Exemple #1
int GetKeyCode(char * text)
	UI_DIALOG * dlg;
	window *wind;
	key_dialog k;

	text = text;

	dlg = ui_create_dialog( 200, 200, 400, 200, DF_DIALOG | DF_MODAL, (int (*)(UI_DIALOG *, d_event *, void *))key_dialog_handler, &k );

	k.DoneButton = ui_add_gadget_button( dlg, 170, 165, 60, 25, "Ok", NULL );
	strcpy(k.text, "");



	dlg->keyboard_focus_gadget = (UI_GADGET *)k.DoneButton;
	wind = ui_dialog_get_window(dlg);

	while (window_exists(wind))

	return 0;
Exemple #2
// Called from the editor... does one instance of the trigger dialog box
int do_trigger_dialog()
	int i;
	trigger_dialog *t;

	if (!Markedsegp) {
		editor_status("Trigger requires Marked Segment & Side.");
		return 0;

	// Only open 1 instance of this window...
	if ( MainWindow != NULL ) return 0;
	MALLOC(t, trigger_dialog, 1);
	if (!t)
		return 0;

	// Close other windows.	

	// Open a window with a quit button
	MainWindow = ui_create_dialog( TMAPBOX_X+20, TMAPBOX_Y+20, 765-TMAPBOX_X, 545-TMAPBOX_Y, DF_DIALOG, (int (*)(UI_DIALOG *, d_event *, void *))trigger_dialog_handler, t );

	// These are the checkboxes for each door flag.
	i = 44;
	t->triggerFlag[0] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Door Control" );  	i+=22;
	t->triggerFlag[1] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Shield damage" ); 	i+=22;
	t->triggerFlag[2] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Energy drain" );		i+=22;
	t->triggerFlag[3] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Exit" );					i+=22;
	t->triggerFlag[4] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "One-shot" );			i+=22;
	t->triggerFlag[5] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Illusion ON" );		i+=22;
	t->triggerFlag[6] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Illusion OFF" );		i+=22;
	t->triggerFlag[7] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Trigger ON" );			i+=22;
	t->triggerFlag[8] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Matcen Trigger" ); 	i+=22;
	t->triggerFlag[9] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Secret Exit" ); 		i+=22;

	t->quitButton = ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, 20, i, 48, 40, "Done", NULL );
	// The little box the wall will appear in.
	t->wallViewBox = ui_add_gadget_userbox( MainWindow, 155, 5, 64, 64 );

	// A bunch of buttons...
	i = 80;
//	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "Add Door Control", add_trigger_control ); i += 29;
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "Remove Trigger", trigger_remove ); i += 29;
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "Bind Wall", bind_wall_to_trigger ); i += 29;
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "Bind Matcen", bind_matcen_to_trigger ); i += 29;
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "All Triggers ON", trigger_turn_all_ON ); i += 29;

	t->old_trigger_num = -2;		// Set to some dummy value so everything works ok on the first frame.

	return 1;
Exemple #3
// Called from the editor... does one instance of the wall dialog box
int do_wall_dialog()
	int i;
	wall_dialog *wd;

	// Only open 1 instance of this window...
	if ( MainWindow != NULL ) return 0;

	MALLOC(wd, wall_dialog, 1);
	if (!wd)
		return 0;

	wd->framenum = 0;

	// Close other windows.	

	// Open a window with a quit button
	MainWindow = ui_create_dialog( TMAPBOX_X+20, TMAPBOX_Y+20, 765-TMAPBOX_X, 545-TMAPBOX_Y, DF_DIALOG, (int (*)(UI_DIALOG *, d_event *, void *))wall_dialog_handler, wd );
	wd->quitButton = ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, 20, 252, 48, 40, "Done", NULL );

	// These are the checkboxes for each door flag.
	i = 80;
	wd->doorFlag[0] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Locked" ); i += 24;
	wd->doorFlag[1] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Auto" ); i += 24;
	wd->doorFlag[2] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Illusion OFF" ); i += 24;

	wd->keyFlag[0] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "NONE" ); i += 24;
	wd->keyFlag[1] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Blue" ); i += 24;
	wd->keyFlag[2] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Red" );  i += 24;
	wd->keyFlag[3] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Yellow" ); i += 24;

