inline void direct_check_sound_buffers(void) { int played_size = direct_sndbufpt - direct_buffers[CurrentBuffer]; sound_bytes++; if ((!IsPlaying) && played_size >= currprefs.sound_minbsiz) { SND_DirectWrite(played_size, sound_curfreq); if (currprefs.sound_adjust) { unsigned int cur_clock, new_freq; if (last_clock == 0) last_clock = uclock(); else { cur_clock = uclock(); new_freq = (unsigned long long) sound_bytes * UCLOCKS_PER_SEC / (cur_clock-last_clock); interpol_freq(new_freq); last_clock = cur_clock; } sound_bytes = 0; } CurrentBuffer = !CurrentBuffer; direct_sndbufpt = direct_buffers[CurrentBuffer]; } else if (played_size >= currprefs.sound_maxbsiz) { if (currprefs.sound_adjust) interpol_freq(currprefs.sound_freq); while(IsPlaying); SND_DirectWrite(currprefs.sound_maxbsiz, sound_curfreq); CurrentBuffer = !CurrentBuffer; direct_sndbufpt = direct_buffers[CurrentBuffer]; last_clock=0; } }
/*following functions are architecture dependent */ void tl_update_time(void) { #ifdef POOL_SOUND update_sound(); #endif #ifdef HAVE_UCLOCK currenttime=uclock(); #else #ifdef USE_CLOCK currenttime=clock(); #else #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY do { gettimeofday(¤ttime, &tzp); } while (currenttime.tv_usec > 999999); #else #ifdef HAVE_FTIME ftime(¤ttime); #endif #endif #endif #endif #ifdef _plan9_ currenttime = plan9_msec(); #endif }
void InitTimer( void ) { #if defined(WINDOWS_TIMER) __int64 freq; global_timer.period = 0.0; if( QueryPerformanceFrequency( (LARGE_INTEGER *)&freq ) ) { global_timer.period = 1.0 / (double) freq; QueryPerformanceCounter( (LARGE_INTEGER *)&global_timer.t0 ); } else global_timer.t0 = (__int64) GetTickCount(); #elif defined(DOS_TIMER) global_timer.t0 = uclock(); #elif defined(GTOD_TIMER) gettimeofday( &global_timer.t0, NULL ); #endif }
void StatusUpdateFPS(BOOL bShow, int nSpeed, int nFPS, int nMachineFPS, int nFrameskip, int nVecUPS) { char buf[100]; uclock_t now; if (hStatus == NULL) return; if (MAME32App.m_bMamePaused || MAME32App.m_bAutoPaused) { StatusUpdate(); return; } if (bShow == FALSE) { SendMessage(hStatus, SB_SETTEXT, 1, (LPARAM)""); return; } now = uclock(); /* update twice a second or so */ if ((now - prev_update_time) < (UCLOCKS_PER_SEC/2)) return; sprintf(buf, "\t\tfskp%2d%4d%%%4d/%d fps", nFrameskip, nSpeed, nFPS, nMachineFPS); SendMessage(hStatus, SB_SETTEXT, 1, (LPARAM)buf); prev_update_time = now; }
void OSD_Timer_Initialize (void) { // Select timer to use if (OSD_X86CPU_Has_RDTSC ()) { DWORD a, b; s64 time_start, time_end; timer_func_get_cycles_current = OSD_Timer_GetCyclesCurrent_RDTSC; a = uclock(); // Wait some time to let everything stabilize do { b = uclock(); // get the starting cycle count time_start = OSD_Timer_GetCyclesCurrent_RDTSC(); } while (b - a < UCLOCKS_PER_SEC/2); // Now wait for 1/2 second do { a = uclock(); // get the ending cycle count time_end = OSD_Timer_GetCyclesCurrent_RDTSC(); } while (a - b < UCLOCKS_PER_SEC/2); // Compute timer_cycles_per_second timer_cycles_per_second = (time_end - time_start) * 2; } else { Quit_Msg ("Error initializating timer!"); } /* else { timer_func_get_cycles_current = OSD_Timer_GetCyclesCurrent_DOS_uclock; timer_cycles_per_second = UCLOCKS_PER_SEC; } */ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { BITMAP *buffer; allegro_init(); install_keyboard(); install_timer(); int buttons = install_mouse(); set_color_depth(32); if (set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 640, 480, 0, 0) != 0) { set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 0); allegro_message("Unable to set gfx mode\n%s\n", allegro_error); return 1; } uclock_t start; buffer = create_bitmap(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); zelda::image::Image *img = new zelda::image::Image; img->load_pcx("./pics/test3.pcx"); while (!key[KEY_ESC]) { blit(buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); blit(img->get_bmp(), screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); start = uclock(); while (uclock() < start + UCLOCKS_PER_SEC / 1500) ; //usleep(50000); } destroy_bitmap(buffer); return 0; }
/*following functions are architecture dependent */ void tl_update_time (void) { #ifdef __BEOS__ currenttime = system_time (); #else #ifdef _WIN32 QueryPerformanceCounter (¤ttime); #else #ifdef USE_ALLEGRO if (allegromode) { if (counter == -1) { LOCK_VARIABLE (counter); LOCK_FUNCTION (timer); install_int (timer, 1000 / TICKSPERSEC); ainstalled = 1; counter = 0; } currenttime = counter; return; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_UCLOCK currenttime = uclock (); #else #ifdef USE_CLOCK currenttime = clock (); #else #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY do { gettimeofday (¤ttime, &tzp); } while (currenttime.tv_usec > 999999); #else #ifdef HAVE_FTIME ftime (¤ttime); #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #ifdef _plan9_ currenttime = plan9_msec (); #endif }
