Exemple #1
void AddNewItem (LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu, LPCSTR lpItem, BOOL fRO)
WORD i, j;

	for (i = 0; i < lpMruMenu->wNbItemFill; i++) {
		if (strcmpi(lpItem, (lpMruMenu->lpMRU) + 
		    ((lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem) * (UINT)i)) == 0)
        // Shift the other items
			for (j = i; j > 0; j--) {
				strcpy ((lpMruMenu->lpMRU) + (lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem * (UINT)j),
						(lpMruMenu->lpMRU) + (lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem * (UINT)(j-1)));
				lpMruMenu->lpfRO[j] = lpMruMenu->lpfRO[j-1];
			strncpy(lpMruMenu->lpMRU, lpItem, lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem-1);
			lpMruMenu->lpfRO[0] = fRO;

	lpMruMenu->wNbItemFill = tmin(lpMruMenu->wNbItemFill+1,lpMruMenu->wNbLruMenu);

	for (i = lpMruMenu->wNbItemFill-1; i > 0; i--) {
		strcpy (lpMruMenu->lpMRU + (lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem * (UINT)i),
			lpMruMenu->lpMRU + (lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem * (UINT)(i-1)));
		lpMruMenu->lpfRO[i] = lpMruMenu->lpfRO[i-1];
	lpMruMenu->lpfRO[0] = fRO;
void CleanupSwatch::CleanupSwatchArea::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
	if (!m_sw->m_resampledRaster || m_sw->m_lx == 0 || m_sw->m_ly == 0)
	int key = event->key();
	if (key != '+' && key != '-' && key != '0')

	if (key == '0')
		m_sw->m_viewAff = TAffine();
	else {
		bool forward = (key == '+');

		double currZoomScale = sqrt(m_sw->m_viewAff.det());
		double factor = getQuantizedZoomFactor(currZoomScale, forward);

		double minZoom = tmin((double)m_sw->m_lx / m_sw->m_resampledRaster->getLx(), (double)m_sw->m_ly / m_sw->m_resampledRaster->getLy());
		if ((!forward && factor < minZoom) || (forward && factor > 40.0))

		TPointD delta(0.5 * width(), 0.5 * height());
		m_sw->m_viewAff = (TTranslation(delta) * TScale(factor / currZoomScale) * TTranslation(-delta)) * m_sw->m_viewAff;
Exemple #3
void TColorValue::getHls(double &h, double &l, double &s) const
	double max, min;
	double delta;

	max = tmax(m_r, m_g, m_b);
	min = tmin(m_r, m_g, m_b);

	l = (max + min) / 2;

	if (max == min) {
		s = 0;
		h = 0;
	} else {
		if (l <= 0.5)
			s = (max - min) / (max + min);
			s = (max - min) / (2 - max - min);

		delta = max - min;
		if (m_r == max)
			h = (m_g - m_b) / delta;
		else if (m_g == max)
			h = 2 + (m_b - m_r) / delta;
		else if (m_b == max)
			h = 4 + (m_r - m_g) / delta;

		h = h * 60;
		if (h < 0)
			h += 360;
int t32bitsrv::RasterExchanger<PIXEL>::read(const char *srcBuf, int len)
	if (m_ras->getWrap() == m_ras->getLx()) {
		memcpy(m_pix, srcBuf, len);
		m_pix = (PIXEL *)((UCHAR *)m_pix + len);
	} else {
		int xStart = (m_pix - m_ras->pixels(0)) % m_ras->getWrap();
		int remainingData = len;
		int lineData = m_ras->getLx() * sizeof(PIXEL);
		int lineDataToRead = tmin((int)((m_ras->getLx() - xStart) * sizeof(PIXEL)), remainingData);

		for (; remainingData > 0;
			 m_pix += (m_ras->getWrap() - xStart),
			 remainingData -= lineDataToRead,
			 lineDataToRead = tmin(lineData, remainingData),
			 xStart = 0)
			memcpy(m_pix, srcBuf, lineDataToRead);

	return len;
Exemple #5
	TRectD getBBox() const
		if (!m_isValidBBox) {
			m_bBox = TRectD();

			for (UINT i = 0; i < m_edge.size(); i++)
				m_bBox += m_edge[i]->m_s->getBBox(tmin(m_edge[i]->m_w0, m_edge[i]->m_w1),
												  tmax(m_edge[i]->m_w0, m_edge[i]->m_w1));

			m_isValidBBox = true;
		return m_bBox;
int t32bitsrv::RasterExchanger<PIXEL>::write(char *dstBuf, int len)
	//We pass entire pixels, not just bytes
	len = len - (len % sizeof(PIXEL));

	if (m_ras->getWrap() == m_ras->getLx()) {
		memcpy(dstBuf, m_pix, len);
		m_pix = (PIXEL *)((UCHAR *)m_pix + len);
	} else {
		int xStart = (m_pix - m_ras->pixels(0)) % m_ras->getWrap();
		int remainingData = len;
		int lineData = m_ras->getLx() * sizeof(PIXEL);
		int lineDataToWrite = tmin((int)((m_ras->getLx() - xStart) * sizeof(PIXEL)), remainingData);

		for (; remainingData > 0;
			 m_pix += (m_ras->getWrap() - xStart),
			 remainingData -= lineDataToWrite,
			 lineDataToWrite = tmin(lineData, remainingData),
			 xStart = 0)
			memcpy(dstBuf, m_pix, lineDataToWrite);

	return len;
Exemple #7
bool DateChooserWidget::GetDate(wxDateTime &date)
	int ret = wxID_OK;

	current_minute = date.GetMinute();
	current_second = date.GetSecond();
	while( (ret = ShowModal()) == wxID_OK){ 

		date = date_control->GetDate();
		// ustawiamy godzine
		if (second_control)

		wxDateTime tmin(time_t(0));
		wxDateTime tmax(MAX_TIME_T_FOR_WX_DATE_TIME);
		if (date <= tmin || date >= tmax) {
			wxMessageBox(_("Invalid (too large/small) date"), _("Error!"), wxOK);
			return false;

		if (min_date == -1 && max_date == -1)
			return true;

		if(date.GetTicks() >= min_date && date.GetTicks() <= max_date)
			return true;
		else {
      			wxString buf;
			buf = _("Please choose the date from between: ");
			buf += wxDateTime(min_date).Format(_T("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M "));
			buf += _("and");
			buf += wxDateTime(max_date).Format(_T(" %Y-%m-%d %H:%M\n"));
			wxMessageDialog *mesg = new wxMessageDialog(this, buf, _("Incorrect date range"), wxOK);
			delete mesg;
	return false;
Exemple #8
int main() {
  printf("Test with main.\n");
  printf("bitAnd Result: %d\n", bitAnd(15,3));
  printf("getByte Result: %d \n",getByte(0x12345678,22));
  printf("bitcount Result: %d \n", bitCount(1));
  printf("bang result is: %d \n", bang(3));
  printf("minimum two's complement integer is: %d \n",tmin());
  printf("fitbits result is: %d \n",fitsBits(-4,3));
  printf("divpwr2 result  is: %d \n",divpwr2(-33,4));
  printf("negate result is: %d \n",negate(4));
  printf("isPositive result is: %d \n",isPositive(-4));
  printf("isLessOrEqual result is: %d \n",isLessOrEqual(5,5));
  printf("float_neg result is: %d \n",float_neg(13));
  printf("float_i2f result is: %d \n",float_i2f(15));
  printf("float_twice result is: %d \n",float_twice(9.84));

Exemple #9
void TColorValue::getHsv(int &ih, int &is, int &iv) const
	double max, min;
	double delta;
	double r, g, b;
	double v, s, h;
	r = m_r;
	g = m_g;
	b = m_b;
	assert(0 <= r && r <= 1);
	assert(0 <= g && g <= 1);
	assert(0 <= b && b <= 1);

	max = tmax(r, g, b);
	min = tmin(r, g, b);

	v = max;

	if (max != 0)
		s = (max - min) / max;
		s = 0;

	if (s == 0)
		h = 0;
	else {
		delta = max - min;

		if (r == max)
			h = (g - b) / delta;
		else if (g == max)
			h = 2 + (b - r) / delta;
		else if (b == max)
			h = 4 + (r - g) / delta;
		h = h * 60;
		if (h < 0)
			h += 360;
	assert(0 <= h && h <= 360);
	assert(0 <= s && s <= 1);
	assert(0 <= v && v <= 1);
	ih = (int)h;
	is = (int)(s * 100);
	iv = (int)(v * 100);
Exemple #10
void octave_print(std::ostream &ostr, const std::string &varname, const piecewise_curve_type &pc)
  index_type i;
  data_type tmin(pc.get_parameter_min()), tmax(pc.get_parameter_max());

  // initialize the t parameters
  std::vector<data_type> t(101);
  for (i=0; i<static_cast<index_type>(t.size()); ++i)

  std::vector<point_type, Eigen::aligned_allocator<point_type> > pts(t.size());
  for (i=0; i<static_cast<index_type>(pts.size()); ++i)

  octave_print(ostr, varname, pts);
Exemple #11
// IClassProperty specific functions
STDMETHODIMP CTextSearchEngine::GetPropInfo (LPSTR pBuffer, WORD wLen, DWORD *pdwFlags)
	try {
		if (NULL != pBuffer && wLen > 0) {
		// Namen der Property kopieren
		ULONG ulLen = tmin ((size_t)(wLen-1), m_strDesc.length());

			strncpy (pBuffer, m_strDesc.c_str(), ulLen);
			pBuffer[ulLen] = '\0';
	} catch (...) {
		return E_FAIL;

