void RenderNamedFlowFragment::computeChildrenStyleInRegion(RenderElement& renderer)
    for (auto& child : childrenOfType<RenderObject>(renderer)) {

        auto it = m_renderObjectRegionStyle.find(&child);

        RefPtr<RenderStyle> childStyleInRegion;
        bool objectRegionStyleCached = false;
        if (it != m_renderObjectRegionStyle.end()) {
            childStyleInRegion = it->value.style;
            objectRegionStyleCached = true;
        } else {
            if (child.isAnonymous() || child.isInFlowRenderFlowThread())
                childStyleInRegion = RenderStyle::createAnonymousStyleWithDisplay(&renderer.style(), child.style().display());
            else if (child.isText())
                childStyleInRegion = RenderStyle::clone(&renderer.style());
                childStyleInRegion = computeStyleInRegion(toRenderElement(child), renderer.style());

        setObjectStyleInRegion(&child, childStyleInRegion, objectRegionStyleCached);

        if (child.isRenderElement())
Exemple #2
void InlineBox::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, LayoutUnit /* lineTop */, LayoutUnit /*lineBottom*/)
    RenderElement& renderer = toRenderElement(this->renderer());
    if (!paintInfo.shouldPaintWithinRoot(renderer) || (paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseForeground && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelection))

    LayoutPoint childPoint = paintOffset;
    if (parent()->renderer().style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() && renderer.isBox()) // Faster than calling containingBlock().
        childPoint = m_renderer.containingBlock()->flipForWritingModeForChild(&toRenderBox(renderer), childPoint);
    // Paint all phases of replaced elements atomically, as though the replaced element established its
    // own stacking context.  (See Appendix E.2, section 6.4 on inline block/table elements in the CSS2.1
    // specification.)
    bool preservePhase = paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseTextClip;
    PaintInfo info(paintInfo);
    info.phase = preservePhase ? paintInfo.phase : PaintPhaseBlockBackground;
    renderer.paint(info, childPoint);
    if (!preservePhase) {
        info.phase = PaintPhaseChildBlockBackgrounds;
        renderer.paint(info, childPoint);
        info.phase = PaintPhaseFloat;
        renderer.paint(info, childPoint);
        info.phase = PaintPhaseForeground;
        renderer.paint(info, childPoint);
        info.phase = PaintPhaseOutline;
        renderer.paint(info, childPoint);
void RenderNamedFlowFragment::restoreRegionObjectsOriginalStyle()
    if (!hasCustomRegionStyle())

    RenderObjectRegionStyleMap temp;
    for (auto& objectPair : m_renderObjectRegionStyle) {
        RenderObject* object = const_cast<RenderObject*>(objectPair.key);
        RefPtr<RenderStyle> objectRegionStyle = &object->style();
        RefPtr<RenderStyle> objectOriginalStyle = objectPair.value.style;
        if (object->isRenderElement())

        bool shouldCacheRegionStyle = objectPair.value.cached;
        if (!shouldCacheRegionStyle) {
            // Check whether we should cache the computed style in region.
            unsigned changedContextSensitiveProperties = ContextSensitivePropertyNone;
            StyleDifference styleDiff = objectOriginalStyle->diff(objectRegionStyle.get(), changedContextSensitiveProperties);
            if (styleDiff < StyleDifferenceLayoutPositionedMovementOnly)
                shouldCacheRegionStyle = true;
        if (shouldCacheRegionStyle) {
            ObjectRegionStyleInfo styleInfo;
            styleInfo.style = objectRegionStyle;
            styleInfo.cached = true;
            temp.set(object, styleInfo);

Exemple #4
static CounterNode* makeCounterNode(RenderObject* object, const AtomicString& identifier, bool alwaysCreateCounter)

    // Real text nodes don't have their own style so they can't have counters.
    // We can't even look at their styles or we'll see extra resets and increments!
    if (object->isText())
        return nullptr;

