Exemple #1
static int vertex_group_menu_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
	Object *ob= CTX_data_pointer_get_type(C, "object", &RNA_Object).data;
	uiPopupMenu *pup;
	uiLayout *layout;

	pup= uiPupMenuBegin(C, "Vertex Groups", 0);
	layout= uiPupMenuLayout(pup);
	uiLayoutSetOperatorContext(layout, WM_OP_INVOKE_REGION_WIN);

	if(vgroup_object_in_edit_mode(ob)) {
		uiItemBooleanO(layout, "Assign to New Group", 0, "OBJECT_OT_vertex_group_assign", "new", 1);

		if(BLI_countlist(&ob->defbase) && ob->actdef) {
			uiItemO(layout, "Assign to Group", 0, "OBJECT_OT_vertex_group_assign");
			uiItemO(layout, "Remove from Group", 0, "OBJECT_OT_vertex_group_remove_from");
			uiItemBooleanO(layout, "Remove from All", 0, "OBJECT_OT_vertex_group_remove_from", "all", 1);

	if(BLI_countlist(&ob->defbase) && ob->actdef) {

		uiItemO(layout, "Set Active Group", 0, "OBJECT_OT_vertex_group_set_active");
		uiItemO(layout, "Remove Group", 0, "OBJECT_OT_vertex_group_remove");
		uiItemBooleanO(layout, "Remove All Groups", 0, "OBJECT_OT_vertex_group_remove", "all", 1);

	uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup);

Exemple #2
/* Draw the contents for a grease-pencil panel*/
static void draw_gpencil_panel (bContext *C, uiLayout *layout, bGPdata *gpd, PointerRNA *ctx_ptr)
	PointerRNA gpd_ptr;
	bGPDlayer *gpl;
	uiLayout *col, *row;
	short v3d_stroke_opts = STROKE_OPTS_NORMAL;
	const short is_v3d= CTX_wm_view3d(C) != NULL;
	/* make new PointerRNA for Grease Pencil block */
	RNA_id_pointer_create((ID *)gpd, &gpd_ptr);
	/* draw gpd settings first ------------------------------------- */
	col= uiLayoutColumn(layout, 0);
		/* current Grease Pencil block */
		// TODO: show some info about who owns this?
		uiTemplateID(col, C, ctx_ptr, "grease_pencil", "GPENCIL_OT_data_add", NULL, "GPENCIL_OT_data_unlink"); 
		/* add new layer button - can be used even when no data, since it can add a new block too */
		uiItemO(col, "New Layer", ICON_NONE, "GPENCIL_OT_layer_add");
		row= uiLayoutRow(col, 1);
		uiItemO(row, "Delete Frame", ICON_NONE, "GPENCIL_OT_active_frame_delete");
		uiItemO(row, "Convert", ICON_NONE, "GPENCIL_OT_convert");
	/* sanity checks... */
	if (gpd == NULL)
	/* draw each layer --------------------------------------------- */
	for (gpl= gpd->layers.first; gpl; gpl= gpl->next) {
		col= uiLayoutColumn(layout, 1);
			gp_drawui_layer(col, gpd, gpl, is_v3d);
	/* draw gpd drawing settings first ------------------------------------- */
	col= uiLayoutColumn(layout, 1);
		/* label */
		uiItemL(col, "Drawing Settings:", ICON_NONE);
		/* check whether advanced 3D-View drawing space options can be used */
		if (is_v3d) {
				v3d_stroke_opts = STROKE_OPTS_V3D_ON;
				v3d_stroke_opts = STROKE_OPTS_V3D_OFF;
		/* drawing space options */
		row= uiLayoutRow(col, 1);
			uiItemEnumR_string(row, &gpd_ptr, "draw_mode", "VIEW", NULL, ICON_NONE);
			uiItemEnumR_string(row, &gpd_ptr, "draw_mode", "CURSOR", NULL, ICON_NONE);
		row= uiLayoutRow(col, 1);
			uiLayoutSetActive(row, v3d_stroke_opts);
			uiItemEnumR_string(row, &gpd_ptr, "draw_mode", "SURFACE", NULL, ICON_NONE);
			uiItemEnumR_string(row, &gpd_ptr, "draw_mode", "STROKE", NULL, ICON_NONE);
		row= uiLayoutRow(col, 0);
			uiLayoutSetActive(row, v3d_stroke_opts==STROKE_OPTS_V3D_ON);
			uiItemR(row, &gpd_ptr, "use_stroke_endpoints", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
Exemple #3
/* action-clip only settings for active NLA-Strip */
static void nla_panel_actclip(const bContext *C, Panel *pa)
	PointerRNA strip_ptr;
	uiLayout *layout= pa->layout;
	uiLayout *column, *row;
	uiBlock *block;

	/* check context and also validity of pointer */
	if (!nla_panel_context(C, NULL, NULL, &strip_ptr))
	block= uiLayoutGetBlock(layout);
	uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_nla_region_buttons, NULL);
	/* Strip Properties ------------------------------------- */
	/* action pointer */
	row= uiLayoutRow(layout, 1);
		uiItemR(row, &strip_ptr, "action", 0, NULL, ICON_ACTION);
	/* action extents */
	// XXX custom names were used here (to avoid the prefixes)... probably not necessary in future?
	column= uiLayoutColumn(layout, 1);
		uiItemL(column, "Action Extents:", ICON_NULL);
		uiItemR(column, &strip_ptr, "action_frame_start", 0, "Start Frame", ICON_NULL);
		uiItemR(column, &strip_ptr, "action_frame_end", 0, "End Frame", ICON_NULL);
		uiItemO(column, NULL, ICON_NULL, "NLA_OT_action_sync_length");
	/* action usage */
	column= uiLayoutColumn(layout, 1);
		uiLayoutSetActive(column, RNA_boolean_get(&strip_ptr, "use_animated_time")==0); 
		uiItemL(column, "Playback Settings:", ICON_NULL);
		uiItemR(column, &strip_ptr, "scale", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL);
		uiItemR(column, &strip_ptr, "repeat", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL);
/* Graph Editor View Settings */
static void graph_panel_view(const bContext *C, Panel *pa)
	bScreen *sc = CTX_wm_screen(C);
	SpaceIpo *sipo = CTX_wm_space_graph(C);
	Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
	PointerRNA spaceptr, sceneptr;
	uiLayout *col, *sub, *row;
	/* get RNA pointers for use when creating the UI elements */
	RNA_id_pointer_create(&scene->id, &sceneptr);
	RNA_pointer_create(&sc->id, &RNA_SpaceGraphEditor, sipo, &spaceptr);

