Exemple #1
main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct Timer *tp;

    flag = 0;
    tp = tmr_create((struct timeval*) 0, timer_proc, JunkClientData, 3000000, 0);


    tmr_run((struct timeval*) 0);
    if (flag)
	printf("timer should not have expired\n");

    tmr_run((struct timeval*) 0);
    if (!flag)
	printf("timer should have expired\n");

Exemple #2
main( int argc, char** argv )
    int argn;
    int start;
#define START_NONE 0
#define START_RATE 2
    int start_parallel = -1, start_rate = -1;
    int end;
#define END_NONE 0
#define END_FETCHES 1
#define END_SECONDS 2
    int end_fetches = -1, end_seconds = -1;
    int cnum;
    char* url_file;
    char* sip_file;
    struct rlimit limits;
#endif /* RLIMIT_NOFILE */
    fd_set rfdset;
    fd_set wfdset;
    struct timeval now;
    int i, r;

    max_connections = 64 - RESERVED_FDS;	/* a guess */
    /* Try and increase the limit on # of files to the maximum. */
    if ( getrlimit( RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limits ) == 0 )
	if ( limits.rlim_cur != limits.rlim_max )
	    if ( limits.rlim_max == RLIM_INFINITY )
		limits.rlim_cur = 8192;		/* arbitrary */
	    else if ( limits.rlim_max > limits.rlim_cur )
		limits.rlim_cur = limits.rlim_max;
	    (void) setrlimit( RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limits );
	max_connections = limits.rlim_cur - RESERVED_FDS;
#endif /* RLIMIT_NOFILE */

    /* Parse args. */
    argv0 = argv[0];
    argn = 1;
    do_checksum = do_throttle = do_verbose = do_jitter = do_proxy = 0;
    throttle = THROTTLE;
    sip_file = (char*) 0;
    idle_secs = IDLE_SECS;
    start = START_NONE;
    end = END_NONE;
    while ( argn < argc && argv[argn][0] == '-' && argv[argn][1] != '\0' )
	if ( strncmp( argv[argn], "-checksum", strlen( argv[argn] ) ) == 0 )
	    do_checksum = 1;
	else if ( strncmp( argv[argn], "-throttle", strlen( argv[argn] ) ) == 0 )
	    do_throttle = 1;
	else if ( strncmp( argv[argn], "-Throttle", strlen( argv[argn] ) ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
	    do_throttle = 1;
	    throttle = atoi( argv[++argn] ) / 10.0;
	else if ( strncmp( argv[argn], "-verbose", strlen( argv[argn] ) ) == 0 )
	    do_verbose = 1;
	else if ( strncmp( argv[argn], "-timeout", strlen( argv[argn] ) ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
	    idle_secs = atoi( argv[++argn] );
	else if ( strncmp( argv[argn], "-jitter", strlen( argv[argn] ) ) == 0 )
	    do_jitter = 1;
	else if ( strncmp( argv[argn], "-parallel", strlen( argv[argn] ) ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
	    start = START_PARALLEL;
	    start_parallel = atoi( argv[++argn] );
	    if ( start_parallel < 1 )
		(void) fprintf(
		    stderr, "%s: parallel must be at least 1\n", argv0 );
		exit( 1 );
	    if ( start_parallel > max_connections )
		(void) fprintf(
		    stderr, "%s: parallel may be at most %d\n", argv0, max_connections );
		exit( 1 );
	else if ( strncmp( argv[argn], "-rate", strlen( argv[argn] ) ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
	    start = START_RATE;
	    start_rate = atoi( argv[++argn] );
	    if ( start_rate < 1 )
		(void) fprintf(
		    stderr, "%s: rate must be at least 1\n", argv0 );
		exit( 1 );
	    if ( start_rate > 1000 )
		(void) fprintf(
		    stderr, "%s: rate may be at most 1000\n", argv0 );
		exit( 1 );
	else if ( strncmp( argv[argn], "-fetches", strlen( argv[argn] ) ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
	    end = END_FETCHES;
	    end_fetches = atoi( argv[++argn] );
	    if ( end_fetches < 1 )
		(void) fprintf(
		    stderr, "%s: fetches must be at least 1\n", argv0 );
		exit( 1 );
	else if ( strncmp( argv[argn], "-seconds", strlen( argv[argn] ) ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
	    end = END_SECONDS;
	    end_seconds = atoi( argv[++argn] );
	    if ( end_seconds < 1 )
		(void) fprintf(
		    stderr, "%s: seconds must be at least 1\n", argv0 );
		exit( 1 );
	else if ( strncmp( argv[argn], "-sip", strlen( argv[argn] ) ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
	    sip_file = argv[++argn];
#ifdef USE_SSL
	else if ( strncmp( argv[argn], "-cipher", strlen( argv[argn] ) ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
	    cipher = argv[++argn];
	    if ( strcasecmp( cipher, "fastsec" ) == 0 )
		cipher = "RC4-MD5";
	    else if ( strcasecmp( cipher, "highsec" ) == 0 )
		cipher = "DES-CBC3-SHA";
	    else if ( strcasecmp( cipher, "paranoid" ) == 0 )
		cipher = "AES256-SHA";
#endif /* USE_SSL */
	else if ( strncmp( argv[argn], "-proxy", strlen( argv[argn] ) ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
	    char* colon;
	    do_proxy = 1;
	    proxy_hostname = argv[++argn];
	    colon = strchr( proxy_hostname, ':' );
	    if ( colon == (char*) 0 )
		proxy_port = 80;
		proxy_port = (unsigned short) atoi( colon + 1 );
		*colon = '\0';
    if ( argn + 1 != argc )
    if ( start == START_NONE || end == END_NONE )
    if ( do_jitter && start != START_RATE )
    url_file = argv[argn];