    RenderElement* element = toRenderElement(object);

    if (element->hasCounterNodeMap()) {
        if (CounterMap* nodeMap = counterMaps().get(element)) {
            if (CounterNode* node = nodeMap->get(identifier))
                return node;

    bool isReset = false;
    int value = 0;
    if (!planCounter(element, identifier, isReset, value) && !alwaysCreateCounter)
        return nullptr;

    RefPtr<CounterNode> newParent = 0;
    RefPtr<CounterNode> newPreviousSibling = 0;
    RefPtr<CounterNode> newNode = CounterNode::create(element, isReset, value);
    if (findPlaceForCounter(element, identifier, isReset, newParent, newPreviousSibling))
        newParent->insertAfter(newNode.get(), newPreviousSibling.get(), identifier);
    CounterMap* nodeMap;
    if (element->hasCounterNodeMap())
        nodeMap = counterMaps().get(element);
    else {
        nodeMap = new CounterMap;
        counterMaps().set(element, adoptPtr(nodeMap));
    nodeMap->set(identifier, newNode);
    if (newNode->parent())
        return newNode.get();
    // Checking if some nodes that were previously counter tree root nodes
    // should become children of this node now.
    CounterMaps& maps = counterMaps();
    Element* stayWithin = parentOrPseudoHostElement(element);
    bool skipDescendants;
    for (RenderElement* currentRenderer = nextInPreOrder(element, stayWithin); currentRenderer; currentRenderer = nextInPreOrder(currentRenderer, stayWithin, skipDescendants)) {
        skipDescendants = false;
        if (!currentRenderer->hasCounterNodeMap())
        CounterNode* currentCounter = maps.get(currentRenderer)->get(identifier);
        if (!currentCounter)
        skipDescendants = true;
        if (currentCounter->parent())
        if (stayWithin == parentOrPseudoHostElement(currentRenderer) && currentCounter->hasResetType())
        newNode->insertAfter(currentCounter, newNode->lastChild(), identifier);
    return newNode.get();
Exemple #5
static inline bool findPreviousAndNextAttributes(RenderElement* start, RenderSVGInlineText* locateElement, bool& stopAfterNext, SVGTextLayoutAttributes*& previous, SVGTextLayoutAttributes*& next)
    // FIXME: Make this iterative.
    for (RenderObject* child = start->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
        if (child->isSVGInlineText()) {
            RenderSVGInlineText* text = toRenderSVGInlineText(child);
            if (locateElement != text) {
                if (stopAfterNext) {
                    next = text->layoutAttributes();
                    return true;

                previous = text->layoutAttributes();

            stopAfterNext = true;

        if (!child->isSVGInline())

        if (findPreviousAndNextAttributes(toRenderElement(child), locateElement, stopAfterNext, previous, next))
            return true;

    return false;
Exemple #6
void RenderNamedFlowFragment::computeChildrenStyleInRegion(const RenderElement* object)
    for (RenderObject* child = object->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {

        auto it = m_renderObjectRegionStyle.find(child);

        RefPtr<RenderStyle> childStyleInRegion;
        bool objectRegionStyleCached = false;
        if (it != m_renderObjectRegionStyle.end()) {
            childStyleInRegion = it->value.style;
            objectRegionStyleCached = true;
        } else {
            if (child->isAnonymous() || child->isInFlowRenderFlowThread())
                childStyleInRegion = RenderStyle::createAnonymousStyleWithDisplay(&object->style(), child->style().display());
            else if (child->isText())
                childStyleInRegion = RenderStyle::clone(&object->style());
                childStyleInRegion = computeStyleInRegion(child);

        setObjectStyleInRegion(child, childStyleInRegion, objectRegionStyleCached);

        if (child->isRenderElement())
void SVGTextRunRenderingContext::drawSVGGlyphs(GraphicsContext* context, const SimpleFontData* fontData, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, int from, int numGlyphs, const FloatPoint& point) const
    auto activePaintingResource = this->activePaintingResource();
    if (!activePaintingResource) {
        // TODO: We're only supporting simple filled HTML text so far.
        RenderSVGResourceSolidColor* solidPaintingResource = RenderSVGResource::sharedSolidPaintingResource();
        activePaintingResource = solidPaintingResource;

    auto& elementRenderer = renderer().isRenderElement() ? toRenderElement(renderer()) : *renderer().parent();
    RenderStyle& style = elementRenderer.style();


