void clear_player()
    player &dummy = g->u;

    // Remove first worn item until there are none left.
    std::list<item> temp;
    while( dummy.takeoff( dummy.i_at( -2 ), &temp ) );
    for( const trait_id &tr : dummy.get_mutations() ) {
        dummy.unset_mutation( tr );
    // Prevent spilling, but don't cause encumbrance
    if( !dummy.has_trait( trait_id( "DEBUG_STORAGE" ) ) ) {
        dummy.set_mutation( trait_id( "DEBUG_STORAGE" ) );



    // Make stats nominal.
    dummy.str_cur = 8;
    dummy.dex_cur = 8;
    dummy.int_cur = 8;
    dummy.per_cur = 8;

    const tripoint spot( 60, 60, 0 );
    dummy.setpos( spot );
Exemple #2
bool trap::detect_trap( const tripoint &pos, const player &p ) const
    // Some decisions are based around:
    // * Starting, and thus average perception, is 8.
    // * Buried landmines, the silent killer, has a visibility of 10.
    // * There will always be a distance malus of 1 unless you're on top of the trap.
    // * ...and an average character should at least have a minor chance of
    //   noticing a buried landmine if standing right next to it.
    // Effective Perception...
    ///\EFFECT_PER increases chance of detecting a trap
    return ( p.per_cur - ( p.encumb( bp_eyes ) / 10 ) ) +
           // ...small bonus from stimulants...
           ( p.stim > 10 ? rng( 1, 2 ) : 0 ) +
           // ...bonus from trap skill...
           ///\EFFECT_TRAPS increases chance of detecting a trap
           ( p.get_skill_level( skill_traps ) * 2 ) +
           // ...luck, might be good, might be bad...
           rng( -4, 4 ) -
           // ...malus if we are tired...
           ( p.has_effect( effect_lack_sleep ) ? rng( 1, 5 ) : 0 ) -
           // ...malus farther we are from trap...
           rl_dist( p.pos(), pos ) +
           // Police are trained to notice Something Wrong.
           ( p.has_trait( trait_id( "PROF_POLICE" ) ) ? 1 : 0 ) +
           ( p.has_trait( trait_id( "PROF_PD_DET" ) ) ? 2 : 0 ) >
           // ...must all be greater than the trap visibility.
void prepare_test()
    player &dummy = g->u;

    // Remove first worn item until there are none left.
    std::list<item> temp;
    while( dummy.takeoff( dummy.i_at( -2 ), &temp ) );
    for( trait_id tr : dummy.get_mutations() ) {
        dummy.unset_mutation( tr );
    // Prevent spilling, but don't cause encumbrance
    if( !dummy.has_trait( trait_id( "DEBUG_STORAGE" ) ) ) {
        dummy.set_mutation( trait_id( "DEBUG_STORAGE" ) );

    // Make stats nominal.
    dummy.str_cur = 8;
    dummy.dex_cur = 8;
    dummy.int_cur = 8;
    dummy.per_cur = 8;

    const tripoint spot( 60, 60, 0 );
    dummy.setpos( spot );
    g->m.ter_set( spot, ter_id( "t_dirt" ) );
    g->m.furn_set( spot, furn_id( "f_null" ) );
    g->m.i_clear( spot );
Exemple #4
ret_val<edible_rating> player::can_eat( const item &food ) const
    // @todo This condition occurs way too often. Unify it.
    if( is_underwater() ) {
        return ret_val<edible_rating>::make_failure( _( "You can't do that while underwater." ) );

    const auto &comest = food.type->comestible;
    if( !comest ) {
        return ret_val<edible_rating>::make_failure( _( "That doesn't look edible." ) );

    const bool eat_verb  = food.has_flag( "USE_EAT_VERB" );
    const bool edible    = eat_verb ||  comest->comesttype == "FOOD";
    const bool drinkable = !eat_verb && comest->comesttype == "DRINK";

    if( edible || drinkable ) {
        for( const auto &elem : food.type->materials ) {
            if( !elem->edible() ) {
                return ret_val<edible_rating>::make_failure( _( "That doesn't look edible in its current form." ) );

    if( comest->tool != "null" ) {
        const bool has = item::count_by_charges( comest->tool )
                         ? has_charges( comest->tool, 1 )
                         : has_amount( comest->tool, 1 );
        if( !has ) {
            return ret_val<edible_rating>::make_failure( NO_TOOL,
                    string_format( _( "You need a %s to consume that!" ),
                                   item::nname( comest->tool ).c_str() ) );

    // For all those folks who loved eating marloss berries.  D:< mwuhahaha
    if( has_trait( trait_id( "M_DEPENDENT" ) ) && food.typeId() != "mycus_fruit" ) {
        return ret_val<edible_rating>::make_failure( INEDIBLE_MUTATION,
                _( "We can't eat that.  It's not right for us." ) );
    // Here's why PROBOSCIS is such a negative trait.
    if( has_trait( trait_id( "PROBOSCIS" ) ) && !drinkable ) {
        return ret_val<edible_rating>::make_failure( INEDIBLE_MUTATION, _( "Ugh, you can't drink that!" ) );

    if( has_trait( trait_id( "CARNIVORE" ) ) && nutrition_for( food ) > 0 &&
        food.has_any_flag( carnivore_blacklist ) && !food.has_flag( "CARNIVORE_OK" ) ) {
        return ret_val<edible_rating>::make_failure( INEDIBLE_MUTATION,
                _( "Eww.  Inedible plant stuff!" ) );

    if( ( has_trait( trait_id( "HERBIVORE" ) ) || has_trait( trait_id( "RUMINANT" ) ) ) &&
        food.has_any_flag( herbivore_blacklist ) ) {
        // Like non-cannibal, but more strict!
        return ret_val<edible_rating>::make_failure( INEDIBLE_MUTATION,
                _( "The thought of eating that makes you feel sick." ) );

    return ret_val<edible_rating>::make_success();
void mutation_branch::load_trait_group( JsonObject &jsobj, const trait_group::Trait_group_tag &gid,
                                        const std::string &subtype )
    if( subtype != "distribution" && subtype != "collection" && subtype != "old" ) {
        jsobj.throw_error( "unknown trait group type", "subtype" );

    Trait_group &tg = make_group_or_throw( gid, ( subtype == "collection" || subtype == "old" ) );

    // TODO: (sm) Looks like this makes the new code backwards-compatible with the old format. Great if so!
    if( subtype == "old" ) {
        JsonArray traits = jsobj.get_array( "traits" );
        while( traits.has_more() ) {
            JsonArray pair = traits.next_array();
            tg.add_trait_entry( trait_id( pair.get_string( 0 ) ), pair.get_int( 1 ) );

    // TODO: (sm) Taken from item_factory.cpp almost verbatim. Ensure that these work!
    if( jsobj.has_member( "entries" ) ) {
        JsonArray traits = jsobj.get_array( "entries" );
        while( traits.has_more() ) {
            JsonObject subobj = traits.next_object();
            add_entry( tg, subobj );
    if( jsobj.has_member( "traits" ) ) {
        JsonArray traits = jsobj.get_array( "traits" );
        while( traits.has_more() ) {
            if( traits.test_string() ) {
                tg.add_trait_entry( trait_id( traits.next_string() ), 100 );
            } else if( traits.test_array() ) {
                JsonArray subtrait = traits.next_array();
                tg.add_trait_entry( trait_id( subtrait.get_string( 0 ) ), subtrait.get_int( 1 ) );
            } else {
                JsonObject subobj = traits.next_object();
                add_entry( tg, subobj );
    if( jsobj.has_member( "groups" ) ) {
        JsonArray traits = jsobj.get_array( "groups" );
        while( traits.has_more() ) {
            if( traits.test_string() ) {
                tg.add_group_entry( trait_group::Trait_group_tag( traits.next_string() ), 100 );
            } else if( traits.test_array() ) {
                JsonArray subtrait = traits.next_array();
                tg.add_group_entry( trait_group::Trait_group_tag( traits.get_string( 0 ) ), subtrait.get_int( 1 ) );
            } else {
                JsonObject subobj = traits.next_object();
                add_entry( tg, subobj );
void fungal_effects::fungalize( const tripoint &sporep, Creature *origin, double spore_chance )
    int mondex = gm.mon_at( sporep );
    if( mondex != -1 ) { // Spores hit a monster
        if( gm.u.sees( sporep ) &&
            !gm.zombie( mondex ).type->in_species( FUNGUS ) ) {
            add_msg( _( "The %s is covered in tiny spores!" ),
                     gm.zombie( mondex ).name().c_str() );
        monster &critter = gm.zombie( mondex );
        if( !critter.make_fungus() ) {
            // Don't insta-kill non-fungables. Jabberwocks, for example
            critter.add_effect( effect_stunned, rng( 1, 3 ) );
            critter.apply_damage( origin, bp_torso, rng( 25, 50 ) );
    } else if( gm.u.pos() == sporep ) {
        player &pl = gm.u; // TODO: Make this accept NPCs when they understand fungals
        ///\EFFECT_DEX increases chance of knocking fungal spores away with your TAIL_CATTLE

        ///\EFFECT_MELEE increases chance of knocking fungal sports away with your TAIL_CATTLE
        if( pl.has_trait( trait_id( "TAIL_CATTLE" ) ) &&
            one_in( 20 - pl.dex_cur - pl.get_skill_level( skill_id( "melee" ) ) ) ) {
                _( "The spores land on you, but you quickly swat them off with your tail!" ) );
        // Spores hit the player--is there any hope?
        bool hit = false;
        hit |= one_in( 4 ) && pl.add_env_effect( effect_spores, bp_head, 3, 90, bp_head );
        hit |= one_in( 2 ) && pl.add_env_effect( effect_spores, bp_torso, 3, 90, bp_torso );
        hit |= one_in( 4 ) && pl.add_env_effect( effect_spores, bp_arm_l, 3, 90, bp_arm_l );
        hit |= one_in( 4 ) && pl.add_env_effect( effect_spores, bp_arm_r, 3, 90, bp_arm_r );
        hit |= one_in( 4 ) && pl.add_env_effect( effect_spores, bp_leg_l, 3, 90, bp_leg_l );
        hit |= one_in( 4 ) && pl.add_env_effect( effect_spores, bp_leg_r, 3, 90, bp_leg_r );
        if( hit ) {
            add_msg( m_warning, _( "You're covered in tiny spores!" ) );
    } else if( gm.num_zombies() < 250 && x_in_y( spore_chance, 1.0 ) ) { // Spawn a spore
        if( gm.summon_mon( mon_spore, sporep ) ) {
            monster *spore = gm.monster_at( sporep );
            monster *origin_mon = dynamic_cast<monster *>( origin );
            if( origin_mon != nullptr ) {
                spore->make_ally( origin_mon );
            } else if( origin != nullptr && origin->is_player() &&
                       gm.u.has_trait( trait_id( "THRESH_MYCUS" ) ) ) {
                spore->friendly = 1000;
    } else {
        spread_fungus( sporep );
Exemple #7
int player::stomach_capacity() const
    if( has_trait( trait_id( "GIZZARD" ) ) ) {
        return 0;

    if( has_active_mutation( trait_id( "HIBERNATE" ) ) ) {
        return -620;

    if( has_trait( trait_id( "GOURMAND" ) ) || has_trait( trait_id( "HIBERNATE" ) ) ) {
        return -60;

    return -20;
std::list<item> craft_command::consume_components()
    std::list<item> used;
    if( crafter->has_trait( trait_id( "DEBUG_HS" ) ) ) {
        return used;

