std::vector<topic> generate_time_of_day_topics(const bool /*sort_generated*/) { std::vector<topic> topics; std::stringstream toplevel; if (! resources::tod_manager) { toplevel << N_("Only available during a scenario."); topics.push_back( topic("Time of Day Schedule", "..schedule", toplevel.str()) ); return topics; } const std::vector<time_of_day>& times = resources::tod_manager->times(); BOOST_FOREACH(const time_of_day& time, times) { const std::string id = "time_of_day_" +; const std::string image = "<img>src='" + time.image + "'</img>"; std::stringstream text; toplevel << make_link(, id) << jump_to(160) << image << jump(30) << time.lawful_bonus << '\n'; text << image << '\n' << time.description.str() << '\n' << "Lawful Bonus: " << time.lawful_bonus << '\n' << '\n' << make_link(N_("Schedule"), "..schedule"); topics.push_back( topic(, id, text.str()) ); } topics.push_back( topic("Time of Day Schedule", "..schedule", toplevel.str()) ); return topics; }
void CoreIrcChannel::setEncrypted(bool e) { if (!Cipher::neededFeaturesAvailable()) return; if (e) { if (topic().isEmpty()) return; QByteArray decrypted = cipher()->decryptTopic(topic().toAscii()); setTopic(decodeString(decrypted)); } }
QString ChannelBufferItem::toolTip(int column) const { Q_UNUSED(column); QStringList toolTip; toolTip.append(tr("<b>Channel %1</b>").arg(Qt::escape(bufferName()))); if (isActive()) { //TODO: add channel modes toolTip.append(tr("<b>Users:</b> %1").arg(nickCount())); if (_ircChannel) { QString channelMode = _ircChannel->channelModeString(); // channelModeString is compiled on the fly -> thus cache the result if (!channelMode.isEmpty()) toolTip.append(tr("<b>Mode:</b> %1").arg(channelMode)); } ItemViewSettings s; bool showTopic = s.displayTopicInTooltip(); if (showTopic) { QString _topic = topic(); if (_topic != "") { _topic = stripFormatCodes(_topic); _topic = Qt::escape(_topic); toolTip.append(QString("<font size='-2'> </font>")); toolTip.append(tr("<b>Topic:</b> %1").arg(_topic)); } } } else { toolTip.append(tr("Not active <br /> Double-click to join")); } return tr("<p> %1 </p>").arg(toolTip.join("<br />")); }
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LbmSrc::LbmSrc(LbmContext &context, const std::string &topic_name) :LbmObjectBase<lbm_src_t>() { LbmTopicSrc topic(context, topic_name); Initialize(context, topic, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
void CSkypeProto::OnLoadChats(const NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *response) { if (response == NULL) return; JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(response->pData); if (!root) return; const JSONNode &metadata = root["_metadata"]; const JSONNode &conversations = root["conversations"].as_array(); int totalCount = metadata["totalCount"].as_int(); std::string syncState = metadata["syncState"].as_string(); if (totalCount >= 99 || conversations.size() >= 99) PushRequest(new SyncHistoryFirstRequest(syncState.c_str(), (char*)m_szRegToken), &CSkypeProto::OnSyncHistory); for (size_t i = 0; i < conversations.size(); i++) { const JSONNode &conversation =; const JSONNode &lastMessage = conversation["lastMessage"]; const JSONNode &threadProperties = conversation["threadProperties"]; if (!lastMessage) continue; std::string conversationLink = lastMessage["conversationLink"].as_string(); if (conversationLink.find("/19:") != -1) { CMStringA skypename(ChatUrlToName(conversationLink.c_str())); CMString topic(threadProperties["topic"].as_mstring()); SendRequest(new GetChatInfoRequest(m_szRegToken, skypename, m_szServer), &CSkypeProto::OnGetChatInfo, topic.Detach()); } } }