    /* Read in and parse the URLs. */
	printf("Loading url file...");
    read_url_file( url_file );
	printf("Total %d urls loaded.\n", num_urls);

    /* Read in the source IP file, if specified. */
    if ( sip_file != (char*) 0 )
	read_sip_file( sip_file );

    /* Initialize the connections table. */
    if ( start == START_PARALLEL )
	max_connections = start_parallel;
    connections = (connection*) malloc_check(
	max_connections * sizeof(connection) );
    for ( cnum = 0; cnum < max_connections; ++cnum )
	connections[cnum].conn_state = CNST_FREE;
    num_connections = max_parallel = 0;

    /* Initialize the HTTP status-code histogram. */
    for ( i = 0; i < 1000; ++i )
	http_status_counts[i] = 0;

    /* Initialize the statistics. */
    fetches_started = 0;
    connects_completed = 0;
    responses_completed = 0;
    fetches_completed = 0;
    total_bytes = 0;
    total_connect_usecs = 0;
    max_connect_usecs = 0;
    min_connect_usecs = 1000000000L;
    total_response_usecs = 0;
    max_response_usecs = 0;
    min_response_usecs = 1000000000L;
    total_timeouts = 0;
    total_badbytes = 0;
    total_badchecksums = 0;

    /* Initialize the random number generator. */
    srandom( (int) time( (time_t*) 0 ) ^ getpid() );

    /* Initialize the rest. */
    (void) gettimeofday( &now, (struct timezone*) 0 );
    start_at = now;
    if ( do_verbose )
	(void) tmr_create(
	    &now, progress_report, JunkClientData, PROGRESS_SECS * 1000L, 1 );
    if ( start == START_RATE )
	start_interval = 1000L / start_rate;
	if ( do_jitter )
	    low_interval = start_interval * 9 / 10;
	    high_interval = start_interval * 11 / 10;
	    range_interval = high_interval - low_interval + 1;
	(void) tmr_create(
	    &now, start_timer, JunkClientData, start_interval, ! do_jitter );
    if ( end == END_SECONDS )
	(void) tmr_create(
	    &now, end_timer, JunkClientData, end_seconds * 1000L, 0 );
    (void) signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN );

    /* Main loop. */
    for (;;)
	if ( end == END_FETCHES && fetches_completed >= end_fetches )
	    finish( &now );

	if ( start == START_PARALLEL )
	    /* See if we need to start any new connections; but at most 10. */
	    for ( i = 0;
		  i < 10 &&
		    num_connections < start_parallel &&
		    ( end != END_FETCHES || fetches_started < end_fetches );
		  ++i )
		start_connection( &now );
		(void) gettimeofday( &now, (struct timezone*) 0 );
		tmr_run( &now );

	/* Build the fdsets. */
	FD_ZERO( &rfdset );
	FD_ZERO( &wfdset );
	for ( cnum = 0; cnum < max_connections; ++cnum )
	    switch ( connections[cnum].conn_state )
		FD_SET( connections[cnum].conn_fd, &wfdset );
		FD_SET( connections[cnum].conn_fd, &rfdset );
	r = select(
	    FD_SETSIZE, &rfdset, &wfdset, (fd_set*) 0, tmr_timeout( &now ) );
	if ( r < 0 )
	    perror( "select" );
	    exit( 1 );
	(void) gettimeofday( &now, (struct timezone*) 0 );

