int spi_xfer(spi_bus_t* spi_bus, const void* txdata, size_t txcnt, void* rxdata, size_t rxcnt, spi_callback_fn cb, void* token) { spi_bus->txbuf = (uint8_t*)txdata; spi_bus->rxbuf = (uint8_t*)rxdata; spi_bus->rxsize = rxcnt; spi_bus->txsize = txcnt; spi_bus->txtotal = txcnt; spi_bus->rxtotal = rxcnt; spi_bus->rxcnt = 0; spi_bus->txcnt = 0; spi_bus->bytes = 0; DSPI("Starting transfer: TX: from 0x%x, %d bytes. RX to 0x%x, %d bytes\n", (uint32_t)txdata, txcnt, (uint32_t)rxdata, rxcnt); spi_debug(XFER_SPI_FUNC_NAME "line: %d\n", __func__, __LINE__); //Moving chip select to calling component so that it can use GPIO if (cb == NULL) { spi_debug( XFER_SPI_FUNC_NAME "calling with out callback\n"); while (transfer_data(spi_bus)); } else { uint32_t v; spi_bus->cb = cb; spi_bus->token = token; v = SPI_IE_TX | SPI_IE_RX; spi_bus->regs->dma_ctl = v; spi_debug( XFER_SPI_FUNC_NAME "line: %d calling with callback\n", __func__, __LINE__); transfer_data(spi_bus); } spi_debug_xfer( XFER_SPI_FUNC_NAME "line: %d\n", __func__, __LINE__); return spi_bus->rxcnt; }
static void progress_server(void) { int ret; cci_event_t *event; ret = cci_get_event(endpoint, &event); if (ret == CCI_SUCCESS) { assert(event); switch (event->type) { case CCI_EVENT_RECV: if (event->recv.len != 3) { msg = (void*)event->recv.ptr; transfer_data(*msg); } else { done = 1; } break; case CCI_EVENT_SEND: if (event->send.status != CCI_SUCCESS) { int cnt = (int)((uintptr_t)event->send.status); transfer_data(cnt); } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "ignoring event type %d\n", event->type); } cci_return_event(event); } return; }
static int io_loop (FILE *client, FILE *server, FILE *protocol) { fd_set active_fd_set, read_fd_set; int ret; int err; FD_ZERO (&active_fd_set); FD_SET (fileno (client), &active_fd_set); FD_SET (fileno (server), &active_fd_set); err = 0; while (1) { read_fd_set = active_fd_set; /* FIXME: eof? */ ret = select (FD_SETSIZE, &read_fd_set, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (ret < 0) { err = errno; break; } if (FD_ISSET (fileno (client), &read_fd_set)) { if (feof (client)) break; /* Forward data from client to server. */ err = transfer_data (client, server, protocol); } else if (FD_ISSET (fileno (server), &read_fd_set)) { if (feof (server)) break; /* Forward data from server to client. */ err = transfer_data (server, client, protocol); } if (err) break; } return err; }
int Steriss::exec () { try { std::list<std::string> valid_stems; valid_stems.push_back(".tiff"); valid_stems.push_back(".tif"); valid_stems.push_back(".bmp"); valid_stems.push_back(".pgm"); IO input_images( valid_stems ); JobSplitter jobs( input_images ); while( jobs.hasNext() ) { // read images _current_data = jobs.nextJob(); sINFO(">> Running job %i of %i", %jobs.currentJob() %jobs.jobCt()); // do the processing preprocess_data (); transfer_data (); process_data (); // write images input_images.writeImages( _current_data, jobs.currentStartIndex(), jobs.currentEndIndex() ); // make sure to release the memory for the next turn _current_data.reset(); } sINFO("All done. Now it's up to you - I'll have a break..."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } catch(std::exception& e) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } }
void display_string_8x16(unsigned char page,char column,char *text) { uint16_t i=0,j,k,n; //Set_PINCS(0); while(text[i]>0x00) { if((text[i]>=0x20)&&(text[i]<=0x7e)) { j=text[i]-0x20; for(n=0;n<2;n++) { lcd_address(page+n,column); for(k=0;k<8;k++) { transfer_data(ascii_table_8x16[j][k+8*n]);/*??5x7 ?ASCII ??LCD ?,y ????,x ????,?????*/ } } i++; column+=8; } else i++; } //Set_PINCS(1); }
