Exemple #1
void UIMachineWindowSeamless::setMask(const QRegion &constRegion)
    /* Could be unused under Mac: */

#ifndef Q_WS_MAC
    /* Copy mask: */
    QRegion region = constRegion;

    /* Shift region if left spacer width is NOT zero or top spacer height is NOT zero: */
    if (m_pLeftSpacer->geometry().width() || m_pTopSpacer->geometry().height())
        region.translate(m_pLeftSpacer->geometry().width(), m_pTopSpacer->geometry().height());

    /* Take into account mini tool-bar region: */
    if (m_pMiniToolBar)
        /* Move mini-toolbar region to mini-toolbar position: */
        QRegion toolBarRegion(m_pMiniToolBar->rect());
        toolBarRegion.translate(QPoint(m_pMiniToolBar->x(), m_pMiniToolBar->y()));
        /* Include mini-toolbar region into common one: */
        region += toolBarRegion;
#endif /* !Q_WS_MAC */

#if defined (Q_WS_WIN)
# if 0 /* This code is disabled for a long time already, need analisys... */
    QRegion difference = m_prevRegion.subtract(region);

    /* Region offset calculation */
    int fleft = 0, ftop = 0;

    /* Visible region calculation */
    HRGN newReg = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
    CombineRgn(newReg, region.handle(), 0, RGN_COPY);
    OffsetRgn(newReg, fleft, ftop);

    /* Invisible region calculation */
    HRGN diffReg = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
    CombineRgn(diffReg, difference.handle(), 0, RGN_COPY);
    OffsetRgn(diffReg, fleft, ftop);

    /* Set the current visible region and clean the previous */
    SetWindowRgn(winId(), newReg, FALSE);
    if (machineView())
        RedrawWindow(machineView()->viewport()->winId(), 0, 0, RDW_INVALIDATE);

    m_prevRegion = region;
# endif /* This code is disabled for a long time already, need analisys... */
#elif defined (Q_WS_MAC)
# if defined (VBOX_GUI_USE_QUARTZ2D)
    if (vboxGlobal().vmRenderMode() == Quartz2DMode)
        /* If we are using the Quartz2D backend we have to trigger a repaint only.
         * All the magic clipping stuff is done in the paint engine. */
# endif /* VBOX_GUI_USE_QUARTZ2D */
# if 0 /* This code is disabled for a long time already, need analisys... */
    /* This is necessary to avoid the flicker by an mask update.
     * See http://lists.apple.com/archives/Carbon-development/2001/Apr/msg01651.html for the hint.
     * There *must* be a better solution. */
    // if (!region.isEmpty())
    //     region |= QRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
    // /* Save the current region for later processing in the darwin event handler. */
    // mCurrRegion = region;
    // /* We repaint the screen before the ReshapeCustomWindow command. Unfortunately
    //  * this command flushes a copy of the backbuffer to the screen after the new
    //  * mask is set. This leads into a misplaced drawing of the content. Currently
    //  * no alternative to this and also this is not 100% perfect. */
    // repaint();
    // qApp->processEvents();
    // /* Now force the reshaping of the window. This is definitely necessary. */
    // ReshapeCustomWindow(reinterpret_cast<WindowPtr>(winId()));
    // UIMachineWindow::setMask(region);
    // HIWindowInvalidateShadow(::darwinToWindowRef(mConsole->viewport()));
# endif /* This code is disabled for a long time already, need analisys... */
#else /* !Q_WS_MAC */
void UIMachineWindowSeamless::setMask(const QRegion &constRegion)
    QRegion region = constRegion;

    /* Shift region if left spacer width is NOT zero or top spacer height is NOT zero: */
    if (m_pLeftSpacer->geometry().width() || m_pTopSpacer->geometry().height())
        region.translate(m_pLeftSpacer->geometry().width(), m_pTopSpacer->geometry().height());

#if 0 // TODO: Is it really needed now?
    /* The global mask shift cause of toolbars and such things. */
    region.translate(mMaskShift.width(), mMaskShift.height());

    /* Mini tool-bar: */
#ifndef Q_WS_MAC
    if (m_pMiniToolBar)
        /* Get mini-toolbar mask: */
        QRegion toolBarRegion(m_pMiniToolBar->mask());

        /* Move mini-toolbar mask to mini-toolbar position: */
        toolBarRegion.translate(QPoint(m_pMiniToolBar->x(), m_pMiniToolBar->y()));

        /* Including mini tool-bar mask: */
        region += toolBarRegion;
#endif /* Q_WS_MAC */

#if 0 // TODO: Is it really needed now?
    /* Restrict the drawing to the available space on the screen.
     * (The &operator is better than the previous used -operator,
     * because this excludes space around the real screen also.
     * This is necessary for the mac.) */
    region &= mStrictedRegion;

#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
    QRegion difference = m_prevRegion.subtract(region);

    /* Region offset calculation */
    int fleft = 0, ftop = 0;

    /* Visible region calculation */
    HRGN newReg = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
    CombineRgn(newReg, region.handle(), 0, RGN_COPY);
    OffsetRgn(newReg, fleft, ftop);

    /* Invisible region calculation */
    HRGN diffReg = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
    CombineRgn(diffReg, difference.handle(), 0, RGN_COPY);
    OffsetRgn(diffReg, fleft, ftop);

    /* Set the current visible region and clean the previous */
    SetWindowRgn(winId(), newReg, FALSE);
    RedrawWindow(machineView()->viewport()->winId(), 0, 0, RDW_INVALIDATE);

    m_prevRegion = region;
#elif defined (Q_WS_MAC)
# if defined (VBOX_GUI_USE_QUARTZ2D)
    if (vboxGlobal().vmRenderMode() == VBoxDefs::Quartz2DMode)
        /* If we are using the Quartz2D backend we have to trigger
         * an repaint only. All the magic clipping stuff is done
         * in the paint engine. */
# endif
        /* This is necessary to avoid the flicker by an mask update.
         * See http://lists.apple.com/archives/Carbon-development/2001/Apr/msg01651.html
         * for the hint.
         * There *must* be a better solution. */
        if (!region.isEmpty())
            region |= QRect (0, 0, 1, 1);
        // /* Save the current region for later processing in the darwin event handler. */
        // mCurrRegion = region;
        // /* We repaint the screen before the ReshapeCustomWindow command. Unfortunately
        //  * this command flushes a copy of the backbuffer to the screen after the new
        //  * mask is set. This leads into a misplaced drawing of the content. Currently
        //  * no alternative to this and also this is not 100% perfect. */
        // repaint();
        // qApp->processEvents();
        // /* Now force the reshaping of the window. This is definitely necessary. */
        // ReshapeCustomWindow (reinterpret_cast <WindowPtr> (winId()));
        // HIWindowInvalidateShadow (::darwinToWindowRef (mConsole->viewport()));