	/* Service them. */
	for ( cnum = 0; cnum < max_connections; ++cnum )
	    switch ( connections[cnum].conn_state )
		if ( FD_ISSET( connections[cnum].conn_fd, &wfdset ) )
		    handle_connect( cnum, &now, 1 );
		if ( FD_ISSET( connections[cnum].conn_fd, &rfdset ) )
		    handle_read( cnum, &now );
	/* And run the timers. */
	tmr_run( &now );

    /* NOT_REACHED */
int thttpd_main(int argc, char **argv)
  int num_ready;
  int cnum;
  FAR struct connect_s *conn;
  FAR httpd_conn *hc;
  httpd_sockaddr sa;
  struct timeval tv;
  int ret;

  nvdbg("THTTPD started\n");

  /* Setup host address */

#ifdef  CONFIG_NET_IPv6
#  error "IPv6 support not yet implemented"
  sa.sin_family      = AF_INET;
  sa.sin_port        = HTONS(CONFIG_THTTPD_PORT);
  sa.sin_addr.s_addr = HTONL(CONFIG_THTTPD_IPADDR);

  /* Initialize the fdwatch package to handle all of the configured
   * socket descriptors

  fw = fdwatch_initialize(CONFIG_NSOCKET_DESCRIPTORS);
  if (!fw)
      ndbg("fdwatch initialization failure\n");

  /* Switch directories again if requested */

  if (chdir(CONFIG_THTTPD_DATADIR) < 0)
      ndbg("chdir to %s: %d\n", CONFIG_THTTPD_DATADIR, errno);

  /* Initialize the timer package */


  /* Initialize the HTTP layer */

  nvdbg("Calling httpd_initialize()\n");
  hs = httpd_initialize(&sa);
  if (!hs)
      ndbg("httpd_initialize() failed\n");

  /* Set up the occasional timer */

  if (tmr_create(NULL, occasional, JunkClientData, CONFIG_THTTPD_OCCASIONAL_MSEC * 1000L, 1) == NULL)
      ndbg("tmr_create(occasional) failed\n");

  /* Set up the idle timer */

  if (tmr_create(NULL, idle, JunkClientData, 5 * 1000L, 1) == NULL)
      ndbg("tmr_create(idle) failed\n");


  /* Initialize our connections table */

  connects = NEW(struct connect_s, AVAILABLE_FDS);
  if (connects == NULL)
      ndbg("Out of memory allocating a struct connect_s\n");

  for (cnum = 0; cnum < AVAILABLE_FDS; ++cnum)
      connects[cnum].conn_state  = CNST_FREE;
      connects[cnum].next        = &connects[cnum + 1];
      connects[cnum].hc          = NULL;

  connects[AVAILABLE_FDS-1].next = NULL;      /* End of link list */
  free_connections               = connects;  /* Beginning of the link list */

  if (hs != NULL)
      if (hs->listen_fd != -1)
          fdwatch_add_fd(fw, hs->listen_fd, NULL);

  /* Main loop */

  nvdbg("Entering the main loop\n");
  (void)gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
  for (;;)
      /* Do the fd watch */

      num_ready = fdwatch(fw, tmr_mstimeout(&tv));
      if (num_ready < 0)
          if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN)
              /* Not errors... try again */


          ndbg("fdwatch failed: %d\n", errno);

      (void)gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);

      if (num_ready == 0)
          /* No fd's are ready - run the timers */


      /* Is it a new connection? */

      if (fdwatch_check_fd(fw, hs->listen_fd))
          if (!handle_newconnect(&tv, hs->listen_fd))
              /* Go around the loop and do another fdwatch, rather than
               * dropping through and processing existing connections.  New
               * connections always get priority.


      /* Find the connections that need servicing */

      while ((conn = (struct connect_s*)fdwatch_get_next_client_data(fw)) != (struct connect_s*)-1)
          if (conn)
              hc = conn->hc;
              if (fdwatch_check_fd(fw, hc->conn_fd))
                  nvdbg("Handle conn_state %d\n", conn->conn_state);
                  switch (conn->conn_state)
                      case CNST_READING:
                          handle_read(conn, &tv);

                          /* If a GET request was received and a file is ready to
                           * be sent, then fall through to send the file.

                          if (conn->conn_state != CNST_SENDING)

                      case CNST_SENDING:
                          /* Send a file -- this really should be performed on a
                           * separate thread to keep the serve from locking up during
                           * the write.