WWidget *EventsDemo::wKeyEvent() { WContainerWidget *result = new WContainerWidget(); topic("WKeyEvent", result); addText(tr("events-WKeyEvent-1"), result); WLineEdit *l = new WLineEdit(result); l->setTextSize(50); l->keyWentUp().connect(this, &EventsDemo::showKeyWentUp); l->keyWentDown().connect(this, &EventsDemo::showKeyWentDown); addText(tr("events-WKeyEvent-2"), result); l = new WLineEdit(result); l->setTextSize(50); l->keyPressed().connect(this, &EventsDemo::showKeyPressed); addText(tr("events-WKeyEvent-3"), result); l = new WLineEdit(result); l->setTextSize(50); l->enterPressed().connect(this, &EventsDemo::showEnterPressed); l->escapePressed().connect(this, &EventsDemo::showEscapePressed); new WBreak(result); addText("Last event: ", result); keyEventType_ = new WText(result); new WBreak(result); keyEventDescription_ = new WText(result); return result; }
/** \brief Initializes motor trace publisher */ bool MotorModel::initialize(const ethercat_hardware::ActuatorInfo &actuator_info, const ethercat_hardware::BoardInfo &board_info) { std::string topic("motor_trace"); if (! topic = topic + "/" +; publisher_ = new realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher<ethercat_hardware::MotorTrace>(ros::NodeHandle(), topic, 1, true); if (publisher_ == NULL) return false; actuator_info_ = actuator_info; board_info_ = board_info; if (actuator_info_.speed_constant > 0.0) { backemf_constant_ = 1.0 / (actuator_info_.speed_constant * 2.0 * M_PI * 1.0/60.0); } else { ROS_ERROR("Invalid speed constant of %f for %s", actuator_info_.speed_constant,; return false; } current_error_limit_ = board_info_.hw_max_current * 0.30; { ethercat_hardware::MotorTrace &msg(publisher_->msg_); msg.actuator_info = actuator_info; msg.board_info = board_info; msg.samples.reserve(trace_size_); } return true; }
DDEconversation::DDEconversation(const char *_server, const char *_topic) : hConv(NULL) { DDEstring server(_server); DDEstring topic(_topic); hConv = DdeConnect(*DDEbase::base, server, topic, NULL); }
void dds::topic::detail::Topic<T>::listener_notify( ObjectDelegate::ref_type source, uint32_t triggerMask, void *eventData, void *l) { /* The EntityDelegate takes care of the thread safety and always * provides a listener and source. */ dds::topic::TopicListener<T>* listener = reinterpret_cast<dds::topic::TopicListener<T>*>(l); assert(listener); /* Get Topic wrapper from given source EntityDelegate. */ typename Topic::ref_type ref = OSPL_CXX11_STD_MODULE::dynamic_pointer_cast<Topic<T> >(source); dds::topic::Topic<T, dds::topic::detail::Topic> topic(ref->wrapper()); if (triggerMask & V_EVENT_INCONSISTENT_TOPIC) { dds::core::status::InconsistentTopicStatus status; status.delegate().v_status(v_topicStatus(eventData)->inconsistentTopic); listener->on_inconsistent_topic(topic, status); } if (triggerMask & V_EVENT_ALL_DATA_DISPOSED ) { org::opensplice::topic::TopicListener<T>* extListener = dynamic_cast<org::opensplice::topic::TopicListener<T>*>(listener); if (extListener) { org::opensplice::core::status::AllDataDisposedTopicStatus status; status.delegate().v_status(v_topicStatus(eventData)->allDataDisposed); extListener->on_all_data_disposed(topic, status); } } }
