static int openprinter_ps (void) { TCHAR *gsargv[] = { L"-dNOPAUSE", L"-dBATCH", L"-dNOPAGEPROMPT", L"-dNOPROMPT", L"-dQUIET", L"-dNoCancel", L"-sDEVICE=mswinpr2", NULL }; int gsargc, gsargc2, i; TCHAR *tmpparms[100]; TCHAR tmp[MAX_DPATH]; char *gsparms[100]; if (ptr_gsapi_new_instance (&gsinstance, NULL) < 0) return 0; cmdlineparser (currprefs.ghostscript_parameters, tmpparms, 100 - 10); gsargc2 = 0; gsparms[gsargc2++] = ua (L"WinUAE"); for (gsargc = 0; gsargv[gsargc]; gsargc++) { gsparms[gsargc2++] = ua (gsargv[gsargc]); } for (i = 0; tmpparms[i]; i++) gsparms[gsargc2++] = ua (tmpparms[i]); if (currprefs.prtname[0]) { _stprintf (tmp, L"-sOutputFile=%%printer%%%s", currprefs.prtname); gsparms[gsargc2++] = ua (tmp); } if (postscript_print_debugging) { for (i = 0; i < gsargc2; i++) { TCHAR *parm = au (gsparms[i]); write_log (L"GSPARM%d: '%s'\n", i, parm); xfree (parm); } } __try { int rc = ptr_gsapi_init_with_args (gsinstance, gsargc2, gsparms); for (i = 0; i < gsargc2; i++) { xfree (gsparms[i]); } if (rc != 0) { write_log (L"GS failed, returncode %d\n", rc); return 0; } ptr_gsapi_run_string_begin (gsinstance, 0, &gs_exitcode); } __except (ExceptionFilter (GetExceptionInformation (), GetExceptionCode ())) { write_log (L"GS crashed\n"); return 0; } psmode = 1; return 1; }
static uint32_t REGPARAM2 uaeexe_server (TrapContext *context) { int32_t len; TCHAR *cmd; char *dst, *s; if (ARG (0) && !running) { running = 1; write_log (_T("Remote CLI started.\n")); } cmd = get_cmd (); if (!cmd) return 0; if (!ARG (0)) { running = 0; return 0; } dst = (char*)get_real_address (ARG (0)); len = ARG (1); s = ua (cmd); strncpy (dst, s, len); write_log (_T("Sending '%s' to remote cli\n"), cmd); xfree (s); xfree (cmd); return ARG (0); }
void UniverseArray_Test::applyGM() { UniverseArray ua(1); QCOMPARE(ua.m_gMIntensityChannels.size(), 0); QCOMPARE(ua.m_gMNonIntensityChannels.size(), 0); QCOMPARE(ua.applyGM(0, 50, QLCChannel::Intensity), uchar(50)); QCOMPARE(ua.applyGM(0, 200, QLCChannel::Colour), uchar(200)); ua.setGMValue(127); QCOMPARE(ua.applyGM(0, 50, QLCChannel::Intensity), uchar(25)); QCOMPARE(ua.applyGM(0, 200, QLCChannel::Intensity), uchar(100)); QCOMPARE(ua.applyGM(0, 200, QLCChannel::Colour), uchar(200)); ua.setGMValueMode(UniverseArray::GMLimit); QCOMPARE(ua.applyGM(0, 50, QLCChannel::Intensity), uchar(50)); QCOMPARE(ua.applyGM(0, 200, QLCChannel::Intensity), uchar(127)); QCOMPARE(ua.applyGM(0, 255, QLCChannel::Colour), uchar(255)); ua.setGMChannelMode(UniverseArray::GMAllChannels); QCOMPARE(ua.applyGM(0, 50, QLCChannel::Intensity), uchar(50)); QCOMPARE(ua.applyGM(0, 200, QLCChannel::Intensity), uchar(127)); QCOMPARE(ua.applyGM(0, 255, QLCChannel::Colour), uchar(127)); ua.setGMValueMode(UniverseArray::GMReduce); QCOMPARE(ua.applyGM(0, 50, QLCChannel::Intensity), uchar(25)); QCOMPARE(ua.applyGM(0, 200, QLCChannel::Intensity), uchar(100)); QCOMPARE(ua.applyGM(0, 255, QLCChannel::Colour), uchar(127)); QCOMPARE(ua.m_gMIntensityChannels.size(), 1); QCOMPARE(ua.m_gMNonIntensityChannels.size(), 1); }
void UniverseArray_Test::write() { UniverseArray ua(10); QVERIFY(ua.write(10, 255, QLCChannel::Intensity) == false); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(9), char(0)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(4), char(0)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(0), char(0)); QVERIFY(ua.write(9, 255, QLCChannel::Intensity) == true); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(9), char(255)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(4), char(0)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(0), char(0)); QVERIFY(ua.write(0, 255, QLCChannel::Intensity) == true); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(9), char(255)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(4), char(0)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(0), char(255)); ua.setGMValue(127); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(9), char(127)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(4), char(0)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(0), char(127)); QVERIFY(ua.write(4, 200, QLCChannel::Intensity) == true); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(9), char(127)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(4), char(100)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(0), char(127)); }