    if( empty() ) {
        debugmsg( "Warning: attempted to consume items from an empty craft_command" );
        return used;

    inventory map_inv;
    map_inv.form_from_map( crafter->pos(), PICKUP_RANGE );

    if( !check_item_components_missing( map_inv ).empty() ) {
        debugmsg( "Aborting crafting: couldn't find cached components" );
        return used;

    for( const auto &it : item_selections ) {
        std::list<item> tmp = crafter->consume_items( it, batch_size );
        used.splice( used.end(), tmp );

    for( const auto &it : tool_selections ) {
        crafter->consume_tools( it, batch_size );

    return used;
void mutation_branch::load_trait_blacklist( JsonObject &jsobj )
    JsonArray jarr = jsobj.get_array( "traits" );
    while( jarr.has_more() ) {
        trait_blacklist.insert( trait_id( jarr.next_string() ) );
Exemple #10
units::volume stomach_contents::capacity() const
    float max_mod = 1;
    if( g->u.has_trait( trait_id( "GIZZARD" ) ) ) {
        max_mod *= 0.9;
    if( g->u.has_active_mutation( trait_id( "HIBERNATE" ) ) ) {
        max_mod *= 3;
    if( g->u.has_active_mutation( trait_id( "GOURMAND" ) ) ) {
        max_mod *= 2;
    if( g->u.has_trait( trait_id( "SLIMESPAWNER" ) ) ) {
        max_mod *= 3;
    return max_volume * max_mod;
bool tutorial_game::init()
    // TODO: clean up old tutorial

    calendar::turn = HOURS( 12 ); // Start at noon
    for( auto &elem : tutorials_seen ) {
        elem = false;
    g->temperature = 65;
    // We use a Z-factor of 10 so that we don't plop down tutorial rooms in the
    // middle of the "real" game world
    g->u.str_cur = g->u.str_max;
    g->u.per_cur = g->u.per_max;
    g->u.int_cur = g->u.int_max;
    g->u.dex_cur = g->u.dex_max;

    for( int i = 0; i < num_hp_parts; i++ ) {
        g->u.hp_cur[i] = g->u.hp_max[i];

    const oter_id rock( "rock" );
    //~ default name for the tutorial
    g->u.name = _( "John Smith" );
    g->u.prof = profession::generic();
    // overmap terrain coordinates
    const int lx = 50;
    const int ly = 50;
    auto &starting_om = overmap_buffer.get( 0, 0 );
    for( int i = 0; i < OMAPX; i++ ) {
        for( int j = 0; j < OMAPY; j++ ) {
            starting_om.ter( i, j, -1 ) = rock;
            // Start with the overmap revealed
            starting_om.seen( i, j, 0 ) = true;
    starting_om.ter( lx, ly, 0 ) = oter_id( "tutorial" );
    starting_om.ter( lx, ly, -1 ) = oter_id( "tutorial" );

    g->u.toggle_trait( trait_id( "QUICK" ) );
    item lighter( "lighter", 0 );
    lighter.invlet = 'e';
    g->u.inv.add_item( lighter, true, false );
    g->u.set_skill_level( skill_id( "gun" ), 5 );
    g->u.set_skill_level( skill_id( "melee" ), 5 );
    g->load_map( omt_to_sm_copy( tripoint( lx, ly, 0 ) ) );
    g->u.setx( 2 );
    g->u.sety( 4 );

    // This shifts the view to center the players pos
    g->update_map( g->u );
    return true;
void json_item_substitution::do_load( JsonObject &jo )
    const bool item_mode = jo.has_string( "item" );
    const std::string title = jo.get_string( item_mode ? "item" : "trait" );

    auto check_duplicate_item = [&]( const itype_id & it ) {
        return substitutions.find( it ) != substitutions.end() ||
               std::find_if( bonuses.begin(), bonuses.end(),
        [&it]( const std::pair<itype_id, trait_requirements> &p ) {
            return p.first == it;
        } ) != bonuses.end();
    if( item_mode && check_duplicate_item( title ) ) {
        jo.throw_error( "Duplicate definition of item" );

    if( jo.has_array( "bonus" ) ) {
        if( !item_mode ) {
            jo.throw_error( "Bonuses can only be used in item mode" );
        JsonArray arr = jo.get_array( "bonus" );
        bonuses.emplace_back( title, trait_requirements::load( arr ) );
    } else if( !jo.has_array( "sub" ) ) {
        jo.throw_error( "Missing sub array" );

    JsonArray sub = jo.get_array( "sub" );
    while( sub.has_more() ) {
        JsonArray line = sub.next_array();
        substitution s;
        const itype_id old_it = item_mode ? title : line.next_string();
        if( item_mode ) {
            s.trait_reqs = trait_requirements::load( line );
        } else {
            if( check_duplicate_item( old_it ) ) {
                line.throw_error( "Duplicate definition of item" );
            s.trait_reqs.present.push_back( trait_id( title ) );
        // Error if the array doesn't have at least one new_item
        do {
            s.infos.push_back( substitution::info::load( line ) );
        } while( line.has_more() );
        substitutions[old_it].push_back( s );
Exemple #13
npc create_model()
    npc model_npc;
    model_npc.randomize( NC_NONE );
    for( trait_id tr : model_npc.get_mutations() ) {
        model_npc.unset_mutation( tr );
    model_npc.set_hunger( 0 );
    model_npc.set_thirst( 0 );
    model_npc.set_fatigue( 0 );
    model_npc.remove_effect( efftype_id( "sleep" ) );
    // An ugly hack to prevent NPC falling asleep during testing due to massive fatigue
    model_npc.set_mutation( trait_id( "WEB_WEAVER" ) );

    return model_npc;
void bite_actor::on_damage( monster &z, Creature &target, dealt_damage_instance &dealt ) const
    melee_actor::on_damage( z, target, dealt );
    if( target.has_effect( effect_grabbed ) && one_in( no_infection_chance - dealt.total_damage() ) ) {
        const body_part hit = dealt.bp_hit;
        if( target.has_effect( effect_bite, hit ) ) {
            target.add_effect( effect_bite, 40_minutes, hit, true );
        } else if( target.has_effect( effect_infected, hit ) ) {
            target.add_effect( effect_infected, 25_minutes, hit, true );
        } else {
            target.add_effect( effect_bite, 1_turns, hit, true );
    if( target.has_trait( trait_id( "TOXICFLESH" ) ) ) {
        z.add_effect( effect_poison, 5_minutes );
        z.add_effect( effect_badpoison, 5_minutes );
Exemple #15
void npc_class::load( JsonObject &jo, const std::string & )
    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "name", name, translated_string_reader );
    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "job_description", job_description, translated_string_reader );

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "common", common, true );
    bonus_str = load_distribution( jo, "bonus_str" );
    bonus_dex = load_distribution( jo, "bonus_dex" );
    bonus_int = load_distribution( jo, "bonus_int" );
    bonus_per = load_distribution( jo, "bonus_per" );

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "shopkeeper_item_group", shopkeeper_item_group, "EMPTY_GROUP" );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "worn_override", worn_override );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "carry_override", carry_override );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "weapon_override", weapon_override );

    if( jo.has_array( "traits" ) ) {
        JsonArray jarr = jo.get_array( "traits" );
        while( jarr.has_more() ) {
            JsonArray jarr_in = jarr.next_array();
            traits[ trait_id( jarr_in.get_string( 0 ) ) ] = jarr_in.get_int( 1 );

    if( jo.has_array( "skills" ) ) {
        JsonArray jarr = jo.get_array( "skills" );
        while( jarr.has_more() ) {
            JsonObject skill_obj = jarr.next_object();
            auto skill_ids = skill_obj.get_tags( "skill" );
            if( skill_obj.has_object( "level" ) ) {
                distribution dis = load_distribution( skill_obj, "level" );
                for( const auto &sid : skill_ids ) {
                    skills[ skill_id( sid ) ] = dis;
            } else {
                distribution dis = load_distribution( skill_obj, "bonus" );
                for( const auto &sid : skill_ids ) {
                    bonus_skills[ skill_id( sid ) ] = dis;
Exemple #16
void mutation_category_trait::load( JsonObject &jsobj )
    mutation_category_trait new_category;
    new_category.id = jsobj.get_string( "id" );
    new_category.raw_name = jsobj.get_string( "name" );
    new_category.threshold_mut = trait_id( jsobj.get_string( "threshold_mut" ) );

    new_category.raw_mutagen_message = jsobj.get_string( "mutagen_message" );
    new_category.mutagen_hunger  = jsobj.get_int( "mutagen_hunger", 10 );
    new_category.mutagen_thirst  = jsobj.get_int( "mutagen_thirst", 10 );
    new_category.mutagen_pain    = jsobj.get_int( "mutagen_pain", 2 );
    new_category.mutagen_fatigue = jsobj.get_int( "mutagen_fatigue", 5 );
    new_category.mutagen_morale  = jsobj.get_int( "mutagen_morale", 0 );
    new_category.raw_iv_message = jsobj.get_string( "iv_message" );
    new_category.iv_min_mutations    = jsobj.get_int( "iv_min_mutations", 1 );
    new_category.iv_additional_mutations = jsobj.get_int( "iv_additional_mutations", 2 );
    new_category.iv_additional_mutations_chance = jsobj.get_int( "iv_additional_mutations_chance", 3 );
    new_category.iv_hunger   = jsobj.get_int( "iv_hunger", 10 );
    new_category.iv_thirst   = jsobj.get_int( "iv_thirst", 10 );
    new_category.iv_pain     = jsobj.get_int( "iv_pain", 2 );
    new_category.iv_fatigue  = jsobj.get_int( "iv_fatigue", 5 );
    new_category.iv_morale   = jsobj.get_int( "iv_morale", 0 );
    new_category.iv_morale_max   = jsobj.get_int( "iv_morale_max", 0 );
    new_category.iv_sound = jsobj.get_bool( "iv_sound", false );
    new_category.raw_iv_sound_message = jsobj.get_string( "iv_sound_message",
                                        translate_marker( "You inject yoursel-arRGH!" ) );
    new_category.raw_iv_sound_id = jsobj.get_string( "iv_sound_id", "shout" );
    new_category.raw_iv_sound_variant = jsobj.get_string( "iv_sound_variant", "default" );
    new_category.iv_noise = jsobj.get_int( "iv_noise", 0 );
    new_category.iv_sleep = jsobj.get_bool( "iv_sleep", false );
    new_category.raw_iv_sleep_message = jsobj.get_string( "iv_sleep_message",
                                        translate_marker( "You fall asleep." ) );
    new_category.iv_sleep_dur = jsobj.get_int( "iv_sleep_dur", 0 );
    static_cast<void>( translate_marker_context( "memorial_male", "Crossed a threshold" ) );
    static_cast<void>( translate_marker_context( "memorial_female", "Crossed a threshold" ) );
    new_category.raw_memorial_message = jsobj.get_string( "memorial_message",
                                        "Crossed a threshold" );
    new_category.raw_junkie_message = jsobj.get_string( "junkie_message",
                                      translate_marker( "Oh, yeah! That's the stuff!" ) );

    mutation_category_traits[new_category.id] = new_category;
void draw_description( const catacurses::window &win, bionic const &bio )
    werase( win );
    const int width = getmaxx( win );
    const std::string poweronly_string = build_bionic_poweronly_string( bio );
    int ypos = fold_and_print( win, 0, 0, width, c_white, bio.id->name );
    if( !poweronly_string.empty() ) {
        ypos += fold_and_print( win, ypos, 0, width, c_light_gray,
                                _( "Power usage: %s" ), poweronly_string.c_str() );
    ypos += 1 + fold_and_print( win, ypos, 0, width, c_light_blue, bio.id->description );