/** * This function performs the publisher role in this example. * @return 0 if a sample is successfully written, 1 otherwise. */ int publisher(int argc, char *argv[]) { int result = 0; try { /** A dds::domain::DomainParticipant is created for the default domain. */ dds::domain::DomainParticipant dp(org::opensplice::domain::default_id()); /** The Durability::Transient policy is specified as a dds::topic::qos::TopicQos * so that even if the subscriber does not join until after the sample is written * then the DDS will still retain the sample for it. The Reliability::Reliable * policy is also specified to guarantee delivery. */ dds::topic::qos::TopicQos topicQos = dp.default_topic_qos() << dds::core::policy::Durability::Transient() << dds::core::policy::Reliability::Reliable(); /** A dds::topic::Topic is created for our sample type on the domain participant. */ dds::topic::Topic<HelloWorldData::Msg> topic(dp, "HelloWorldData_Msg", topicQos); /** A dds::pub::Publisher is created on the domain participant. */ std::string name = "HelloWorld example"; dds::pub::qos::PublisherQos pubQos = dp.default_publisher_qos() << dds::core::policy::Partition(name); dds::pub::Publisher pub(dp, pubQos); /** The dds::pub::qos::DataWriterQos is derived from the topic qos and the * WriterDataLifecycle::ManuallyDisposeUnregisteredInstances policy is * specified as an addition. This is so the publisher can optionally be run (and * exit) before the subscriber. It prevents the middleware default 'clean up' of * the topic instance after the writer deletion, this deletion implicitly performs * DataWriter::unregister_instance */ dds::pub::qos::DataWriterQos dwqos = topic.qos(); dwqos << dds::core::policy::WriterDataLifecycle::ManuallyDisposeUnregisteredInstances(); /** A dds::pub::DataWriter is created on the Publisher & Topic with the modififed Qos. */ dds::pub::DataWriter<HelloWorldData::Msg> dw(pub, topic, dwqos); /** A sample is created and then written. */ HelloWorldData::Msg msgInstance(1, "Hello World"); dw << msgInstance; std::cout << "=== [Publisher] written a message containing :" << std::endl; std::cout << " userID : " << msgInstance.userID() << std::endl; std::cout << " Message : \"" << msgInstance.message() << "\"" << std::endl; /* A short sleep ensures time is allowed for the sample to be written to the network. If the example is running in *Single Process Mode* exiting immediately might otherwise shutdown the domain services before this could occur */ exampleSleepMilliseconds(1000); } catch (const dds::core::Exception& e) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; result = 1; } return result; }
int LuaLobby::ChangeTopic(lua_State *L) { LuaLobby* lob = toLuaLobby(L, 1); std::string channame(luaL_checkstring(L, 2)); std::string topic(luaL_checkstring(L, 3)); lob->ChangeTopic(channame, topic); return 0; }
std::vector<topic> generate_weapon_special_topics(const bool sort_generated) { std::vector<topic> topics; std::map<t_string, std::string> special_description; std::map<t_string, std::set<std::string, string_less> > special_units; BOOST_FOREACH(const unit_type_data::unit_type_map::value_type &i, unit_types.types()) { const unit_type &type = i.second; // Only show the weapon special if we find it on a unit that // detailed description should be shown about. if (description_type(type) != FULL_DESCRIPTION) continue; std::vector<attack_type> attacks = type.attacks(); for (std::vector<attack_type>::const_iterator it = attacks.begin(); it != attacks.end(); ++it) { std::vector<std::pair<t_string, t_string> > specials = it->special_tooltips(); for ( size_t i = 0; i != specials.size(); ++i ) { special_description.insert(std::make_pair(specials[i].first, specials[i].second)); if (!type.hide_help()) { //add a link in the list of units having this special std::string type_name = type.type_name(); //check for variations (walking corpse/soulless etc) const std::string section_prefix = type.show_variations_in_help() ? ".." : ""; std::string ref_id = section_prefix + unit_prefix +; //we put the translated name at the beginning of the hyperlink, //so