                          handle_send(conn, &tv);

                      case CNST_LINGERING:
                          /* Linger close the connection */

                          handle_linger(conn, &tv);

  /* The main loop terminated */

static int handle_newconnect(struct timeval *tv, int listen_fd)
  struct connect_s *conn;
  ClientData client_data;

  /* This loops until the accept() fails, trying to start new connections as
   * fast as possible so we don't overrun the listen queue.

  nvdbg("New connection(s) on listen_fd %d\n", listen_fd);
  for (;;)
      /* Get the next free connection from the free list */

      conn = free_connections;

      /* Are there any free connections? */

      if (!conn)
          /* Out of connection slots.  Run the timers, then the  existing
           * connections, and maybe we'll free up a slot  by the time we get
           * back here.

          ndbg("No free connections\n");
          return -1;

      /* Make the httpd_conn if necessary */

      if (!conn->hc)
          conn->hc = NEW(httpd_conn, 1);
          if (conn->hc == NULL)
              ndbg("out of memory allocating an httpd_conn\n");

          conn->hc->initialized = 0;

      /* Get the connection */

      switch (httpd_get_conn(hs, listen_fd, conn->hc))
          /* Some error happened.  Run the timers, then the  existing
           * connections.  Maybe the error will clear.

        case GC_FAIL:
          return -1;

          /* No more connections to accept for now */

        case GC_NO_MORE:
          return 0;


      nvdbg("New connection fd %d\n", conn->hc->conn_fd);

      /* Remove the connection entry from the free list */

      conn->conn_state        = CNST_READING;
      free_connections        = conn->next;
      conn->next              = NULL;

      client_data.p           = conn;
      conn->active_at         = tv->tv_sec;
      conn->wakeup_timer      = NULL;
      conn->linger_timer      = NULL;
      conn->offset            = 0;

      /* Set the connection file descriptor to no-delay mode */

      fdwatch_add_fd(fw, conn->hc->conn_fd, conn);
Exemple #5
static int
handle_newconnect( struct timeval* tvP, int listen_fd )
    connecttab* c;
    ClientData client_data;

    /* This loops until the accept() fails, trying to start new
    ** connections as fast as possible so we don't overrun the
    ** listen queue.
    for (;;)
	/* Is there room in the connection table? */
	if ( num_connects >= max_connects )
	    /* Out of connection slots.  Run the timers, then the
	    ** existing connections, and maybe we'll free up a slot
	    ** by the time we get back here.
	    tmr_run( tvP );
	    return 0;
	/* Get the first free connection entry off the free list. */
	if ( first_free_connect == -1 || connects[first_free_connect].conn_state != CNST_FREE )
	c = &connects[first_free_connect];
	/* Make the httpd_conn if necessary. */
	if ( c->hc == (httpd_conn*) 0 )
	    c->hc = NEW( httpd_conn, 1 );
	    if ( c->hc == (httpd_conn*) 0 )
	    c->hc->initialized = 0;
	    c->hc->conn = c;

	/* Get the connection. */
	switch ( httpd_get_conn( hs, listen_fd, c->hc ) )
	    /* Some error happened.  Run the timers, then the
	    ** existing connections.  Maybe the error will clear.
	    case GC_FAIL:
	    tmr_run( tvP );
	    return 0;

	    /* No more connections to accept for now. */
	    case GC_NO_MORE:
	    return 1;
	c->conn_state = CNST_READING;
	/* Pop it off the free list. */
	first_free_connect = c->next_free_connect;
	c->next_free_connect = -1;
	client_data.p = c;
	c->active_at = tvP->tv_sec;
	c->wakeup_timer = (Timer*) 0;
	c->linger_timer = (Timer*) 0;
	c->next_byte_index = 0;

	/* Set the connection file descriptor to no-delay mode. */
	httpd_set_ndelay( c->hc->conn_fd );

	fdwatch_add_fd( c->hc->conn_fd, c, FDW_READ );

	if ( num_connects > stats_simultaneous )
	    stats_simultaneous = num_connects;
Exemple #6
    char* cp;
    struct passwd* pwd;
    uid_t uid = 32767;
    gid_t gid = 32767;
    int num_ready;
    int cnum;
    connecttab* c;
    httpd_conn* hc;
    httpd_sockaddr sa4;
    httpd_sockaddr sa6;
    int gotv4, gotv6;
    struct timeval tv;
    cp = getenv( "GHTTPPORT" );
    if ( cp )
	port = atoi( cp );
    if( port == 0 )
	port = 9999;

    /* Read zone info now, in case we chroot(). */

    /* Look up hostname now, in case we chroot(). */
    lookup_hostname( &sa4, sizeof(sa4), &gotv4, &sa6, sizeof(sa6), &gotv6 );
    if ( ! ( gotv4 || gotv6 ) )
	memset(&sa4, 0, sizeof sa4);
	gotv4 = 1;