    // @todo: Unhide when enforcing limits
    if( g->u.has_trait( trait_id( "DEBUG_CBM_SLOTS" ) ) ) {
        const bool each_bp_on_new_line = ypos + ( int )num_bp + 1 < getmaxy( win );
        ypos += fold_and_print( win, ypos, 0, width, c_light_gray,
                                list_occupied_bps( bio.id, _( "This bionic occupies the following body parts:" ),
                                        each_bp_on_new_line ) );
    wrefresh( win );
Exemple #18
morale_type player::allergy_type( const item &food ) const
    using allergy_tuple = std::tuple<trait_id, std::string, morale_type>;
    static const std::array<allergy_tuple, 8> allergy_tuples = {{
            std::make_tuple( trait_id( "VEGETARIAN" ), "ALLERGEN_MEAT", MORALE_VEGETARIAN ),
            std::make_tuple( trait_id( "MEATARIAN" ), "ALLERGEN_VEGGY", MORALE_MEATARIAN ),
            std::make_tuple( trait_id( "LACTOSE" ), "ALLERGEN_MILK", MORALE_LACTOSE ),
            std::make_tuple( trait_id( "ANTIFRUIT" ), "ALLERGEN_FRUIT", MORALE_ANTIFRUIT ),
            std::make_tuple( trait_id( "ANTIJUNK" ), "ALLERGEN_JUNK", MORALE_ANTIJUNK ),
            std::make_tuple( trait_id( "ANTIWHEAT" ), "ALLERGEN_WHEAT", MORALE_ANTIWHEAT )

    for( const auto &tp : allergy_tuples ) {
        if( has_trait( std::get<0>( tp ) ) &&
            food.has_flag( std::get<1>( tp ) ) ) {
            return std::get<2>( tp );

    return MORALE_NULL;
Exemple #19
ret_val<edible_rating> player::will_eat( const item &food, bool interactive ) const
    const auto ret = can_eat( food );
    if( !ret.success() ) {
        if( interactive ) {
            add_msg_if_player( m_info, "%s", ret.c_str() );
        return ret;

    std::vector<ret_val<edible_rating>> consequences;
    const auto add_consequence = [&consequences]( const std::string & msg, edible_rating code ) {
        consequences.emplace_back( ret_val<edible_rating>::make_failure( code, msg ) );

    const bool saprophage = has_trait( trait_id( "SAPROPHAGE" ) );
    const auto &comest = food.type->comestible;

    if( food.rotten() ) {
        const bool saprovore = has_trait( trait_id( "SAPROVORE" ) );
        if( !saprophage && !saprovore ) {
            add_consequence( _( "This is rotten and smells awful!" ), ROTTEN );

    const bool carnivore = has_trait( trait_id( "CARNIVORE" ) );
    if( food.has_flag( "CANNIBALISM" ) && !has_trait_flag( "CANNIBAL" ) ) {
        add_consequence( _( "The thought of eating human flesh makes you feel sick." ), CANNIBALISM );

    const bool edible = comest->comesttype == "FOOD" || food.has_flag( "USE_EAT_VERB" );

    if( edible && has_effect( effect_nausea ) ) {
        add_consequence( _( "You still feel nauseous and will probably puke it all up again." ), NAUSEA );

    if( ( allergy_type( food ) != MORALE_NULL ) || ( carnivore && food.has_flag( "ALLERGEN_JUNK" ) &&
            !food.has_flag( "CARNIVORE_OK" ) ) ) {
        add_consequence( _( "Your stomach won't be happy (allergy)." ), ALLERGY );

    if( saprophage && edible && food.rotten() && !food.has_flag( "FERTILIZER" ) ) {
        // Note: We're allowing all non-solid "food". This includes drugs
        // Hard-coding fertilizer for now - should be a separate flag later
        //~ No, we don't eat "rotten" food. We eat properly aged food, like a normal person.
        //~ Semantic difference, but greatly facilitates people being proud of their character.
        add_consequence( _( "Your stomach won't be happy (not rotten enough)." ), ALLERGY_WEAK );

    const int nutr = nutrition_for( food );
    const int quench = comest->quench;
    const int temp_hunger = get_hunger() - nutr;
    const int temp_thirst = get_thirst() - quench;

    if( !has_active_mutation( trait_id( "EATHEALTH" ) ) &&
        !has_active_mutation( trait_id( "HIBERNATE" ) ) &&
        !has_trait( trait_id( "SLIMESPAWNER" ) ) ) {

        if( get_hunger() < 0 && nutr >= 5 && !has_active_mutation( trait_id( "GOURMAND" ) ) ) {
            add_consequence( _( "You're full already and will be forcing yourself to eat." ), TOO_FULL );
        } else if( ( ( nutr > 0           && temp_hunger < stomach_capacity() ) ||
                     ( comest->quench > 0 && temp_thirst < stomach_capacity() ) ) &&
                   !food.has_infinite_charges() ) {
            add_consequence( _( "You will not be able to finish it all." ), TOO_FULL );

    if( !consequences.empty() ) {
        if( !interactive ) {
            return consequences.front();
        std::ostringstream req;
        for( const auto &elem : consequences ) {
            req << elem.str() << std::endl;

        const bool eat_verb  = food.has_flag( "USE_EAT_VERB" );
        if( eat_verb || comest->comesttype == "FOOD" ) {
            req << string_format( _( "Eat your %s anyway?" ), food.tname().c_str() );
        } else if( !eat_verb && comest->comesttype == "DRINK" ) {
            req << string_format( _( "Drink your %s anyway?" ), food.tname().c_str() );
        } else {
            req << string_format( _( "Consume your %s anyway?" ), food.tname().c_str() );

        if( !query_yn( req.str() ) ) {
            return consequences.front();
    // All checks ended, it's edible (or we're pretending it is)
    return ret_val<edible_rating>::make_success();
struct less<failure> {
    bool operator()( const failure &lhs, const failure &rhs ) const {
        return lhs.prof < rhs.prof;

// TODO: According to profiling (interrupt, backtrace, wait a few seconds, repeat) with a sample
// size of 20, 70% of the time is due to the call to Character::set_mutation in try_set_traits.
// When the mutation stuff isn't commented out, the test takes 110 minutes (not a typo)!

TEST_CASE( "starting_items" )
    // Every starting trait that interferes with food/clothing
    const std::vector<trait_id> mutations = {
        trait_id( "ANTIFRUIT" ),
        trait_id( "ANTIJUNK" ),
        trait_id( "ANTIWHEAT" ),
        //trait_id( "ARM_TENTACLES" ),
        //trait_id( "BEAK" ),
        trait_id( "CANNIBAL" ),
        //trait_id( "CARNIVORE" ),
        //trait_id( "HERBIVORE" ),
        //trait_id( "HOOVES" ),
        trait_id( "LACTOSE" ),
        //trait_id( "LEG_TENTACLES" ),
        trait_id( "MEATARIAN" ),
        //trait_id( "RAP_TALONS" ),
        //trait_id( "TAIL_FLUFFY" ),
        //trait_id( "TAIL_LONG" ),
        trait_id( "VEGETARIAN" ),
void player::power_bionics()
    std::vector <bionic *> passive = filtered_bionics( *my_bionics, TAB_PASSIVE );
    std::vector <bionic *> active = filtered_bionics( *my_bionics, TAB_ACTIVE );
    bionic *bio_last = NULL;
    bionic_tab_mode tab_mode = TAB_ACTIVE;

    //added title_tab_height for the tabbed bionic display
    int TITLE_HEIGHT = 2;
    int TITLE_TAB_HEIGHT = 3;

    // Main window
    /** Total required height is:
     * top frame line:                                         + 1
     * height of title window:                                 + TITLE_HEIGHT
     * height of tabs:                                         + TITLE_TAB_HEIGHT
     * height of the biggest list of active/passive bionics:   + bionic_count
     * bottom frame line:                                      + 1
     * TOTAL: TITLE_HEIGHT + TITLE_TAB_HEIGHT + bionic_count + 2
    const int HEIGHT = std::min( TERMY,
                                 std::max( FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT,
                                           TITLE_HEIGHT + TITLE_TAB_HEIGHT +
                                           ( int )my_bionics->size() + 2 ) );
    const int START_X = ( TERMX - WIDTH ) / 2;
    const int START_Y = ( TERMY - HEIGHT ) / 2;
    //wBio is the entire bionic window
    catacurses::window wBio = catacurses::newwin( HEIGHT, WIDTH, START_Y, START_X );


    const int DESCRIPTION_WIDTH = WIDTH - 2 - 40;
    const int DESCRIPTION_START_X = START_X + 1 + 40;
    //w_description is the description panel that is controlled with ! key
    catacurses::window w_description = catacurses::newwin( LIST_HEIGHT, DESCRIPTION_WIDTH,
                                       DESCRIPTION_START_Y, DESCRIPTION_START_X );

    // Title window
    const int TITLE_START_Y = START_Y + 1;
    catacurses::window w_title = catacurses::newwin( TITLE_HEIGHT, WIDTH - 2, TITLE_START_Y,
                                 START_X + 1 );

    const int TAB_START_Y = TITLE_START_Y + 2;
    //w_tabs is the tab bar for passive and active bionic groups
    catacurses::window w_tabs = catacurses::newwin( TITLE_TAB_HEIGHT, WIDTH - 2, TAB_START_Y,
                                START_X + 1 );

    int scroll_position = 0;
    int cursor = 0;

    //generate the tab title string and a count of the bionics owned
    bionic_menu_mode menu_mode = ACTIVATING;
    // offset for display: bionic with index i is drawn at y=list_start_y+i
    // drawing the bionics starts with bionic[scroll_position]
    const int list_start_y = HEADER_LINE_Y;// - scroll_position;
    int half_list_view_location = LIST_HEIGHT / 2;
    int max_scroll_position = std::max( 0, ( int )active.size() );

    input_context ctxt( "BIONICS" );
    ctxt.register_action( "ANY_INPUT" );
    ctxt.register_action( "TOGGLE_EXAMINE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "REASSIGN" );
    ctxt.register_action( "REMOVE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "NEXT_TAB" );
    ctxt.register_action( "PREV_TAB" );
    ctxt.register_action( "CONFIRM" );
    ctxt.register_action( "HELP_KEYBINDINGS" );

    bool recalc = false;
    bool redraw = true;

    for( ;; ) {
        if( recalc ) {
            passive = filtered_bionics( *my_bionics, TAB_PASSIVE );
            active = filtered_bionics( *my_bionics, TAB_ACTIVE );

            if( active.empty() && !passive.empty() ) {
                tab_mode = TAB_PASSIVE;

            if( --cursor < 0 ) {
                cursor = 0;
            if( scroll_position > max_scroll_position &&
                cursor - scroll_position < LIST_HEIGHT - half_list_view_location ) {

            recalc = false;
            // bionics were modified, so it's necessary to redraw the screen
            redraw = true;