the automatic alphabetic sorting of std::set can use it std::string link = make_link(type_name, ref_id); special_units[specials[i].first].insert(link); } } } } for (std::map<t_string, std::string>::iterator s = special_description.begin(); s != special_description.end(); ++s) { // use untranslated name to have universal topic id std::string id = "weaponspecial_" + s->first.base_str(); std::stringstream text; text << s->second; text << "\n\n" << _("<header>text='Units having this special attack'</header>") << "\n"; std::set<std::string, string_less> &units = special_units[s->first]; for (std::set<std::string, string_less>::iterator u = units.begin(); u != units.end(); ++u) { text << (*u) << "\n"; } topics.push_back( topic(s->first, id, text.str()) ); } if (sort_generated) std::sort(topics.begin(), topics.end(), title_less()); return topics; }
/** * Runs the subscriber role of this example. * @return 0 if a sample was successfully read by the listener and the listener * received a notification of deadline expiration successfully, 1 otherwise. */ int subscriber(int argc, char *argv[]) { int result = 0; try { /** A domain participant, topic, and subscriber are created with matching QoS to the ::publisher */ dds::domain::DomainParticipant dp(org::opensplice::domain::default_id()); dds::topic::qos::TopicQos topicQos = dp.default_topic_qos() << dds::core::policy::Durability::Transient() << dds::core::policy::Reliability::Reliable() << dds::core::policy::Deadline(dds::core::Duration(1, 0)); dds::topic::Topic<ListenerData::Msg> topic(dp, "ListenerData_Msg", topicQos); dp.default_topic_qos(topicQos); std::string name = "Listener example"; dds::sub::qos::SubscriberQos subQos = dp.default_subscriber_qos() << dds::core::policy::Partition(name); dds::sub::Subscriber sub(dp, subQos); dds::sub::qos::DataReaderQos drqos = topic.qos(); /** An ExampleDataReaderListener and dds::core::status::StatusMask for the events * StatusMask::requested_deadline_missed() and StatusMask::data_available() are * both created and then specified when creating the dds::sub::DataReader */ ExampleDataReaderListener listener; dds::core::status::StatusMask mask; mask << dds::core::status::StatusMask::data_available() << dds::core::status::StatusMask::requested_deadline_missed(); std::cout << "=== [ListenerDataSubscriber] Set listener" << std::endl; dds::sub::DataReader<ListenerData::Msg> dr(sub, topic, drqos, &listener, mask); std::cout << "=== [ListenerDataSubscriber] Ready ..." << std::endl; /** The main thread then pauses until the listener thread has received a notification * that the deadline has expired (i.e. no more messages have been received for at least * 1 second) */ int count = 0; while(! listener.deadline_expired_ && count < 20) { exampleSleepMilliseconds(1000); count++; } result = ! (listener.deadline_expired_ && listener.data_received_); /** Remove the ExampleDataReaderListener from the DataReader */ dr.listener(0, dds::core::status::StatusMask::none()); std::cout << "=== [ListenerDataSubscriber] Closed" << std::endl; } catch (const dds::core::Exception& e) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; result = 1; } return result; }
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LbmRcv::LbmRcv(LbmContext &context, const std::string &topic_name, lbm_rcv_cb_proc call_back, void *user_data_ptr, lbm_event_queue_t *event_queue) :LbmObjectBase<lbm_rcv_t>() { LbmTopicRcv topic(context, topic_name); Initialize(context, topic, call_back, user_data_ptr, event_queue); }