    RenderSVGResourceMode resourceMode = context->textDrawingMode() == TextModeStroke ? ApplyToStrokeMode : ApplyToFillMode;
    auto translator(createGlyphToPathTranslator(*fontData, glyphBuffer, from, numGlyphs, point));
    while (translator->containsMorePaths()) {
        Path glyphPath = translator->nextPath();
        if (activePaintingResource->applyResource(elementRenderer, style, context, resourceMode)) {
            float strokeThickness = context->strokeThickness();
            if (renderer().isSVGInlineText())
                context->setStrokeThickness(strokeThickness * toRenderSVGInlineText(renderer()).scalingFactor());
            activePaintingResource->postApplyResource(elementRenderer, context, resourceMode, &glyphPath, 0);
void SVGResourcesCache::clientWillBeRemovedFromTree(RenderObject& renderer)
    if (renderer.isAnonymous())

    RenderSVGResource::markForLayoutAndParentResourceInvalidation(renderer, false);

    if (!rendererCanHaveResources(renderer))
    RenderElement& elementRenderer = toRenderElement(renderer);
    SVGResourcesCache* cache = resourcesCacheFromRenderObject(elementRenderer);
Exemple #9
void RenderMathMLRoot::addChild(RenderObject* newChild, RenderObject* beforeChild)
    // Insert an implicit <mrow> for <mroot> as well as <msqrt>, to ensure firstChild() will have a box
    // to measure and store a glyph-based height for preferredLogicalHeightAfterSizing.
    if (!firstChild())
    // An <mroot>'s index has { position: absolute }.
    if (newChild->style().position() == AbsolutePosition)
        toRenderElement(firstChild())->addChild(newChild, beforeChild && beforeChild->parent() == firstChild() ? beforeChild : 0);
std::unique_ptr<GlyphToPathTranslator> SVGTextRunRenderingContext::createGlyphToPathTranslator(const SimpleFontData& fontData, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, int from, int numGlyphs, const FloatPoint& point) const
    SVGFontElement* fontElement = 0;
    SVGFontFaceElement* fontFaceElement = 0;

    const SVGFontData* svgFontData = svgFontAndFontFaceElementForFontData(&fontData, fontFaceElement, fontElement);
    if (!fontElement || !fontFaceElement)
        return std::make_unique<DummyGlyphToPathTranslator>();

    auto& elementRenderer = renderer().isRenderElement() ? toRenderElement(renderer()) : *renderer().parent();
    RenderStyle& style = elementRenderer.style();
    bool isVerticalText = style.svgStyle().isVerticalWritingMode();

    float scale = scaleEmToUnits(fontData.platformData().size(), fontFaceElement->unitsPerEm());

    return std::make_unique<SVGGlyphToPathTranslator>(glyphBuffer, point, *svgFontData, *fontElement, from, numGlyphs, scale, isVerticalText);
void RenderNamedFlowFragment::setObjectStyleInRegion(RenderObject* object, PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> styleInRegion, bool objectRegionStyleCached)

    RefPtr<RenderStyle> objectOriginalStyle = &object->style();
    if (object->isRenderElement())

    if (object->isBoxModelObject() && !object->hasBoxDecorations()) {
        bool hasBoxDecorations = object->isTableCell()
        || object->style().hasBackground()
        || object->style().hasBorder()
        || object->style().hasAppearance()
        || object->style().boxShadow();

    ObjectRegionStyleInfo styleInfo;
    styleInfo.style = objectOriginalStyle;
    styleInfo.cached = objectRegionStyleCached;
    m_renderObjectRegionStyle.set(object, styleInfo);
void RenderFrameSet::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    if (paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseForeground)
    RenderObject* child = firstChild();
    if (!child)

