void computeBOOTRAPID (tree *tr, analdef *adef, long *radiusSeed) { int i, bestTrav, impr; double lh, previousLh, difference, epsilon; bestlist *bestT, *bt; int countIT; bestT = (bestlist *) malloc(sizeof(bestlist)); bestT->ninit = 0; initBestTree(bestT, 1, tr->mxtips); saveBestTree(bestT, tr); bt = (bestlist *) malloc(sizeof(bestlist)); bt->ninit = 0; initBestTree(bt, 5, tr->mxtips); initInfoList(10); difference = 10.0; epsilon = 0.01; bestTrav = adef->bestTrav = 5 + 11 * randum(radiusSeed); Thorough = 1; impr = 1; if(tr->doCutoff) tr->itCount = 0; tr->bigCutoff = TRUE; for(countIT = 0; countIT < 2 && impr; countIT++) { recallBestTree(bestT, 1, tr); treeEvaluate(tr, 1); saveBestTree(bestT, tr); lh = previousLh = tr->likelihood; treeOptimizeRapid(tr, 1, bestTrav, adef, bt); impr = 0; for(i = 1; i <= bt->nvalid; i++) { recallBestTree(bt, i, tr); treeEvaluate(tr, 0.25); difference = ((tr->likelihood > previousLh)? tr->likelihood - previousLh: previousLh - tr->likelihood); if(tr->likelihood > lh && difference > epsilon) { impr = 1; lh = tr->likelihood; saveBestTree(bestT, tr); } } } tr->bigCutoff = FALSE; recallBestTree(bestT, 1, tr); freeBestTree(bestT); free(bestT); freeBestTree(bt); free(bt); freeInfoList(); }
void optimizeRAPID(tree *tr, analdef *adef) { int i, impr, bestTrav; double lh, previousLh, difference, epsilon; bestlist *bestT, *bt; bestT = (bestlist *) malloc(sizeof(bestlist)); bestT->ninit = 0; initBestTree(bestT, 1, tr->mxtips); bt = (bestlist *) malloc(sizeof(bestlist)); bt->ninit = 0; initBestTree(bt, 20, tr->mxtips); initInfoList(50); difference = 10.0; epsilon = 0.01; Thorough = 0; saveBestTree(bestT, tr); bestTrav = adef->bestTrav = determineRearrangementSetting(tr, adef, bestT, bt); saveBestTree(bestT, tr); impr = 1; if(tr->doCutoff) tr->itCount = 0; while(impr) { recallBestTree(bestT, 1, tr); treeEvaluate(tr, 1); saveBestTree(bestT, tr); lh = previousLh = tr->likelihood; treeOptimizeRapid(tr, 1, bestTrav, adef, bt); impr = 0; for(i = 1; i <= bt->nvalid; i++) { recallBestTree(bt, i, tr); treeEvaluate(tr, 0.25); difference = ((tr->likelihood > previousLh)? tr->likelihood - previousLh: previousLh - tr->likelihood); if(tr->likelihood > lh && difference > epsilon) { impr = 1; lh = tr->likelihood; saveBestTree(bestT, tr); } } } recallBestTree(bestT, 1, tr); freeBestTree(bestT); free(bestT); freeBestTree(bt); free(bt); freeInfoList(); }
void thoroughOptimization(tree *tr, analdef *adef, topolRELL_LIST *rl, int index) { int i, impr; int rearrangementsMin = 1, rearrangementsMax = adef->stepwidth; double lh, previousLh, difference, epsilon; bestlist *bestT, *bt; bestT = (bestlist *) malloc(sizeof(bestlist)); bestT->ninit = 0; initBestTree(bestT, 1, tr->mxtips); bt = (bestlist *) malloc(sizeof(bestlist)); bt->ninit = 0; initBestTree(bt, 20, tr->mxtips); initInfoList(50); difference = 10.0; epsilon = 0.01; saveBestTree(bestT, tr); impr = 1; if(tr->doCutoff) tr->itCount = 0; Thorough = 1; impr = 1; while(1) { recallBestTree(bestT, 1, tr); if(impr) { rearrangementsMin = 1; rearrangementsMax = adef->stepwidth; } else { rearrangementsMax += adef->stepwidth; rearrangementsMin += adef->stepwidth; if(rearrangementsMax > adef->max_rearrange) goto cleanup; } treeEvaluate(tr, 1.0); previousLh = lh = tr->likelihood; saveBestTree(bestT, tr); treeOptimizeRapid(tr, rearrangementsMin, rearrangementsMax, adef, bt); impr = 0; for(i = 1; i <= bt->nvalid; i++) { recallBestTree(bt, i, tr); treeEvaluate(tr, 0.25); difference = ((tr->likelihood > previousLh)? tr->likelihood - previousLh: previousLh - tr->likelihood); if(tr->likelihood > lh && difference > epsilon) { impr = 1; lh = tr->likelihood; saveBestTree(bestT, tr); } } } cleanup: saveTL(rl, tr, index); freeBestTree(bestT); free(bestT); freeBestTree(bt); free(bt); freeInfoList(); }
