void Core::sendGroupMessage(int groupId, const QString& message) { QList<CString> cMessages = splitMessage(message); for (auto &cMsg :cMessages) { int ret = tox_group_message_send(tox, groupId, cMsg.data(), cMsg.size()); if (ret == -1) emit groupSentResult(groupId, message, ret); } }
static void groupchat_onKey(ToxWindow *self, Tox *m, wint_t key) { ChatContext *ctx = (ChatContext *) self->chatwin; struct tm *timeinfo = get_time(); int x, y, y2, x2; getyx(self->window, y, x); getmaxyx(self->window, y2, x2); /* BACKSPACE key: Remove one character from line */ if (key == 0x107 || key == 0x8 || key == 0x7f) { if (ctx->pos > 0) { ctx->line[--ctx->pos] = L'\0'; if (x == 0) mvwdelch(self->window, y - 1, x2 - 1); else mvwdelch(self->window, y, x - 1); } } else /* Add printable chars to buffer and print on input space */ #if HAVE_WIDECHAR if (iswprint(key)) { #else if (isprint(key)) { #endif if (ctx->pos < (MAX_STR_SIZE-1)) { mvwaddstr(self->window, y, x, wc_to_char(key)); ctx->line[ctx->pos++] = key; ctx->line[ctx->pos] = L'\0'; } } /* RETURN key: Execute command or print line */ else if (key == '\n') { uint8_t *line = wcs_to_char(ctx->line); wclear(ctx->linewin); wmove(self->window, y2 - CURS_Y_OFFSET, 0); wclrtobot(self->window); bool close_win = false; if (line[0] == '/') { if (close_win = strncmp(line, "/close", strlen("/close")) == 0) { set_active_window(0); int groupnum = self->num; delwin(ctx->linewin); del_window(self); close_groupchatwin(m, groupnum); } else if (strncmp(line, "/help", strlen("/help")) == 0) print_groupchat_help(ctx); else execute(ctx->history, self->prompt, m, line, ctx->pos); } else { /* make sure the string has at least non-space character */ if (!string_is_empty(line)) { // uint8_t selfname[TOX_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; // tox_getselfname(m, selfname, TOX_MAX_NAME_LENGTH); // wattron(ctx->history, COLOR_PAIR(CYAN)); // wprintw(ctx->history, "[%02d:%02d:%02d] ", timeinfo->tm_hour, timeinfo->tm_min, timeinfo->tm_sec); // wattroff(ctx->history, COLOR_PAIR(CYAN)); // wattron(ctx->history, COLOR_PAIR(GREEN)); // wprintw(ctx->history, "%s: ", selfname); // wattroff(ctx->history, COLOR_PAIR(GREEN)); // wprintw(ctx->history, "%s\n", line); if (tox_group_message_send(m, self->num, line, strlen(line) + 1) == -1) { wattron(ctx->history, COLOR_PAIR(RED)); wprintw(ctx->history, " * Failed to send message.\n"); wattroff(ctx->history, COLOR_PAIR(RED)); } } } if (close_win) free(ctx); else { ctx->line[0] = L'\0'; ctx->pos = 0; } free(line); } } static void groupchat_onDraw(ToxWindow *self, Tox *m) { curs_set(1); int x, y; getmaxyx(self->window, y, x); ChatContext *ctx = (ChatContext *) self->chatwin; mvwhline(ctx->linewin, 0, 0, '_', x); wrefresh(self->window); }
static void groupchat_onKey(ToxWindow *self, Tox *m, wint_t key, bool ltr) { ChatContext *ctx = self->chatwin; int x, y, y2, x2; getyx(self->window, y, x); getmaxyx(self->window, y2, x2); if (x2 <= 0 || y2 <= 0) return; if (self->help->active) { help_onKey(self, key); return; } if (ltr) { /* char is printable */ input_new_char(self, key, x, y, x2, y2); return; } if (line_info_onKey(self, key)) return; if (input_handle(self, key, x, y, x2, y2)) return; if (key == '\t') { /* TAB key: auto-completes peer name or command */ if (ctx->len > 0) { int