void stack_copy(struct stack_t *from, struct stack_t *to) { to->data = (int*)malloc(from->size * sizeof(int)); transfer_data(from->data, from->size, to->data); to->size = from->size; to->top = from->top; }
int main() { struct netif *netif, server_netif; struct ip_addr ipaddr, netmask, gw; /* the mac address of the board. this should be unique per board */ unsigned char mac_ethernet_address[] = { 0x00, 0x0a, 0x35, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02 }; netif = &server_netif; init_platform(); /* initliaze IP addresses to be used */ IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, 192, 168, 1, 10); IP4_ADDR(&netmask, 255, 255, 255, 0); IP4_ADDR(&gw, 192, 168, 1, 1); print_app_header(); print_ip_settings(&ipaddr, &netmask, &gw); lwip_init(); /* Add network interface to the netif_list, and set it as default */ if (!xemac_add(netif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, mac_ethernet_address, PLATFORM_EMAC_BASEADDR)) { xil_printf("Error adding N/W interface\n\r"); return -1; } netif_set_default(netif); /* Create a new DHCP client for this interface. * Note: you must call dhcp_fine_tmr() and dhcp_coarse_tmr() at * the predefined regular intervals after starting the client. */ /* dhcp_start(netif); */ /* now enable interrupts */ platform_enable_interrupts(); /* specify that the network if is up */ netif_set_up(netif); /* start the application (web server, rxtest, txtest, etc..) */ start_application(); /* receive and process packets */ while (1) { xemacif_input(netif); transfer_data(); } /* never reached */ cleanup_platform(); return 0; }
int main (void) { clunet_init(); clunet_set_on_data_received(data_received); time_init(); sei(); //eeprom_write_dword((void*)0, 0); record_num = eeprom_read_dword((void*)0); // Читаем кол-во записей mode_current = eeprom_read_byte((void*)4); // Режим mode_temp = eeprom_read_byte((void*)5); // Временный режим disk_initialize(0); unset_bit(DDRA, 3); set_bit(PORTA, 3); // Определение сигнала в линии //unset_bit(DDRA, 4); unset_bit(PORTA, 4); // Открывалка двери, напрямую set_bit(DDRA, 4); unset_bit(PORTA, 4); // Открывалка двери, через реле set_bit(DDRA, 5); HANGUP; // Реле снимания трубки set_bit(DDRA, 6); MODE_NORMAL; // Реле выбора режима unset_bit(DDRG, 0); set_bit(PORTG, 0); // Определение, лежит ли трубка set_bit(DDRD, 6); set_bit(DDRD, 7); // Светодиоды unset_bit(DDRA, 7); set_bit(PORTA, 7); // Счётчик оборотов диска unset_bit(DDRF, 0); // ADC+ unset_bit(PORTF, 0); unset_bit(DDRF, 1); // ADC- unset_bit(PORTF, 1); beep(500, 200); beep(1500, 200); beep(3000, 200); _delay_ms(1000); if (play_wav_pgm(STARTED_WAV) == 0) { LED_GREEN_ON; while (sound_read() >= 0) ; LED_GREEN_OFF; sound_stop(); } else { LED_RED_ON; beep(3000, 200); beep(1500, 200); beep(500, 200); LED_RED_OFF; } send_current_mode(CLUNET_BROADCAST_ADDRESS); while(1) { if (is_LINE_POWER()) incoming_ring(); if (OFFHOOK) control_mode(); transfer_data(); // Передаём данные на досуге. } }
/*全屏清屏*/ void LCD_ClearScreen(void) { uint8_t i,j; //Set_PINCS(0); for(i=0;i<8;i++) { lcd_address(i,0); for(j=0;j<132;j++) { transfer_data(0x00); } } //Set_PINCS(1); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { BCPPARAMDATA params; DBPROCESS *dbsrc; DBPROCESS *dbtarget; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); memset(¶ms, '\0', sizeof(params)); if (process_parameters(argc, argv, ¶ms) == FALSE) { pusage(); return 1; } if (login_to_databases(¶ms, &dbsrc, &dbtarget) == FALSE) return 1; if (params.cflag) { if (create_target_table(params.src.dbobject, params.owner, params.dest.dbobject, dbsrc, dbtarget) == FALSE) { printf("datacopy: could not create target table %s.%s . terminating\n", params.owner, params.dest.dbobject); dbclose(dbsrc); dbclose(dbtarget); return 1; } } if (check_table_structures(params.src.dbobject, params.dest.dbobject, dbsrc, dbtarget) == FALSE) { printf("datacopy: table structures do not match. terminating\n"); dbclose(dbsrc); dbclose(dbtarget); return 1; } if (transfer_data(params, dbsrc, dbtarget) == FALSE) { printf("datacopy: table copy failed.\n"); printf(" the data may have been partially copied into the target database \n"); dbclose(dbsrc); dbclose(dbtarget); return 1; } dbclose(dbsrc); dbclose(dbtarget); return 0; }
