void dspCheckRegister::sFillList() { MetaSQLQuery mql = mqlLoad(":/ap/displays/CheckRegister/FillListDetail.mql"); ParameterList params; if (!setParams(params)) return; q = mql.toQuery(params); if (q.lastError().type() != QSqlError::None) { systemError(this, q.lastError().databaseText(), __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } _check->clear(); XTreeWidgetItem *header = NULL; int checkid = -1; while (q.next()) { if (q.value("checkid").toInt() != checkid) { checkid = q.value("checkid").toInt(); header = new XTreeWidgetItem( _check, header, checkid, q.value("extra").toInt(), q.value("f_void"), q.value("f_misc"), q.value("f_printed"), q.value("f_posted"), q.value("number"), q.value("description"), q.value("f_checkdate"), q.value("f_amount"), q.value("currAbbr")); } else if (header) { XTreeWidgetItem *item = new XTreeWidgetItem( header, checkid, 0); item->setText(4, q.value("number")); item->setText(5, q.value("description")); item->setText(7, q.value("f_amount")); } } if (q.lastError().type() != QSqlError::None) { systemError(this, q.lastError().databaseText(), __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } if(_showDetail->isChecked()) _check->expandAll(); QString tots("SELECT formatMoney(SUM(currToCurr(checkhead_curr_id," " bankaccnt_curr_id," " checkhead_amount," " checkhead_checkdate))) AS f_amount," " currConcat(bankaccnt_curr_id) AS currAbbr " "FROM checkhead, bankaccnt " "WHERE ((NOT checkhead_void)" " AND (checkhead_checkdate BETWEEN <? value(\"startDate\") ?> AND <? value(\"endDate\") ?>) " " AND (bankaccnt_id=checkhead_bankaccnt_id) " " AND (checkhead_bankaccnt_id=<? value(\"bankaccnt_id\") ?>)" " <? if exists(\"check_number\") ?>" " AND (checkhead_number=<? value(\"check_number\") ?>)" " <? endif ?>" " <? if exists(\"recip\") ?>" " <? if exists(\"recip_type_v\") ?>" " AND (checkhead_recip_type = 'V' )" " <? endif ?>" " <? if exists(\"recip_type_c\") ?>" " AND (checkhead_recip_type = 'C' )" " <? endif ?>" " <? if exists(\"recip_type_t\") ?>" " AND (checkhead_recip_type = 'T' )" " <? endif ?>" " <? if exists(\"recip_id\") ?>" " AND (checkhead_recip_id = <? value(\"recip_id\") ?> )" " <? endif ?>" " <? endif ?>)" " GROUP BY bankaccnt_curr_id;" ); MetaSQLQuery totm(tots); q = totm.toQuery(params); // reused from above if(q.first()) { _total->setText(q.value("f_amount").toString()); _totalCurr->setText(q.value("currAbbr").toString()); } else if (q.lastError().type() != QSqlError::None) { systemError(this, q.lastError().databaseText(), __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } }
void dspCheckRegister::sFillList() { MetaSQLQuery mql = mqlLoad("checkRegister", "detail"); ParameterList params; if (!setParams(params)) return; q = mql.toQuery(params); _check->populate(q, true); if (q.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError) { systemError(this, q.lastError().databaseText(), __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } if(_showDetail->isChecked()) _check->expandAll(); QString tots("SELECT SUM(currToCurr(checkhead_curr_id, bankaccnt_curr_id," " checkhead_amount, checkhead_checkdate)) AS amount, " " currConcat(bankaccnt_curr_id) AS currAbbr " " FROM bankaccnt LEFT OUTER JOIN" " checkhead ON ((bankaccnt_id=checkhead_bankaccnt_id)" " AND (checkhead_checkdate BETWEEN <? value(\"startDate\") ?