void computeBIGRAPID (tree *tr, analdef *adef, boolean estimateModel) { unsigned int vLength = 0; int i, impr, bestTrav, rearrangementsMax = 0, rearrangementsMin = 0, thoroughIterations = 0, fastIterations = 0; double lh, previousLh, difference, epsilon; bestlist *bestT, *bt; #ifdef _TERRACES /* store the 20 best trees found in a dedicated list */ bestlist *terrace; /* output file names */ char terraceFileName[1024], buf[64]; #endif hashtable *h = (hashtable*)NULL; unsigned int **bitVectors = (unsigned int**)NULL; if(tr->searchConvergenceCriterion) { bitVectors = initBitVector(tr, &vLength); h = initHashTable(tr->mxtips * 4); } bestT = (bestlist *) rax_malloc(sizeof(bestlist)); bestT->ninit = 0; initBestTree(bestT, 1, tr->mxtips); bt = (bestlist *) rax_malloc(sizeof(bestlist)); bt->ninit = 0; initBestTree(bt, 20, tr->mxtips); #ifdef _TERRACES /* initialize the tree list and the output file name for the current tree search/replicate */ terrace = (bestlist *) rax_malloc(sizeof(bestlist)); terrace->ninit = 0; initBestTree(terrace, 20, tr->mxtips); sprintf(buf, "%d", bCount); strcpy(terraceFileName, workdir); strcat(terraceFileName, "RAxML_terrace."); strcat(terraceFileName, run_id); strcat(terraceFileName, ".BS."); strcat(terraceFileName, buf); printf("%s\n", terraceFileName); #endif initInfoList(50); difference = 10.0; epsilon = 0.01; Thorough = 0; if(estimateModel) { if(adef->useBinaryModelFile) { readBinaryModel(tr); evaluateGenericInitrav(tr, tr->start); treeEvaluate(tr, 2); } else { evaluateGenericInitrav(tr, tr->start); modOpt(tr, adef, FALSE, 10.0); } } else treeEvaluate(tr, 2); printLog(tr, adef, FALSE); saveBestTree(bestT, tr); if(!adef->initialSet) bestTrav = adef->bestTrav = determineRearrangementSetting(tr, adef, bestT, bt); else bestTrav = adef->bestTrav = adef->initial; if(estimateModel) { if(adef->useBinaryModelFile) treeEvaluate(tr, 2); else { evaluateGenericInitrav(tr, tr->start); modOpt(tr, adef, FALSE, 5.0); } } else treeEvaluate(tr, 1); saveBestTree(bestT, tr); impr = 1; if(tr->doCutoff) tr->itCount = 0; while(impr) { recallBestTree(bestT, 1, tr); if(tr->searchConvergenceCriterion) { int bCounter = 0; if(fastIterations > 1) cleanupHashTable(h, (fastIterations % 2)); bitVectorInitravSpecial(bitVectors, tr->nodep[1]->back, tr->mxtips, vLength, h, fastIterations % 2, BIPARTITIONS_RF, (branchInfo *)NULL, &bCounter, 1, FALSE, FALSE); assert(bCounter == tr->mxtips - 3); if(fastIterations > 0) { double rrf = convergenceCriterion(h, tr->mxtips); if(rrf <= 0.01) /* 1% cutoff */ { printBothOpen("ML fast search converged at fast SPR cycle %d with stopping criterion\n", fastIterations); printBothOpen("Relative Robinson-Foulds (RF) distance between respective best trees after one succseful SPR cycle: %f%s\n", rrf, "%"); cleanupHashTable(h, 0); cleanupHashTable(h, 1); goto cleanup_fast; } else printBothOpen("ML search convergence criterion fast cycle %d->%d Relative Robinson-Foulds %f\n", fastIterations - 1, fastIterations, rrf); } } fastIterations++; treeEvaluate(tr, 1.0); saveBestTree(bestT, tr); printLog(tr, adef, FALSE); printResult(tr, adef, FALSE); lh = previousLh = tr->likelihood; treeOptimizeRapid(tr, 1, bestTrav, adef, bt); impr = 0; for(i = 1; i <= bt->nvalid; i++) { recallBestTree(bt, i, tr); treeEvaluate(tr, 