Exemple #1
file_info_t * file_query( OBJECT * const path )
    /* FIXME: Add tracking for disappearing files (i.e. those that can not be
     * detected by stat() even though they had been detected successfully
     * before) and see how they should be handled in the rest of Boost Jam code.
     * Possibly allow Jamfiles to specify some files as 'volatile' which would
     * make Boost Jam avoid caching information about those files and instead
     * ask the OS about them every time.
     * FIXME: Consider returning a clear file_info() result here if
     * file_query_() fails. Should simplify the caller side error checking and
     * the caller still can and needs to detect whether the file has not been
     * successfully detected by the OS, i.e. whether the file_query() call
     * failed.
    file_info_t * const ff = file_info( path );
    if ( timestamp_empty( &ff->time ) )
        if ( file_query_( ff ) < 0 )
            return 0;

        /* Set the path's timestamp to 1 in case it is 0 or undetected to avoid
         * confusion with non-existing paths.
        if ( timestamp_empty( &ff->time ) )
            timestamp_init( &ff->time, 1, 0 );
    return ff;
Exemple #2
file_info_t * file_query( OBJECT * const path )
    /* FIXME: Add tracking for disappearing files (i.e. those that can not be
     * detected by stat() even though they had been detected successfully
     * before) and see how they should be handled in the rest of Boost Jam code.
     * Possibly allow Jamfiles to specify some files as 'volatile' which would
     * make Boost Jam avoid caching information about those files and instead
     * ask the OS about them every time.
    int found;
    file_info_t * const ff = file_info( path, &found );
    if ( !found )
        file_query_( ff );
        if ( ff->exists )
            /* Set the path's timestamp to 1 in case it is 0 or undetected to avoid
             * confusion with non-existing paths.
            if ( timestamp_empty( &ff->time ) )
                timestamp_init( &ff->time, 1, 0 );
    if ( !ff->exists )
        return 0;
    return ff;
Exemple #3
static void make1bind( TARGET * t )
    if ( t->flags & T_FLAG_NOTFILE )

    pushsettings( root_module(), t->settings );
    object_free( t->boundname );
    t->boundname = search( t->name, &t->time, 0, t->flags & T_FLAG_ISFILE );
    t->binding = timestamp_empty( &t->time ) ? T_BIND_MISSING : T_BIND_EXISTS;
    popsettings( root_module(), t->settings );
Exemple #4
int file_query_posix_( file_info_t * const info )
    struct stat statbuf;
    char const * const pathstr = object_str( info->name );
    char const * const pathspec = *pathstr ? pathstr : ".";

    assert( timestamp_empty( &info->time ) );

    if ( stat( pathspec, &statbuf ) < 0 )
        return -1;

    info->is_file = statbuf.st_mode & S_IFREG ? 1 : 0;
    info->is_dir = statbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR ? 1 : 0;
    timestamp_init( &info->time, statbuf.st_mtime, 0 );
    return 0;
Exemple #5
void make0
    TARGET * t,
    TARGET * p,       /* parent */
    int      depth,   /* for display purposes */
    COUNTS * counts,  /* for reporting */
    int      anyhow,
    TARGET * rescanning
)  /* forcibly touch all (real) targets */
    TARGETS    * c;
    TARGET     * ptime = t;
    TARGET     * located_target = 0;
    timestamp    last;
    timestamp    leaf;
    timestamp    hlast;
    int          fate;
    char const * flag = "";
    SETTINGS   * s;

    int savedFate;
    int oldTimeStamp;

        out_printf( "make\t--\t%s%s\n", spaces( depth ), object_str( t->name ) );

     * Step 1: Initialize.

        out_printf( "make\t--\t%s%s\n", spaces( depth ), object_str( t->name ) );

    t->fate = T_FATE_MAKING;
    t->depth = depth;

     * Step 2: Under the influence of "on target" variables, bind the target and
     * search for headers.