void GenericFader_Test::writeLoop() { UniverseArray ua(512); GenericFader fader(m_doc); FadeChannel fc; fc.setFixture(0); fc.setChannel(5); fc.setStart(0); fc.setTarget(250); fc.setFadeTime(1000); fader.add(fc); QCOMPARE(ua.preGMValues()[15], (char) 0); int expected = 0; for (int i = MasterTimer::tick(); i <= 1000; i += MasterTimer::tick()) { ua.zeroIntensityChannels(); fader.write(&ua); int actual = uchar(ua.preGMValues()[15]); expected += 5; QCOMPARE(actual, expected); } }
int32_t uaenet_open (struct uaenetdata *sd, struct netdriverdata *tc, struct s2devstruct *user, uaenet_gotfunc *gotfunc, uaenet_getfunc *getfunc, int32_t promiscuous) { char *s; s = ua (tc->name); sd->fp = pcap_open_live (s, 65536, promiscuous, 100, sd->errbuf); xfree (s); if (sd->fp == NULL) { TCHAR *ss = au (sd->errbuf); write_log ("'%s' failed to open: %s\n", tc->name, ss); xfree (ss); return 0; } sd->tc = tc; sd->user = user; sd->mtu = tc->mtu; sd->readbuffer = xmalloc (uint8_t, sd->mtu); sd->writebuffer = xmalloc (uint8_t, sd->mtu); sd->gotfunc = gotfunc; sd->getfunc = getfunc; uae_sem_init (&sd->change_sem, 0, 1); uae_sem_init (&sd->sync_semr, 0, 0); uae_start_thread ("uaenet_r", uaenet_trap_threadr, sd, &sd->tidr); uae_sem_wait (&sd->sync_semr); uae_sem_init (&sd->sync_semw, 0, 0); uae_start_thread ("uaenet_w", uaenet_trap_threadw, sd, &sd->tidw); uae_sem_wait (&sd->sync_semw); write_log ("uaenet initialized\n"); return 1; }
a_inode *fsdb_lookup_aino_nname (a_inode *base, const TCHAR *nname) { FILE *f; char *s; f = get_fsdb (base, _T("r+b")); if (f == 0) { // if (currprefs.filesys_custom_uaefsdb && (base->volflags & MYVOLUMEINFO_STREAMS)) // return custom_fsdb_lookup_aino_nname (base, nname); return 0; } s = ua (nname); for (;;) { uae_u8 buf[1 + 4 + 257 + 257 + 81]; if (fread (buf, 1, sizeof buf, f) < sizeof buf) break; if (buf[0] != 0 && strcmp ((char*)buf + 5 + 257, s) == 0) { long pos = ftell (f) - sizeof buf; fclose (f); xfree (s); return aino_from_buf (base, buf, pos); } } xfree (s); fclose (f); return 0; }
QString HttpUserAgent::userAgent() // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HTTP User-Agent string // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- { QString ua("Tao3D/%1 (%2; %3; %4)"); return ua.arg(version).arg(Application::editionStr()).arg(edition) .arg(target); }
void UniverseArray_Test::initial() { UniverseArray ua(127); QCOMPARE(ua.size(), 127); QCOMPARE(ua.gMChannelMode(), UniverseArray::GMIntensity); QCOMPARE(ua.gMValueMode(), UniverseArray::GMReduce); QCOMPARE(ua.gMValue(), uchar(255)); QCOMPARE(ua.gMFraction(), double(1.0)); }
void Win32MidiOutputDevice::writeChannel(ushort channel, uchar value) { if (channel < m_universe.size()) { QByteArray ua(m_universe); ua[channel] = value; writeUniverse(ua); } }