	/* 2D-Cursor */
	col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, FALSE);
	uiItemR(col, &spaceptr, "show_cursor", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
	sub = uiLayoutColumn(col, TRUE);
	uiLayoutSetActive(sub, RNA_boolean_get(&spaceptr, "show_cursor"));
	uiItemO(sub, IFACE_("Cursor from Selection"), ICON_NONE, "GRAPH_OT_frame_jump");

	sub = uiLayoutColumn(col, TRUE);
	uiLayoutSetActive(sub, RNA_boolean_get(&spaceptr, "show_cursor"));
	row = uiLayoutSplit(sub, 0.7f, TRUE);
	uiItemR(row, &sceneptr, "frame_current", 0, IFACE_("Cursor X"), ICON_NONE);
	uiItemEnumO(row, "GRAPH_OT_snap", IFACE_("To Keys"), 0, "type", GRAPHKEYS_SNAP_CFRA);
	row = uiLayoutSplit(sub, 0.7f, TRUE);
	uiItemR(row, &spaceptr, "cursor_position_y", 0, IFACE_("Cursor Y"), ICON_NONE);
	uiItemEnumO(row, "GRAPH_OT_snap", IFACE_("To Keys"), 0, "type", GRAPHKEYS_SNAP_VALUE);
Exemple #5
static void act_editmenu(bContext *C, uiLayout *layout, void *arg_unused)
	uiItemMenuF(layout, "Transform", 0, act_edit_transformmenu, NULL);
	uiItemMenuEnumO(layout, "Snap", 0, "ACT_OT_snap", "type");
	uiItemMenuEnumO(layout, "Mirror", 0, "ACT_OT_mirror", "type");
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "ACT_OT_insert_keyframe");
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "ACT_OT_duplicate");
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "ACT_OT_delete");
	uiItemMenuEnumO(layout, "Keyframe Type", 0, "ACT_OT_keyframe_type", "type");
	uiItemMenuEnumO(layout, "Handle Type", 0, "ACT_OT_handle_type", "type");
	uiItemMenuEnumO(layout, "Interpolation Type", 0, "ACT_OT_interpolation_type", "type");
	uiItemMenuEnumO(layout, "Extrapolation Type", 0, "ACT_OT_extrapolation_type", "type");
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "ACT_OT_clean");
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "ACT_OT_sample");
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "ACT_OT_copy");
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "ACT_OT_paste");
Exemple #6
static void act_selectmenu(bContext *C, uiLayout *layout, void *arg_unused)
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "ACT_OT_select_all_toggle");
	uiItemBooleanO(layout, "Invert All", 0, "ACT_OT_select_all_toggle", "invert", 1);
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "ACT_OT_select_border");
	uiItemBooleanO(layout, "Border Axis Range", 0, "ACT_OT_select_border", "axis_range", 1);
	uiItemEnumO(layout, "Columns on Selected Keys", 0, "ACT_OT_select_column", "mode", ACTKEYS_COLUMNSEL_KEYS);
	uiItemEnumO(layout, "Column on Current Frame", 0, "ACT_OT_select_column", "mode", ACTKEYS_COLUMNSEL_CFRA);
	uiItemEnumO(layout, "Columns on Selected Markers", 0, "ACT_OT_select_column", "mode", ACTKEYS_COLUMNSEL_MARKERS_COLUMN);
	uiItemEnumO(layout, "Between Selected Markers", 0, "ACT_OT_select_column", "mode", ACTKEYS_COLUMNSEL_MARKERS_BETWEEN);
Exemple #7
static void graph_panel_modifiers(const bContext *C, Panel *pa)	
	bAnimListElem *ale;
	FCurve *fcu;
	FModifier *fcm;
	uiLayout *col, *row;
	uiBlock *block;
	bool active;
	if (!graph_panel_context(C, &ale, &fcu))
	block = uiLayoutGetBlock(pa->layout);
	UI_block_func_handle_set(block, do_graph_region_modifier_buttons, NULL);
	/* 'add modifier' button at top of panel */
		row = uiLayoutRow(pa->layout, false);
		/* this is an operator button which calls a 'add modifier' operator... 
		 * a menu might be nicer but would be tricky as we need some custom filtering
		uiItemMenuEnumO(row, (bContext *)C, "GRAPH_OT_fmodifier_add", "type", IFACE_("Add Modifier"), ICON_NONE);
		/* copy/paste (as sub-row) */
		row = uiLayoutRow(row, true);
		uiItemO(row, "", ICON_COPYDOWN, "GRAPH_OT_fmodifier_copy");
		uiItemO(row, "", ICON_PASTEDOWN, "GRAPH_OT_fmodifier_paste");
	active = !(fcu->flag & FCURVE_MOD_OFF);
	/* draw each modifier */
	for (fcm = fcu->modifiers.first; fcm; fcm = fcm->next) {
		col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, true);
		uiLayoutSetActive(col, active);
		ANIM_uiTemplate_fmodifier_draw(col, ale->id, &fcu->modifiers, fcm);
static void graph_panel_modifiers(const bContext *C, Panel *pa)	
	bAnimListElem *ale;
	FCurve *fcu;
	FModifier *fcm;
	uiLayout *col, *row;
	uiBlock *block;
	if (!graph_panel_context(C, &ale, &fcu))
	block = uiLayoutGetBlock(pa->layout);
	uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_graph_region_modifier_buttons, NULL);
	/* 'add modifier' button at top of panel */
		row = uiLayoutRow(pa->layout, false);
		block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row);
		/* this is an operator button which calls a 'add modifier' operator... 
		 * a menu might be nicer but would be tricky as we need some custom filtering
		uiDefButO(block, BUT, "GRAPH_OT_fmodifier_add", WM_OP_INVOKE_REGION_WIN, IFACE_("Add Modifier"),
		          0.5 * UI_UNIT_X, 0, 7.5 * UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, TIP_("Adds a new F-Curve Modifier for the active F-Curve"));
		/* copy/paste (as sub-row)*/
		row = uiLayoutRow(row, true);
		uiItemO(row, "", ICON_COPYDOWN, "GRAPH_OT_fmodifier_copy");
		uiItemO(row, "", ICON_PASTEDOWN, "GRAPH_OT_fmodifier_paste");
	/* draw each modifier */
	for (fcm = fcu->modifiers.first; fcm; fcm = fcm->next) {
		col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, true);
		ANIM_uiTemplate_fmodifier_draw(col, ale->id, &fcu->modifiers, fcm);

Exemple #9
static void file_panel_bookmarks(const bContext *C, Panel *pa)
	SpaceFile *sfile= CTX_wm_space_file(C);
	uiLayout *row;

	if(sfile) {
		row= uiLayoutRow(pa->layout, 0);
		uiItemO(row, UI_translate_do_iface(N_("Add")), ICON_ZOOMIN, "file.bookmark_add");
		uiItemL(row, NULL, ICON_NONE);

		file_panel_category(C, pa, FS_CATEGORY_BOOKMARKS, &sfile->bookmarknr, ICON_BOOKMARKS, 1, 0);
Exemple #10
/* F-Modifiers for active NLA-Strip */
static void nla_panel_modifiers(const bContext *C, Panel *pa)
	PointerRNA strip_ptr;
	NlaStrip *strip;
	FModifier *fcm;
	uiLayout *col, *row;
	uiBlock *block;

