static void tputC(int c, struct shf *shf) { if ((c&0x60) == 0) { /* C0|C1 */ tputc((c&0x80) ? '$' : '^', shf); tputc(((c&0x7F)|0x40), shf); } else if ((c&0x7F) == 0x7F) { /* DEL */ tputc((c&0x80) ? '$' : '^', shf); tputc('?', shf); } else tputc(c, shf); }
static int rtstat () { LINK *link; NODE *node; CN *cn; CIRCUIT *circuit; TOPIC *topic; USER *user; for (link = link_hd; link; link = link->next) tprintf("Link %s:%s %x\n", link->alias, link->call, link->flags); for (user = user_hd; user; user = user->next) tprintf("User %s @ %s\n", user->call, user->node->alias); for (circuit = circuit_hd; circuit; circuit = circuit->next) if (circuit->flags & p_linked) { tprintf("From %s:", circuit->>alias); for (cn = circuit->hnode; cn; cn = cn->next) tprintf(" %s/%u", cn->node->alias, cn->refcnt); tputc('\n'); } for (node = node_hd; node; node = node->next) tprintf("Node %s %u\n", node->alias, node->refcnt); for (topic = topic_hd; topic; topic = topic->next) tprintf("Topic %s %u\n", topic->name, topic->refcnt); return cmd_ok; }
static void wimlib_vmsg(const tchar *tag, const tchar *format, va_list va, bool perror) { #if !defined(ENABLE_DEBUG) if (wimlib_print_errors) #endif { int errno_save = errno; fflush(stdout); tfputs(tag, wimlib_error_file); tvfprintf(wimlib_error_file, format, va); if (perror && errno_save != 0) { tchar buf[64]; int res; res = tstrerror_r(errno_save, buf, ARRAY_LEN(buf)); if (res) { tsprintf(buf, T("unknown error (errno=%d)"), errno_save); } #ifdef WIN32 if (errno_save == EBUSY) tstrcpy(buf, T("Resource busy")); #endif tfprintf(wimlib_error_file, T(": %"TS), buf); } tputc(T('\n'), wimlib_error_file); fflush(wimlib_error_file); errno = errno_save; } }
int _write(int fd, char *ptr, int len) { int rv = len; if (!initted) init_uart0 (); while (len != 0) { if (*ptr == '\n') tputc ('\r'); tputc (*ptr); ptr ++; len --; } return rv; }
static void show_circuits(void) { CIRCUIT *circuit; NODE *node; int len; tprintf("Here %-6.6s <- ", Node->aliass); len = 0; for (node = node_hd; node; node = node->next) if (node->refcnt) { len += strlen(node->alias) + 1; if (len > 60) { len = strlen(node->alias) + 1; tputs(xxx); } tputs(node->alias); tputc(' '); } tputc('\n'); for (circuit = circuit_hd; circuit; circuit = circuit->next) if (circuit->flags & p_linked) { tprintf("Link %-6.6s <- ", circuit->>alias); len = 0; for (node = node_hd; node; node = node->next) if (node->refcnt && !cn_find(circuit, node)) { len += strlen(node->alias) + 1; if (len > 60) { len = strlen(node->alias) + 1; tputs(xxx); } tputs(node->alias); tputc(' '); } tputc('\n'); } else if (circuit->flags & p_user) tprintf("User %-6.6s\n", circuit->u.user->call); else if (circuit->flags & p_linkini) tprintf("Link %-6.6s (setup)\n", circuit->>alias); }
int _write(int fd, char *ptr, int len) { int rv = len; if (_open_present && fd > 2) return _SYS_write (fd, ptr, len); if (!initted) init_uart0 (); while (len != 0) { if (*ptr == '\n') tputc ('\r'); tputc (*ptr); ptr ++; len --; } return rv; }
