Exemple #1
bool IBattle::LoadOptionsPreset( const std::string& name )
	const std::string preset = FixPresetName(name);
	if (preset.empty()) return false; //preset not found
	m_preset = preset;

	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < LSL::OptionsWrapper::LastOption; i++) {
		std::map<wxString,wxString> options = sett().GetHostingPreset( TowxString(m_preset), i );
		if ( (LSL::OptionsWrapper::GameOption)i != LSL::OptionsWrapper::PrivateOptions ) {
			for ( std::map<wxString,wxString>::const_iterator itor = options.begin(); itor != options.end(); ++itor ) {
				wxLogWarning( itor->first + _T(" ::: ") + itor->second );
				CustomBattleOptions().setSingleOption( STD_STRING(itor->first),
								       (LSL::OptionsWrapper::GameOption)i );
		} else {
			if ( !options[_T("mapname")].IsEmpty() ) {
				if (LSL::usync().MapExists(STD_STRING(options[_T("mapname")]))) {
					SetLocalMap( STD_STRING(options[_T("mapname")]) );
					SendHostInfo( HI_Map );
				} else if ( !ui().OnPresetRequiringMap( options[_T("mapname")] ) ) {
					//user didn't want to download the missing map, so set to empty to not have it tried to be loaded again
					options[_T("mapname")] = wxEmptyString;
					sett().SetHostingPreset( TowxString(m_preset), i, options );

			for( unsigned int j = 0; j <= GetLastRectIdx(); ++j ) {
				if ( GetStartRect( j ).IsOk() )
					RemoveStartRect(j); // remove all rects that might come from map presets
			SendHostInfo( IBattle::HI_StartRects );

			unsigned int rectcount = s2l( options[_T("numrects")] );
			for ( unsigned int loadrect = 0; loadrect < rectcount; loadrect++) {
				int ally = s2l(options[_T("rect_") + TowxString(loadrect) + _T("_ally")]);
				if ( ally == 0 ) continue;
				AddStartRect( ally - 1, s2l(options[_T("rect_") + TowxString(loadrect) + _T("_left")]), s2l(options[_T("rect_") + TowxString(loadrect) + _T("_top")]), s2l(options[_T("rect_") + TowxString(loadrect) + _T("_right")]), s2l(options[_T("rect_") + TowxString(loadrect) + _T("_bottom")]) );
			SendHostInfo( HI_StartRects );

			wxStringTokenizer tkr( options[_T("restrictions")], _T('\t') );
			while( tkr.HasMoreTokens() ) {
				wxString unitinfo = tkr.GetNextToken();
				RestrictUnit( STD_STRING(unitinfo.BeforeLast(_T('='))), s2l( unitinfo.AfterLast(_T('=')) ) );
			SendHostInfo( HI_Restrictions );
			Update( wxFormat( _T("%d_restrictions") ) % LSL::OptionsWrapper::PrivateOptions );

	SendHostInfo( HI_Send_All_opts );
	return true;
void formula_lexer::tokenize()
    __IXION_DEBUG_OUT__ << "formula string: '" << std::string(mp_first, m_size) << "'" << endl;
    tokenizer tkr(m_tokens, mp_first, m_size);
    __IXION_DEBUG_OUT__ << print_tokens(m_tokens, true) << endl;