struct bptFile *bigBedOpenExtraIndex(struct bbiFile *bbi, char *fieldName, int *retFieldIx) /* Return index associated with fieldName. Aborts if no such index. Optionally return * index in a row of this field. */ { struct udcFile *udc = bbi->udc; boolean isSwapped = bbi->isSwapped; struct asObject *as = bigBedAsOrDefault(bbi); struct asColumn *col = asColumnFind(as, fieldName); if (col == NULL) errAbort("No field %s in %s", fieldName, bbi->fileName); int colIx = slIxFromElement(as->columnList, col); if (retFieldIx != NULL) *retFieldIx = colIx; asObjectFree(&as); /* See if we have any extra indexes, and if so seek to there. */ bits64 offset = bbi->extraIndexListOffset; if (offset == 0) errAbort("%s has no indexes", bbi->fileName); udcSeek(udc, offset); /* Go through each extra index and see if it's a match */ int i; for (i=0; i<bbi->extraIndexCount; ++i) { bits16 type = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped); bits16 fieldCount = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped); bits64 fileOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped); udcSeekCur(udc, 4); // skip over reserved bits if (type != 0) { warn("Don't understand type %d", type); internalErr(); } if (fieldCount == 1) { bits16 fieldId = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped); udcSeekCur(udc, 2); // skip over reserved bits if (fieldId == colIx) { udcSeek(udc, fileOffset); struct bptFile *bpt = bptFileAttach(bbi->fileName, udc); return bpt; } } else { warn("Not yet understanding indexes on multiple fields at once."); internalErr(); } } errAbort("%s is not indexed in %s", fieldName, bbi->fileName); return NULL; }
struct slName *bigBedListExtraIndexes(struct bbiFile *bbi) /* Return list of names of extra indexes beyond primary chrom:start-end one" */ { struct udcFile *udc = bbi->udc; boolean isSwapped = bbi->isSwapped; /* See if we have any extra indexes, and if so seek to there. */ bits64 offset = bbi->extraIndexListOffset; if (offset == 0) return NULL; udcSeek(udc, offset); /* Construct list of field that are being indexed. List is list of * field numbers within asObj. */ int i; struct slInt *intList = NULL, *intEl; for (i=0; i<bbi->extraIndexCount; ++i) { bits16 type,fieldCount; type = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped); fieldCount = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped); udcSeekCur(udc, sizeof(bits64)); // skip over fileOffset udcSeekCur(udc, 4); // skip over reserved bits if (fieldCount == 1) { bits16 fieldId = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped); udcSeekCur(udc, 2); // skip over reserved bits intEl = slIntNew(fieldId); slAddHead(&intList, intEl); } else { warn("Not yet understanding indexes on multiple fields at once."); internalErr(); } } /* Now have to make an asObject to find out name that corresponds to this field. */ struct asObject *as = bigBedAsOrDefault(bbi); /* Make list of field names out of list of field numbers */ struct slName *nameList = NULL; for (intEl = intList; intEl != NULL; intEl = intEl->next) { struct asColumn *col = slElementFromIx(as->columnList, intEl->val); if (col == NULL) { warn("Inconsistent bigBed file %s", bbi->fileName); internalErr(); } slNameAddHead(&nameList, col->name); } asObjectFree(&as); return nameList; }
static bits64 bptDataStart(struct bptFile *bpt) /* Return offset of first bit of data (as opposed to index) in file. In hind sight I wish * this were stored in the header, but fortunately it's not that hard to compute. */ { bits64 offset = bpt->rootOffset; for (;;) { /* Seek to block start */ udcSeek(bpt->udc, offset); /* Read block header, break if we are leaf. */ UBYTE isLeaf; UBYTE reserved; bits16 childCount; udcMustReadOne(bpt->udc, isLeaf); if (isLeaf) break; udcMustReadOne(bpt->udc, reserved); boolean isSwapped = bpt->isSwapped; childCount = udcReadBits16(bpt->udc, isSwapped); /* Read and discard first key. */ char keyBuf[bpt->keySize]; udcMustRead(bpt->udc, keyBuf, bpt->keySize); /* Get file offset of sub-block. */ offset = udcReadBits64(bpt->udc, isSwapped); } return offset; }