static double osd_getTime(void) { #ifdef WIN32 return (SDL_GetTicks() * 1e-3); #elif defined(DJGPP) return uclock() * (1.0 / UCLOCKS_PER_SEC); #else struct timeval tp; gettimeofday(&tp, NULL); // printf("current microsec = %f\n",tp.tv_sec + 1e-6 * tp.tv_usec); return tp.tv_sec + 1e-6 * tp.tv_usec; #endif }
double GetTime( void ) { #if defined(WINDOWS_TIMER) __int64 t; if( global_timer.period > 0.0 ) { QueryPerformanceCounter( (LARGE_INTEGER *)&t ); return global_timer.period * (double) (t - global_timer.t0); } else return 0.001 * (double) (GetTickCount() - (int) global_timer.t0); #elif defined(DOS_TIMER) return (1.0 / UCLOCKS_PER_SEC) * (double) (uclock() - global_timer.t0); #elif defined(GTOD_TIMER) struct timeval tv; gettimeofday( &tv, NULL ); tv.tv_sec -= global_timer.t0.tv_sec; tv.tv_usec -= global_timer.t0.tv_usec; if( tv.tv_usec < 0 ) { --tv.tv_sec; tv.tv_usec += 1000000; } return (double) tv.tv_sec + 0.000001 * (double) tv.tv_usec; #else return 0.0; #endif }
int main() { unsigned k = 0; BYTE buffer[512]; unsigned long long start_time; fd32_event_init(); if (fdc_setup(drive_detected) < 0) return -1; atexit(dispose); printf("Going to write some data in all sectors...\n"); getchar(); start_time = uclock(); do { memset(buffer, k, sizeof(buffer)); int res = floppy_write(&drive0, k, 1, buffer); if (res == FDC_NODISK) break; else if (res < 0) printf("Error on block %u\n", k); if (k % (drive0.fdd->fmt->sec_per_trk * drive0.fdd->fmt->heads) == 0) printf("%llu: block %u written\n", uclock() * 1000 / UCLOCKS_PER_SEC, k); } while (++k < drive0.fdd->fmt->size); printf("Write test elapsed in %llu ms\n", (uclock() - start_time) * 1000 / UCLOCKS_PER_SEC); puts("Going to read data from all sectors...\n"); getchar(); k = 0; start_time = uclock(); do { BYTE check[512]; memset(check, k, sizeof(check)); int res = floppy_read(&drive0, k, 1, buffer); if (res == FDC_NODISK) break; else if (res < 0) printf("Error on block %u\n", k); if (k % (drive0.fdd->fmt->sec_per_trk * drive0.fdd->fmt->heads) == 0) printf("%llu: block %u read\n", uclock() * 1000 / UCLOCKS_PER_SEC, k); if (memcmp(buffer, check, sizeof(buffer))) printf("Block %u MISMATCH!\n", k); } while (++k < drive0.fdd->fmt->size); printf("Read test elapsed in %llu ms\n", (uclock() - start_time) * 1000 / UCLOCKS_PER_SEC); printf("All tests completed.\n"); return 0; }
long GrMsecTime( void ) { return (uclock()/(UCLOCKS_PER_SEC/1000)); }
/* ================ Sys_FloatTime ================ */ double Sys_FloatTime (void) { // 2000-07-28 DOSQuake time running too fast fix by Norberto Alfredo Bensa start // Warning!!! uclock() is not an ANSI-C standard function return (double) uclock() / (double) UCLOCKS_PER_SEC; /* int r; unsigned t, tick; double ft, time; static int sametimecount; Sys_PushFPCW_SetHigh (); // {static float t = 0; t=t+0.05; return t;} // DEBUG t = *(unsigned short*)real2ptr(0x46c) * 65536; dos_outportb(0x43, 0); // latch time r = dos_inportb(0x40); r |= dos_inportb(0x40) << 8; r = (r-1) & 0xffff; tick = *(unsigned short*)real2ptr(0x46c) * 65536; if ((tick != t) && (r & 0x8000)) t = tick; ft = (double) (t+(65536-r)) / 1193200.0; time = ft - oldtime; oldtime = ft; if (time < 0) { if (time > -3000.0) time = 0.0; else time += 3600.0; } curtime += time; if (curtime == lastcurtime) { sametimecount++; if (sametimecount > 100000) { curtime += 1.0; sametimecount = 0; } } else { sametimecount = 0; } lastcurtime = curtime; Sys_PopFPCW (); return curtime; */ // 2000-07-28 DOSQuake time running too fast fix by Norberto Alfredo Bensa end }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { meshit::SetLogLevel(MESHIT_INFO_LOG_LEVEL); // creates geometry structure meshit::SplineGeometry geom; int bc_num = 1; // outer boundary uint32_t face1 = geom.AddFace("face1"); geom.AddCircle({0.0, 1.5}, 3.0, 1e99, ++bc_num, face1); // add hole geom.AddCircle({0.0, 0.0}, 1.0, 0.1, ++bc_num, 0, face1); // Add inclusion uint32_t face2 = geom.AddFace("face2"); std::vector<meshit::Point2d> ellipse = {{0.0, 2.25}, {-1.5, 2.25}, {-1.5, 1.75}, {-1.5, 1.25}, {+0.0, 1.25}, {+1.5, 1.25}, {+1.5, 1.75}, {+1.5, 2.25}}; geom.AddSpline(ellipse, 0.05, ++bc_num, face2, face1); meshit::Mesh mesh; meshit::MeshingParameters mp; mp.optsteps2d = 5; mp.maxh = 0.2; double cc; cc = uclock(); mesh.BuildFromSplineGeometry(geom, mp); MESHIT_LOG_INFO("~ meshing : " << uclock() - cc << " s."); cc = uclock(); mesh.PrintQuality(); MESHIT_LOG_INFO("~ quality : " << uclock() - cc << " s."); cc = uclock(); mesh.CheckOverlappingBoundary(); MESHIT_LOG_INFO("~ checkover: " << uclock() - cc << " s."); mesh.PrintMemInfo(std::cout); MESHIT_LOG_INFO("AverageH(0) = " << mesh.AverageH(0)); MESHIT_LOG_INFO("AverageH(1) = " << mesh.AverageH(face1)); MESHIT_LOG_INFO("AverageH(2) = " << mesh.AverageH(face2)); cc = uclock(); mesh.Export("circles.msh"); MESHIT_LOG_INFO("~ export : " << uclock() - cc << " s."); cc = uclock(); mesh.Save("circles.meshit"); MESHIT_LOG_INFO("~ save : " << uclock() - cc << " s."); mesh.Refine(); mesh.PrintQuality(); mesh.CheckSurface(); mesh.CheckOverlappingBoundary(); mesh.PrintMemInfo(std::cout); MESHIT_LOG_INFO("AverageH(0) = " << mesh.AverageH(0)); MESHIT_LOG_INFO("AverageH(1) = " << mesh.AverageH(face1)); MESHIT_LOG_INFO("AverageH(2) = " << mesh.AverageH(face2)); mesh.Export("circles_fine.msh"); return 0; }