diff; /* TODO: make this not suck */ if (ctx->line[0] != L'/' || wcscmp(ctx->line, L"/me") == 0) { diff = complete_line(self, groupchats[self->num].peer_names, groupchats[self->num].num_peers, TOX_MAX_NAME_LENGTH); } else if (wcsncmp(ctx->line, L"/avatar \"", wcslen(L"/avatar \"")) == 0) { diff = dir_match(self, m, ctx->line, L"/avatar"); } else { diff = complete_line(self, group_cmd_list, AC_NUM_GROUP_COMMANDS, MAX_CMDNAME_SIZE); } if (diff != -1) { if (x + diff > x2 - 1) { int wlen = MAX(0, wcswidth(ctx->line, sizeof(ctx->line) / sizeof(wchar_t))); ctx->start = wlen < x2 ? 0 : wlen - x2 + 1; } } else { sound_notify(self, notif_error, 0, NULL); } } else { sound_notify(self, notif_error, 0, NULL); } } else if (key == user_settings->key_peer_list_down) { /* Scroll peerlist up and down one position */ int L = y2 - CHATBOX_HEIGHT - SDBAR_OFST; if (groupchats[self->num].side_pos < groupchats[self->num].num_peers - L) ++groupchats[self->num].side_pos; } else if (key == user_settings->key_peer_list_up) { if (groupchats[self->num].side_pos > 0) --groupchats[self->num].side_pos; } else if (key == '\n') { rm_trailing_spaces_buf(ctx); char line[MAX_STR_SIZE]; if (wcs_to_mbs_buf(line, ctx->line, MAX_STR_SIZE) == -1) memset(&line, 0, sizeof(line)); if (!string_is_empty(line)) add_line_to_hist(ctx); if (line[0] == '/') { if (strcmp(line, "/close") == 0) { close_groupchat(self, m, self->num); return; } else if (strncmp(line, "/me ", strlen("/me ")) == 0) { send_group_action(self, ctx, m, line + strlen("/me ")); } else { execute(ctx->history, self, m, line, GROUPCHAT_COMMAND_MODE); } } else if (!string_is_empty(line)) { if (tox_group_message_send(m, self->num, (uint8_t *) line, strlen(line)) == -1) { const char *errmsg = " * Failed to send message."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, SYS_MSG, 0, RED, errmsg); } } wclear(ctx->linewin); wmove(self->window, y2 - CURS_Y_OFFSET, 0); reset_buf(ctx); } }
static void tox_thread_message(Tox *tox, ToxAv *av, uint64_t time, uint8_t msg, uint16_t param1, uint16_t param2, void *data) { switch(msg) { case TOX_SETNAME: { /* param1: name length * data: name */ tox_set_name(tox, data, param1); break; } case TOX_SETSTATUSMSG: { /* param1: status length * data: status message */ tox_set_status_message(tox, data, param1); break; } case TOX_SETSTATUS: { /* param1: status */ tox_set_user_status(tox, param1); break; } case TOX_ADDFRIEND: { /* param1: length of message * data: friend id + message */ int r; if(!param1) { STRING* default_add_msg = SPTR(DEFAULT_FRIEND_REQUEST_MESSAGE); r = tox_add_friend(tox, data, default_add_msg->str, default_add_msg->length); } else { r = tox_add_friend(tox, data, data + TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE, param1); } if(r < 0) { uint8_t addf_error; switch(r) { case TOX_FAERR_TOOLONG: addf_error = ADDF_TOOLONG; break; case TOX_FAERR_NOMESSAGE: addf_error = ADDF_NOMESSAGE; break; case TOX_FAERR_OWNKEY: addf_error = ADDF_OWNKEY; break; case TOX_FAERR_ALREADYSENT: addf_error = ADDF_ALREADYSENT; break; case TOX_FAERR_BADCHECKSUM: addf_error = ADDF_BADCHECKSUM; break; case TOX_FAERR_SETNEWNOSPAM: addf_error = ADDF_SETNEWNOSPAM; break; case TOX_FAERR_NOMEM: addf_error = ADDF_NOMEM; break; case TOX_FAERR_UNKNOWN: default: addf_error = ADDF_UNKNOWN; break; } postmessage(FRIEND_ADD, 1, addf_error, data); } else { postmessage(FRIEND_ADD, 0, r, data); } break; } case TOX_DELFRIEND: { /* param1: friend # */ tox_del_friend(tox, param1); postmessage(FRIEND_DEL, 0, 0, data); break; } case TOX_ACCEPTFRIEND: { /* data: FRIENDREQ */ FRIENDREQ *req = data; int r = tox_add_friend_norequest(tox, req->id); postmessage(FRIEND_ACCEPT, (r < 0), (r < 0) ? 