// wenn gewünscht, Flags übergeben
	if (pdwFlags) 
	return S_OK;
Exemple #12
bool Grid::initInfiniteRay (const Vec3r &orig,
		    const Vec3r& dir,
		    unsigned timestamp) {
  _ray_dir = dir;
  _t_end = FLT_MAX;
  _t = 0;
  _timestamp = timestamp;

  // check whether the origin is in or out the box:
  Vec3r boxMin(_orig);
  Vec3r boxMax(_orig+_size);
  BBox<Vec3r> box(boxMin, boxMax);
      for(unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
          _current_cell[i] = (unsigned)floor((orig[i] - _orig[i]) / _cell_size[i]);
          unsigned u = _current_cell[i];
          _pt[i] = orig[i] - _orig[i] - _current_cell[i] * _cell_size[i];
      // is the ray intersecting the box?
      real tmin(-1.0), tmax(-1.0);
      if(GeomUtils::intersectRayBBox(orig, _ray_dir, boxMin, boxMax, 0, _t_end, tmin, tmax)){
        assert(tmin != -1.0);
        Vec3r newOrig = orig + tmin*_ray_dir;
        for(unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            _current_cell[i] = (unsigned)floor((newOrig[i] - _orig[i]) / _cell_size[i]);
            if(_current_cell[i] == _cells_nb[i])
                _current_cell[i] = _cells_nb[i] - 1;
            unsigned u = _current_cell[i];
            _pt[i] = newOrig[i] - _orig[i] - _current_cell[i] * _cell_size[i];

          return false;

  return true;

void CleanupSwatch::CleanupSwatchArea::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event)
	if (!m_sw->m_resampledRaster || m_sw->m_lx == 0 || m_sw->m_ly == 0)

	int step = event->delta() > 0 ? 120 : -120;
	double factor = exp(0.001 * step);
	if (factor == 1.0)
	double scale = m_sw->m_viewAff.det();
	double minZoom = tmin((double)m_sw->m_lx / m_sw->m_resampledRaster->getLx(), (double)m_sw->m_ly / m_sw->m_resampledRaster->getLy());
	if ((factor < 1 && sqrt(scale) < minZoom) || (factor > 1 && scale > 1200.0))

	TPointD delta(event->pos().x(), height() - event->pos().y());
	m_sw->m_viewAff = (TTranslation(delta) * TScale(factor) * TTranslation(-delta)) * m_sw->m_viewAff;

Exemple #14
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyChoice::GetDescription (LPSTR pDesc, ULONG ulLen, ULONG *pulWritten)
	if (NULL == pDesc) return E_POINTER;
	if (0 == ulLen) return E_INVALIDARG;

	if (!m_fIsInitialized) {
	HRESULT hr = InitNew();

		if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;

ULONG ulL = tmin((ULONG)m_strDesc.length(), ulLen-1);
	strncpy (pDesc, m_strDesc.c_str(), ulL);
	pDesc[ulL] = '\0';

	if (pulWritten)
		*pulWritten = ulL;

return NOERROR;
Exemple #15
STDMETHODIMP CTextSearchEngine::HelpInfo (LPSTR pBuffer, ULONG wLen, LPSTR pHelpFile, ULONG *pulHelpCtx)
	try {
		if (NULL != pBuffer && wLen > 0) {
		// Beschreibung übergeben
		ResourceFile RF (g_pDLLName);
		ResString resHelp (ResID (IDS_HELPDESC_IDENTOTYP, &RF), 128);
		ULONG ulLen = tmin ((size_t)(wLen-1), strlen(resHelp));

			strncpy (pBuffer, resHelp, ulLen);
			pBuffer[ulLen] = '\0';
	} catch (...) {
		return E_FAIL;

// HelpFileInfo übergeben
	if (pHelpFile) pHelpFile[0] = '\0';
	if (pulHelpCtx) *pulHelpCtx = 0L;
return S_OK;
Exemple #16
BOOL  CBigTerrain::Create(const BYTE* hmap, const V3& start, const V3& size, 
                          int xt, int yt)

	p_dummyBrush  = new Brush();
    p_dummyBrush->_brushflags    = BRSH_BIGTERRAIN|TERR_GOR|TERR_UTT0;
    p_dummyBrush->_pUsrData = this;

    n_xtiles     = xt;
    n_ztiles     = yt;
    b_box._min   = start;
    b_box._max   = start + size;
    BYTE* pwhmap = (BYTE*)hmap;
    int k=0;

    BYTE  bmin=255;  
    BYTE  bmax=0;  

    for(int x=0 ; x <= n_xtiles; x++)
        for(int z=0 ; z <= n_ztiles; z++)
            bmin = tmin(*pwhmap,bmin);
            bmax = tmax(*pwhmap,bmax);
            v_vxes[k++] = *pwhmap++;
    return 1;
void AdjustLevelsPopup::autoAdjust()
	if (!m_inputRas)

	Histograms *histograms = m_histogram->getHistograms();
	int channelIdx = histograms->currentIndex();
	int inputBarIdx = (channelIdx << 1);

	EditableMarksBar *editableMarksBar = m_marksBar[inputBarIdx];

	int min, max;

	//Clamp histogram
	const QVector<int> &values = histograms->getHistogramView(channelIdx)->values();
	if (channelIdx == 0) {
		int minR, maxR, minG, maxG, minB, maxB;

		::getRange(histograms->getHistogramView(1)->values(), m_threshold, minR, maxR);
		::getRange(histograms->getHistogramView(2)->values(), m_threshold, minG, maxG);
		::getRange(histograms->getHistogramView(3)->values(), m_threshold, minB, maxB);

		min = tmin(minR, minG, minB);
		max = tmax(maxR, maxG, maxB);
	} else
		::getRange(values, m_threshold, min, max);

	QVector<int> &marks = editableMarksBar->marksBar()->values();
	if (min < max)
		marks[0] = min, marks[1] = max + 1;
		marks[0] = 0, marks[1] = 256;

Exemple #18
// IClassProperty specific functions 
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyChoice::GetPropInfo (LPSTR pBuffer, WORD wLen, DWORD *pdwFlags)
	try {
		if (NULL != pBuffer && wLen > 0) {
		// Namen der Property kopieren
		ULONG ulLen = tmin ((size_t)(wLen-1), m_strDesc.length());

			strncpy (pBuffer, m_strDesc.c_str(), ulLen);
			pBuffer[ulLen] = '\0';

	// wenn gewünscht, Flags aufsammeln und übergeben
		if (pdwFlags) {
		DWORD dwFlags = 0;

			for (CActionList::iterator it = m_Actions.begin(); 
				 it != m_Actions.end(); it++) 
			WClassProperty IProp = (*it).Action();	// throws hr
			DWORD dw = 0;

				if (SUCCEEDED(IProp -> GetPropInfo (NULL, 0, &dw)))
					dwFlags |= dw;

			*pdwFlags = dwFlags;

	} catch (_com_error& hr) {
		return _COM_ERROR(hr);
	} catch (...) {
		return E_FAIL;

return NOERROR;
Exemple #19
void TRop::brush(
	TRaster32P ras,
	const TPoint &aa,
	const TPoint &bb,
	int radius,
	const TPixel32 &col)

	TPoint a = aa;
	TPoint b = bb;
	if (a.y > b.y)
		tswap(a, b); //  a e' piu' in basso di b

	int lx = ras->getLx();
	int ly = ras->getLy();

	// ----- radius = 0
	if (radius == 0) {
		//  k = +1/-1 se il rettangolo e' inclinato positivamente (0<=m)/negativamente (m<0)
		//  (se k<0 viene fatta una riflessione sulle ascisse prima di tornare alle
		//  coordinate "di schermo")
		int k = 1;
		int dy = b.y - a.y;
		int dx = b.x - a.x;
		if (dx < 0) {
			dx = -dx;
			k = -1;

		assert(dx >= 0);
		assert(dy >= 0);

		double m; //  m sara' definita solo per dx!=0)
		if (dx > 0) {
			m = dy / (double)dx;
		//double length = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
		const int alpha = dy, beta = -dx;
		const int incE = alpha;
		const int incNE = alpha + beta;
		const int incN = beta;

		//  N.B. le coordinate sono relative ad un sist. di rif. con l'origine in a
		//  l'eq. della retta e' alpha * x + beta * y = 0

		int yMin = tmax(a.y, 0) - a.y;		//  clipping y + cambio  riferimento
		int yMax = tmin(b.y, ly - 1) - a.y; //  (trasporto dell'origine in a)
		if (dx > 0 && m <= 1) {
			//  midpoint algorithm
			TPoint segm;
			if (dy == 0) //  segmento orizzontale: inizializza segm
				segm.x = 0;
				segm.y = yMin;
			} else //  0<m<=1 :  inizializza segm
				segm.x = tceil((yMin - 0.5) / m);
				segm.y = yMin;

			int dSegm = tfloor(alpha * (segm.x + 1) + beta * (segm.y + 0.5));
			while (segm.y <= yMax) {
				int count = 0;					  //  i trati orizzontali di segm vengono disegnati in "blocco"
				while (dSegm < 0 && segm.x <= dx) //  Est:  segm.x<=dx evita il ciclo
				{								  //  infinito quando m=0 (incE=0)
					dSegm = dSegm + incE;
				//  NordEst
				int xMin, xMax;
				if (k > 0) {
					xMin = tmax(a.x + segm.x - count, a.x, 0); //  clipping x + ritorno alle
					xMax = tmin(a.x + segm.x, b.x, lx - 1);	//  coordinate "di schermo"

				} else {
					xMin = tmax(a.x - segm.x, a.x - dx, 0);			//  clipping x + riflessione + ritorno
					xMax = tmin(a.x - segm.x + count, a.x, lx - 1); //  alle  coordinate "di schermo"

				TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(segm.y + a.y) + xMin;
				TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);

				while (p <= q)
					*p++ = col;

				dSegm = dSegm + incNE;
		} else //  m>1 oppure segmento verticale
			//  midpoint algorithm
			TPoint segm;
			if (dx == 0) //  segmento verticale: inizializza segm
				segm.x = 0;
				segm.y = yMin;
			} else //  m>1 :  inizializza segm
				segm.x = tround(yMin / m);
				segm.y = yMin;

			int dSegm = tfloor(alpha * (segm.x + 0.5) + beta * (segm.y + 1));
			while (segm.y <= yMax) {
				int xMin, xMax;
				if (k > 0) {
					xMin = tmax(a.x + segm.x, 0);	  //  clipping x + ritorno alle
					xMax = tmin(a.x + segm.x, lx - 1); //  coordinate "di schermo"

				} else {
					xMin = tmax(a.x - segm.x, 0);	  //  clipping x + riflessione + ritorno
					xMax = tmin(a.x - segm.x, lx - 1); //  alle  coordinate "di schermo"

				TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(segm.y + a.y) + xMin;
				TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);

				while (p <= q)
					*p++ = col;

				if (dSegm <= 0) //  NordEst
					dSegm = dSegm + incNE;
				} else //  Nord
					dSegm = dSegm + incN;

	HalfCord halfCord(radius);

	int x, y;

	// ----- punti iniziali coincidenti: disegna un cerchio
	if (a == b) {
		int yMin = tmax(a.y - radius, 0);	  //  clipping y
		int yMax = tmin(a.y + radius, ly - 1); //  clipping y
		for (y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) {
			int deltay = abs(y - a.y);
			int xMin = tmax(a.x - halfCord.getCord(deltay), 0);		 //  clipping x
			int xMax = tmin(a.x + halfCord.getCord(deltay), lx - 1); //  clipping x
			TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(y) + xMin;
			TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);
			while (p <= q)
				*p++ = col;

	// -----  rettangolo orizzontale (a.y = b.y, a.x != b.x)
	if (a.y == b.y) {
		int yMin = tmax((a.y - radius), 0);		 //  clipping y
		int yMax = tmin((a.y + radius), ly - 1); //  clipping y
		int xLeft = tmin(a.x, b.x);
		int xRight = tmax(a.x, b.x);
		for (y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) {
			int deltay = abs(y - a.y);
			int xMin = tmax(xLeft - halfCord.getCord(deltay), 0);		//  clipping x
			int xMax = tmin(xRight + halfCord.getCord(deltay), lx - 1); //  clipping x
			TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(y) + xMin;
			TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);
			while (p <= q)
				*p++ = col;

	// -----  rettangolo verticale (a.x = b.x, a.y != b.y)
	if (a.x == b.x) {

		int xMin = tmax(a.x - radius, 0);	  //  clipping x
		int xMax = tmin(a.x + radius, lx - 1); //  clipping x
		for (x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++) {
			int deltax = abs(x - a.x);
			int yMin = tmax(a.y - halfCord.getCord(deltax), 0);		 //  clipping y
			int yMax = tmin(b.y + halfCord.getCord(deltax), ly - 1); //  clipping y
			if (yMin <= yMax) {
				TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(yMin) + x;
				TPixel32 *q = ras->pixels(yMax) + x;
				int wrap = ras->getWrap();
				while (p <= q) {
					*p = col;
					p += wrap;

	// -----  rettangolo inclinato
	//	k = +1/-1 se il rettangolo e' inclinato positivamente/negativamente
	int k = 1;
	int dx = b.x - a.x;
	if (dx < 0) {
		dx = -dx;
		k = -1;
	int dy = b.y - a.y;

	assert(dx > 0);
	assert(dy > 0);

	double length = sqrt((double)(dx * dx + dy * dy));
	const double m = dy / (double)dx;

	//punto di tangenza superiore nel sistema di riferimento del cerchio
	TPointD up(-radius * dy / length, radius * dx / length);

	//semi-ampiezza orizzontale delle "calotte" circolari
	int halfAmplCap = tfloor(-up.x);

	//  A meno di intersezioni relative tra le diverse zone:

	//  le scanline della "calotta" circolare superiore sono (b.y+cutExt,b.y+radius]
	//  le scanline del trapezoide circolare superiore sono [b.y-cutIn,b.y+cutExt]
	//  le scanline del parallelogramma sono (a.y+cutIn,b.y-cutIn)
	//  le scanline del trapezoide circolare inferiore sono [a.y-cutExt,a.y+cutIn]
	//  le scanline della "calotta" circolare inferiore sono [a.y-radius,a.y-cutExt)
	int cutExt, cutIn;

	// vertici del parallelogramma
	TPointD rightUp;
	TPointD rightDown;
	TPointD leftUp;
	TPointD leftDown;
	double mParall; //coeff. angolare parallelogramma

	//  NOTA BENE:  halfAmplCap=0 <=> (radius=0 (caso a parte) , 1)
	if (radius > 1) {
		for (cutExt = radius; cutExt >= 0 && halfCord.getCord(cutExt) <= halfAmplCap; cutExt--)
		cutIn = cutExt; //  vedi else successivo
		rightUp.x = dx + halfCord.getCord(cutIn);
		rightUp.y = dy - cutIn;
		rightDown.x = halfCord.getCord(cutIn);
		rightDown.y = -cutIn;
		leftUp.x = dx - halfCord.getCord(cutIn);
		leftUp.y = dy + cutIn;
		leftDown.x = -halfCord.getCord(cutIn);
		leftDown.y = cutIn;
		mParall = dy / (double)dx;
	} else //  N.B. cutExt != cutIn solo quando radius=1
		cutExt = radius; //  radius=1 => halfAmplCap=0 (non ci sono mai le "calotte" circolari)
		cutIn = 0;		 //  anche per radius=1 il limite "interno" dei trapezoidi circolari e' < radius
		rightUp.x = dx - up.x;
		rightUp.y = dy - up.y;
		rightDown.x = -up.x;
		rightDown.y = -up.y;
		leftUp.x = dx + up.x;
		leftUp.y = dy + up.y;
		leftDown.x = up.x;
		leftDown.y = up.y;
		mParall = m;
	// -----  riempie "calotte" circolari

	// -----  riempie "calotta" circolare inferiore
	int yMin = tmax(a.y - radius, 0);		   //  clipping y
	int yMax = tmin(a.y - cutExt - 1, ly - 1); //  clipping y
	for (y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) {
		int r = halfCord.getCord(a.y - y);
		int xMin = tmax(a.x - r, 0);	  //  clipping x
		int xMax = tmin(a.x + r, lx - 1); //  clipping x
		TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(y) + xMin;
		TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);
		while (p <= q)
			*p++ = col;
	// -----  riempie "calotta" circolare superiore
	yMin = tmax(b.y + cutExt + 1, 0);  //  clipping y
	yMax = tmin(b.y + radius, ly - 1); //  clipping y
	for (y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) {
		int r = halfCord.getCord(y - b.y);
		int xMin = tmax(b.x - r, 0);	  //  clipping x
		int xMax = tmin(b.x + r, lx - 1); //  clipping x
		TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(y) + xMin;
		TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);
		while (p <= q)
			*p++ = col;
	// -----  riempie trapezoidi

	// (se k<0 viene fatta una riflessione sulle ascisse prima di tornare alle
	// coordinate "di schermo")

	//  limite destro assoluto delle scanline trapezoide:
	int xSegmMax = tround(dx - up.x); //  coordinata x del punto di tangenza inferiore sul cerchio superiore

	//  limite sinistro assoluto delle scanline:
	int xSegmMin = tround(up.x); //  coordinata x del punto di tangenza superiore sul cerchio inferiore

	// -----  riempie trapezoide inferiore

	// N.B. le coordinate sono relative ad un sist. di rif. con l'origine sul centro
	// del cerchio inferiore

	yMin = tmax(a.y - cutExt, 0) - a.y;						 //  clipping y
	yMax = tmin(a.y + cutIn, b.y - cutIn - 1, ly - 1) - a.y; //  clipping y

	// l'eq. della retta e' alpha * x + beta * y + gammaRight = 0
	const int alpha = dy, beta = -dx;
	const double gammaRight = rightDown.y * dx - rightDown.x * dy;
	const int incE = alpha;
	const int incNE = alpha + beta;
	const int incN = beta;

	if (m <= 1) {
		//  midpoint algorithm; le scanline vengono disegnate solo
		//  sul NordEst. L'ultima scanline non viene disegnata
		TPoint segmRight(tceil((yMin + 0.5 - rightDown.y) / mParall + rightDown.x) - 1, yMin);
		int dSegmRight = tfloor(alpha * (segmRight.x + 1) + beta * (segmRight.y + 0.5) + gammaRight);
		while (segmRight.y <= yMax) {
			if (dSegmRight < 0) //  Est
				dSegmRight = dSegmRight + incE;
			} else //  NordEst
				int xMin, xMax;
				if (k > 0) {
					xMin = tmax(a.x - halfCord.getCord(abs(segmRight.y)), 0); //  clipping x
					xMax = tmin(a.x + tmin(segmRight.x, xSegmMax), lx - 1);   //  clipping x
				} else {
					xMin = tmax(a.x - tmin(segmRight.x, xSegmMax), 0);			   //  clipping x + ritorno alle
					xMax = tmin(a.x + halfCord.getCord(abs(segmRight.y)), lx - 1); //   coordinate "di schermo"
				TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(segmRight.y + a.y) + xMin;
				TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);
				while (p <= q)
					*p++ = col;

				dSegmRight = dSegmRight + incNE;
	} else //  m>1
		//  midpoint algorithm; le scanline vengono disegnate sempre
		TPoint segmRight(tround((yMin - rightDown.y) / mParall + rightDown.x), yMin);
		int dSegmRight = tfloor(alpha * (segmRight.x + 0.5) + beta * (segmRight.y + 1) + gammaRight);
		while (segmRight.y <= yMax) {
			int xMin, xMax;
			if (k > 0) {
				xMin = tmax(a.x - halfCord.getCord(abs(segmRight.y)), 0); //  clipping x
				xMax = tmin(a.x + segmRight.x, lx - 1);					  //  clipping x
			} else {
				xMin = tmax(a.x - segmRight.x, 0);							   //  clipping x + ritorno alle coordinate
				xMax = tmin(a.x + halfCord.getCord(abs(segmRight.y)), lx - 1); //  "di schermo"
			TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(segmRight.y + a.y) + xMin;
			TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);
			while (p <= q)
				*p++ = col;

			if (dSegmRight <= 0) //  NordEst
				dSegmRight = dSegmRight + incNE;
			} else //  Nord
				dSegmRight = dSegmRight + incN;