    /* Step 2a: Set "on target" variables. */
    s = copysettings( t->settings );
    pushsettings( root_module(), s );

    /* Step 2b: Find and timestamp the target file (if it is a file). */
    if ( ( t->binding == T_BIND_UNBOUND ) && !( t->flags & T_FLAG_NOTFILE ) )
        OBJECT * another_target;
        object_free( t->boundname );
        t->boundname = search( t->name, &t->time, &another_target,
            t->flags & T_FLAG_ISFILE );
        /* If it was detected that this target refers to an already existing and
         * bound target, we add a dependency so that every target depending on
         * us will depend on that other target as well.
        if ( another_target )
            located_target = bindtarget( another_target );

        t->binding = timestamp_empty( &t->time )
            ? T_BIND_MISSING
            : T_BIND_EXISTS;

    /* INTERNAL, NOTFILE header nodes have the time of their parents. */
    if ( p && ( t->flags & T_FLAG_INTERNAL ) )
        ptime = p;

    /* If temp file does not exist but parent does, use parent. */
    if ( p && ( t->flags & T_FLAG_TEMP ) &&
        ( t->binding == T_BIND_MISSING ) &&
        ( p->binding != T_BIND_MISSING ) )
        t->binding = T_BIND_PARENTS;
        ptime = p;

        LIST * var = var_get( root_module(), constant_JAM_SEMAPHORE );
        if ( !list_empty( var ) )
            TARGET * const semaphore = bindtarget( list_front( var ) );
            semaphore->progress = T_MAKE_SEMAPHORE;
            t->semaphore = semaphore;

    /* Step 2c: If its a file, search for headers. */
    if ( t->binding == T_BIND_EXISTS )
        headers( t );

    /* Step 2d: reset "on target" variables. */
    popsettings( root_module(), s );
    freesettings( s );

     * Pause for a little progress reporting.

    if ( DEBUG_BIND )
        if ( !object_equal( t->name, t->boundname ) )
            out_printf( "bind\t--\t%s%s: %s\n", spaces( depth ),
                object_str( t->name ), object_str( t->boundname ) );

        switch ( t->binding )
        case T_BIND_UNBOUND:
        case T_BIND_MISSING:
        case T_BIND_PARENTS:
            out_printf( "time\t--\t%s%s: %s\n", spaces( depth ),
                object_str( t->name ), target_bind[ (int)t->binding ] );

        case T_BIND_EXISTS:
            out_printf( "time\t--\t%s%s: %s\n", spaces( depth ),
                object_str( t->name ), timestamp_str( &t->time ) );

     * Step 3: Recursively make0() dependencies & headers.

    /* Step 3a: Recursively make0() dependencies. */
    for ( c = t->depends; c; c = c->next )
        int const internal = t->flags & T_FLAG_INTERNAL;

        /* Warn about circular deps, except for includes, which include each
         * other alot.
        if ( c->target->fate == T_FATE_INIT )
            make0( c->target, ptime, depth + 1, counts, anyhow, rescanning );
        else if ( c->target->fate == T_FATE_MAKING && !internal )
            out_printf( "warning: %s depends on itself\n", object_str(
                c->target->name ) );
        else if ( c->target->fate != T_FATE_MAKING && rescanning )
            make0rescan( c->target, rescanning );
        if ( rescanning && c->target->includes && c->target->includes->fate !=
            T_FATE_MAKING )
            make0rescan( target_scc( c->target->includes ), rescanning );

    if ( located_target )
        if ( located_target->fate == T_FATE_INIT )
            make0( located_target, ptime, depth + 1, counts, anyhow, rescanning
        else if ( located_target->fate != T_FATE_MAKING && rescanning )
            make0rescan( located_target, rescanning );

    /* Step 3b: Recursively make0() internal includes node. */
    if ( t->includes )
        make0( t->includes, p, depth + 1, counts, anyhow, rescanning );

    /* Step 3c: Add dependencies' includes to our direct dependencies. */
        TARGETS * incs = 0;
        for ( c = t->depends; c; c = c->next )
            if ( c->target->includes )
                incs = targetentry( incs, c->target->includes );
        t->depends = targetchain( t->depends, incs );

    if ( located_target )
        t->depends = targetentry( t->depends, located_target );

    /* Step 3d: Detect cycles. */
        int cycle_depth = depth;
        for ( c = t->depends; c; c = c->next )
            TARGET * scc_root = target_scc( c->target );
            if ( scc_root->fate == T_FATE_MAKING &&
                ( !scc_root->includes ||
                  scc_root->includes->fate != T_FATE_MAKING ) )
                if ( scc_root->depth < cycle_depth )
                    cycle_depth = scc_root->depth;
                    t->scc_root = scc_root;

     * Step 4: Compute time & fate.