	/* check context and also validity of pointer */
	if (!nla_panel_context(C, NULL, NULL, &strip_ptr))
	strip = strip_ptr.data;
	block = uiLayoutGetBlock(pa->layout);
	uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_nla_region_buttons, NULL);
	/* 'add modifier' button at top of panel */
		row = uiLayoutRow(pa->layout, 0);
		block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row);
		// XXX for now, this will be a operator button which calls a temporary 'add modifier' operator
		// FIXME: we need to set the only-active property so that this will only add modifiers for the active strip (not all selected)
		uiDefButO(block, BUT, "NLA_OT_fmodifier_add", WM_OP_INVOKE_REGION_WIN, IFACE_("Add Modifier"), 10, 0, 150, 20,
		          TIP_("Adds a new F-Modifier for the active NLA Strip"));
		/* copy/paste (as sub-row)*/
		row = uiLayoutRow(row, 1);
		uiItemO(row, "", ICON_COPYDOWN, "NLA_OT_fmodifier_copy");
		uiItemO(row, "", ICON_PASTEDOWN, "NLA_OT_fmodifier_paste");
	/* draw each modifier */
	for (fcm = strip->modifiers.first; fcm; fcm = fcm->next) {
		col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, 1);
		ANIM_uiTemplate_fmodifier_draw(col, strip_ptr.id.data, &strip->modifiers, fcm);
static void node_tree_interface_panel(const bContext *C, Panel *pa)
	SpaceNode *snode = CTX_wm_space_node(C);
	bNodeTree *ntree = (snode) ? snode->edittree : NULL;
	bNodeSocket *sock;
	int in_out;
	uiLayout *layout = pa->layout, *row, *split, *col;
	PointerRNA ptr, sockptr, opptr;

	if (!ntree)
	RNA_id_pointer_create((ID *)ntree, &ptr);
	node_tree_find_active_socket(ntree, &sock, &in_out);
	RNA_pointer_create((ID *)ntree, &RNA_NodeSocketInterface, sock, &sockptr);
	row = uiLayoutRow(layout, false);
	split = uiLayoutRow(row, true);
	col = uiLayoutColumn(split, true);
	uiItemL(col, IFACE_("Inputs:"), ICON_NONE);
	uiTemplateList(col, (bContext *)C, "NODE_UL_interface_sockets", "inputs", &ptr, "inputs", &ptr, "active_input",
	               NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	opptr = uiItemFullO(col, "NODE_OT_tree_socket_add", "", ICON_PLUS, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS);
	RNA_enum_set(&opptr, "in_out", SOCK_IN);
	col = uiLayoutColumn(split, true);
	uiItemL(col, IFACE_("Outputs:"), ICON_NONE);
	uiTemplateList(col, (bContext *)C, "NODE_UL_interface_sockets", "outputs", &ptr, "outputs", &ptr, "active_output",
	               NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	opptr = uiItemFullO(col, "NODE_OT_tree_socket_add", "", ICON_PLUS, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS);
	RNA_enum_set(&opptr, "in_out", SOCK_OUT);
	col = uiLayoutColumn(row, true);
	opptr = uiItemFullO(col, "NODE_OT_tree_socket_move", "", ICON_TRIA_UP, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS);
	RNA_enum_set(&opptr, "direction", 1);
	opptr = uiItemFullO(col, "NODE_OT_tree_socket_move", "", ICON_TRIA_DOWN, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS);
	RNA_enum_set(&opptr, "direction", 2);
	if (sock) {
		row = uiLayoutRow(layout, true);
		uiItemR(row, &sockptr, "name", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
		uiItemO(row, "", ICON_X, "NODE_OT_tree_socket_remove");
		if (sock->typeinfo->interface_draw) {
			sock->typeinfo->interface_draw((bContext *)C, layout, &sockptr);
static void graph_panel_modifiers(const bContext *C, Panel *pa)	
	bAnimListElem *ale;
	FCurve *fcu;
	FModifier *fcm;
	uiLayout *col, *row;
	uiBlock *block;
	if (!graph_panel_context(C, &ale, &fcu))
	block = uiLayoutGetBlock(pa->layout);
	uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_graph_region_modifier_buttons, NULL);
	/* 'add modifier' button at top of panel */
		row = uiLayoutRow(pa->layout, FALSE);
		block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row);
		// XXX for now, this will be a operator button which calls a 'add modifier' operator
		uiDefButO(block, BUT, "GRAPH_OT_fmodifier_add", WM_OP_INVOKE_REGION_WIN, IFACE_("Add Modifier"),
		          10, 0, 150, 20, TIP_("Adds a new F-Curve Modifier for the active F-Curve"));
		/* copy/paste (as sub-row)*/
		row = uiLayoutRow(row, TRUE);
		uiItemO(row, "", ICON_COPYDOWN, "GRAPH_OT_fmodifier_copy");
		uiItemO(row, "", ICON_PASTEDOWN, "GRAPH_OT_fmodifier_paste");
	/* draw each modifier */
	for (fcm = fcu->modifiers.first; fcm; fcm = fcm->next) {
		col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, TRUE);
		ANIM_uiTemplate_fmodifier_draw(col, ale->id, &fcu->modifiers, fcm);

void uiTemplateMovieClip(uiLayout *layout, bContext *C, PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, int compact)
	PropertyRNA *prop;
	PointerRNA clipptr;
	MovieClip *clip;
	uiLayout *row, *split;
	uiBlock *block;

	if (!ptr->data)

	prop = RNA_struct_find_property(ptr, propname);
	if (!prop) {
		printf("%s: property not found: %s.%s\n",
		       __func__, RNA_struct_identifier(ptr->type), propname);

	if (RNA_property_type(prop) != PROP_POINTER) {
		printf("%s: expected pointer property for %s.%s\n",
		       __func__, RNA_struct_identifier(ptr->type), propname);

	clipptr = RNA_property_pointer_get(ptr, prop);
	clip = clipptr.data;

	uiLayoutSetContextPointer(layout, "edit_movieclip", &clipptr);

	if (!compact)
		uiTemplateID(layout, C, ptr, propname, NULL, "CLIP_OT_open", NULL);

	if (clip) {
		uiLayout *col;

		row = uiLayoutRow(layout, FALSE);
		block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row);
		uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "File Path:", 0, 19, 145, 19, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");

		row = uiLayoutRow(layout, FALSE);
		split = uiLayoutSplit(row, 0.0f, FALSE);
		row = uiLayoutRow(split, TRUE);