	// -----  riempie trapezoide superiore

	//  N.B. le coordinate sono relative ad un sist. di rif. con l'origine sul centro
	//  del cerchio superiore
	yMin = tmax(b.y - cutIn, a.y + cutIn + 1, 0) - b.y; //  clipping y
	yMax = tmin(b.y + cutExt, ly - 1) - b.y;			//  clipping y

	//   l'eq. della retta e' alpha * x + beta * y + gammaLeft = 0
	const double gammaLeft = leftDown.y * dx - leftDown.x * dy;

	if (m <= 1) {
		//  midpoint algorithm; le scanline vengono disegnate solo
		//  sul NordEst. L'ultima scanline non viene disegnata
		TPoint segmLeft(tceil((yMin - 0.5 - leftDown.y) / mParall + leftDown.x), yMin);
		int dSegmLeft = tfloor(alpha * (segmLeft.x + 1) + beta * (segmLeft.y + 0.5) + gammaLeft);
		while (segmLeft.y <= yMax) {
			int xMin, xMax;
			if (k > 0) {
				xMin = tmax(b.x + tmax(segmLeft.x, xSegmMin - dx), 0);		  //  clipping x
				xMax = tmin(b.x + halfCord.getCord(abs(segmLeft.y)), lx - 1); //  clipping x
			} else {
				xMin = tmax(b.x - halfCord.getCord(abs(segmLeft.y)), 0);	//  clipping x + ritorno alle
				xMax = tmin(b.x - tmax(segmLeft.x, xSegmMin - dx), lx - 1); //   coordinate "di schermo"
			TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(segmLeft.y + b.y) + xMin;
			TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);

			while (p <= q)
				*p++ = col;
			while (dSegmLeft < 0) {
				dSegmLeft = dSegmLeft + incE;
			dSegmLeft = dSegmLeft + incNE;
	} else //  m>1
		//  midpoint algorithm; le scanline vengono disegnate sempre
		TPoint segmLeft(tround((yMin - leftDown.y) / mParall + leftDown.x), yMin);
		int dSegmLeft = tfloor(alpha * (segmLeft.x + 0.5) + beta * (segmLeft.y + 1) + gammaLeft);
		while (segmLeft.y <= yMax) {
			int xMin, xMax;
			if (k > 0) {
				xMin = tmax(b.x + segmLeft.x, 0);							  //  clipping x
				xMax = tmin(b.x + halfCord.getCord(abs(segmLeft.y)), lx - 1); //  clipping x
			} else {
				xMin = tmax(b.x - halfCord.getCord(abs(segmLeft.y)), 0); //  clipping x + ritorno alle
				xMax = tmin(b.x - segmLeft.x, lx - 1);					 //   coordinate "di schermo"
			TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(segmLeft.y + b.y) + xMin;
			TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);

			while (p <= q)
				*p++ = col;

			if (dSegmLeft <= 0) //  NordEst
				dSegmLeft = dSegmLeft + incNE;
			} else //  Nord
				dSegmLeft = dSegmLeft + incN;

	// -----  parallelogramma (in alternativa a "parallelogrammoide circolare")

	// N.B. le coordinate sono relative ad un sist. di rif. con l'origine sul centro
	// del cerchio inferiore

	//  retta destra di equaz.   alpha * x + beta * y + gammaRight = 0
	//  retta sinistra di equaz. alpha * x + beta * y + gammaLeft = 0

	yMin = tmax(a.y + cutIn + 1, 0) - a.y;		//clipping y
	yMax = tmin(b.y - cutIn - 1, ly - 1) - a.y; //clipping y
	if (m <= 1) {
		//  midpoint algorithm; le scanline vengono disegnate solo
		//  sul NordEst. L'ultima scanline non viene disegnata
		TPoint segmRight(tceil((yMin + 0.5 - rightDown.y) / mParall + rightDown.x) - 1, yMin);
		TPoint segmLeft = TPoint(tceil((yMin - 0.5 - leftDown.y) / mParall + leftDown.x), yMin);
		int dSegmRight = tfloor(alpha * (segmRight.x + 1) + beta * (segmRight.y + 0.5) + gammaRight);
		int dSegmLeft = tfloor(alpha * (segmLeft.x + 1) + beta * (segmLeft.y + 0.5) + gammaLeft);
		while (segmRight.y <= yMax) {
			if (dSegmRight < 0) //  segmRight a Est
				dSegmRight = dSegmRight + incE;
			} else //  segmRight a NordEst
				int xMin, xMax;
				if (k > 0) {
					xMin = tmax(a.x + tmax(segmLeft.x, xSegmMin), 0);		//  clipping x
					xMax = tmin(a.x + tmin(segmRight.x, xSegmMax), lx - 1); //  clipping x
				} else {
					xMin = tmax(a.x - tmin(segmRight.x, xSegmMax), 0);	 //  clipping x + ritorno alle
					xMax = tmin(a.x - tmax(segmLeft.x, xSegmMin), lx - 1); //   coordinate "di schermo"

				TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(segmRight.y + a.y) + xMin;
				TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);

				while (p <= q)
					*p++ = col;

				dSegmRight = dSegmRight + incNE;

				while (dSegmLeft < 0) //  segmLeft a Est
					dSegmLeft = dSegmLeft + incE;
				//  segmLeft a NordEst
				dSegmLeft = dSegmLeft + incNE;
	} else //  m>1
		//  midpoint algorithm; le scanline vengono disegnate sempre
		TPoint segmRight(tround((yMin - rightDown.y) / mParall + rightDown.x), yMin);
		TPoint segmLeft(tround((yMin - leftDown.y) / mParall + leftDown.x), yMin);
		int dSegmRight = tfloor(alpha * (segmRight.x + 0.5) + beta * (segmRight.y + 1) + gammaRight);
		int dSegmLeft = tfloor(alpha * (segmLeft.x + 0.5) + beta * (segmLeft.y + 1) + gammaLeft);
		while (segmRight.y <= yMax) {
			int xMin, xMax;
			if (k > 0) {
				xMin = tmax(a.x + segmLeft.x, 0);		//  clipping x
				xMax = tmin(a.x + segmRight.x, lx - 1); //  clipping x
			} else {
				xMin = tmax(a.x - segmRight.x, 0);	 //  clipping x + ritorno alle
				xMax = tmin(a.x - segmLeft.x, lx - 1); //   coordinate "di schermo"

			TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(segmRight.y + a.y) + xMin;
			TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);

			while (p <= q)
				*p++ = col;

			if (dSegmRight <= 0) //  segmRight a NordEst
				dSegmRight = dSegmRight + incNE;
			} else //  segmRight a Nord
				dSegmRight = dSegmRight + incN;

			if (dSegmLeft <= 0) //  segmLeft a NordEst
				dSegmLeft = dSegmLeft + incNE;
			} else //  segmLeft a Nord
				dSegmLeft = dSegmLeft + incN;

	// ----  parallelogrammoide circolare (in alternativa a parallelogramma)

	// N.B. coordinate di schermo (riflessione per k<0 )

	yMin = tmax(b.y - cutIn, 0);
	yMax = tmin(a.y + cutIn, ly - 1);
	for (y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) {
		int xMin, xMax;
		if (k > 0) {
			xMin = tmax(a.x - halfCord.getCord(abs(y - a.y)), 0);	  //  clipping x
			xMax = tmin(b.x + halfCord.getCord(abs(b.y - y)), lx - 1); //  clipping x
		} else {
			xMin = tmax(b.x - halfCord.getCord(abs(b.y - y)), 0);	  //  clipping x + ritorno alle
			xMax = tmin(a.x + halfCord.getCord(abs(y - a.y)), lx - 1); //   coordinate "di schermo"
		TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(y) + xMin;
		TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);
		while (p <= q)
			*p++ = col;
void CasmSubmitPage::Data::submit()
	if (m_filepathTextField->getText() == toWideString("")) {
		TMessage::error("You must load a file");

	CasmTask *casm = m_configPanel->getTask();

	TFarmController *controller = Application::instance()->getController();

	string nativeCmdLine("runcasm ");
	nativeCmdLine += casm->m_casmFile;
	nativeCmdLine += " ";

	if (casm->m_setupFile != "") {
		nativeCmdLine += "-setup ";
		nativeCmdLine += casm->m_setupFile;
		nativeCmdLine += " ";

	nativeCmdLine += casm->getCommandLine();

	string casmName = TFilePath(casm->m_casmFile).getName();

	int stepCount = casm->m_end - casm->m_start + 1;

