count everytime user guesses a number
				//printf("%d Count \n",cond);
			} while (number!=input && count!=0);
		//end the time when the loop ends
         printf("You finished the game at  ");
         printf("%s\n",ctime(&end) );
         //length = difftime(end,start);
         //checking if the user won or lost depending on the conditions
			if (count!=0)
				//calling the function to calculate the time taken by the user
				printf("You Won and finished in %f",timedifference(end,start));
				//printf("You Won and finished in %d",length);
			    printf(" seconds and took %d",(10-count));
			    printf(" attempts\n");
				//calling the function to calculate the time taken by the user
				printf ("You LOST and took %f",timedifference(end,start));
				//printf ("You LOST and took %d",length);
				printf(" secs\n");
		return 0;
float StopWatch::elapsedsec(void)
    if(!started) return -1;

    timespec tmp;
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tmp);
    tmp = timedifference(starttime,tmp);
    return tmp.tv_sec + (float)tmp.tv_nsec/1000000000;
Exemple #3
* C-routine that monitors time in a thread, updates a timeserver structure<br>
* bugs: none found<br>
* @param ptr timeserver* casted in as a void*<br>
void* monitortime(void* ptr){
  timeserver* timer = (timeserver*)ptr;
  cout << "[STARTUP]\tTime monitoring" << endl;
  timer->time.previous = clock();
    timer->time.now = clock();
    if(timer->monitoring && timedifference(timer->time.previous, timer->time.now) >= 1000.0){
      timer->time.previous = timer->time.now = clock();
  pthread_exit((void*) 0);
  return((void*) 1);
// Main to test this algorithm
int main() {
  // Setup timevals
  struct timeval startTime, endTime;
  // Run a variety of functions
  __initialize(); // Initialize the page fault simulator
  printf("=-=-=-=-= MEMORY MAXER\n\n");
  gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL); // Measure time performance
  gettimeofday(&endTime, NULL); // Measure time performace
  printf("=-=-=-=-= Memory Maxer Statistics:\n");
  printf(" Time taken for execution with random algorithm for picking pages = %ld msec\n\n", timedifference(endTime, startTime));
  printf("=-=-=-=-= PERSONAL FUNCTION 1\n\n");
  gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL); // Measure time performance
  gettimeofday(&endTime, NULL); // Measure time performace
  printf("=-=-=-=-= Personal Function 1 Statistics:\n");
  printf(" Time taken for execution with random algorithm for picking pages = %ld msec\n\n", timedifference(endTime, startTime));
  return 0;