static ssh_bind prepare_ssh(const char *keys_dir, int port)
	ssh_bind bind;
	char buffer[PATH_MAX];
	int verbosity = SSH_LOG_NOLOG;


	bind = ssh_bind_new();
	if (!bind)
		tmate_fatal("Cannot initialize ssh");

	ssh_bind_options_set(bind, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_BINDPORT, &port);
	ssh_bind_options_set(bind, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_BANNER, TMATE_SSH_BANNER);
	ssh_bind_options_set(bind, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_LOG_VERBOSITY, &verbosity);

	sprintf(buffer, "%s/ssh_host_rsa_key", keys_dir);
	ssh_bind_options_set(bind, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_RSAKEY, buffer);

	sprintf(buffer, "%s/ssh_host_ecdsa_key", keys_dir);
	ssh_bind_options_set(bind, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_ECDSAKEY, buffer);

	if (ssh_bind_listen(bind) < 0)
		tmate_fatal("Error listening to socket: %s\n", ssh_get_error(bind));

	tmate_notice("Accepting connections on %d", port);

	return bind;
static void client_bootstrap(struct tmate_session *_session)
	struct tmate_ssh_client *client = &_session->ssh_client;
	int grace_period = TMATE_SSH_GRACE_PERIOD;
	ssh_event mainloop;
	ssh_session session = client->session;

	tmate_notice("Bootstrapping ssh client ip=%s", client->ip_address);

	_session->ev_base = osdep_event_init();

	/* new process group, we don't want to die with our parent (upstart) */
	setpgid(0, 0);

	int flag = 1;
	setsockopt(ssh_get_fd(session), IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY,
		   &flag, sizeof(flag));

	signal(SIGALRM, handle_sigalrm);

	 * We should die early if we can't connect to proxy. This way the
	 * tmate daemon will pick another server to work on.
	_session->proxy_fd = -1;
	if (tmate_has_proxy())
		_session->proxy_fd = tmate_connect_to_proxy();

	ssh_server_cb.userdata = client;
	ssh_set_server_callbacks(client->session, &ssh_server_cb);

	ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_TIMEOUT, &grace_period);
	ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_COMPRESSION, "yes");

	ssh_set_auth_methods(client->session, SSH_AUTH_METHOD_PUBLICKEY);

	tmate_info("Exchanging DH keys");
	if (ssh_handle_key_exchange(session) < 0)
		tmate_fatal("Error doing the key exchange: %s",

	mainloop = ssh_event_new();
	ssh_event_add_session(mainloop, session);

	while (!client->role) {
		if (ssh_event_dopoll(mainloop, -1) == SSH_ERROR)
			tmate_fatal("Error polling ssh socket: %s", ssh_get_error(session));


	/* The latency is callback set later */
	tmate_start_ssh_latency_probes(client, &ssh_server_cb, TMATE_SSH_KEEPALIVE * 1000);

	/* never reached */