static void bwgSectionHeadRead(struct bbiFile *bwf, struct bwgSectionHead *head) /* Read section header. */ { struct udcFile *udc = bwf->udc; boolean isSwapped = bwf->isSwapped; head->chromId = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped); head->start = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped); head->end = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped); head->itemStep = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped); head->itemSpan = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped); head->type = udcGetChar(udc); head->reserved = udcGetChar(udc); head->itemCount = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped); }
static boolean rFind(struct bptFile *bpt, bits64 blockStart, void *key, void *val) /* Find value corresponding to key. If found copy value to memory pointed to by val and return * true. Otherwise return false. */ { /* Seek to start of block. */ udcSeek(bpt->udc, blockStart); /* Read block header. */ UBYTE isLeaf; UBYTE reserved; bits16 i, childCount; udcMustReadOne(bpt->udc, isLeaf); udcMustReadOne(bpt->udc, reserved); boolean isSwapped = bpt->isSwapped; childCount = udcReadBits16(bpt->udc, isSwapped); UBYTE keyBuf[bpt->keySize]; /* Place to put a key, buffered on stack. */ if (isLeaf) { for (i=0; i<childCount; ++i) { udcMustRead(bpt->udc, keyBuf, bpt->keySize); udcMustRead(bpt->udc, val, bpt->valSize); if (memcmp(key, keyBuf, bpt->keySize) == 0) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } else { /* Read and discard first key. */ udcMustRead(bpt->udc, keyBuf, bpt->keySize); /* Scan info for first file offset. */ bits64 fileOffset = udcReadBits64(bpt->udc, isSwapped); /* Loop through remainder. */ for (i=1; i<childCount; ++i) { udcMustRead(bpt->udc, keyBuf, bpt->keySize); if (memcmp(key, keyBuf, bpt->keySize) < 0) break; fileOffset = udcReadBits64(bpt->udc, isSwapped); } return rFind(bpt, fileOffset, key, val); } }
static void rTraverse(struct bptFile *bpt, bits64 blockStart, void *context, void (*callback)(void *context, void *key, int keySize, void *val, int valSize) ) /* Recursively go across tree, calling callback at leaves. */ { /* Seek to start of block. */ udcSeek(bpt->udc, blockStart); /* Read block header. */ UBYTE isLeaf; UBYTE reserved; bits16 i, childCount; udcMustReadOne(bpt->udc, isLeaf); udcMustReadOne(bpt->udc, reserved); boolean isSwapped = bpt->isSwapped; childCount = udcReadBits16(bpt->udc, isSwapped); char keyBuf[bpt->keySize], valBuf[bpt->valSize]; if (isLeaf) { for (i=0; i<childCount; ++i) { udcMustRead(bpt->udc, keyBuf, bpt->keySize); udcMustRead(bpt->udc, valBuf, bpt->valSize); callback(context, keyBuf, bpt->keySize, valBuf, bpt->valSize); } } else { bits64 fileOffsets[childCount]; /* Loop through to get file offsets of children. */ for (i=0; i<childCount; ++i) { udcMustRead(bpt->udc, keyBuf, bpt->keySize); fileOffsets[i] = udcReadBits64(bpt->udc, isSwapped); } /* Loop through recursing on child offsets. */ for (i=0; i<childCount; ++i) rTraverse(bpt, fileOffsets[i], context, callback); } }
static void rFindMulti(struct bptFile *bpt, bits64 blockStart, void *key, struct slRef **pList) /* Find values corresponding to key and add them to pList. You'll need to * Do a slRefFreeListAndVals() on the list when done. */ { /* Seek to start of block. */ udcSeek(bpt->udc, blockStart); /* Read block header. */ UBYTE isLeaf; UBYTE reserved; bits16 i, childCount; udcMustReadOne(bpt->udc, isLeaf); udcMustReadOne(bpt->udc, reserved); boolean isSwapped = bpt->isSwapped; childCount = udcReadBits16(bpt->udc, isSwapped); int keySize = bpt->keySize; UBYTE keyBuf[keySize]; /* Place to put a key, buffered on stack. */ UBYTE valBuf[bpt->valSize]; /* Place to put a value, buffered on stack. */ if (isLeaf) { for (i=0; i<childCount; ++i) { udcMustRead(bpt->udc, keyBuf, keySize); udcMustRead(bpt->udc, valBuf, bpt->valSize); if (memcmp(key, keyBuf, keySize) == 0) { void *val = cloneMem(valBuf, bpt->valSize); refAdd(pList, val); } } } else { /* Read first key and first file offset. */ udcMustRead(bpt->udc, keyBuf, keySize); bits64 lastFileOffset = udcReadBits64(bpt->udc, isSwapped); bits64 fileOffset = lastFileOffset; int lastCmp = memcmp(key, keyBuf, keySize); /* Loop through remainder. */ for (i=1; i<childCount; ++i) { udcMustRead(bpt->udc, keyBuf, keySize); fileOffset = udcReadBits64(bpt->udc, isSwapped); int cmp = memcmp(key, keyBuf, keySize); if (lastCmp >= 0 && cmp <= 0) { bits64 curPos = udcTell(bpt->udc); rFindMulti(bpt, lastFileOffset, key, pList); udcSeek(bpt->udc, curPos); } if (cmp < 0) return; lastCmp = cmp; lastFileOffset = fileOffset; } /* If made it all the way to end, do last one too. */ rFindMulti(bpt, fileOffset, key, pList); } }