	TFarmTaskGroup task(
		casmName, nativeCmdLine, TSystem::getUserName(),
		TSystem::getHostName(), stepCount);

	int ra = casm->m_start;

	for (;;) {
		CasmTask subcasm(*casm);

		string cmdLine("runcasm ");
		int rb = tmin(ra + casm->m_taskChunksize - 1, casm->m_end);

		subcasm.m_start = ra;
		subcasm.m_end = rb;

		cmdLine += subcasm.m_casmFile;
		cmdLine += " ";

		if (subcasm.m_setupFile != "") {
			cmdLine += "-setup ";
			cmdLine += subcasm.m_setupFile;
			cmdLine += " ";

		cmdLine += subcasm.getCommandLine();
		cmdLine += " -nowait ";

		try {
			string name = casmName + " " + toString(ra) + "-" + toString(rb);
			stepCount = rb - ra + 1;

			task.addTask(new TFarmTask(
				name, cmdLine, TSystem::getUserName(), TSystem::getHostName(), stepCount));
		} catch (TException &e) {

		if (rb == casm->m_end)
		ra = rb + 1;

	try {
		controller->addTask(task, m_submitAsSuspended->isSelected());
	} catch (TException &e) {
void build_lw_lut(float ref_lw[256], float lw[256], UCHAR lut[256])
	/* crea una lut tale che l'immagine con il profilo di linewidths lw
   venga mappata in un'immagine con il profilo di riferimento ref_lw.
   Le lw sono non decrescenti e delimitate da 0.0 li' dove non sono valide

	int i, j;
	float bot_ref_lw, top_ref_lw, bot_lw, top_lw;
	int bot_ref_gr, top_ref_gr, bot_gr, top_gr;
	float min_lw, max_lw;
	int min_ref_gr, max_ref_gr, min_gr, max_gr;
	float fac;

	for (i = 0; !ref_lw[i]; i++) {
	bot_ref_lw = ref_lw[i];
	bot_ref_gr = i;
	for (i = 255; !ref_lw[i]; i--) {
	top_ref_lw = ref_lw[i];
	top_ref_gr = i;
	for (i = 0; !lw[i]; i++) {
	bot_lw = lw[i];
	bot_gr = i;
	for (i = 255; !lw[i]; i--) {
	top_lw = lw[i];
	top_gr = i;

	min_lw = tmax(bot_ref_lw, bot_lw);
	max_lw = tmin(top_ref_lw, top_lw);

	if (min_lw >= max_lw) {
		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
			lut[i] = i;

	for (i = bot_ref_gr; ref_lw[i] < min_lw; i++) {
	min_ref_gr = i;
	for (i = top_ref_gr; ref_lw[i] > max_lw; i--) {
	max_ref_gr = i;
	for (i = bot_gr; lw[i] < min_lw; i++) {
	min_gr = i;
	for (i = top_gr; lw[i] > max_lw; i--) {
	max_gr = i;

	j = min_ref_gr;
	for (i = min_gr; i <= max_gr; i++) {
		while (ref_lw[j] < lw[i] && j < max_ref_gr)
		lut[i] = j;
	fac = (float)min_ref_gr / (float)min_gr;
	for (i = 0; i < min_gr; i++)
		lut[i] = troundp(i * fac);
	fac = (float)(255 - max_ref_gr) / (float)(255 - max_gr);
	for (i = 255; i > max_gr; i--)
		lut[i] = 255 - troundp((255 - i) * fac);

printf ("-----\n\lut:\n\n");
for (i = 255; i >= 0; i--)
  printf ("%4d :%4u\n", i, lut[i]);
printf ("\n");
Exemple #22
TImageP TImageReader::load0()
	if (!m_reader && !m_vectorReader)

	if (m_reader) {
		TImageInfo info = m_reader->getImageInfo();
		if (info.m_lx <= 0 || info.m_ly <= 0)
			return TImageP();

		// Initialize raster info
		assert(m_shrink > 0);

		// Build loading rect
		int x0 = 0;
		int x1 = info.m_lx - 1;
		int y0 = 0;
		int y1 = info.m_ly - 1;

		if (!m_region.isEmpty()) {
			// Intersect with the externally specified loading region

			x0 = tmax(x0, m_region.x0);
			y0 = tmax(y0, m_region.y0);
			x1 = tmin(x1, m_region.x1);
			y1 = tmin(y1, m_region.y1);

			if (x0 >= x1 || y0 >= y1)
				return TImageP();

		if (m_shrink > 1) {
			// Crop to shrink multiples
			x1 -= (x1 - x0) % m_shrink;
			y1 -= (y1 - y0) % m_shrink;

		assert(x0 <= x1 && y0 <= y1);

		TDimension imageDimension = TDimension((x1 - x0) / m_shrink + 1, (y1 - y0) / m_shrink + 1);

		if (m_path.getType() == "tzp" || m_path.getType() == "tzu") {
			// Colormap case

			TRasterCM32P ras(imageDimension);
			readRaster(ras, m_reader, x0, y0, x1, y1, info.m_lx, info.m_ly, m_shrink);

			// Build the savebox
			TRect saveBox(info.m_x0, info.m_y0, info.m_x1, info.m_y1);
			if (!m_region.isEmpty()) {
				// Intersect with the loading rect
				if (m_region.overlaps(saveBox)) {
					saveBox *= m_region;

					int sbx0 = saveBox.x0 - m_region.x0;
					int sby0 = saveBox.y0 - m_region.y0;
					int sbx1 = sbx0 + saveBox.getLx() - 1;
					int sby1 = sby0 + saveBox.getLy() - 1;
					assert(sbx0 >= 0);
					assert(sby0 >= 0);
					assert(sbx1 >= 0);
					assert(sby1 >= 0);

					saveBox = TRect(sbx0, sby0, sbx1, sby1);
				} else
					saveBox = TRect(0, 0, 1, 1);

			if (m_shrink > 1) {
				saveBox.x0 = saveBox.x0 / m_shrink;
				saveBox.y0 = saveBox.y0 / m_shrink;
				saveBox.x1 = saveBox.x1 / m_shrink;
				saveBox.y1 = saveBox.y1 / m_shrink;

			TToonzImageP ti(ras, ras->getBounds() * saveBox);
			ti->setDpi(info.m_dpix, info.m_dpiy);

			return ti;
		} else if (info.m_bitsPerSample >= 8) {
			// Common byte-based rasters (see below, we have black-and-white bit-based images too)

			if (info.m_samplePerPixel == 1 && m_readGreytones) {
				//  Greymap case
				// NOTE: Uses a full 32-bit raster first, and then copies down to the GR8

				// Observe that GR16 file images get immediately down-cast to GR8...
				// Should we implement that too?

				TRasterGR8P ras(imageDimension);
				readRaster_copyLines(ras, m_reader, x0, y0, x1, y1, info.m_lx, info.m_ly, m_shrink);

				TRasterImageP ri(ras);
				ri->setDpi(info.m_dpix, info.m_dpiy);

				return ri;

			// assert(info.m_samplePerPixel == 3 || info.m_samplePerPixel == 4);

			TRasterP _ras;
			if (info.m_bitsPerSample == 16) {
				if (m_is64BitEnabled || m_path.getType() != "tif") {
					//  Standard 64-bit case.

					// Also covers down-casting to 32-bit from a 64-bit image file whenever
					// not a tif file (see below).

					TRaster64P ras(imageDimension);
					readRaster(ras, m_reader, x0, y0, x1, y1, info.m_lx, info.m_ly, m_shrink);

					_ras = ras;
				} else {
					// The Tif reader has got an automatically down-casting readLine(char*, ...)
					// in case the input file is 64-bit. The advantage is that no intermediate
					// 64-bit raster is required in this case.

					TRaster32P ras(imageDimension);
					readRaster(ras, m_reader, x0, y0, x1, y1, info.m_lx, info.m_ly, m_shrink);

					_ras = ras;
			} else if (info.m_bitsPerSample == 8) {
				//  Standard 32-bit case
				TRaster32P ras(imageDimension);
				readRaster(ras, m_reader, x0, y0, x1, y1, info.m_lx, info.m_ly, m_shrink);

				_ras = ras;
			} else
				throw TImageException(m_path, "Image format not supported");

			// 64-bit to 32-bit conversions if necessary  (64 bit images not allowed)
			if (!m_is64BitEnabled && (TRaster64P)_ras) {
				TRaster32P raux(_ras->getLx(), _ras->getLy());
				TRop::convert(raux, _ras);
				_ras = raux;

			// Return the image
			TRasterImageP ri(_ras);
			ri->setDpi(info.m_dpix, info.m_dpiy);

			return ri;
		} else if (info.m_samplePerPixel == 1 && info.m_valid == true) {
			//  Previously dubbed as 'Palette cases'. No clue about what is this... :|

			TRaster32P ras(imageDimension);
			readRaster(ras, m_reader, x0, y0, x1, y1, info.m_lx, info.m_ly, m_shrink);

			TRasterImageP ri(ras);
			ri->setDpi(info.m_dpix, info.m_dpiy);

			return ri;
		} else if (info.m_samplePerPixel == 1 && m_readGreytones) {
			//  Black-and-White case, I guess. Standard greymaps were considered above...