		uiItemR(row, &clipptr, "filepath", 0, "", ICON_NONE);
		uiItemO(row, "", ICON_FILE_REFRESH, "clip.reload");

		col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, FALSE);
		uiTemplateColorspaceSettings(col, &clipptr, "colorspace_settings");
Exemple #14
static void act_viewmenu(bContext *C, uiLayout *layout, void *arg_unused)
	bScreen *sc= CTX_wm_screen(C);
	ScrArea *sa= CTX_wm_area(C);
	SpaceAction *sact= CTX_wm_space_action(C);
	PointerRNA spaceptr;
	/* retrieve state */
	RNA_pointer_create(&sc->id, &RNA_SpaceDopeSheetEditor, sact, &spaceptr);
	/* create menu */
	//uiItemO(layout, NULL, ICON_MENU_PANEL, "ACT_OT_properties");
	uiItemR(layout, NULL, 0, &spaceptr, "show_cframe_indicator", 0);
	uiItemR(layout, NULL, 0, &spaceptr, "show_sliders", 0);
	uiItemR(layout, NULL, 0, &spaceptr, "automerge_keyframes", 0);
	if (sact->flag & SACTION_DRAWTIME)
		uiItemO(layout, "Show Frames", 0, "ANIM_OT_time_toggle");
		uiItemO(layout, "Show Seconds", 0, "ANIM_OT_time_toggle");
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "ANIM_OT_previewrange_set");
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "ANIM_OT_previewrange_clear");
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "ACT_OT_previewrange_set");
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "ACT_OT_frame_jump");
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "ACT_OT_view_all");
	if (sa->full) 
		uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "SCREEN_OT_screen_full_area"); // "Tile Window", Ctrl UpArrow
		uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "SCREEN_OT_screen_full_area"); // "Maximize Window", Ctrl DownArrow
Exemple #15
/* F-Modifiers for active NLA-Strip */
static void nla_panel_modifiers(const bContext *C, Panel *pa)
	PointerRNA strip_ptr;
	NlaStrip *strip;
	FModifier *fcm;
	uiLayout *col, *row;
	uiBlock *block;

	/* check context and also validity of pointer */
	if (!nla_panel_context(C, NULL, NULL, &strip_ptr))
	strip = strip_ptr.data;
	block = uiLayoutGetBlock(pa->layout);
	UI_block_func_handle_set(block, do_nla_region_buttons, NULL);
	/* 'add modifier' button at top of panel */
		row = uiLayoutRow(pa->layout, false);
		block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row);
		// FIXME: we need to set the only-active property so that this will only add modifiers for the active strip (not all selected)
		uiItemMenuEnumO(row, (bContext *)C, "NLA_OT_fmodifier_add", "type", IFACE_("Add Modifier"), ICON_NONE);
		/* copy/paste (as sub-row) */
		row = uiLayoutRow(row, true);
		uiItemO(row, "", ICON_COPYDOWN, "NLA_OT_fmodifier_copy");
		uiItemO(row, "", ICON_PASTEDOWN, "NLA_OT_fmodifier_paste");
	/* draw each modifier */
	for (fcm = strip->modifiers.first; fcm; fcm = fcm->next) {
		col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, true);
		ANIM_uiTemplate_fmodifier_draw(col, strip_ptr.id.data, &strip->modifiers, fcm);
Exemple #16
static void file_panel_recent(const bContext *C, Panel *pa)
	SpaceFile *sfile = CTX_wm_space_file(C);
	uiLayout *row;

	if (sfile) {
		if (!(U.uiflag & USER_HIDE_RECENT) ) {
			row = uiLayoutRow(pa->layout, FALSE);
			uiItemO(row, IFACE_("Reset"), ICON_X, "file.reset_recent");
			uiItemL(row, NULL, ICON_NONE);

			file_panel_category(C, pa, FS_CATEGORY_RECENT, &sfile->recentnr, ICON_FILE_FOLDER, 0);
Exemple #17
static void node_menu_add(const bContext *C, Menu *menu)
	Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
	SpaceNode *snode = CTX_wm_space_node(C);
	uiLayout *layout = menu->layout;
	bNodeTreeType *ntreetype = ntreeGetType(snode->treetype);

	if (!snode->nodetree)
		uiLayoutSetActive(layout, FALSE);
	uiLayoutSetOperatorContext(layout, WM_OP_INVOKE_DEFAULT);
	uiItemO(layout, "Search ...", 0, "NODE_OT_add_search");
	if (ntreetype && ntreetype->foreach_nodeclass)
		ntreetype->foreach_nodeclass(scene, layout, node_menu_add_foreach_cb);
Exemple #18
static void act_channelmenu(bContext *C, uiLayout *layout, void *arg_unused)
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "ANIM_OT_channels_setting_toggle");
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "ANIM_OT_channels_setting_enable");
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "ANIM_OT_channels_setting_disable");
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "ANIM_OT_channels_editable_toggle");
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "ANIM_OT_channels_expand");
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "ANIM_OT_channels_collapse");
Exemple #19
/* action-clip only settings for active NLA-Strip */
static void nla_panel_actclip(const bContext *C, Panel *pa)
	PointerRNA strip_ptr;
	uiLayout *layout = pa->layout;
	uiLayout *column, *row;
	uiBlock *block;

	/* check context and also validity of pointer */
	if (!nla_panel_context(C, NULL, NULL, &strip_ptr))
	block = uiLayoutGetBlock(layout);
	UI_block_func_handle_set(block, do_nla_region_buttons, NULL);
	/* Strip Properties ------------------------------------- */
	/* action pointer */
	row = uiLayoutRow(layout, true);
	uiItemR(row, &strip_ptr, "action", 0, NULL, ICON_ACTION);
	/* action extents */
	// XXX custom names were used here (to avoid the prefixes)... probably not necessary in future?
	column = uiLayoutColumn(layout, true);
	uiItemL(column, IFACE_("Action Extents:"), ICON_NONE);
	uiItemR(column, &strip_ptr, "action_frame_start", 0, IFACE_("Start Frame"), ICON_NONE);
	uiItemR(column, &strip_ptr, "action_frame_end", 0, IFACE_("End Frame"), ICON_NONE);
	// XXX: this layout may actually be too abstract and confusing, and may be better using standard column layout
	row = uiLayoutRow(layout, false);
	uiItemR(row, &strip_ptr, "use_sync_length", 0, IFACE_("Sync Length"), ICON_NONE);
	uiItemO(row, IFACE_("Now"), ICON_FILE_REFRESH, "NLA_OT_action_sync_length");
	/* action usage */
	column = uiLayoutColumn(layout, true);
	uiLayoutSetActive(column, RNA_boolean_get(&strip_ptr, "use_animated_time") == false);
	uiItemL(column, IFACE_("Playback Settings:"), ICON_NONE);
	uiItemR(column, &strip_ptr, "scale", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
	uiItemR(column, &strip_ptr, "repeat", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
Exemple #20
/* active node */
static void active_node_panel(const bContext *C, Panel *pa)
	SpaceNode *snode= CTX_wm_space_node(C);
	bNodeTree *ntree= (snode) ? snode->edittree : NULL;
	bNode *node = (ntree) ? nodeGetActive(ntree) : NULL; // xxx... for editing group nodes
	uiLayout *layout= pa->layout;
	uiBlock *block;
	PointerRNA ptr;
	/* verify pointers, and create RNA pointer for the node */
	if ELEM(NULL, ntree, node)
	//if (node->id) /* for group nodes */
	//	RNA_pointer_create(node->id, &RNA_Node, node, &ptr);
		RNA_pointer_create(&ntree->id, &RNA_Node, node, &ptr); 
	/* set update callback */
	// xxx is this really needed
	block= uiLayoutGetBlock(layout);
	uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_node_region_buttons, NULL);
	/* draw this node's name, etc. */
	uiItemR(layout, &ptr, "label", 0, NULL, ICON_NODE);
	uiItemR(layout, &ptr, "name", 0, NULL, ICON_NODE);
	uiItemO(layout, NULL, 0, "NODE_OT_hide_socket_toggle");

