Exemple #1
// Функция ожидания, с остановом при нажатой кнопке.
void wait (unsigned msec, int button)
    unsigned t0 = timer_milliseconds (&timer);

    while (button_pressed (button) ||
           timer_milliseconds (&timer) - t0 < msec)
        // Если нажата указанная кнопка - ждём,
        // пока она не освободится.
        timer_delay (&timer, 10);
Exemple #2
void hello (void *arg)
	for (;;) {
		debug_printf ("Hello from `%s'! msec = %u\n",
			arg, timer_milliseconds (&timer));
		mutex_wait (&timer.decisec);
Exemple #3
void hello (void *arg)
	for (;;) {
		debug_printf ("%s: msec = %d\n",
			arg, timer_milliseconds (&timer));
		mutex_wait (&timer.decisec);
void udp_task (void *data)
	int i;
	buf_t *p;
	unsigned old_count = 0;
	unsigned long start, end, elapsed;
	unsigned long long bytes;
	start = timer_milliseconds (&timer);

	debug_printf ("Press ENTER to start sending to %d.%d.%d.%d:%d\n", server_ip[0],
		server_ip[1], server_ip[2], server_ip[3], PORT);
	debug_getchar ();
	udp_socket (&sock, &ip, PORT);
	trace_udp.udps_ip = (unsigned)sock.ip;

	for (;;) {
		p = buf_alloc (&pool, BUF_SIZE * 4, 42);

		for (i = 0; i < BUF_SIZE; ++i) 
			buf[i] = count++;
		memcpy (p->payload, buf, sizeof(buf));

        if (!udp_sendto (&sock, p, server_ip, PORT)){
            count -= BUF_SIZE;
            debug_printf ("Press ENTER to start sending to %@.4D:%d\n", server_ip, PORT);
            while (debug_peekchar () < 0)
            debug_getchar ();
		if (timer_passed (&timer, start, 1000)) {
			end = timer_milliseconds (&timer);
			elapsed = end - start;
			bytes = (count - old_count) << 2;
			old_count = count;
			debug_printf ("snd rate: %lu (bytes/sec)\n", (unsigned) (bytes * 1000 / elapsed));
			start = end;
Exemple #5
 * Listener task. Get a lock group as an argument.
 * Waits for signals on the group, and prints them.
void main_waiter (void *arg)
	mutex_group_t *g = arg;
	mutex_t *m;
	void *msg;

	for (;;) {
		mutex_group_wait (g, &m, &msg);
		debug_printf ("Time %d, message %s\n",
			timer_milliseconds (&timer), msg ? msg : "Timer");
Exemple #6
static uint16_t Timer_Silence(
    uint32_t delta_time = 0;

    delta_time = timer_milliseconds(TIMER_SILENCE);
    if (delta_time > 0xFFFF) {
        delta_time = 0xFFFF;

    return (uint16_t) delta_time;
Exemple #7
* Description: Sets the timer counter to zero.
* Returns: none
* Notes: none
uint32_t timer_reset(
    unsigned index)
    uint32_t timer_value = 0;

    if (index < MAX_MILLISECOND_TIMERS) {
        timer_value = timer_milliseconds(index);
        Millisecond_Counter[index] = timeGetTime();

    return timer_value;
Exemple #8
void hello (void *arg)
	for (;;) {
	        //debug_printf ("STATUS = %08x\n", mips_read_c0_register (C0_STATUS));
	        //debug_printf ("CAUSE  = %08x\n", mips_read_c0_register (C0_CAUSE));
	        //debug_printf ("INTCTL = %08x\n", mips_read_c0_select (C0_INTCTL, 1));
	        //debug_printf ("EBASE  = %08x\n", mips_read_c0_select (C0_EBASE, 1));
	        //debug_printf ("INTCON = %08x\n", INTCON);
		debug_printf ("Hello from `%s'! msec = %d\n",
			arg, timer_milliseconds (&timer));
		mutex_wait (&timer.decisec);
void main_test ()
	buf_t *p;
    int i = 0;
    const unsigned delay = 20;
	data_pattern = mem_alloc (&pool, packet_size);
	memset (data_pattern, 0xa5, packet_size);
	if (packet_size >= 12)
		memcpy (data_pattern+6, eth.netif.ethaddr, 6);

    unsigned long time0 = timer_milliseconds(&timer);
    while (1) {
	//for (i = 0; i < nb_of_packets; ++i) {
		/* Check received data. */
		p = netif_input (&eth.netif);
		if (p) {
			if (memcmp (p->payload, data_pattern, packet_size) != 0)
			buf_free (p);
		/* Send packets - make transmit queue full. */
        if (i++ < nb_of_packets) {
            p = buf_alloc (&pool, packet_size, 16);
            if (p) {
                memcpy (p->payload, data_pattern, packet_size);
                netif_output (&eth.netif, p, 0, 0);
            } else debug_printf("no mem\n");
        if ((nb_of_received == nb_of_packets) ||
            timer_passed(&timer, time0, delay * nb_of_packets * 2))

