Exemple #1
void createUI(NVGcontext *vg, float w, float h)
    int col;


        int root = uiItem(); 
        // position root element

    col = column(0);
    uiSetLayout(col, UI_TOP|UI_HFILL);

    button(col, __LINE__, BND_ICONID(6,3), "Item 1", demohandler);
    button(col, __LINE__, BND_ICONID(6,3), "Item 2", demohandler);

        int h = hgroup(col);
        radio(h, __LINE__, BND_ICONID(6,3), "Item 3.0", &enum1);
        radio(h, __LINE__, BND_ICONID(0,10), NULL, &enum1);
        radio(h, __LINE__, BND_ICONID(1,10), NULL, &enum1);
        radio(h, __LINE__, BND_ICONID(6,3), "Item 3.3", &enum1);

        int colr;
        int rows = row(col);
        int coll = vgroup(rows);
        label(coll, -1, "Items 4.0:");
        coll = vgroup(coll);
        button(coll, __LINE__, BND_ICONID(6,3), "Item 4.0.0", demohandler);
        button(coll, __LINE__, BND_ICONID(6,3), "Item 4.0.1", demohandler);
        colr = vgroup(rows);
        uiSetFrozen(colr, option1);
        label(colr, -1, "Items 4.1:");
        colr = vgroup(colr);
        slider(colr, __LINE__, "Item 4.1.0", &progress1);
        slider(colr,__LINE__, "Item 4.1.1", &progress2);

    button(col, __LINE__, BND_ICONID(6,3), "Item 5", NULL);

    check(col, __LINE__, "Frozen", &option1);
    check(col, __LINE__, "Item 7", &option2);
    check(col, __LINE__, "Item 8", &option3);

    textbox(col, (UIhandle)textbuffer, textbuffer, 32);

Exemple #2
int column_append(int parent, int item) {
    uiInsert(parent, item);
    // fill parent horizontally, anchor to previous item vertically
    uiSetLayout(item, UI_HFILL);
    uiSetMargins(item, 0, 1, 0, 0);
    return item;
Exemple #3
int add_menu_option(int parent, const char *name, int *choice) {
    int opt = radio(-1, name, choice);
    uiInsert(parent, opt);
    uiSetLayout(opt, UI_HFILL|UI_TOP);
    uiSetMargins(opt, 1, 1, 1, 1);
    return opt;
Exemple #4
void build_wrapdemo(int parent) {
    int col = uiItem();
    uiInsert(parent, col);
    uiSetBox(col, UI_COLUMN);
    uiSetLayout(col, UI_FILL);

    const int M = 5;
    const int S = 100;
    const int T = 50;

    int box;
    box = demorect(col, "Box( UI_ROW | UI_WRAP | UI_START )\nLayout( UI_HFILL | UI_TOP )",
            0.6f, UI_ROW | UI_WRAP | UI_START, UI_TOP, 0, 0, M, M, M, M);

    box = demorect(col, "Box( UI_ROW | UI_WRAP | UI_MIDDLE )\nLayout( UI_HFILL | UI_TOP )",
            0.6f, UI_ROW | UI_WRAP, UI_HFILL | UI_TOP, 0, 0, M, M, M, M);

    box = demorect(col, "Box( UI_ROW | UI_WRAP | UI_END )\nLayout( UI_HFILL | UI_TOP )",
            0.6f, UI_ROW | UI_WRAP | UI_END, UI_HFILL | UI_TOP, 0, 0, M, M, M, M);

    box = demorect(col, "Box( UI_ROW | UI_WRAP | UI_JUSTIFY )\nLayout( UI_HFILL | UI_TOP )",
            0.6f, UI_ROW | UI_WRAP | UI_JUSTIFY, UI_HFILL | UI_TOP, 0, 0, M, M, M, M);