/*************************************************************************** This function takes care of refreshing the screen, processing user input, and throttling the emulation speed to obtain the required frames per second. ***************************************************************************/ int updatescreen(void) { static int framecount = 0; /* read hi scores from disk */ if (hiscoreloaded == 0 && *gamedrv->hiscore_load) hiscoreloaded = (*gamedrv->hiscore_load)(hiscorename); /* if the user pressed ESC, stop the emulation */ if (osd_key_pressed(OSD_KEY_ESC)) return 1; /* if the user pressed F3, reset the emulation */ if (osd_key_pressed(OSD_KEY_F3)) { /* write hi scores to disk */ if (hiscoreloaded != 0 && *gamedrv->hiscore_save) (*gamedrv->hiscore_save)(hiscorename); hiscoreloaded = 0; return 2; } if (osd_key_pressed(OSD_KEY_F9)) { if (++VolumePTR > 4) VolumePTR = 0; ActualVolume = VolumiDefault[VolumePTR]; osd_set_mastervolume(ActualVolume); while (osd_key_pressed(OSD_KEY_F9)) { if (*drv->sh_update) { (*drv->sh_update)(); /* update sound */ osd_update_audio(); } } } if (osd_key_pressed(OSD_KEY_P)) /* pause the game */ { struct DisplayText dt[2]; int key; dt[0].text = "PAUSED"; dt[0].color = gamedrv->paused_color; dt[0].x = gamedrv->paused_x; dt[0].y = gamedrv->paused_y; dt[1].text = 0; displaytext(dt,0); osd_set_mastervolume(0); while (osd_key_pressed(OSD_KEY_P)) { if (*drv->sh_update) { (*drv->sh_update)(); /* update sound */ osd_update_audio(); } } /* wait for key release */ do { key = osd_read_key(); if (key == OSD_KEY_ESC) return 1; else if (key == OSD_KEY_TAB) { if (setdipswitches()) return 1; (*drv->vh_update)(Machine->scrbitmap); /* redraw screen */ displaytext(dt,0); } } while (key != OSD_KEY_P); while (osd_key_pressed(key)); osd_set_mastervolume(ActualVolume); } /* if the user pressed TAB, go to dipswitch setup menu */ if (osd_key_pressed(OSD_KEY_TAB)) { osd_set_mastervolume(0); while (osd_key_pressed(OSD_KEY_TAB)) { if (*drv->sh_update) { (*drv->sh_update)(); /* update sound */ osd_update_audio(); } } if (setdipswitches()) return 1; osd_set_mastervolume(ActualVolume); } /* if the user pressed F8, go to keys setup menu */ if (osd_key_pressed(OSD_KEY_F8)) { osd_set_mastervolume(0); while (osd_key_pressed(OSD_KEY_F8)) { if (*drv->sh_update) { (*drv->sh_update)(); /* update sound */ osd_update_audio(); } } if (setkeysettings()) return 1; osd_set_mastervolume(ActualVolume); } /* if the user pressed F4, show the character set */ if (osd_key_pressed(OSD_KEY_F4)) { osd_set_mastervolume(0); while (osd_key_pressed(OSD_KEY_F4)) { if (*drv->sh_update) { (*drv->sh_update)(); /* update sound */ osd_update_audio(); } } if (showcharset()) return 1; osd_set_mastervolume(ActualVolume); } if (*drv->sh_update) { (*drv->sh_update)(); /* update sound */ osd_update_audio(); } if (++framecount > frameskip) { static int showfps,f11pressed; static int throttle = 1,f10pressed; uclock_t curr,mtpf; #define MEMORY 10 static uclock_t prev[MEMORY]; static int i,fps; framecount = 0; if (osd_key_pressed(OSD_KEY_F11)) { if (f11pressed == 0) { showfps ^= 1; if (showfps == 0) clearbitmap(Machine->scrbitmap); } f11pressed = 1; } else f11pressed = 0; if (osd_key_pressed(OSD_KEY_F10)) { if (f10pressed == 0) throttle ^= 1; f10pressed = 1; } else f10pressed = 0; (*drv->vh_update)(Machine->scrbitmap); /* update screen */ if (showfps) { drawgfx(Machine->scrbitmap,Machine->gfx[0],gamedrv->charset[(fps%1000)/100],gamedrv->white_text,0,0,0,0,0,TRANSPARENCY_NONE,0); drawgfx(Machine->scrbitmap,Machine->gfx[0],gamedrv->charset[(fps%100)/10],gamedrv->white_text,0,0,Machine->gfx[0]->width,0,0,TRANSPARENCY_NONE,0); drawgfx(Machine->scrbitmap,Machine->gfx[0],gamedrv->charset[fps%10],gamedrv->white_text,0,0,2*Machine->gfx[0]->width,0,0,TRANSPARENCY_NONE,0); } osd_update_display(); osd_poll_joystick(); /* now wait until it's time to trigger the interrupt */ do { curr = uclock(); } while (video_sync == 0 && throttle != 0 && (curr - prev[i]) < (frameskip+1) * UCLOCKS_PER_SEC/drv->frames_per_second); i = (i+1) % MEMORY; mtpf = ((curr - prev[i])/(MEMORY))/2; if (mtpf) fps = (UCLOCKS_PER_SEC+mtpf)/2/mtpf; prev[i] = curr; } return 0; }
