Exemple #1
 inline void PrintFTReal(const std::string& filename, double x_shift = 0.0) {
   std::ofstream output_file(filename.c_str());
   for (int i = total_length(); i < spec_length_; ++i) {
     output_file << (i-spec_length_)*freq_spacing_nu_ + x_shift << " " <<
                    real(fourier_transform_(i)) << std::endl;
   for (int i = 0; i < total_length(); ++i) {
     output_file << i*freq_spacing_nu_ + x_shift << " " <<
                    real(fourier_transform_(i)) << std::endl;
void print_array_of_strings(char **a)
  char *arr;
  int i;
  int j;
  int size;
  i = 0;
  j = 0;
  size = total_length(a);

  arr = malloc(size * sizeof(char));

  while (a[i] != '\0')
      j = 0;
      while (a[i][j] != '\0')
	  arr[j] = a[i][j];
      print_char(' ');
Exemple #3
rc_t CC build_scaffold_impl(void *const data, VXformInfo const *const info,
                            int64_t const row_id, VRowResult *const rslt,
                            uint32_t const argc, VRowData const argv[])
    self_t const *const self = data;
    INSDC_coord_one const *const start = argv[0].u.data.base;
    INSDC_coord_len const *const length = argv[1].u.data.base;
    NCBI_WGS_component_props const *const props = argv[2].u.data.base;
    int64_t const *const join = argv[3].u.data.base;
    unsigned const components = argv[0].u.data.elem_count;
    rc_t rc;
    assert(argv[1].u.data.elem_count == components);
    assert(argv[2].u.data.elem_count == components);
    assert(start != NULL);
    assert(length != NULL);
    assert(props != NULL);
    assert(join != NULL);
    assert(rslt->elem_bits == 8);
    rslt->elem_count = total_length(components, &length[argv[1].u.data.first_elem]);
    rc = KDataBufferResize(rslt->data, rslt->elem_count);
    if (rc == 0)
        rc = self->impl(self, rslt->data->base, components,
    return rc;
Exemple #4
	total_length_bezier(size_t end = segments)
		// TODO
		assert(end <= segments);
		return total_length(end * seg_size);
Exemple #5
	total_length_cubic(size_t end = num_points - 1)
		// TODO
		assert(end < num_points);
		return total_length(end);
Exemple #6
 * Build any objects that will need to be utilised by this object.
 * Obtain smart_pointers to any objects that will be used by this object.
void Data::DoBuild() {
  length_weight_ = model_->managers().length_weight()->GetLengthWeight(length_weight_label_);
  if (!length_weight_)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_LENGTH_WEIGHT) << "(" << length_weight_label_ << ") could not be found. Have you defined it?";
  if (!data_table_)
    LOG_CODE_ERROR() << "!data_table_";

  // basic validation
  const vector<string>& columns = data_table_->columns();
  if (columns.size() != model_->age_spread() + 1)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_DATA) << "column count (" << columns.size() << ") must be <year> <ages> for a total of " << model_->age_spread() + 1 << " columns";
  if (columns[0] != PARAM_YEAR)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_DATA) << "first column label must be 'year'. First column label was '" << columns[0] << "'";

   * Build our data_by_year map so we can fill the gaps
   * and use it in the model
  vector<vector<string>>& data = data_table_->data();
  vector<Double> total_length(model_->age_spread(), 0.0);
  Double number_of_years = 0.0;

  for (vector<string> row : data) {
    if (row.size() != columns.size())
      LOG_CODE_ERROR() << "row.size() != columns.size()";
    number_of_years += 1;
    unsigned year = utilities::ToInline<string, unsigned>(row[0]);
    for (unsigned i = 1; i < row.size(); ++i) {
      data_by_year_[year].push_back(utilities::ToInline<string, Double>(row[i]));
      total_length[i - 1] += utilities::ToInline<string, Double>(row[i]);

   * Build our average map for use in initialisation and simulation phases
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < model_->age_spread(); ++i)
    data_by_age_[model_->min_age() + i] = total_length[i] / number_of_years;

   * Check if we're using a mean method and build a vector of means now
   * before we modify the data_by_year object by filling the external
   * gaps
  if (external_gaps_ == PARAM_MEAN || internal_gaps_ == PARAM_MEAN) {
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < model_->age_spread(); ++i) {
      Double total = 0.0;
      for (auto iter = data_by_year_.begin(); iter != data_by_year_.end(); ++iter)
        total += iter->second[i];
      means_.push_back(total / data_by_year_.size());

  // Fill our gaps

Exemple #7
 // Similar to FourierPlus, but without the assumption of symmetry
 // around t = 0.
 inline void FourierNoSymmPlus() {
   for (int i = 0; i<length(); ++i) {
     correlation_function_(i) -= correlation_function_(length()-1);
   fourier_transform_ = fft(correlation_function_);
   freq_spacing_nu_ = 1.0/2.0/C_SPEED/(x_spacing()*total_length());
   freq_spacing_omega_ = freq_spacing_nu_*2.0*M_PI*C_SPEED;
Exemple #8
 // Similar to FourierPlus, but doesn't shift the time correlation function
 // to be zero after corr steps. Formerly called run_fftw.
 inline void Fourier() {
   for (int i = length()+2*zeros()-1; i<spec_length_; i++) {
     correlation_function_(i) =
   fourier_transform_ = fft(correlation_function_);
   freq_spacing_nu_ = 1.0/2.0/C_SPEED/(x_spacing()*total_length());
   freq_spacing_omega_ = freq_spacing_nu_*2.0*M_PI*C_SPEED;
Exemple #9
	Point linear_interpolate (float p)
		assert(p <= 1.0f && p >= 0.0f);
		float d = total_length() * p;
		int ii = -1;
		float dd;
		// OPTIMIZE: Could quicksearch
		for (int i = (signed int)num_points - 1; i >= 0; --i)
			if(total_length(i) <= d)
				ii = i;
				dd = d - total_length(i);
		assert(ii != -1);
		float pp = dd / distance(points[ii], points[ii+1]);
		return points[ii] + pp * (points[ii+1] - points[ii]);
char *string_concat(char *a, char *b)
    int i;
    int j = 0;
    char *str1;
    int length = total_length(a,b);

    str1 = malloc(sizeof(char) * length);
    if (str1 == NULL)
        return NULL;
    for (i = 0; a[i] != '\0'; i++)
        str1[i] = a[i]; /*copying values from one array to the next one*/
    while( b[j] != '\0')
        str1[i] = b[j];/*following the continuation of the array copying values*/
    return str1;
Exemple #11
		inline size_t _base_helper_impl<HelperTag, ipv4_frame>::payload_length() const
			return total_length() - header_length();
Exemple #12
 inline CxTCF(int length, int x_spacing, int interval = 1, int zeros = 0)
     : TCF(length, x_spacing, interval, zeros),
       spec_length_(2*total_length()-2) {
   // TODO(Zak): I think this should be -1 not -2... test that.
Exemple #13
 bool operator[](int i) const {
Exemple #14
 // Returns average length of the edges:
 double avg_len() const { return empty() ? 0 : total_length()/size(); }