//returns: 0 if it worked out OK and -1 if something went wrong int stack_resize(struct stack_t *s) { int *new_data = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * s->size); transfer_data(s->data, s->size, new_data); free(s->data); s->data = new_data; if(s->data == NULL) return -1; return 0; }
//==================display a piture of 128*64 dots================ void full_display() { int i,j; //Set_PINCS(0); for(i=0;i<8;i++) { lcd_address(i,0); for(j=0;j<128;j++) { transfer_data(0xff); } } //Set_PINCS(1); }
void spi_handle_irq(spi_bus_t* spi_bus) { #ifdef DEBUG_IRQ int int_type = get_spi_interrupt_type(spi_bus); if (int_type == RDY_BIT_SET) { ZF_LOGE("Interrupt RDY_BIT\n"); } else { ZF_LOGE("Interrupt FIFO ERROR\n"); print_fifo_error(spi_bus->regs->fifo_status); } #endif transfer_data(spi_bus); setbits(spi_bus->regs->xfer_status, SPI_XFER_STS_RDY); }
/*显示8x16 点阵图像、ASCII, 或8x16 点阵的自造字符、其他图标*/ void display_graphic_8x16(uint8_t page,uint8_t column,uint8_t *dp) { uint8_t i,j; //Set_PINCS(0); for(j=0;j<2;j++) { lcd_address(page+j,column); for (i=0;i<8;i++) { transfer_data(*dp); /*写数据到LCD,每写完一个8 位的数据后列地址自动加1*/ dp++; } } //Set_PINCS(1); }
int send_files(unsigned char **files_path, int files_count, const char *ip) { char block_type; int sock, file, c; int trans_cond = EXIT_SUCCESS; /** Opening socket descriptor */ if ((sock = open_socket(ip)) == EXIT_FAILURE) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (c = 0; c < files_count; c++) { /** Opening file descriptor */ if ((file = open_file((const char *) files_path[c], O_RDONLY)) == EXIT_FAILURE) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } /** Sending block, file name and file size **/ block_type = BLOCK_FILE_START; write_total(sock, &block_type, 1); const char *file_name = fname((const char *) files_path[c]); write_total(sock, file_name, strlen(file_name)); write_total(sock, &"\n", 1); off_t file_size = fsize((const char *) files_path[c]); /** Checking for file size unavailable **/ if (file_size == -1) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } write_total(sock, &file_size, 8); setup_bar(file_name, file_size); trans_cond = transfer_data(file, sock, 0, file_size); /** Closing streams **/ close(file); /** Checking for transfer condition **/ if (trans_cond == EXIT_FAILURE) { /** Nothing to do **/ break; } printf("\n"); } /** Checking for transaction success **/ if (trans_cond == EXIT_SUCCESS) { /** Sending end-block **/ block_type = BLOCK_FILE_END; write_total(sock, &block_type, 1); } shutdown(sock, SHUT_RDWR); return trans_cond; }
int load_file(const char *directory, const char *ip) { char block_type; int sock, file; int trans_cond = EXIT_SUCCESS; /** Opening socket descriptor */ if ((sock = open_socket(ip)) == EXIT_FAILURE) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } /** Reading block until all files will not be received **/ while (read_total(sock, &block_type, 1) == 1 && block_type == BLOCK_FILE_START) { /** Reading file name **/ const char *file_name = (const char *) read_data(sock, '\n', 0); /** Concatinating into file path **/ char *file_path = fpath(file_name, directory); /** Reading file size **/ off_t file_size = *((unsigned long *) read_data(sock, 0, 8)); /** Opening file descriptor */ if ((file = open_file(file_path, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY)) == EXIT_FAILURE) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } setup_bar(file_name, file_size); trans_cond = transfer_data(sock, file, 0, file_size); /** Closing streams **/ close(file); /** Checking for transfer condition **/ if (trans_cond == EXIT_FAILURE) { /** Nothing to do now **/ break; } printf("\n"); } /** Checking for transaction success **/ if (trans_cond == EXIT_SUCCESS) { block_type = BLOCK_FILE_END; write_total(sock, &block_type, 1); } shutdown(sock, SHUT_RDWR); return trans_cond; }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int RemotePort,TargetPort; SOCKET soc1,soc2; if(argc!=6 || strcmp(argv[1],"-remote")!=0) { printf("Usage:./XXX -remote RemoteIP RemotePort TargetIP TargetPort\n"); return -1; } RemotePort=atoi(argv[3]); TargetPort=atoi(argv[5]); printf("Connect to %s:%d\n",argv[2],RemotePort); if((soc1=create_socket(argv[2],RemotePort))==INVALID_SOCKET) { printf("Can't connect to %s:%d\n",argv[2],RemotePort); return -1; } printf("Connect to %s:%d successfully!\n",argv[2],RemotePort); printf("Connect to %s:%d\n",argv[4],TargetPort); if((soc2=create_socket(argv[4],TargetPort))==INVALID_SOCKET) { printf("Can't connect to %s:%d\n",argv[4],TargetPort); return -1; } printf("Connect to %s:%d successfully!\n",argv[4],TargetPort); if(transfer_data(soc1,soc2)==-1) { printf("Remote host disconnect\n"); } else { printf("Target host disconnect\n"); } return 0; }
void run_server(const char* IP_ADDR, int PORT_NUMBER, int MAX_BACKLOG) { int socket_d = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (socket_d == -1) { check_errno("socket"); } struct sockaddr_in local_addr; local_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; local_addr.sin_port = htons(PORT_NUMBER); local_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(IP_ADDR); if (!bind(socket_d, (const struct sockaddr*) &local_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))) { check_errno("bind"); } while (!listen(socket_d, MAX_BACKLOG)) { struct sockaddr_in remote_addr; socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); int rs = accept(socket_d, (struct sockaddr*) &remote_addr, &addr_len); if (rs == -1) { check_errno("accept"); } if (fork() == 0) { close(socket_d); fprintf(stderr, "Connected: %s:%d\n", inet_ntoa(remote_addr.sin_addr), (int) ntohs(remote_addr.sin_port)); transfer_data(rs); finalaze_socket(rs); fprintf(stderr, "Closed: %s:%d\n", inet_ntoa(remote_addr.sin_addr), (int) ntohs(remote_addr.sin_port)); exit(0); } close(rs); } close(socket_d); check_errno("listen"); }
int main() { // disable caches -- still fast enough for copies, no worries about coherency Xil_DCacheDisable(); struct ip_addr ipaddr, netmask, gw; /* the mac address of the board. this should be unique per board */ unsigned char mac_ethernet_address[] = { 0x00, 0x0a, 0x35, 0x00, 0x05, 0x12 }; echo_netif = &server_netif; #if XPAR_GIGE_PCS_PMA_CORE_PRESENT == 1 ProgramSi5324(); ProgramSfpPhy(); #endif init_platform(); /* initliaze IP addresses to be used */ /* */ ipaddr.addr=0; netmask.addr=0; gw.addr=0; /*IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, 129, 241, 110, 240); IP4_ADDR(&netmask, 255, 255, 254, 0); IP4_ADDR(&gw, 129, 241, 110, 1);*/ print_app_header(); print_ip_settings(&ipaddr, &netmask, &gw); lwip_init(); /* Add network interface to the netif_list, and set it as default */ if (!xemac_add(echo_netif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, mac_ethernet_address, PLATFORM_EMAC_BASEADDR)) { xil_printf("Error adding N/W interface\n\r"); return -1; } netif_set_default(echo_netif); /* Create a new DHCP client for this interface. * Note: you must call dhcp_fine_tmr() and dhcp_coarse_tmr() at * the predefined regular intervals after starting the client. */ /* dhcp_start(echo_netif); */ dhcp_start(echo_netif); /* now enable interrupts */ platform_enable_interrupts(); /* specify that the network if is up */ netif_set_up(echo_netif); /* start the application (web server, rxtest, txtest, etc..) */ start_application(); /* receive and process packets */ int msg = 0; while (!finished) { xemacif_input(echo_netif); transfer_data(); if(!msg && echo_netif->ip_addr.addr) { msg=1; xil_printf("Acquired DHCP address!\n"); print_ip("",&(echo_netif->ip_addr)); } } xil_printf("Cheetah finished, exiting..\n"); cleanup_platform(); return 0; }
int main() { struct ip_addr ipaddr, netmask, gw; /* the mac address of the board. this should be unique per board */ unsigned char mac_ethernet_address[] = { 0x00, 0x0a, 0x35, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02 }; echo_netif = &server_netif; #if defined (__arm__) && !defined (ARMR5) #if XPAR_GIGE_PCS_PMA_SGMII_CORE_PRESENT == 1 || XPAR_GIGE_PCS_PMA_1000BASEX_CORE_PRESENT == 1 ProgramSi5324(); ProgramSfpPhy(); #endif #endif init_platform(); #if LWIP_DHCP==1 ipaddr.addr = 0; gw.addr = 0; netmask.addr = 0; #else /* initliaze IP addresses to be used */ IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, 192, 168, 1, 10); IP4_ADDR(&netmask, 255, 255, 255, 0); IP4_ADDR(&gw, 192, 168, 1, 1); #endif print_app_header(); lwip_init(); /* Add network interface to the netif_list, and set it as default */ if (!xemac_add(echo_netif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, mac_ethernet_address, PLATFORM_EMAC_BASEADDR)) { xil_printf("Error adding N/W interface\n\r"); return -1; } netif_set_default(echo_netif); /* now enable interrupts */ platform_enable_interrupts(); /* specify that the network if is up */ netif_set_up(echo_netif); #if (LWIP_DHCP==1) /* Create a new DHCP client for this interface. * Note: you must call dhcp_fine_tmr() and dhcp_coarse_tmr() at * the predefined regular intervals after starting the client. */ dhcp_start(echo_netif); dhcp_timoutcntr = 24; while(((echo_netif->ip_addr.addr) == 0) && (dhcp_timoutcntr > 0)) xemacif_input(echo_netif); if (dhcp_timoutcntr <= 0) { if ((echo_netif->ip_addr.addr) == 0) { xil_printf("DHCP Timeout\r\n"); xil_printf("Configuring default IP of\r\n"); IP4_ADDR(&(echo_netif->ip_addr), 192, 168, 1, 10); IP4_ADDR(&(echo_netif->netmask), 255, 255, 255, 0); IP4_ADDR(&(echo_netif->gw), 192, 168, 1, 1); } } ipaddr.addr = echo_netif->ip_addr.addr; gw.addr = echo_netif->gw.addr; netmask.addr = echo_netif->netmask.addr; #endif print_ip_settings(&ipaddr, &netmask, &gw); /* start the application (web server, rxtest, txtest, etc..) */ start_application(); /* receive and process packets */ while (1) { if (TcpFastTmrFlag) { tcp_fasttmr(); TcpFastTmrFlag = 0; } if (TcpSlowTmrFlag) { tcp_slowtmr(); TcpSlowTmrFlag = 0; } xemacif_input(echo_netif); transfer_data(); } /* never reached */ cleanup_platform(); return 0; }
void loop() { if(bt_connected) { // Read Fanatec Packet transfer_data(&wheel_out, &wheel_in, sizeof(wheel_out.raw)); #ifdef IS_USB // Fetching HID packet uint16_t hid_size; hid_size = Joystick.recv(&hid_pck, 0); if(hid_size > 0) hid_output(1, hid_size, hid_pck); #endif if(wheel_in.header == 0xa5){ bt_setWheel(; // Left stick bt_X(255-(wheel_in.axisX+127)); bt_Y(wheel_in.axisY+127); // All buttons