int msdos_init_sound(int *rate, int card) { int i; seal_sample_rate = *rate; seal_sound_card = card; if (AInitialize() != AUDIO_ERROR_NONE) return 1; /* Ask the user if no sound card was chosen */ if (seal_sound_card == -1) { unsigned int k; printf("\n SELECT YOUR AUDIO DEVICE :\n\n" " AWE32/64 playback requires onboard DRAM,\n" " Sound Blaster playback is the most compatible & better for emulation\n\n"); for (k = 0;k < AGetAudioNumDevs();k++) { if (AGetAudioDevCaps(k,&caps) == AUDIO_ERROR_NONE) printf(" %2d. %s\n",k,caps.szProductName); } printf("\n"); if (k < 10) { i = getch(); seal_sound_card = i - '0'; } else scanf("%d",&seal_sound_card); } /* initialize SEAL audio library */ if (seal_sound_card == 0) /* silence */ { /* update the Machine structure to show that sound is disabled */ seal_sample_rate = 0; exit(0); return 0; } /* open audio device */ /* info.nDeviceId = AUDIO_DEVICE_MAPPER;*/ info.nDeviceId = seal_sound_card; /* always use 16 bit mixing if possible - better quality and same speed of 8 bit */ info.wFormat = AUDIO_FORMAT_16BITS | AUDIO_FORMAT_STEREO | AUDIO_FORMAT_RAW_SAMPLE; info.nSampleRate = seal_sample_rate; if (AOpenAudio(&info) != AUDIO_ERROR_NONE) { return (1); } AGetAudioDevCaps(info.nDeviceId,&caps); printf("Using `%s' at %d-bit %s %u Hz\n", caps.szProductName, info.wFormat & AUDIO_FORMAT_16BITS ? 16 : 8, info.wFormat & AUDIO_FORMAT_STEREO ? "stereo" : "mono", info.nSampleRate); /* open and allocate voices, allocate waveforms */ if (AOpenVoices(NUMVOICES) != AUDIO_ERROR_NONE) { printf("voices initialization failed\n"); return 1; } for (i = 0; i < NUMVOICES; i++) { if (ACreateAudioVoice(&hVoice[i]) != AUDIO_ERROR_NONE) { printf("voice #%d creation failed\n",i); return 1; } ASetVoicePanning(hVoice[i],128); lpWave[i] = 0; } /* update the Machine structure to reflect the actual sample rate */ *rate = seal_sample_rate = info.nSampleRate; { uclock_t a,b; LONG start,end; if ((lpWave[0] = (LPAUDIOWAVE)malloc(sizeof(AUDIOWAVE))) == 0) return 1; lpWave[0]->wFormat = AUDIO_FORMAT_8BITS | AUDIO_FORMAT_MONO; lpWave[0]->nSampleRate = seal_sample_rate; lpWave[0]->dwLength = 3*seal_sample_rate; lpWave[0]->dwLoopStart = 0; lpWave[0]->dwLoopEnd = 3*seal_sample_rate; if (ACreateAudioData(lpWave[0]) != AUDIO_ERROR_NONE) { free(lpWave[0]); lpWave[0] = 0; return 1; } memset(lpWave[0]->lpData,0,3*seal_sample_rate); /* upload the data to the audio DRAM local memory */ AWriteAudioData(lpWave[0],0,3*seal_sample_rate); APrimeVoice(hVoice[0],lpWave[0]); ASetVoiceFrequency(hVoice[0],seal_sample_rate); ASetVoiceVolume(hVoice[0],0); AStartVoice(hVoice[0]); a = uclock(); /* wait some time to let everything stabilize */ do { osd_update_audio(); b = uclock(); } while (b-a < UCLOCKS_PER_SEC/10); a = uclock(); AGetVoicePosition(hVoice[0],&start); do { osd_update_audio(); b = uclock(); } while (b-a < UCLOCKS_PER_SEC); AGetVoicePosition(hVoice[0],&end); nominal_sample_rate = seal_sample_rate; seal_sample_rate = end - start; AStopVoice(hVoice[0]); ADestroyAudioData(lpWave[0]); free(lpWave[0]); lpWave[0] = 0; } osd_set_mastervolume(0); /* start at maximum volume */ return 0; }
int dd_timer_settime( timer_t timerid, /* timer ID */ int flags, /* absolute or relative */ const struct itimerspec *value, /* time to be set */ struct itimerspec *ovalue /* previous time set (NULL=no * result) */ ) { struct itimerval itimer; struct event *event = ( struct event * )timerid; struct event **ppevent; TIMESPEC_TO_TIMEVAL( &event->it_interval, &value->it_interval ); TIMESPEC_TO_TIMEVAL( &event->it_value, &value->it_value ); /* * if .it_value is zero, the timer is disarmed */ if( !timerisset( &event->it_value ) ) { dd_timer_cancel( timerid ); return 0; } dd_block_timer( ); #ifdef TIMER_PROFILE event->expected_ms = ( event->it_value.tv_sec * MS_PER_SEC ) + ( event->it_value.tv_usec / US_PER_MS ); event->start = uclock( ); #endif if( event->next ) { TIMERDBG ( "calling timer_settime with a timer that is already on the queue." ); } /* * We always want to make sure that the event at the head of the queue * has a timeout greater than the itimer granularity. Otherwise we end up * with the situation that the time remaining on an itimer is greater * than the time at the head of the queue in the first place. */ timerroundup( &event->it_value, g_granularity ); timerclear( &itimer.it_value ); getitimer( ITIMER_REAL, &itimer ); if( timerisset( &itimer.it_value ) ) { // reset the top timer to have an interval equal to the remaining // interval // when the timer was cancelled. if( event_queue ) { if( timercmp ( &( itimer.it_value ), &( event_queue->it_value ), > ) ) { // it is an error if the amount of time remaining is more // than the amount of time // requested by the top event. // TIMERDBG( "timer_settime: TIMER ERROR!" ); } else { // some portion of the top event has already expired. // Reset the interval of the top event to remaining // time left in that interval. // event_queue->it_value = itimer.it_value; // if we were the earliest timer before now, we are still the // earliest timer now. // we do not need to reorder the list. } } }