static void pioact(struct shf *shf, int indent, struct ioword *iop) { int flag = iop->flag; int type = flag & IOTYPE; int expected; expected = (type == IOREAD || type == IORDWR || type == IOHERE) ? 0 : (type == IOCAT || type == IOWRITE) ? 1 : (type == IODUP && (iop->unit == !(flag & IORDUP))) ? iop->unit : iop->unit + 1; if (iop->unit != expected) tputc('0' + iop->unit, shf); switch (type) { case IOREAD: fptreef(shf, indent, "< "); break; case IOHERE: if (flag&IOSKIP) fptreef(shf, indent, "<<- "); else fptreef(shf, indent, "<< "); break; case IOCAT: fptreef(shf, indent, ">> "); break; case IOWRITE: if (flag&IOCLOB) fptreef(shf, indent, ">| "); else fptreef(shf, indent, "> "); break; case IORDWR: fptreef(shf, indent, "<> "); break; case IODUP: if (flag & IORDUP) fptreef(shf, indent, "<&"); else fptreef(shf, indent, ">&"); break; } /* name/delim are 0 when printing syntax errors */ if (type == IOHERE) { if (iop->delim) fptreef(shf, indent, "%S ", iop->delim); } else if (iop->name) fptreef(shf, indent, (iop->flag & IONAMEXP) ? "%s " : "%S ", iop->name); }
static void show_topics(void) { TOPIC *topic; USER *user; tputs("Topics in the RoundTable are:\n"); for (topic = topic_hd; topic; topic = topic->next) { tprintf("%s\n", topic->name); if (topic->refcnt) { tputs(" "); for (user = user_hd; user; user = user->next) if (user->topic is topic) tprintf(" %s", user->call); tputc('\n'); } } }
static void vfptreef(struct shf *shf, int indent, const char *fmt, va_list va) { int c; while ((c = *fmt++)) { if (c == '%') { long n; char *p; int neg; switch ((c = *fmt++)) { case 'c': tputc(va_arg(va, int), shf); break; case 's': p = va_arg(va, char *); while (*p) tputc(*p++, shf); break; case 'S': /* word */ p = va_arg(va, char *); tputS(p, shf); break; case 'd': case 'u': /* decimal */ n = (c == 'd') ? va_arg(va, int) : va_arg(va, unsigned int); neg = c=='d' && n<0; p = ulton((neg) ? -n : n, 10); if (neg) *--p = '-'; while (*p) tputc(*p++, shf); break; case 'T': /* format tree */ ptree(va_arg(va, struct op *), indent, shf); break; case ';': /* newline or ; */ case 'N': /* newline or space */ if (shf->flags & SHF_STRING) { if (c == ';') tputc(';', shf); tputc(' ', shf); } else { int i; tputc('\n', shf); for (i = indent; i >= 8; i -= 8) tputc('\t', shf); for (; i > 0; --i) tputc(' ', shf); } break; case 'R': pioact(shf, indent, va_arg(va, struct ioword *)); break; default: tputc(c, shf); break; } } else
static void tputS(char *wp, struct shf *shf) { int c, quoted=0; /* problems: * `...` -> $(...) * 'foo' -> "foo" * could change encoding to: * OQUOTE ["'] ... CQUOTE ["'] * COMSUB [(`] ...\0 (handle $ ` \ and maybe " in `...` case) */ while (1) switch ((c = *wp++)) { case EOS: return; case CHAR: tputC(*wp++, shf); break; case QCHAR: c = *wp++; if (!quoted || (c == '"' || c == '`' || c == '$')) tputc('\\', shf); tputC(c, shf); break; case COMSUB: tputc('$', shf); tputc('(', shf); while (*wp != 0) tputC(*wp++, shf); tputc(')', shf); wp++; break; case EXPRSUB: tputc('$', shf); tputc('(', shf); tputc('(', shf); while (*wp != 0) tputC(*wp++, shf); tputc(')', shf); tputc(')', shf); wp++; break; case OQUOTE: quoted = 1; tputc('"', shf); break; case CQUOTE: quoted = 0; tputc('"', shf); break; case OSUBST: tputc('$', shf); if (*wp++ == '{') tputc('{', shf); while ((c = *wp++) != 0) tputC(c, shf); break; case CSUBST: if (*wp++ == '}') tputc('}', shf); break; case OPAT: tputc(*wp++, shf); tputc('(', shf); break; case SPAT: tputc('|', shf); break; case CPAT: tputc(')', shf); break; } }