	// The little box the wall will appear in.
	wd->wallViewBox = ui_add_gadget_userbox( MainWindow, 155, 5, 64, 64 );

	// A bunch of buttons...
	i = 80;
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,70, 22, "<< Clip", PrevWall );
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155+70,i,70, 22, "Clip >>", NextWall );i += 25;		
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 22, "Add Blastable", wall_add_blastable ); i += 25;
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 22, "Add Door", wall_add_door  );	i += 25;
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 22, "Add Illusory", wall_add_illusion);	i += 25;
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 22, "Add Closed Wall", wall_add_closed_wall ); i+=25;
//	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 22, "Restore All Walls", wall_restore_all );	i += 25;
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,70, 22, "<< Prev", GotoPrevWall );
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155+70,i,70, 22, "Next >>", GotoNextWall );i += 25;
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 22, "Remove Wall", wall_remove ); i += 25;
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 22, "Bind to Trigger", bind_wall_to_trigger ); i += 25;
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 22, "Bind to Control", bind_wall_to_control_center ); i+=25;
	wd->old_wall_num = -2;		// Set to some dummy value so everything works ok on the first frame.

	return 1;
Exemple #4
// Called from the editor... does one instance of the hostage dialog box
int do_hostage_dialog()
	// Only open 1 instance of this window...
	if ( MainWindow != NULL ) return 0;
	// Close other windows
	auto h = make_unique<hostage_dialog>();

	// Open a window with a quit button
	MainWindow = ui_create_dialog(TMAPBOX_X+10, TMAPBOX_Y+20, 765-TMAPBOX_X, 545-TMAPBOX_Y, DF_DIALOG, hostage_dialog_handler, std::move(h));
	return 1;
Exemple #5
// Called from the editor... does one instance of the object dialog box
int do_object_dialog()
	char	Xmessage[MATT_LEN], Ymessage[MATT_LEN], Zmessage[MATT_LEN];
	dxxobject *obj=&Objects[Cur_object_index];
	object_dialog *o;

	if (obj->type == OBJ_ROBOT)		//don't do this for robots
		return 0;

	// Only open 1 instance of this window...
	if ( MattWindow != NULL )
		return 0;
	MALLOC(o, object_dialog, 1);
	if (!o)
		return 0;
	Cur_goody_count = 0;

	// Open a window with a quit button
	MattWindow = ui_create_dialog( TMAPBOX_X+20, TMAPBOX_Y+20, 765-TMAPBOX_X, 545-TMAPBOX_Y, DF_DIALOG, (int (*)(UI_DIALOG *, d_event *, void *))object_dialog_handler, o );
	o->quitButton = ui_add_gadget_button( MattWindow, 20, 286, 40, 32, "Done", NULL );

	o->quitButton->hotkey = KEY_ENTER;

	// These are the radio buttons for each mode
	o->initialMode[0] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MattWindow, 10, 50, 16, 16, 0, "None" );
	o->initialMode[1] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MattWindow, 80, 50, 16, 16, 0, "Spinning" );

	o->initialMode[obj->movement_type == MT_SPINNING?1:0]->flag = 1;


	o->xtext = ui_add_gadget_inputbox( MattWindow, 30, 132, MATT_LEN, MATT_LEN, Xmessage );

	o->ytext = ui_add_gadget_inputbox( MattWindow, 30, 162, MATT_LEN, MATT_LEN, Ymessage );

	o->ztext = ui_add_gadget_inputbox( MattWindow, 30, 192, MATT_LEN, MATT_LEN, Zmessage );


	MattWindow->keyboard_focus_gadget = (UI_GADGET *) o->initialMode[0];

	return 1;

Exemple #6
// Called from the editor... does one instance of the robot dialog box
int do_robot_dialog()
	// Only open 1 instance of this window...
	if ( MainWindow != NULL ) return 0;
	auto r = make_unique<robot_dialog>();
	// Close other windows
	Cur_goody_count = 0;
	memset(&r->angles, 0, sizeof(vms_angvec));
	memset(&r->goody_angles, 0, sizeof(vms_angvec));