0 : r, req); break; } case TOX_SENDMESSAGE: { /* param1: friend # * param2: message length * data: message */ log_write(tox, param1, data, param2, 1, LOG_FILE_MSG_TYPE_TEXT); void *p = data; while(param2 > TOX_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH) { uint16_t len = TOX_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH - utf8_unlen(p + TOX_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH); tox_send_message(tox, param1, p, len); param2 -= len; p += len; } tox_send_message(tox, param1, p, param2); free(data); break; } case TOX_SENDACTION: { /* param1: friend # * param2: message length * data: message */ log_write(tox, param1, data, param2, 1, LOG_FILE_MSG_TYPE_ACTION); void *p = data; while(param2 > TOX_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH) { uint16_t len = TOX_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH - utf8_unlen(p + TOX_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH); tox_send_action(tox, param1, p, len); param2 -= len; p += len; } tox_send_action(tox, param1, p, param2); free(data); break; } case TOX_SENDMESSAGEGROUP: { /* param1: group # * param2: message length * data: message */ tox_group_message_send(tox, param1, data, param2); free(data); break; } case TOX_SENDACTIONGROUP: { /* param1: group # * param2: message length * data: message */ tox_group_action_send(tox, param1, data, param2); free(data); } case TOX_SET_TYPING: { /* param1: friend # */ // Check if user has switched to another friend window chat. // Take care not to react on obsolete data from old Tox instance. _Bool need_resetting = (typing_state.tox == tox) && (typing_state.friendnumber != param1) && (typing_state.sent_value); if(need_resetting) { // Tell previous friend that he's betrayed. tox_set_user_is_typing(tox, typing_state.friendnumber, 0); // Mark that new friend doesn't know that we're typing yet. typing_state.sent_value = 0; } // Mark us as typing to this friend at the moment. // utox_thread_work_for_typing_notifications() will // send a notification if it deems necessary. typing_state.tox = tox; typing_state.friendnumber = param1; typing_state.time = time; //debug("Set typing state for friend (%d): %d\n", typing_state.friendnumber, typing_state.sent_value); break; } case TOX_CALL: { /* param1: friend # */ int32_t id; toxav_call(av, &id, param1, &av_DefaultSettings, 10); postmessage(FRIEND_CALL_STATUS, param1, id, (void*)CALL_RINGING); break; } case TOX_CALL_VIDEO: { /* param1: friend # */ ToxAvCSettings settings = av_DefaultSettings; settings.call_type = av_TypeVideo; settings.max_video_width = max_video_width; settings.max_video_height = max_video_height; int32_t id; toxav_call(av, &id, param1, &settings, 10); postmessage(FRIEND_CALL_STATUS, param1, id, (void*)CALL_RINGING_VIDEO); break; } case TOX_CALL_VIDEO_ON: { /* param1: friend # * param2: call # */ ToxAvCSettings settings = av_DefaultSettings; settings.call_type = av_TypeVideo; settings.max_video_width = max_video_width; settings.max_video_height = max_video_height; toxav_change_settings(av, param2, &settings); postmessage(FRIEND_CALL_START_VIDEO, param1, param2, NULL); break; } case TOX_CALL_VIDEO_OFF: { /* param1: friend # * param2: call # */ toxav_change_settings(av, param2, &av_DefaultSettings); postmessage(FRIEND_CALL_STOP_VIDEO, param1, param2, NULL); break; } case TOX_ACCEPTCALL: { /* param1: call # */ ToxAvCSettings settings = av_DefaultSettings; if(param2) { settings.call_type = av_TypeVideo; settings.max_video_width = max_video_width; settings.max_video_height = max_video_height; } toxav_answer(av, param1, &settings); break; } case TOX_HANGUP: { /* param1: call # */ toxav_hangup(av, param1); break; } case TOX_NEWGROUP: { /* */ int g = -1; if (param1) { g = toxav_add_av_groupchat(tox, &callback_av_group_audio, NULL); } else { g = tox_add_groupchat(tox); } if(g != -1) { postmessage(GROUP_ADD, g, 0, tox); } break; } case TOX_LEAVEGROUP: { /* param1: group # */ tox_del_groupchat(tox, param1); break; } case TOX_GROUPINVITE: { /* param1: group # * param2: friend # */ tox_invite_friend(tox, param2, param1); break; } case TOX_GROUPCHANGETOPIC: { /* param1: group # * param2: topic length * data: topic */ tox_group_set_title(tox, param1, data, param2); postmessage(GROUP_TITLE, param1, param2, data); break; } case TOX_GROUP_AUDIO_START:{ /* param1: group # */ postmessage(GROUP_AUDIO_START, param1, 0, NULL); break; } case TOX_GROUP_AUDIO_END:{ /* param1: group # */ postmessage(GROUP_AUDIO_END, param1, 0, NULL); break; } case TOX_SENDFILES: { /* param1: friend # * param2: offset of first file name in data * data: file names */ if(param2 == 0xFFFF) { //paths with line breaks uint8_t *name = data, *p = data, *s = name; while(*p) { _Bool end = 1; while(*p) { if(*p == '\n') { *p = 0; end = 0; break; } if(*p == '/' || *p == '\\') { s = p + 1; } p++; } if(strcmp2(name, "file://") == 0) { name += 7; } utox_transfer_start_file(tox, param1, name, s, p - s); p++; s = name = p; if(end) { break; } } } else { //windows path list uint8_t *name = data; _Bool multifile = (name[param2 - 1] == 0); if(!multifile) { utox_transfer_start_file(tox, param1, data, data + param2, strlen(data) - param2); } else { uint8_t *p = name + param2; name += param2 - 1; if(*(name - 1) != '\\') { *name++ = '\\'; } while(*p) { int len = strlen((char*)p) + 1; memmove(name, p, len); p += len; utox_transfer_start_file(tox, param1, data, name, len - 1); } } } free(data); break; } case TOX_SEND_INLINE: { /* param1: friend id data: pointer to a TOX_SEND_INLINE_MSG struct */ struct TOX_SEND_INLINE_MSG *tsim = data; utox_transfer_start_memory(tox, param1, tsim->image->png_data, tsim->image_size); free(tsim); break; } case TOX_ACCEPTFILE: { /* param1: friend # * param2: file # * data: path to write file */ FILE_T *ft = &friend[param1].incoming[param2]; ft->data = fopen(data, "wb"); if(!ft->data) { free(data); break; } ft->path = data; ft->status = FT_SEND; tox_file_send_control(tox, param1, 1, param2, TOX_FILECONTROL_ACCEPT, NULL, 0); postmessage(FRIEND_FILE_IN_STATUS, param1, param2, (void*)FILE_OK); break; } case TOX_FILE_IN_CANCEL: { /* param1: friend # * param2: file # */ FILE_T *ft = &friend[param1].incoming[param2]; if(ft->data) { if(ft->inline_png) { free(ft->data); } else { fclose(ft->data); free(ft->path); } } ft->status = FT_NONE; tox_file_send_control(tox, param1, 1, param2, TOX_FILECONTROL_KILL, NULL, 0); postmessage(FRIEND_FILE_IN_STATUS, param1, param2, (void*)FILE_KILLED); break; } case TOX_FILE_OUT_CANCEL: { /* param1: friend # * param2: file # */ FILE_T *ft = &friend[param1].outgoing[param2]; ft->status = FT_KILL; tox_file_send_control(tox, param1, 0, param2, TOX_FILECONTROL_KILL, NULL, 0); postmessage(FRIEND_FILE_OUT_STATUS, param1, param2, (void*)FILE_KILLED); break; } case TOX_FILE_IN_PAUSE: { /* param1: friend # * param2: file # */ tox_file_send_control(tox, param1, 1, param2, TOX_FILECONTROL_PAUSE, NULL, 0); postmessage(FRIEND_FILE_IN_STATUS, param1, param2, (void*)FILE_PAUSED); break; } case TOX_FILE_OUT_PAUSE: { /* param1: friend # * param2: file # */ FILE_T *ft = &friend[param1].outgoing[param2]; ft->status = FT_PAUSE; tox_file_send_control(tox, param1, 0, param2, TOX_FILECONTROL_PAUSE, NULL, 0); postmessage(FRIEND_FILE_OUT_STATUS, param1, param2, (void*)FILE_PAUSED); break; } case TOX_FILE_IN_RESUME: { /* param1: friend # * param2: file # */ tox_file_send_control(tox, param1, 1, param2, TOX_FILECONTROL_ACCEPT, NULL, 0); postmessage(FRIEND_FILE_IN_STATUS, param1, param2, (void*)FILE_OK); break; } case TOX_FILE_OUT_RESUME: { /* param1: friend # * param2: file # */ FILE_T *ft = &friend[param1].outgoing[param2]; ft->status = FT_SEND; tox_file_send_control(tox, param1, 0, param2, TOX_FILECONTROL_ACCEPT, NULL, 0); postmessage(FRIEND_FILE_OUT_STATUS, param1, param2, (void*)FILE_OK); break; } } }
void Core::sendGroupMessage(int groupId, const QString& message) { CString cMessage(message); tox_group_message_send(tox, groupId, cMessage.data(), cMessage.size()); }
void line_eval(Tox *m, char *line) { if (line[0] == '/') { char inpt_command = line[1]; char prompt[STRING_LENGTH + 2] = "> "; int prompt_offset = 3; strcat(prompt, line); new_lines(prompt); if (inpt_command == 'f') { // add friend command: /f ID int i, delta = 0; char temp_id[128]; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { temp_id[i - delta] = line[i + prompt_offset]; if ((temp_id[i - delta] == ' ') || (temp_id[i - delta] == '+')) delta++; } unsigned char *bin_string = hex_string_to_bin(temp_id); int num = tox_add_friend(m, bin_string, (uint8_t *)"Install Gentoo", sizeof("Install Gentoo")); free(bin_string); char numstring[100]; switch (num) { case TOX_FAERR_TOOLONG: sprintf(numstring, "[i] Message is too long."); break; case TOX_FAERR_NOMESSAGE: sprintf(numstring, "[i] Please add a message to your request."); break; case TOX_FAERR_OWNKEY: sprintf(numstring, "[i] That appears to be your own ID."); break; case TOX_FAERR_ALREADYSENT: sprintf(numstring, "[i] Friend request already sent."); break; case TOX_FAERR_UNKNOWN: sprintf(numstring, "[i] Undefined error when adding friend."); break; default: if (num >= 0) { sprintf(numstring, "[i] Added friend as %d.", num); save_data(m); } else sprintf(numstring, "[i] Unknown error %i.", num); break; } new_lines(numstring); } else if (inpt_command == 'd') { tox_do(m); } else if (inpt_command == 'm') { //message command: /m friendnumber messsage char *posi[1]; int num = strtoul(line + prompt_offset, posi, 0); if (**posi != 0) { if (tox_send_message(m, num, (uint8_t *) *posi + 1, strlen(*posi + 1)) < 1) { char sss[256]; sprintf(sss, "[i] could not send message to friend num %u", num); new_lines(sss); } else { print_formatted_message(m, *posi + 1, num, 1); } } else new_lines("Error, bad input."); } else if (inpt_command == 'n') { uint8_t name[TOX_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; size_t i, len = strlen(line); for (i = 3; i < len; i++) { if (line[i] == 0 || line[i] == '\n') break; name[i - 3] = line[i]; } name[i - 3] = 0; tox_set_name(m, name, i - 2); char numstring[100]; sprintf(numstring, "[i] changed nick to %s", (char *)name); new_lines(numstring); } else if (inpt_command == 'l') { print_friendlist(m); } else if (inpt_command == 's') { uint8_t status[TOX_MAX_STATUSMESSAGE_LENGTH]; size_t i, len = strlen(line); for (i = 3; i < len; i++) { if (line[i] == 0 || line[i] == '\n') break; status[i - 3] = line[i]; } status[i - 3] = 0; tox_set_status_message(m, status, strlen((char *)status)); char numstring[100]; sprintf(numstring, "[i] changed status to %s", (char *)status); new_lines(numstring); } else if (inpt_command == 'a') { // /a #: accept uint8_t numf = atoi(line + 3); char numchar[100]; if (numf >= num_requests || pending_requests[numf].accepted) { sprintf(numchar, "[i] you either didn't receive that request or you already accepted it"); new_lines(numchar); } else { int num = tox_add_friend_norequest(m, pending_requests[numf].id); if (num != -1) { pending_requests[numf].accepted = 1; sprintf(numchar, "[i] friend request %u accepted as friend no. %d", numf, num); new_lines(numchar); save_data(m); } else { sprintf(numchar, "[i] failed to add friend"); new_lines(numchar); } } } else if (inpt_command == 'r') { // /r #: remove friend uint8_t numf = atoi(line + 3); if (!tox_friend_exists(m, numf)) { char err[64]; sprintf(err, "You don't have a friend %i.", numf); new_lines(err); return; } char msg[128 + TOX_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; char fname[TOX_MAX_NAME_LENGTH ]; getfriendname_terminated(m, numf, fname); sprintf(msg, "Are you sure you want to delete friend %i: %s? (y/n)", numf, fname); input_line[0] = 0; new_lines(msg); int c; do { c = getchar(); } while ((c != 'y') && (c != 'n') && (c != EOF)); if (c == 'y') { int res = tox_del_friend(m, numf); if (res == 0) sprintf(msg, "[i] [%i: %s] is no longer your friend", numf, fname); else sprintf(msg, "[i] failed to remove friend"); new_lines(msg); } } else if (inpt_command == 'h') { //help if (line[2] == ' ') { if (line[3] == 'f') { new_lines_mark(help_friend1, 1); new_lines_mark(help_friend2, 1); return; } else if (line[3] == 'g') { new_lines_mark(help_group, 1); return; } } new_lines_mark(help_main, 1); } else if (inpt_command == 'x') { //info char idstring[200]; get_id(m, idstring); new_lines(idstring); } else if (inpt_command == 'g') { //create new group chat char msg[256]; sprintf(msg, "[g] Created new group chat with number: %u", tox_add_groupchat(m)); new_lines(msg); } else if (inpt_command == 'i') { //invite friendnum to groupnum char *posi[1]; int friendnumber = strtoul(line + prompt_offset, posi, 0); int groupnumber = strtoul(*posi + 1, NULL, 0); char msg[256]; sprintf(msg, "[g] Invited friend number %u to group number %u, returned: %u (0 means