	/* draw this node's settings */
	if (node->typeinfo && node->typeinfo->uifuncbut)
		node->typeinfo->uifuncbut(layout, (bContext *)C, &ptr);
	else if (node->typeinfo && node->typeinfo->uifunc)
		node->typeinfo->uifunc(layout, (bContext *)C, &ptr);
Exemple #21
/* driver settings for active F-Curve (only for 'Drivers' mode) */
static void graph_panel_drivers(const bContext *C, Panel *pa)
	bAnimListElem *ale;
	FCurve *fcu;
	ChannelDriver *driver;
	DriverVar *dvar;
	PointerRNA driver_ptr;
	uiLayout *col;
	uiBlock *block;
	uiBut *but;
	/* Get settings from context */
	if (!graph_panel_context(C, &ale, &fcu))
	driver = fcu->driver;
	/* set event handler for panel */
	block = uiLayoutGetBlock(pa->layout); // xxx?
	UI_block_func_handle_set(block, do_graph_region_driver_buttons, NULL);
	/* general actions - management */
	col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, false);
	block = uiLayoutGetBlock(col);
	but = uiDefIconTextBut(block, UI_BTYPE_BUT, B_IPO_DEPCHANGE, ICON_FILE_REFRESH, IFACE_("Update Dependencies"),
	               0, 0, 10 * UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y,
	               NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0,
	               TIP_("Force updates of dependencies"));
	UI_but_func_set(but, driver_update_flags_cb, fcu, NULL);

	but = uiDefIconTextBut(block, UI_BTYPE_BUT, B_IPO_DEPCHANGE, ICON_ZOOMOUT, IFACE_("Remove Driver"),
	               0, 0, 10 * UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y,
	               NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0,
	               TIP_("Remove this driver"));
	UI_but_funcN_set(but, driver_remove_cb, MEM_dupallocN(ale), NULL);
	/* driver-level settings - type, expressions, and errors */
	RNA_pointer_create(ale->id, &RNA_Driver, driver, &driver_ptr);
	col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, true);
	block = uiLayoutGetBlock(col);
	uiItemR(col, &driver_ptr, "type", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);

	/* show expression box if doing scripted drivers, and/or error messages when invalid drivers exist */
	if (driver->type == DRIVER_TYPE_PYTHON) {
		bool bpy_data_expr_error = (strstr(driver->expression, "bpy.data.") != NULL);
		bool bpy_ctx_expr_error  = (strstr(driver->expression, "bpy.context.") != NULL);
		/* expression */
		uiItemR(col, &driver_ptr, "expression", 0, IFACE_("Expr"), ICON_NONE);
		/* errors? */
		if ((G.f & G_SCRIPT_AUTOEXEC) == 0) {
			uiItemL(col, IFACE_("ERROR: Python auto-execution disabled"), ICON_CANCEL);
		else if (driver->flag & DRIVER_FLAG_INVALID) {
			uiItemL(col, IFACE_("ERROR: Invalid Python expression"), ICON_CANCEL);
		/* Explicit bpy-references are evil. Warn about these to prevent errors */
		/* TODO: put these in a box? */
		if (bpy_data_expr_error || bpy_ctx_expr_error) {
			uiItemL(col, IFACE_("WARNING: Driver expression may not work correctly"), ICON_HELP);
			if (bpy_data_expr_error) {
				uiItemL(col, IFACE_("TIP: Use variables instead of bpy.data paths (see below)"), ICON_ERROR);
			if (bpy_ctx_expr_error) {
				uiItemL(col, IFACE_("TIP: bpy.context is not safe for renderfarm usage"), ICON_ERROR);
	else {
		/* errors? */
		if (driver->flag & DRIVER_FLAG_INVALID)
			uiItemL(col, IFACE_("ERROR: Invalid target channel(s)"), ICON_ERROR);
		/* Warnings about a lack of variables
		 * NOTE: The lack of variables is generally a bad thing, since it indicates
		 *       that the driver doesn't work at all. This particular scenario arises
		 *       primarily when users mistakenly try to use drivers for procedural
		 *       property animation
		if (BLI_listbase_is_empty(&driver->variables)) {
			uiItemL(col, IFACE_("ERROR: Driver is useless without any inputs"), ICON_ERROR);
			if (!BLI_listbase_is_empty(&fcu->modifiers)) {
				uiItemL(col, IFACE_("TIP: Use F-Curves for procedural animation instead"), ICON_INFO);
				uiItemL(col, IFACE_("F-Modifiers can generate curves for those too"), ICON_INFO);
	col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, true);

	if (driver->type == DRIVER_TYPE_PYTHON) {
		uiItemR(col, &driver_ptr, "use_self", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);