		timer_delay (&timer, delay);
    nerr += nb_of_packets - nb_of_received;
Exemple #10
void display_refresh ()
	unsigned sec = timer_milliseconds (&timer) / 1000;
	unsigned min = sec / 60;
	unsigned hour = min / 60;
	sec -= min*60;
	min -= hour*60;

	gpanel_clear (&display, 0);
	puts (&display, "--Работает 5600ВГ1У--\r\n");
	printf (&display, "Время теста:%3u:%02u:%02u\r\n", hour, min, sec);
	printf (&display, " TX пакетов:%9lu\r\n", eth.netif.out_packets);
	printf (&display, "     ошибок:%9lu\r\n", eth.netif.out_errors);
	printf (&display, " RX пакетов:%9lu\r\n", eth.netif.in_packets);
	printf (&display, "     ошибок:%9lu\r\n", eth.netif.in_errors);
	printf (&display, " Прерываний:%9lu\r\n", eth.intr);
	printf (&display, "Своб.байтов:%9u\r\n", mem_available (&pool));
Exemple #11
* Description: compares the current time count with a value
* Returns: true if the time has elapsed
* Notes: none
bool timer_elapsed_minutes(
    unsigned index,
    unsigned long minutes)
    return ((timer_milliseconds(index) / (1000UL * 60UL)) >= minutes);
Exemple #12
void test_arinc_main()
    debug_printf("func_tx = %x, control1_tx = %x\n", func_tx, control1_tx);
    debug_printf("func_rx = %x, control1_rx = %x, control2_rx = %x\n", func_rx, control1_rx, control2_rx);

    debug_printf("channel out = %d, in = %d\n", MY_OUT_CHANNEL, MY_IN_CHANNEL);
    debug_printf("ssm data sdi label\n");

    unsigned int counter = 0xee;
    ARINC_msg_t *const pCounter = (ARINC_msg_t *)&counter;
    pCounter->label = 0x30;
    pCounter->sdi = 1;
    pCounter->data = 0x1f;

    const int fifoCnt = 60;
    int i = 0;
    unsigned int data = 0;
    ARINC_msg_t *const pData = (ARINC_msg_t *)&data;

    int received = 0;

    unsigned long time0 = timer_milliseconds(&timer);

//        const ARINC_msg_t firstSentData = *pCounter;

        for (i=0; i<fifoCnt; ++i)
            arinc_write(&atx, *pCounter);

            debug_printf("sent = %x = %x %x %x %x, status = %x\n", counter, pCounter->ssm, pCounter->data, pCounter->sdi, pCounter->label, ARM_ARINC429T->STATUS);

            if (arinc_read(&arx, pData))
                debug_printf("received=%08x (ssm=%x data=%x sdi=%x label=%x), status1 = %x, status2 = %x\n",
                		data, pData->ssm, pData->data, pData->sdi, pData->label, ARM_ARINC429R->STATUS1, ARM_ARINC429R->STATUS2);

                // debug
                if (timer_passed(&timer, time0, 1000))
                    static int ddd = 0;
                    if (ddd == 0)
                        debug_printf("received frames cnt = %d                      -------------\n", received);
                    ddd = 1;
                if ((ARM_ARINC429R->STATUS1 & ARM_ARINC429R_STATUS1_ERR(MY_IN_CHANNEL)) > 0)
                    // Ошибка приёма
                    debug_printf("rec error\n");
                    debug_printf("no data received\n");

        timer_delay(&timer, 1000);
//        mdelay(1000);
Exemple #13
* Description: compares the current time count with a value
* Returns: true if the time has elapsed
* Notes: none
bool timer_elapsed_milliseconds(
    unsigned index,
    unsigned long value)
    return (timer_milliseconds(index) >= value);
Exemple #14
* Description: compares the current time count with a value
* Returns: true if the time has elapsed
* Notes: none
bool timer_elapsed_seconds(
    unsigned index,
    uint32_t seconds)
    return ((timer_milliseconds(index) / 1000) >= seconds);
Exemple #15
* Description: compares the current time count with a value
* Returns: true if the time has elapsed
* Notes: none
bool timer_elapsed_minutes(
    unsigned index,
    uint32_t minutes)
    return ((timer_milliseconds(index) / (1000 * 60)) >= minutes);
Exemple #16
static uint32_t Timer_Silence(
    void *pArg)
    return timer_milliseconds(TIMER_SILENCE);
Exemple #17
* Description: compares the current time count with a value
* Returns: true if the time has elapsed
* Notes: none
bool timer_elapsed_seconds(
    unsigned index,
    unsigned long seconds)
    return ((timer_milliseconds(index) / 1000UL) >= seconds);