void on_message(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *obj, const struct mosquitto_message *msg) { (void)mosq; QMosquitto *qmosq = (QMosquitto*)obj; QString topic(msg->topic); QString message((char*)msg->payload); qmosq->onReceived(topic, message); }
/* // Name: make_action // In: tag, the tag of the message. // command, the command that was send. // message, the trailing message (arguments). // c, the client that sent the message. // msg_is_quoted, wheater or no teh message contains quotes. // clients, all connected clients. // curr_topic, the current topic. // Out: The action that the client want to do in it's connection. // Purpose: Parses the command and does the proper action. */ int make_action(char* tag, char* command, char* message, clientconn_t *c, char msg_is_quoted, hash *clients, char *curr_topic) { if(strlen(tag)==0) { return 0; } if(strcmp(tag, "\r\n")==0) { client_write(c, "BAD No tag.\r\n", 13); return 0; } if(strlen(command)==0) { client_write(c, tag, strlen(tag)); client_write(c, " BAD No command.\r\n", 18); return 0; } if(msg_is_quoted && !msg_is_correctly_quoted(message, msg_is_quoted) && strcmp(command, "PRIVATE")) { return badly_formed(c, tag); } if(strcmp(command, "CAPABILITY")==0) { return capability(c, tag); } if(strcmp(command, "JOIN")==0) { return join(c, tag, clients); } if(strcmp(command, "NICK")==0) { return nick(c, tag, message, msg_is_quoted, clients); } if(strcmp(command,"QUIT")==0) { return quit(c, tag, clients); } if(!c->joined) { return not_joined(c, tag); } if(strcmp(command, "LEAVE")==0) { return leave(c, tag, clients); } if(strcmp(command, "TALK")==0) { return talk(c, tag, message, clients); } if(strcmp(command, "NAMES")==0) { return names(c, tag, clients); } if(strcmp(command, "TOPIC")==0) { return topic(c, tag, message, clients, curr_topic); } if(strcmp(command, "PRIVATE")==0) { return private(c, tag, message, clients); } if(strcmp(command, "WHOIS")==0) { return whois(c, tag, message, clients); } client_write(c, tag, strlen(tag)); client_write(c, " BAD Unkown command.\r\n", 22); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc!=4) { std::cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " <uri> <topic> <message_count>" << std::endl; return -1; } std::string uri(argv[1]); std::string topic(argv[2]); MESSAGES = stoul(std::string(argv[3])); times = new uint64_t[MESSAGES]; memset(times,0,MESSAGES*sizeof(uint64_t)); try { std::stringstream str; str<< "q_subscriber-" << getpid() ; AMPS::Client client(str.str()); client.connect(uri); client.logon(); client.setAckBatchSize(80); signal(SIGUSR1,&handler); signal(SIGUSR2,&usr2Handler); client.executeAsync(AMPS::Command("subscribe").setTopic(topic).setOptions("max_backlog=100"), AMPS::MessageHandler(messageHandler,NULL)); int retryCount = 0; while(!running) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)); } while(receivedCount < MESSAGES) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)); } auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); client.flushAcks(); client.disconnect(); std::chrono::duration<double,std::milli> elapsed = end-s_start; std::cout << "Consumed " << MESSAGES << " in " << elapsed.count() << "ms (" << (MESSAGES*1000/elapsed.count()) << "/s)" << std::endl; char fname_buf[256]; sprintf(fname_buf,"consumer-%d.out", getpid()); FILE* fp = fopen(fname_buf,"w"); for(int i = 0; i < MESSAGES; ++i) { fprintf(fp,"%lu\n",times[i]); } fclose(fp); } catch(std::exception &ex) { std::cerr << "error: " << ex.what() << std::endl; return -1; } }
void SopoMygga::on_message(const mosquitto_message *message) { QString topic(message->topic); QString data=QString::fromLocal8Bit((char *)message->payload, message->payloadlen); emit msg(topic, data); if (m_topics.contains(topic)) emit topicMatch(m_topics.value(topic)); }
