void SensorState::ahrs_log_state(uint64_t now)
    logger(LOG_INFO, "SensorState twoKp=%f twoKi=%f integralFBx=%f integralFBy=%f integralFBz=%f",
    logger(LOG_INFO, "SensorState orientation=%f:%f:%f:%f",

    // For logging purposes, let's spit out Euler angles:

    const ahrs::Quaternion &q = m_state.orient;

    const float x = atan2(2 * (q.q0 + q.q1), 1 - 2 * (q.q1 * q.q1 + q.q2 * q.q2));
    const float y = asin(2 * (q.q0 * q.q2 - q.q3 * q.q1));
    const float z = atan2(2 * (q.q0 * q.q3 + q.q1 * q.q2), 1 - 2 * (q.q2 * q.q2 + q.q3 * q.q3));

    logger(LOG_INFO, "SensorState Euler=%f:%f:%f", to_degree(x), to_degree(y), to_degree(z));
Exemple #2
// ### Experimental racing function
double race_to(double curr_coord[2], double x, double y){
    double steering = 1.8;                 // Ratio between the speed of each wheels.
    double error_margin_angle = 3;      // Degrees
    double speed = 70;
    double dx = x - curr_coord[0];
    double dy = y - curr_coord[1];
    double targetA = atan2(dx, dy);
    double dangle = targetA - face_angle;
    dangle += (dangle > to_rad(180)) ? -to_rad(360) : (dangle < -to_rad(180)) ? to_rad(360) : 0;

    double distance = fabs(sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy));
    // If we need to turn, perform steering maneuver
    if(fabs(dangle) >= to_rad(error_margin_angle)){
        if (to_degree(dangle) > 0){
            set_motors( speed*steering, speed/steering);
        else {
            set_motors(speed/steering, speed*steering);
        printf("Steering: %f \n", to_degree(dangle));
    else { // Otherwise just go straight;
        set_motors(speed, speed);
    return distance;
Exemple #3
static unsigned long horner_par
(unsigned long x, const unsigned long* a, unsigned long n)
  /* stealcontext flags */
  static const unsigned long sc_flags =

  /* self thread, task */
  kaapi_thread_t* const thread = kaapi_self_thread();
  kaapi_taskadaptive_result_t* ktr;
  kaapi_stealcontext_t* sc;

  /* sequential indices */
  unsigned long i, j;

  horner_work_t work;

  /* initialize horner work */
  work.x = x;
  work.a = a;
  work.n = n;
  work.res = a[to_index(n, n)];
  kaapi_workqueue_init(&work.wq, 0, n);

  /* enter adaptive section */
  sc = kaapi_task_begin_adaptive(thread, sc_flags, splitter, &work);

  while (extract_seq(&work, &i, &j) != -1)
    const unsigned long hi = to_degree(i, n);
    const unsigned long lo = to_degree(j, n);
    work.res = horner_seq_hilo(x, a, n, work.res, hi, lo);

  /* preempt and reduce thieves */
  if ((ktr = kaapi_get_thief_head(sc)) != NULL)
      (sc, ktr, (void*)&work, victim_reducer, (void*)&work);
    goto continue_work;

  /* wait for thieves */

  return work.res;
Exemple #4
static void thief_entrypoint
(void* args, kaapi_thread_t* thread, kaapi_stealcontext_t* sc)
  /* input work */
  horner_work_t* const work = (horner_work_t*)args;

  /* resulting work */
  horner_res_t* const res = kaapi_adaptive_result_data(sc);

  unsigned long i, j;

  unsigned int is_preempted;

  /* set the splitter for this task */
  kaapi_steal_setsplitter(sc, splitter, work);

  while (extract_seq(work, &i, &j) != -1)
    const unsigned long hi = to_degree(i, work->n);
    const unsigned long lo = to_degree(j, work->n);

    res->res = horner_seq_hilo
      (work->x, work->a, work->n, res->res, hi, lo);

    kaapi_steal_setsplitter(sc, NULL, NULL);

    res->i = (unsigned long)work->wq.beg;
    res->j = (unsigned long)work->wq.end;

    is_preempted = kaapi_preemptpoint
      (sc, thief_reducer, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL);

    if (is_preempted) return ;

    kaapi_steal_setsplitter(sc, splitter, work);