    /* Initialize the fdwatch package.  Have to do this before chroot,
    ** if /dev/poll is used.
    max_connects = fdwatch_get_nfiles();
    if ( max_connects < 0 )
    max_connects -= SPARE_FDS;

    /* Set up to catch signals. */
    (void) sigset( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN );          /* get EPIPE instead */
#else /* HAVE_SIGSET */
    (void) signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN );          /* get EPIPE instead */
#endif /* HAVE_SIGSET */

    /* Initialize the timer package. */

    /* Initialize the HTTP layer.  Got to do this before giving up root,
    ** so that we can bind to a privileged port.
    hs = httpd_initialize(
	gotv4 ? &sa4 : (httpd_sockaddr*) 0, gotv6 ? &sa6 : (httpd_sockaddr*) 0,
	port, cgi_pattern, cgi_limit, charset, p3p, max_age, "/", no_log, 
	no_symlink_check, do_vhost, do_global_passwd, url_pattern,
	local_pattern, no_empty_referers );
    if ( hs == (httpd_server*) 0 )
	exit( 1 );

    /* Set up the occasional timer. */
    if ( tmr_create( (struct timeval*) 0, occasional, JunkClientData, OCCASIONAL_TIME * 1000L, 1 ) == (Timer*) 0 )
    /* Set up the idle timer. */
    if ( tmr_create( (struct timeval*) 0, idle, JunkClientData, 5 * 1000L, 1 ) == (Timer*) 0 )
    start_time = stats_time = time( (time_t*) 0 );
    stats_connections = 0;
    stats_bytes = 0;
    stats_simultaneous = 0;

    /* Initialize our connections table. */
    connects = NEW( connecttab, max_connects );
    if ( connects == (connecttab*) 0 )
    for ( cnum = 0; cnum < max_connects; ++cnum )
	connects[cnum].conn_state = CNST_FREE;
	connects[cnum].next_free_connect = cnum + 1;
	connects[cnum].hc = (httpd_conn*) 0;
    connects[max_connects - 1].next_free_connect = -1;	/* end of link list */
    first_free_connect = 0;
    num_connects = 0;
    httpd_conn_count = 0;

    if ( hs != (httpd_server*) 0 )
	if ( hs->listen4_fd != -1 )
	    fdwatch_add_fd( hs->listen4_fd, (void*) 0, FDW_READ );
	if ( hs->listen6_fd != -1 )
	    fdwatch_add_fd( hs->listen6_fd, (void*) 0, FDW_READ );

    /* Main loop. */
    (void) gettimeofday( &tv, (struct timezone*) 0 );
    while ( ( ! terminate ) || num_connects > 0 )

	/* Do the fd watch. */
	num_ready = fdwatch( tmr_mstimeout( &tv ) );
	if ( num_ready < 0 )
	    if ( errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN )
		continue;       /* try again */
	(void) gettimeofday( &tv, (struct timezone*) 0 );

	if ( num_ready == 0 )
	    /* No fd's are ready - run the timers. */
	    tmr_run( &tv );

	/* Is it a new connection? */
	if ( hs != (httpd_server*) 0 && hs->listen6_fd != -1 &&
	     fdwatch_check_fd( hs->listen6_fd ) )
	    if ( handle_newconnect( &tv, hs->listen6_fd ) )
		/* Go around the loop and do another fdwatch, rather than
		** dropping through and processing existing connections.
		** New connections always get priority.
	if ( hs != (httpd_server*) 0 && hs->listen4_fd != -1 &&
	     fdwatch_check_fd( hs->listen4_fd ) )
	    if ( handle_newconnect( &tv, hs->listen4_fd ) )
		/* Go around the loop and do another fdwatch, rather than
		** dropping through and processing existing connections.
		** New connections always get priority.

	/* Find the connections that need servicing. */
	while ( ( c = (connecttab*) fdwatch_get_next_client_data() ) != (connecttab*) -1 )
	    if ( c == (connecttab*) 0 )
	    hc = c->hc;
	    if ( ! fdwatch_check_fd( hc->conn_fd ) )
		/* Something went wrong. */
		clear_connection( c, &tv );
		switch ( c->conn_state )
		    case CNST_READING: handle_read( c, &tv ); break;
		    case CNST_SENDING: handle_send( c, &tv ); break;
		    case CNST_LINGERING: handle_linger( c, &tv ); break;
	tmr_run( &tv );