dds::topic::Topic<T, dds::topic::detail::Topic> dds::topic::detail::Topic<T>::wrapper() { typename Topic::ref_type ref = OSPL_CXX11_STD_MODULE::dynamic_pointer_cast<Topic<T> >(this->get_strong_ref()); dds::topic::Topic<T, dds::topic::detail::Topic> topic(ref); return topic; }
void CoreIrcChannel::setEncrypted(bool e) { if(!Cipher::neededFeaturesAvailable()) return; if(e) { if(topic().isEmpty()) return; QByteArray key = qobject_cast<CoreNetwork *>(network())->cipherKey(name()); if(key.isEmpty()) return; if(!cipher()->setKey(key)) return; QByteArray decrypted = cipher()->decryptTopic(topic().toAscii()); setTopic(decodeString(decrypted)); } }
WWidget *EventsDemo::wDropEvent() { WContainerWidget *result = new WContainerWidget(); topic("WDropEvent", result); addText(tr("events-WDropEvent"), result); new DragExample(result); return result; }
bool GPUProcessManager::NotifyGpuObservers(const char* aTopic) { if (!EnsureGPUReady()) { return false; } nsCString topic(aTopic); mGPUChild->SendNotifyGpuObservers(topic); return true; }
void ctkEAPluginEventAdapter::pluginChanged(const ctkPluginEvent& event) { ctkDictionary properties; properties.insert(ctkEventConstants::EVENT, QVariant::fromValue(event)); properties.insert("", QVariant::fromValue<long>(event.getPlugin()->getPluginId())); const QString symbolicName = event.getPlugin()->getSymbolicName(); if (!symbolicName.isEmpty()) { properties.insert(ctkEventConstants::PLUGIN_SYMBOLICNAME, symbolicName); } properties.insert("plugin", QVariant::fromValue(event.getPlugin())); QString topic("org/commontk/PluginEvent/"); switch (event.getType()) { case ctkPluginEvent::INSTALLED: topic.append("INSTALLED"); break; case ctkPluginEvent::STARTED: topic.append("STARTED"); break; case ctkPluginEvent::STOPPED: topic.append("STOPPED"); break; case ctkPluginEvent::UPDATED: topic.append("UPDATED"); break; case ctkPluginEvent::UNINSTALLED: topic.append("UNINSTALLED"); break; case ctkPluginEvent::RESOLVED: topic.append("RESOLVED"); break; case ctkPluginEvent::UNRESOLVED: topic.append("UNRESOLVED"); break; default: return; // IGNORE EVENT }; try { getEventAdmin()->postEvent(ctkEvent(topic, properties)); } catch (const std::logic_error& ) { // This is o.k. - indicates that we are stopped. } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { std::cout << "USAGE:\n\t qppub <sensor-id>" << std::endl; return -1; } int sid = atoi(argv[1]); const int N = 100; /*segment1-start*/ dds::core::QosProvider qp("file://defaults.xml", "DDS DefaultQosProfile"); // create a Domain Participant, -1 defaults to value defined in configuration file dds::domain::DomainParticipant dp(-1); dds::topic::qos::TopicQos topicQos = qp.topic_qos(); dds::topic::Topic<tutorial::TempSensorType> topic(dp, "TempSensor", topicQos); dds::pub::qos::PublisherQos pubQos = qp.publisher_qos(); dds::pub::Publisher pub(dp, pubQos); dds::pub::qos::DataWriterQos dwqos = qp.datawriter_qos(); dds::pub::DataWriter<tutorial::TempSensorType> dw(pub, topic, dwqos); /*segment1-end*/ const float avgT = 25; const float avgH = 0.6; const float deltaT = 5; const float deltaH = 0.15; // Initialize random number generation with a seed srandom(clock()); // Write some temperature randomly changing around a set point float temp = avgT + ((random()*deltaT)/RAND_MAX); float hum = avgH + ((random()*deltaH)/RAND_MAX); tutorial::TempSensorType sensor( sid, temp, hum, tutorial::CELSIUS ); // Write the data for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { dw.write(sensor); std::cout << "DW << " << sensor << std::endl; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); temp = avgT + ((random()*deltaT)/RAND_MAX); sensor.temp(temp); hum = avgH + ((random()*deltaH)/RAND_MAX); sensor.hum(hum); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { try { DomainParticipant dp(0); Topic<ShapeType> topic(dp, "Circle"); Subscriber sub(dp); DataReader<ShapeType> dr(sub, topic); uint32_t sleepTime = 100000; while (true) { // If you can use C++11 then the "auto" keywork and "lambda" // function can make this code even nicer. /* * This assignement has move semantics. Also assignements * between LoanedSamples have move semantics a la C++11. * We should also add a member function to do: * * LoanedSamples<ShapeType> s1 = ...; * LoanedSamples<ShapeType> s2; * * s2 = move(s1); // LoanedSamples<T> move(LoanedSamples<T>& s) * // This will call the copy ctor under the hood. * s2 = s1; // error! */ ShapeType s = {"BLUE", 0, 0, 0}; dds::core::InstanceHandle handle = dr.lookup_instance(s); /* * Make available older style API * (essentially make public as opposed to private) */ LoanedSamples<ShapeType> samples = dr.selector() .instance(handle) .filter_state(DataState::any_data()) .read(); /* Ex1: * * SharedSample<ShapeType> ss = samples.share(); * auto ss2 = ss; // This create "ref-counted alias" and does * not use the move semantics. */ std::cout << "--------------------------------------------" << std::endl; std::for_each(,, demo::ishapes::printShape); usleep(sleepTime); } } catch (const dds::core::Exception& e) { std::cout << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "setVehiclePose"); ros::NodeHandle nh; if (argc!=8) { std::cerr << "USAGE: " << argv[0] << " <topic> <x> <y> <z> <roll> <pitch> <yaw>" << std::endl; std::cerr << "units are in meters and radians." << std::endl; return 0; } std::string topic(argv[1]); double x=atof(argv[2]); double y=atof(argv[3]); double z=atof(argv[4]); double roll=atof(argv[5]); double pitch=atof(argv[6]); double yaw=atof(argv[7]); ros::Publisher position_pub; position_pub=nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::Pose>(topic,1); osg::Matrixd T, Rx, Ry, Rz, transform; T.makeTranslate(x,y,z); Rx.makeRotate(roll,1,0,0); Ry.makeRotate(pitch,0,1,0); Rz.makeRotate(yaw,0,0,1); transform=Rz*Ry*Rx*T; osg::Vec3d trans=transform.getTrans(); osg::Quat rot=transform.getRotate(); ros::Rate r(25); while (ros::ok()) { geometry_msgs::Pose pose; pose.position.x=trans.x(); pose.position.y=trans.y(); pose.position.z=trans.z(); pose.orientation.x=rot.x(); pose.orientation.y=rot.y(); pose.orientation.z=rot.z(); pose.orientation.w=rot.w(); position_pub.publish(pose); ros::spinOnce(); r.sleep(); } return 0; }
void Window::tabSelected() { QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> selectedItems = tabTree->selectedItems(); if (selectedItems.size() != 1) { return; } if (!>parent()) { /*server tab*/ userDock->hide(); topicDock->hide(); pages->setCurrentIndex(0); serverPage->clearTabIndication(); inputLine->setFocus(); return; } QString tabName = getSelectedTabName(); if (channelPages.contains(tabName)) { /*channel tab*/ showNicksFor(tabName); ChannelPage* channelPage = channelPages[tabName]; if (channelPage->isDisabled()) { topicLine->setText(QString()); } else { QString topic(ircClient->getChannel(tabName).getTopicText()); BasicPage::eraseControlCharacters(topic); topicLine->setText(topic); } userDock->show(); topicDock->show(); channelPages[tabName]->clearTabIndication(); } else if (privatePages.contains(tabName)){ /*user tab*/ userDock->hide(); topicDock->hide(); privatePages[tabName]->clearTabIndication(); } for (int i = 1; i < pages->count(); i ++) { const BasicPage* page = static_cast<BasicPage*>(pages->widget(i)); if (!>getName())) { pages->setCurrentIndex(i); break; } } inputLine->setFocus(); }