    LayoutPoint adjustedPaintOffset = paintOffset + location();

    size_t rows = m_rows.m_sizes.size();
    size_t cols = m_cols.m_sizes.size();
    LayoutUnit borderThickness = frameSetElement().border();
    LayoutUnit yPos = 0;
    for (size_t r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
        LayoutUnit xPos = 0;
        for (size_t c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
            toRenderElement(child)->paint(paintInfo, adjustedPaintOffset);
            xPos += m_cols.m_sizes[c];
            if (borderThickness && m_cols.m_allowBorder[c + 1]) {
                paintColumnBorder(paintInfo, pixelSnappedIntRect(LayoutRect(adjustedPaintOffset.x() + xPos, adjustedPaintOffset.y() + yPos, borderThickness, height())));
                xPos += borderThickness;
            child = child->nextSibling();
            if (!child)
        yPos += m_rows.m_sizes[r];
        if (borderThickness && m_rows.m_allowBorder[r + 1]) {
            paintRowBorder(paintInfo, pixelSnappedIntRect(LayoutRect(adjustedPaintOffset.x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y() + yPos, width(), borderThickness)));
            yPos += borderThickness;
Exemple #13
void RenderSVGRoot::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    // An empty viewport disables rendering.
    if (pixelSnappedBorderBoxRect().isEmpty())

    // Don't paint, if the context explicitly disabled it.
    if (paintInfo.context->paintingDisabled())

    // An empty viewBox also disables rendering.
    // (http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/coords.html#ViewBoxAttribute)
    if (svgSVGElement().hasEmptyViewBox())

    Page* page = frame().page();

    // Don't paint if we don't have kids, except if we have filters we should paint those.
    if (!firstChild()) {
        SVGResources* resources = SVGResourcesCache::cachedResourcesForRenderObject(this);
        if (!resources || !resources->filter()) {
            if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
                page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

    if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
        page->addRelevantRepaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

    // Make a copy of the PaintInfo because applyTransform will modify the damage rect.
    PaintInfo childPaintInfo(paintInfo);

    // Apply initial viewport clip - not affected by overflow handling
    childPaintInfo.context->clip(pixelSnappedIntRect(overflowClipRect(paintOffset, paintInfo.renderRegion)));

    // Convert from container offsets (html renderers) to a relative transform (svg renderers).
    // Transform from our paint container's coordinate system to our local coords.
    IntPoint adjustedPaintOffset = roundedIntPoint(paintOffset);
    childPaintInfo.applyTransform(AffineTransform::translation(adjustedPaintOffset.x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y()) * localToBorderBoxTransform());

    // SVGRenderingContext must be destroyed before we restore the childPaintInfo.context, because a filter may have
    // changed the context and it is only reverted when the SVGRenderingContext destructor finishes applying the filter.
        SVGRenderingContext renderingContext;
        bool continueRendering = true;
        if (childPaintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground) {
            renderingContext.prepareToRenderSVGContent(*this, childPaintInfo);
            continueRendering = renderingContext.isRenderingPrepared();

        if (continueRendering) {
            for (RenderObject* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
                // FIXME: Can this ever have RenderText children?
                if (!child->isRenderElement())
                toRenderElement(child)->paint(childPaintInfo, location());

Exemple #14
void SVGRenderSupport::layoutChildren(RenderObject* start, bool selfNeedsLayout)
    bool layoutSizeChanged = layoutSizeOfNearestViewportChanged(start);
    bool transformChanged = transformToRootChanged(start);
    bool hasSVGShadow = rendererHasSVGShadow(start);
    bool needsBoundariesUpdate = start->needsBoundariesUpdate();
    HashSet<RenderObject*> notlayoutedObjects;

    for (RenderObject* child = start->firstChildSlow(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
        bool needsLayout = selfNeedsLayout;
        bool childEverHadLayout = child->everHadLayout();