void main(void) { int xy,i,c,x,y,front,back,n,minc,maxc; float dzdx,dzdy,a,b,dot,norm,tmp; long p,q; RGB rgb; long starttime; int numframes; // srand(456789); srand((int)time(NULL)); // printf("%d\n",(int)time(NULL)); mytime=10; maxc=0; minc=255; // Set up ripples numripples=3; for (i=0; i<numripples; i++) { newripple(i); } Map2d<int> dzdxmap=Map2d<int>(scrwid,scrhei); Map2d<int> dzdymap=Map2d<int>(scrwid,scrhei); allegro_init (); install_keyboard (); install_timer (); set_gfx_mode (GFX_AUTODETECT, scrwid, scrhei, 0, 0); set_pallete (desktop_palette); buffer = create_bitmap (scrwid, scrhei); clear (buffer); // Set up grayscale colours for (c=0;c<=255;c++) { i=0; rgb.r=c*63/255; rgb.g=0; rgb.b=0; set_color(c,&rgb); // colors[c]=GrAllocColor(c,i,i); } PALLETE my_pallete; BITMAP *scr_buffer; scr_buffer = load_bitmap("paulcld.pcx",my_pallete); set_pallete (my_pallete); blit (scr_buffer, screen, 0,0,0,0,320,200); // circlefill (buffer, x, y, 3, 255); textout_centre (buffer, font, "Press SPACE!", 60, 220, 4); blit (buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, scrwid, scrhei); starttime=uclock(); numframes=0; while(!key[KEY_ESC]) { for (x=0; x<scrwid; x=x+jump) { for (y=0; y<scrhei; y=y+jump) { dzdx=0; dzdy=0; for (i=0;i<numripples;i++) { ripples[i].front=ripples[i].v*(mytime-ripples[i].st); ripples[i].back=ripples[i].v*(mytime-ripples[i].st)-ripples[i].w; if (ripples[i].back>scrwid) newripple(i); } for (i=0;i<numripples;i++) { xy=(sqrt((x-ripples[i].x)*(x-ripples[i].x)+(y-ripples[i].y)*(y-ripples[i].y))); // printf("xy%i",xy); // printf("x%i",x); // printf("y%i",y); // printf("rx%i",ripples[i].x); // printf("ry%i",ripples[i].y); // printf("f%i\n",front); // printf("b%i\n",back); if ((xy>2)&&(xy<ripples[i].front)&&(xy>ripples[i].back)) { // printf("*********"); a=pi/ripples[i].w*sin(2*pi*ripples[i].n/ripples[i].w*(xy-ripples[i].v*(mytime-ripples[i].st))); // printf("a%f",a); b=(float)10.0/mysquare(xy+1); // printf("b%f",b); // norm=1500/(mysquare(xy))*(exp(3*(xy-(ripples[i].v)*((mytime-ripples[i].st)))/ripples[i].w)); norm=2.0*(xy-ripples[i].back)/(ripples[i].front-ripples[i].back); // printf("n%f",norm); dzdx=dzdx+a*b*(x-ripples[i].x)*ripples[i].w*norm; dzdy=dzdy+a*b*(y-ripples[i].y)*ripples[i].w*norm; } } // dot=dzdx*lx+dzdy*ly; // dot=dot*(dzdx*0.8+dzdy*0.6); // dot=dzdx*0.8+dzdy*0.6; // dot=dzdx * 1 * 0.8 + dzdy * 1 * 0.6; // float f=mymod(0.5+dot*0.5*scale); dzdxmap.pos[x][y]=refract*dzdx; dzdymap.pos[x][y]=refract*dzdy; if (x>0 && y>0) { int nwdx=dzdxmap.pos[x-jump][y-jump]; int nedx=dzdxmap.pos[x][y-jump]; int swdx=dzdxmap.pos[x-jump][y]; int sedx=dzdxmap.pos[x][y]; int nwdy=dzdymap.pos[x-jump][y-jump]; int nedy=dzdymap.pos[x][y-jump]; int swdy=dzdymap.pos[x-jump][y]; int sedy=dzdymap.pos[x][y]; for (int i=0;i<jump;i++) for (int j=0;j<jump;j++) { float a=(float)i/(float)jump; float d=(float)j/(float)jump; int idzdx=(1.0-a)*(1.0-d)*nwdx+(a)*(1.0-d)*nedx+(1.0-a)*(d)*swdx+(a)*(d)*sedx; int idzdy=(1.0-a)*(1.0-d)*nwdy+(a)*(1.0-d)*nedy+(1.0-a)*(d)*swdy+(a)*(d)*sedy; int rx=x-jump+i+idzdx; int ry=y-jump+j+idzdy; if (rx>=0 && ry>=0 && rx<scrwid && ry<scrhei) c=getpixel(scr_buffer,rx,ry); else c=0; // c=ucharchop(8*sqrt(idzdx*idzdx+idzdy*idzdy)); putpixel(buffer,x-jump+i,y-jump+j,c); } } // GrFilledBox(x,y,x+jump-1,y+jump-1,colors[c]); } } /* for (i=0;i<numripples;i++) { mycircle(ripples[i].x,ripples[i].y,ripples[i].front,colors[0]); mycircle(ripples[i].x,ripples[i].y,ripples[i].back,colors[0]); }*/ blit (buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, scrwid, scrhei); mytime=mytime+2; numframes++; // save_bitmap(getnextfilename("bmp"),buffer,my_pallete); } destroy_bitmap(buffer); allegro_exit(); printf("%d frames per second.\n",UCLOCKS_PER_SEC*numframes/(uclock()-starttime)); printf("max col %d\n",maxc); printf("min col %d\n",minc); }
cycles_t osd_cycles(void) { return uclock(); }