	/* debug setting */
	uiItemR(col, &driver_ptr, "show_debug_info", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
	/* value of driver */
	if (driver->flag & DRIVER_FLAG_SHOWDEBUG) {
		uiLayout *row = uiLayoutRow(col, true);
		char valBuf[32];
		uiItemL(row, IFACE_("Driver Value:"), ICON_NONE);
		BLI_snprintf(valBuf, sizeof(valBuf), "%.3f", driver->curval);
		uiItemL(row, valBuf, ICON_NONE);
	/* add/copy/paste driver variables */
		uiLayout *row;
		/* add driver variable */
		row = uiLayoutRow(pa->layout, false);
		block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row);
		but = uiDefIconTextBut(block, UI_BTYPE_BUT, B_IPO_DEPCHANGE, ICON_ZOOMIN, IFACE_("Add Variable"),
	                           0, 0, 10 * UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y,
	                           NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0,
	                           TIP_("Driver variables ensure that all dependencies will be accounted for and that drivers will update correctly"));
		UI_but_func_set(but, driver_add_var_cb, driver, NULL);
		/* copy/paste (as sub-row) */
		row = uiLayoutRow(row, true);
		block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row);
		uiItemO(row, "", ICON_COPYDOWN, "GRAPH_OT_driver_variables_copy");
		uiItemO(row, "", ICON_PASTEDOWN, "GRAPH_OT_driver_variables_paste");
	/* loop over targets, drawing them */
	for (dvar = driver->variables.first; dvar; dvar = dvar->next) {
		PointerRNA dvar_ptr;
		uiLayout *box, *row;
		uiLayout *subrow, *sub;
		/* sub-layout column for this variable's settings */
		col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, true);
		/* 1) header panel */
		box = uiLayoutBox(col);
		RNA_pointer_create(ale->id, &RNA_DriverVariable, dvar, &dvar_ptr);
		row = uiLayoutRow(box, false);
		block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row);
		/* 1.1) variable type and name */
		subrow = uiLayoutRow(row, true);
		/* 1.1.1) variable type */
		sub = uiLayoutRow(subrow, true);                     /* HACK: special group just for the enum, otherwise we */
		uiLayoutSetAlignment(sub, UI_LAYOUT_ALIGN_LEFT);  /*       we get ugly layout with text included too...  */
		uiItemR(sub, &dvar_ptr, "type", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE);
		/* 1.1.2) variable name */
		sub = uiLayoutRow(subrow, true);                       /* HACK: special group to counteract the effects of the previous */
		uiLayoutSetAlignment(sub, UI_LAYOUT_ALIGN_EXPAND);  /*       enum, which now pushes everything too far right         */
		uiItemR(sub, &dvar_ptr, "name", 0, "", ICON_NONE);
		/* 1.2) invalid name? */
		UI_block_emboss_set(block, UI_EMBOSS_NONE);
		if (dvar->flag & DVAR_FLAG_INVALID_NAME) {
			but = uiDefIconBut(block, UI_BTYPE_BUT, B_IPO_DEPCHANGE, ICON_ERROR, 290, 0, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y,
			                   NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, IFACE_("Invalid variable name, click here for details"));
			UI_but_func_set(but, driver_dvar_invalid_name_query_cb, dvar, NULL); // XXX: reports?
		/* 1.3) remove button */
		but = uiDefIconBut(block, UI_BTYPE_BUT, B_IPO_DEPCHANGE, ICON_X, 290, 0, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y,
		                   NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, IFACE_("Delete target variable"));
		UI_but_func_set(but, driver_delete_var_cb, driver, dvar);
		UI_block_emboss_set(block, UI_EMBOSS);
		/* 2) variable type settings */
		box = uiLayoutBox(col);
		/* controls to draw depends on the type of variable */
		switch (dvar->type) {
			case DVAR_TYPE_SINGLE_PROP:     /* single property */
				graph_panel_driverVar__singleProp(box, ale->id, dvar);
			case DVAR_TYPE_ROT_DIFF:     /* rotational difference */
				graph_panel_driverVar__rotDiff(box, ale->id, dvar);
			case DVAR_TYPE_LOC_DIFF:     /* location difference */
				graph_panel_driverVar__locDiff(box, ale->id, dvar);
			case DVAR_TYPE_TRANSFORM_CHAN:     /* transform channel */
				graph_panel_driverVar__transChan(box, ale->id, dvar);
		/* 3) value of variable */
		if (driver->flag & DRIVER_FLAG_SHOWDEBUG) {
			char valBuf[32];
			box = uiLayoutBox(col);
			row = uiLayoutRow(box, true);
			uiItemL(row, IFACE_("Value:"), ICON_NONE);
			if ((dvar->type == DVAR_TYPE_ROT_DIFF) ||
			    (dvar->type == DVAR_TYPE_TRANSFORM_CHAN &&
			     dvar->targets[0].transChan >= DTAR_TRANSCHAN_ROTX &&
			     dvar->targets[0].transChan < DTAR_TRANSCHAN_SCALEX))
				BLI_snprintf(valBuf, sizeof(valBuf), "%.3f (%4.1f°)", dvar->curval, RAD2DEGF(dvar->curval));
			else {
				BLI_snprintf(valBuf, sizeof(valBuf), "%.3f", dvar->curval);
			uiItemL(row, valBuf, ICON_NONE);
	/* cleanup */
Exemple #22
void uiTemplateImage(uiLayout *layout, bContext *C, PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, PointerRNA *userptr, int compact)
#define MAX_INFO_LEN  128

	PropertyRNA *prop;
	PointerRNA imaptr;
	RNAUpdateCb *cb;
	Image *ima;
	ImageUser *iuser;
	Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
	uiLayout *row, *split, *col;
	uiBlock *block;
	char str[MAX_INFO_LEN];

	void *lock;

	if (!ptr->data)

	prop = RNA_struct_find_property(ptr, propname);
	if (!prop) {
		printf("%s: property not found: %s.%s\n",
		       __func__, RNA_struct_identifier(ptr->type), propname);

	if (RNA_property_type(prop) != PROP_POINTER) {
		printf("%s: expected pointer property for %s.%s\n",
		       __func__, RNA_struct_identifier(ptr->type), propname);

	block = uiLayoutGetBlock(layout);

	imaptr = RNA_property_pointer_get(ptr, prop);
	ima = imaptr.data;
	iuser = userptr->data;

	BKE_image_user_check_frame_calc(iuser, (int)scene->r.cfra, 0);

	cb = MEM_callocN(sizeof(RNAUpdateCb), "RNAUpdateCb");
	cb->ptr = *ptr;
	cb->prop = prop;
	cb->iuser = iuser;

	uiLayoutSetContextPointer(layout, "edit_image", &imaptr);
	uiLayoutSetContextPointer(layout, "edit_image_user", userptr);

	if (!compact)
		uiTemplateID(layout, C, ptr, propname, "IMAGE_OT_new", "IMAGE_OT_open", NULL);

	if (ima) {
		uiBlockSetNFunc(block, rna_update_cb, MEM_dupallocN(cb), NULL);

		if (ima->source == IMA_SRC_VIEWER) {
			ImBuf *ibuf = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(ima, iuser, &lock);
			image_info(scene, iuser, ima, ibuf, str, MAX_INFO_LEN);
			BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, lock);

			uiItemL(layout, ima->id.name + 2, ICON_NONE);
			uiItemL(layout, str, ICON_NONE);