			TRasterGR8P ras(imageDimension);
			readRaster_copyLines(ras, m_reader, x0, y0, x1, y1, info.m_lx, info.m_ly, m_shrink);

			TRasterImageP ri(ras);
			ri->setDpi(info.m_dpix, info.m_dpiy);

			if (info.m_bitsPerSample == 1) // I suspect this always evaluates true...

			return ri;
		} else
			return TImageP();
	} else if (m_vectorReader) {
		TVectorImage *vi = m_vectorReader->read();
		return TVectorImageP(vi);
	} else
		return TImageP();
Exemple #23
// place a triangle into intesected cells
void TXGrid3D::PlaceTriangle(TXTriangle *t)
	// bounding box
	CVector3f tmin(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX), tmax(-FLT_MAX, -DBL_MAX, -FLT_MAX);
	for (int v=0; v<3; v++)


	// starting and ending cells of the bounding box
	CVector3 start(
		MAX((int)floor((tmin.GetX() - m_min.GetX())/m_xstep), 0),
		MAX((int)floor((tmin.GetY() - m_min.GetY())/m_ystep), 0),
		MAX((int)floor((tmin.GetZ() - m_min.GetZ())/m_zstep), 0)

	CVector3 end(
		MIN((int)floor((tmax.GetX() - m_min.GetX())/m_xstep), m_size-1),
		MIN((int)floor((tmax.GetY() - m_min.GetY())/m_ystep), m_size-1),
		MIN((int)floor((tmax.GetZ() - m_min.GetZ())/m_zstep), m_size-1)

	TXGridTriangle* gt = new TXGridTriangle(t);

	bool sa = (gt->m_n.GetX() >= 0), sb = (gt->m_n.GetY() >= 0), sc = (gt->m_n.GetZ() >= 0);
	CVector3f p1, p2;
	bool sd1, sd2;

	// put triangle in the cells in its bounding box
	// still excessive, treat triangle as a plane to detect intersection
	for (int i=(int)start.GetX(); i<=(int)end.GetX(); i++) 
		p1.Set(m_min.GetX() + i*m_xstep,p1.GetY(),p2.GetZ());
		p2.Set(p1.GetX() + m_xstep,p2.GetY(),p2.GetZ());

		for (int j=(int)start.GetY(); j<=(int)end.GetY(); j++) 
			if (sb == sa) 
				p1.Set(p1.GetX(),m_min.GetY() + j*m_ystep,p1.GetZ());
				p2.Set(p2.GetX(),p1.GetY()+ m_ystep,p2.GetZ()); 
				p2.Set(p2.GetX(), m_min.GetY() + j*m_ystep,p2.GetZ());
				p1.Set(p1.GetX(),p2.GetY() + m_ystep,p1.GetZ());
			for (int k=start.GetZ(); k<=end.GetZ(); k++) 
				if (sc == sa)
					p1.Set(p1.GetX(),p1.GetY(),m_min.GetZ() + k*m_zstep);
					p2.Set(p2.GetX(),p2.GetY(),p1.GetZ() + m_zstep);
					p2.Set(p2.GetX(),p2.GetY(),m_min.GetZ() + k*m_zstep);
					p1.Set(p1.GetX(),p1.GetY(),p2.GetZ() + m_zstep);
				CVector3f p1gt, p2gt;
				sd1 = gt->m_n.Dot(p1gt) >= 0;
				sd2 = gt->m_n.Dot(p2gt) >= 0;
				if (sd1 != sd2) 
Exemple #24
bool TRegion::Imp::contains(const TPointD &p) const
	bool leftAreOdd = false;

	if (!getBBox().contains(p))
		return false;


	UINT i;

	int side = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < m_edge.size() * 2; i++) //i pari, esplora gli edge,
											//i dispari esplora i segmenti di autoclose tra un edge e il successivo
		if (i & 0x1) {
			TPointD p0 = m_edge[i / 2]->m_s->getPoint(m_edge[i / 2]->m_w1);
			TPointD p1;
			if (i / 2 < m_edge.size() - 1)
				p1 = m_edge[i / 2 + 1]->m_s->getPoint(m_edge[i / 2 + 1]->m_w0);
				p1 = m_edge[0]->m_s->getPoint(m_edge[0]->m_w0);

			if (tmin(p0.y, p1.y) > p.y || tmax(p0.y, p1.y) < p.y)

			if (!areAlmostEqual(p0, p1, 1e-2))
				side = findSides(p, TQuadratic(p0, 0.5 * (p0 + p1), p1), 0.0, 1.0, leftAreOdd, side);


		TEdge *e = m_edge[i / 2];

		TStroke *s = e->m_s;
		if (s->getBBox().y0 > p.y || s->getBBox().y1 < p.y)

		double t0, t1;
		int chunkIndex0, chunkIndex1;
		const TThickQuadratic *q0, *q1;

		s->getChunkAndT(e->m_w0, chunkIndex0, t0);
		s->getChunkAndT(e->m_w1, chunkIndex1, t1);
		q0 = s->getChunk(chunkIndex0);
		q1 = s->getChunk(chunkIndex1);

		if (i == 0 && areAlmostEqual(q0->getPoint(t0).y, p.y)) {
			double tEnd;
			int chunkIndexEnd;
			TEdge *edgeEnd = m_edge.back();
			edgeEnd->m_s->getChunkAndT(edgeEnd->m_w1, chunkIndexEnd, tEnd);
			assert(areAlmostEqual(edgeEnd->m_s->getChunk(chunkIndexEnd)->getPoint(tEnd).y, p.y));
			side = edgeEnd->m_s->getChunk(chunkIndexEnd)->getSpeed(tEnd).y > 0 ? 1 : -1;

		if (chunkIndex0 != chunkIndex1) {
			/*if (chunkIndex0>chunkIndex1)
		  tswap(chunkIndex0, chunkIndex1);
		  tswap(t0, t1);
			if (chunkIndex0 > chunkIndex1) {
				side = findSides(p, *q0, t0, 0, leftAreOdd, side);
				for (int j = chunkIndex0 - 1; j > chunkIndex1; j--)
					side = findSides(p, *s->getChunk(j), 1, 0, leftAreOdd, side);
				side = findSides(p, *q1, 1, t1, leftAreOdd, side);
			} else {
				side = findSides(p, *q0, t0, 1, leftAreOdd, side);
				for (int j = chunkIndex0 + 1; j < chunkIndex1; j++)
					side = findSides(p, *s->getChunk(j), 0, 1, leftAreOdd, side);
				side = findSides(p, *q1, 0, t1, leftAreOdd, side);

		} else
			side = findSides(p, *q0, t0, t1, leftAreOdd, side);

		if (i & 0x1)
			delete q0;

	return leftAreOdd;
 * @brief Test observations optimizer.
 * @param[in] mode Testing mode.
 * This method supports two testing modes: 0 = unbinned and 1 = binned.
void TestOpenMP::test_observations_optimizer(const int& mode)
    // Create Test Model
    GTestModelData model;

    // Create Models conteners
    GModels models;

    // Time iterval
    GTime tmin(0.0);
    GTime tmax(1800.0);

    // Rate : events/sec
    double rate = RATE;

    // Create observations
    GObservations obs;

    // Add some observation
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {

        // Random Generator
        GRan ran;

        // Allocate events pointer
        GEvents *events;

        // Create either a event list or an event cube
        if (mode == UN_BINNED) {
            events = model.generateList(rate,tmin,tmax,ran);
        else {
            events = model.generateCube(rate,tmin,tmax,ran);

        // Create an observation
        GTestObservation ob;

        // Add events to the observation

        // Delete events pointer
        delete events;

    // Add the model to the observation

    // Create a GLog for show the interations of optimizer.
    GLog log;

    // Create an optimizer.
    GOptimizerLM opt(log);


    // Optimize

    // Get the result
    GModelPar result = (*(obs.models()[0]))[0];

    // Check if converged
    test_assert(opt.status()==0, "Check if converged", 
                                 "Optimizer did not converge"); 

    // Check if value is correct

    // Return
GDChart & GDChart::createChart()

