void DefaultSensors::displaySensor(SDL_Surface *screen, Point2d position, double orientation, std::deque<bool> &displayed, bool force){
	// * show sensors
	for (int i = 0; i < _sensorCount; i++) {
		// Warning: the following is a repetition of code already in the move method (sensor ray casting) in order to display it (coordinates are not stored)
		double x1 = (position.x + _sensors[i][1] * cos(_sensors[i][2] + orientation * M_PI / 180));
		double y1 = (position.y + _sensors[i][1] * sin(_sensors[i][2] + orientation * M_PI / 180));
		double x2 = (position.x + _sensors[i][3] * cos(_sensors[i][4] + orientation * M_PI / 180));
		double y2 = (position.y + _sensors[i][3] * sin(_sensors[i][4] + orientation * M_PI / 180));

		// sensor ray casting is also performed in the move method -- this time we dont store data (already done). -- this one is only used to *display* the ray.
		/*_sensors[i][5] = */
		castSensorRay(gEnvironmentImage, x1, y1, &x2, &y2, getSensorMaximumDistanceValue(i)); // x2 and y2 are overriden with collision coordinate if ray hits object.

		// display on screen
		if (!displayed[i] && _sensors[i][5] < getSensorMaximumDistanceValue(i) - 1) {//gSensorRange-1 )
            displayed[i] = true;
			traceRayRGBA(screen, int(x1 + 0.5) - gCamera.x, int(y1 + 0.5) - gCamera.y, int(x2 + 0.5) - gCamera.x, int(y2 + 0.5) - gCamera.y, 255, 0, 0, 255);
		} else if (gEnergyMode && !displayed[i] && _energySensor[i][0] < getSensorMaximumDistanceValue(i) - 1) {
            displayed[i] = true;
			traceRayRGBA(screen, int(x1 + 0.5) - gCamera.x, int(y1 + 0.5) - gCamera.y, int(x2 + 0.5) - gCamera.x, int(y2 + 0.5) - gCamera.y, 0, 255, 0, 255);
        } else if (!displayed[i] && force) {
            displayed[i] = true;
			traceRayRGBA(screen, int(x1 + 0.5) - gCamera.x, int(y1 + 0.5) - gCamera.y, int(x2 + 0.5) - gCamera.x, int(y2 + 0.5) - gCamera.y, 0, 0, 255, 255);
Exemple #2
 * Display agent on screen. Add information caption if needed.
 * (render mode only)
void RobotAgent::show() // display on screen
	//Show the dot

	if (gNiceRendering) {
		if (gUseOrganisms && _connectToOthers == POSITIVE) {
			apply_surface(_x - gCamera.x, _y - gCamera.y, gAgentPositiveMaskImage, gScreen);
		} else if (gUseOrganisms && _connectToOthers == NEGATIVE) {
			apply_surface(_x - gCamera.x, _y - gCamera.y, gAgentNegativeMaskImage, gScreen);
		} else {
			apply_surface(_x - gCamera.x, _y - gCamera.y, gAgentMaskImage, gScreen); // OPTIONAL (agent is already visible/registered through the environment image -- but: may be useful for image capture

		std::string str = "";
		str += boost::lexical_cast<std::string > (this->_wm->_agentId);
		RenderTextToSurface(str, _x + (gAgentWidth / 4) - gCamera.x, _y - gCamera.y, gScreen);

	if (getWorldModel()->getRobotLED_status() == true) {
		int dx = 1;
		int dy = 1;
		int xcenter = (int)(_wm->_xReal + 0.5);
		int ycenter = (int)(_wm->_yReal + 0.5);
		int r = getWorldModel()->getRobotLED_redValue();
		int g = getWorldModel()->getRobotLED_greenValue();
		int b = getWorldModel()->getRobotLED_blueValue();

		for (int xTmp = xcenter - dx; xTmp != xcenter + dx + 1; xTmp++)
			for (int yTmp = ycenter - dy - 1; yTmp != ycenter + dy; yTmp++) {
				putPixel32secure(gScreen, xTmp - gCamera.x, yTmp + dy - gCamera.y, SDL_MapRGB(gScreen->format, r, g, b));

	if (_wm->_agentId == gAgentIndexFocus && gUserCommandMode) // && _iterations%10 < 5)
		int dx = 10;
		int dy = 10;
		int xcenter = (int) _wm->_xReal + 0.5;
		int ycenter = (int) _wm->_yReal + 0.5;
		int r = 255.0 * ranf();
		int g = 255.0 * ranf();
		int b = 255.0 * ranf();

		for (int xTmp = xcenter - dx; xTmp != xcenter + dx + 1; xTmp++) {
			putPixel32secure(gScreen, xTmp - gCamera.x, ycenter - dy - gCamera.y, SDL_MapRGB(gScreen->format, r, g, b));
			putPixel32secure(gScreen, xTmp - gCamera.x, ycenter + dy - gCamera.y, SDL_MapRGB(gScreen->format, r, g, b));

		for (int yTmp = ycenter - dy; yTmp != ycenter + dy + 1; yTmp++) {
			putPixel32secure(gScreen, xcenter - dx - gCamera.x, yTmp - gCamera.y, SDL_MapRGB(gScreen->format, r, g, b));
			putPixel32secure(gScreen, xcenter + dx - gCamera.x, yTmp - gCamera.y, SDL_MapRGB(gScreen->format, r, g, b));