        //track which list we are looking at
        std::vector<bionic *> *current_bionic_list = ( tab_mode == TAB_ACTIVE ? &active : &passive );
        max_scroll_position = std::max( 0, ( int )current_bionic_list->size() - LIST_HEIGHT );

        if( redraw ) {
            redraw = false;

            werase( wBio );
            draw_border( wBio, BORDER_COLOR, _( " BIONICS " ) );
            // Draw symbols to connect additional lines to border
            mvwputch( wBio, HEADER_LINE_Y - 1, 0, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_XXXO ); // |-
            mvwputch( wBio, HEADER_LINE_Y - 1, WIDTH - 1, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_XOXX ); // -|

            int max_width = 0;
            for( int i = 0; i < num_bp; ++i ) {
                const body_part bp = bp_aBodyPart[i];
                const int total = get_total_bionics_slots( bp );
                const std::string s = string_format( "%s: %d/%d",
                                                     body_part_name_as_heading( bp, 1 ).c_str(),
                                                     total - get_free_bionics_slots( bp ), total );
                bps.push_back( s );
                max_width = std::max( max_width, utf8_width( s ) );
            const int pos_x = WIDTH - 2 - max_width;
            if( g->u.has_trait( trait_id( "DEBUG_CBM_SLOTS" ) ) ) {
                for( int i = 0; i < num_bp; ++i ) {
                    mvwprintz( wBio, i + list_start_y, pos_x, c_light_gray, bps[i] );

            if( current_bionic_list->empty() ) {
                std::string msg;
                switch( tab_mode ) {
                    case TAB_ACTIVE:
                        msg = _( "No activatable bionics installed." );
                    case TAB_PASSIVE:
                        msg = _( "No passive bionics installed." );
                fold_and_print( wBio, list_start_y, 2, pos_x - 1, c_light_gray, msg );
            } else {
                for( size_t i = scroll_position; i < current_bionic_list->size(); i++ ) {
                    if( list_start_y + static_cast<int>( i ) - scroll_position == HEIGHT - 1 ) {
                    const bool is_highlighted = cursor == static_cast<int>( i );
                    const nc_color col = get_bionic_text_color( *( *current_bionic_list )[i],
                                         is_highlighted );
                    const std::string desc = string_format( "%c %s", ( *current_bionic_list )[i]->invlet,
                                                                    *( *current_bionic_list )[i] ).c_str() );
                    trim_and_print( wBio, list_start_y + i - scroll_position, 2, WIDTH - 3, col,
                                    desc );
                    if( is_highlighted && menu_mode != EXAMINING && g->u.has_trait( trait_id( "DEBUG_CBM_SLOTS" ) ) ) {
                        const bionic_id bio_id = ( *current_bionic_list )[i]->id;
                        draw_connectors( wBio, list_start_y + i - scroll_position, utf8_width( desc ) + 3,
                                         pos_x - 2, bio_id );

                        // redraw highlighted (occupied) body parts
                        for( auto &elem : bio_id->occupied_bodyparts ) {
                            const int i = static_cast<int>( elem.first );
                            mvwprintz( wBio, i + list_start_y, pos_x, c_yellow, bps[i] );


            draw_scrollbar( wBio, cursor, LIST_HEIGHT, current_bionic_list->size(), list_start_y );
        wrefresh( wBio );
        draw_bionics_tabs( w_tabs, active.size(), passive.size(), tab_mode );
        draw_bionics_titlebar( w_title, this, menu_mode );
        if( menu_mode == EXAMINING && !current_bionic_list->empty() ) {
            draw_description( w_description, *( *current_bionic_list )[cursor] );

        const std::string action = ctxt.handle_input();
        const long ch = ctxt.get_raw_input().get_first_input();
        bionic *tmp = NULL;
        bool confirmCheck = false;

        if( action == "DOWN" ) {
            redraw = true;
            if( static_cast<size_t>( cursor ) < current_bionic_list->size() - 1 ) {
            } else {
                cursor = 0;
            if( scroll_position < max_scroll_position &&
                cursor - scroll_position > LIST_HEIGHT - half_list_view_location ) {
            if( scroll_position > 0 && cursor - scroll_position < half_list_view_location ) {
                scroll_position = std::max( cursor - half_list_view_location, 0 );
        } else if( action == "UP" ) {
            redraw = true;
            if( cursor > 0 ) {
            } else {
                cursor = current_bionic_list->size() - 1;
            if( scroll_position > 0 && cursor - scroll_position < half_list_view_location ) {
            if( scroll_position < max_scroll_position &&
                cursor - scroll_position > LIST_HEIGHT - half_list_view_location ) {
                scroll_position =
                    std::max( std::min<int>( current_bionic_list->size() - LIST_HEIGHT,
                                             cursor - half_list_view_location ), 0 );
        } else if( menu_mode == REASSIGNING ) {
            menu_mode = ACTIVATING;

            if( action == "CONFIRM" && !current_bionic_list->empty() ) {
                auto &bio_list = tab_mode == TAB_ACTIVE ? active : passive;
                tmp = bio_list[cursor];
            } else {
                tmp = bionic_by_invlet( ch );

            if( tmp == nullptr ) {
                // Selected an non-existing bionic (or Escape, or ...)
            redraw = true;
            const long newch = popup_getkey( _( "%s; enter new letter. Space to clear. Esc to cancel." ),
                                             tmp->id->name.c_str() );
            wrefresh( wBio );
            if( newch == ch || newch == KEY_ESCAPE ) {
            if( newch == ' ' ) {
                tmp->invlet = ' ';
            if( !bionic_chars.valid( newch ) ) {
                popup( _( "Invalid bionic letter. Only those characters are valid:\n\n%s" ),
                       bionic_chars.get_allowed_chars().c_str() );
            bionic *otmp = bionic_by_invlet( newch );
            if( otmp != nullptr ) {
                std::swap( tmp->invlet, otmp->invlet );
            } else {
                tmp->invlet = newch;
            // TODO: show a message like when reassigning a key to an item?
        } else if( action == "NEXT_TAB" ) {
            redraw = true;
            scroll_position = 0;
            cursor = 0;
            if( tab_mode == TAB_ACTIVE ) {
                tab_mode = TAB_PASSIVE;
            } else {
                tab_mode = TAB_ACTIVE;
        } else if( action == "PREV_TAB" ) {
            redraw = true;
            scroll_position = 0;
            cursor = 0;
            if( tab_mode == TAB_PASSIVE ) {
                tab_mode = TAB_ACTIVE;
            } else {
                tab_mode = TAB_PASSIVE;
        } else if( action == "REASSIGN" ) {
            menu_mode = REASSIGNING;
        } else if( action == "TOGGLE_EXAMINE" ) { // switches between activation and examination
            menu_mode = menu_mode == ACTIVATING ? EXAMINING : ACTIVATING;
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "REMOVE" ) {
            menu_mode = REMOVING;
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "HELP_KEYBINDINGS" ) {
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "CONFIRM" ) {
            confirmCheck = true;
        } else {
            confirmCheck = true;
        //confirmation either occurred by pressing enter where the bionic cursor is, or the hotkey was selected
        if( confirmCheck ) {
            auto &bio_list = tab_mode == TAB_ACTIVE ? active : passive;
            if( action == "CONFIRM" && !current_bionic_list->empty() ) {
                tmp = bio_list[cursor];
            } else {
                tmp = bionic_by_invlet( ch );
                if( tmp && tmp != bio_last ) {
                    // new bionic selected, update cursor and scroll position
                    int temp_cursor = 0;
                    for( temp_cursor = 0; temp_cursor < ( int )bio_list.size(); temp_cursor++ ) {
                        if( bio_list[temp_cursor] == tmp ) {
                    // if bionic is not found in current list, ignore the attempt to view/activate
                    if( temp_cursor >= ( int )bio_list.size() ) {
                    //relocate cursor to the bionic that was found
                    cursor = temp_cursor;
                    scroll_position = 0;
                    while( scroll_position < max_scroll_position &&
                           cursor - scroll_position > LIST_HEIGHT - half_list_view_location ) {
            if( !tmp ) {
                // entered a key that is not mapped to any bionic,
                // -> leave screen
            bio_last = tmp;
            const bionic_id &bio_id = tmp->id;
            const bionic_data &bio_data = bio_id.obj();
            if( menu_mode == REMOVING ) {
                recalc = uninstall_bionic( bio_id );
                redraw = true;
            if( menu_mode == ACTIVATING ) {
                if( bio_data.activated ) {
                    int b = tmp - &( *my_bionics )[0];
                    if( tmp->powered ) {
                        deactivate_bionic( b );
                    } else {
                        activate_bionic( b );
                        // Clear the menu if we are firing a bionic gun
                        if( tmp->info().gun_bionic ) {
                    // update message log and the menu
                    redraw = true;
                    if( moves < 0 ) {
                } else {
                    popup( _( "You can not activate %s!\n"
                              "To read a description of %s, press '!', then '%c'." ), bio_data.name.c_str(),
                           bio_data.name.c_str(), tmp->invlet );
                    redraw = true;
            } else if( menu_mode == EXAMINING ) { // Describing bionics, allow user to jump to description key
                redraw = true;
                if( action != "CONFIRM" ) {
                    for( size_t i = 0; i < active.size(); i++ ) {
                        if( active[i] == tmp ) {
                            tab_mode = TAB_ACTIVE;
                            cursor = static_cast<int>( i );
                            int max_scroll_check = std::max( 0, ( int )active.size() - LIST_HEIGHT );
                            if( static_cast<int>( i ) > max_scroll_check ) {
                                scroll_position = max_scroll_check;
                            } else {
                                scroll_position = i;
                    for( size_t i = 0; i < passive.size(); i++ ) {
                        if( passive[i] == tmp ) {
                            tab_mode = TAB_PASSIVE;
                            cursor = static_cast<int>( i );
                            int max_scroll_check = std::max( 0, ( int )passive.size() - LIST_HEIGHT );
                            if( static_cast<int>( i ) > max_scroll_check ) {
                                scroll_position = max_scroll_check;
                            } else {
                                scroll_position = i;
void draw_connectors( const catacurses::window &win, const int start_y, const int start_x,
                      const int last_x, const bionic_id &bio_id )
    const int LIST_START_Y = 6;
    // first: pos_y, second: occupied slots
    std::vector<std::pair<int, size_t>> pos_and_num;
    for( const auto &elem : bio_id->occupied_bodyparts ) {
        pos_and_num.emplace_back( static_cast<int>( elem.first ) + LIST_START_Y, elem.second );
    if( pos_and_num.empty() || !g->u.has_trait( trait_id( "DEBUG_CBM_SLOTS" ) ) ) {

    // draw horizontal line from selected bionic
    const int turn_x = start_x + ( last_x - start_x ) * 2 / 3;
    mvwputch( win, start_y, start_x, BORDER_COLOR, '>' );
    mvwhline( win, start_y, start_x + 1, LINE_OXOX, turn_x - start_x - 1 );

    int min_y = start_y;
    int max_y = start_y;
    for( const auto &elem : pos_and_num ) {
        min_y = std::min( min_y, elem.first );
        max_y = std::max( max_y, elem.first );
    if( max_y - min_y > 1 ) {
        mvwvline( win, min_y + 1, turn_x, LINE_XOXO, max_y - min_y - 1 );

    bool move_up   = false;
    bool move_same = false;
    bool move_down = false;
    for( const auto &elem : pos_and_num ) {
        const int y = elem.first;
        if( !move_up && y <  start_y ) {
            move_up = true;
        if( !move_same && y == start_y ) {
            move_same = true;
        if( !move_down && y >  start_y ) {
            move_down = true;