bt_button(1, wheel_in.buttons[0]&0x80); bt_button(2, wheel_in.buttons[0]&0x40); bt_button(3, wheel_in.buttons[0]&0x20); bt_button(4, wheel_in.buttons[0]&0x10); bt_button(5, wheel_in.buttons[1]&0x80); bt_button(6, wheel_in.buttons[1]&0x40); bt_button(7, wheel_in.buttons[1]&0x20); bt_button(8, wheel_in.buttons[1]&0x10); bt_button(9, wheel_in.buttons[1]&0x04); bt_button(10, wheel_in.buttons[1]&0x02); bt_button(11, wheel_in.buttons[2]&0x08); bt_button(12, wheel_in.buttons[2]&0x04); bt_button(13, wheel_in.buttons[2]&0x02); bt_button(14, wheel_in.buttons[2]&0x20); // paddles shitfer bt_button(15, wheel_in.buttons[1]&0x08); bt_button(16, wheel_in.buttons[1]&0x01); if( == UNIHUB){ // Uni Hub buttons // BUT_5 array (optional 3 buttons) bt_button(19, wheel_in.btnHub[0]&0x08); bt_button(20, wheel_in.btnHub[0]&0x10); bt_button(21, wheel_in.btnHub[0]&0x20); // Playstation buttons bt_button(22, wheel_in.btnPS[0]&0x01); bt_button(23, wheel_in.btnPS[0]&0x02); bt_button(24, wheel_in.btnPS[0]&0x04); bt_button(25, wheel_in.btnPS[0]&0x08); bt_button(26, wheel_in.btnPS[0]&0x10); bt_button(27, wheel_in.btnPS[0]&0x20); bt_button(28, wheel_in.btnPS[0]&0x40); bt_button(29, wheel_in.btnPS[0]&0x80); bt_button(30, wheel_in.btnPS[1]&0x01); bt_button(31, wheel_in.btnPS[1]&0x02); bt_button(32, wheel_in.btnPS[1]&0x04); bt_button(33, wheel_in.btnPS[1]&0x08); bt_button(34, wheel_in.btnPS[1]&0x10); bt_button(35, wheel_in.btnPS[1]&0x20); bt_button(36, wheel_in.btnPS[1]&0x40); bt_button(37, wheel_in.btnPS[1]&0x80); } if( rotary_debounce > 0 && rotary_debounce <= 50){ rotary_debounce++; } else if (rotary_debounce > 50){ rotary_debounce = 0; } if (rotary_debounce == 0) { //rotary_debounce = 0; rotary_value = wheel_in.encoder; bt_button(17, rotary_value==-1); bt_button(18, rotary_value==1); if (rotary_value != 0){ #ifdef HAS_DEBUG Serial.println(String("DBNCE START!!!!!!!!!ROTARY : ") + rotary_value); #endif rotary_debounce++; } } int16_t hat; switch (wheel_in.buttons[0]&0x0f){ case 0: hat=0xFF;break; case 1: hat=0;break; case 2: hat=6;break; case 4: hat=2;break; case 8: hat=4;break; default: hat=0xFF; } bt_hat(hat); //Serial.println(String("button: ") + hid_data[3]); } // 8 Extra Buttons for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { bt_button(38+i, !digitalRead(2+i)); } // Send HID report (all inputs) #ifdef IS_USB Joystick.send_now(); //rotary_debounce = 0; #else uint32_t timout; timout = micros() - timing; if(timout > max_delay || (in_changed && timout > 10000)) { //hid_data[3] = (hid_data[3]+1)&0xff; iwrap_send_data(main_link_id, sizeof(hid_data), hid_data, iwrap_mode); timing = micros(); bt_delay = 0; #ifdef HAS_DEBUG if (rotary_debounce!=0)Serial.println(String("RESET!!!!!!!!!ROTARY : ") + rotary_value); if (in_changed)Serial.println("input sent"); #endif in_changed = false; //rotary_debounce = 0; } bt_delay++; #endif } #ifndef IS_USB // Read WT12 incoming data uint16_t result; while((result = < 256 && !got_hid) iwrap_parse(result & 0xFF, iwrap_mode); if(got_hid) got_hid = false; #endif //timing = micros() - timing; //if(timing > 550) Serial.println(String("timing: ") + timing); // some delay idle(); }
int main() { struct ip_addr ipaddr, netmask, gw; unsigned FPGA_port_number; char *FPGA_ip_address; char *FPGA_netmask; char *FPGA_gateway; unsigned integer_ip; unsigned int FPGA_ip_address_a1,FPGA_ip_address_a2,FPGA_ip_address_a3,FPGA_ip_address_a4; unsigned int FPGA_netmask_a1,FPGA_netmask_a2,FPGA_netmask_a3,FPGA_netmask_a4; unsigned int FPGA_gateway_a1,FPGA_gateway_a2,FPGA_gateway_a3,FPGA_gateway_a4; //EXAMPLE: set FPGA IP and port number FPGA_ip_address=FPGA_IP; FPGA_netmask=FPGA_NM; FPGA_gateway=FPGA_GW; FPGA_port_number=FPGA_PORT; //extract FPGA IP address from string if (ip_to_int (FPGA_ip_address,&FPGA_ip_address_a1,&FPGA_ip_address_a2,&FPGA_ip_address_a3,&FPGA_ip_address_a4) == INVALID) { printf ("'%s' is not a valid IP address for FPGA server.