struct bbiFile *bbiFileOpenWithDir(char *fileName, bits32 sig, char *typeName, char *udcDir) /* same (mostly) as bbiFileOpen in bbiFile.c, but allows setting the temporary dir */ { struct bbiFile *bbi; AllocVar(bbi); bbi->fileName = cloneString(fileName); struct udcFile *udc = bbi->udc = udcFileOpen(fileName, udcDir); /* Read magic number at head of file and use it to see if we are proper file type, and * see if we are byte-swapped. */ bits32 magic; boolean isSwapped = FALSE; udcMustRead(udc, &magic, sizeof(magic)); if (magic != sig) { magic = byteSwap32(magic); isSwapped = TRUE; if (magic != sig) errAbort("%s is not a %s file", fileName, typeName); } bbi->typeSig = sig; bbi->isSwapped = isSwapped; /* Read rest of defined bits of header, byte swapping as needed. */ bbi->version = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped); bbi->zoomLevels = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped); bbi->chromTreeOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped); bbi->unzoomedDataOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped); bbi->unzoomedIndexOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped); bbi->fieldCount = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped); bbi->definedFieldCount = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped); bbi->asOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped); bbi->totalSummaryOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped); bbi->uncompressBufSize = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped); bbi->extensionOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped); /* Read zoom headers. */ int i; struct bbiZoomLevel *level, *levelList = NULL; for (i=0; i<bbi->zoomLevels; ++i) { AllocVar(level); level->reductionLevel = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped); level->reserved = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped); level->dataOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped); level->indexOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped); slAddHead(&levelList, level); } slReverse(&levelList); bbi->levelList = levelList; /* Deal with header extension if any. */ if (bbi->extensionOffset != 0) { udcSeek(udc, bbi->extensionOffset); bbi->extensionSize = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped); bbi->extraIndexCount = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped); bbi->extraIndexListOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped); } /* Attach B+ tree of chromosome names and ids. */ udcSeek(udc, bbi->chromTreeOffset); bbi->chromBpt = bptFileAttach(fileName, udc); return bbi; }
static void rFindOverlappingBlocks(struct cirTreeFile *crt, int level, bits64 indexFileOffset, bits32 chromIx, bits32 start, bits32 end, struct fileOffsetSize **retList) /* Recursively find blocks with data. */ { struct udcFile *udc = crt->udc; /* Seek to start of block. */ udcSeek(udc, indexFileOffset); /* Read block header. */ UBYTE isLeaf; UBYTE reserved; bits16 i, childCount; udcMustReadOne(udc, isLeaf); udcMustReadOne(udc, reserved); boolean isSwapped = crt->isSwapped; childCount = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped); verbose(3, "rFindOverlappingBlocks %llu %u:%u-%u. childCount %d. isLeaf %d\n", indexFileOffset, chromIx, start, end, (int)childCount, (int)isLeaf); if (isLeaf) { /* Loop through node adding overlapping leaves to block list. */ for (i=0; i<childCount; ++i) { bits32 startChromIx = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped); bits32 