Exemple #1
/* power transform */
static void
reset_exp(xgobidata *xg) {
  char lbl[32];
  Boolean state;
  int j, k, groupno;
  int tfno = POWER;

  /* reset the power label */
  sprintf(lbl, "%4.2f", exponent);
  XtVaSetValues(exponent_lbl, XtNlabel, lbl, NULL);

  ntform_cols = 0;
  for (j=0; j<xg->ncols-1; j++) {
    XtVaGetValues(var_cbox[j], XtNstate, &state, NULL);
    if (state) {
      tform_cols[ntform_cols++] = j;
      groupno = xg->vgroup_ids[j];
      for (k=j+1; k<xg->ncols-1; k++) {
        if (xg->vgroup_ids[k] == groupno)
          tform_cols[ntform_cols++] = k;

  if (ntform_cols > 0) {
    if (transform1(xg, tform_cols, ntform_cols,
      &domain_incr, domain_adj, inv_domain_adj,
      tfno, (double) exponent))
      tform_response(xg, tform_cols, ntform_cols);
Exemple #2
static XtCallbackProc
stage1_tform_cback(Widget w, xgobidata *xg, XtPointer cbdata)
  int tfno, j /*, k, groupno*/;
  Boolean state;

  for (tfno=0; tfno<N1TFORMS; tfno++)
    if (w == stage1_tform_cmd[tfno])

  ntform_cols = 0;
  for (j=0; j<xg->ncols-1; j++) {
    XtVaGetValues(var_cbox[j], XtNstate, &state, NULL);
    if (state) {
      tform_cols[ntform_cols++] = j;
/*      groupno = xg->vgroup_ids[j];
      for (k=j+1; k<xg->ncols-1; k++) {
        if (xg->vgroup_ids[k] == groupno)
          tform_cols[ntform_cols++] = k;

  if (ntform_cols > 0) {
    if (transform1(xg, tform_cols, ntform_cols,
      &domain_incr, domain_adj, inv_domain_adj,
      tfno, (double) exponent))
      tform_response(xg, tform_cols, ntform_cols);

Exemple #3
restore_variables(xgobidata *xg) {
  if (ntform_cols > 0 && tform_cols != NULL) {
    if ( transform1(xg, tform_cols, ntform_cols,
      &domain_incr, domain_adj, inv_domain_adj,
      RESTORE, 0.0) )
      tform_response(xg, tform_cols, ntform_cols);
Exemple #4
Fichier : DEVCLASS.c Projet : da5/C
unsigned long int transform(char *str1, char *str2, int n, int type,int *arr1,int *arr2){
	unsigned long int score = 0;
		case 0:
			score = transform0(str1, str2, n, type);
		case 1:
			score = transform1(str1, str2, n, type, arr1, arr2);
	return score;
Exemple #5
/* This is only stage1 so far */
transform_all(xgobidata *xg) {
  int j, cols[1];

  for (j=0; j<xg->ncols-1; j++) {
    cols[0] = j;
    if (tform_tp != (TFormType *) NULL && &tform_tp[j] != (TFormType *) NULL)
      transform1(xg, cols, 1,
        tform_tp[j].domain_adj, tform_tp[j].inv_domain_adj,
        tform_tp[j].tform1, tform_tp[j].param);
Exemple #6
SCM pip_color_distance (SCM cR, SCM cG, SCM cB, SCM cR2, SCM cG2, SCM cB2)
  double R = scm_to_double (cR);
  double G = scm_to_double (cG);
  double B = scm_to_double (cB);
  double R2 = scm_to_double (cR2);
  double G2 = scm_to_double (cG2);
  double B2 = scm_to_double (cB2);

  R /= 255.0;
  G /= 255.0;
  B /= 255.0;
  R2 /= 255.0;
  G2 /= 255.0;
  B2 /= 255.0;

  R = transform1 (R);
  G = transform1 (G);
  B = transform1 (B);
  R2 = transform1 (R2);
  G2 = transform1 (G2);
  B2 = transform1 (B2);

  double X = R * 0.4124 + G * 0.3576 + B * 0.1805;
  double Y = R * 0.2126 + G * 0.7152 + B * 0.0722;
  double Z = R * 0.0193 + G * 0.1192 + B * 0.9505;
  double X2 = R2 * 0.4124 + G2 * 0.3576 + B2 * 0.1805;
  double Y2 = R2 * 0.2126 + G2 * 0.7152 + B2 * 0.0722;
  double Z2 = R2 * 0.0193 + G2 * 0.1192 + B2 * 0.9505;

