void btn_restore_config_clicked(GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data) { GtkWidget *dialog, *err_dialog; char *file_name=NULL; int ret; dialog = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new( "Restore from file", GTK_WINDOW(GET_WIDGET(WIN_CONFIG)), GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, GTK_STOCK_OPEN, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, NULL); gtk_file_chooser_set_do_overwrite_confirmation(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), TRUE); gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog), "/home"); //gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), "btnx_conf_backup.tar.gz"); if (gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { file_name = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog)); ret = restore_config(file_name, 0); switch (ret) { case ERROR_RESTORE_EXTRACT_VERSION: SHOW_ERROR_DIALOG(err_dialog, GET_WIDGET(WIN_CONFIG), TEXT_RESTORE_ERROR, _("Possibly broken or invalid backup file.")); break; case ERROR_RESTORE_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE: SHOW_ERROR_DIALOG(err_dialog, GET_WIDGET(WIN_CONFIG), TEXT_RESTORE_ERROR, _("The backup configuration is from an incompatible version of " "btnx. Restore operation cancelled.")); break; case ERROR_RESTORE_TAR_EXTRACT: SHOW_ERROR_DIALOG(err_dialog, GET_WIDGET(WIN_CONFIG), TEXT_RESTORE_ERROR, _("Unspecified tar execution failure.")); break; default: config_clear_all(); config_manager_init(); udev_init(); settings_file_parse(); config_refresh_advanced_settings(); break; } } if (file_name != NULL) g_free(file_name); gtk_widget_destroy(dialog); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { CONFIGURATION config; config_parse(argc, argv, &config); if (config.action == NULL || strcmp("help", config.action) == 0) help(); enum platform system = platform_check(config.platform); if (system == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Platform '%s' not found\n", config.platform); exit(-1); } if (strcmp("map", config.action) == 0) { if (config.address == NULL) { perror("No filename for mapping"); exit(-1); } udev_init(!inputAdded, config.mapping); for (int i=0;i<config.inputsCount;i++) evdev_create(config.inputs[i].path, config.inputs[i].mapping); evdev_map(config.address); exit(0); } if (config.address == NULL) { config.address = malloc(MAX_ADDRESS_SIZE); if (config.address == NULL) { perror("Not enough memory"); exit(-1); } config.address[0] = 0; gs_discover_server(config.address); if (config.address[0] == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Autodiscovery failed. Specify an IP address next time.\n"); exit(-1); } } char host_config_file[128]; sprintf(host_config_file, "hosts/%s.conf", config.address); config_file_parse(host_config_file, &config); SERVER_DATA server; server.address = config.address; int ret; if ((ret = gs_init(&server, config.key_dir)) == GS_OUT_OF_MEMORY) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory\n"); exit(-1); } else if (ret == GS_INVALID) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid data received from server: %s\n", config.address, gs_error); exit(-1); } else if (ret != GS_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't connect to server %s\n", config.address); exit(-1); } if (strcmp("list", config.action) == 0) { pair_check(&server); applist(&server); } else if (strcmp("stream", config.action) == 0) { pair_check(&server); if (IS_EMBEDDED(system)) { for (int i=0;i<config.inputsCount;i++) evdev_create(config.inputs[i].path, config.inputs[i].mapping); udev_init(!inputAdded, config.mapping); evdev_init(); #ifdef HAVE_LIBCEC cec_init(); #endif /* HAVE_LIBCEC */ } #ifdef HAVE_SDL else if (system == SDL) sdl_init(config.stream.width, config.stream.height); #endif stream(&server, &config, system); } else if (strcmp("pair", config.action) == 0) { char pin[5]; sprintf(pin, "%d%d%d%d", (int)random() % 10, (int)random() % 10, (int)random() % 10, (int)random() % 10); printf("Please enter the following PIN on the target PC: %s\n", pin); if (gs_pair(&server, &pin[0]) != GS_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to pair