		//			for ( int xTmp = (int)_wm->_xReal - dx ; xTmp != (int)_wm->_xReal + dx + 1 ; xTmp++ )
		//				for ( int yTmp = (int)_wm->_yReal - dy ; yTmp != (int)_wm->_yReal + dy + 1 ; yTmp++ )
		//						putPixel32secure( gScreen, xTmp - gCamera.x, yTmp - gCamera.y , SDL_MapRGB( gScreen->format, 0xFF, 0x00, ranf() ) );

	if (gDisplaySensors == true) {
		// * show orientation

		int xOrientationMarker = (int) (_wm->_xReal + 0.5) + gAgentWidth / 2 * cos(_wm->_agentAbsoluteOrientation * M_PI / 180);
		int yOrientationMarker = (int) (_wm->_yReal + 0.5) + gAgentWidth / 2 * sin(_wm->_agentAbsoluteOrientation * M_PI / 180);

		if (_wm->_agentId == gAgentIndexFocus && gUserCommandMode) {
			int g, b;
			g = b = (32 * _iterations % 256) > 128 ? 0 : 255;
			for (int xTmp = -2; xTmp != 3; xTmp++)
				for (int yTmp = -2; yTmp != 3; yTmp++)
					putPixel32secure(gScreen, xOrientationMarker - gCamera.x + xTmp, yOrientationMarker - gCamera.y + yTmp, SDL_MapRGB(gScreen->format, 0x00, b, g));
		} else {
			for (int xTmp = -2; xTmp != 3; xTmp++)
				for (int yTmp = -2; yTmp != 3; yTmp++)
					putPixel32secure(gScreen, xOrientationMarker - gCamera.x + xTmp, yOrientationMarker - gCamera.y + yTmp, SDL_MapRGB(gScreen->format, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00));

		// * show sensors

		for (int i = 0; i < _wm->_sensorCount; i++) {
			// Warning: the following is a repetition of code already in the move method (sensor ray casting) in order to display it (coordinates are not stored)
			double x1 = (_wm->_xReal + _wm->_sensors[i][1] * cos(_wm->_sensors[i][2] + _wm->_agentAbsoluteOrientation * M_PI / 180));
			double y1 = (_wm->_yReal + _wm->_sensors[i][1] * sin(_wm->_sensors[i][2] + _wm->_agentAbsoluteOrientation * M_PI / 180));
			double x2 = (_wm->_xReal + _wm->_sensors[i][3] * cos(_wm->_sensors[i][4] + _wm->_agentAbsoluteOrientation * M_PI / 180));
			double y2 = (_wm->_yReal + _wm->_sensors[i][3] * sin(_wm->_sensors[i][4] + _wm->_agentAbsoluteOrientation * M_PI / 180));

			// sensor ray casting is also performed in the move method -- this time we dont store data (already done). -- this one is only used to *display* the ray.
			/*_sensors[i][5] = */castSensorRay(gEnvironmentImage, x1, y1, &x2, &y2, _wm->getSensorMaximumDistanceValue(i)); // x2 and y2 are overriden with collision coordinate if ray hits object.

			// display on screen
			if (_wm->_sensors[i][5] < _wm->getSensorMaximumDistanceValue(i) - 1) //gSensorRange-1 )
				traceRayRGBA(gScreen, int(x1 + 0.5) - gCamera.x, int(y1 + 0.5) - gCamera.y, int(x2 + 0.5) - gCamera.x, int(y2 + 0.5) - gCamera.y, 255, 0, 0, 255);
				traceRayRGBA(gScreen, int(x1 + 0.5) - gCamera.x, int(y1 + 0.5) - gCamera.y, int(x2 + 0.5) - gCamera.x, int(y2 + 0.5) - gCamera.y, 0, 0, 255, 255);

	// caption for storyzones

	if (gDisplayZoneCaption) {
		Uint32 pixel = getPixel32(gZoneImage, _x + gAgentWidth / 2, _y + gAgentHeight / 2);
		if (pixel != SDL_MapRGB(gZoneImage->format, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)) // check if there's a "story" to display
			// extract story index (if any)
			Uint8 r, g, b;
			SDL_GetRGB(pixel, gZoneImage->format, &r, &g, &b);
			int storyId = r; // assume the red component holds the story index.

			if (storyId >= 0 && storyId < 256 && gZoneCaptionImage[storyId] != NULL && gZoneStatus[storyId]) // security check: story exists?
				// display story caption

				//set caption position
				int xCaption = 0, yCaption = 0;
				if (_x < gAreaWidth / 2)
					xCaption = _x - gCamera.x + 40;
					xCaption = _x - gCamera.x - gZoneCaptionImage[storyId]->w - 40;
				if (_y < gAreaHeight / 2)
					yCaption = _y - gCamera.y + 40;
					yCaption = _y - gCamera.y - gZoneCaptionImage[storyId]->h - 40;

				//display caption
				apply_surface(xCaption, yCaption, gZoneCaptionImage[storyId], gScreen);

				// update story flags (if needed)
				if (storyId >= 100 && storyId < 200 && storyId % 10 == 0) // key story, btw 100 and 199: activate story flag of the 9 next sub-stories
					for (int i = 1; i != 10; i++)
						gZoneStatus[storyId + i] = true;
				} else
					if (storyId >= 200 && storyId < 256 && storyId % 10 != 9) // sub-story, btw 200 and 299: activate the next story flag (if not last)
						gZoneStatus[storyId + 1] = true;