    box = demorect(col, "Box( UI_COLUMN | UI_WRAP | UI_START )\nLayout( UI_LEFT | UI_VFILL )",
            0.6f, UI_COLUMN | UI_WRAP | UI_START, UI_LEFT | UI_VFILL, 0, 0, M, M, M, M);
Exemple #5
int demorect(int parent, const char *label, float hue, int box, int layout, int w, int h, int m1, int m2, int m3, int m4) {
    int item = colorrect(label, nvgHSL(hue, 1.0f, 0.8f));
    uiSetLayout(item, layout);
    uiSetBox(item, box);
    uiSetMargins(item, m1, m2, m3, m4);
    uiSetSize(item, w, h);
    uiInsert(parent, item);
    return item;
Exemple #6
void rowhandler(int parent, UIevent event)
    int item = uiLastChild(parent);
    int last = uiPrevSibling(item);
    uiSetRelToLeft(item, last);
    if (last > 0)
        uiSetRelToRight(last, item);
    uiSetLayout(item, UI_LEFT|UI_RIGHT);
    uiSetMargins(item, (last < 0)?0:8, 0, 0, 0);
Exemple #7
void vgrouphandler(int parent, UIevent event)
    int item = uiLastChild(parent);
    int last = uiPrevSibling(item);
    // mark the new item as positioned under the previous item
    uiSetRelToTop(item, last);
    // fill parent horizontally, anchor to previous item vertically
    uiSetLayout(item, UI_HFILL|UI_TOP);
    // if not the first item, add a margin
    uiSetMargins(item, 0, (last < 0)?0:-2, 0, 0);
Exemple #8
void build_democontent(int parent) {
    // some persistent variables for demonstration
    static float progress1 = 0.25f;
    static float progress2 = 0.75f;
    static int option1 = 1;
    static int option2 = 0;
    static int option3 = 0;

    int col = column();
    uiInsert(parent, col);
    uiSetMargins(col, 10, 10, 10, 10);
    uiSetLayout(col, UI_TOP|UI_HFILL);
    column_append(col, button(BND_ICON_GHOST, "Item 1", demohandler));
    if (option3)
        column_append(col, button(BND_ICON_GHOST, "Item 2", demohandler));

        int h = column_append(col, hbox());
        hgroup_append(h, radio(BND_ICON_GHOST, "Item 3.0", &enum1));
        if (option2)
            uiSetMargins(hgroup_append_fixed(h, radio(BND_ICON_REC, NULL, &enum1)), -1,0,0,0);
        uiSetMargins(hgroup_append_fixed(h, radio(BND_ICON_PLAY, NULL, &enum1)), -1,0,0,0);
        uiSetMargins(hgroup_append(h, radio(BND_ICON_GHOST, "Item 3.3", &enum1)), -1,0,0,0);
        int rows = column_append(col, row());
        int coll = row_append(rows, vgroup());
        vgroup_append(coll, label(-1, "Items 4.0:"));
        coll = vgroup_append(coll, vbox());
        vgroup_append(coll, button(BND_ICON_GHOST, "Item 4.0.0", demohandler));
        uiSetMargins(vgroup_append(coll, button(BND_ICON_GHOST, "Item 4.0.1", demohandler)),0,-2,0,0);
        int colr = row_append(rows, vgroup());
        uiSetMargins(colr, 8, 0, 0, 0);
        uiSetFrozen(colr, option1);
        vgroup_append(colr, label(-1, "Items 4.1:"));
        colr = vgroup_append(colr, vbox());
        vgroup_append(colr, slider("Item 4.1.0", &progress1));
        uiSetMargins(vgroup_append(colr, slider("Item 4.1.1", &progress2)),0,-2,0,0);
    column_append(col, button(BND_ICON_GHOST, "Item 5", NULL));

    static char textbuffer[1024] = "The quick brown fox.";
    column_append(col, textbox(textbuffer, 1024));

    column_append(col, check("Frozen", &option1));
    column_append(col, check("Item 7", &option2));
    column_append(col, check("Item 8", &option3));
Exemple #9
void fill_wrap_row_box(int box) {
    const int M = 5;
    const int S = 100;
    const int T = 50;

    for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
        float hue = (float)(rand()%360)/360.0f;
        int width = 10 + (rand()%5)*10;

        int u;
        switch(rand()%4) {
        default: break;
        case 0: {
            u = demorect(box, "Layout( UI_TOP )",
                    hue, 0, UI_TOP, width, T, M, M, M, M);
        } break;
        case 1: {
            u = demorect(box, "Layout( UI_VCENTER )",
                    hue, 0, UI_VCENTER, width, T/2, M, M, M, M);
        } break;
        case 2: {
            u = demorect(box, "Layout( UI_VFILL )",
                    hue, 0, UI_VFILL, width, T, M, M, M, M);
        } break;
        case 3: {
            u = demorect(box, "Layout( UI_DOWN )",
                    hue, 0, UI_DOWN, width, T/2, M, M, M, M);
        } break;

        if (rand()%10 == 0)
            uiSetLayout(u, uiGetLayout(u)|UI_BREAK);