        if (needsBoundariesUpdate && hasSVGShadow) {
            // If we have a shadow, our shadow is baked into our children's cached boundaries,
            // so they need to update.
            needsLayout = true;

        if (transformChanged) {
            // If the transform changed we need to update the text metrics (note: this also happens for layoutSizeChanged=true).
            if (child->isSVGText())
            needsLayout = true;

        if (layoutSizeChanged) {
            // When selfNeedsLayout is false and the layout size changed, we have to check whether this child uses relative lengths
            if (SVGElement* element = child->node()->isSVGElement() ? toSVGElement(child->node()) : 0) {
                if (element->hasRelativeLengths()) {
                    // When the layout size changed and when using relative values tell the RenderSVGShape to update its shape object
                    if (child->isSVGShape())
                    else if (child->isSVGText()) {

                    needsLayout = true;

        if (needsLayout)

        if (child->needsLayout()) {
            // Renderers are responsible for repainting themselves when changing, except
            // for the initial paint to avoid potential double-painting caused by non-sensical "old" bounds.
            // We could handle this in the individual objects, but for now it's easier to have
            // parent containers call repaint().  (RenderBlock::layout* has similar logic.)
            if (!childEverHadLayout)
        } else if (layoutSizeChanged)


    if (!layoutSizeChanged) {

    // If the layout size changed, invalidate all resources of all children that didn't go through the layout() code path.
    HashSet<RenderObject*>::iterator end = notlayoutedObjects.end();
    for (HashSet<RenderObject*>::iterator it = notlayoutedObjects.begin(); it != end; ++it)
Exemple #15
bool SVGFontData::applySVGGlyphSelection(WidthIterator& iterator, GlyphData& glyphData, bool mirror, unsigned currentCharacter, unsigned& advanceLength) const
    const TextRun& run = iterator.run();
    Vector<SVGGlyph::ArabicForm>& arabicForms = iterator.arabicForms();
    ASSERT(run.charactersLength() >= currentCharacter);

    // Associate text with arabic forms, if needed.
    String remainingTextInRun;

    if (run.is8Bit()) {
        remainingTextInRun = String(run.data8(currentCharacter), run.charactersLength() - currentCharacter);
        remainingTextInRun = Font::normalizeSpaces(remainingTextInRun.characters8(), remainingTextInRun.length());
    } else {
        remainingTextInRun = String(run.data16(currentCharacter), run.charactersLength() - currentCharacter);
        remainingTextInRun = Font::normalizeSpaces(remainingTextInRun.characters16(), remainingTextInRun.length());

    if (mirror)
        remainingTextInRun = createStringWithMirroredCharacters(remainingTextInRun);
    if (!currentCharacter && arabicForms.isEmpty())
        arabicForms = charactersWithArabicForm(remainingTextInRun, mirror);

    SVGFontFaceElement* svgFontFaceElement = this->svgFontFaceElement();

    SVGFontElement* associatedFontElement = svgFontFaceElement->associatedFontElement();

    RenderObject* renderObject = 0;
    if (TextRun::RenderingContext* renderingContext = run.renderingContext())
        renderObject = &static_cast<SVGTextRunRenderingContext*>(renderingContext)->renderer();

    String language;
    bool isVerticalText = false;
    Vector<String> altGlyphNames;

    if (renderObject) {
        RenderElement* parentRenderer = renderObject->isRenderElement() ? toRenderElement(renderObject) : renderObject->parent();

        isVerticalText = parentRenderer->style().svgStyle().isVerticalWritingMode();
        if (Element* parentRendererElement = parentRenderer->element()) {
            language = parentRendererElement->getAttribute(XMLNames::langAttr);

            if (isSVGAltGlyphElement(parentRendererElement)) {
                SVGAltGlyphElement* altGlyph = toSVGAltGlyphElement(parentRendererElement);
                if (!altGlyph->hasValidGlyphElements(altGlyphNames))