to server: %s\n", gs_error); } else { printf("Succesfully paired\n"); } } else if (strcmp("quit", config.action) == 0) { pair_check(&server); gs_quit_app(&server); } else fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a valid action\n", config.action); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE; int i; bool help = false; bool version = false; bool check_config = false; bool daemon = false; const char *debug_filter = NULL; int pid_fd = -1; #ifdef BRICKD_WITH_LIBUDEV bool initialized_udev = false; #endif for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0) { help = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0) { version = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--check-config") == 0) { check_config = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--daemon") == 0) { daemon = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--debug") == 0) { if (i + 1 < argc && strncmp(argv[i + 1], "--", 2) != 0) { debug_filter = argv[++i]; } else { debug_filter = ""; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option '%s'\n\n", argv[i]); print_usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (help) { print_usage(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (version) { printf("%s\n", VERSION_STRING); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (prepare_paths() < 0) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (check_config) { return config_check(_config_filename) < 0 ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS; } config_init(_config_filename); if (config_has_error()) { fprintf(stderr, "Error(s) occurred while reading config file '%s'\n", _config_filename); goto error_config; } log_init(); if (daemon) { pid_fd = daemon_start(_log_filename, &_log_file, _pid_filename, true); } else { pid_fd = pid_file_acquire(_pid_filename, getpid()); if (pid_fd == PID_FILE_ALREADY_ACQUIRED) { fprintf(stderr, "Already running according to '%s'\n", _pid_filename); } } if (pid_fd < 0) { goto error_pid_file; } log_info("Brick Daemon %s started (pid: %u, daemonized: %d)", VERSION_STRING, getpid(), daemon ? 1 : 0); if (debug_filter != NULL) { log_enable_debug_override(debug_filter); } if (config_has_warning()) { log_warn("Warning(s) in config file '%s', run with --check-config option for details", _config_filename); } if (event_init() < 0) { goto error_event; } if (signal_init(handle_sighup, handle_sigusr1) < 0) { goto error_signal; } if (hardware_init() < 0) { goto error_hardware; } if (usb_init() < 0) { goto error_usb; } #ifdef BRICKD_WITH_LIBUDEV if (!usb_has_hotplug()) { if (udev_init() < 0) { goto error_udev; } initialized_udev = true; } #endif if (network_init() < 0) { goto error_network; } if (mesh_init() < 0) { goto error_mesh; } #ifdef BRICKD_WITH_RED_BRICK if (gpio_init() < 0) { goto error_gpio; } if (redapid_init() < 0) { goto error_redapid; } if (red_stack_init() < 0) { goto error_red_stack; } if (red_extension_init() < 0) { goto error_red_extension; } if (red_usb_gadget_init() < 0) { goto error_red_usb_gadget; } red_led_set_trigger(RED_LED_GREEN, config_get_option_value("led_trigger.green")->symbol); red_led_set_trigger(RED_LED_RED, config_get_option_value("led_trigger.red")->symbol); #endif if (event_run(network_cleanup_clients_and_zombies) < 0) { goto error_run; } #ifdef BRICKD_WITH_RED_BRICK hardware_announce_disconnect(); network_announce_red_brick_disconnect(); red_usb_gadget_announce_red_brick_disconnect(); #endif exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS; error_run: #ifdef BRICKD_WITH_RED_BRICK red_usb_gadget_exit(); error_red_usb_gadget: red_extension_exit(); error_red_extension: red_stack_exit(); error_red_stack: redapid_exit(); error_redapid: //gpio_exit(); error_gpio: #endif network_exit(); error_mesh: mesh_exit(); error_network: #ifdef BRICKD_WITH_LIBUDEV if (initialized_udev) { udev_exit(); } error_udev: #endif usb_exit(); error_usb: hardware_exit(); error_hardware: signal_exit(); error_signal: event_exit(); error_event: log_info("Brick Daemon %s stopped", VERSION_STRING); error_pid_file: if (pid_fd >= 0) { pid_file_release(_pid_filename, pid_fd); } log_exit(); error_config: