bool Configuration::getAudioGrade(MediaElement::AudioGrade& audioGrade) const{
	bool exist = false;
	int value = toN(optionsToValue.get(AUDIO_GRADE_VALUE_OPT, exist), int());
	MediaElement::AudioGrade::Type gradeType =
			(MediaElement::AudioGrade::Type)toN(optionsToValue.get(AUDIO_GRADE_VALUE_OPT, exist), int());
	audioGrade = MediaElement::AudioGrade(value, gradeType);
	return exist;
double ConvertParser::toSecondTime(const std::string& time){
	std::string::size_type pos;
	std::string tmpTime = time;
	double secondTime = 0;
	while((pos = tmpTime.find(":"))!= std::string::npos){
		std::string sub = tmpTime.substr(0, pos);
		secondTime = secondTime*60 + toN(sub, int());
		tmpTime = tmpTime.substr(pos+1);
	secondTime = secondTime*60 + toN(tmpTime, int());
	return secondTime;
bool Configuration::getVideoFFpreset(MediaElement::FFpreset& ffpreset) const{
	bool exist = true;

	int type = toN(optionsToValue.get(VIDEO_FFPRESET_TYPE_OPT, exist), int());
		return false;
	MediaElement::FFpreset::FFType fftype = (MediaElement::FFpreset::FFType)type;
	if(fftype == MediaElement::FFpreset::DISABLE_FFTYPE){
		ffpreset = MediaElement::FFpreset(std::string(), std::string(), fftype);
		return true;
	std::string path = optionsToValue.get(VIDEO_FFPRESET_PATH_OPT, exist);
		return false;
	Path ffFilePath(path);
	std::string prefix = optionsToValue.get(VIDEO_FFPRESET_PREFIX_OPT, exist);
		return false;

	ffpreset = MediaElement::FFpreset(ffFilePath, prefix, fftype);
	return true;
bool Configuration::getVideoResolution(MediaElement::Resolution& resolution) const{
	bool exist;
	int x = toN(optionsToValue.get(VIDEO_RESOLUTION_X_OPT, exist), int());
	if(x == -1){
		return true;
		return false;
	int y = toN(optionsToValue.get(VIDEO_RESOLUTION_Y_OPT, exist), int());
	std::string name = optionsToValue.get(VIDEO_RESOLUTION_NAME_OPT, exist);
	std::string aspect = optionsToValue.get(VIDEO_RESOLUTION_ASP_OPT, exist);

	resolution = MediaElement::Resolution(name, MediaElement::AspectRatio::createFromString(aspect), x, y);
	return true;
bool Configuration::getVideoBitrate(MediaElement::Bitrate& videoBitrate) const{
	bool exist;
	int bitrate = toN(optionsToValue.get(VIDEO_BITRATE_OPT, exist), int());
		return false;
	int bitrateMin = toN(optionsToValue.get(VIDEO_BITRATE_MIN_OPT, exist), int());
		bitrateMin = -1;
	int bitrateMax = toN(optionsToValue.get(VIDEO_BITRATE_MAX_OPT, exist), int());
		bitrateMax = -1;
	int buffer = toN(optionsToValue.get(VIDEO_BUFFER_OPT, exist), int());
		buffer = -1;
	videoBitrate = MediaElement::Bitrate(bitrate, buffer, bitrateMin, bitrateMax);
	return true;
bool Configuration::getAudioChannel(MediaElement::Channel& audioChannel) const{
	bool exist = false;
	int numOfChannel = toN(optionsToValue.get(AUDIO_CHANNEL_VALUE_OPT, exist), int());
		return false;
	if(numOfChannel < 0){
		return true;
	std::string name = optionsToValue.get(AUDIO_CHANNEL_NAME_OPT, exist);
		return false;
	audioChannel = MediaElement::Channel(name, numOfChannel);
	return true;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	printf("(UDP) File Transfer Server\n");
	printf("Anthony Phelps, aphelps\n");

	char* port;

	port = malloc(sizeof(char*)*5);

	//Argument parsing
	if(argc > 1)
		strcpy(port, argv[1]);
		strcpy(port, "54323");

	struct addrinfo hints, *res;
	memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
	hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
	hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
	hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;

	//Get network info about the server
	int  addrStats = getaddrinfo(NULL, port, &hints, &res);
	if(addrStats < 0)
		perror("[ERROR] Could not get address info");

	//create socket
	int sockFd = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol);
	if(sockFd < 1)
		perror("[ERROR] Could not create socket");