			if (ima->type == IMA_TYPE_COMPOSITE) {
				// XXX not working yet
#if 0
				iuser = ntree_get_active_iuser(scene->nodetree);
				if (iuser) {
					uiDefIconTextBut(block, BUT, B_SIMA_RECORD, ICON_REC, "Record", 10, 120, 100, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");
					uiDefIconTextBut(block, BUT, B_SIMA_PLAY, ICON_PLAY, "Play",    110, 120, 100, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");
					but = uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_NOP, "Free Cache", 210, 120, 100, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");
					uiButSetFunc(but, image_freecache_cb, ima, NULL);
					if (iuser->frames)
						BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "(%d) Frames:", iuser->framenr);
					else strcpy(str, "Frames:");
					uiDefButI(block, NUM, imagechanged, str,        10, 90, 150, 20, &iuser->frames, 0.0, MAXFRAMEF, 0, 0, "Number of images of a movie to use");
					uiDefButI(block, NUM, imagechanged, "StartFr:", 160, 90, 150, 20, &iuser->sfra, 1.0, MAXFRAMEF, 0, 0, "Global starting frame of the movie");
			else if (ima->type == IMA_TYPE_R_RESULT) {
				/* browse layer/passes */
				RenderResult *rr;

				/* use BKE_image_acquire_renderresult  so we get the correct slot in the menu */
				rr = BKE_image_acquire_renderresult(scene, ima);
				uiblock_layer_pass_arrow_buttons(layout, rr, iuser, &ima->render_slot);
				BKE_image_release_renderresult(scene, ima);
		else {
			uiItemR(layout, &imaptr, "source", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);

			if (ima->source != IMA_SRC_GENERATED) {
				row = uiLayoutRow(layout, TRUE);
				if (ima->packedfile)
					uiItemO(row, "", ICON_PACKAGE, "image.unpack");
					uiItemO(row, "", ICON_UGLYPACKAGE, "image.pack");
				row = uiLayoutRow(row, TRUE);
				uiLayoutSetEnabled(row, ima->packedfile == NULL);
				uiItemR(row, &imaptr, "filepath", 0, "", ICON_NONE);
				uiItemO(row, "", ICON_FILE_REFRESH, "image.reload");

			// XXX what was this for?
#if 0
			/* check for re-render, only buttons */
			if (imagechanged == B_IMAGECHANGED) {
				if (iuser->flag & IMA_ANIM_REFRESHED) {
					iuser->flag &= ~IMA_ANIM_REFRESHED;
					WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_IMAGE, ima);

			/* multilayer? */
			if (ima->type == IMA_TYPE_MULTILAYER && ima->rr) {
				uiblock_layer_pass_arrow_buttons(layout, ima->rr, iuser, NULL);
			else if (ima->source != IMA_SRC_GENERATED) {
				if (compact == 0) {
					ImBuf *ibuf = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(ima, iuser, &lock);
					image_info(scene, iuser, ima, ibuf, str, MAX_INFO_LEN);
					BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, lock);
					uiItemL(layout, str, ICON_NONE);

			col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, FALSE);
			uiTemplateColorspaceSettings(col, &imaptr, "colorspace_settings");
			uiItemR(col, &imaptr, "use_view_as_render", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);

			if (ima->source != IMA_SRC_GENERATED) {
				if (compact == 0) { /* background image view doesnt need these */
					ImBuf *ibuf = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(ima, iuser, NULL);
					int has_alpha = TRUE;

					if (ibuf) {
						int imtype = BKE_ftype_to_imtype(ibuf->ftype);
						char valid_channels = BKE_imtype_valid_channels(imtype);

						has_alpha = valid_channels & IMA_CHAN_FLAG_ALPHA;

						BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, NULL);

					if (has_alpha) {
						col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, FALSE);
						uiItemR(col, &imaptr, "use_alpha", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
						uiItemR(col, &imaptr, "alpha_mode", 0, "Alpha", ICON_NONE);


					split = uiLayoutSplit(layout, 0.0f, FALSE);

					col = uiLayoutColumn(split, FALSE);
					/* XXX Why only display fields_per_frame only for video image types?
					 *     And why allow fields for non-video image types at all??? */
					if (ELEM(ima->source, IMA_SRC_MOVIE, IMA_SRC_SEQUENCE)) {
						uiLayout *subsplit = uiLayoutSplit(col, 0.0f, FALSE);
						uiLayout *subcol = uiLayoutColumn(subsplit, FALSE);
						uiItemR(subcol, &imaptr, "use_fields", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
						subcol = uiLayoutColumn(subsplit, FALSE);
						uiLayoutSetActive(subcol, RNA_boolean_get(&imaptr, "use_fields"));
						uiItemR(subcol, userptr, "fields_per_frame", 0, IFACE_("Fields"), ICON_NONE);
						uiItemR(col, &imaptr, "use_fields", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
					row = uiLayoutRow(col, FALSE);
					uiLayoutSetActive(row, RNA_boolean_get(&imaptr, "use_fields"));
					uiItemR(row, &imaptr, "field_order", UI_ITEM_R_EXPAND, NULL, ICON_NONE);

			if (ELEM(ima->source, IMA_SRC_MOVIE, IMA_SRC_SEQUENCE)) {

				split = uiLayoutSplit(layout, 0.0f, FALSE);

				col = uiLayoutColumn(split, FALSE);

				BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), IFACE_("(%d) Frames"), iuser->framenr);
				uiItemR(col, userptr, "frame_duration", 0, str, ICON_NONE);
				uiItemR(col, userptr, "frame_start", 0, IFACE_("Start"), ICON_NONE);
				uiItemR(col, userptr, "frame_offset", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);

				col = uiLayoutColumn(split, FALSE);
				uiItemO(col, NULL, ICON_NONE, "IMAGE_OT_match_movie_length");
				uiItemR(col, userptr, "use_auto_refresh", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
				uiItemR(col, userptr, "use_cyclic", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
			else if (ima->source == IMA_SRC_GENERATED) {
				split = uiLayoutSplit(layout, 0.0f, FALSE);

				col = uiLayoutColumn(split, TRUE);
				uiItemR(col, &imaptr, "generated_width", 0, "X", ICON_NONE);
				uiItemR(col, &imaptr, "generated_height", 0, "Y", ICON_NONE);
				uiItemR(col, &imaptr, "use_generated_float", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);

				uiItemR(split, &imaptr, "generated_type", UI_ITEM_R_EXPAND, NULL, ICON_NONE);


		uiBlockSetNFunc(block, NULL, NULL, NULL);