config_exit(); return exit_code; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE; int i; bool help = false; bool version = false; bool check_config = false; bool daemon = false; bool debug = false; bool libusb_debug = false; int pid_fd = -1; #ifdef BRICKD_WITH_LIBUDEV bool initialized_udev = false; #endif for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0) { help = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0) { version = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--check-config") == 0) { check_config = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--daemon") == 0) { daemon = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--debug") == 0) { debug = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--libusb-debug") == 0) { libusb_debug = true; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option '%s'\n\n", argv[i]); print_usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (help) { print_usage(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (version) { printf("%s\n", VERSION_STRING); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (prepare_paths() < 0) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (check_config) { return config_check(_config_filename) < 0 ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS; } config_init(_config_filename); log_init(); if (daemon) { pid_fd = daemon_start(_log_filename, _pid_filename, true); } else { pid_fd = pid_file_acquire(_pid_filename, getpid()); if (pid_fd == PID_FILE_ALREADY_ACQUIRED) { fprintf(stderr, "Already running according to '%s'\n", _pid_filename); } } if (pid_fd < 0) { goto error_log; } log_set_debug_override(debug); log_set_level(LOG_CATEGORY_EVENT, config_get_option("log_level.event")->value.log_level); log_set_level(LOG_CATEGORY_USB, config_get_option("log_level.usb")->value.log_level); log_set_level(LOG_CATEGORY_NETWORK, config_get_option("log_level.network")->value.log_level); log_set_level(LOG_CATEGORY_HOTPLUG, config_get_option("log_level.hotplug")->value.log_level); log_set_level(LOG_CATEGORY_HARDWARE, config_get_option("log_level.hardware")->value.log_level); log_set_level(LOG_CATEGORY_WEBSOCKET, config_get_option("log_level.websocket")->value.log_level); #ifdef BRICKD_WITH_RED_BRICK log_set_level(LOG_CATEGORY_RED_BRICK, config_get_option("log_level.red_brick")->value.log_level); log_set_level(LOG_CATEGORY_SPI, config_get_option("log_level.spi")->value.log_level); log_set_level(LOG_CATEGORY_RS485, config_get_option("log_level.rs485")->value.log_level); #endif log_set_level(LOG_CATEGORY_OTHER, config_get_option("log_level.other")->value.log_level); if (config_has_error()) { log_error("Error(s) in config file '%s', run with --check-config option for details", _config_filename); goto error_config; } if (daemon) { log_info("Brick Daemon %s started (daemonized)", VERSION_STRING); } else { log_info("Brick Daemon %s started", VERSION_STRING); } if (config_has_warning()) { log_error("Warning(s) in config file '%s', run with --check-config option for details", _config_filename); } if (event_init() < 0) { goto error_event; } if (signal_init(handle_sigusr1) < 0) { goto error_signal; } if (hardware_init() < 0) { goto error_hardware; } if (usb_init(libusb_debug) < 0) { goto error_usb; } #ifdef BRICKD_WITH_LIBUDEV if (!usb_has_hotplug()) { if (udev_init() < 0) { goto error_udev; } initialized_udev = true; } #endif if (network_init() < 0) { goto error_network; } #ifdef BRICKD_WITH_RED_BRICK if (gpio_init() < 0) { goto error_gpio; } if (red_usb_gadget_init() < 0) { goto error_red_usb_gadget; } if (redapid_init() < 0) { goto error_redapid; } if (red_stack_init() < 0) { goto error_red_stack; } if (rs485_extension_init() < 0) { goto error_rs485_extension; } #endif if (event_run(network_cleanup_clients_and_zombies) < 0) { goto error_run; } exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS; error_run: #ifdef BRICKD_WITH_RED_BRICK rs485_extension_exit(); error_rs485_extension: red_stack_exit(); error_red_stack: redapid_exit(); error_redapid: red_usb_gadget_exit(); error_red_usb_gadget: //gpio_exit(); error_gpio: #endif network_exit(); error_network: #ifdef BRICKD_WITH_LIBUDEV if (initialized_udev) { udev_exit(); } error_udev: #endif usb_exit(); error_usb: hardware_exit(); error_hardware: signal_exit(); error_signal: event_exit(); error_event: log_info("Brick Daemon %s stopped", VERSION_STRING); error_config: error_log: log_exit(); if (pid_fd >= 0) { pid_file_release(_pid_filename, pid_fd); } config_exit(); return exit_code; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { printf("Moonlight Embedded %d.