// Exercise almost every LocalArray method (but not LocalPointerBase). void LocalPointerTest::TestLocalArray() { // constructor LocalArray<UnicodeString> a(new UnicodeString[2]); // operator[]() a[0].append((UChar)0x61); a[1].append((UChar32)0x60006); if(a[0].length()!=1 || a[1].length()!=2) { errln("LocalArray access failure"); } // adoptInstead() a.adoptInstead(new UnicodeString[4]); a[3].append((UChar)0x62).append((UChar)0x63).reverse(); if(a[3].length()!=2 || a[3][1]!=0x62) { errln("LocalArray adoptInstead() failure"); } // LocalArray(p, errorCode) sets U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR if p==NULL. UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR; LocalArray<UnicodeString> ua(new UnicodeString[3], errorCode); if(ua.isNull() && U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) { errln("LocalArray(p, errorCode) failure"); return; } errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR; UnicodeString *u4 = new UnicodeString[4]; ua.adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(u4, errorCode); if(ua.isNull() && U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) { errln("adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(p, errorCode) failure"); return; } // Incoming failure: Keep the current object and delete the input object. errorCode = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; ua.adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(new UnicodeString[5], errorCode); if(ua.isValid() && ua.getAlias() != u4) { errln("adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(p, U_FAILURE) did not retain the old array"); return; } errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR; ua.adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(NULL, errorCode); if(errorCode != U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) { errln("adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(NULL, errorCode) did not set U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR"); return; } if(ua.isValid()) { errln("adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(NULL, errorCode) kept the array"); return; } errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR; LocalArray<UnicodeString> null(NULL, errorCode); if(errorCode != U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) { errln("LocalArray(NULL, errorCode) did not set U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR"); return; } // destructor }
void ChaserRunner_Test::writeNoSteps() { Chaser chaser(m_doc); ChaserRunner cr(m_doc, &chaser); UniverseArray ua(512); MasterTimerStub timer(m_doc, ua); QVERIFY(cr.write(&timer, &ua) == false); }
void Script_Test::initial() { Doc doc(this); UniverseArray ua(512 * 4); Script scr(&doc); scr.setData(script0); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) scr.executeCommand(i, doc.masterTimer(), &ua); }
void UniverseArray_Test::setGMValue() { UniverseArray ua(5); ua.write(0, 10, QLCChannel::Intensity); ua.write(1, 20, QLCChannel::Intensity); ua.write(2, 30, QLCChannel::Pan); ua.write(3, 40, QLCChannel::Tilt); ua.write(4, 50, QLCChannel::Intensity); ua.setGMValue(63); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(0), char(2)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(1), char(5)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(2), char(30)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(3), char(40)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(4), char(12)); ua.setGMChannelMode(UniverseArray::GMAllChannels); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(0), char(2)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(1), char(5)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(2), char(7)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(3), char(10)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(4), char(12)); ua.setGMChannelMode(UniverseArray::GMIntensity); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(0), char(2)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(1), char(5)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(2), char(30)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(3), char(40)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(4), char(12)); ua.setGMValueMode(UniverseArray::GMLimit); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(0), char(10)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