int barath_skip_next_frame(void) { static uclock_t curr = 0; static uclock_t prev = 0; static uclock_t avg_uclocks = 0; static int frames_skipped = 0; static int sysload = 0; static float framerate = 1; static float speed = 1; static float lag_rate = -30; int skip_this_frame = barath_skip_this_frame(); int scratch_time = uclock(); #ifdef barath_debug static float slow_speed = 1; int uclocks_per_frame = slow_speed * UCLOCKS_PER_SEC / video_fps; #else int uclocks_per_frame = UCLOCKS_PER_SEC / video_fps; #endif /* project target display time of this frame */ uclock_t target = prev + (frames_skipped + 1) * uclocks_per_frame; /* if lagging by more than 2 frames don't try to make up for it */ while (scratch_time - target > uclocks_per_frame * 2) { target += uclocks_per_frame; lag_rate++; } lag_rate *= 0.99; { static float framerateavg = 0; framerateavg = (framerateavg * 5 + 1 - skip_this_frame) / 6.0; framerate = (framerate * 5 + framerateavg) / 6.0; } if (throttle) { int leading = ((sysload > 33) && should_sleep_idle()) ? 0 : uclocks_per_frame; int sparetime = target - scratch_time; /* test for load-induced lags and set sysload */ if (autoframeskip && should_sleep_idle()) { /* if lag is excessive and framerate is low then we have a system hiccup */ if ((sysload < 100) && (lag_rate > 3) && (frameskip < max_autoframeskip)) { sysload++; lag_rate = 3; } /* after ~2000 frames of no lag start lowering sysload */ else if (sysload && (fabs(lag_rate) < .00001)) { sysload--; lag_rate = .000011; /* wait ~10 frames */ } } if (autoframeskip) { /* this is an attempt at proportionate feedback to smooth things out */ int feedback = ((sparetime - uclocks_per_frame / 2) / (uclocks_per_frame / 3)); frameskip = ((1.0 - framerate) * (FRAMESKIP_LEVELS - 1)) - feedback; #ifdef barath_debug debug_value = feedback; #endif if (frameskip > max_autoframeskip) frameskip = max_autoframeskip; else if (frameskip < 0) frameskip = 0; } if (sparetime > 0) { /* if we're more than 2 frames ahead we need to resynch */ if (sparetime > uclocks_per_frame * 2) target = scratch_time; else { /* idle until we hit frame ETA or leading */ profiler_mark(PROFILER_IDLE); while (target - uclock() > leading) if (should_sleep_idle()) usleep(100); profiler_mark(PROFILER_END); } } /* if we are behind we should force a skip: */ else if (autoframeskip && (frameskip < max_autoframeskip) && (frames_skipped < 1)) modframe = FRAMESKIP_LEVELS * 2 - frameskip; } /* if (throttle) */ if (skip_this_frame && (frames_skipped < FRAMESKIP_LEVELS)) frames_skipped++; else { /* update frame timer */ prev = target; /* calculate average running speed for display purposes */ scratch_time = curr; curr = uclock(); avg_uclocks = (avg_uclocks * 5 + curr - scratch_time) / (6 + frames_skipped); speed = (speed * 5 + (float) uclocks_per_frame / avg_uclocks) / 6.0; /* double-forward average */ frames_skipped = 0; } /* give a little grace in case something else sets it off */ if (should_sleep_idle() && autoframeskip && (sysload > 33)) { profiler_mark(PROFILER_IDLE); usleep(100); profiler_mark(PROFILER_END); } /* advance frameskip counter */ if (modframe >= FRAMESKIP_LEVELS) modframe -= FRAMESKIP_LEVELS; modframe += frameskip; return barath_skip_this_frame(); }
int dos_skip_next_frame() { static const int skiptable[FRAMESKIP_LEVELS][FRAMESKIP_LEVELS] = { { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }, { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 }, { 0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1 }, { 0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1 }, { 0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1 }, { 0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1 }, { 0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1 }, { 0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1 }, { 0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1 }, { 0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1 }, { 0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1 }, { 0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 } }; static const int waittable[FRAMESKIP_LEVELS][FRAMESKIP_LEVELS] = { { 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 }, { 2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0 }, { 2,1,1,1,1,0,2,1,1,1,1,0 }, { 2,1,1,0,2,1,1,0,2,1,1,0 }, { 2,1,0,2,1,0,2,1,0,2,1,0 }, { 2,0,2,1,0,2,0,2,1,0,2,0 }, { 2,0,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,0 }, { 2,0,2,0,0,3,0,2,0,0,3,0 }, { 3,0,0,3,0,0,3,0,0,3,0,0 }, { 4,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,4,0,0,0 }, { 6,0,0,0,0,0,6,0,0,0,0,0 }, {12,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } }; int i; uclock_t curr; static uclock_t prev_frames[FRAMESKIP_LEVELS]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; static uclock_t prev=0; static int speed=100; /* now wait until it's time to update the screen */ if (skiptable[frameskip][frameskip_counter] == 0) { if (throttle) { uclock_t target,target2; profiler_mark(PROFILER_IDLE); /* wait until enough time has passed since last frame... */ target = prev + waittable[frameskip][frameskip_counter] * UCLOCKS_PER_SEC/video_fps; /* ... OR since FRAMESKIP_LEVELS frames ago. This way, if a frame takes */ /* longer than the allotted time, we can compensate in the following frames. */ target2 = prev_frames[frameskip_counter] + FRAMESKIP_LEVELS * UCLOCKS_PER_SEC/video_fps; if (target - target2 > 0) target = target2; curr = uclock(); /* If we need to sleep more then half a