%d.%d (%s)\n", VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_PATCH, COMPILE_OPTIONS); CONFIGURATION config; config_parse(argc, argv, &config); if (config.action == NULL || strcmp("help", config.action) == 0) help(); enum platform system = platform_check(config.platform); if (system == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Platform '%s' not found\n", config.platform); exit(-1); } config.stream.supportsHevc = config.stream.supportsHevc || platform_supports_hevc(system); if (strcmp("map", config.action) == 0) { if (config.address == NULL) { perror("No filename for mapping"); exit(-1); } udev_init(!inputAdded, config.mapping); for (int i=0;i<config.inputsCount;i++) evdev_create(config.inputs[i].path, config.inputs[i].mapping); evdev_map(config.address); exit(0); } if (config.address == NULL) { config.address = malloc(MAX_ADDRESS_SIZE); if (config.address == NULL) { perror("Not enough memory"); exit(-1); } config.address[0] = 0; printf("Searching for server...\n"); gs_discover_server(config.address); if (config.address[0] == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Autodiscovery failed. Specify an IP address next time.\n"); exit(-1); } } char host_config_file[128]; sprintf(host_config_file, "hosts/%s.conf", config.address); if (access(host_config_file, R_OK) != -1) config_file_parse(host_config_file, &config); SERVER_DATA server; server.address = config.address; printf("Connect to %s...\n", server.address); int ret; if ((ret = gs_init(&server, config.key_dir)) == GS_OUT_OF_MEMORY) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory\n"); exit(-1); } else if (ret == GS_INVALID) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid data received from server: %s\n", config.address, gs_error); exit(-1); } else if (ret == GS_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION) { if (!config.unsupported_version) { fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported version: %s\n", gs_error); exit(-1); } } else if (ret != GS_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't connect to server %s\n", config.address); exit(-1); } printf("NVIDIA %s, GFE %s (protocol version %d)\n", server.gpuType, server.gfeVersion, server.serverMajorVersion); if (strcmp("list", config.action) == 0) { pair_check(&server); applist(&server); } else if (strcmp("stream", config.action) == 0) { pair_check(&server); if (IS_EMBEDDED(system)) { for (int i=0;i<config.inputsCount;i++) { printf("Add input %s (mapping %s)...\n", config.inputs[i].path, config.inputs[i].mapping); evdev_create(config.inputs[i].path, config.inputs[i].mapping); } udev_init(!inputAdded, config.mapping); evdev_init(); #ifdef HAVE_LIBCEC cec_init(); #endif /* HAVE_LIBCEC */ } #ifdef HAVE_SDL else if (system == SDL) sdl_init(config.stream.width, config.stream.height, config.fullscreen); #endif stream(&server, &config, system); } else if (strcmp("pair", config.action) == 0) { char pin[5]; sprintf(pin, "%d%d%d%d", (int)random() % 10, (int)random() % 10, (int)random() % 10, (int)random() % 10); printf("Please enter the following PIN on the target PC: %s\n", pin); if (gs_pair(&server, &pin[0]) != GS_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to pair to server: %s\n", gs_error); } else { printf("Succesfully paired\n"); } } else if (strcmp("unpair", config.action) == 0) { if (gs_unpair(&server) != GS_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to unpair to server: %s\n", gs_error); } else { printf("Succesfully unpaired\n"); } } else if (strcmp("quit", config.action) == 0) { pair_check(&server); gs_quit_app(&server); } else fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a valid action\n", config.action); }