void QtGlMaterialEditor::setMaterial(const glutils::material_properties_t & m)


Exemple #2
    SettingsPtr settings = appPTR->getCurrentSettings();
    QColor selCol, sunkCol, baseCol, raisedCol, txtCol, intCol, kfCol, disCol, eCol, altCol, lightSelCol;

        double r, g, b;
        settings->getSelectionColor(&r, &g, &b);
        selCol = to_qcolor(r, g, b);
        double r, g, b;
        r = 1;
        g = 0.75;
        b = 0.47;
        lightSelCol = to_qcolor(r, g, b);
        double r, g, b;
        settings->getBaseColor(&r, &g, &b);
        baseCol = to_qcolor(r, g, b);
        double r, g, b;
        settings->getRaisedColor(&r, &g, &b);
        raisedCol = to_qcolor(r, g, b);
        double r, g, b;
        settings->getSunkenColor(&r, &g, &b);
        sunkCol = to_qcolor(r, g, b);
        double r, g, b;
        settings->getTextColor(&r, &g, &b);
        txtCol = to_qcolor(r, g, b);
        double r, g, b;
        settings->getInterpolatedColor(&r, &g, &b);
        intCol = to_qcolor(r, g, b);
        double r, g, b;
        settings->getKeyframeColor(&r, &g, &b);
        kfCol = to_qcolor(r, g, b);
        double r, g, b;
        r = g = b = 0.;
        disCol = to_qcolor(r, g, b);
        double r, g, b;
        settings->getExprColor(&r, &g, &b);
        eCol = to_qcolor(r, g, b);
        double r, g, b;
        settings->getAltTextColor(&r, &g, &b);
        altCol = to_qcolor(r, g, b);

    // First, set the global palette colors
    // Note: the following colors may be wrong, please test and fix these on Linux with an empty mainstyle.css
    QPalette p = qApp->palette();

    p.setBrush( QPalette::Window, sunkCol );
    p.setBrush( QPalette::WindowText, txtCol );
    p.setBrush( QPalette::Base, baseCol );
    //p.setBrush( QPalette::ToolTipBase, baseCol );
    //p.setBrush( QPalette::ToolTipText, txtCol );
    p.setBrush( QPalette::Text, txtCol );
    p.setBrush( QPalette::Button, baseCol );
    p.setBrush( QPalette::ButtonText, txtCol );
    p.setBrush( QPalette::Light, raisedCol );
    p.setBrush( QPalette::Dark, sunkCol );
    p.setBrush( QPalette::Mid, baseCol );
    //p.setBrush( QPalette::Shadow, sunkCol );
    p.setBrush( QPalette::BrightText, txtCol );
    p.setBrush( QPalette::Link, selCol ); // can only be set via palette
    p.setBrush( QPalette::LinkVisited, selCol ); // can only be set via palette
    qApp->setPalette( p );

    QFile qss;
    std::string userQss = settings->getUserStyleSheetFilePath();
    if ( !userQss.empty() ) {
        qss.setFileName( QString::fromUtf8( userQss.c_str() ) );
    } else {
        qss.setFileName( QString::fromUtf8(":/Resources/Stylesheets/mainstyle.qss") );

    if ( qss.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly
                  | QIODevice::Text) ) {
        QTextStream in(&qss);
        QString content = QString::fromUtf8("QWidget { font-family: \"%1\"; font-size: %2pt; }\n").arg(appPTR->getAppFont()).arg(appPTR->getAppFontSize());
        content += in.readAll();
        qApp->setStyleSheet( content
                             .arg( qcolor_to_qstring(selCol) ) // %1: selection-color
                             .arg( qcolor_to_qstring(baseCol) ) // %2: medium background
                             .arg( qcolor_to_qstring(raisedCol) ) // %3: soft background
                             .arg( qcolor_to_qstring(sunkCol) ) // %4: strong background
                             .arg( qcolor_to_qstring(txtCol) ) // %5: text colour
                             .arg( qcolor_to_qstring(intCol) ) // %6: interpolated value color
                             .arg( qcolor_to_qstring(kfCol) ) // %7: keyframe value color
                             .arg( qcolor_to_qstring(disCol) ) // %8: disabled editable text
                             .arg( qcolor_to_qstring(eCol) ) // %9: expression background color
                             .arg( qcolor_to_qstring(altCol) ) // %10 = altered text color
                             .arg( qcolor_to_qstring(lightSelCol) ) ); // %11 = mouse over selection color
    } else {
        Dialogs::errorDialog( tr("Stylesheet").toStdString(), tr("Failure to load stylesheet file ").toStdString() + qss.fileName().toStdString() );
} // Gui::loadStyleSheet