second, we've somehow got totally out of sync. So if this happens we reset all counters */ if ((target - curr) > (UCLOCKS_PER_SEC / 2)) for (i=0; i < FRAMESKIP_LEVELS; i++) prev_frames[i] = curr; else while ((curr - target) < 0) { curr = uclock(); if ((target - curr) > (UCLOCKS_PER_SEC / 1000) && should_sleep_idle()) usleep(100); } profiler_mark(PROFILER_END); } else curr = uclock(); if (frameskip_counter == 0 && (curr - prev_frames[frameskip_counter])) { int divdr; divdr = video_fps * (curr - prev_frames[frameskip_counter]) / (100 * FRAMESKIP_LEVELS); speed = (UCLOCKS_PER_SEC + divdr/2) / divdr; } prev = curr; for (i = 0;i < waittable[frameskip][frameskip_counter];i++) prev_frames[(frameskip_counter + FRAMESKIP_LEVELS - i) % FRAMESKIP_LEVELS] = curr; if (throttle && autoframeskip && frameskip_counter == 0) { static int frameskipadjust; if (speed >= 100) { frameskipadjust++; if (frameskipadjust >= 3) { frameskipadjust = 0; if (frameskip > 0) frameskip--; } } else { if (speed < 80) frameskipadjust -= (90 - speed) / 5; else { /* don't push frameskip too far if we are close to 100% speed */ if (frameskip < 8) frameskipadjust--; } while (frameskipadjust <= -2) { frameskipadjust += 2; if (frameskip < max_autoframeskip) frameskip++; } } } } frameskip_counter = (frameskip_counter + 1) % FRAMESKIP_LEVELS; return skiptable[frameskip][frameskip_counter]; }
static s64 OSD_Timer_GetCyclesCurrent_DOS_uclock (void) { return uclock(); }
/* ================ Sys_DoubleTime ================ */ double Sys_DoubleTime (void) { #if USE_UCLOCK_TIME return (double) uclock() / (double) UCLOCKS_PER_SEC; #else int r; unsigned t, tick; double ft, time; static int sametimecount; Sys_PushFPCW_SetHigh (); //{static float t = 0; t=t+0.05; return t;} // DEBUG t = *(unsigned short*)real2ptr(0x46c) * 65536; dos_outportb(0x43, 0); // latch time r = dos_inportb(0x40); r |= dos_inportb(0x40) << 8; r = (r - 1) & 0xffff; tick = *(unsigned short*)real2ptr(0x46c) * 65536; if ((tick != t) && (r & 0x8000)) t = tick; ft = (double) (t + (65536 - r)) / 1193200.0; time = ft - oldtime; oldtime = ft; if (time < 0) { if (time > -3000.0) time = 0.0; else time += 3600.0; } curtime += time; if (curtime == lastcurtime) { sametimecount++; if (sametimecount > 100000) { curtime += 1.0; sametimecount = 0; } } else { sametimecount = 0; } lastcurtime = curtime; Sys_PopFPCW (); return curtime; #endif /* ! USE_UCLOCK_TIME */ }
/*************************************************************************** This function takes care of refreshing the screen, processing user input, and throttling the emulation speed to obtain the required frames per second. IN: blocking (no longer used) 1 == blocking, i.e. read keys, doesn't return until vblank complete. 0 == non-blocking, i.e. read keys but return if not vblank ***************************************************************************/ int _updatescreen(int blocking) { static uclock_t prev; static int this1, last1; static int this2, last2; static int this3, last3; static int thisct, lastct; float fps = sim_fps; thisct = code_pressed(KEYCODE_LCONTROL); if (thisct && lastct != thisct) { io_input[1] &= ~0x10; // see note for f_1F04 } else { io_input[1] |= 0x10; // see note for f_1F04 } lastct = thisct; if ( code_pressed(KEYCODE_RIGHT) ) { io_input[1] &= ~2; } else { io_input[1] |= 2; } if ( code_pressed(KEYCODE_LEFT) ) { io_input[1] &= ~8; } else { io_input[1] |= 8; } /* if the user pressed ESC, stop the emulation */ if ( code_pressed(KEYCODE_ESC) ) return 1; // get keys for coin-in switch and start button, which need to be debounced this3 = code_pressed(KEYCODE_3); if (this3 && last3 != this3) { if (io_input[0] < 255) { io_input[0]++; } } last3 = this3; this1 = code_pressed(KEYCODE_1); if (this1 && last1 != this1) { if (io_input[0] > 0) { io_input[0]--; } } last1 = this1; this2 = code_pressed(KEYCODE_2); if (this2 && last2 != this2) { if (io_input[0] > 0) { io_input[0] -= 2; } } last2 = this2; if (1) { uclock_t curr; updatescreen(); /* now wait until it's time to trigger the interrupt */ do { curr = uclock(); } while (curr - prev < UCLOCKS_PER_SEC / fps); vblank_work(); prev = curr; } return 0; }