  Y /= REFY;
  Z /= REFZ;
  X /= REFX;
  Y2 /= REFY;
  Z2 /= REFZ;
  X2 /= REFX;

  double LL = 116.0 * transform2(Y) - 16.0;
  double AA = 500.0 * (transform2(X) - transform2 (Y));
  double BB = 200.0 * (transform2(Y) - transform2 (Z));
  double LL2 = 116.0 * transform2(Y2) - 16.0;
  double AA2 = 500.0 * (transform2(X2) - transform2 (Y2));
  double BB2 = 200.0 * (transform2(Y2) - transform2 (Z2));
  double dL = LL - LL2;
  double dA = AA - AA2;
  double dB = BB - BB2;
  return scm_from_double (sqrt (dL * dL + dA * dA + dB * dB));
void HomogeneousMatrixTest::testRPYConversions() {
	double xExpected, yExpected, zExpected, rollExpected, pitchExpected, yawExpected;
	double xActual, yActual, zActual, rollActual, pitchActual, yawActual;
	IHomogeneousMatrix44::IHomogeneousMatrix44Ptr transform1(new HomogeneousMatrix44());

	xExpected = 1.0;
	yExpected = 2.0;
	zExpected = 3.0;
	rollExpected = 0.5*M_PI;
	pitchExpected = 0.0;
	yawExpected = 0.0;

	HomogeneousMatrix44::xyzRollPitchYawToMatrix(xExpected, yExpected, zExpected, rollExpected, pitchExpected, yawExpected, transform1);
	std::cout << "---> transform1 " << std::endl <<*transform1;
	HomogeneousMatrix44::matrixToXyzRollPitchYaw(transform1, xActual, yActual, zActual, rollActual, pitchActual, yawActual);

	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(xExpected, xActual, maxTolerance);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(yExpected, yActual, maxTolerance);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(zExpected, zActual, maxTolerance);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(rollExpected, rollActual, maxTolerance);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(pitchExpected, pitchActual, maxTolerance);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(yawExpected, yawActual, maxTolerance);

	xExpected = 1.0;
	yExpected = 2.0;
	zExpected = 3.0;
	rollExpected = 0.0;
	pitchExpected = 0.0;
	yawExpected = 0.5 * M_PI;

	Eigen::AngleAxis<double> rotation2(yawExpected, Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,1));
	Transform3d transformation2;
	transformation2 = Eigen::Affine3d::Identity();
	IHomogeneousMatrix44::IHomogeneousMatrix44Ptr transform2(new HomogeneousMatrix44(&transformation2));

	HomogeneousMatrix44::matrixToXyzRollPitchYaw(transform2, xActual, yActual, zActual, rollActual, pitchActual, yawActual);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(xExpected, xActual, maxTolerance);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(yExpected, yActual, maxTolerance);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(zExpected, zActual, maxTolerance);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(rollExpected, rollActual, maxTolerance);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(pitchExpected, pitchActual, maxTolerance);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(yawExpected, yawActual, maxTolerance);

	xExpected = 1.0;
	yExpected = 2.0;
	zExpected = 3.0;
	rollExpected = 0.0;
	pitchExpected = 0.5 * M_PI;
	yawExpected = 0;

	Eigen::AngleAxis<double> rotation3(pitchExpected, Eigen::Vector3d(0,1,0));
	Transform3d transformation3;
	transformation3 = Eigen::Affine3d::Identity();
	IHomogeneousMatrix44::IHomogeneousMatrix44Ptr transform3(new HomogeneousMatrix44(&transformation3));

	HomogeneousMatrix44::matrixToXyzRollPitchYaw(transform3, xActual, yActual, zActual, rollActual, pitchActual, yawActual);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(xExpected, xActual, maxTolerance);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(yExpected, yActual, maxTolerance);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(zExpected, zActual, maxTolerance);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(rollExpected, rollActual, maxTolerance);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(pitchExpected, pitchActual, maxTolerance);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(yawExpected, yawActual, maxTolerance);

	xExpected = 1.0;
	yExpected = 2.0;
	zExpected = 3.0;
	rollExpected = 0.5 * M_PI;
	pitchExpected = 0.0;
	yawExpected = 0;

	Eigen::AngleAxis<double> rotation4(rollExpected, Eigen::Vector3d(1,0,0));
	Transform3d transformation4;
	transformation4 = Eigen::Affine3d::Identity();
	IHomogeneousMatrix44::IHomogeneousMatrix44Ptr transform4(new HomogeneousMatrix44(&transformation4));

	HomogeneousMatrix44::matrixToXyzRollPitchYaw(transform4, xActual, yActual, zActual, rollActual, pitchActual, yawActual);
	std::cout << "---> transform4 " << std::endl <<*transform4;

	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(xExpected, xActual, maxTolerance);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(yExpected, yActual, maxTolerance);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(zExpected, zActual, maxTolerance);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(rollExpected, rollActual, maxTolerance);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(pitchExpected, pitchActual, maxTolerance);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(yawExpected, yawActual, maxTolerance);

	/* CHecke if Eigen generated and xyzRPY generated _matices_ are similar */
	const double* matrixData1 = transform1->getRawData();
	const double* matrixData4 = transform4->getRawData();
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(matrixData1[i], matrixData4[i], maxTolerance);
Exemple #8
template <typename PointInT> void
pcl::ConvexHull<PointInT>::performReconstruction (PointCloud &hull, std::vector<pcl::Vertices> &polygons,
                                                  bool fill_polygon_data)
  // FInd the principal directions
  EIGEN_ALIGN16 Eigen::Matrix3f covariance_matrix;
  Eigen::Vector4f xyz_centroid;
  compute3DCentroid (*input_, *indices_, xyz_centroid);
  computeCovarianceMatrix (*input_, *indices_, xyz_centroid, covariance_matrix);
  EIGEN_ALIGN16 Eigen::Vector3f eigen_values;
  EIGEN_ALIGN16 Eigen::Matrix3f eigen_vectors;
  pcl::eigen33 (covariance_matrix, eigen_vectors, eigen_values);