    /* The main loop terminated. */
    return 0;
Exemple #7
main( int argc, char** argv )
    char* cp;
    struct passwd* pwd;
    uid_t uid;
    gid_t gid;
    char cwd[MAXPATHLEN];
    FILE* logfp;
    int num_ready;
    int cnum, ridx;
    connecttab* c;
    httpd_conn* hc;
    httpd_sockaddr sa4;
    httpd_sockaddr sa6;
    int gotv4, gotv6;
    struct timeval tv;

    argv0 = argv[0];

    cp = strrchr( argv0, '/' );
    if ( cp != (char*) 0 )
	cp = argv0;
    openlog( cp, LOG_NDELAY|LOG_PID, LOG_FACILITY );

    /* Handle command-line arguments. */
    parse_args( argc, argv );

    /* Check port number. */
    if ( port <= 0 )
	syslog( LOG_CRIT, "illegal port number" );
	(void) fprintf( stderr, "%s: illegal port number\n", argv0 );
	exit( 1 );

    /* Read zone info now, in case we chroot(). */

    /* Look up hostname now, in case we chroot(). */
    lookup_hostname( &sa4, sizeof(sa4), &gotv4, &sa6, sizeof(sa6), &gotv6 );
    if ( ! ( gotv4 || gotv6 ) )
	syslog( LOG_ERR, "can't find any valid address" );
	(void) fprintf( stderr, "%s: can't find any valid address\n", argv0 );
	exit( 1 );

    /* Throttle file. */
    numthrottles = 0;
    maxthrottles = 0;
    throttles = (throttletab*) 0;
    if ( throttlefile != (char*) 0 )
	read_throttlefile( throttlefile );

    /* Log file. */
    if ( logfile != (char*) 0 )
	if ( strcmp( logfile, "/dev/null" ) == 0 )
	    no_log = 1;
	    logfp = (FILE*) 0;
	    logfp = fopen( logfile, "a" );
	    if ( logfp == (FILE*) 0 )
		syslog( LOG_CRIT, "%.80s - %m", logfile );
		perror( logfile );
		exit( 1 );
	    (void) fcntl( fileno( logfp ), F_SETFD, 1 );
	logfp = (FILE*) 0;

    /* Figure out uid/gid from user. */
    pwd = getpwnam( user );
    if ( pwd == (struct passwd*) 0 )
	syslog( LOG_CRIT, "unknown user - '%.80s'", user );
	(void) fprintf( stderr, "%s: unknown user - '%s'\n", argv0, user );
	exit( 1 );
    uid = pwd->pw_uid;
    gid = pwd->pw_gid;

    /* Switch directories if requested. */
    if ( dir != (char*) 0 )
	if ( chdir( dir ) < 0 )
	    syslog( LOG_CRIT, "chdir - %m" );
	    perror( "chdir" );
	    exit( 1 );
    else if ( getuid() == 0 )
	/* No explicit directory was specified, we're root, and the
	** USE_USER_DIR option is set - switch to the specified user's
	** home dir.
	if ( chdir( pwd->pw_dir ) < 0 )
	    syslog( LOG_CRIT, "chdir - %m" );
	    perror( "chdir" );
	    exit( 1 );
#endif /* USE_USER_DIR */

    /* Get current directory. */
    (void) getcwd( cwd, sizeof(cwd) - 1 );
    if ( cwd[strlen( cwd ) - 1] != '/' )
	(void) strcat( cwd, "/" );

    if ( ! debug )
	/* We're not going to use stdin stdout or stderr from here on, so close
	** them to save file descriptors.
	(void) fclose( stdin );
	(void) fclose( stdout );
	(void) fclose( stderr );

	/* Daemonize - make ourselves a subprocess. */
	if ( daemon( 1, 1 ) < 0 )
	    syslog( LOG_CRIT, "daemon - %m" );
	    exit( 1 );
#else /* HAVE_DAEMON */
	switch ( fork() )
	    case 0:
	    case -1:
	    syslog( LOG_CRIT, "fork - %m" );
	    exit( 1 );
	    exit( 0 );
        (void) setsid();
#endif /* HAVE_SETSID */
#endif /* HAVE_DAEMON */
	/* Even if we don't daemonize, we still want to disown our parent
	** process.
        (void) setsid();
#endif /* HAVE_SETSID */

    if ( pidfile != (char*) 0 )
	/* Write the PID file. */
	FILE* pidfp = fopen( pidfile, "w" );
	if ( pidfp == (FILE*) 0 )
	    syslog( LOG_CRIT, "%.80s - %m", pidfile );
	    exit( 1 );
	(void) fprintf( pidfp, "%d\n", (int) getpid() );
	(void) fclose( pidfp );