        // symbol is defined incorrectly for case ( y == start_y ) but
        // that's okay because it's overlapped by bionic_chr anyway
        long bp_chr = ( y > start_y ) ? LINE_XXOO : LINE_OXXO;
        if( ( max_y > y && y > start_y ) || ( min_y < y && y < start_y ) ) {
            bp_chr = LINE_XXXO;

        mvwputch( win, y, turn_x, BORDER_COLOR, bp_chr );

        // draw horizontal line to bodypart title
        mvwhline( win, y, turn_x + 1, LINE_OXOX, last_x - turn_x - 1 );
        mvwputch( win, y, last_x, BORDER_COLOR, '<' );

        // draw amount of consumed slots by this CBM
        const std::string fmt_num = string_format( "(%d)", elem.second );
        mvwprintz( win, y, turn_x + std::max( 1, ( last_x - turn_x - utf8_width( fmt_num ) ) / 2 ),
                   c_yellow, fmt_num );

    // define and draw a proper intersection character
    long bionic_chr = LINE_OXOX; // '-'                // 001
    if( move_up && !move_down && !move_same ) {        // 100
        bionic_chr = LINE_XOOX;  // '_|'
    } else if( move_up && move_down && !move_same ) {  // 110
        bionic_chr = LINE_XOXX;  // '-|'
    } else if( move_up && move_down && move_same ) {   // 111
        bionic_chr = LINE_XXXX;  // '-|-'
    } else if( move_up && !move_down && move_same ) {  // 101
        bionic_chr = LINE_XXOX;  // '_|_'
    } else if( !move_up && move_down && !move_same ) { // 010
        bionic_chr = LINE_OOXX;  // '^|'
    } else if( !move_up && move_down && move_same ) {  // 011
        bionic_chr = LINE_OXXX;  // '^|^'
    mvwputch( win, start_y, turn_x, BORDER_COLOR, bionic_chr );
Exemple #23
bool player::eat( item &food, bool force )
    if( !food.is_food() ) {
        return false;
    // Check if it's rotten before eating!
    food.calc_rot( global_square_location() );
    const auto ret = force ? can_eat( food ) : will_eat( food, is_player() );
    if( !ret.success() ) {
        return false;

    if( food.type->has_use() ) {
        if( food.type->invoke( *this, food, pos() ) <= 0 ) {
            return false;

    // Note: the block below assumes we decided to eat it
    // No coming back from here

    const bool hibernate = has_active_mutation( trait_id( "HIBERNATE" ) );
    const int nutr = nutrition_for( food );
    const int quench = food.type->comestible->quench;
    const bool spoiled = food.rotten();

    // The item is solid food
    const bool chew = food.type->comestible->comesttype == "FOOD" || food.has_flag( "USE_EAT_VERB" );
    // This item is a drink and not a solid food (and not a thick soup)
    const bool drinkable = !chew && food.type->comestible->comesttype == "DRINK";
    // If neither of the above is true then it's a drug and shouldn't get mealtime penalty/bonus

    if( hibernate &&
        ( get_hunger() > -60 && get_thirst() > -60 ) &&
        ( get_hunger() - nutr < -60 || get_thirst() - quench < -60 ) ) {
        add_memorial_log( pgettext( "memorial_male", "Began preparing for hibernation." ),
                          pgettext( "memorial_female", "Began preparing for hibernation." ) );
            _( "You've begun stockpiling calories and liquid for hibernation.  You get the feeling that you should prepare for bed, just in case, but...you're hungry again, and you could eat a whole week's worth of food RIGHT NOW." ) );

    const bool will_vomit = get_hunger() < 0 && nutr >= 5 && !has_trait( trait_id( "GOURMAND" ) ) &&
                            !hibernate &&
                            !has_trait( trait_id( "SLIMESPAWNER" ) ) && !has_trait( trait_id( "EATHEALTH" ) ) &&
                            rng( -200, 0 ) > get_hunger() - nutr;
    const bool saprophage = has_trait( trait_id( "SAPROPHAGE" ) );
    if( spoiled && !saprophage ) {
        add_msg_if_player( m_bad, _( "Ick, this %s doesn't taste so good..." ), food.tname().c_str() );
        if( !has_trait( trait_id( "SAPROVORE" ) ) && !has_trait( trait_id( "EATDEAD" ) ) &&
            ( !has_bionic( bio_digestion ) || one_in( 3 ) ) ) {
            add_effect( effect_foodpoison, rng( 60, ( nutr + 1 ) * 60 ) );
        consume_effects( food );
    } else if( spoiled && saprophage ) {
        add_msg_if_player( m_good, _( "Mmm, this %s tastes delicious..." ), food.tname().c_str() );
        consume_effects( food );
    } else {
        consume_effects( food );

    const bool amorphous = has_trait( trait_id( "AMORPHOUS" ) );
    int mealtime = 250;
    if( drinkable || chew ) {
        // Those bonuses/penalties only apply to food
        // Not to smoking weed or applying bandages!
        if( has_trait( trait_id( "MOUTH_TENTACLES" ) )  || has_trait( trait_id( "MANDIBLES" ) ) ) {
            mealtime /= 2;
        } else if( has_trait( trait_id( "GOURMAND" ) ) ) {
            // Don't stack those two - that would be 25 moves per item
            mealtime -= 100;

        if( has_trait( trait_id( "BEAK_HUM" ) ) && !drinkable ) {
            mealtime += 200; // Much better than PROBOSCIS but still optimized for fluids
        } else if( has_trait( trait_id( "SABER_TEETH" ) ) ) {
            mealtime += 250; // They get In The Way

        if( amorphous ) {
            mealtime *= 1.1;
            // Minor speed penalty for having to flow around it
            // rather than just grab & munch

    moves -= mealtime;

    // If it's poisonous... poison us.
    // TODO: Move this to a flag
    if( food.poison > 0 && !has_trait( trait_id( "EATPOISON" ) ) &&
        !has_trait( trait_id( "EATDEAD" ) ) ) {
        if( food.poison >= rng( 2, 4 ) ) {
            add_effect( effect_poison, food.poison * 100 );

        add_effect( effect_foodpoison, food.poison * 300 );

    if( amorphous ) {
        add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "You assimilate your %s." ), _( "<npcname> assimilates a %s." ),
                               food.tname().c_str() );
    } else if( drinkable ) {
        add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "You drink your %s." ), _( "<npcname> drinks a %s." ),
                               food.tname().c_str() );
    } else if( chew ) {
        add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "You eat your %s." ), _( "<npcname> eats a %s." ),
                               food.tname().c_str() );

    if( item::find_type( food.type->comestible->tool )->tool ) {
        // Tools like lighters get used
        use_charges( food.type->comestible->tool, 1 );

    if( has_bionic( bio_ethanol ) && food.type->can_use( "ALCOHOL" ) ) {
        charge_power( rng( 50, 200 ) );
    if( has_bionic( bio_ethanol ) && food.type->can_use( "ALCOHOL_WEAK" ) ) {
        charge_power( rng( 25, 100 ) );
    if( has_bionic( bio_ethanol ) && food.type->can_use( "ALCOHOL_STRONG" ) ) {
        charge_power( rng( 75, 300 ) );

    if( food.has_flag( "CANNIBALISM" ) ) {
        // Sapiovores don't recognize humans as the same species.
        // But let them possibly feel cool about eating sapient stuff - treat like psycho
        const bool cannibal = has_trait( trait_id( "CANNIBAL" ) );
        const bool psycho = has_trait( trait_id( "PSYCHOPATH" ) ) || has_trait( trait_id( "SAPIOVORE" ) );
        const bool spiritual = has_trait( trait_id( "SPIRITUAL" ) );
        if( cannibal && psycho && spiritual ) {
            add_msg_if_player( m_good,
                               _( "You feast upon the human flesh, and in doing so, devour their spirit." ) );
            // You're not really consuming anything special; you just think you are.
            add_morale( MORALE_CANNIBAL, 25, 300 );
        } else if( cannibal && psycho ) {
            add_msg_if_player( m_good, _( "You feast upon the human flesh." ) );
            add_morale( MORALE_CANNIBAL, 15, 200 );
        } else if( cannibal && spiritual ) {
            add_msg_if_player( m_good, _( "You consume the sacred human flesh." ) );
            // Boosted because you understand the philosophical implications of your actions, and YOU LIKE THEM.
            add_morale( MORALE_CANNIBAL, 15, 200 );
        } else if( cannibal ) {
            add_msg_if_player( m_good, _( "You indulge your shameful hunger." ) );
            add_morale( MORALE_CANNIBAL, 10, 50 );
        } else if( psycho && spiritual ) {
            add_msg_if_player( _( "You greedily devour the taboo meat." ) );
            // Small bonus for violating a taboo.
            add_morale( MORALE_CANNIBAL, 5, 50 );
        } else if( psycho ) {
            add_msg_if_player( _( "Meh. You've eaten worse." ) );
        } else if( spiritual ) {
            add_msg_if_player( m_bad,
                               _( "This is probably going to count against you if there's still an afterlife." ) );
            add_morale( MORALE_CANNIBAL, -60, -400, 600, 300 );
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player( m_bad, _( "You feel horrible for eating a person." ) );
            add_morale( MORALE_CANNIBAL, -60, -400, 600, 300 );

    // Allergy check
    const auto allergy = allergy_type( food );
    if( allergy != MORALE_NULL ) {
        add_msg_if_player( m_bad, _( "Yuck! How can anybody eat this stuff?" ) );
        add_morale( allergy, -75, -400, 300, 240 );
    // Carnivores CAN eat junk food, but they won't like it much.
    // Pizza-scraping happens in consume_effects.
    if( has_trait( trait_id( "CARNIVORE" ) ) && food.has_flag( "ALLERGEN_JUNK" ) &&
        !food.has_flag( "CARNIVORE_OK" ) ) {
        add_msg_if_player( m_bad, _( "Your stomach begins gurgling and you feel bloated and ill." ) );
        add_morale( MORALE_NO_DIGEST, -25, -125, 300, 240 );
    if( !spoiled && chew && has_trait( trait_id( "SAPROPHAGE" ) ) ) {
        // It's OK to *drink* things that haven't rotted.  Alternative is to ban water.  D:
        add_msg_if_player( m_bad, _( "Your stomach begins gurgling and you feel bloated and ill." ) );
        add_morale( MORALE_NO_DIGEST, -75, -400, 300, 240 );
    if( food.has_flag( "URSINE_HONEY" ) && ( !crossed_threshold() ||
            has_trait( trait_id( "THRESH_URSINE" ) ) ) &&
        mutation_category_level["MUTCAT_URSINE"] > 40 ) {
        //Need at least 5 bear mutations for effect to show, to filter out mutations in common with other mutcats
        int honey_fun = has_trait( trait_id( "THRESH_URSINE" ) ) ?
                        std::min( mutation_category_level["MUTCAT_URSINE"] / 8, 20 ) :
                        mutation_category_level["MUTCAT_URSINE"] / 12;
        if( honey_fun < 10 ) {
            add_msg_if_player( m_good, _( "You find the sweet taste of honey surprisingly palatable." ) );
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player( m_good, _( "You feast upon the sweet honey." ) );
        add_morale( MORALE_HONEY, honey_fun, 100 );

    if( will_vomit ) {

    // chance to become parasitised
    if( !( has_bionic( bio_digestion ) || has_trait( trait_id( "PARAIMMUNE" ) ) ) ) {
        if( food.type->comestible->parasites > 0 && one_in( food.type->comestible->parasites ) ) {
            switch( rng( 0, 3 ) ) {
                case 0:
                    if( !has_trait( trait_id( "EATHEALTH" ) ) ) {
                        add_effect( effect_tapeworm, 1, num_bp, true );
                case 1:
                    if( !has_trait( trait_id( "ACIDBLOOD" ) ) ) {
                        add_effect( effect_bloodworms, 1, num_bp, true );
                case 2:
                    add_effect( effect_brainworms, 1, num_bp, true );
                case 3:
                    add_effect( effect_paincysts, 1, num_bp, true );

    for( const auto &v : this->vitamins_from( food ) ) {
        auto qty = has_effect( effect_tapeworm ) ? v.second / 2 : v.second;

        // can never develop hypervitaminosis from consuming food
        vitamin_mod( v.first, qty );

    food.mod_charges( -1 );
    return true;
Exemple #24
void player::consume_effects( const item &food )
    if( !food.is_comestible() ) {
        debugmsg( "called player::consume_effects with non-comestible" );
    const auto &comest = *food.type->comestible;

    const int capacity = stomach_capacity();
    if( has_trait( trait_id( "THRESH_PLANT" ) ) && food.type->can_use( "PLANTBLECH" ) ) {
        // Just keep nutrition capped, to prevent vomiting
        cap_nutrition_thirst( *this, capacity, true, true );
    if( ( has_trait( trait_id( "HERBIVORE" ) ) || has_trait( trait_id( "RUMINANT" ) ) ) &&
        food.has_any_flag( herbivore_blacklist ) ) {
        // No good can come of this.