    /* Step 4a: Pick up dependencies' time and fate. */
    timestamp_clear( &last );
    timestamp_clear( &leaf );
    fate = T_FATE_STABLE;
    for ( c = t->depends; c; c = c->next )
        /* If we are in a different strongly connected component, pull
         * timestamps from the root.
        if ( c->target->scc_root )
            TARGET * const scc_root = target_scc( c->target );
            if ( scc_root != t->scc_root )
                timestamp_max( &c->target->leaf, &c->target->leaf,
                    &scc_root->leaf );
                timestamp_max( &c->target->time, &c->target->time,
                    &scc_root->time );
                c->target->fate = max( c->target->fate, scc_root->fate );

        /* If LEAVES has been applied, we only heed the timestamps of the leaf
         * source nodes.
        timestamp_max( &leaf, &leaf, &c->target->leaf );
        if ( t->flags & T_FLAG_LEAVES )
            timestamp_copy( &last, &leaf );
        timestamp_max( &last, &last, &c->target->time );
        fate = max( fate, c->target->fate );

        if ( DEBUG_FATE )
            if ( fate < c->target->fate )
                out_printf( "fate change %s from %s to %s by dependency %s\n",
                    object_str( t->name ), target_fate[ (int)fate ],
                    target_fate[ (int)c->target->fate ], object_str(
                    c->target->name ) );

    /* Step 4b: Pick up included headers time. */

     * If a header is newer than a temp source that includes it, the temp source
     * will need building.
    if ( t->includes )
        timestamp_copy( &hlast, &t->includes->time );
        timestamp_clear( &hlast );

    /* Step 4c: handle NOUPDATE oddity.
     * If a NOUPDATE file exists, mark it as having eternally old dependencies.
     * Do not inherit our fate from our dependencies. Decide fate based only on
     * other flags and our binding (done later).
    if ( t->flags & T_FLAG_NOUPDATE )
        if ( DEBUG_FATE )
            if ( fate != T_FATE_STABLE )
                out_printf( "fate change  %s back to stable, NOUPDATE.\n",
                    object_str( t->name ) );

        timestamp_clear( &last );
        timestamp_clear( &t->time );

        /* Do not inherit our fate from our dependencies. Decide fate based only
         * upon other flags and our binding (done later).
        fate = T_FATE_STABLE;

    /* Step 4d: Determine fate: rebuild target or what? */

        In English:
        If can not find or make child, can not make target.
        If children changed, make target.
        If target missing, make it.
        If children newer, make target.
        If temp's children newer than parent, make temp.
        If temp's headers newer than parent, make temp.
        If deliberately touched, make it.
        If up-to-date temp file present, use it.
        If target newer than non-notfile parent, mark target newer.
        Otherwise, stable!

        Note this block runs from least to most stable: as we make it further
        down the list, the target's fate gets more stable.

    savedFate = fate;
    oldTimeStamp = 0;

    if ( fate >= T_FATE_BROKEN )
        fate = T_FATE_CANTMAKE;
    else if ( fate >= T_FATE_SPOIL )
        fate = T_FATE_UPDATE;
    else if ( t->binding == T_BIND_MISSING )
        fate = T_FATE_MISSING;
    else if ( t->binding == T_BIND_EXISTS && timestamp_cmp( &last, &t->time ) >
        0 )
        oldTimeStamp = 1;
        fate = T_FATE_OUTDATED;
    else if ( t->binding == T_BIND_PARENTS && timestamp_cmp( &last, &p->time ) >
        0 )
        oldTimeStamp = 1;
        fate = T_FATE_NEEDTMP;
    else if ( t->binding == T_BIND_PARENTS && timestamp_cmp( &hlast, &p->time )
        > 0 )
        fate = T_FATE_NEEDTMP;
    else if ( t->flags & T_FLAG_TOUCHED )
        fate = T_FATE_TOUCHED;
    else if ( anyhow && !( t->flags & T_FLAG_NOUPDATE ) )
        fate = T_FATE_TOUCHED;
    else if ( t->binding == T_BIND_EXISTS && ( t->flags & T_FLAG_TEMP ) )
        fate = T_FATE_ISTMP;
    else if ( t->binding == T_BIND_EXISTS && p && p->binding != T_BIND_UNBOUND
        && timestamp_cmp( &t->time, &p->time ) > 0 )
        oldTimeStamp = 1;
        fate = T_FATE_NEWER;
        fate = T_FATE_STABLE;
    if ( DEBUG_FATE && ( fate != savedFate ) )
        if ( savedFate == T_FATE_STABLE )
            out_printf( "fate change  %s set to %s%s\n", object_str( t->name ),
                target_fate[ fate ], oldTimeStamp ? " (by timestamp)" : "" );
            out_printf( "fate change  %s from %s to %s%s\n", object_str( t->name ),
                target_fate[ savedFate ], target_fate[ fate ], oldTimeStamp ?
                " (by timestamp)" : "" );