    /* Chroot if requested. */
    if ( do_chroot )
	if ( chroot( cwd ) < 0 )
	    syslog( LOG_CRIT, "chroot - %m" );
	    perror( "chroot" );
	    exit( 1 );
	(void) strcpy( cwd, "/" );
	/* Always chdir to / after a chroot. */
	if ( chdir( cwd ) < 0 )
	    syslog( LOG_CRIT, "chroot chdir - %m" );
	    perror( "chroot chdir" );
	    exit( 1 );

    /* Set up to catch signals. */
    (void) signal( SIGTERM, handle_term );
    (void) signal( SIGINT, handle_term );
    (void) signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN );          /* get EPIPE instead */
    (void) signal( SIGHUP, handle_hup );
    got_usr1 = 0;
    (void) signal( SIGUSR1, handle_usr1 );
    (void) signal( SIGUSR2, handle_usr2 );

    /* Initialize the timer package. */

    /* Initialize the HTTP layer.  Got to do this before giving up root,
    ** so that we can bind to a privileged port.
    hs = httpd_initialize(
	gotv4 ? &sa4 : (httpd_sockaddr*) 0, gotv6 ? &sa6 : (httpd_sockaddr*) 0,
	port, cgi_pattern, charset, cwd, no_log, logfp, no_symlink, do_vhost,
	do_global_passwd, url_pattern, local_pattern, no_empty_referers );
    if ( hs == (httpd_server*) 0 )
	exit( 1 );

    /* Set up the occasional timer. */
    if ( tmr_create( (struct timeval*) 0, occasional, JunkClientData, OCCASIONAL_TIME * 1000L, 1 ) == (Timer*) 0 )
	syslog( LOG_CRIT, "tmr_create(occasional) failed" );
	exit( 1 );
    if ( numthrottles > 0 )
	/* Set up the throttles timer. */
	if ( tmr_create( (struct timeval*) 0, update_throttles, JunkClientData, THROTTLE_TIME * 1000L, 1 ) == (Timer*) 0 )
	    syslog( LOG_CRIT, "tmr_create(update_throttles) failed" );
	    exit( 1 );
    /* Set up the stats timer. */
    if ( tmr_create( (struct timeval*) 0, show_stats, JunkClientData, STATS_TIME * 1000L, 1 ) == (Timer*) 0 )
	syslog( LOG_CRIT, "tmr_create(show_stats) failed" );
	exit( 1 );
#endif /* STATS_TIME */
    start_time = stats_time = time( (time_t*) 0 );
    stats_connections = stats_bytes = 0L;
    stats_simultaneous = 0;

    /* If we're root, try to become someone else. */
    if ( getuid() == 0 )
	/* Set aux groups to null. */
	if ( setgroups( 0, (const gid_t*) 0 ) < 0 )
	    syslog( LOG_CRIT, "setgroups - %m" );
	    exit( 1 );
	/* Set primary group. */
	if ( setgid( gid ) < 0 )
	    syslog( LOG_CRIT, "setgid - %m" );
	    exit( 1 );
	/* Try setting aux groups correctly - not critical if this fails. */
	if ( initgroups( user, gid ) < 0 )
	    syslog( LOG_WARNING, "initgroups - %m" );
	/* Set login name. */
        (void) setlogin( user );
#endif /* HAVE_SETLOGIN */
	/* Set uid. */
	if ( setuid( uid ) < 0 )
	    syslog( LOG_CRIT, "setuid - %m" );
	    exit( 1 );
	/* Check for unnecessary security exposure. */
	if ( ! do_chroot )
		"started as root without requesting chroot(), warning only" );

    /* Initialize our connections table. */
    maxconnects = fdwatch_get_nfiles();
    if ( maxconnects < 0 )
	syslog( LOG_CRIT, "fdwatch initialization failure" );
	exit( 1 );
    maxconnects -= SPARE_FDS;
    connects = NEW( connecttab, maxconnects );
    if ( connects == (connecttab*) 0 )
	syslog( LOG_CRIT, "out of memory allocating a connecttab" );
	exit( 1 );
    for ( cnum = 0; cnum < maxconnects; ++cnum )
	connects[cnum].conn_state = CNST_FREE;
	connects[cnum].hc = (httpd_conn*) 0;
    numconnects = 0;
    httpd_conn_count = 0;

    if ( hs != (httpd_server*) 0 )
	if ( hs->listen4_fd != -1 )
	    fdwatch_add_fd( hs->listen4_fd, (void*) 0, FDW_READ );
	if ( hs->listen6_fd != -1 )
	    fdwatch_add_fd( hs->listen6_fd, (void*) 0, FDW_READ );

