Exemple #1
void test(size_t nth, size_t interval, size_t proc_time) {
    std::printf("Testing with #th = %zu, interval = %zu ms, proc_time = %zu ms\n",
        nth, interval, proc_time);

    clue::thread_pool tpool(nth);

    size_t ntsks = 20;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < ntsks; ++i) {
        tpool.schedule([i, proc_time](size_t tidx){ proc(tidx, i+1, proc_time); });

Exemple #2
static void run_tests(size_t threads, size_t startsize, size_t maxsize,
		      size_t cycles, KeyT *keys, uint32_t *randnums, ostream &out,
		      bool terse)
   if_SHOW_CHAINS(size_t *chains[6]);
   if_SHOW_CHAINS(size_t max_chain[6]) ;
   if_SHOW_NEIGHBORS(size_t *neighborhoods[5]) ;
   if_SHOW_NEIGHBORS(size_t max_neighbors[5]) ;

   HashT *ht = new HashT(startsize) ;
   FrThreadPool tpool(threads) ;
#if 1
   out << "Filling hash table      " << endl ;
   hash_test(&tpool,out,threads,1,ht,maxsize,keys,Op_ADD,terse) ;
   if_SHOW_CHAINS(chains[0] = ht->chainLengths(max_chain[0]));
   if_SHOW_NEIGHBORS(neighborhoods[0] = ht->neighborhoodDensities(max_neighbors[0])) ;
   out << "Lookups (100% present)  " << endl ;
   hash_test(&tpool,out,threads,cycles,ht,maxsize,keys,Op_CHECK,terse) ;
   out << "Lookups (50% present)   " << endl ;
   size_t half_cycles = (cycles + 1) / 2 ;
   swap_segments(keys,2*maxsize,threads) ;
   hash_test(&tpool,out,threads,half_cycles,ht,2*maxsize,keys,Op_CHECK,terse,false) ;
   swap_segments(keys,2*maxsize,threads) ;
   out << "Lookups (0% present)    " << endl ;
   hash_test(&tpool,out,threads,cycles,ht,maxsize,keys+maxsize,Op_CHECKMISS,terse) ;
   out << "Emptying hash table     " << endl ;
   hash_test(&tpool,out,threads,1,ht,maxsize,keys,Op_REMOVE,terse) ;
   out << "Lookups in empty table  " << endl ;
   hash_test(&tpool,out,threads,cycles,ht,maxsize,keys,Op_CHECKMISS,terse) ;
   delete ht ;
   ht = new HashT(startsize) ;
   out << "Random additions        " << endl ;
	     randnums) ;
   if_SHOW_CHAINS(chains[1] = ht->chainLengths(max_chain[1])) ;
   out << "Emptying hash table     " << endl ;
   hash_test(&tpool,out,threads,1,ht,maxsize,keys,Op_REMOVE,terse,false) ;
   delete ht ;
   ht = new HashT(startsize) ;
   out << "Random ops (del=1)      " << endl ;
	     randnums + maxsize/2 - 1) ;
   if_SHOW_CHAINS(chains[2] = ht->chainLengths(max_chain[2])) ;
   out << "Random ops (del=1,full) " << endl ;
	     randnums + maxsize/2 - 1) ;
   if_SHOW_CHAINS(chains[2] = ht->chainLengths(max_chain[2])) ;
   out << "Emptying hash table     " << endl ;
   hash_test(&tpool,out,threads,1,ht,maxsize,keys,Op_REMOVE,terse,false) ;
   delete ht ;
   ht = new HashT(startsize) ;
   if_SHOW_CHAINS(chains[0] = chains[1] = chains[2] = chains[3] = 0) ;
   if_SHOW_NEIGHBORS(neighborhoods[0] = neighborhoods[1] = 0) ;
#endif /* 0 */
   out << "Random ops (del=3)      " << endl ;
	     randnums + maxsize - 1) ;
   if_SHOW_CHAINS(chains[3] = ht->chainLengths(max_chain[3])) ;
   if_SHOW_NEIGHBORS(neighborhoods[1] = ht->neighborhoodDensities(max_neighbors[1])) ;
   out << "Emptying hash table     " << endl ;
   hash_test(&tpool,out,threads,1,ht,maxsize,keys,Op_REMOVE,terse,false) ;
   delete ht  ;
   ht = new HashT(startsize) ;
   out << "Random ops (del=7)      " << endl ;
	     randnums + maxsize - 1) ;
   if_SHOW_CHAINS(chains[4] = ht->chainLengths(max_chain[4])) ;
   if_SHOW_NEIGHBORS(neighborhoods[1] = ht->neighborhoodDensities(max_neighbors[1])) ;
   out << "Emptying hash table     " << endl ;
   hash_test(&tpool,out,threads,1,ht,maxsize,keys,Op_REMOVE,terse,false) ;
   if_SHOW_CHAINS(chains[5] = ht->chainLengths(max_chain[5])) ;
   for (size_t i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++)
      print_chain_lengths(out,i,chains[i],max_chain[i]) ;
      delete [] chains[i] ;
#if defined(SHOW_LOST_CHAINS)
   if (chains[5] && max_chain[5] > 0)
      // try to display the lost deletions
      out << "lost keys:" << endl ;
      size_t count = 0 ;
      ht->iterate(show_lost_keys,&out,&count) ;
      out << "(end of list)" << endl ;
#endif /* SHOW_LOST_CHAINS */
#endif /* SHOW_CHAINS */
   delete ht ;
   for (size_t i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++)
      print_neighborhoods(out,i,neighborhoods[i],max_neighbors[i]) ;
      delete [] neighborhoods[i] ;
   return  ;
	void testPool()
		ThreadPool tpool(3, 20);
		int argc = 2;
		std::cout << "==========test fucn===num = "<< argc << std::endl;