startBase = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped); bits32 endChromIx = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped); bits32 endBase = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped); bits64 offset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped); bits64 size = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped); if (cirTreeOverlaps(chromIx, start, end, startChromIx, startBase, endChromIx, endBase)) { struct fileOffsetSize *block; AllocVar(block); block->offset = offset; block->size = size; slAddHead(retList, block); } } } else { /* Read node into arrays. */ bits32 startChromIx[childCount], startBase[childCount]; bits32 endChromIx[childCount], endBase[childCount]; bits64 offset[childCount]; for (i=0; i<childCount; ++i) { startChromIx[i] = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped); startBase[i] = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped); endChromIx[i] = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped); endBase[i] = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped); offset[i] = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped); } /* Recurse into child nodes that we overlap. */ for (i=0; i<childCount; ++i) { if (cirTreeOverlaps(chromIx, start, end, startChromIx[i], startBase[i], endChromIx[i], endBase[i])) { rFindOverlappingBlocks(crt, level+1, offset[i], chromIx, start, end, retList); } } } }
struct bbiFile *bbiFileOpen(char *fileName, bits32 sig, char *typeName) /* Open up big wig or big bed file. */ { /* This code needs to agree with code in two other places currently - bigBedFileCreate, * and bigWigFileCreate. I'm thinking of refactoring to share at least between * bigBedFileCreate and bigWigFileCreate. It'd be great so it could be structured * so that it could send the input in one chromosome at a time, and send in the zoom * stuff only after all the chromosomes are done. This'd potentially reduce the memory * footprint by a factor of 2 or 4. Still, for now it works. -JK */ struct bbiFile *bbi; AllocVar(bbi); bbi->fileName = cloneString(fileName); struct udcFile *udc = bbi->udc = udcFileOpen(fileName, udcDefaultDir()); /* Read magic number at head of file and use it to see if we are proper file type, and * see if we are byte-swapped. */ bits32 magic; boolean isSwapped = FALSE; udcMustRead(udc, &magic, sizeof(magic)); if (magic != sig) { magic = byteSwap32(magic); isSwapped = TRUE; if (magic != sig) errAbort("%s is not a %s file", fileName, typeName); } bbi->typeSig = sig; bbi->isSwapped = isSwapped; /* Read rest of defined bits of header, byte swapping as needed. */ bbi->version = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped); bbi->zoomLevels = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped); bbi->chromTreeOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped); bbi->unzoomedDataOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped); bbi->unzoomedIndexOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped); bbi->fieldCount = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped); bbi->definedFieldCount = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped); bbi->asOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped); bbi->totalSummaryOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped); bbi->uncompressBufSize = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped); /* Skip over reserved area. */ udcSeek(udc, 64); /* Read zoom headers. */ int i; struct bbiZoomLevel *level, *levelList = NULL; for (i=0; i<bbi->zoomLevels; ++i) { AllocVar(level); level->reductionLevel = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped); level->reserved = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped); level->dataOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped); level->indexOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped); slAddHead(&levelList, level); } slReverse(&levelList); bbi->levelList = levelList; /* Attach B+ tree of chromosome names and ids. */ udcSeek(udc, bbi->chromTreeOffset); bbi->chromBpt = bptFileAttach(fileName, udc); return bbi; }