Exemple #10
void fill_wrap_column_box(int box) {
    const int M = 5;
    const int S = 100;
    const int T = 50;

    for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
        float hue = (float)(rand()%360)/360.0f;
        int height = 10 + (rand()%5)*10;

        int u;
        switch(rand()%4) {
        default: break;
        case 0: {
            u = demorect(box, "Layout( UI_LEFT )",
                    hue, 0, UI_LEFT, T, height, M, M, M, M);
        } break;
        case 1: {
            u = demorect(box, "Layout( UI_HCENTER )",
                    hue, 0, UI_HCENTER, T/2, height, M, M, M, M);
        } break;
        case 2: {
            u = demorect(box, "Layout( UI_HFILL )",
                    hue, 0, UI_HFILL, T, height, M, M, M, M);
        } break;
        case 3: {
            u = demorect(box, "Layout( UI_RIGHT )",
                    hue, 0, UI_RIGHT, T/2, height, M, M, M, M);
        } break;

        if (rand()%10 == 0)
            uiSetLayout(u, uiGetLayout(u)|UI_BREAK);

Exemple #11
int row_append(int parent, int item) {
    uiInsert(parent, item);
    uiSetLayout(item, UI_HFILL);
    return item;
Exemple #12
int vgroup_append(int parent, int item) {
    uiInsert(parent, item);
    // fill parent horizontally, anchor to previous item vertically
    uiSetLayout(item, UI_HFILL);
    return item;
Exemple #13
void draw(NVGcontext *vg, float w, float h) {
    bndBackground(vg, 0, 0, w, h);

    // some OUI stuff


    int root = panel();
    // position root element
    ((UIData*)uiGetHandle(root))->handler = roothandler;
    uiSetEvents(root, UI_SCROLL|UI_BUTTON0_DOWN);
    uiSetBox(root, UI_COLUMN);

    static int choice = -1;

    int menu = uiItem();
    uiSetLayout(menu, UI_HFILL|UI_TOP);
    uiSetBox(menu, UI_ROW);
    uiInsert(root, menu);

    int opt_blendish_demo = add_menu_option(menu, "Blendish Demo", &choice);
    int opt_oui_demo = add_menu_option(menu, "OUI Demo", &choice);
    int opt_layouts = add_menu_option(menu, "UI_LAYOUT", &choice);
    int opt_row = add_menu_option(menu, "UI_ROW", &choice);
    int opt_column = add_menu_option(menu, "UI_COLUMN", &choice);
    int opt_wrap = add_menu_option(menu, "UI_WRAP", &choice);
    if (choice < 0)
        choice = opt_blendish_demo;

    int content = uiItem();
    uiSetLayout(content, UI_FILL);
    uiInsert(root, content);

    if (choice == opt_blendish_demo) {
        int democontent = uiItem();
        uiSetLayout(democontent, UI_FILL);
        uiInsert(content, democontent);

        UIData *data = (UIData *)uiAllocHandle(democontent, sizeof(UIData));
        data->handler = 0;
        data->subtype = ST_DEMOSTUFF;
    } else if (choice == opt_oui_demo) {
        int democontent = uiItem();
        uiSetLayout(democontent, UI_TOP);
        uiSetSize(democontent, 250, 0);
        uiInsert(content, democontent);

    } else if (choice == opt_layouts) {
    } else if (choice == opt_row) {
    } else if (choice == opt_column) {
    } else if (choice == opt_wrap) {


    drawUI(vg, 0, BND_CORNER_NONE);
#if 0
    for (int i = 0; i < uiGetLastItemCount(); ++i) {
        if (uiRecoverItem(i) == -1) {
            UIitem *pitem = uiLastItemPtr(i);
            nvgStrokeWidth(vg, 2);
            nvgStrokeColor(vg, nvgRGBAf(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.5f));

    if (choice == opt_blendish_demo) {
        UIvec2 cursor = uiGetCursor();
        cursor.x -= w/2;
        cursor.y -= h/2;
        if (abs(cursor.x) > (w/3)) {
            bndJoinAreaOverlay(vg, 0, 0, w, h, 0, (cursor.x > 0));
        } else if (abs(cursor.y) > (h/3)) {
            bndJoinAreaOverlay(vg, 0, 0, w, h, 1, (cursor.y > 0));