> AND <? value(\"endDate\") ?> ) " " AND (NOT checkhead_void)" " <? if exists(\"check_number\") ?>" " AND (CAST(checkhead_number AS text) ~ <? value(\"check_number\") ?>)" " <? endif ?>" " <? if exists(\"recip\") ?>" " <? if exists(\"recip_type_v\") ?>" " AND (checkhead_recip_type = 'V' )" " <? endif ?>" " <? if exists(\"recip_type_c\") ?>" " AND (checkhead_recip_type = 'C' )" " <? endif ?>" " <? if exists(\"recip_type_t\") ?>" " AND (checkhead_recip_type = 'T' )" " <? endif ?>" " <? if exists(\"recip_id\") ?>" " AND (checkhead_recip_id = <? value(\"recip_id\") ?> )" " <? endif ?>" " <? endif ?>)" " LEFT OUTER JOIN " " checkrecip ON ((checkhead_recip_id=checkrecip_id) " " AND (checkhead_recip_type=checkrecip_type)) " " WHERE(bankaccnt_id=<? value(\"bankaccnt_id\") ?>) " "GROUP BY bankaccnt_curr_id;" ); MetaSQLQuery totm(tots); q = totm.toQuery(params); // reused from above if(q.first()) { _total->setDouble(q.value("amount").toDouble()); _totalCurr->setText(q.value("currAbbr").toString()); } else if (q.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError) { systemError(this, q.lastError().databaseText(), __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } }
void dspCheckRegister::sFillList() { XSqlQuery dspFillList; MetaSQLQuery mql = mqlLoad("checkRegister", "detail"); ParameterList params; if (!setParams(params)) return; dspFillList = mql.toQuery(params); _check->populate(dspFillList, true); if (ErrorReporter::error(QtCriticalMsg, this, tr("Error Retrieving Check Register Information"), dspFillList, __FILE__, __LINE__)) { return; } if(_showDetail->isChecked()) _check->expandAll(); QString tots("SELECT SUM(currToCurr(checkhead_curr_id, bankaccnt_curr_id," " checkhead_amount, checkhead_checkdate)) AS amount, " " currConcat(bankaccnt_curr_id) AS currAbbr " " FROM bankaccnt LEFT OUTER JOIN" " checkhead ON ((bankaccnt_id=checkhead_bankaccnt_id)" " AND (checkhead_checkdate BETWEEN <? value(\"startDate\") ?> AND <? value(\"endDate\") ?> ) " " AND (NOT checkhead_void)" " <? if exists(\"check_number\") ?>" " AND (CAST(checkhead_number AS text) ~ <? value(\"check_number\") ?>)" " <? endif ?>" " <? if exists(\"recip\") ?>" " <? if exists(\"recip_type_v\") ?>" " AND (checkhead_recip_type = 'V' )" " <? endif ?>" " <? if exists(\"recip_type_c\") ?>" " AND (checkhead_recip_type = 'C' )" " <? endif ?>" " <? if exists(\"recip_type_t\") ?>" " AND (checkhead_recip_type = 'T' )" " <? endif ?>" " <? if exists(\"recip_id\") ?>" " AND (checkhead_recip_id = <? value(\"recip_id\") ?> )" " <? endif ?>" " <? endif ?>)" " LEFT OUTER JOIN " " checkrecip ON ((checkhead_recip_id=checkrecip_id) " " AND (checkhead_recip_type=checkrecip_type)) " " WHERE(bankaccnt_id=<? value(\"bankaccnt_id\") ?>) " "GROUP BY bankaccnt_curr_id;" ); MetaSQLQuery totm(tots); dspFillList = totm.toQuery(params); // reused from above if(dspFillList.first()) { _total->setDouble(dspFillList.value("amount").toDouble()); _totalCurr->setText(dspFillList.value("currAbbr").toString()); } else if (ErrorReporter::error(QtCriticalMsg, this, tr("Error Retrieving Check Register Information"), dspFillList, __FILE__, __LINE__)) { return; } }