    Vector<SVGGlyph> glyphs;
    size_t altGlyphNamesSize = altGlyphNames.size();
    if (altGlyphNamesSize) {
        for (size_t index = 0; index < altGlyphNamesSize; ++index)
            associatedFontElement->collectGlyphsForGlyphName(altGlyphNames[index], glyphs);

        // Assign the unicodeStringLength now that its known.
        size_t glyphsSize = glyphs.size();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < glyphsSize; ++i)
            glyphs[i].unicodeStringLength = run.length();

        // Do not check alt glyphs for compatibility. Just return the first one.
        // Later code will fail if we do not do this and the glyph is incompatible.
        if (glyphsSize) {
            SVGGlyph& svgGlyph = glyphs[0];
            glyphData.glyph = svgGlyph.tableEntry;
            advanceLength = svgGlyph.unicodeStringLength;
            return true;
    } else
        associatedFontElement->collectGlyphsForString(remainingTextInRun, glyphs);

    size_t glyphsSize = glyphs.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < glyphsSize; ++i) {
        SVGGlyph& svgGlyph = glyphs[i];
        if (svgGlyph.isPartOfLigature)
        if (!isCompatibleGlyph(svgGlyph, isVerticalText, language, arabicForms, currentCharacter, currentCharacter + svgGlyph.unicodeStringLength))
        glyphData.glyph = svgGlyph.tableEntry;
        advanceLength = svgGlyph.unicodeStringLength;
        return true;

    return false;
Exemple #16
GlyphData SVGTextRunRenderingContext::glyphDataForCharacter(const Font& font, WidthIterator& iterator, UChar32 character, bool mirror, int currentCharacter, unsigned& advanceLength)
    const SimpleFontData* primaryFont = font.primaryFont();

    pair<GlyphData, GlyphPage*> pair = font.glyphDataAndPageForCharacter(character, mirror, AutoVariant);
    GlyphData glyphData = pair.first;

    // Check if we have the missing glyph data, in which case we can just return.
    GlyphData missingGlyphData = primaryFont->missingGlyphData();
    if (glyphData.glyph == missingGlyphData.glyph && glyphData.fontData == missingGlyphData.fontData) {
        return glyphData;

    // Save data fromt he font fallback list because we may modify it later. Do this before the
    // potential change to glyphData.fontData below.
    FontGlyphs* glyph = font.glyphs();
    FontGlyphs::GlyphPagesStateSaver glyphPagesSaver(*glyph);

    // Characters enclosed by an <altGlyph> element, may not be registered in the GlyphPage.
    const SimpleFontData* originalFontData = glyphData.fontData;
    if (glyphData.fontData && !glyphData.fontData->isSVGFont()) {
        auto& elementRenderer = renderer().isRenderElement() ? toRenderElement(renderer()) : *renderer().parent();
        if (Element* parentRendererElement = elementRenderer.element()) {
            if (parentRendererElement->hasTagName(SVGNames::altGlyphTag))
                glyphData.fontData = primaryFont;

    const SimpleFontData* fontData = glyphData.fontData;
    if (fontData) {
        if (!fontData->isSVGFont())
            return glyphData;

        SVGFontElement* fontElement = 0;
        SVGFontFaceElement* fontFaceElement = 0;

        const SVGFontData* svgFontData = svgFontAndFontFaceElementForFontData(fontData, fontFaceElement, fontElement);
        if (!fontElement || !fontFaceElement)
            return glyphData;

        // If we got here, we're dealing with a glyph defined in a SVG Font.
        // The returned glyph by glyphDataAndPageForCharacter() is a glyph stored in the SVG Font glyph table.
        // This doesn't necessarily mean the glyph is suitable for rendering/measuring in this context, its
        // arabic-form/orientation/... may not match, we have to apply SVG Glyph selection to discover that.
        if (svgFontData->applySVGGlyphSelection(iterator, glyphData, mirror, currentCharacter, advanceLength))
            return glyphData;

    GlyphPage* page = pair.second;