bool OnInit() { std::cout << "Init" << std::endl; if (this->argc != 3) { std::cout << " please provide path to bag file and a topic name!" << std::endl; exit(0); } std::string bag_file(wxString(this->argv[1]).mb_str()); std::string topic(wxString(this->argv[2]).mb_str()); char* av = "bag_gui"; ros::init(argc, &av, "bag_gui"); nh = new ros::NodeHandle(); one_.setOutputLabels(labels_); one_.setPixelSearchRadius(8,2,2); one_.setSkipDistantPointThreshold(8); seg_.setNormalCloudIn(normals_); seg_.setLabelCloudInOut(labels_); seg_.setClusterGraphOut(graph_); p_bag = new rosbag::Bag(); p_view = new rosbag::View(); try { p_bag->open(bag_file, rosbag::bagmode::Read); } catch (rosbag::BagException) { std::cerr << "Error opening file " << bag_file << std::endl; return false; } p_view->addQuery(*p_bag, rosbag::TopicQuery(topic)); rosbag::View::iterator vit = p_view->begin(); while(vit!=p_view->end()) { timeline.push_back(vit); ++vit; } tl_it = timeline.begin(); sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr last_msg = (*tl_it)->instantiate<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(); pcl::fromROSMsg<PT>(*last_msg, *pc_); compute(); r_rgb_ = Gui::Core::rMan()->create<PC>("r_rgb", pc_); r_seg_ = Gui::Core::rMan()->create<PC>("r_seg", segmented_); v_rgb_ = r_rgb_->createView<Col>("v_rgb"); v_seg_ = r_seg_->createView<Col>("v_seg"); boost::function<void (wxMouseEvent&, Gui::Resource<PC>*)> f = boost::bind(&MainApp::mouseShowNext, this, _1, _2); v_seg_ ->registerMouseCallback(f); boost::function<void (wxKeyEvent&, Gui::Resource<PC>*)> k = boost::bind(&MainApp::keyShowNext, this, _1, _2); v_seg_ ->registerKeyCallback(k); v_seg_->show(); v_rgb_->show(); std::cout<<"Done Init"<<std::endl; return true; }
void cServerDC::AfterUserLogin(cConnDC *conn) { ostringstream os; if(conn->Log(3)) conn->LogStream() << "Entered the hub." << endl; mCo->mTriggers->TriggerAll(eTF_MOTD, conn); // The user has to change password if(conn->mRegInfo && conn->mRegInfo->mPwdChange) { os << _("You must set your password now using +passwd command."); DCPrivateHS(os.str(), conn); DCPublicHS(os.str(), conn); conn->SetTimeOut(eTO_SETPASS, mC.timeout_length[eTO_SETPASS], this->mTime); os.str(""); } // send the hub topic if (!mC.hub_topic.empty()) { string topic("$HubTopic "); topic += mC.hub_topic + "|"; conn->Send(topic, false); } if (mC.send_user_info) { os << _("Your information") << ":\r\n"; conn->mpUser->DisplayInfo(os, eUC_OPERATOR); DCPublicHS(os.str(), conn); } if(mUserList.Size() > mUsersPeak) mUsersPeak = mUserList.Size(); #ifndef WITHOUT_PLUGINS if (!mCallBacks.mOnUserLogin.CallAll(conn->mpUser)) { conn->CloseNow(); return; } #endif if ((conn->mpUser->mClass >= eUC_NORMUSER) && (conn->mpUser->mClass <= eUC_MASTER)) { if (mC.msg_welcome[conn->mpUser->mClass].size()) { string ToSend; ReplaceVarInString(mC.msg_welcome[conn->mpUser->mClass], "nick", ToSend, conn->mpUser->mNick); ReplaceVarInString(ToSend, "CC", ToSend, conn->mCC); DCPublicHSToAll(ToSend); } } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { const int duration = 60; // sec dds::domain::DomainParticipant dp(0); dds::topic::Topic<tutorial::TempSensorType> topic(dp, "TTempSensor"); dds::sub::Subscriber sub(dp); dds::sub::DataReader<tutorial::TempSensorType> dr(sub, topic); TempSensorListener listener; dr.listener(&listener, dds::core::status::StatusMask::data_available()); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(duration)); dr.listener(nullptr, dds::core::status::StatusMask::none()); return 0; }