	// Open a window with a quit button
	MainWindow = ui_create_dialog(TMAPBOX_X+20, TMAPBOX_Y+20, 765-TMAPBOX_X, 545-TMAPBOX_Y, DF_DIALOG, robot_dialog_handler, std::move(r));
	return 1;
Exemple #7
// Called from the editor... does one instance of the hostage dialog box
int do_hostage_dialog()
	// Only open 1 instance of this window...
	if ( MainWindow != NULL ) return 0;
	// Close other windows
	auto h = make_unique<hostage_dialog>();
	h->vclip_animation_time = 0;
	h->vclip_playback_speed = 0;
	h->vclip_ptr = NULL;

	CurrentHostageIndex = 0;

	// Open a window with a quit button
	MainWindow = ui_create_dialog(TMAPBOX_X+10, TMAPBOX_Y+20, 765-TMAPBOX_X, 545-TMAPBOX_Y, DF_DIALOG, hostage_dialog_handler, std::move(h));
	return 1;
Exemple #8
int do_centers_dialog()
	// Only open 1 instance of this window...
	if ( MainWindow != NULL ) return 0;

	// Close other windows.	

	auto c = make_unique<centers_dialog>();
	// Open a window with a quit button
#if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_I)
	const unsigned x = TMAPBOX_X+20;
	const unsigned width = 765-TMAPBOX_X;
#elif defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II)
	const unsigned x = 20;
	const unsigned width = 740;
	MainWindow = ui_create_dialog(x, TMAPBOX_Y+20, width, 545-TMAPBOX_Y, DF_DIALOG, centers_dialog_handler, std::move(c));
	return 1;
Exemple #9
int MenuX( int x, int y, int NumButtons, char * text[] )
	UI_DIALOG * dlg;
	menu *m;
	int button_width, button_height, width, height;
	int i;
	int w, h;
	int choice;

	MALLOC(m, menu, 1);
	m->num_buttons = NumButtons;
	m->button_g = (UI_GADGET_BUTTON **) d_malloc(sizeof(UI_GADGET_BUTTON *)*NumButtons);
	MALLOC(m->button, char *, NumButtons);
	m->choice = &choice;

	button_width = button_height = 0;

	for (i=0; i<NumButtons; i++ )
		m->button[i] = text[i];

		ui_get_button_size( m->button[i], &width, &height );

		if ( width > button_width ) button_width = width;
		if ( height > button_height ) button_height = height;

	width = button_width + 2*(MENU_BORDER+3);

	height = (button_height*NumButtons) + (MENU_VERT_SPACING*(NumButtons-1)) ;
	height += (MENU_BORDER+3) * 2;

	w = grd_curscreen->sc_w;
	h = grd_curscreen->sc_h;

		int mx, my, mz;
		mouse_get_pos(&mx, &my, &mz);
		if ( x == -1 ) x = mx - width/2;
		if ( y == -1 ) y = my;

	if (x < 0 ) {
		x = 0;

	if ( (x+width-1) >= w ) {
		x = w - width;

	if (y < 0 ) {
		y = 0;

	if ( (y+height-1) >= h ) {
		y = h - height;

	dlg = ui_create_dialog( x, y, width, height, DF_FILLED | DF_SAVE_BG | DF_MODAL, (int (*)(UI_DIALOG *, d_event *, void *))menu_handler, m );


	for (i=0; i<NumButtons; i++ )
		m->button_g[i] = ui_add_gadget_button( dlg, x, y, button_width, button_height, m->button[i], NULL );
		y += button_height+MENU_VERT_SPACING;

	choice = 0;



	return choice;
Exemple #10
//setup the editors windows, canvases, gadgets, etc.
void init_editor_screen()
//	grs_bitmap * bmp;

	if (editor_screen_open) return;

	grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_font = editor_font;
	//create canvas for game on the editor screen
	initializing = 1;
	Canv_editor->cv_font = editor_font;
	//Editor renders into full (320x200) game screen 

	init_info = 1;