    /* Main loop. */
    (void) gettimeofday( &tv, (struct timezone*) 0 );
    while ( ( ! terminate ) || numconnects > 0 )
	/* Do the fd watch. */
	num_ready = fdwatch( tmr_mstimeout( &tv ) );
	if ( num_ready < 0 )
	    if ( errno == EINTR )
		continue;       /* try again */
	    syslog( LOG_ERR, "fdwatch - %m" );
	    exit( 1 );
	(void) gettimeofday( &tv, (struct timezone*) 0 );
	if ( num_ready == 0 )
	    /* No fd's are ready - run the timers. */
	    tmr_run( &tv );

	/* Is it a new connection? */
	if ( hs != (httpd_server*) 0 && hs->listen6_fd != -1 && 
	     fdwatch_check_fd( hs->listen6_fd ) )
	    if ( handle_newconnect( &tv, hs->listen6_fd ) )
		/* Go around the loop and do another fdwatch, rather than
		** dropping through and processing existing connections.
		** New connections always get priority.
	if ( hs != (httpd_server*) 0 && hs->listen4_fd != -1 && 
	     fdwatch_check_fd( hs->listen4_fd ) )
	    if ( handle_newconnect( &tv, hs->listen4_fd ) )
		/* Go around the loop and do another fdwatch, rather than
		** dropping through and processing existing connections.
		** New connections always get priority.

	/* Find the connections that need servicing. */
	for ( ridx = 0; ridx < num_ready; ++ridx )
	    c = (connecttab*) fdwatch_get_client_data( ridx );
	    if ( c == (connecttab*) 0 )
	    hc = c->hc;
	    if ( c->conn_state == CNST_READING &&
		 fdwatch_check_fd( hc->conn_fd ) )
		handle_read( c, &tv );
	    else if ( c->conn_state == CNST_SENDING &&
		 fdwatch_check_fd( hc->conn_fd ) )
		handle_send( c, &tv );
	    else if ( c->conn_state == CNST_LINGERING &&
		 fdwatch_check_fd( hc->conn_fd ) )
		handle_linger( c, &tv );
	tmr_run( &tv );

	if ( got_usr1 && ! terminate )
	    terminate = 1;
	    if ( hs != (httpd_server*) 0 )
		httpd_terminate( hs );
		hs = (httpd_server*) 0;

    /* The main loop terminated. */
    syslog( LOG_NOTICE, "exiting" );
    exit( 0 );
Exemple #8
static int
handle_newconnect( struct timeval* tvP, int listen_fd )
    int cnum;
    connecttab* c;
    ClientData client_data;

    /* This loops until the accept() fails, trying to start new
    ** connections as fast as possible so we don't overrun the
    ** listen queue.
    for (;;)
	/* Is there room in the connection table? */
	if ( numconnects >= maxconnects )
	    /* Out of connection slots.  Run the timers, then the
	    ** existing connections, and maybe we'll free up a slot
	    ** by the time we get back here.
	    syslog( LOG_WARNING, "too many connections!" );
	    tmr_run( tvP );
	    return 0;
	/* Find a free connection entry. */
	for ( cnum = 0; cnum < maxconnects; ++cnum )
	    if ( connects[cnum].conn_state == CNST_FREE )
	c = &connects[cnum];
	/* Make the httpd_conn if necessary. */
	if ( c->hc == (httpd_conn*) 0 )
	    c->hc = NEW( httpd_conn, 1 );
	    if ( c->hc == (httpd_conn*) 0 )
		syslog( LOG_CRIT, "out of memory allocating an httpd_conn" );
		exit( 1 );
	    c->hc->initialized = 0;

	/* Get the connection. */
	switch ( httpd_get_conn( hs, listen_fd, c->hc ) )
	    case GC_FAIL:
	    case GC_NO_MORE:
	    return 1;
	c->conn_state = CNST_READING;
	client_data.p = c;
	c->idle_read_timer = tmr_create(
	    tvP, idle_read_connection, client_data, IDLE_READ_TIMELIMIT * 1000L,
	    0 );
	if ( c->idle_read_timer == (Timer*) 0 )
	    syslog( LOG_CRIT, "tmr_create(idle_read_connection) failed" );
	    exit( 1 );
	c->idle_send_timer = (Timer*) 0;
	c->wakeup_timer = (Timer*) 0;
	c->linger_timer = (Timer*) 0;
	c->bytes_sent = 0;
	c->numtnums = 0;

	/* Set the connection file descriptor to no-delay mode. */
	httpd_set_ndelay( c->hc->conn_fd );

	fdwatch_add_fd( c->hc->conn_fd, c, FDW_READ );

	if ( numconnects > stats_simultaneous )
	    stats_simultaneous = numconnects;