/* Main!!! */ void main() { char lastmessage[80] = "Fly 3.0"; // last message used for status line int draw_sky = 1; // do we draw the sky? int wait_vsync = 0; // do we wait for vsync? int frames, t; // for framerate counter int i; pl_uChar *framebuffer; // our doublebuffer pl_Mat *mat[3+1]; // our materials, we have 1 extra for null // termination for plMatMakeOptPal2() pl_Cam *cam; // our camera pl_Obj *land; // the land object pl_Obj *sky, *sky2; // the two skies int done = 0; char pal[768]; // our palette srand(0); // initialize rng _control87(MCW_EM|PC_24,MCW_EM|MCW_PC); // Set the FPU in low precision, no exception mode (REQUIRED) printf("Plush 3D Fly v3.0.\n" " %s\n" " %s\n",plVersionString,plCopyrightString); // print out startup info mouse_init(); // initialize mouse printf("\n\nControls:\n" " Mouse: rotate\n" " Mouse buttons: left=move forward, right=move forward fast\n" " s: toggle sky (default on)\n" " -,+: adjust fov (default 90)\n" " [,]: adjust mouse sensitivity\n" " v: toggle vsync (default off)\n\n"); printf("\nHit any key to begin..."); getch(); while (kbhit()) getch(); // make sure keyboard buffer is empty set_mode13(); // intialize graphics framebuffer = (pl_uChar *) malloc(320*200); // allocate framebuffer // create camera cam = plCamCreate(320, // width 200, // height 320.0/200.0*3.0/4.0, // aspect ratio 90.0, // fov framebuffer, // framebuffer (our doublebuffer) 0); // zbuffer (not used) cam->Y = 800; // move the camera up from the ground setup_materials(mat,pal); // intialize materials and palette land = setup_landscape(mat[0],mat[1],mat[2]); // create landscape sky = land->Children[0]; // unhierarchicalize the sky from the land land->Children[0] = 0; sky2 = land->Children[1]; land->Children[1] = 0; frames = 0; // set up for framerate counter t = uclock(); while (!done) { // main loop // save time when the frame began, to be used later. float prevtime = uclock() / (float) UCLOCKS_PER_SEC; frames++; // update for framerate counter memset(framebuffer,1,64000); // clear our doublebuffer // lots of rendering special casing if (draw_sky) { // if we're drawing the sky if (cam->Y > 2000) { // if above the sky, only render the skies, with // no far clip plane cam->ClipBack = 0.0; plRenderBegin(cam); plRenderObj(sky); plRenderObj(sky2); } else { // otherwise, render the sky (but not the second sky), // and the land, with a far clip plane cam->ClipBack = 10000.0; plRenderBegin(cam); plRenderObj(sky); plRenderObj(land); } } else { // not drawing sky, just render the land cam->ClipBack = 10000.0; plRenderBegin(cam); plRenderObj(land); } plRenderEnd(); // finish rendering // display framerate counter plTextPrintf(cam,cam->ClipLeft+5,cam->ClipTop,0.0,156,"%.2f fps", (frames/ (float) (uclock() - t)) * (float) UCLOCKS_PER_SEC); // display last message plTextPrintf(cam,cam->ClipLeft+5,cam->ClipBottom-16,0.0,156,lastmessage); if (wait_vsync) vsync(); // wait for vsync /* blit to screen. This is pretty darn fast on ip5's but on a 486 you would probably be faster doing a plain memcpy(), i.e: memcpy((void *) __djgpp_conventional_base+0xA0000,framebuffer,64000); */ fpucopy((void *) __djgpp_conventional_base + 0xA0000,framebuffer,64000/16); // We calculate the amount of time in thousanths of seconds this frame took prevtime = ((uclock() / (float) UCLOCKS_PER_SEC) - prevtime)*1000.0; mouse_get(); // update the mouse if (mouse_b & 2) { // if right button hit, we go forward quickly cam->X -= prevtime*4*sin(cam->Pan*PL_PI/180.0)*cos(cam->Pitch*PL_PI/180.0); cam->Z += prevtime*4*cos(cam->Pan*PL_PI/180.0)*cos(cam->Pitch*PL_PI/180.0); cam->Y += prevtime*4*sin(cam->Pitch*PL_PI/180.0); } else if (mouse_b & 1) { // if left button hit, we go forward slowly cam->X -= prevtime*2*sin(cam->Pan*PL_PI/180.0)*cos(cam->Pitch*PL_PI/180.0); cam->Z += prevtime*2*cos(cam->Pan*PL_PI/180.0)*cos(cam->Pitch*PL_PI/180.0); cam->Y += prevtime*2*sin(cam->Pitch*PL_PI/180.0); } cam->Pitch += (mouse_y*mouse_sens); // update pitch and pan of ship cam->Pan -= (mouse_x*mouse_sens); if (cam->X > LAND_SIZE/2) cam->X = LAND_SIZE/2; // make sure we don't go if (cam->X < -LAND_SIZE/2) cam->X = -LAND_SIZE/2; // too far away if (cam->Z > LAND_SIZE/2) cam->Z = LAND_SIZE/2; if (cam->Z < -LAND_SIZE/2) cam->Z = -LAND_SIZE/2; if (cam->Y < 0) cam->Y = 0; if (cam->Y > 8999) cam->Y = 8999; while (kbhit()) switch(getch()) { // handle keystrokes case 27: done++; break; // ESC == quit // + is for zooming in. case '=': case '+': cam->Fov -= 1.0; if (cam->Fov < 1.0) cam->Fov = 1.0; sprintf(lastmessage,"FOV: %2.f",cam->Fov); break; // - is for zooming out case '-': cam->Fov += 1.0; if (cam->Fov > 179.0) cam->Fov = 179.0; sprintf(lastmessage,"FOV: %2.f",cam->Fov); break; // [ decreases mouse sensitivity case '[': mouse_sens /= 1.1; sprintf(lastmessage,"MouseSens: %.3f",mouse_sens); break; // ] increases mouse sensitivity case ']': mouse_sens *= 1.1; sprintf(lastmessage,"MouseSens: %.3f",mouse_sens); break; // v toggles vsync case 'v': wait_vsync ^= 1; sprintf(lastmessage,"VSync %s",wait_vsync ? "on" : "off"); break; // s toggles sky case 's': draw_sky ^= 1; sprintf(lastmessage,"Sky %s",draw_sky ? "on" : "off"); break; } } // set text mode set_mode3(); // clean up free(framebuffer); plObjDelete(land); plObjDelete(sky); plObjDelete(sky2); plMatDelete(mat[0]); plMatDelete(mat[1]); plMatDelete(mat[2]); plCamDelete(cam); printf("This has been a Plush demo app.\n" "Visit the Plush 3D homepage at: \n" "\n\n"); }