	//do other editor screen setup

	// Since the palette might have changed, find some good colors...
	CBLACK = gr_find_closest_color( 1, 1, 1 );
	CGREY = gr_find_closest_color( 28, 28, 28 );
	CWHITE = gr_find_closest_color( 38, 38, 38 );
	CBRIGHT = gr_find_closest_color( 60, 60, 60 );
	CRED = gr_find_closest_color( 63, 0, 0 );

	gr_set_fontcolor( CBLACK, CWHITE );

	EditorWindow = ui_create_dialog( 0 , 0, ED_SCREEN_W, ED_SCREEN_H, DF_FILLED, editor_handler, NULL );

	LargeViewBox	= ui_add_gadget_userbox( EditorWindow,LVIEW_X,LVIEW_Y,LVIEW_W,LVIEW_H);
	TopViewBox		= ui_add_gadget_userbox( EditorWindow,TVIEW_X,TVIEW_Y,TVIEW_W,TVIEW_H);
 	FrontViewBox	= ui_add_gadget_userbox( EditorWindow,FVIEW_X,FVIEW_Y,FVIEW_W,FVIEW_H);
	RightViewBox	= ui_add_gadget_userbox( EditorWindow,RVIEW_X,RVIEW_Y,RVIEW_W,RVIEW_H);
	ui_gadget_calc_keys(EditorWindow);	//make tab work for all windows

	GameViewBox	= ui_add_gadget_userbox( EditorWindow, GAMEVIEW_X, GAMEVIEW_Y, GAMEVIEW_W, GAMEVIEW_H );
//	GroupViewBox	= ui_add_gadget_userbox( EditorWindow,GVIEW_X,GVIEW_Y,GVIEW_W,GVIEW_H);

//	GameViewBox->when_tab = GameViewBox->when_btab = (UI_GADGET *) LargeViewBox;
//	LargeViewBox->when_tab = LargeViewBox->when_btab = (UI_GADGET *) GameViewBox;

//	ui_gadget_calc_keys(EditorWindow);	//make tab work for all windows

	ViewIcon	= ui_add_gadget_icon( EditorWindow, "Lock\nview",	455,25+530, 	40, 22,	KEY_V+KEY_CTRLED, ToggleLockViewToCursegp );
	AllIcon	= ui_add_gadget_icon( EditorWindow, "Draw\nall",	500,25+530,  	40, 22,	-1, ToggleDrawAllSegments );
	AxesIcon	= ui_add_gadget_icon( EditorWindow, "Coord\naxes",545,25+530,		40, 22,	KEY_D+KEY_CTRLED, ToggleCoordAxes );
//-NOLIGHTICON-	LightIcon	= ui_add_gadget_icon( EditorWindow, "Light\ning",	590,25+530, 	40, 22,	KEY_L+KEY_SHIFTED,ToggleLighting );
	ChaseIcon	= ui_add_gadget_icon( EditorWindow, "Chase\nmode",635,25+530,		40, 22,	-1,				ToggleChaseMode );
	OutlineIcon = ui_add_gadget_icon( EditorWindow, "Out\nline", 	680,25+530,  	40, 22,	KEY_O+KEY_CTRLED,			ToggleOutlineMode );
	LockIcon	= ui_add_gadget_icon( EditorWindow, "Lock\nstep", 725,25+530, 	40, 22,	KEY_L+KEY_CTRLED,			ToggleLockstep );


	//ui_add_gadget_button( EditorWindow, 460, 510, 50, 25, "Quit", ExitEditor );
	//ui_add_gadget_button( EditorWindow, 520, 510, 50, 25, "Lisp", CallLisp );
	//ui_add_gadget_button( EditorWindow, 580, 510, 50, 25, "Mine", MineMenu );
	//ui_add_gadget_button( EditorWindow, 640, 510, 50, 25, "Help", DoHelp );
	//ui_add_gadget_button( EditorWindow, 460, 540, 50, 25, "Macro", MacroMenu );
	//ui_add_gadget_button( EditorWindow, 520, 540, 50, 25, "About", ShowAbout );
	//ui_add_gadget_button( EditorWindow, 640, 540, 50, 25, "Shell", DosShell );