static void ptree(struct op *t, int indent, struct shf *shf) { char **w; struct ioword **ioact; struct op *t1; Chain: if (t == NULL) return; switch (t->type) { case TCOM: if (t->vars) for (w = t->vars; *w != NULL; ) fptreef(shf, indent, "%S ", *w++); else fptreef(shf, indent, "#no-vars# "); if (t->args) for (w = t->args; *w != NULL; ) fptreef(shf, indent, "%S ", *w++); else fptreef(shf, indent, "#no-args# "); break; case TEXEC: #if 0 /* ?not useful - can't be called? */ /* Print original vars */ if (t->left->vars) for (w = t->left->vars; *w != NULL; ) fptreef(shf, indent, "%S ", *w++); else fptreef(shf, indent, "#no-vars# "); /* Print expanded vars */ if (t->args) for (w = t->args; *w != NULL; ) fptreef(shf, indent, "%s ", *w++); else fptreef(shf, indent, "#no-args# "); /* Print original io */ t = t->left; #else t = t->left; goto Chain; #endif case TPAREN: fptreef(shf, indent + 2, "( %T) ", t->left); break; case TPIPE: fptreef(shf, indent, "%T| ", t->left); t = t->right; goto Chain; case TLIST: fptreef(shf, indent, "%T%;", t->left); t = t->right; goto Chain; case TOR: case TAND: fptreef(shf, indent, "%T%s %T", t->left, (t->type==TOR) ? "||" : "&&", t->right); break; case TBANG: fptreef(shf, indent, "! "); t = t->right; goto Chain; case TDBRACKET: { int i; fptreef(shf, indent, "[["); for (i = 0; t->args[i]; i++) fptreef(shf, indent, " %S", t->args[i]); fptreef(shf, indent, " ]] "); break; } case TSELECT: fptreef(shf, indent, "select %s ", t->str); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case TFOR: if (t->type == TFOR) fptreef(shf, indent, "for %s ", t->str); if (t->vars != NULL) { fptreef(shf, indent, "in "); for (w = t->vars; *w; ) fptreef(shf, indent, "%S ", *w++); fptreef(shf, indent, "%;"); } fptreef(shf, indent + INDENT, "do%N%T", t->left); fptreef(shf, indent, "%;done "); break; case TCASE: fptreef(shf, indent, "case %S in", t->str); for (t1 = t->left; t1 != NULL; t1 = t1->right) { fptreef(shf, indent, "%N("); for (w = t1->vars; *w != NULL; w++) fptreef(shf, indent, "%S%c", *w, (w[1] != NULL) ? '|' : ')'); fptreef(shf, indent + INDENT, "%;%T%N;;", t1->left); } fptreef(shf, indent, "%Nesac "); break; case TIF: case TELIF: /* 3 == strlen("if ") */ fptreef(shf, indent + 3, "if %T", t->left); for (;;) { t = t->right; if (t->left != NULL) { fptreef(shf, indent, "%;"); fptreef(shf, indent + INDENT, "then%N%T", t->left); } if (t->right == NULL || t->right->type != TELIF) break; t = t->right; fptreef(shf, indent, "%;"); /* 5 == strlen("elif ") */ fptreef(shf, indent + 5, "elif %T", t->left); } if (t->right != NULL) { fptreef(shf, indent, "%;"); fptreef(shf, indent + INDENT, "else%;%T", t->right); } fptreef(shf, indent, "%;fi "); break; case TWHILE: case TUNTIL: /* 6 == strlen("while"/"until") */ fptreef(shf, indent + 6, "%s %T", (t->type==TWHILE) ? "while" : "until", t->left); fptreef(shf, indent, "%;do"); fptreef(shf, indent + INDENT, "%;%T", t->right); fptreef(shf, indent, "%;done "); break; case TBRACE: fptreef(shf, indent + INDENT, "{%;%T", t->left); fptreef(shf, indent, "%;} "); break; case TCOPROC: fptreef(shf, indent, "%T|& ", t->left); break; case TASYNC: fptreef(shf, indent, "%T& ", t->left); break; case TFUNCT: fptreef(shf, indent, t->u.ksh_func ? "function %s %T" : "%s() %T", t->str, t->left); break; case TTIME: fptreef(shf, indent, "time %T", t->left); break; default: fptreef(shf, indent, "<botch>"); break; } if ((ioact = t->ioact) != NULL) { int need_nl = 0; while (*ioact != NULL) pioact(shf, indent, *ioact++); /* Print here documents after everything else... */ for (ioact = t->ioact; *ioact != NULL; ) { struct ioword *iop = *ioact++; /* heredoc is 0 when tracing (set -x) */ if ((iop->flag & IOTYPE) == IOHERE && iop->heredoc) { tputc('\n', shf); shf_puts(iop->heredoc, shf); fptreef(shf, indent, "%s", evalstr(iop->delim, 0)); need_nl = 1; } } /* Last delimiter must be followed by a newline (this often * leads to an extra blank line, but its not worth worrying * about) */ if (need_nl) tputc('\n', shf); } }
void dxp_machine (int dev, HFDD_PARAMS *hfddp) { int c, bbs_mode = 0; hfdd_state = init; hfdd_conn_flag = 0; /* default no connected */ /* 19Feb2005, Maiko, Okay DXP now has bbs mode as well */ if (!memcmp ("bbs", hfddp->call, 3)) bbs_mode = 1; while (hfdd_state != finished) { if (pwait (NULL)) break; /* move init and connect into the machine now */ switch (hfdd_state) { case init: dxp_init (dev, hfddp->pactor); hfdd_state = call; break; case call: /* 19Feb2005, Maiko, Okay DXP now has bbs mode as well */ if (!bbs_mode) dxp_connect (dev, hfddp->call, hfddp->pactor); hfdd_state = called; break; case idle: case called: case connected: case finished: break; } if ((c = get_asy (dev)) == -1) break; if (c == 0x80) { #ifdef DEBUG log_flush (); #endif if ((c = get_asy (dev)) == -1) break; /* 04Oct2006, Maiko, More restructuring, etc */ if (c == 0x7a) { if (dxp_fsk_status (dev) == -1) break; continue; } if (dxp_status (dev, c) == -1) break; if (c == 0x23 || c == 0x24) { if (dxp_eat_the_END (dev) == -1) break; if (hfddp->keyboard) { if (c == 0x23) tprintf ("*** disconnected from %s\n", hfddp->call); else tprintf ("*** failure with %s\n", hfddp->call); } hfdd_state = finished; break; } /* 22Jan2005, Maiko, Stumbled across this new one */ else if (c == 0x09) { if (hfddp->keyboard) tprintf ("*** modem reset\n"); hfdd_state = finished; break; } /* * 21Jan2005, Maiko, Added 'signal lost' conditional * 14Feb2005, Maiko, Oops, HalComm says I should ignore this, * since the modem will send me the link failed status (8024) * when the link actually fails !!! I should NOT be terminating * session on 'signal