Exemple #1
static int
readYa( tr_handshake *    handshake,
        struct evbuffer * inbuf )
    uint8_t        ya[KEY_LEN];
    uint8_t *      walk, outbuf[KEY_LEN + PadB_MAXLEN];
    const uint8_t *myKey, *secret;
    int            len;

    dbgmsg( handshake, "in readYa... need %d, have %zu",
            KEY_LEN, evbuffer_get_length( inbuf ) );
    if( evbuffer_get_length( inbuf ) < KEY_LEN )
        return READ_LATER;

    /* read the incoming peer's public key */
    evbuffer_remove( inbuf, ya, KEY_LEN );
    secret = tr_cryptoComputeSecret( handshake->crypto, ya );
    memcpy( handshake->mySecret, secret, KEY_LEN );
    tr_sha1( handshake->myReq1, "req1", 4, secret, KEY_LEN, NULL );

    dbgmsg( handshake, "sending B->A: Diffie Hellman Yb, PadB" );
    /* send our public key to the peer */
    walk = outbuf;
    myKey = tr_cryptoGetMyPublicKey( handshake->crypto, &len );
    memcpy( walk, myKey, len );
    walk += len;
    len = tr_cryptoRandInt( PadB_MAXLEN );
    tr_cryptoRandBuf( walk, len );
    walk += len;

    setReadState( handshake, AWAITING_PAD_A );
    tr_peerIoWriteBytes( handshake->io, outbuf, walk - outbuf, FALSE );
    return READ_NOW;
Exemple #2
static int
test_encrypt_decrypt (void)
  tr_crypto a, b;
  uint8_t hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
  const char test1[] = { "test1" };
  char buf11[sizeof (test1)], buf12[sizeof (test1)];
  const char test2[] = { "@#)C$@)#(*%bvkdjfhwbc039bc4603756VB3)" };
  char buf21[sizeof (test2)], buf22[sizeof (test2)];
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; ++i)
    hash[i] = i;

  tr_cryptoConstruct (&a, hash, false);
  tr_cryptoConstruct (&b, hash, true);
  tr_cryptoComputeSecret (&a, tr_cryptoGetMyPublicKey (&b, &i));
  tr_cryptoComputeSecret (&b, tr_cryptoGetMyPublicKey (&a, &i));

  tr_cryptoEncryptInit (&a);
  tr_cryptoEncrypt (&a, sizeof (test1), test1, buf11);
  tr_cryptoDecryptInit (&b);
  tr_cryptoDecrypt (&b, sizeof (test1), buf11, buf12);
  check_streq (test1, buf12);

  tr_cryptoEncryptInit (&b);
  tr_cryptoEncrypt (&b, sizeof (test2), test2, buf21);
  tr_cryptoDecryptInit (&a);
  tr_cryptoDecrypt (&a, sizeof (test2), buf21, buf22);
  check_streq (test2, buf22);

  tr_cryptoDestruct (&b);
  tr_cryptoDestruct (&a);

  return 0;
Exemple #3
/* 1 A->B: Diffie Hellman Ya, PadA */
static void
sendYa( tr_handshake * handshake )
    int               len;
    const uint8_t *   public_key;
    char              outbuf[ KEY_LEN + PadA_MAXLEN ], *walk=outbuf;

    /* add our public key (Ya) */
    public_key = tr_cryptoGetMyPublicKey( handshake->crypto, &len );
    assert( len == KEY_LEN );
    assert( public_key );
    memcpy( walk, public_key, len );
    walk += len;

    /* add some bullshit padding */
    len = tr_cryptoRandInt( PadA_MAXLEN );
    tr_cryptoRandBuf( walk, len );
    walk += len;

    /* send it */
    setReadState( handshake, AWAITING_YB );
    tr_peerIoWriteBytes( handshake->io, outbuf, walk - outbuf, FALSE );