Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  struct tuntap_dev tuntap;
  int i;
  int mtu = 1400;

  printf("Welcome to n2n\n");
  open_wintap(&tuntap, "", "", mtu);

  for(i=0; i<10; i++) {
    u_char buf[MTU];
    int rc;

    rc = tun_read(&tuntap, buf, sizeof(buf));

    printf("tun_read returned %d\n", rc);
    rc = tun_write(&tuntap, buf, rc);
    printf("tun_write returned %d\n", rc);
  // rc = tun_open (device->device_name, IF_MODE_TUN);
  WSACleanup ();
Exemple #2
void tcplib_send_out(struct split_ip_msg *msg, struct tcp_hdr *tcph) {
  uint8_t buf[8192];
  struct timespec tv;
  if (sock <= 0) return;

  // printf("sending message\n");

  memcpy(msg->hdr.ip6_src.s6_addr, iface_addr, 16);
  msg->hdr.ip6_src.s6_addr[15] = 2;
  msg->hdr.hlim = 64;

  memset(msg->hdr.vlfc, 0, 4);
  msg->hdr.vlfc[0] = 6 << 4;

  tcph->chksum = htons(msg_cksum(msg, IANA_TCP));
  tv.tv_sec = 0;
  // sleep for a ms to give up the cpu...
  tv.tv_nsec = 1000000;

  // print_split_msg(msg);
  if (rand() % LOSS_RATE_TRANS == 0) {
    printf("dropping packet on write\n");
  } else {
    tun_write(sock, msg);
Exemple #3
void netdev_transmit(struct netdev *dev, struct eth_hdr *hdr, 
                     uint16_t ethertype, int len, uint8_t *dst)
    uint8_t dst_mac[6];
    memcpy(dst_mac, dst, 6);
    hdr->ethertype = htons(ethertype);

    memcpy(hdr->smac, dev->hwaddr, 6);
    memcpy(hdr->dmac, dst_mac, 6);

    len += sizeof(struct eth_hdr);

    tun_write((char *)hdr, len);
void deliver_to_kernel(struct lowpan_reconstruct *recon) {
  struct ip6_packet pkt;
  struct ip_iovec   v;
  struct ip6_hdr *iph = (struct ip6_hdr *)recon->r_buf;
  iph->ip6_plen = htons(recon->r_bytes_rcvd - sizeof(struct ip6_hdr));

    struct ip6_ext *cur = (struct ip6_ext *)(recon->r_buf + sizeof(struct ip6_hdr));
    uint8_t nxt = iph->ip6_nxt;
    while (nxt == IPV6_HOP  || nxt == IPV6_ROUTING  || nxt == IPV6_FRAG ||
           nxt == IPV6_DEST || nxt == IPV6_MOBILITY || nxt == IPV6_IPV6) {
      nxt = cur->ip6e_nxt;
      cur = cur + cur->ip6e_len;
      if (cur->ip6e_len == 0) {
    if (nxt == IANA_UDP) {
      struct udp_hdr *udp = (struct udp_hdr *)cur;
      udp->len = htons(recon->r_bytes_rcvd - ((uint8_t *)cur - recon->r_buf));

  /* set up the IPv6 packet structure */
  memcpy(&pkt.ip6_hdr, iph, sizeof(struct ip6_hdr));
  pkt.ip6_data = &v;
  v.iov_base = recon->r_buf + sizeof(struct ip6_hdr);
  v.iov_len  = ntohs(iph->ip6_plen);
  v.iov_next = NULL;

  tun_write(tun_fd, &pkt);
  memset(recon, 0, sizeof(struct lowpan_reconstruct));
  recon->r_timeout = T_UNUSED;
  recon->r_buf = NULL;
Exemple #5
 * Function to run the tunnel
void run_tunnel(char *dest, int server)
  struct icmp_packet packet;
  int tun_fd, sock_fd;

  fd_set fs;

  tun_fd = tun_alloc("tun0", IFF_TUN | IFF_NO_PI);

  printf("[DEBUG] Starting tunnel - Dest: %s, Server: %d\n", dest, server);
  printf("[DEBUG] Opening ICMP socket\n");
  sock_fd = open_icmp_socket();

