  Returns the typed value for \a node, which must be either an
  attribute or an element. The QVariant returned represents the atomic
  value of an attribute or the atomic value contained in an element.

  If the QVariant is returned as a default constructed variant,
  it means that \a node has no typed value.
QVariant FileTree::typedValue(const QXmlNodeModelIndex &node) const
    const QFileInfo &fi = toFileInfo(node);

    switch (Type(node.additionalData())) {
    case Directory:
    // deliberate fall through.
    case File:
        return QString();
    case AttributeFileName:
        return fi.fileName();
    case AttributeFilePath:
        return fi.filePath();
    case AttributeSize:
        return fi.size();
    case AttributeMIMEType:
        /* We don't have any MIME detection code currently, so return
         * the most generic one. */
        return QLatin1String("application/octet-stream");
    case AttributeSuffix:
        return fi.suffix();

    Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "This line should never be reached.");
    return QString();
FileInfo RemoteFileInfoGatherer::getInfo(const QString &path)
    QFileInfo finfo(path);
    FileInfo info = toFileInfo(finfo);
#if 0
    info.icon = m_iconProvider->icon(path);
    info.displayType = m_iconProvider->type(path);
    // ### Not ready to listen all modifications by default
    static const bool watchFiles = qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("QT_FILESYSTEMMODEL_WATCH_FILES");
    if (watchFiles) {
        if (!finfo.exists() && !finfo.isSymLink()) {
        } else {
            const QString path = finfo.absoluteFilePath();
            if (!path.isEmpty() && finfo.exists() && finfo.isFile() && finfo.isReadable()
                && !watcher->files().contains(path)) {

#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
    if (m_resolveSymlinks && info.isSymLink(/* ignoreNtfsSymLinks = */ true)) {
        QFileInfo resolvedInfo(finfo.symLinkTarget());
        resolvedInfo = resolvedInfo.canonicalFilePath();
        if (resolvedInfo.exists()) {
            emit nameResolved(finfo.filePath(), resolvedInfo.fileName());
    return info;
void RemoteFileInfoGatherer::fetch(const QFileInfo &fileInfo, QElapsedTimer &base, bool &firstTime, QVector<QPair<QString, FileInfo> > &updatedFiles, const QString &path) {
    updatedFiles.append(QPair<QString, FileInfo>(fileInfo.fileName(), toFileInfo(fileInfo)));
    QElapsedTimer current;
    if ((firstTime && updatedFiles.count() > 100) || base.msecsTo(current) > 1000) {
        emit updates(path, updatedFiles);
        base = current;
        firstTime = false;
    Get specific file info's, batch the files so update when we have 100
    items and every 200ms after that
void RemoteFileInfoGatherer::getFileInfos(const QString &path, const QStringList &files)
    // List drives
    if (path.isEmpty()) {
        QFileInfoList infoList;
        if (files.isEmpty()) {
            infoList = QDir::drives();
        } else {
            for (const auto &file : files)
                infoList << QFileInfo(file);
        for (int i = infoList.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            QString driveName = translateDriveName(infoList.at(i));
            QVector<QPair<QString,FileInfo> > updatedFiles;
            updatedFiles.append(QPair<QString,FileInfo>(driveName, toFileInfo(infoList.at(i))));
            emit updates(path, updatedFiles);

    QElapsedTimer base;
    QFileInfo fileInfo;
    bool firstTime = true;
    QVector<QPair<QString, FileInfo> > updatedFiles;
    QStringList filesToCheck = files;

    QStringList allFiles;
    if (files.isEmpty()) {
        QDirIterator dirIt(path, QDir::AllEntries | QDir::System | QDir::Hidden);
        while (!abort.load() && dirIt.hasNext()) {
            fileInfo = dirIt.fileInfo();
            fetch(fileInfo, base, firstTime, updatedFiles, path);
    if (!allFiles.isEmpty())
        emit newListOfFiles(path, allFiles);

    QStringList::const_iterator filesIt = filesToCheck.constBegin();
    while (!abort.load() && filesIt != filesToCheck.constEnd()) {
        fileInfo.setFile(path + QDir::separator() + *filesIt);
        fetch(fileInfo, base, firstTime, updatedFiles, path);
    if (!updatedFiles.isEmpty())
        emit updates(path, updatedFiles);
    emit directoryLoaded(path);
Exemple #5
Inference::Inference(const Json::Value& json)
    : m_pointPool(xyzSchema, nullptr)
    , m_valid(true)
    , m_transformation(json.isMember("transformation") ?
                extract<double>(json["transformation"])) :
    , m_ownedArbiter(makeUnique<arbiter::Arbiter>())
    , m_arbiter(m_ownedArbiter.get())
    , m_tmp(m_arbiter->getEndpoint("tmp"))
    , m_numPoints(makeUnique<std::size_t>(json["numPoints"].asUInt64()))
    , m_bounds(makeUnique<Bounds>(json["bounds"]))
    , m_schema(makeUnique<Schema>(json["schema"]))
    , m_delta(Delta::maybeCreate(json))
    , m_fileInfo(toFileInfo(json["fileInfo"]))
{ }
  Returns the attributes of \a element. The caller guarantees
  that \a element is an element in this node model.
FileTree::attributes(const QXmlNodeModelIndex &element) const
    QVector<QXmlNodeModelIndex> result;

    /* Both elements has this attribute. */
    const QFileInfo &forElement = toFileInfo(element);
    result.append(toNodeIndex(forElement, AttributeFilePath));
    result.append(toNodeIndex(forElement, AttributeFileName));

    if (Type(element.additionalData() == File)) {
        result.append(toNodeIndex(forElement, AttributeSize));
        result.append(toNodeIndex(forElement, AttributeSuffix));
        //result.append(toNodeIndex(forElement, AttributeMIMEType));
    else {
        Q_ASSERT(element.additionalData() == Directory);

    return result;