  bool isIntergerOnlyValues = true;
  intptr_t i, j, xCount = 0, x, y, x0 = 0, y0 = 0;
  // calc min max
  ldouble minValue = DBL_MAX, maxValue = -DBL_MAX;
  for( i = data_.count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ){
    j = data_[i].count();
    xCount = tmax(xCount,j);
    const Array<ldouble> & data = data_[i];
    for( j = data.count() - 1; j >= 0; j-- ){
      volatile intmax_t v = intmax_t(data[j]);
      volatile ldouble lv = ldouble(v);
      if( lv != data[j] ) isIntergerOnlyValues = false;
      minValue = tmin(minValue,data[j]);
      maxValue = tmax(maxValue,data[j]);
  ldouble yAxis = (maxValue - minValue) / (height_ - topBorder_ - bottomBorder_);
  intptr_t leftBorderDelta = 0, rightBorderDelta = 0, topBorderDelta = 0, bottomBorderDelta = 0;
  // clear image
  // draw lines
  intptr_t lineColor = colorAllocate(230,230,230);
  // draw vert grid lines
  for( j = 0; j < xCount; j++ ){
    x = (width_ - leftBorder_ - rightBorder_) * j / (xCount - 1) + leftBorder_;
    line(x,topBorder_,x,height_ - bottomBorder_,lineColor);
  intptr_t yLabelColor = makeColor(ldouble(j),ldouble(j),ldouble(j));
  for( y = topBorder_; uintptr_t(y) <= height_ - bottomBorder_; y += fontHeight(font_) * 2 ){
    ldouble v = maxValue - (y - topBorder_) * yAxis;
    // draw horiz grid line
    line(leftBorder_,y,width_ - rightBorder_,y,lineColor);
    // draw ylabel
    utf8::String label;
    if( isIntergerOnlyValues ){
      label = printTraffic(intmax_t(v),true);//utf8::String::print("%"PRIdPTR,intptr_t(v));
    else {
      label = utf8::String::print("%.2"PRF_LDBL"f",v);
    uintptr_t sz = label.size();
    x = leftBorder_ - sz * fontWidth(font_);
    if( x < 0 && -x > leftBorderDelta ) leftBorderDelta = -x;
  // draw data lines
  for( i = 0; uintptr_t(i) < data_.count(); i++ ){
    intptr_t color = makeColor(ldouble(i + 1),ldouble(i + 1),ldouble(i + 1));
    const Array<ldouble> & data = data_[i];
    for( j = 0; uintptr_t(j) < data.count(); j++ ){
      x = (width_ - leftBorder_ - rightBorder_) * j / (xCount - 1) + leftBorder_;
      y = intptr_t(height_ - topBorder_ - bottomBorder_ - (data[j] - minValue) / yAxis) + topBorder_;
      if( j > 0 ) line(x0,y0,x,y,color);
      x0 = x;
      y0 = y;
  intptr_t xBarSize = 2, yBarSize = 2;
  intptr_t barColor = colorAllocate(255,0,0);
  intptr_t xLabelColor = makeColor(ldouble(i + 1),ldouble(i + 1),ldouble(i + 1));
  for( i = 0; uintptr_t(i) < data_.count(); i++ ){
    const Array<ldouble> & data = data_[i];
    for( j = 0; uintptr_t(j) < data.count(); j++ ){
      x = (width_ - leftBorder_ - rightBorder_) * j / (xCount - 1) + leftBorder_;
      y = intptr_t(height_ - topBorder_ - bottomBorder_ - (data[j] - minValue) / yAxis) + topBorder_;
      // draw bar
        tmax(leftBorder_,uintptr_t(x - xBarSize)),
        tmax(topBorder_,uintptr_t(y - yBarSize)),
        tmin(width_ - rightBorder_,uintptr_t(x + xBarSize)),
        tmin(height_ - bottomBorder_,uintptr_t(y + yBarSize)),
      x0 = x;
      y0 = y;
      // draw xlabel
      y = height_ - bottomBorder_ + xBarSize;
      utf8::String label(utf8::String::print("%"PRIdPTR,intptr_t(j + xlvs_)));
      string(GD::font(font_),x + xBarSize,y,label.c_str(),xLabelColor);
      if( y + fontHeight(font_) >= height_ )
        bottomBorderDelta = y + fontHeight(font_) - height_ + 1;
      x = x + xBarSize + fontWidth(font_) * label.size();
      if( uintptr_t(x) >= width_ ) rightBorderDelta = x - width_ + 1;
  if( leftBorderDelta != 0 || rightBorderDelta != 0 || topBorderDelta != 0 || bottomBorderDelta != 0 ){
    GDChart chart(*this);
    chart.leftBorder_ += leftBorderDelta;
    chart.rightBorder_ += rightBorderDelta;
    chart.topBorder_ += topBorderDelta;
    chart.bottomBorder_ += bottomBorderDelta;
  else {
    png_ = pngPtrEx(&pngSize_,9);
  return *this;
Exemple #27
void PhysicsServer::ProcessCollision( void *data, dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2 )
    //  skip connected bodies
    dBodyID bodyID1 = dGeomGetBody( o1 );
    dBodyID bodyID2 = dGeomGetBody( o2 );
    if (bodyID1 && bodyID2 && dAreConnected( bodyID1, bodyID2 )) return;
    if (!bodyID1 && !bodyID2) return;

    //  do collision
    int nContacts = dCollide( o1, o2, c_MaxContacts, &m_Contacts[0].geom, sizeof( dContact ) );
    if (nContacts == 0) return;

    float scale = GetWorldScale();

    nContacts = tmin( nContacts, c_MaxContacts - m_NContacts );
    for (int i = 0; i < nContacts; i++) 
        PhysMaterial* pSurf1 = GetGeomSurface( o1 );
        PhysMaterial* pSurf2 = GetGeomSurface( o2 );
        dContact& contact = m_Contacts[i];
        dSurfaceParameters& surface = contact.surface;
        //  TODO: proper flags setup
        m_Contacts[i].surface.mode = 
            //dContactApprox1 | 
            //dContactFDir1   | 
            dContactSoftERP | 
            dContactSoftCFM |
            //dContactSlip1   | 
            //dContactSlip2   | 

        if (!pSurf1 && !pSurf2)
            surface.mu          = 8.0f;
            surface.mu2         = 8.0f;
            surface.bounce      = 1.0f; 
            surface.bounce_vel  = 0.0f;
            surface.soft_erp    = 0.1f; 
            surface.soft_cfm    = 1e-3f;
            surface.motion1     = 0.0f; 
            surface.motion2     = 0.0f; 
            surface.slip1       = 0.1f;
            surface.slip2       = 0.1f;
        else if (pSurf2 == pSurf1)
            surface.mu          = pSurf1->m_Mu; 
            surface.mu2         = pSurf1->m_Mu2;
            surface.bounce      = pSurf1->m_Bounce;
            surface.bounce_vel  = pSurf1->m_BounceVel;
            surface.soft_erp    = pSurf1->m_SoftERP; 
            surface.soft_cfm    = pSurf1->m_SoftCFM;
            surface.motion1     = pSurf1->m_Motion1;
            surface.motion2     = pSurf1->m_Motion2; 
            surface.slip1       = pSurf1->m_Slip1;
            surface.slip2       = pSurf1->m_Slip2;
            if (!pSurf1) pSurf1 = pSurf2;
            if (!pSurf2) pSurf2 = pSurf1;

            surface.mu          = sqrtf( pSurf1->m_Mu * pSurf2->m_Mu );
            surface.mu2         = sqrtf( pSurf1->m_Mu2 * pSurf2->m_Mu2 );
            surface.bounce      = 0.5f*( pSurf1->m_Bounce + pSurf2->m_Bounce );
            surface.bounce_vel  = tmin( pSurf1->m_BounceVel, pSurf2->m_BounceVel );
            surface.soft_erp    = sqrtf( pSurf1->m_SoftERP * pSurf2->m_SoftERP ); 
            surface.soft_cfm    = 0.5f*( pSurf1->m_SoftCFM + pSurf2->m_SoftCFM );
            surface.motion1     = sqrtf( pSurf1->m_Motion1 * pSurf2->m_Motion1 );
            surface.motion2     = sqrtf( pSurf1->m_Motion2 * pSurf2->m_Motion2 ); 
            surface.slip1       = sqrtf( pSurf1->m_Slip1 * pSurf2->m_Slip1 );
            surface.slip2       = sqrtf( pSurf1->m_Slip2 * pSurf2->m_Slip2 );

        PhysObject* pObj1 = (PhysObject*)dGeomGetData( o1 );
        PhysObject* pObj2 = (PhysObject*)dGeomGetData( o2 );
        int obj1 = pObj1 ? pObj1->GetID() : -1;
        int obj2 = pObj2 ? pObj2->GetID() : -1;

        dContactGeom& geom = contact.geom;

        if (IsDrawBounds())
            Vec3 pos = Vec3( geom.pos[0], geom.pos[1], geom.pos[2] ); 
            pos /= scale;
            Vec3 norm = Vec3( geom.normal[0], geom.normal[1], geom.normal[2] ); 
            const float c_HandleSize = 0.3f;
            g_pDrawServer->SetWorldTM( Mat4::identity );
            g_pDrawServer->DrawBox( AABox( pos, c_HandleSize*0.5f ), 0x5500FF00, 0x22FFFF00 );
            g_pDrawServer->DrawLine( pos, pos + norm*c_HandleSize, 0x5500FF00, 0x5500FF00 );
        dJointID jID = dJointCreateContact( m_WorldID, m_ContactGroupID, &contact );
        dJointAttach( jID, bodyID1, bodyID2 ); 
} // PhysicsServer::ProcessCollision
Exemple #28
 * @brief Setup observation container
 * @exception GException::no_cube
 *            No event cube found in CTA observation.
 * This method sets up the observation container for processing. There are
 * two cases:
 * If there are no observations in the actual observation container, the
 * method will check in "infile" parameter. If this parameter is "NONE" or
 * empty, the task parameters will be used to construct a model map.
 * Otherwise, the method first tries to interpret the "infile" parameter as
 * a counts map, and attemps loading of the file in an event cube. If this
 * fails, the method tries to interpret the "infile" parameter as an
 * observation definition XML file. If this also fails, an exception will
 * be thrown.
 * If observations exist already in the observation container, the method
 * will simply keep them.
 * Test if all CTA observations contain counts maps.
 * Finally, if no models exist so far in the observation container, the
 * models will be loaded from the model XML file.
void ctmodel::setup_obs(void)
    // If there are no observations in the container then try to build some
    if (m_obs.size() == 0) {

        // If no input filename has been specified, then create a model map
        // from the task parameters
        if ((m_infile == "NONE") || (gammalib::strip_whitespace(m_infile) == "")) {

            // Set pointing direction
            GCTAPointing pnt;
            GSkyDir      skydir;
            skydir.radec_deg(m_ra, m_dec);

            // Setup energy range covered by model
            GEnergy  emin(m_emin, "TeV");
            GEnergy  emax(m_emax, "TeV");
            GEbounds ebds(m_enumbins, emin, emax);

            // Setup time interval covered by model
            GGti  gti;
            GTime tmin(m_tmin);
            GTime tmax(m_tmax);
            gti.append(tmin, tmax);

            // Setup skymap
            GSkymap map = GSkymap(m_proj, m_coordsys,
                                  m_xref, m_yref, -m_binsz, m_binsz,
                                  m_nxpix, m_nypix, m_enumbins);

            // Create model cube from sky map
            GCTAEventCube cube(map, ebds, gti);

            // Allocate CTA observation
            GCTAObservation obs;

            // Set CTA observation attributes

            // Set event cube in observation

            // Append CTA observation to container

            // Signal that no XML file should be used for storage
            m_use_xml = false;

        } // endif: created model map from task parameters

        // ... otherwise try to load information from the file
        else {

            // First try to open the file as a counts map
            try {

                // Allocate CTA observation
                GCTAObservation obs;

                // Load counts map in CTA observation

                // Append CTA observation to container

                // Signal that no XML file should be used for storage
                m_use_xml = false;


            // ... otherwise try to open as XML file
            catch (GException::fits_open_error &e) {

                // Load observations from XML file. This will throw
                // an exception if it fails.