(1), char(20)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(2), char(30)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(3), char(40)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(4), char(50)); ua.setGMValue(5); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(0), char(5)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(1), char(5)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(2), char(30)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(3), char(40)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(4), char(5)); ua.setGMChannelMode(UniverseArray::GMAllChannels); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(0), char(5)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(1), char(5)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(2), char(5)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(3), char(5)); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(4), char(5)); }
static void premsg (void) { #if 0 static int done; char *as; char ast[32]; TCHAR *ws; if (done) return; done = 1; ast[0] = 'A'; ast[1] = 0x7f; ast[2] = 0x80; ast[3] = 0x81; ast[4] = 0x9f; ast[5] = 0; ws = au_fs (ast); MessageBoxA(NULL, "español", "ANSI", MB_OK); MessageBoxW(NULL, _T("español"), _T("UTF-16"), MB_OK); as = ua (_T("español")); MessageBoxA(NULL, as, "ANSI:2", MB_OK); ws = au (as); MessageBoxW(NULL, ws, _T("UTF-16:2"), MB_OK); xfree (ws); xfree (as); ws = au ("español"); MessageBoxW(NULL, ws, _T("UTF-16:3"), MB_OK); as = ua (ws); MessageBoxA(NULL, as, "ANSI:3", MB_OK); xfree (ws); xfree (as); #endif }
void Chaser_Test::postRun() { Chaser* c = new Chaser(m_doc); m_doc->addFunction(c); UniverseArray ua(512); MasterTimerStub timer(m_doc, ua); c->preRun(&timer); QCOMPARE(c->isRunning(), true); // The chaser has no steps so ChaserRunner::postrun() shouldn't do much c->postRun(&timer, &ua); QCOMPARE(c->isRunning(), false); // Make sure Function::postRun() is called }
/*! * \brief LAArmadillo::svd * Compute singular value decomposition of x * \param u * \param d * \param v * \param x * \return */ bool LAArmadillo::svd(OiMat &u, OiVec &d, OiMat &v, const OiMat &x){ int matSize = x.getRowCount(); arma::mat ua(matSize, matSize), va(matSize, matSize), xa(matSize, matSize); arma::vec da(matSize); this->oiMat2Arma(xa, x); arma::svd(ua, da, va, xa); this->arma2OiMat(u, ua); this->arma2OiMat(v, va); this->arma2OiVec(d, da); return true; }
void Chaser_Test::preRun() { Chaser* c = new Chaser(m_doc); m_doc->addFunction(c); UniverseArray ua(512); MasterTimerStub timer(m_doc, ua); c->m_stop = true; c->preRun(&timer); QVERIFY(c->m_runner != NULL); QCOMPARE(c->isRunning(), true); // Make sure Function::preRun() is called QCOMPARE(c->m_runner->m_elapsed, uint(0)); // Make sure ChaserRunner::reset() is called c->postRun(&timer, &ua); }
void GenericFader_Test::writeZeroFade() { UniverseArray ua(512); GenericFader fader(m_doc); FadeChannel fc; fc.setFixture(0); fc.setChannel(5); fc.setStart(0); fc.setTarget(255); fc.setFadeTime(0); fader.add(fc); QCOMPARE(ua.preGMValues()[15], (char) 0); fader.write(&ua); QCOMPARE(ua.preGMValues()[15], (char) 255); }
int uaenet_open (void *vsd, struct netdriverdata *tc, void *user, uaenet_gotfunc *gotfunc, uaenet_getfunc *getfunc, int promiscuous, const uae_u8 *mac) { struct uaenetdatawin32 *sd = (struct uaenetdatawin32*)vsd; char *s; s = ua (tc->name); if (mac) memcpy(tc->mac, mac, 6); if (memcmp(tc->mac, tc->originalmac, 6)) { promiscuous = 1; } sd->fp = ppcap_open(s, 65536, (promiscuous ? PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS : 0) | PCAP_OPENFLAG_MAX_RESPONSIVENESS, 100, NULL, sd->errbuf); xfree (s); if (sd->fp == NULL) { TCHAR *ss = au (sd->errbuf); write_log (_T("'%s' failed to open: %s\n"), tc->name, ss); xfree (ss); return 0; } sd->tc = tc; sd->user = user; sd->evttw = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (!sd->evttw) goto end; sd->mtu = tc->mtu; sd->readbuffer = xmalloc (uae_u8, sd->mtu); sd->writebuffer = xmalloc (uae_u8, sd->mtu); sd->gotfunc = gotfunc; sd->getfunc = getfunc; uae_sem_init (&sd->change_sem, 0, 1); uae_sem_init (&sd->sync_semr, 0, 0); uae_start_thread (_T("uaenet_win32r"), uaenet_trap_threadr, sd, &sd->tidr); uae_sem_wait (&sd->sync_semr); uae_sem_init (&sd->sync_semw, 0, 0); uae_start_thread (_T("uaenet_win32w"), uaenet_trap_threadw, sd, &sd->tidw); uae_sem_wait (&sd->sync_semw); write_log (_T("uaenet_win32 initialized\n")); return 1; end: uaenet_close (sd); return 0; }
void UniverseArray_Test::gMValueMode() { UniverseArray ua(1); ua.setGMValueMode(UniverseArray::GMLimit); QCOMPARE(ua.gMValueMode(), UniverseArray::GMLimit); ua.setGMValueMode(UniverseArray::GMReduce); QCOMPARE(ua.gMValueMode(), UniverseArray::GMReduce); QCOMPARE(UniverseArray::stringToGMValueMode("Limit"), UniverseArray::GMLimit); QCOMPARE(UniverseArray::stringToGMValueMode("Reduce"), UniverseArray::GMReduce); QCOMPARE(UniverseArray::stringToGMValueMode("xyzzy"), UniverseArray::GMReduce); QCOMPARE(UniverseArray::gMValueModeToString(UniverseArray::GMLimit), QString("Limit")); QCOMPARE(UniverseArray::gMValueModeToString(UniverseArray::GMReduce), QString("Reduce")); QCOMPARE(UniverseArray::gMValueModeToString(UniverseArray::GMValueMode(31337)), QString("Reduce")); }
void UniverseArray_Test::gMChannelMode() { UniverseArray ua(1); ua.setGMChannelMode(UniverseArray::GMAllChannels); QCOMPARE(ua.gMChannelMode(), UniverseArray::GMAllChannels); ua.setGMChannelMode(UniverseArray::GMIntensity); QCOMPARE(ua.gMChannelMode(), UniverseArray::GMIntensity); QCOMPARE(UniverseArray::stringToGMChannelMode("All"), UniverseArray::GMAllChannels); QCOMPARE(UniverseArray::stringToGMChannelMode("Intensity"), UniverseArray::GMIntensity); QCOMPARE(UniverseArray::stringToGMChannelMode("foobar"), UniverseArray::GMIntensity); QCOMPARE(UniverseArray::gMChannelModeToString(UniverseArray::GMAllChannels), QString("All")); QCOMPARE(UniverseArray::gMChannelModeToString(UniverseArray::GMIntensity), QString("Intensity")); QCOMPARE(UniverseArray::gMChannelModeToString(UniverseArray::GMChannelMode(42)), QString("Intensity")); }
void UniverseArray_Test::gMValue() { UniverseArray ua(1); for (int i = 0; i < UCHAR_MAX; i++) { ua.setGMValue(uchar(i)); QCOMPARE(ua.gMValue(), uchar(i)); QCOMPARE(ua.gMFraction(), (double(i) / double(UCHAR_MAX))); } ua.setGMValue(0); QCOMPARE(ua.gMValue(), uchar(0)); QCOMPARE(ua.gMFraction(), double(0)); ua.setGMValue(255); QCOMPARE(ua.gMValue(), uchar(255)); QCOMPARE(ua.gMFraction(), double(1)); }
void GenericFader_Test::adjustIntensity() { UniverseArray ua(512); GenericFader fader(m_doc); FadeChannel fc; // HTP channel fc.setFixture(0); fc.setChannel(5); fc.setStart(0); fc.setTarget(250); fc.setFadeTime(1000); fader.add(fc); // LTP channel fc.setChannel(0); fader.add(fc); qreal intensity = 0.5; fader.adjustIntensity(intensity); QCOMPARE(fader.intensity(), intensity); int expected = 0; for (int i = MasterTimer::tick(); i <= 1000; i += MasterTimer::tick()) { ua.zeroIntensityChannels(); fader.write(&ua); expected += 5; // GenericFader should apply intensity only to HTP channels int actual = uchar(ua.preGMValues()[15]); int expectedWithIntensity = floor((qreal(expected) * intensity) + 0.5); QVERIFY(actual == expectedWithIntensity); // No intensity adjustment on LTP channels actual = uchar(ua.preGMValues()[10]); QVERIFY(actual == expected); } }