  /* update our results. use beg == beg
     to avoid the need of synchronization
     with potential victim .end update
  res->i = work->wq.beg;
  res->j = work->wq.beg;
Exemple #5
static void thief_entrypoint
(void* args, kaapi_thread_t* thread, kaapi_stealcontext_t* sc)
  /* input work */
  thief_work_t* const work = (thief_work_t*)args;

  /* resulting work */
  thief_work_t* const res_work = kaapi_adaptive_result_data(sc);

  const unsigned long hi = to_degree(work->i, work->n);
  const unsigned long lo = to_degree(work->j, work->n);

  work->res = horner_seq_hilo
    (work->x, work->a, work->n, work->res, hi, lo);

  /* update work indices */
  work->i = work->j;

  /* we are finished, update results. */
  memcpy(res_work, work, sizeof(thief_work_t));
Exemple #6
int node_on_left(double angle, struct node* currentnode){
    angle = to_degree(angle);
    if (angle < 30 && angle > -30)
        return currentnode->name - 1;
    else if (angle < 120 && angle > 60)
        return currentnode->name + 4;
    else if (angle > -120 && angle < -60)
        return currentnode->name - 4;
    else if (angle < -150 || angle > 150) 
        return currentnode->name + 1;
    else return 17;
Exemple #7
void spin(double curr_coord[2], double angle){
    if (angle == 0) 
    printf("Start Spinning: from %f, with :%f\n",to_degree(face_angle), to_degree(angle));
    double initial_angle = face_angle;
    int speed = 15;
    int tempspeed = 0;
    double angle_turned = 0; 
    double abs_angle = fabs(angle);
    double side = angle/fabs(angle);
    int tempenc[2] = {0, 0};

    while (angle_turned < abs_angle){
        get_motor_encoders(&tempenc[0], &tempenc[1]);
        double dl = enc_to_dist(tempenc[0] - prevenc[0]);
        double dr = enc_to_dist(tempenc[1] - prevenc[1]);
        face_angle += ( dl - dr )/ width;

        if (abs_angle < to_rad(30)){
            tempspeed = side * 1;
            set_motors(tempspeed, -tempspeed);
        else if(angle_turned >= fabs(0.92*angle)){
            tempspeed = (tempspeed < 2) ? side : side * speed * (1 - fabs(angle_turned/angle));
            set_motors(tempspeed, -tempspeed);
        else {
            set_motors(side*speed, side*-speed);
        angle_turned = fabs(face_angle - initial_angle);
        prevenc[0] = tempenc[0];
        prevenc[1] = tempenc[1];
       //printf("Monitoring: angle: %f  X: %f , Y: %f \n", to_degree(face_angle), curr_coord[0], curr_coord[1] );

    set_motors(0, 0);
    printf("(Spinning done ! %f \n", to_degree(face_angle) );
Exemple #8
int node_in_front(double angle, struct node* currentnode){
    // Caculate the index of node in the "nodes[]" array, based on it's face_angle
    angle = to_degree(angle);
    if (currentnode->name == 0)
        return 1;
    if (angle < 30 && angle > -30)
        return currentnode->name + 4;
    else if (angle < 120 && angle > 60)
        return currentnode->name + 1;
    else if (angle > -120 && angle < -60)
        return currentnode->name - 1;
    else if (angle < -150 || angle > 150) 
        return currentnode->name - 4;
    else return 17; // Basically a "ghost" node as default value, preventing segmentation fault.
float Math::polarAngle(sf::Vector2f vec)
	return to_degree(std::atan2(vec.y, vec.x));
Exemple #10
 * Algorithm from http://williams.best.vwh.net/sunrise_sunset_algorithm.htm
 * Inspiration from https://gist.github.com/Tafkas/4742250/
 * sunrise == true -> sunrise
 * sunrise == false -> sunset
 * */
struct tm *calculate_sunrise(bool sunrise, int day, int month, int year, double latitude, double longitude, double local_offset)
	int day_of_year = calculate_day_of_year(day, month, year);
	double zenith = 90.83333333333333;