	ui_pad_activate( EditorWindow, PAD_X, PAD_Y );
	Pad_info = info_window_create();
	ui_add_gadget_button( EditorWindow, PAD_X+6, PAD_Y+(30*5)+22, PAD_WIDTH, 20, "<<",  med_keypad_goto_prev );
	ui_add_gadget_button( EditorWindow, PAD_X+PAD_WIDTH1+6, PAD_Y+(30*5)+22, PAD_WIDTH, 20, ">>",  med_keypad_goto_next );

	{	int	i;
		i = 0;	ui_add_gadget_button( EditorWindow, PAD_X+16+(i+2)*PAD_WIDTH1, PAD_Y+(30*5)+22, PAD_WIDTH, 20, "SR",  med_keypad_goto_0 );
		i++;		ui_add_gadget_button( EditorWindow, PAD_X+16+(i+2)*PAD_WIDTH1, PAD_Y+(30*5)+22, PAD_WIDTH, 20, "SS",  med_keypad_goto_1 );
		i++;		ui_add_gadget_button( EditorWindow, PAD_X+16+(i+2)*PAD_WIDTH1, PAD_Y+(30*5)+22, PAD_WIDTH, 20, "CF",  med_keypad_goto_2 );
		i++;		ui_add_gadget_button( EditorWindow, PAD_X+16+(i+2)*PAD_WIDTH1, PAD_Y+(30*5)+22, PAD_WIDTH, 20, "TM",  med_keypad_goto_3 );
		i++;		ui_add_gadget_button( EditorWindow, PAD_X+16+(i+2)*PAD_WIDTH1, PAD_Y+(30*5)+22, PAD_WIDTH, 20, "OP",  med_keypad_goto_4 );
		i++;		ui_add_gadget_button( EditorWindow, PAD_X+16+(i+2)*PAD_WIDTH1, PAD_Y+(30*5)+22, PAD_WIDTH, 20, "OR",  med_keypad_goto_5 );
		i++;		ui_add_gadget_button( EditorWindow, PAD_X+16+(i+2)*PAD_WIDTH1, PAD_Y+(30*5)+22, PAD_WIDTH, 20, "GE",  med_keypad_goto_6 );
		i++;		ui_add_gadget_button( EditorWindow, PAD_X+16+(i+2)*PAD_WIDTH1, PAD_Y+(30*5)+22, PAD_WIDTH, 20, "LI",  med_keypad_goto_7 );
		i++;		ui_add_gadget_button( EditorWindow, PAD_X+16+(i+2)*PAD_WIDTH1, PAD_Y+(30*5)+22, PAD_WIDTH, 20, "TT",  med_keypad_goto_8 );


	texpage_init( EditorWindow );
	objpage_init( EditorWindow );

	EditorWindow->keyboard_focus_gadget = (UI_GADGET *)LargeViewBox;

//	BigCanvas[0]->cv_font = grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_font; 
//	BigCanvas[1]->cv_font = grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_font; 
//	BigCanvasFirstTime = 1;

	Update_flags = UF_ALL;
	initializing = 0;
	editor_screen_open = 1;
Exemple #11
// Use: Left button (button 0) goes down, then up, then this is called
// as opposed to straight after the button goes down, holding down
// until an option is chosen.
// This is like the 'modern' behaviour of popup menus and also happens
// to be easier to implement because of the button code.
// Recommended for use in conjunction with a button gadget,
// i.e. when that button is pressed, call PopupMenu,
// update the button's text then the value in question.
int PopupMenu( int NumButtons, char * text[] )
	UI_DIALOG * dlg;
	popup	*p;

	char * Button[10];

	int button_width, button_height, width, height;

	short i, x, y;
	short w, h;

	int choice;