0.25); difference = ((tr->likelihood > previousLh)? tr->likelihood - previousLh: previousLh - tr->likelihood); if(tr->likelihood > lh && difference > epsilon) { impr = 1; lh = tr->likelihood; saveBestTree(bestT, tr); } } } if(tr->searchConvergenceCriterion) { cleanupHashTable(h, 0); cleanupHashTable(h, 1); } cleanup_fast: Thorough = 1; impr = 1; recallBestTree(bestT, 1, tr); if(estimateModel) { if(adef->useBinaryModelFile) treeEvaluate(tr, 2); else { evaluateGenericInitrav(tr, tr->start); modOpt(tr, adef, FALSE, 1.0); } } else treeEvaluate(tr, 1.0); while(1) { recallBestTree(bestT, 1, tr); if(impr) { printResult(tr, adef, FALSE); rearrangementsMin = 1; rearrangementsMax = adef->stepwidth; if(tr->searchConvergenceCriterion) { int bCounter = 0; if(thoroughIterations > 1) cleanupHashTable(h, (thoroughIterations % 2)); bitVectorInitravSpecial(bitVectors, tr->nodep[1]->back, tr->mxtips, vLength, h, thoroughIterations % 2, BIPARTITIONS_RF, (branchInfo *)NULL, &bCounter, 1, FALSE, FALSE); assert(bCounter == tr->mxtips - 3); if(thoroughIterations > 0) { double rrf = convergenceCriterion(h, tr->mxtips); if(rrf <= 0.01) /* 1% cutoff */ { printBothOpen("ML search converged at thorough SPR cycle %d with stopping criterion\n", thoroughIterations); printBothOpen("Relative Robinson-Foulds (RF) distance between respective best trees after one succseful SPR cycle: %f%s\n", rrf, "%"); goto cleanup; } else printBothOpen("ML search convergence criterion thorough cycle %d->%d Relative Robinson-Foulds %f\n", thoroughIterations - 1, thoroughIterations, rrf); } } thoroughIterations++; } else { rearrangementsMax += adef->stepwidth; rearrangementsMin += adef->stepwidth; if(rearrangementsMax > adef->max_rearrange) goto cleanup; } treeEvaluate(tr, 1.0); previousLh = lh = tr->likelihood; saveBestTree(bestT, tr); printLog(tr, adef, FALSE); treeOptimizeRapid(tr, rearrangementsMin, rearrangementsMax, adef, bt); impr = 0; for(i = 1; i <= bt->nvalid; i++) { recallBestTree(bt, i, tr); treeEvaluate(tr, 0.25); #ifdef _TERRACES /* save all 20 best trees in the terrace tree list */ saveBestTree(terrace, tr); #endif difference = ((tr->likelihood > previousLh)? tr->likelihood - previousLh: previousLh - tr->likelihood); if(tr->likelihood > lh && difference > epsilon) { impr = 1; lh = tr->likelihood; saveBestTree(bestT, tr); } } } cleanup: #ifdef _TERRACES { double bestLH = tr->likelihood; FILE *f = myfopen(terraceFileName, "w"); /* print out likelihood of best tree found */ printf("best tree: %f\n", tr->likelihood); /* print out likelihoods of 20 best trees found during the tree search */ for(i = 1; i <= terrace->nvalid; i++) { recallBestTree(terrace, i, tr); /* if the likelihood scores are smaller than some epsilon 0.000001 print the tree to file */ if(ABS(bestLH - tr->likelihood) < 0.000001) { printf("%d %f\n", i, tr->likelihood); Tree2String(tr->tree_string, tr, tr->start->back, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, adef, NO_BRANCHES, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); fprintf(f, "%s\n", tr->tree_string); } } fclose(f); /* increment tree search counter */ bCount++; } #endif if(tr->searchConvergenceCriterion) { freeBitVectors(bitVectors, 2 * tr->mxtips); rax_free(bitVectors); freeHashTable(h); rax_free(h); } freeBestTree(bestT); rax_free(bestT); freeBestTree(bt); rax_free(bt); #ifdef _TERRACES /* free terrace tree list */ freeBestTree(terrace); rax_free(terrace); #endif freeInfoList(); printLog(tr, adef, FALSE); printResult(tr, adef, FALSE); }