Exemple #1
void SelectWidget::update_model() {
    bg.update(this, 0, 0, width, height);

    label_model = transform2d(padding_left, padding_top);

    float icon_h = label.height();
    float icon_w = icon_h;
    float scale_x = ((float)icon_w) / ((float)arrow_icon_img->width);
    float scale_y = ((float)icon_h) / ((float)arrow_icon_img->height);
    arrow_icon_model = transform2d(width - padding_right - icon_w - icon_spacing, padding_top, scale_x, scale_y);
Exemple #2
 * \brief RDO function to calculate cost for intra
 * \returns cost to code pred block

 ** Only for luma
uint32_t rdo_cost_intra(encoder_state * const encoder_state, pixel *pred, pixel *orig_block, int width, int8_t mode, int tr_depth)
    const encoder_control * const encoder = encoder_state->encoder_control;
    coefficient pre_quant_coeff[LCU_WIDTH*LCU_WIDTH>>2];
    int16_t block[LCU_WIDTH*LCU_WIDTH>>2];
    int16_t temp_block[LCU_WIDTH*LCU_WIDTH>>2];
    coefficient temp_coeff[LCU_WIDTH*LCU_WIDTH>>2];
    int8_t luma_scan_mode = SCAN_DIAG;

    int i = 0,x,y;
    for (y = 0; y < width; y++) {
      for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        block[i++] = orig_block[x + y*width]- pred[x + y*width];
    // Scan mode is diagonal, except for 4x4 and 8x8, where:
    // - angular 6-14 = vertical
    // - angular 22-30 = horizontal
    if (width <= 8) {
      if (mode >= 6 && mode <= 14) {
        luma_scan_mode = SCAN_VER;
      } else if (mode >= 22 && mode <= 30) {
        luma_scan_mode = SCAN_HOR;
    transform2d(encoder, block,pre_quant_coeff,width,0);
    if(encoder->rdoq_enable) {
      rdoq(encoder_state, pre_quant_coeff, temp_coeff, width, width, 0, luma_scan_mode, CU_INTRA, tr_depth);
    } else {
      quant(encoder_state, pre_quant_coeff, temp_coeff, width, width, 0, luma_scan_mode, CU_INTRA);
    dequant(encoder_state, temp_coeff, pre_quant_coeff, width, width, 0, CU_INTRA);
    itransform2d(encoder, temp_block,pre_quant_coeff,width,0);

    unsigned ssd = 0;
    // SSD between original and reconstructed
    for (i = 0; i < width*width; i++) {
      //int diff = temp_block[i]-block[i];
      int diff = orig_block[i] - CLIP(0, 255, pred[i] + temp_block[i]);

      ssd += diff*diff;

    double coeff_bits = 0;
    // Simple RDO
    if(encoder->rdo == 1) {
      // SSD between reconstruction and original + sum of coeffs
      int coeff_abs = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < width*width; i++) {
        coeff_abs += abs((int)temp_coeff[i]);
      coeff_bits += 1 + 1.5 * coeff_abs;
      // Full RDO
    } else if(encoder->rdo >= 2) {
      coeff_bits = get_coeff_cost(encoder_state, temp_coeff, width, 0, luma_scan_mode);

    return (uint32_t)(0.5 + ssd + coeff_bits * encoder_state->global->cur_lambda_cost);
Exemple #3
 * \brief RDO function to calculate cost for intra
 * \returns cost to code pred block

 ** Only for luma
uint32_t rdo_cost_intra(encoder_state * const encoder_state, pixel *pred, pixel *orig_block, int width, int8_t mode)
    const encoder_control * const encoder = encoder_state->encoder_control;
    coefficient pre_quant_coeff[LCU_WIDTH*LCU_WIDTH>>2];
    int16_t block[LCU_WIDTH*LCU_WIDTH>>2];
    int16_t temp_block[LCU_WIDTH*LCU_WIDTH>>2];
    coefficient temp_coeff[LCU_WIDTH*LCU_WIDTH>>2];
    uint32_t ac_sum;
    uint32_t cost = 0;
    uint32_t coeffcost = 0;
    int8_t luma_scan_mode = SCAN_DIAG;

    int i = 0,x,y;
    for (y = 0; y < width; y++) {
      for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        block[i++] = orig_block[x + y*width]- pred[x + y*width];
    // Scan mode is diagonal, except for 4x4 and 8x8, where:
    // - angular 6-14 = vertical
    // - angular 22-30 = horizontal
    if (width <= 8) {
      if (mode >= 6 && mode <= 14) {
        luma_scan_mode = SCAN_VER;
      } else if (mode >= 22 && mode <= 30) {
        luma_scan_mode = SCAN_HOR;
    transform2d(encoder, block,pre_quant_coeff,width,0);
    if(encoder->rdoq_enable) {
      rdoq(encoder_state, pre_quant_coeff, temp_coeff, width, width, &ac_sum, 0, luma_scan_mode, CU_INTRA,0);
    } else {
      quant(encoder_state, pre_quant_coeff, temp_coeff, width, width, &ac_sum, 0, luma_scan_mode, CU_INTRA);
    dequant(encoder_state, temp_coeff, pre_quant_coeff, width, width, 0, CU_INTRA);
    itransform2d(encoder, temp_block,pre_quant_coeff,width,0);

    // SSD between original and reconstructed
    for (i = 0; i < width*width; i++) {
      int diff = temp_block[i]-block[i];
      cost += diff*diff;

    // Simple RDO
    if(encoder->rdo == 1) {
      // SSD between reconstruction and original + sum of coeffs
      for (i = 0; i < width*width; i++) {
        coeffcost += abs((int)temp_coeff[i]);
      cost += (1 + coeffcost + (coeffcost>>1))*((int)encoder_state->global->cur_lambda_cost+0.5);
      // Full RDO
    } else if(encoder->rdo == 2) {
Exemple #4
void TabWidget::update_model() {
    show_tab_bar = !auto_hide || tabs.length() >= 2;
    if (show_tab_bar) {
        widget_top = padding_top + tab_height;
    } else {
        widget_top = padding_top;

    tab_bg_model = transform2d(0, 0, width, height);
    tab_bottom_line_model = transform2d(0, widget_top - 1, width, 1);

    int next_left = padding_left;
    for (int i = 0; i < tabs.length(); i += 1) {
        TabWidgetTab *tab = tabs.at(i);
        tab->index = i;
        tab->is_current = (i == current_index);
        tab->left = next_left;
        tab->right = tab->left + title_padding_left + tab->label->width() + title_padding_right;
        next_left = tab->right + tab_spacing;

        int tab_top = padding_top;
        tab->label_model = transform2d(
                tab->left + title_padding_left, tab_top + tab_height / 2 - tab->label->height() / 2);
        tab->left_line_model = transform2d(tab->left, tab_top, 1, tab_height);
        tab->right_line_model = transform2d(tab->right - 1, tab_top, 1, tab_height);
        tab->top_line_model = transform2d(tab->left, tab_top, tab->right - tab->left, 1);

        int extra_height = tab->is_current ? 0 : -1;
        tab->bg.update(this, tab->left, tab_top, tab->right - tab->left, tab_height + extra_height);
        tab->bg.set_scheme(tab->is_current ? SunkenBoxSchemeRaised : SunkenBoxSchemeInactive);

    if (tabs.length() == 0) {
        current_tab = nullptr;
    } else {
        current_tab = tabs.at(current_index);
        current_tab->widget->left = left;
        current_tab->widget->top = top + widget_top;
        current_tab->widget->width = width;
        current_tab->widget->height = height - widget_top;