    // Rotten food causes health loss
    const float relative_rot = food.get_relative_rot();
    if( relative_rot > 1.0f && !has_trait( trait_id( "SAPROPHAGE" ) ) &&
        !has_trait( trait_id( "SAPROVORE" ) ) && !has_bionic( bio_digestion ) ) {
        const float rottedness = clamp( 2 * relative_rot - 2.0f, 0.1f, 1.0f );
        // ~-1 health per 1 nutrition at halfway-rotten-away, ~0 at "just got rotten"
        // But always round down
        int h_loss = -rottedness * comest.nutr;
        mod_healthy_mod( h_loss, -200 );
        add_msg( m_debug, "%d health from %0.2f%% rotten food", h_loss, rottedness );

    const auto nutr = nutrition_for( food );
    mod_hunger( -nutr );
    mod_thirst( -comest.quench );
    mod_stomach_food( nutr );
    mod_stomach_water( comest.quench );
    if( comest.healthy != 0 ) {
        // Effectively no cap on health modifiers from food
        mod_healthy_mod( comest.healthy, ( comest.healthy >= 0 ) ? 200 : -200 );

    if( comest.stim != 0 &&
        ( abs( stim ) < ( abs( comest.stim ) * 3 ) ||
          sgn( stim ) != sgn( comest.stim ) ) ) {
        if( comest.stim < 0 ) {
            stim = std::max( comest.stim * 3, stim + comest.stim );
        } else {
            stim = std::min( comest.stim * 3, stim + comest.stim );
    add_addiction( comest.add, comest.addict );
    if( addiction_craving( comest.add ) != MORALE_NULL ) {
        rem_morale( addiction_craving( comest.add ) );

    // Morale is in minutes
    int morale_time = HOURS( 2 ) / MINUTES( 1 );
    if( food.has_flag( "HOT" ) && food.has_flag( "EATEN_HOT" ) ) {
        morale_time = HOURS( 3 ) / MINUTES( 1 );
        int clamped_nutr = std::max( 5, std::min( 20, nutr / 10 ) );
        add_morale( MORALE_FOOD_HOT, clamped_nutr, 20, morale_time, morale_time / 2 );

    std::pair<int, int> fun = fun_for( food );
    if( fun.first < 0 ) {
        add_morale( MORALE_FOOD_BAD, fun.first, fun.second, morale_time, morale_time / 2, false,
                    food.type );
    } else if( fun.first > 0 ) {
        add_morale( MORALE_FOOD_GOOD, fun.first, fun.second, morale_time, morale_time / 2, false,
                    food.type );

    const bool hibernate = has_active_mutation( trait_id( "HIBERNATE" ) );
    if( hibernate ) {
        if( ( nutr > 0 && get_hunger() < -60 ) || ( comest.quench > 0 && get_thirst() < -60 ) ) {
            //Tell the player what's going on
            add_msg_if_player( _( "You gorge yourself, preparing to hibernate." ) );
            if( one_in( 2 ) ) {
                //50% chance of the food tiring you
                mod_fatigue( nutr );
        if( ( nutr > 0 && get_hunger() < -200 ) || ( comest.quench > 0 && get_thirst() < -200 ) ) {
            //Hibernation should cut burn to 60/day
            add_msg_if_player( _( "You feel stocked for a day or two. Got your bed all ready and secured?" ) );
            if( one_in( 2 ) ) {
                //And another 50%, intended cumulative
                mod_fatigue( nutr );

        if( ( nutr > 0 && get_hunger() < -400 ) || ( comest.quench > 0 && get_thirst() < -400 ) ) {
                _( "Mmm.  You can still fit some more in...but maybe you should get comfortable and sleep." ) );
            if( !one_in( 3 ) ) {
                //Third check, this one at 66%
                mod_fatigue( nutr );
        if( ( nutr > 0 && get_hunger() < -600 ) || ( comest.quench > 0 && get_thirst() < -600 ) ) {
            add_msg_if_player( _( "That filled a hole!  Time for bed..." ) );
            // At this point, you're done.  Schlaf gut.
            mod_fatigue( nutr );

    // Moved here and changed a bit - it was too complex
    // Incredibly minor stuff like this shouldn't require complexity
    if( !is_npc() && has_trait( trait_id( "SLIMESPAWNER" ) ) &&
        ( get_hunger() < capacity + 40 || get_thirst() < capacity + 40 ) ) {
        add_msg_if_player( m_mixed,
                           _( "You feel as though you're going to split open!  In a good way?" ) );
        mod_pain( 5 );
        std::vector<tripoint> valid;
        for( const tripoint &dest : g->m.points_in_radius( pos(), 1 ) ) {
            if( g->is_empty( dest ) ) {
                valid.push_back( dest );
        int numslime = 1;
        for( int i = 0; i < numslime && !valid.empty(); i++ ) {
            const tripoint target = random_entry_removed( valid );
            if( monster *const slime = g->summon_mon( mon_player_blob, target ) ) {
                slime->friendly = -1;
        mod_hunger( 40 );
        mod_thirst( 40 );
        //~slimespawns have *small voices* which may be the Nice equivalent
        //~of the Rat King's ALL CAPS invective.  Probably shared-brain telepathy.
        add_msg_if_player( m_good, _( "hey, you look like me! let's work together!" ) );

    // Last thing that happens before capping hunger
    if( get_hunger() < capacity && has_trait( trait_id( "EATHEALTH" ) ) ) {
        int excess_food = capacity - get_hunger();
        add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "You feel the %s filling you out." ),
                               _( "<npcname> looks better after eating the %s." ),
                               food.tname().c_str() );
        // Guaranteed 1 HP healing, no matter what.  You're welcome.  ;-)
        if( excess_food <= 5 ) {
            healall( 1 );
        } else {
            // Straight conversion, except it's divided amongst all your body parts.
            healall( excess_food /= 5 );

        // Note: We want this here to prevent "you can't finish this" messages
        set_hunger( capacity );

    cap_nutrition_thirst( *this, capacity, nutr > 0, comest.quench > 0 );
Exemple #25
/* selection of component if a recipe requirement has multiple options (e.g. 'duct tap' or 'welder') */
comp_selection<item_comp> player::select_item_component( const std::vector<item_comp> &components,
        int batch, inventory &map_inv, bool can_cancel )
    std::vector<item_comp> player_has;
    std::vector<item_comp> map_has;
    std::vector<item_comp> mixed;

    comp_selection<item_comp> selected;

    for( const auto &component : components ) {
        itype_id type = component.type;
        int count = ( component.count > 0 ) ? component.count * batch : abs( component.count );
        bool pl = false, mp = false;

        if( item::count_by_charges( type ) && count > 0 ) {
            if( has_charges( type, count ) ) {
                player_has.push_back( component );
                pl = true;
            if( map_inv.has_charges( type, count ) ) {
                map_has.push_back( component );
                mp = true;
            if( !pl && !mp && charges_of( type ) + map_inv.charges_of( type ) >= count ) {
                mixed.push_back( component );
        } else { // Counting by units, not charges

            if( has_amount( type, count ) ) {
                player_has.push_back( component );
                pl = true;
            if( map_inv.has_components( type, count ) ) {
                map_has.push_back( component );
                mp = true;
            if( !pl && !mp && amount_of( type ) + map_inv.amount_of( type ) >= count ) {
                mixed.push_back( component );


    /* select 1 component to use */
    if( player_has.size() + map_has.size() + mixed.size() == 1 ) { // Only 1 choice
        if( player_has.size() == 1 ) {
            selected.use_from = use_from_player;
            selected.comp = player_has[0];
        } else if( map_has.size() == 1 ) {
            selected.use_from = use_from_map;
            selected.comp = map_has[0];
        } else {
            selected.use_from = use_from_both;
            selected.comp = mixed[0];
    } else { // Let the player pick which component they want to use
        uimenu cmenu;
        // Populate options with the names of the items
        for( auto &map_ha : map_has ) {
            std::string tmpStr = item::nname( map_ha.type ) + _( " (nearby)" );
            cmenu.addentry( tmpStr );
        for( auto &player_ha : player_has ) {
            cmenu.addentry( item::nname( player_ha.type ) );
        for( auto &elem : mixed ) {
            std::string tmpStr = item::nname( elem.type ) + _( " (on person & nearby)" );
            cmenu.addentry( tmpStr );

        // Unlike with tools, it's a bad thing if there aren't any components available
        if( cmenu.entries.empty() ) {
            if( has_trait( trait_id( "DEBUG_HS" ) ) ) {
                selected.use_from = use_from_player;
                return selected;

            debugmsg( "Attempted a recipe with no available components!" );
            selected.use_from = cancel;
            return selected;

        if( can_cancel ) {
            cmenu.addentry( -1, true, 'q', _( "Cancel" ) );

        // Get the selection via a menu popup
        cmenu.title = _( "Use which component?" );

        if( cmenu.ret == static_cast<int>( map_has.size() + player_has.size() + mixed.size() ) ) {
            selected.use_from = cancel;
            return selected;

        size_t uselection = static_cast<size_t>( cmenu.ret );
        if( uselection < map_has.size() ) {
            selected.use_from = usage::use_from_map;
            selected.comp = map_has[uselection];
        } else if( uselection < map_has.size() + player_has.size() ) {
            uselection -= map_has.size();
            selected.use_from = usage::use_from_player;
            selected.comp = player_has[uselection];
        } else {
            uselection -= map_has.size() + player_has.size();
            selected.use_from = usage::use_from_both;
            selected.comp = mixed[uselection];

    return selected;
Exemple #26
void player::complete_craft()
    const recipe *making = &recipe_dict[ activity.name ]; // Which recipe is it?
    int batch_size = activity.values.front();
    if( making == nullptr ) {
        debugmsg( "no recipe with id %s found", activity.name.c_str() );

    int secondary_dice = 0;
    int secondary_difficulty = 0;
    for( const auto &pr : making->required_skills ) {
        secondary_dice += get_skill_level( pr.first );
        secondary_difficulty += pr.second;