void Chaser_Test::adjustIntensity() { Chaser* c = new Chaser(m_doc); m_doc->addFunction(c); UniverseArray ua(512); MasterTimerStub timer(m_doc, ua); c->preRun(&timer); c->adjustAttribute(0.5, Function::Intensity); QCOMPARE(c->m_runner->m_intensity, qreal(0.5)); c->adjustAttribute(0.8, Function::Intensity); QCOMPARE(c->m_runner->m_intensity, qreal(0.8)); c->adjustAttribute(1.5, Function::Intensity); QCOMPARE(c->m_runner->m_intensity, qreal(1.0)); c->adjustAttribute(-0.1, Function::Intensity); QCOMPARE(c->m_runner->m_intensity, qreal(0.0)); c->postRun(&timer, &ua); // Mustn't crash after postRun c->adjustAttribute(1.0, Function::Intensity); }
void ppc_map_banks(uae_u32 start, uae_u32 size, const TCHAR *name, void *addr, bool remove) { if (ppc_state == PPC_STATE_INACTIVE || !impl.map_memory) return; PPCMemoryRegion r; r.start = start; r.size = size; = ua(name); r.alias = remove ? 0xffffffff : 0; r.memory = addr; if (impl.in_cpu_thread() == false) { /* map_memory will acquire the qemu global lock, so we must ensure * the PPC CPU can finish any I/O requests and release the lock. */ uae_ppc_spinlock_release(); } impl.map_memory(&r, -1); if (impl.in_cpu_thread() == false) { uae_ppc_spinlock_get(); } free((void*); }
void UniverseArray_Test::reset() { UniverseArray ua(128); int i; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { ua.write(i, 200, QLCChannel::Intensity); QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(i), char(200)); } // Reset channels 10-127 (512 shouldn't cause a crash) ua.reset(10, 512); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(i), char(200)); for (i = 10; i < 128; i++) QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(i), char(0)); // Reset all ua.reset(); for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) QCOMPARE(ua.postGMValues()->at(i), char(0)); }
void ItemHandle::doLaunch(Helper::ItemLaunchHelperI* helper) { preLaunchCheck(); bool needElevation = false; size_t x=0; while (g_ElevatedGames[x].isOk()) { if (getItemInfo()->getId() == g_ElevatedGames[x] || getItemInfo()->getParentId() == g_ElevatedGames[x]) { needElevation = true; break; } x++; } UserCore::Item::Misc::ExeInfoI* ei = getItemInfo()->getActiveExe(); gcString args; gcString ea(ei->getExeArgs()); gcString ua(ei->getUserArgs()); if (ea.size() > 0) args += " " + ea; if (ua.size() > 0) args += " " + ua; m_pUserCore->getItemManager()->setRecent(getItemInfo()->getId()); bool res = UTIL::WIN::launchExe(ei->getExe(), args.c_str(), needElevation, m_pUserCore->getMainWindowHandle()); if (!res) throw gcException(ERR_LAUNCH, GetLastError(), gcString("Failed to create {0} process. [{1}: {2}].\n", getItemInfo()->getName(), GetLastError(), ei->getExe())); }
static void map_banks(void) { if (impl.map_memory == NULL) { return; } /* * Use NULL for memory to get callbacks for read/write. Use real * memory address for direct access to RAM banks (looks like this * is needed by JIT, or at least more work is needed on QEmu Side * to allow all memory access to go via callbacks). */ PPCMemoryRegion regions[UAE_MEMORY_REGIONS_MAX]; UaeMemoryMap map; uae_memory_map(&map); for (int i = 0; i < map.num_regions; i++) { UaeMemoryRegion *r = &map.regions[i]; regions[i].start = r->start; regions[i].size = r->size; regions[i].name = ua(r->name); regions[i].alias = r->alias; regions[i].memory = r->memory; } if (impl.in_cpu_thread && impl.in_cpu_thread() == false) { uae_ppc_spinlock_release(); } impl.map_memory(regions, map.num_regions); if (impl.in_cpu_thread && impl.in_cpu_thread() == false) { uae_ppc_spinlock_get(); } for (int i = 0; i < map.num_regions; i++) { free(regions[i].name); } }
/*Movie Info Downloader*/ QString QMKOmdbApi::download_movie_info(QUrl &url){ QNetworkAccessManager *qnam = new QNetworkAccessManager(); QByteArray ua(this->ua.toUtf8()); QNetworkRequest qnr; qnr.setUrl(url); qnr.setRawHeader("User-Agent",ua); QNetworkReply *reply= qnam->get(qnr); QEventLoop loop; QObject::connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()),&loop, SLOT(quit())); loop.exec(); QString result = reply->readAll(); /*Cleaning Memory*/ delete reply; delete qnam; return result; }