\n", FPGA_ip_address); return 1; } //extract FPGA netmask address from string if (ip_to_int (FPGA_netmask,&FPGA_netmask_a1,&FPGA_netmask_a2,&FPGA_netmask_a3,&FPGA_netmask_a4) == INVALID) { printf ("'%s' is not a valid netmask address for FPGA server.\n", FPGA_netmask); return 1; } //extract FPGA gateway address from string if (ip_to_int (FPGA_gateway,&FPGA_gateway_a1,&FPGA_gateway_a2,&FPGA_gateway_a3,&FPGA_gateway_a4) == INVALID) { printf ("'%s' is not a valid gateway address for FPGA server.\n", FPGA_gateway); return 1; } /* the mac address of the board. this should be unique per board */ unsigned char mac_ethernet_address[] = { 0x00, 0x0a, 0x35, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02 }; echo_netif = &server_netif; init_platform(); Xil_DCacheDisable(); /* initliaze IP addresses to be used */ IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, FPGA_ip_address_a4, FPGA_ip_address_a3, FPGA_ip_address_a2, FPGA_ip_address_a1); IP4_ADDR(&netmask, FPGA_netmask_a4, FPGA_netmask_a3, FPGA_netmask_a2, FPGA_netmask_a1); IP4_ADDR(&gw, FPGA_gateway_a4, FPGA_gateway_a3, FPGA_gateway_a2, FPGA_gateway_a1); print_app_header(); print_ip_settings(&ipaddr, &netmask, &gw); lwip_init(); /* Add network interface to the netif_list, and set it as default */ if (!xemac_add(echo_netif, &ipaddr, &netmask,&gw, mac_ethernet_address,PLATFORM_EMAC_BASEADDR)) { xil_printf("Error adding N/W interface\n\r"); return -1; } netif_set_default(echo_netif); /* specify that the network if is up */ netif_set_up(echo_netif); /* now enable interrupts */ platform_enable_interrupts(); /* start the application (web server, rxtest, txtest, etc..) */ start_application(); /* receive and process packets */ while (1) { xemacif_input(echo_netif); transfer_data(); } /* never reached */ cleanup_platform(); return 0; }
/****************************************************************************** * non-static function definitions ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int retval; struct handles handles = { .sock = -1, .sock2 = -1, .server_sock = -1, .file = NULL, .file2 = NULL, }; struct scope_parameter param; if(0 != handle_options(argc,argv, &g_options)) { usage(argv[0]); return 1; } signal_init(); if (scope_init(¶m, &g_options)) { retval = 2; goto cleanup; } if (g_options.mode == client || g_options.mode == server) { if (connection_init(&g_options, &handles)) { retval = 3; goto cleanup_scope; } } else if (g_options.mode == file) { if (file_open(&g_options, &handles)) { retval = 4; goto cleanup_scope; } } retval = 0; while (!transfer_interrupted()) { if (g_options.mode == client || g_options.mode == server) { if (connection_start(&g_options, &handles) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: problem opening connection.\n", __func__); continue; } } retval = transfer_data(¶m, &g_options, &handles); if (retval && !transfer_interrupted()) fprintf(stderr, "%s: problem transferring data.\n", __func__); if (g_options.mode == client || g_options.mode == server) connection_stop(&handles); if (g_options.mode == file) break; } connection_cleanup(&handles); file_close(&handles); cleanup_scope: scope_cleanup(¶m, &g_options); cleanup: signal_exit(); return retval; }