Exemple #23
void uiTemplateImage(uiLayout *layout, bContext *C, PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, PointerRNA *userptr, int compact)
	PropertyRNA *prop;
	PointerRNA imaptr;
	RNAUpdateCb *cb;
	Image *ima;
	ImageUser *iuser;
	ImBuf *ibuf;
	Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
	uiLayout *row, *split, *col;
	uiBlock *block;
	uiBut *but;
	char str[128];
	void *lock;

	if (!ptr->data)

	prop = RNA_struct_find_property(ptr, propname);
	if (!prop) {
		printf("%s: property not found: %s.%s\n",
		       __func__, RNA_struct_identifier(ptr->type), propname);

	if (RNA_property_type(prop) != PROP_POINTER) {
		printf("%s: expected pointer property for %s.%s\n",
		       __func__, RNA_struct_identifier(ptr->type), propname);

	block = uiLayoutGetBlock(layout);

	imaptr = RNA_property_pointer_get(ptr, prop);
	ima = imaptr.data;
	iuser = userptr->data;

	cb = MEM_callocN(sizeof(RNAUpdateCb), "RNAUpdateCb");
	cb->ptr = *ptr;
	cb->prop = prop;
	cb->iuser = iuser;

	uiLayoutSetContextPointer(layout, "edit_image", &imaptr);

	if (!compact)
		uiTemplateID(layout, C, ptr, propname, "IMAGE_OT_new", "IMAGE_OT_open", NULL);

	if (ima) {
		uiBlockSetNFunc(block, rna_update_cb, MEM_dupallocN(cb), NULL);

		if (ima->source == IMA_SRC_VIEWER) {
			ibuf = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(ima, iuser, &lock);
			image_info(scene, iuser, ima, ibuf, str);
			BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, lock);

			uiItemL(layout, ima->id.name + 2, ICON_NONE);
			uiItemL(layout, str, ICON_NONE);

			if (ima->type == IMA_TYPE_COMPOSITE) {
				// XXX not working yet
#if 0
				iuser = ntree_get_active_iuser(scene->nodetree);
				if (iuser) {
					uiDefIconTextBut(block, BUT, B_SIMA_RECORD, ICON_REC, "Record", 10, 120, 100, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");
					uiDefIconTextBut(block, BUT, B_SIMA_PLAY, ICON_PLAY, "Play",    110, 120, 100, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");
					but = uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_NOP, "Free Cache", 210, 120, 100, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");
					uiButSetFunc(but, image_freecache_cb, ima, NULL);
					if (iuser->frames)
						BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "(%d) Frames:", iuser->framenr);
					else strcpy(str, "Frames:");
					uiDefButI(block, NUM, imagechanged, str,        10, 90, 150, 20, &iuser->frames, 0.0, MAXFRAMEF, 0, 0, "Number of images of a movie to use");
					uiDefButI(block, NUM, imagechanged, "StartFr:", 160, 90, 150, 20, &iuser->sfra, 1.0, MAXFRAMEF, 0, 0, "Global starting frame of the movie");
			else if (ima->type == IMA_TYPE_R_RESULT) {
				/* browse layer/passes */
				Render *re = RE_GetRender(scene->id.name);
				RenderResult *rr = RE_AcquireResultRead(re);
				uiblock_layer_pass_arrow_buttons(layout, rr, iuser, &ima->render_slot);
		else {
			uiItemR(layout, &imaptr, "source", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);

			if (ima->source != IMA_SRC_GENERATED) {
				row = uiLayoutRow(layout, 1);
				if (ima->packedfile)
					uiItemO(row, "", ICON_PACKAGE, "image.unpack");
					uiItemO(row, "", ICON_UGLYPACKAGE, "image.pack");
				row = uiLayoutRow(row, 0);
				uiLayoutSetEnabled(row, ima->packedfile == NULL);
				uiItemR(row, &imaptr, "filepath", 0, "", ICON_NONE);
				uiItemO(row, "", ICON_FILE_REFRESH, "image.reload");

			// XXX what was this for?
#if 0
			/* check for re-render, only buttons */
			if (imagechanged == B_IMAGECHANGED) {
				if (iuser->flag & IMA_ANIM_REFRESHED) {
					iuser->flag &= ~IMA_ANIM_REFRESHED;
					WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_IMAGE, ima);

			/* multilayer? */
			if (ima->type == IMA_TYPE_MULTILAYER && ima->rr) {
				uiblock_layer_pass_arrow_buttons(layout, ima->rr, iuser, NULL);
			else if (ima->source != IMA_SRC_GENERATED) {
				if (compact == 0) {
					ibuf = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(ima, iuser, &lock);
					image_info(scene, iuser, ima, ibuf, str);
					BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, lock);
					uiItemL(layout, str, ICON_NONE);
			if (ima->source != IMA_SRC_GENERATED) {
				if (compact == 0) { /* background image view doesnt need these */

					split = uiLayoutSplit(layout, 0, 0);

					col = uiLayoutColumn(split, 0);
					uiItemR(col, &imaptr, "use_fields", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
					row = uiLayoutRow(col, 0);
					uiLayoutSetActive(row, RNA_boolean_get(&imaptr, "use_fields"));
					uiItemR(row, &imaptr, "field_order", UI_ITEM_R_EXPAND, NULL, ICON_NONE);
					row = uiLayoutRow(layout, 0);
					uiItemR(row, &imaptr, "use_premultiply", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
					uiItemR(row, &imaptr, "use_color_unpremultiply", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);

			if (ELEM(ima->source, IMA_SRC_MOVIE, IMA_SRC_SEQUENCE)) {
				split = uiLayoutSplit(layout, 0, 0);

				col = uiLayoutColumn(split, 0);
				BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "(%d) Frames", iuser->framenr);
				uiItemR(col, userptr, "frame_duration", 0, str, ICON_NONE);
				if (ima->anim) {
					block = uiLayoutGetBlock(col);
					but = uiDefBut(block, BUT, 0, "Match Movie Length", 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X * 2, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Set the number of frames to match the movie or sequence");
					uiButSetFunc(but, set_frames_cb, ima, iuser);

				uiItemR(col, userptr, "frame_start", 0, "Start", ICON_NONE);
				uiItemR(col, userptr, "frame_offset", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);

				col = uiLayoutColumn(split, 0);
				row = uiLayoutRow(col, 0);
				uiLayoutSetActive(row, RNA_boolean_get(&imaptr, "use_fields"));
				uiItemR(row, userptr, "fields_per_frame", 0, "Fields", ICON_NONE);
				uiItemR(col, userptr, "use_auto_refresh", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
				uiItemR(col, userptr, "use_cyclic", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
			else if (ima->source == IMA_SRC_GENERATED) {
				split = uiLayoutSplit(layout, 0, 0);

				col = uiLayoutColumn(split, 1);
				uiItemR(col, &imaptr, "generated_width", 0, "X", ICON_NONE);
				uiItemR(col, &imaptr, "generated_height", 0, "Y", ICON_NONE);
				uiItemR(col, &imaptr, "use_generated_float", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);

				uiItemR(split, &imaptr, "generated_type", UI_ITEM_R_EXPAND, NULL, ICON_NONE);


		uiBlockSetNFunc(block, NULL, NULL, NULL);