  if (server) {
    printf("[DEBUG] Binding ICMP socket\n");


  while (1) {
    FD_SET(tun_fd, &fs);
    FD_SET(sock_fd, &fs);

    select(tun_fd>sock_fd?tun_fd+1:sock_fd+1, &fs, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if (FD_ISSET(tun_fd, &fs)) {
      printf("[DEBUG] Data needs to be readed from tun device\n");
      // Reading data from tun device and sending ICMP packet

      printf("[DEBUG] Preparing ICMP packet to be sent\n");
      // Preparing ICMP packet to be sent
      memset(&packet, 0, sizeof(struct icmp_packet));
      printf("[DEBUG] Destination address: %s\n", dest);
      strcpy(packet.src_addr, "");
      strcpy(packet.dest_addr, dest);
      if(server) {
      else {
      packet.payload = malloc(MTU);
      packet.payload_size  = tun_read(tun_fd, packet.payload, MTU);
      if(packet.payload_size  == -1) {
        perror("Error while reading from tun device\n");

      printf("[DEBUG] Sending ICMP packet with payload_size: %d, payload: %s\n", packet.payload_size, packet.payload);
      // Sending ICMP packet
      send_icmp_packet(sock_fd, &packet);


    if (FD_ISSET(sock_fd, &fs)) {
      printf("[DEBUG] Received ICMP packet\n");
      // Reading data from remote socket and sending to tun device

      // Getting ICMP packet
      memset(&packet, 0, sizeof(struct icmp_packet));
      receive_icmp_packet(sock_fd, &packet);

      printf("[DEBUG] Read ICMP packet with src: %s, dest: %s, payload_size: %d, payload: %s\n", packet.src_addr, packet.dest_addr, packet.payload_size, packet.payload);
      // Writing out to tun device
      tun_write(tun_fd, packet.payload, packet.payload_size);

      printf("[DEBUG] Src address being copied: %s\n", packet.src_addr);
      strcpy(dest, packet.src_addr);

Exemple #6
void read_data(struct rcontext* rcontext, const struct proto* proto) {
    tun_write(rcontext->config->master_fd, proto->data.value, proto->data.length);
Exemple #7
int icmp_tunnel(int sock, int proxy, struct sockaddr_in *target, int tun_fd, int packetsize, u_int16_t id) {

  char* packet;
  struct icmp *icmp, *icmpr;
  int len;
  int result;
  fd_set fs;

  struct sockaddr_in from;
  int fromlen;
  int num;

  len = sizeof (struct icmp);

  packet = malloc (len+packetsize);
  memset (packet, 0, len+packetsize);

  icmp = (struct icmp*)(packet);
  icmpr = (struct icmp*)(packet+sizeof(struct ip));

  while (1) {
    FD_ZERO (&fs);
    FD_SET (tun_fd, &fs);
    FD_SET (sock, &fs);

    select (tun_fd>sock?tun_fd+1:sock+1, &fs, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    /* data available on tunnel device */
    if (FD_ISSET (tun_fd, &fs)) {
      result = tun_read (tun_fd, packet+len, packetsize);
      if (!result) {
        return 0;
      } else if (result==-1) {
        perror ("read");
        return -1;
      icmp->type = proxy ? 0 : 8;
      icmp->code = 0;
      icmp->id = id;
      icmp->seq = 0;
      icmp->cksum = 0;
      icmp->cksum = in_cksum((u_short*)packet, len+result);
      result = sendto (sock, (char*)packet, len+result, 0, (struct sockaddr*)target, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in));
      if (result==-1) {
        perror ("sendto");
        return -1;

    /* data available on socket */
    if (FD_ISSET (sock, &fs)) {
      fromlen = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
      num = recvfrom (sock, packet, len+packetsize, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&from, (socklen_t*) &fromlen);
      /* the data packet */
      if (icmpr->id == id) {
        tun_write (tun_fd, packet+sizeof(struct ip)+sizeof(struct icmp), num-sizeof(struct ip)-sizeof(struct icmp));
        /* one IPv4 client */
        memcpy(&(target->sin_addr.s_addr), &(from.sin_addr.s_addr), 4*sizeof(char));
    /* end of data available */
  /* end of while(1) */

  return 0;