	/* convert the longitude to hour value and calculate an approximate time */
	double lngHour = longitude / 15;
	double t;
	if (sunrise) {
		t = day_of_year + (( 6 - lngHour) / 24);
	} else {
		t = day_of_year + ((18 - lngHour) / 24);
	/* calculate the Sun's mean anomaly */
	double M = (0.9856 * t) - 3.289;

	/* calculate the Sun's true longitude */
	double L = M + (1.916 * sin(to_radian(M))) + (0.020 * sin(to_radian(2 * M))) + 282.634;
	L = adjust_to_range(L, 0, 360);

	/* calculate the Sun's right ascension */
	double RA = to_degree(atan(0.91764 * tan(to_radian(L))));
	RA = adjust_to_range(RA, 0, 360);

	/* right ascension value needs to be in the same quadrant as L */
	double Lquadrant  = (floor( L / 90)) * 90;
	double RAquadrant = (floor(RA / 90)) * 90;
	RA = RA + (Lquadrant - RAquadrant);
	/* right ascension value needs to be converted into hours */
	RA = RA / 15;

	/* calculate the Sun's declination */
	double sinDec = 0.39782 * sin(to_radian(L));
	double cosDec = cos(asin(sinDec));

	/* calculate the Sun's local hour angle */
	double cosH = (cos(to_radian(zenith)) - (sinDec * sin(to_radian(latitude)))) / (cosDec * cos(to_radian(latitude)));

	/* no sunrise or no sunset */
	if ((cosH > 1) && sunrise) {
		return NULL;
	} else if ((cosH < -1) && !sunrise) {
		return NULL;

	/* finish calculating H and convert into hours */
	double H;
	if (sunrise) {
		H = 360 - to_degree(acos(cosH));
	} else {
		H = to_degree(acos(cosH));
	H = H / 15;

	/* calculate local mean time of rising/setting */
	double T = H + RA - (0.06571 * t) - 6.622;
	/* adjust back to UTC */
	double UTC = T - lngHour;
	UTC = adjust_to_range(UTC, 0, 24);

	/* convert UTC value to local time zone of latitude/longitude */
	double localT = UTC + local_offset;

	/* localT is in this form: 12.34567
	 * hour: floor(12.34567) = 12
	 * minutes: floor(0.34567 * 60) = floor(20.7402) = 20
	 * seconds: floor(0.7402 * 60) = floor(44.412) = 44

	struct tm *time = calloc(1, sizeof(struct tm));
	time->tm_mday = day;
	time->tm_mon = month - 1; /* January is 0 */
	time->tm_year = year - 1900; /* Saved as years from 1900 */

	time->tm_hour = floor(localT);

	localT -= time->tm_hour;
	localT *= 60;
	time->tm_min = floor(localT);

	localT -= time->tm_min;
	localT *= 60;
	time->tm_sec = floor(localT);

	return time;
Exemple #11
void move_to(double curr_coord[2], double x, double y){
    double dx = x - curr_coord[0];
    double dy = y - curr_coord[1];

    double targetA = atan2(dx, dy);
    double dangle = targetA - face_angle;
    dangle += (dangle > to_rad(180)) ? -to_rad(360) : (dangle < -to_rad(180)) ? to_rad(360) : 0;

    spin(curr_coord, dangle);
    go_straight(curr_coord, fabs(sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)));
    printf("Moving Done : X = %f, Y = %f, face_angle = %f \n", curr_coord[0], curr_coord[1], to_degree(face_angle));