  Eigen::Affine3f transform1;
  transform1.setIdentity ();
  int dim = 3;

  if (eigen_values[0] / eigen_values[2] < 1.0e-5)
    // We have points laying on a plane, using 2d convex hull
    // Compute transformation bring eigen_vectors.col(i) to z-axis

    eigen_vectors.col (2) = eigen_vectors.col (0).cross (eigen_vectors.col (1));
    eigen_vectors.col (1) = eigen_vectors.col (2).cross (eigen_vectors.col (0));

    transform1 (0, 2) = eigen_vectors (0, 0);
    transform1 (1, 2) = eigen_vectors (1, 0);
    transform1 (2, 2) = eigen_vectors (2, 0);

    transform1 (0, 1) = eigen_vectors (0, 1);
    transform1 (1, 1) = eigen_vectors (1, 1);
    transform1 (2, 1) = eigen_vectors (2, 1);
    transform1 (0, 0) = eigen_vectors (0, 2);
    transform1 (1, 0) = eigen_vectors (1, 2);
    transform1 (2, 0) = eigen_vectors (2, 2);

    transform1 = transform1.inverse ();
    dim = 2;
    transform1.setIdentity ();

  PointCloud cloud_transformed;
  pcl::demeanPointCloud (*input_, *indices_, xyz_centroid, cloud_transformed);
  pcl::transformPointCloud (cloud_transformed, cloud_transformed, transform1);

  // True if qhull should free points in qh_freeqhull() or reallocation
  boolT ismalloc = True;
  // option flags for qhull, see qh_opt.htm
  char flags[] = "qhull Tc";
  // output from qh_produce_output(), use NULL to skip qh_produce_output()
  FILE *outfile = NULL;
  // error messages from qhull code
  FILE *errfile = stderr;
  // 0 if no error from qhull
  int exitcode;

  // Array of coordinates for each point
  coordT *points = (coordT *)calloc (cloud_transformed.points.size () * dim, sizeof(coordT));

  for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud_transformed.points.size (); ++i)
    points[i * dim + 0] = (coordT)cloud_transformed.points[i].x;
    points[i * dim + 1] = (coordT)cloud_transformed.points[i].y;

    if (dim > 2)
      points[i * dim + 2] = (coordT)cloud_transformed.points[i].z;

  // Compute convex hull
  exitcode = qh_new_qhull (dim, cloud_transformed.points.size (), points, ismalloc, flags, outfile, errfile);

  if (exitcode != 0)
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::%s::performReconstrution] ERROR: qhull was unable to compute a convex hull for the given point cloud (%lu)!\n", 
               getClassName ().c_str (), (unsigned long) input_->points.size ());

    //check if it fails because of NaN values...
    if (!cloud_transformed.is_dense)
      bool NaNvalues = false;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud_transformed.size (); ++i)
        if (!pcl_isfinite (cloud_transformed.points[i].x) || 
            !pcl_isfinite (cloud_transformed.points[i].y) ||
            !pcl_isfinite (cloud_transformed.points[i].z))
          NaNvalues = true;

      if (NaNvalues)
        PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::%s::performReconstruction] ERROR: point cloud contains NaN values, consider running pcl::PassThrough filter first to remove NaNs!\n", getClassName ().c_str ());

    hull.points.resize (0);
    hull.width = hull.height = 0;
    polygons.resize (0);

    qh_freeqhull (!qh_ALL);
    int curlong, totlong;
    qh_memfreeshort (&curlong, &totlong);


  qh_triangulate ();

  int num_facets = qh num_facets;

  int num_vertices = qh num_vertices;
  hull.points.resize (num_vertices);

  vertexT * vertex;
  int i = 0;
  // Max vertex id
  int max_vertex_id = -1;
    if ((int)vertex->id > max_vertex_id)
    max_vertex_id = vertex->id;

  std::vector<int> qhid_to_pcidx (max_vertex_id);

    // Add vertices to hull point_cloud
    hull.points[i].x = vertex->point[0];
    hull.points[i].y = vertex->point[1];

    if (dim>2)
    hull.points[i].z = vertex->point[2];
    hull.points[i].z = 0;

    qhid_to_pcidx[vertex->id] = i; // map the vertex id of qhull to the point cloud index

  if (fill_polygon_data)
    if (dim == 3)
      polygons.resize (num_facets);
      int dd = 0;

      facetT * facet;
        polygons[dd].vertices.resize (3);

        // Needed by FOREACHvertex_i_
        int vertex_n, vertex_i;
        //facet_vertices.vertices.push_back (qhid_to_pcidx[vertex->id]);
        polygons[dd].vertices[vertex_i] = qhid_to_pcidx[vertex->id];
