int init(){ const int self_node_id = 2; /* * Node initialization. * Node ID and name are required; otherwise, the node will refuse to start. * Version info is optional. */ auto& node = getNode(); node.setNodeID(self_node_id); node.setName(""); /* * Start the node. * All returnable error codes are listed in the header file uavcan/error.hpp. */ const int node_start_res = node.start(); if (node_start_res < 0) { printf("Node init: node failed to start with error %d", node_start_res); return node_start_res; } uavcan::Subscriber<uavcan::equipment::camera::CameraCommand> camera_sub(node); const int camera_sub_start_res = camera_sub.start( [&](const uavcan::ReceivedDataStructure<uavcan::equipment::camera::CameraCommand>& msg) { printf("Yay, we got a message!"); switch(msg.command_type) { case msg.COMMAND_TAKE_PICTURE: take_picture(); break; case msg.COMMAND_TURN_ON: turn_on_camera(); break; case msg.COMMAND_TURN_OFF: turn_off_camera(); break; } }); if (camera_sub_start_res < 0) { printf("Camera subscriber: subscriber failed to start with error %d", camera_sub_start_res); return camera_sub_start_res; } /* * Informing other nodes that we're ready to work. * Default mode is INITIALIZING. */ node.setModeOperational(); node_thread.start(NORMALPRIO); return 0; }
void stopCamera() { turn_off_camera(); cameraOn = 0; }