success)", friendnumber, groupnumber, tox_invite_friend(m, friendnumber, groupnumber)); new_lines(msg); } else if (inpt_command == 'z') { //send message to groupnum char *posi[1]; int groupnumber = strtoul(line + prompt_offset, posi, 0); if (**posi != 0) { int res = tox_group_message_send(m, groupnumber, (uint8_t *)*posi + 1, strlen(*posi + 1)); if (res == 0) { char msg[32 + STRING_LENGTH]; sprintf(msg, "[g] #%u: YOU: %s", groupnumber, *posi + 1); new_lines(msg); } else { char msg[128]; sprintf(msg, "[i] could not send message to group no. %u: %i", groupnumber, res); new_lines(msg); } } } else if (inpt_command == 't') { char *posi[1]; int friendnum = strtoul(line + prompt_offset, posi, 0); if (**posi != 0) { char msg[512]; sprintf(msg, "[t] Sending file %s to friendnum %u filenumber is %i (-1 means failure)", *posi + 1, friendnum, add_filesender(m, friendnum, *posi + 1)); new_lines(msg); } } else if (inpt_command == 'q') { //exit save_data(m); endwin(); tox_kill(m); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if (inpt_command == 'c') { //set conversation partner if (line[2] == 'r') { if (conversation_default != 0) { conversation_default = 0; new_lines("[i] default conversation reset"); } else new_lines("[i] default conversation wasn't set, nothing to do"); } else if (line[3] != ' ') { new_lines("[i] invalid command"); } else { int num = atoi(line + 4); /* zero is also returned for not-a-number */ if (!num && strcmp(line + 4, "0")) num = -1; if (num < 0) new_lines("[i] invalid command parameter"); else if (line[2] == 'f') { conversation_default = num + 1; char buffer[128]; sprintf(buffer, "[i] default conversation is now to friend %i", num); new_lines(buffer); } else if (line[2] == 'g') { char buffer[128]; conversation_default = - (num + 1); sprintf(buffer, "[i] default conversation is now to group %i", num); new_lines(buffer); } else new_lines("[i] invalid command"); } } else if (inpt_command == 'p') { //list peers char *posi = NULL; int group_number = strtoul(line + prompt_offset, &posi, 0); if (posi != NULL) { char msg[64]; int peer_cnt = tox_group_number_peers(m, group_number); if (peer_cnt < 0) { new_lines("[g] Invalid group number."); } else if (peer_cnt == 0) { sprintf(msg, "[g] #%i: No peers in group.", group_number); new_lines(msg); } else { sprintf(msg, "[g] #%i: Group has %i peers. Names:", group_number, peer_cnt); new_lines(msg); print_groupchatpeers(m, group_number); } } } else { new_lines("[i] invalid command"); } } else { if (conversation_default != 0) { if (conversation_default > 0) { int friendnumber = conversation_default - 1; uint32_t res = tox_send_message(m, friendnumber, (uint8_t *)line, strlen(line)); if (res == 0) { char sss[128]; sprintf(sss, "[i] could not send message to friend no. %u", friendnumber); new_lines(sss); } else print_formatted_message(m, line, friendnumber, 1); } else { int groupnumber = - conversation_default - 1; int res = tox_group_message_send(m, groupnumber, (uint8_t *)line, strlen(line)); if (res == 0) { char msg[32 + STRING_LENGTH]; sprintf(msg, "[g] #%u: YOU: %s", groupnumber, line); new_lines(msg); } else { char msg[128]; sprintf(msg, "[i] could not send message to group no. %u: %i", groupnumber, res); new_lines(msg); } } } else new_lines("[i] invalid input: neither command nor in conversation"); } }