    // # of dice is 75% primary skill, 25% secondary (unless secondary is null)
    int skill_dice;
    if( secondary_difficulty > 0 ) {
        skill_dice = get_skill_level( making->skill_used ) * 3 + secondary_dice;
    } else {
        skill_dice = get_skill_level( making->skill_used ) * 4;

    auto helpers = g->u.get_crafting_helpers();
    for( const npc *np : helpers ) {
        if( np->get_skill_level( making->skill_used ) >=
            get_skill_level( making->skill_used ) ) {
            // NPC assistance is worth half a skill level
            skill_dice += 2;
            add_msg( m_info, _( "%s helps with crafting..." ), np->name.c_str() );

    // farsightedness can impose a penalty on electronics and tailoring success
    // it's equivalent to a 2-rank electronics penalty, 1-rank tailoring
    if( has_trait( trait_id( "HYPEROPIC" ) ) && !is_wearing( "glasses_reading" ) &&
        !is_wearing( "glasses_bifocal" ) && !has_effect( effect_contacts ) ) {
        int main_rank_penalty = 0;
        if( making->skill_used == skill_id( "electronics" ) ) {
            main_rank_penalty = 2;
        } else if( making->skill_used == skill_id( "tailor" ) ) {
            main_rank_penalty = 1;
        skill_dice -= main_rank_penalty * 4;

    // It's tough to craft with paws.  Fortunately it's just a matter of grip and fine-motor,
    // not inability to see what you're doing
    if( has_trait( trait_PAWS ) || has_trait( trait_PAWS_LARGE ) ) {
        int paws_rank_penalty = 0;
        if( has_trait( trait_PAWS_LARGE ) ) {
            paws_rank_penalty += 1;
        if( making->skill_used == skill_id( "electronics" )
            || making->skill_used == skill_id( "tailor" )
            || making->skill_used == skill_id( "mechanics" ) ) {
            paws_rank_penalty += 1;
        skill_dice -= paws_rank_penalty * 4;

    // Sides on dice is 16 plus your current intelligence
    ///\EFFECT_INT increases crafting success chance
    int skill_sides = 16 + int_cur;

    int diff_dice;
    if( secondary_difficulty > 0 ) {
        diff_dice = making->difficulty * 3 + secondary_difficulty;
    } else {
        // Since skill level is * 4 also
        diff_dice = making->difficulty * 4;

    int diff_sides = 24; // 16 + 8 (default intelligence)

    int skill_roll = dice( skill_dice, skill_sides );
    int diff_roll  = dice( diff_dice,  diff_sides );

    if( making->skill_used ) {
        const double batch_mult = 1 + time_to_craft( *making, batch_size ) / 30000.0;
        //normalize experience gain to crafting time, giving a bonus for longer crafting
        practice( making->skill_used, ( int )( ( making->difficulty * 15 + 10 ) * batch_mult ),
                  ( int )making->difficulty * 1.25 );

        //NPCs assisting or watching should gain experience...
        for( auto &elem : helpers ) {
            //If the NPC can understand what you are doing, they gain more exp
            if( elem->get_skill_level( making->skill_used ) >= making->difficulty ) {
                elem->practice( making->skill_used,
                                ( int )( ( making->difficulty * 15 + 10 ) * batch_mult *
                                         .50 ), ( int )making->difficulty * 1.25 );
                if( batch_size > 1 ) {
                    add_msg( m_info, _( "%s assists with crafting..." ), elem->name.c_str() );
                if( batch_size == 1 ) {
                    add_msg( m_info, _( "%s could assist you with a batch..." ), elem->name.c_str() );
                //NPCs around you understand the skill used better
            } else {
                elem->practice( making->skill_used,
                                ( int )( ( making->difficulty * 15 + 10 ) * batch_mult * .15 ),
                                ( int )making->difficulty * 1.25 );
                add_msg( m_info, _( "%s watches you craft..." ), elem->name.c_str() );


    // Messed up badly; waste some components.
    if( making->difficulty != 0 && diff_roll > skill_roll * ( 1 + 0.1 * rng( 1, 5 ) ) ) {
        add_msg( m_bad, _( "You fail to make the %s, and waste some materials." ),
                 item::nname( making->result ).c_str() );
        if( last_craft->has_cached_selections() ) {
        } else {
            // @todo Guarantee that selections are cached
            const auto &req = making->requirements();
            for( const auto &it : req.get_components() ) {
                consume_items( it, batch_size );
            for( const auto &it : req.get_tools() ) {
                consume_tools( it, batch_size );
        // Messed up slightly; no components wasted.
    } else if( diff_roll > skill_roll ) {
        add_msg( m_neutral, _( "You fail to make the %s, but don't waste any materials." ),
                 item::nname( making->result ).c_str() );
        //this method would only have been called from a place that nulls activity.type,
        //so it appears that it's safe to NOT null that variable here.
        //rationale: this allows certain contexts (e.g. ACT_LONGCRAFT) to distinguish major and minor failures

    // If we're here, the craft was a success!
    // Use up the components and tools
    std::list<item> used;
    if( !last_craft->has_cached_selections() ) {
        // This should fail and return, but currently crafting_command isn't saved
        // Meaning there are still cases where has_cached_selections will be false
        // @todo Allow saving last_craft and debugmsg+fail craft if selection isn't cached
        if( !has_trait( trait_id( "DEBUG_HS" ) ) ) {
            const auto &req = making->requirements();
            for( const auto &it : req.get_components() ) {
                std::list<item> tmp = consume_items( it, batch_size );
                used.splice( used.end(), tmp );
            for( const auto &it : req.get_tools() ) {
                consume_tools( it, batch_size );
    } else if( !has_trait( trait_id( "DEBUG_HS" ) ) ) {
        used = last_craft->consume_components();
        if( used.empty() ) {

    // Set up the new item, and assign an inventory letter if available
    std::vector<item> newits = making->create_results( batch_size );
    bool first = true;
    float used_age_tally = 0;
    int used_age_count = 0;
    size_t newit_counter = 0;
    for( item &newit : newits ) {
        // messages, learning of recipe, food spoilage calc only once
        if( first ) {
            first = false;
            if( knows_recipe( making ) ) {
                add_msg( _( "You craft %s from memory." ), newit.type_name( 1 ).c_str() );
            } else {
                add_msg( _( "You craft %s using a book as a reference." ), newit.type_name( 1 ).c_str() );
                // If we made it, but we don't know it,
                // we're making it from a book and have a chance to learn it.
                // Base expected time to learn is 1000*(difficulty^4)/skill/int moves.
                // This means time to learn is greatly decreased with higher skill level,
                // but also keeps going up as difficulty goes up.
                // Worst case is lvl 10, which will typically take
                // 10^4/10 (1,000) minutes, or about 16 hours of crafting it to learn.
                int difficulty = has_recipe( making, crafting_inventory(), helpers );
                ///\EFFECT_INT increases chance to learn recipe when crafting from a book
                if( x_in_y( making->time, ( 1000 * 8 *
                                            ( difficulty * difficulty * difficulty * difficulty ) ) /
                            ( std::max( get_skill_level( making->skill_used ).level(), 1 ) * std::max( get_int(), 1 ) ) ) ) {
                    learn_recipe( ( recipe * )making );
                    add_msg( m_good, _( "You memorized the recipe for %s!" ),
                             newit.type_name( 1 ).c_str() );

            for( auto &elem : used ) {
                if( elem.goes_bad() ) {
                    used_age_tally += elem.get_relative_rot();

        // Don't store components for things made by charges,
        // don't store components for things that can't be uncrafted.
        if( recipe_dictionary::get_uncraft( making->result ) && !newit.count_by_charges() ) {
            // Setting this for items counted by charges gives only problems:
            // those items are automatically merged everywhere (map/vehicle/inventory),
            // which would either loose this information or merge it somehow.
            set_components( newit.components, used, batch_size, newit_counter );
        finalize_crafted_item( newit, used_age_tally, used_age_count );
        set_item_inventory( newit );

    if( making->has_byproducts() ) {
        std::vector<item> bps = making->create_byproducts( batch_size );
        for( auto &bp : bps ) {
            finalize_crafted_item( bp, used_age_tally, used_age_count );
            set_item_inventory( bp );

    inv.restack( this );
Exemple #27
void addict_effect( player &u, addiction &add )
    const int in = std::min( 20, add.intensity );

    switch( add.type ) {
        case ADD_CIG:
            if( !one_in( 2000 - 20 * in ) ) {

            u.add_msg_if_player( rng( 0, 6 ) < in ?
                                 _( "You need some nicotine." ) :
                                 _( "You could use some nicotine." ) );
            u.add_morale( MORALE_CRAVING_NICOTINE, -15, -3 * in );
            if( one_in( 800 - 50 * in ) ) {
                u.mod_fatigue( 1 );
            if( u.stim > -5 * in && one_in( 400 - 20 * in ) ) {

        case ADD_CAFFEINE:
            if( !one_in( 2000 - 20 * in ) ) {

            u.add_msg_if_player( m_warning, _( "You want some caffeine." ) );
            u.add_morale( MORALE_CRAVING_CAFFEINE, -5, -30 );
            if( u.stim > -10 * in && rng( 0, 10 ) < in ) {
            if( rng( 8, 400 ) < in ) {
                u.add_msg_if_player( m_bad, _( "Your hands start shaking... you need it bad!" ) );
                u.add_effect( effect_shakes, 2_minutes );

        case ADD_ALCOHOL:
        case ADD_DIAZEPAM: {
            static const std::string alc_1 = _( "You could use a drink. " );
            static const std::string alc_2 = _( "Your hands start shaking... you need a drink bad!" ) ;
            static const std::string dia_1 = _( "You could use some diazepam." );
            static const std::string dia_2 = _( "You're shaking... you need some diazepam!" );

            const std::string &msg_1 = add.type == ADD_ALCOHOL ? alc_1 : dia_1;
            const std::string &msg_2 = add.type == ADD_ALCOHOL ? alc_2 : dia_2;

            const auto morale_type = add.type == ADD_ALCOHOL ? MORALE_CRAVING_ALCOHOL : MORALE_CRAVING_DIAZEPAM;

            u.mod_per_bonus( -1 );
            u.mod_int_bonus( -1 );
            if( x_in_y( in, HOURS( 2 ) ) ) {
                u.mod_healthy_mod( -1, -in * 10 );
            if( one_in( 20 ) && rng( 0, 20 ) < in ) {
                u.add_msg_if_player( m_warning, msg_1.c_str() );
                u.add_morale( morale_type, -35, -10 * in );
            } else if( rng( 8, 300 ) < in ) {
                u.add_msg_if_player( m_bad, msg_2.c_str() );
                u.add_morale( morale_type, -35, -10 * in );
                u.add_effect( effect_shakes, 5_minutes );
            } else if( !u.has_effect( effect_hallu ) && rng( 10, 1600 ) < in ) {
                u.add_effect( effect_hallu, 6_hours );

        case ADD_SLEEP:
            // No effects here--just in player::can_sleep()
            // EXCEPT!  Prolong this addiction longer than usual.
            if( one_in( 2 ) && add.sated < 0_turns ) {
                add.sated += 1_turns;

        case ADD_PKILLER:
            if( calendar::once_every( time_duration::from_turns( 100 - in * 4 ) ) &&
                u.get_painkiller() > 20 - in ) {
                u.mod_painkiller( -1 );    // Tolerance increases!
            if( u.get_painkiller() >= 35 ) { // No further effects if we're doped up.
                add.sated = 0_turns;