	//Bind to port
	int binRes = bind(sockFd, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen);
	if(binRes < 0)
		perror("[ERROR] Failed to bind to port");

	int curTrans = -1;
	int curUIN = -1;
	int totalBytes = -1;
	int bad = 0;
	int lastgood = 0;
	Packet * packs = malloc(sizeof(Packet)*5);
	int packSize = 5;
	int packC = 0;
	int save = 0;
	//Loop forever because is a server
		struct sockaddr_in remaddr;
		socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(remaddr);

		Packet response;
		response.header = packs[packC].header;

		//Receive initial data from client
		printf("[INFO] Waiting for new packet...\n");
		int recvB = recvfrom(sockFd, &packs[packC], sizeof(Packet), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&remaddr, &addrlen);
		if(recvB <= 0)
			perror("[ERROR] Could not correctly receive bytes");

		if(calcChecksum(&packs[packC], sizeof(Packet)) == 0)
			printf("[INFO] Packet received: %i.\n", packs[packC].header.sequenceNumber);
			lastgood = packs[packC].header.sequenceNumber;
			totalBytes -= packs[packC].header.nbytes;
			bad = 0;
			printf("[INFO] Bad Packets.\n");
			bad = 1;
		if((curTrans == -1 || curUIN == -1) && bad == 0 && packs[packC].header.sequenceNumber == 1)
			printf("[INFO] Packet for new file received.\n");
			curTrans = packs[packC].header.transactionNumber;
			curUIN = packs[packC].header.UIN;
			totalBytes = packs[packC].header.nTotalBytes-packs[packC].header.nbytes;
			save = packs[packC].header.saveFile;
			packC = 0;
			if(packC >= packSize)
				packSize *= 2;
				packs = realloc(packs, sizeof(Packet)*packSize);
		else if(bad == 0 && curTrans != packs[packC].header.transactionNumber && curUIN != packs[packC].header.UIN)
			printf("[WARN] Received packet from different transaction.\n");
		else if(bad == 0 && curTrans == packs[packC].header.transactionNumber && curUIN == packs[packC].header.UIN)
			packC += 1;
			if(packC >= packSize)
				packSize *= 2;
				packs = realloc(packs, sizeof(Packet)*packSize);

		//Setup response packet
		response.header.ackNumber = lastgood;
		response.header.garbleChance = packs[packC].header.garbleChance;
		response.header.packetType = 2;
		response.header.checksum = 0;
		response.header.checksum = calcChecksum(&response, sizeof(Packet));

		//Send response to client
		int sentb = sendto(sockFd, &response, sizeof(Packet), 0, (struct sockaddr *) &remaddr, addrlen);
		if(sentb < 0)
			perror("[ERROR] Failed to send response packet");

		if(totalBytes <= 0)
			//Write contents to file
			if(save == 1)
				printf("[INFO] Writing data to file.\n");
				int file = open(packs[0].header.filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT);
				if(file == -1)
					perror("[ERROR] Couldn't create file descriptor");

				int i;
				for(i = 0; i < packC; i++)
					write(file, packs[i].data, packs[i].header.nbytes);


			totalBytes = -1;
			curTrans = -1;
			curUIN = -1;
	//Close and free unneeded stuff (Not really ever possible to run this though because the loop is infintie)

	return 0;
int VideoStream::priority() const{
	int resx = toN(content.get(VideoStream::RESX), int());
	int resy = toN(content.get(VideoStream::RESY), int());
	return resx*resx + resy*resy;	//compare slant
//	return resx*resy;	//compare content
bool Configuration::getAudioSamplerate(MediaElement::Samplerate& audioSamplerate) const{
	bool exist = false;
	int samplerate = toN(optionsToValue.get(AUDIO_SAMPLERATE_OPT, exist), int());
	audioSamplerate = MediaElement::Samplerate(samplerate);
	return exist;
bool Configuration::getAudioMode(int& row) const{
	bool exist = false;
	row = toN(optionsToValue.get(AUDIO_MODE_OPT, exist), int());
	return exist;
bool Configuration::getVideoFramerate(MediaElement::Framerate& framerate) const{
	bool exist;
	double frame = toN(optionsToValue.get(VIDEO_FRAMERATE_OPT, exist), double());
	framerate = MediaElement::Framerate(frame);
	return exist;
bool Configuration::getVideoMode(int& row) const{		//todo object
	bool exist;
	row = toN(optionsToValue.get(VIDEO_MODE_OPT, exist),int());
	return exist;