	MALLOC(p, popup, 1);
	p->num_buttons = NumButtons;
	p->choice = &choice;

	if ((NumButtons < 1) || (NumButtons>10))
		return -1;

	button_width = button_height = 0;

	gr_set_current_canvas( &grd_curscreen->sc_canvas );

	for (i=0; i<NumButtons; i++ )
		Button[i] = text[i];

		ui_get_button_size( Button[i], &width, &height );

		if ( width > button_width ) button_width = width;
		if ( height > button_height ) button_height = height;

	width = button_width + 2*(MENU_BORDER+3);

	height = (button_height*NumButtons) + (MENU_VERT_SPACING*(NumButtons-1)) ;
	height += (MENU_BORDER+3) * 2;

		int mx, my, mz;
		mouse_get_pos(&mx, &my, &mz);
		x = mx - width/2;
		y = my - (MENU_BORDER+3) - button_height/2;

	w = grd_curscreen->sc_w;
	h = grd_curscreen->sc_h;

	if (x < 0 ) {
		x = 0;
		//Mouse.x = x + width / 2;

	if ( (x+width-1) >= w ) {
		x = w - width;
		//Mouse.x = x + width / 2;

	if (y < 0 ) {
		y = 0;
		//Mouse.y = y + (MENU_BORDER+3) + button_height/2;

	if ( (y+height-1) >= h ) {
		y = h - height;
		//Mouse.y = y + (MENU_BORDER+3) + button_height/2;

	dlg = ui_create_dialog( x, y, width, height, DF_DIALOG | DF_MODAL, (int (*)(UI_DIALOG *, d_event *, void *))popup_handler, p );

	//mouse_set_pos(Mouse.x, Mouse.y);


	for (i=0; i<NumButtons; i++ )
		p->button_g[i] = ui_add_gadget_button( dlg, x, y, button_width, button_height, Button[i], NULL );
		y += button_height+MENU_VERT_SPACING;

	choice = 0;



	return choice;
Exemple #12
int ui_get_filename( char * filename, const char * filespec, const char * message  )
    char			InputText[PATH_MAX];
    char			*p;
    int				i;
    file_browser	*b;
    UI_DIALOG		*dlg;
    window			*wind;
    int				rval = 0;

    MALLOC(b, file_browser, 1);
    if (!b)
        return 0;

    if ((p = strrchr(filename, '/')))
        *p++ = 0;
        strcpy(b->view_dir, filename);
        strcpy(InputText, p);
        strcpy(b->view_dir, "");
        strcpy(InputText, filename);

    b->filename_list = file_getfilelist(&b->num_files, filespec, b->view_dir);
    if (!b->filename_list)
        return 0;

    b->directory_list = file_getdirlist(&b->num_dirs, b->view_dir);
    if (!b->directory_list)
        return 0;

    //ui_messagebox( -2,-2, 1,"DEBUG:0", "Ok" );
    for (i=0; i<35; i++)
        b->spaces[i] = ' ';
    b->spaces[34] = 0;

    dlg = ui_create_dialog( 200, 100, 400, 370, static_cast<dialog_flags>(DF_DIALOG | DF_MODAL), (int (*)(UI_DIALOG *, d_event *, void *))browser_handler, b );

    b->user_file  = ui_add_gadget_inputbox( dlg, 60, 30, PATH_MAX, 40, InputText );

    b->listbox1 = ui_add_gadget_listbox(dlg,  20, 110, 125, 200, b->num_files, b->filename_list);
    b->listbox2 = ui_add_gadget_listbox(dlg, 210, 110, 100, 200, b->num_dirs, b->directory_list);

    b->button1 = ui_add_gadget_button( dlg,     20, 330, 60, 25, "Ok", NULL );
    b->button2 = ui_add_gadget_button( dlg,    100, 330, 60, 25, "Cancel", NULL );
    b->help_button = ui_add_gadget_button( dlg, 180, 330, 60, 25, "Help", NULL );

    dlg->keyboard_focus_gadget = (UI_GADGET *)b->user_file;

    b->button1->hotkey = KEY_CTRLED + KEY_ENTER;
    b->button2->hotkey = KEY_ESC;
    b->help_button->hotkey = KEY_F1;
    b->listbox1->hotkey = KEY_ALTED + KEY_F;
    b->listbox2->hotkey = KEY_ALTED + KEY_D;
    b->user_file->hotkey = KEY_ALTED + KEY_A;


    b->filename = filename;
    b->filespec = filespec;
    b->message = message;

    wind = ui_dialog_get_window(dlg);

    while (window_exists(wind))


    if (b->filename_list)
    if (b->directory_list)

    rval = b->filename_list != NULL;

    return rval;
Exemple #13
// Called from the editor... does one instance of the robot dialog box
int do_robot_dialog()
	int i;
	robot_dialog *r;