int main() { struct netif *netif, server_netif; struct ip_addr ipaddr, netmask, gw; /* the mac address of the board. this should be unique per board */ unsigned char mac_ethernet_address[] = { 0x00, 0x0a, 0x35, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02 }; netif = &server_netif; if (init_platform() < 0) { xil_printf("ERROR initializing platform.\r\n"); return -1; } xil_printf("\r\n\r\n"); xil_printf("-----lwIP RAW Mode Demo Application ------\r\n"); /* initliaze IP addresses to be used */ #if (LWIP_DHCP==0) IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, 192, 168, 1, 10); IP4_ADDR(&netmask, 255, 255, 255, 0); IP4_ADDR(&gw, 192, 168, 1, 1); print_ip_settings(&ipaddr, &netmask, &gw); #endif lwip_init(); #if (LWIP_DHCP==1) ipaddr.addr = 0; gw.addr = 0; netmask.addr = 0; #endif /* Add network interface to the netif_list, and set it as default */ if (!xemac_add(netif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, mac_ethernet_address, PLATFORM_EMAC_BASEADDR)) { xil_printf("Error adding N/W interface\r\n"); return -1; } netif_set_default(netif); /* specify that the network if is up */ netif_set_up(netif); /* now enable interrupts */ platform_enable_interrupts(); #if (LWIP_DHCP==1) /* Create a new DHCP client for this interface. * Note: you must call dhcp_fine_tmr() and dhcp_coarse_tmr() at * the predefined regular intervals after starting the client. */ dhcp_start(netif); dhcp_timoutcntr = 24; TxPerfConnMonCntr = 0; while(((netif->ip_addr.addr) == 0) && (dhcp_timoutcntr > 0)) { xemacif_input(netif); if (TcpFastTmrFlag) { tcp_fasttmr(); TcpFastTmrFlag = 0; } if (TcpSlowTmrFlag) { tcp_slowtmr(); TcpSlowTmrFlag = 0; } } if (dhcp_timoutcntr <= 0) { if ((netif->ip_addr.addr) == 0) { xil_printf("DHCP Timeout\r\n"); xil_printf("Configuring default IP of\r\n"); IP4_ADDR(&(netif->ip_addr), 192, 168, 1, 10); IP4_ADDR(&(netif->netmask), 255, 255, 255, 0); IP4_ADDR(&(netif->gw), 192, 168, 1, 1); } } /* receive and process packets */ print_ip_settings(&(netif->ip_addr), &(netif->netmask), &(netif->gw)); #endif /* start the application (web server, rxtest, txtest, etc..) */ start_applications(); print_headers(); while (1) { if (TcpFastTmrFlag) { tcp_fasttmr(); TcpFastTmrFlag = 0; } if (TcpSlowTmrFlag) { tcp_slowtmr(); TcpSlowTmrFlag = 0; } xemacif_input(netif); transfer_data(); } /* never reached */ cleanup_platform(); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { // no initial declarations in for loop blah blah blah int i; // for debug purposes setbuf(stdout, NULL); /* Arguments n stuff */ int localport = PG_DEF_PORT; int remoteport = PG_DEF_PORT; char* remotehost = DEFAULT_HOST; parse_options(argc, argv, &localport, &remoteport, &remotehost); printf("%s - listening on TCP port %d and will connect to %s:%d\n", argv[0], localport, remotehost, remoteport); /* Make a few things regarding clients */ ClientList clients; bzero((void*) &clients, sizeof(clients)); SOCKET initsock = make_initial_socket(localport); fd_set sockset; int highest_fd = initsock; // for now /* Make a few things regarding the db server */ ADDRINFO* serverinfo = find_remote_server(remotehost, remoteport); while(1) { FD_ZERO(&sockset); FD_SET(initsock, &sockset); for(i = 0; i < clients.count; ++i) { FD_SET(clients.list[i].clientsock, &sockset); FD_SET(clients.list[i].serversock, &sockset); } if(select(highest_fd+1, &sockset, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0) { perror("Error at select"); exit(-1); } // if it's our initial socket, add connection if(FD_ISSET(initsock, &sockset)) { if(add_client(initsock, serverinfo, &clients, &highest_fd) == 0) { perror("Problem while connecting client to server"); continue; } } // otherwise find what's talking else { for(i = 0; i < clients.count; ++i) { if(FD_ISSET(clients.list[i].clientsock, &sockset)) { if(transfer_data(clients.list[i].clientsock, clients.list[i].serversock) == 0) { remove_client(&clients, i); } } else if(FD_ISSET(clients.list[i].serversock, &sockset)) { if(transfer_data(clients.list[i].serversock, clients.list[i].clientsock) == 0) { remove_client(&clients, i); } } } } } close(initsock); free(serverinfo); return 0; }