lost' conditions. Just warn the user ! */ else if (c == 0x25) { if (dxp_eat_the_END (dev) == -1) break; if (hfddp->keyboard) tprintf ("*** signal lost with %s\n", hfddp->call); break; } else if (bbs_mode || (hfdd_state == call) || (hfdd_state == called)) { if (c == 0x10) { if (hfddp->keyboard) j2tputs ("Trying... Escape sequence is: +++<CR>\n"); } /* 16Feb2005, Maiko, Added P-Mode connected flag */ else if ((c == 0x20) || (c == 0x2b)) { if (bbs_mode) { /* 05Mar2005, Maiko, Get incoming callsign */ if (dxp_get_incall (dev, hfddp->call) == -1) { log (-1, "dxp_get_incall () failed !!!"); hfdd_state = finished; break; } /* 09Oct2006, Maiko, Lower case the call */ strlwr (hfddp->call); /* 06Mar2005, Maiko, Now a generic function */ hfdd_mbox (dev, mbxs, (void*)TTY_LINK, (void*)(hfddp->call)); } else { if (hfddp->keyboard) tprintf ("*** connected to %s\n", hfddp->call); hfdd_state = connected; } /* 18Jan2005, Maiko, integrated into fwding now */ /* 28Feb2005, Maiko, Set this either way !! */ hfdd_conn_flag = 1; } } #ifdef DONT_COMPILE if (hfddp->keyboard) usflush (Curproc->output); #endif continue; } /* * 04Oct2006, Maiko, Forgot about the *other* ESC character. If we * get one of these, then the byte that follows is actual DATA !!! */ if (c == 0x81) { log (-1, "escape character"); if ((c = get_asy (dev)) == -1) break; } #ifdef DEBUG log_data (c); #endif /* 18Jan2005, Maiko, Now doing fwd support for Halcomm */ if (hfdd_fwdsock != -1) { usputc (hfdd_fwdsock, c); usflush (hfdd_fwdsock); } else if (bbs_mode) { usputc (mbxs[0], c); usflush (mbxs[0]); } else { if (hfddp->keyboard) { /* Map to NL or else we loose data when we display it */ if (c == 0x0d) c = '\n'; tputc (c); /* assuming this is actual data (for now) */ tflush (); } } } if (hfddp->keyboard) usflush (Curproc->output); }
static int compile_kill_file(void) { FILE *killf, *compf, *patternf, *dropf; comp_kill_header header; comp_kill_entry entry; time_t now, age; long cur_line_start; char line[512]; register char *cp, *np; register int c; group_header *gh; flag_type flag, fields[10]; int any_errors, nfield, nf, len; any_errors = 0; header.ckh_entries = header.ckh_regexp_size = 0; killf = open_file(relative(nn_directory, KILL_FILE), OPEN_READ | DONT_CREATE); if (killf == NULL) return 0; dropf = NULL; compf = open_file(relative(nn_directory, COMPILED_KILL), OPEN_CREATE); if (compf == NULL) goto err1; new_temp_file(); if ((patternf = open_file(temp_file, OPEN_CREATE)) == NULL) goto err2; msg("Compiling kill file"); fseek(compf, sizeof(header), 0); now = cur_time(); next_entry: for (;;) { cur_line_start = ftell(killf); if (fgets(line, 512, killf) == NULL) break; cp = line; while (*cp && isascii(*cp) && isspace(*cp)) cp++; if (*cp == NUL || *cp == '#' || !isascii(*cp)) continue; if ((np = strchr(cp, ':')) == NULL) goto bad_entry; /* optional "age:" */ if (np != cp && isdigit(*cp)) { *np++ = NUL; age = (time_t) atol(cp); if (age < now) goto drop_entry; cp = np; if ((np = strchr(cp, ':')) == NULL) goto bad_entry; } /* "group-name:" or "/regexp:" or ":" for all groups */ flag = COMP_KILL_ENTRY; if (np == cp) { entry.ck_group = -1; np++; } else { *np++ = NUL; if (*cp == '/') { entry.ck_group = (long) ftell(patternf); cp++; len = strlen(cp) + 1; if (fwrite(cp, sizeof(char), len, patternf) != len) goto err3; flag |= GROUP_REGEXP | GROUP_REGEXP_HDR; } else { if ((gh = lookup(cp)) == NULL || (gh->master_flag & M_IGNORE_GROUP)) { tprintf("Unknown/ignored group in kill file: %s\n", cp); any_errors++; goto drop_entry; } entry.ck_group = gh->group_num; } } /* flags */ cp = np; nfield = 0; for (;;) { switch (*cp++) { case EXT_AND_MATCH: case EXT_OR_MATCH: fields[nfield++] = flag; flag &= ~(AND_MATCH | ON_SUBJECT | ON_SENDER | KILL_CASE_MATCH | KILL_ON_REGEXP | GROUP_REGEXP_HDR); flag |= (cp[-1] == EXT_AND_MATCH) ? AND_MATCH : OR_MATCH; continue; case EXT_AUTO_KILL: flag |= AUTO_KILL; continue; case EXT_AUTO_SELECT: flag |= AUTO_SELECT; continue; case EXT_ON_FOLLOW_UP: flag |= ON_FOLLOW_UP; continue; case EXT_ON_NOT_FOLLOW_UP: flag |= ON_NOT_FOLLOW_UP; continue; case EXT_ON_ANY_REFERENCES: flag |= ON_ANY_REFERENCES; continue; case EXT_ON_SUBJECT: flag |= ON_SUBJECT; continue; case EXT_ON_SENDER: flag |= ON_SENDER; continue; case EXT_KILL_CASE_MATCH: flag |= KILL_CASE_MATCH; continue; case EXT_KILL_UNLESS_MATCH: flag |= KILL_UNLESS_MATCH; continue; case EXT_KILL_ON_REGEXP: flag |= KILL_ON_REGEXP; continue; case ':': break; case NL: goto bad_entry; default: tprintf("Ignored flag '%c' in kill file\n", cp[-1]); any_errors++; continue; } break; } fields[nfield++] = flag; for (nf = 0; --nfield >= 0; nf++) { entry.ck_flag = flag = fields[nf]; np = cp; if ((cp = get_pattern(np, &len, nfield)) == NULL) goto bad_entry; if ((flag & KILL_CASE_MATCH) == 0) fold_string(np); entry.ck_pattern_index = ftell(patternf); if (fwrite((char *) &entry, sizeof(entry), 1, compf) != 1) goto err3; if (fwrite(np, sizeof(char), len, patternf) != len) goto err3; header.ckh_entries++; if (flag & GROUP_REGEXP) header.ckh_regexp_size++; } } header.ckh_pattern_size = ftell(patternf); fclose(patternf); patternf = open_file(temp_file, OPEN_READ | OPEN_UNLINK); if (patternf == NULL) goto err2; header.ckh_pattern_offset = ftell(compf); while ((c = getc(patternf)) != EOF) putc(c, compf); fclose(patternf); rewind(compf); header.ckh_magic = COMP_KILL_MAGIC; header.ckh_db_check = master.db_created; if (fwrite((char *) &header, sizeof(header), 1, compf) != 1) goto err2; fclose(compf); fclose(killf); if (dropf != NULL) fclose(dropf); if (any_errors) { tputc(NL); any_key(0); } return 1; bad_entry: tprintf("Incomplete kill file entry:\n%s", line); fl; any_errors++; drop_entry: if (dropf == NULL) { dropf = open_file(relative(nn_directory, KILL_FILE), OPEN_UPDATE | DONT_CREATE); if (dropf == NULL) goto next_entry; } fseek(dropf, cur_line_start, 0); fwrite("# ", sizeof(char), 2, dropf); goto next_entry; err3: fclose(patternf); unlink(temp_file); err2: fclose(compf); rm_kill_file(); err1: fclose(killf); if (dropf != NULL) fclose(dropf); msg("cannot compile kill file"); return 0; }