	// Only open 1 instance of this window...
	if ( MainWindow != NULL ) return 0;
	MALLOC(r, robot_dialog, 1);
	if (!r)
		return 0;

	// Close other windows
	Cur_goody_count = 0;
	memset(&r->angles, 0, sizeof(vms_angvec));
	memset(&r->goody_angles, 0, sizeof(vms_angvec));

	// Open a window with a quit button
	MainWindow = ui_create_dialog( TMAPBOX_X+20, TMAPBOX_Y+20, 765-TMAPBOX_X, 545-TMAPBOX_Y, DF_DIALOG, (int (*)(UI_DIALOG *, d_event *, void *))robot_dialog_handler, r );
	r->quitButton = ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, 20, 286, 40, 32, "Done", NULL );

	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, GOODY_X+50, GOODY_Y-3, 25, 22, "<<", GoodyPrevType );
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, GOODY_X+80, GOODY_Y-3, 25, 22, ">>", GoodyNextType );

	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, GOODY_X+50, GOODY_Y+21, 25, 22, "<<", GoodyPrevID );
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, GOODY_X+80, GOODY_Y+21, 25, 22, ">>", GoodyNextID );

	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, GOODY_X+50, GOODY_Y+45, 25, 22, "<<", GoodyPrevCount );
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, GOODY_X+80, GOODY_Y+45, 25, 22, ">>", GoodyNextCount );

	r->initialMode[0] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow,  6, 58, 16, 16, 0, "Hover" );
	r->initialMode[1] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow, 76, 58, 16, 16, 0, "Normal" );
	r->initialMode[2] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow,  6, 78, 16, 16, 0, "(hide)" );
	r->initialMode[3] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow, 76, 78, 16, 16, 0, "Avoid" );
	r->initialMode[4] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow,  6, 98, 16, 16, 0, "Follow" );
	r->initialMode[5] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow, 76, 98, 16, 16, 0, "Station" );

	// The little box the robots will spin in.
	r->robotViewBox = ui_add_gadget_userbox( MainWindow,155, 5, 150, 125 );

	// The little box the robots will spin in.
	r->containsViewBox = ui_add_gadget_userbox( MainWindow,10, 202, 100, 80 );

	// A bunch of buttons...
	i = 135;
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,190,i,53, 26, "<<Typ", 			RobotPrevType );
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,247,i,53, 26, "Typ>>", 			RobotNextType );							i += 29;		
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,190,i,110, 26, "Next in Seg", LocalObjectSelectNextinSegment );	i += 29;		

	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,190,i,53, 26, "<<Obj",		 	LocalObjectSelectPrevinMine );
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,247,i,53, 26, ">>Obj",			LocalObjectSelectNextinMine ); 		i += 29;		

	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,190,i,110, 26, "Delete", 		LocalObjectDelete );						i += 29;		
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,190,i,110, 26, "Create New", 	LocalObjectPlaceObject );				i += 29;		
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,190,i,110, 26, "Set Path", 	med_set_ai_path );
	r->time = timer_query();

	r->old_object = -2;		// Set to some dummy value so everything works ok on the first frame.

	if ( Cur_object_index == object_none )

	return 1;