                // Signal that XML file should be used for storage
                m_use_xml = true;


        } // endelse: loaded information from input file

    } // endif: there was no observation in the container

    // If there are no models associated with the observations then
    // load now the model definition from the XML file
    if (m_obs.models().size() == 0) {

    // Check if all CTA observations contain an event cube and setup response
    // for all observations
    for (int i = 0; i < m_obs.size(); ++i) {

        // Is this observation a CTA observation?
        GCTAObservation* obs = dynamic_cast<GCTAObservation*>(m_obs[i]);

        // Yes ...
        if (obs != NULL) {

            // Throw an exception if this observation does not contain
            // an event cube
            if (dynamic_cast<const GCTAEventCube*>(obs->events()) == NULL) {
                throw GException::no_cube(G_SETUP_OBS);

            // Set response if it isn't set already
            if (obs->response().aeff() == NULL) {

                // Set calibration database. If specified parameter is a
                // directory then use this as the pathname to the calibration
                // database. Otherwise interpret this as the instrument name,
                // the mission being "cta"
                GCaldb caldb;
                if (gammalib::dir_exists(m_caldb)) {
                else {
                    caldb.open("cta", m_caldb);

                // Set reponse
                obs->response(m_irf, caldb);

            } // endif: observation already has a response

        } // endif: observation was a CTA observation

    } // endfor: looped over all observations

    // Return
//!Converts a TVectorImage into a TRasterImage. The input vector image
//!is transformed through the passed affine \b aff, and put into a
//!TRasterImage strictly covering the bounding box of the transformed
//!vector image. The output image has its lower-left position in the
//!world reference specified by the \b pos parameter, which is granted to
//!be an integer displacement of the passed value. Additional parameters
//!include an integer \b enlarge by which the output image is enlarged with
//!respect to the transformed image's bbox, and the bool \b transformThickness
//!to specify whether the transformation should involve strokes' thickensses
//!or not.
TRasterImageP TRasterImageUtils::vectorToFullColorImage(
	const TVectorImageP &vimage, const TAffine &aff, TPalette *palette,
	const TPointD &outputPos, const TDimension &outputSize,
	const std::vector<TRasterFxRenderDataP> *fxs, bool transformThickness)
	if (!vimage || !palette)
		return 0;

	//Transform the vector image through aff
	TVectorImageP vi = vimage->clone();
	vi->transform(aff, transformThickness);

	//Allocate the output ToonzImage
	TRaster32P raster(outputSize.lx, outputSize.ly);
	TRasterImageP ri(raster);

	//Shift outputPos to the origin

	int strokeCount = vi->getStrokeCount();
	std::vector<int> strokeIndex(strokeCount);
	std::vector<TStroke *> strokes(strokeCount);
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < strokeCount; ++i) {
		strokeIndex[i] = i;
		strokes[i] = vi->getStroke(i);
	vi->notifyChangedStrokes(strokeIndex, strokes);

	int maxStyleId = palette->getStyleCount() - 1;
	for (i = 0; i < (int)vi->getRegionCount(); ++i) {
		TRegion *region = vi->getRegion(i);
		fastAddPaintRegion(ri, region, tmin(maxStyleId, region->getStyle()), maxStyleId);

	set<int> colors;
	if (fxs) {
		for (i = 0; i < (int)fxs->size(); i++) {
			SandorFxRenderData *sandorData = dynamic_cast<SandorFxRenderData *>((*fxs)[i].getPointer());
			if (sandorData && sandorData->m_type == BlendTz) {
				std::string indexes = toString(sandorData->m_blendParams.m_colorIndex);
				std::vector<std::string> items;
				parseIndexes(indexes, items);
				PaletteFilterFxRenderData paletteFilterData;
				insertIndexes(items, &paletteFilterData);
				colors = paletteFilterData.m_colors;

	for (i = 0; i < strokeCount; ++i) {
		TStroke *stroke = vi->getStroke(i);

		bool visible = false;
		int styleId = stroke->getStyle();
		TColorStyleP style = palette->getStyle(styleId);
		int colorCount = style->getColorParamCount();
		if (colorCount == 0)
			visible = true;
		else {
			visible = false;
			for (int j = 0; j < style->getColorParamCount() && !visible; j++) {
				TPixel32 color = style->getColorParamValue(j);
				if (color.m != 0)
					visible = true;
		if (visible)
			fastAddInkStroke(ri, stroke, TRectD(), 1, true);
	return ri;
Exemple #30
void makeStripCharts(const Char_t* ratefn,
                     const Char_t* voltfn,
                     const Char_t* outtag,
                     const Char_t* statfn=0, // def 0 for backwards compatibility
                     const Float_t zoomDays=7.0,
                     const Bool_t  finFromData=kFALSE) {
   // finFromData = true => max of time axis determined by last data point
   //             = false => determined by time at which the script is run

   ratef = TFile::Open(ratefn);
   if ( (ratef==0) || (ratef->IsZombie()) ) {
      Error("makeStripCharts","Could not open [%s]",ratefn);
   } else {
      gERvsT = dynamic_cast<TGraph*>(ratef->Get("gERvsT"));
   voltf = TFile::Open(voltfn);
   if ( (voltf==0) || (voltf->IsZombie()) ) {
      Error("makeStripCharts","Could not open [%s]",voltfn);
   } else {
      gVolt  = dynamic_cast<TGraph*>(voltf->Get("gVolt"));
      gCurr  = dynamic_cast<TGraph*>(voltf->Get("gCurr"));
   if (statfn!=0) {
      statf = TFile::Open(statfn);
      if ( (statf!=0) && (statf->IsZombie()==kFALSE) ) {
         gStERvsT = dynamic_cast<TGraph*>(statf->Get("gStERvsT"));
         gStVvsT  = dynamic_cast<TGraph*>(statf->Get("gStVvsT"));
         gStCvsT  = dynamic_cast<TGraph*>(statf->Get("gStCvsT"));
      if (gERvsT==0) {
         gERvsT = gStERvsT;
      if (gVolt==0) {
         gVolt = gStVvsT;
      if (gCurr==0) {
         gCurr = gStCvsT;
   if ( (gERvsT!=0) && (gVolt!=0) && (gCurr!=0) ) {
      setStyle(gERvsT, kRate);
      setStyle(gVolt, kVolt);
      setStyle(gCurr, kCurr);

      if (gStVvsT!=0) {
         setStyle(gStVvsT, kStVolt);
      if (gStCvsT!=0) {
         setStyle(gStCvsT, kStCurr);
      // assume gERvsT is ordered
      Double_t start = (gERvsT->GetX())[0];
      Double_t fin   = (gERvsT->GetX())[(gERvsT->GetN())-1];
      if (gStERvsT!=0) {
         setStyle(gStERvsT, kStRate);
         // gStERvsT not ordered
         Double_t sst, sfn;
         getStartFinFrom(*gStERvsT, sst, sfn);
         if (sst<start) {
            start = sst;
         if (sfn>fin) {
            fin = sfn;
      if (finFromData==kFALSE) {
         const TDatime now;
         fin = now.Convert();
      Int_t tbins(100);
      Double_t tmin(0), tmax(1);
      TSnMath::GetNiceDateAxisFor(start, fin, tbins, tmin, tmax);
      TH2F* hrd = new TH2F("hrd",
                           tbins, tmin, tmax,
                           rbins, rmin, rmax);
      TH2F* hvd = new TH2F("hvd",
                           tbins, tmin, tmax,
                           vbins, vmin, vmax);
      TH2F* hzd = new TH2F("hzd",
                           tbins, tmin, tmax,
                           zbins, zmin, zmax);
      TH2F* hcd = new TH2F("hcd",
                           tbins, tmin, tmax,
                           cbins, cmin, cmax);

      c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",cwid,chit);
      if (gStERvsT!=0) {
      if (gStVvsT!=0) {
      if (gStVvsT!=0) {
      if (gStCvsT!=0) {


      TSnMath::GetNiceDateAxisFor( fin - (zoomDays*kSecPerDay),
                                   tbins, tmin, tmax);
      TH2F* hrz = new TH2F("hrz",
                           tbins, tmin, tmax,
                           rbins, rmin, rmax);
      TH2F* hvz = new TH2F("hvz",
                           tbins, tmin, tmax,
                           zbins, zmin, zmax);
      TH2F* hzz = new TH2F("hzz",
                           tbins, tmin, tmax,
                           vbins, vmin, vmax);
      TH2F* hcz = new TH2F("hcz",
                           tbins, tmin, tmax,
                           cbins, cmin, cmax);
      setTimeDisp(*hrz, 515);
      setTimeDisp(*hvz, 515);
      setTimeDisp(*hzz, 515);
      setTimeDisp(*hcz, 515);
      c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",cwid,chit);
      if (gStERvsT!=0) {
      if (gStVvsT!=0) {
      if (gStVvsT!=0) {
      if (gStCvsT!=0) {


   } else {
      Error("makeStripCharts","Could not get graphs");