    // No suitable glyph found that is compatible with the requirments (same language, arabic-form, orientation etc.)
    // Even though our GlyphPage contains an entry for eg. glyph "a", it's not compatible. So we have to temporarily
    // remove the glyph data information from the GlyphPage, and retry the lookup, which handles font fallbacks correctly.
    page->setGlyphDataForCharacter(character, 0, 0);

    // Assure that the font fallback glyph selection worked, aka. the fallbackGlyphData font data is not the same as before.
    GlyphData fallbackGlyphData = font.glyphDataForCharacter(character, mirror);
    ASSERT(fallbackGlyphData.fontData != fontData);

    // Restore original state of the SVG Font glyph table and the current font fallback list,
    // to assure the next lookup of the same glyph won't immediately return the fallback glyph.
    page->setGlyphDataForCharacter(character, glyphData.glyph, originalFontData);
    return fallbackGlyphData;
Exemple #17
void SVGTextRunRenderingContext::drawSVGGlyphs(GraphicsContext* context, const SimpleFontData* fontData, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, int from, int numGlyphs, const FloatPoint& point) const
    SVGFontElement* fontElement = 0;
    SVGFontFaceElement* fontFaceElement = 0;

    const SVGFontData* svgFontData = svgFontAndFontFaceElementForFontData(fontData, fontFaceElement, fontElement);
    if (!fontElement || !fontFaceElement)

    auto activePaintingResource = this->activePaintingResource();
    if (!activePaintingResource) {
        // TODO: We're only supporting simple filled HTML text so far.
        RenderSVGResourceSolidColor* solidPaintingResource = RenderSVGResource::sharedSolidPaintingResource();
        activePaintingResource = solidPaintingResource;

    auto& elementRenderer = renderer().isRenderElement() ? toRenderElement(renderer()) : *renderer().parent();
    RenderStyle& style = *elementRenderer.style();
    bool isVerticalText = style.svgStyle()->isVerticalWritingMode();

    float scale = scaleEmToUnits(fontData->platformData().size(), fontFaceElement->unitsPerEm());

    FloatPoint glyphOrigin;
    glyphOrigin.setX(svgFontData->horizontalOriginX() * scale);
    glyphOrigin.setY(svgFontData->horizontalOriginY() * scale);

    FloatPoint currentPoint = point;
    RenderSVGResourceMode resourceMode = context->textDrawingMode() == TextModeStroke ? ApplyToStrokeMode : ApplyToFillMode;
    for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; ++i) {
        Glyph glyph = glyphBuffer.glyphAt(from + i);
        if (!glyph)

        float advance = glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + i).width();
        SVGGlyph svgGlyph = fontElement->svgGlyphForGlyph(glyph);
        ASSERT(svgGlyph.tableEntry == glyph);

        SVGGlyphElement::inheritUnspecifiedAttributes(svgGlyph, svgFontData);

        // FIXME: Support arbitary SVG content as glyph (currently limited to <glyph d="..."> situations).
        if (svgGlyph.pathData.isEmpty()) {
            if (isVerticalText)
                currentPoint.move(0, advance);
                currentPoint.move(advance, 0);

        if (isVerticalText) {
            glyphOrigin.setX(svgGlyph.verticalOriginX * scale);
            glyphOrigin.setY(svgGlyph.verticalOriginY * scale);

        AffineTransform glyphPathTransform;
        glyphPathTransform.translate(currentPoint.x() + glyphOrigin.x(), currentPoint.y() + glyphOrigin.y());
        glyphPathTransform.scale(scale, -scale);

        Path glyphPath = svgGlyph.pathData;

        if (activePaintingResource->applyResource(elementRenderer, &style, context, resourceMode)) {
            float strokeThickness = context->strokeThickness();
            if (renderer().isSVGInlineText())
                context->setStrokeThickness(strokeThickness * toRenderSVGInlineText(renderer()).scalingFactor());
            activePaintingResource->postApplyResource(elementRenderer, context, resourceMode, &glyphPath, 0);

        if (isVerticalText)
            currentPoint.move(0, advance);
            currentPoint.move(advance, 0);