Exemple #14
int MenuX( int x, int y, int NumButtons, const char *const text[] )
	UI_DIALOG * dlg;
	int button_width, button_height;
	int w, h;
	int choice;

	auto m = make_unique<menu>();
	m->num_buttons = NumButtons;
	m->button_g = make_unique<std::unique_ptr<UI_GADGET_BUTTON>[]>(NumButtons);
	m->button = make_unique<const char *[]>(NumButtons);
	m->choice = &choice;

	button_width = button_height = 0;

	for (int i=0; i<NumButtons; i++ )
		m->button[i] = text[i];

		int width, height;
		ui_get_button_size(*grd_curcanv->cv_font, m->button[i], width, height);

		if ( width > button_width ) button_width = width;
		if ( height > button_height ) button_height = height;

	unsigned width, height;
	width = button_width + 2*(MENU_BORDER+3);

	height = (button_height*NumButtons) + (MENU_VERT_SPACING*(NumButtons-1)) ;
	height += (MENU_BORDER+3) * 2;

	w = grd_curscreen->get_screen_width();
	h = grd_curscreen->get_screen_height();

		int mx, my, mz;
		mouse_get_pos(&mx, &my, &mz);
		if ( x == -1 ) x = mx - width/2;
		if ( y == -1 ) y = my;

	if (x < 0 ) {
		x = 0;

	if ( (x+width-1) >= w ) {
		x = w - width;

	if (y < 0 ) {
		y = 0;

	if ( (y+height-1) >= h ) {
		y = h - height;

	dlg = ui_create_dialog(x, y, width, height, static_cast<dialog_flags>(DF_FILLED | DF_SAVE_BG | DF_MODAL), menu_handler, m.get());


	for (int i=0; i<NumButtons; i++ )
		m->button_g[i] = ui_add_gadget_button( dlg, x, y, button_width, button_height, m->button[i], NULL );
		y += button_height+MENU_VERT_SPACING;

	choice = 0;


	return choice;
Exemple #15
int ui_get_filename(char (&filename)[PATH_MAX], const char *const filespec, const char *const message)
	char		InputText[PATH_MAX];
	char		*p;
	UI_DIALOG	*dlg;
	int			rval = 0;
	auto b = make_unique<ui_file_browser>();
	if ((p = strrchr(filename, '/')))
		*p++ = 0;
		strcpy(b->view_dir, filename);
		strcpy(InputText, p);
		strcpy(b->view_dir, "");
		strcpy(InputText, filename);

	b->filename_list = file_getfilelist(filespec, b->view_dir);
	if (!b->filename_list)
		return 0;
	b->directory_list = file_getdirlist(b->view_dir);
	if (!b->directory_list)
		return 0;

	//ui_messagebox( -2,-2, 1,"DEBUG:0", "Ok" );
	for (int i=0; i<35; i++)
		b->spaces[i] = ' ';
	b->spaces[34] = 0;

	dlg = ui_create_dialog( 200, 100, 400, 370, static_cast<dialog_flags>(DF_DIALOG | DF_MODAL), browser_handler, b.get());

	b->user_file  = ui_add_gadget_inputbox<40>(dlg, 60, 30, InputText);

	b->listbox1 = ui_add_gadget_listbox(dlg,  20, 110, 125, 200, b->filename_list.get_count(), b->filename_list.get());
	b->listbox2 = ui_add_gadget_listbox(dlg, 210, 110, 100, 200, b->directory_list.get_count(), b->directory_list.get());

	b->button1 = ui_add_gadget_button( dlg,     20, 330, 60, 25, "Ok", NULL );
	b->button2 = ui_add_gadget_button( dlg,    100, 330, 60, 25, "Cancel", NULL );
	b->help_button = ui_add_gadget_button( dlg, 180, 330, 60, 25, "Help", NULL );

	dlg->keyboard_focus_gadget = b->user_file.get();

	b->button1->hotkey = KEY_CTRLED + KEY_ENTER;
	b->button2->hotkey = KEY_ESC;
	b->help_button->hotkey = KEY_F1;
	b->listbox1->hotkey = KEY_ALTED + KEY_F;
	b->listbox2->hotkey = KEY_ALTED + KEY_D;
	b->user_file->hotkey = KEY_ALTED + KEY_A;


	b->filename = filename;
	b->filespec = filespec;
	b->message = message;


	rval = static_cast<bool>(b->filename_list);
	return rval;