            u.mod_str_bonus( -1 );
            u.mod_per_bonus( -1 );
            u.mod_dex_bonus( -1 );
            if( u.get_pain() < in * 2 ) {
                u.mod_pain( 1 );
            if( one_in( 1200 - 30 * in ) ) {
                u.mod_healthy_mod( -1, -in * 30 );
            if( one_in( 20 ) && dice( 2, 20 ) < in ) {
                u.add_msg_if_player( m_bad, _( "Your hands start shaking... you need some painkillers." ) );
                u.add_morale( MORALE_CRAVING_OPIATE, -40, -10 * in );
                u.add_effect( effect_shakes, 2_minutes + in * 5_turns );
            } else if( one_in( 20 ) && dice( 2, 30 ) < in ) {
                u.add_msg_if_player( m_bad, _( "You feel anxious.  You need your painkillers!" ) );
                u.add_morale( MORALE_CRAVING_OPIATE, -30, -10 * in );
            } else if( one_in( 50 ) && dice( 3, 50 ) < in ) {

        case ADD_SPEED: {
            u.mod_int_bonus( -1 );
            u.mod_str_bonus( -1 );
            if( u.stim > -100 && x_in_y( in, 20 ) ) {
            if( rng( 0, 150 ) <= in ) {
                u.mod_healthy_mod( -1, -in );
            if( dice( 2, 100 ) < in ) {
                u.add_msg_if_player( m_warning, _( "You feel depressed.  Speed would help." ) );
                u.add_morale( MORALE_CRAVING_SPEED, -25, -20 * in );
            } else if( one_in( 10 ) && dice( 2, 80 ) < in ) {
                u.add_msg_if_player( m_bad, _( "Your hands start shaking... you need a pick-me-up." ) );
                u.add_morale( MORALE_CRAVING_SPEED, -25, -20 * in );
                u.add_effect( effect_shakes, in * 2_minutes );
            } else if( one_in( 50 ) && dice( 2, 100 ) < in ) {
                u.add_msg_if_player( m_bad, _( "You stop suddenly, feeling bewildered." ) );
                u.moves -= 300;
            } else if( !u.has_effect( effect_hallu ) && one_in( 20 ) && 8 + dice( 2, 80 ) < in ) {
                u.add_effect( effect_hallu, 6_hours );

        case ADD_COKE:
        case ADD_CRACK: {
            static const std::string coke_msg = _( "You feel like you need a bump." );
            static const std::string crack_msg = _( "You're shivering, you need some crack." );
            const std::string &cur_msg = add.type == ADD_COKE ? coke_msg : crack_msg;
            const auto morale_type = add.type == ADD_COKE ? MORALE_CRAVING_COCAINE : MORALE_CRAVING_CRACK;
            u.mod_int_bonus( -1 );
            u.mod_per_bonus( -1 );
            if( one_in( 900 - 30 * in ) ) {
                u.add_msg_if_player( m_warning, cur_msg.c_str() );
                u.add_morale( morale_type, -20, -15 * in );
            if( dice( 2, 80 ) <= in ) {
                u.add_msg_if_player( m_warning, cur_msg.c_str() );
                u.add_morale( morale_type, -20, -15 * in );
                if( u.stim > -150 ) {
                    u.stim -= 3;

        case ADD_MUTAGEN:
            if( u.has_trait( trait_id( "MUT_JUNKIE" ) ) ) {
                if( one_in( 600 - 50 * in ) ) {
                    u.add_msg_if_player( m_warning, rng( 0,
                                                         6 ) < in ? _( "You so miss the exquisite rainbow of post-humanity." ) :
                                         _( "Your body is SOO booorrrring.  Just a little sip to liven things up?" ) );
                    u.add_morale( MORALE_CRAVING_MUTAGEN, -20, -200 );
                if( u.focus_pool > 40 && one_in( 800 - 20 * in ) ) {
                    u.focus_pool -= ( in );
                    u.add_msg_if_player( m_warning,
                                         _( "You daydream what it'd be like if you were *different*.  Different is good." ) );
            } else if( in > 5 || one_in( 500 - 15 * in ) ) {
                u.add_msg_if_player( m_warning, rng( 0, 6 ) < in ? _( "You haven't had any mutagen lately." ) :
                                     _( "You could use some new parts..." ) );
                u.add_morale( MORALE_CRAVING_MUTAGEN, -5, -50 );
        case ADD_MARLOSS_R:
            marloss_add( u, in, _( "You daydream about luscious pink berries as big as your fist." ) );
        case ADD_MARLOSS_B:
            marloss_add( u, in, _( "You daydream about nutty cyan seeds as big as your hand." ) );
        case ADD_MARLOSS_Y:
            marloss_add( u, in, _( "You daydream about succulent, pale golden gel, sweet but light." ) );
        case ADD_NULL:
Exemple #28
void mutation_branch::load( JsonObject &jo, const std::string & )
    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "id", id );
    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "name", raw_name, translated_string_reader );
    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "description", raw_desc, translated_string_reader );
    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "points", points );

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "visibility", visibility, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "ugliness", ugliness, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "starting_trait", startingtrait, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "mixed_effect", mixed_effect, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "active", activated, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "starts_active", starts_active, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "destroys_gear", destroys_gear, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "allow_soft_gear", allow_soft_gear, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "cost", cost, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "time", cooldown, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "hunger", hunger, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "thirst", thirst, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "fatigue", fatigue, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "valid", valid, true );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "purifiable", purifiable, true );

    if( jo.has_object( "spawn_item" ) ) {
        auto si = jo.get_object( "spawn_item" );
        optional( si, was_loaded, "type", spawn_item );
        optional( si, was_loaded, "message", raw_spawn_item_message );
    if( jo.has_object( "ranged_mutation" ) ) {
        auto si = jo.get_object( "ranged_mutation" );
        optional( si, was_loaded, "type", ranged_mutation );
        optional( si, was_loaded, "message", raw_ranged_mutation_message );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "initial_ma_styles", initial_ma_styles );

    if( jo.has_array( "bodytemp_modifiers" ) ) {
        auto bodytemp_array = jo.get_array( "bodytemp_modifiers" );
        bodytemp_min = bodytemp_array.get_int( 0 );
        bodytemp_max = bodytemp_array.get_int( 1 );

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "bodytemp_sleep", bodytemp_sleep, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "threshold", threshold, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "profession", profession, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "debug", debug, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "player_display", player_display, true );

    JsonArray vr = jo.get_array( "vitamin_rates" );

    while( vr.has_more() ) {
        auto pair = vr.next_array();
        vitamin_rates.emplace( vitamin_id( pair.get_string( 0 ) ),
                               time_duration::from_turns( pair.get_int( 1 ) ) );

    auto vam = jo.get_array( "vitamins_absorb_multi" );
    while( vam.has_more() ) {
        auto pair = vam.next_array();
        std::map<vitamin_id, double> vit;
        auto vit_array = pair.get_array( 1 );
        // fill the inner map with vitamins
        while( vit_array.has_more() ) {
            auto vitamins = vit_array.next_array();
            vit.emplace( vitamin_id( vitamins.get_string( 0 ) ), vitamins.get_float( 1 ) );
        // assign the inner vitamin map to the material_id key
        vitamin_absorb_multi.emplace( material_id( pair.get_string( 0 ) ), vit );

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "healing_awake", healing_awake, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "healing_resting", healing_resting, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "hp_modifier", hp_modifier, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "hp_modifier_secondary", hp_modifier_secondary, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "hp_adjustment", hp_adjustment, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "stealth_modifier", stealth_modifier, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "str_modifier", str_modifier, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "dodge_modifier", dodge_modifier, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "speed_modifier", speed_modifier, 1.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "movecost_modifier", movecost_modifier, 1.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "movecost_flatground_modifier", movecost_flatground_modifier, 1.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "movecost_obstacle_modifier", movecost_obstacle_modifier, 1.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "attackcost_modifier", attackcost_modifier, 1.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "max_stamina_modifier", max_stamina_modifier, 1.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "weight_capacity_modifier", weight_capacity_modifier, 1.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "hearing_modifier", hearing_modifier, 1.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "noise_modifier", noise_modifier, 1.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "metabolism_modifier", metabolism_modifier, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "thirst_modifier", thirst_modifier, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "fatigue_modifier", fatigue_modifier, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "fatigue_regen_modifier", fatigue_regen_modifier, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "stamina_regen_modifier", stamina_regen_modifier, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "overmap_sight", overmap_sight, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "overmap_multiplier", overmap_multiplier, 1.0f );

    if( jo.has_object( "social_modifiers" ) ) {
        JsonObject sm = jo.get_object( "social_modifiers" );
        social_mods = load_mutation_social_mods( sm );

    load_mutation_mods( jo, "passive_mods", mods );
    /* Not currently supported due to inability to save active mutation state
    load_mutation_mods(jsobj, "active_mods", new_mut.mods); */

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "prereqs", prereqs );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "prereqs2", prereqs2 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "threshreq", threshreq );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "cancels", cancels );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "changes_to", replacements );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "leads_to", additions );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "flags", flags );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "types", types );

    auto jsarr = jo.get_array( "category" );
    while( jsarr.has_more() ) {
        std::string s = jsarr.next_string();
        category.push_back( s );
        mutations_category[s].push_back( trait_id( id ) );

    jsarr = jo.get_array( "wet_protection" );
    while( jsarr.has_more() ) {
        JsonObject jo = jsarr.next_object();
        std::string part_id = jo.get_string( "part" );
        int ignored = jo.get_int( "ignored", 0 );
        int neutral = jo.get_int( "neutral", 0 );
        int good = jo.get_int( "good", 0 );
        tripoint protect = tripoint( ignored, neutral, good );
        protection[get_body_part_token( part_id )] = protect;

    jsarr = jo.get_array( "encumbrance_always" );
    while( jsarr.has_more() ) {
        JsonArray jo = jsarr.next_array();
        std::string part_id = jo.next_string();
        int enc = jo.next_int();
        encumbrance_always[get_body_part_token( part_id )] = enc;

    jsarr = jo.get_array( "encumbrance_covered" );
    while( jsarr.has_more() ) {
        JsonArray jo = jsarr.next_array();
        std::string part_id = jo.next_string();
        int enc = jo.next_int();
        encumbrance_covered[get_body_part_token( part_id )] = enc;

    jsarr = jo.get_array( "restricts_gear" );
    while( jsarr.has_more() ) {
        restricts_gear.insert( get_body_part_token( jsarr.next_string() ) );

    jsarr = jo.get_array( "armor" );
    while( jsarr.has_more() ) {
        JsonObject jo = jsarr.next_object();
        auto parts = jo.get_tags( "parts" );
        std::set<body_part> bps;
        for( const std::string &part_string : parts ) {
            if( part_string == "ALL" ) {
                // Shorthand, since many mutations protect whole body
                bps.insert( all_body_parts.begin(), all_body_parts.end() );
            } else {
                bps.insert( get_body_part_token( part_string ) );

        resistances res = load_resistances_instance( jo );

        for( body_part bp : bps ) {
            armor[ bp ] = res;

    if( jo.has_array( "attacks" ) ) {
        jsarr = jo.get_array( "attacks" );
        while( jsarr.has_more() ) {
            JsonObject jo = jsarr.next_object();
            attacks_granted.emplace_back( load_mutation_attack( jo ) );
    } else if( jo.has_object( "attacks" ) ) {
        JsonObject attack = jo.get_object( "attacks" );
        attacks_granted.emplace_back( load_mutation_attack( attack ) );