		time_t ts = std::time(nullptr);
		for(int i = 0; i < argc; i ++)
			std::tr1::function<void()> trun;
			trun = std::tr1::bind(srun, i);
			std::time_t cr = std::time(nullptr);
			while((cr - ts) < 2)
				cr = std::time(nullptr);
			ts = std::time(nullptr);

		std::cout << "thread pool size = " << tpool.allocate() << std::endl;

		argc = 30;
		std::cout << "==========test member fucn===num = "<< argc << std::endl;
		for(int i = 0; i < argc; i ++)
			//std::tr1::function<void()> trun;
			//trun = std::tr1::bind(&TestThreadPool::run, this, i);


			bool success = false;
			unsigned long cnt = 0;
			while(!success && cnt < 3)
				success = tpool.start(this);
				ts = std::time(nullptr);
					std::cout <<"===new add thread id = "<< i <<",current thread size = "<< tpool.allocate() << std::endl;
					std::cout <<"===add thread failed id = "<< i <<",current thread size = "<< tpool.allocate() << std::endl;
					std::time_t cr = std::time(nullptr);
					while((cr - ts) < 10)
						cr = std::time(nullptr);
					cnt ++;
					std::cout << "thread pool size = "<< tpool.allocate() <<",the cnt = "<< _cnt << std::endl;


			std::time_t cr = std::time(nullptr);
			while((cr - ts) < 2)
				cr = std::time(nullptr);
			ts = std::time(nullptr);

		ts = std::time(nullptr);
		std::time_t cr = std::time(nullptr);
		while((cr - ts) < 100)
			cr = std::time(nullptr);

		std::cout << "thread pool size = "<< tpool.allocate() <<",the cnt = "<< _cnt << std::endl;


		LOGGER_STREAM(Logger::getLogger("http.log")) << "the pool stop,thread pool size =" << "the cnt = " << _cnt << "\n";

    void simulate( ) {
        // use the last population as the first population for the next round
        std::swap( m_pop[ 0 ], m_pop[ m_pop.size() - 1 ] );
        std::swap( m_fits[ 0 ], m_fits[ m_fits.size() - 1] );

        size_t all_size = buildProjectedPopulations( );

        BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL( debug ) << "Generation " << m_generation << ": " << pN << " individuals; " << pM << " new alleles";
        BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL( debug ) << "Free space: " << free_count << "; alleles: " << m_allele_space.size();
        BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL( debug ) << "Rescaling child population to be: " << pN << " individuals x " << all_size << " alleles";
#endif // DEBUGGING

        // grow the free space buffer to a size relative to the last projected population
        m_free_space.resetBuffers( m_pop.back()->getMaxBlocks() );

//        bool is_all_neutral = m_allele_space.isAllNeutral();
        bool is_all_neutral = m_trait_space.isAllNeutral();

        thread_pool_type tpool( m_thread_count.m_tc );
        const size_t TC = m_thread_count.m_tc + 1;

        std::vector< parameter_type * > params;

        for( int j = 0; j < m_thread_count.m_tc; ++j ) {
            free_buffer_type tbuf = m_free_space.getThreadBuffer( j );
            m_worker_off_gens[ j ]->reset( tbuf );

            unsigned int prev_start = 0, prev_end = m_pop[ 0 ]->getIndividualCount();

            for( unsigned int p = 1; p < m_pop.size(); ++p ) {
                unsigned int pN = m_pop[ p ]->getIndividualCount();
                size_t BATCH_SIZE = (pN / TC) + ((pN % TC > 0) ? 1 : 0);

                unsigned int off_idx = j * BATCH_SIZE;
                parameter_type * param = new parameter_type( m_pop[ p - 1 ], m_pop[ p ], m_fits[ p - 1], m_fits[ p ], m_mut_pools[ p - 1], m_mut_dists[ p - 1], prev_start, prev_end, off_idx, off_idx + BATCH_SIZE, is_all_neutral );

                m_worker_off_gens[ j ]->addPopulation( param );
                params.push_back( param );

                prev_start = off_idx;
                prev_end = off_idx + BATCH_SIZE;

        m_main_off_gen.reset( m_free_space.getThreadBuffer( m_thread_count.m_tc ) );

        unsigned int prev_start = 0, prev_end = m_pop[ 0 ]->getIndividualCount();
        for( unsigned int p = 1; p < m_pop.size(); ++p ) {
            unsigned int pN = m_pop[ p ]->getIndividualCount();
            size_t BATCH_SIZE = (pN / TC) + ((pN % TC > 0) ? 1 : 0);
            unsigned int off_idx = m_thread_count.m_tc * BATCH_SIZE;

            parameter_type * param = new parameter_type( m_pop[ p - 1 ], m_pop[ p ], m_fits[ p - 1], m_fits[ p ], m_mut_pools[ p - 1], m_mut_dists[ p - 1], prev_start, prev_end, off_idx, pN, is_all_neutral );
            m_main_off_gen.addPopulation( param );
            params.push_back( param );

            prev_start = off_idx;
            prev_end = pN;

        tpool.post_list( m_worker_off_gens, m_thread_count.m_tc );





        while( ! params.empty() ) {
            parameter_type * p = params.back();
            delete p;