    /* Step 4e: Handle missing files. */
    /* If it is missing and there are no actions to create it, boom. */
    /* If we can not make a target we do not care about it, okay. */
    /* We could insist that there are updating actions for all missing */
    /* files, but if they have dependencies we just pretend it is a NOTFILE. */

    if ( ( fate == T_FATE_MISSING ) && !t->actions && !t->depends )
        if ( t->flags & T_FLAG_NOCARE )
            if ( DEBUG_FATE )
                out_printf( "fate change %s to STABLE from %s, "
                    "no actions, no dependencies and do not care\n",
                    object_str( t->name ), target_fate[ fate ] );
            fate = T_FATE_STABLE;
            out_printf( "don't know how to make %s\n", object_str( t->name ) );
            fate = T_FATE_CANTFIND;

    /* Step 4f: Propagate dependencies' time & fate. */
    /* Set leaf time to be our time only if this is a leaf. */

    timestamp_max( &t->time, &t->time, &last );
    timestamp_copy( &t->leaf, timestamp_empty( &leaf ) ? &t->time : &leaf );
    /* This target's fate may have been updated by virtue of following some
     * target's rebuilds list, so only allow it to be increased to the fate we
     * have calculated. Otherwise, grab its new fate.
    if ( fate > t->fate )
        t->fate = fate;
        fate = t->fate;

     * Step 4g: If this target needs to be built, make0 all targets
     * that are updated by the same actions used to update this target.
     * These have already been marked as REBUILDS, and make1 has
     * special handling for them.  We just need to make sure that
     * they get make0ed.
    if ( ( fate >= T_FATE_BUILD ) && ( fate < T_FATE_BROKEN ) )
        ACTIONS * a;
        TARGETS * c;
        for ( a = t->actions; a; a = a->next )
            for ( c = a->action->targets; c; c = c->next )
                if ( c->target->fate == T_FATE_INIT )
                    make0( c->target, ptime, depth + 1, counts, anyhow, rescanning );

    /* Step 4h: If this target needs to be built, force rebuild everything in
     * its rebuilds list.
    if ( ( fate >= T_FATE_BUILD ) && ( fate < T_FATE_BROKEN ) )
        force_rebuilds( t );

     * Step 5: Sort dependencies by their update time.

    if ( globs.newestfirst )
        t->depends = make0sort( t->depends );

     * Step 6: A little harmless tabulating for tracing purposes.

    /* Do not count or report interal includes nodes. */
    if ( t->flags & T_FLAG_INTERNAL )

    if ( counts )
        if ( !( ++counts->targets % 1000 ) && DEBUG_MAKE )
            out_printf( "...patience...\n" );

        if ( fate == T_FATE_ISTMP )
        else if ( fate == T_FATE_CANTFIND )
        else if ( ( fate == T_FATE_CANTMAKE ) && t->actions )
        else if ( ( fate >= T_FATE_BUILD ) && ( fate < T_FATE_BROKEN ) &&
            t->actions )

    if ( !( t->flags & T_FLAG_NOTFILE ) && ( fate >= T_FATE_SPOIL ) )
        flag = "+";
    else if ( t->binding == T_BIND_EXISTS && p && timestamp_cmp( &t->time,
        &p->time ) > 0 )
        flag = "*";

        out_printf( "made%s\t%s\t%s%s\n", flag, target_fate[ (int)t->fate ],
            spaces( depth ), object_str( t->name ) );