Exemple #1
void corange_init(const char* core_assets_path) {
  /* Attach signal handlers */
  signal(SIGABRT, corange_signal);
  signal(SIGFPE, corange_signal);
  signal(SIGILL, corange_signal);
  signal(SIGINT, corange_signal);
  signal(SIGSEGV, corange_signal);
  signal(SIGTERM, corange_signal);
  logout = fopen("output.log", "w");
  /* Starting Corange */
  debug("Starting Corange...");
  /* Asset Manager */
  debug("Creating Asset Manager...");
  debug("Core Assets At '%s' ...", core_assets_path);

  asset_add_path_variable(P("$CORANGE"), P(core_assets_path));
  asset_handler(renderable, "bmf", bmf_load_file, renderable_delete);
  asset_handler(renderable, "obj", obj_load_file, renderable_delete);
  asset_handler(renderable, "smd", smd_load_file, renderable_delete);
  asset_handler(renderable, "ply", ply_load_file, renderable_delete);
  asset_handler(skeleton, "skl", skl_load_file, skeleton_delete);
  asset_handler(animation, "ani", ani_load_file, animation_delete);
  asset_handler(cmesh, "col", col_load_file, cmesh_delete);
  asset_handler(terrain, "raw", raw_load_file, terrain_delete);
  asset_handler(texture, "bmp", bmp_load_file, texture_delete);
  asset_handler(texture, "tga", tga_load_file, texture_delete);
  asset_handler(texture, "dds", dds_load_file, texture_delete);
  asset_handler(texture, "lut", lut_load_file, texture_delete);
  asset_handler(texture, "acv", acv_load_file, texture_delete);
  asset_handler(shader, "vs" , vs_load_file, shader_delete);
  asset_handler(shader, "fs" , fs_load_file, shader_delete);
  asset_handler(shader, "gs" , gs_load_file, shader_delete);
  asset_handler(shader, "tcs" , tcs_load_file, shader_delete);
  asset_handler(shader, "tes" , tes_load_file, shader_delete);
  asset_handler(config, "cfg", cfg_load_file, config_delete);
  asset_handler(lang, "lang", lang_load_file, lang_delete);
  asset_handler(font, "fnt", font_load_file, font_delete);

  asset_handler(material, "mat", mat_load_file, material_delete);
  asset_handler(effect, "effect" , effect_load_file, effect_delete);
  asset_handler(sound, "wav", wav_load_file, sound_delete);
  asset_handler(music, "ogg", ogg_load_file, music_delete);
  asset_handler(music, "mp3", mp3_load_file, music_delete);
  /* Entity Manager */
  debug("Creating Entity Manager...");
  entity_handler(static_object, static_object_new, static_object_delete);
  entity_handler(animated_object, animated_object_new, animated_object_delete);
  entity_handler(physics_object, physics_object_new, physics_object_delete);
  entity_handler(instance_object, instance_object_new, instance_object_delete);
  entity_handler(camera, camera_new, camera_delete);
  entity_handler(light, light_new, light_delete);
  entity_handler(landscape, landscape_new, landscape_delete);
  entity_handler(particles, particles_new, particles_delete);
  /* UI Manager */
  debug("Creating UI Manager...");
  ui_handler(ui_rectangle, ui_rectangle_new, ui_rectangle_delete, ui_rectangle_event, ui_rectangle_update, ui_rectangle_render);
  ui_handler(ui_text, ui_text_new, ui_text_delete, ui_text_event, ui_text_update, ui_text_render);
  ui_handler(ui_spinner, ui_spinner_new, ui_spinner_delete, ui_spinner_event, ui_spinner_update, ui_spinner_render);
  ui_handler(ui_button, ui_button_new, ui_button_delete, ui_button_event, ui_button_update, ui_button_render);
  ui_handler(ui_textbox, ui_textbox_new, ui_textbox_delete, ui_textbox_event, ui_textbox_update, ui_textbox_render);
  ui_handler(ui_browser, ui_browser_new, ui_browser_delete, ui_browser_event, ui_browser_update, ui_browser_render);
  ui_handler(ui_toast, ui_toast_new, ui_toast_delete, ui_toast_event, ui_toast_update, ui_toast_render);
  ui_handler(ui_dialog, ui_dialog_new, ui_dialog_delete, ui_dialog_event, ui_dialog_update, ui_dialog_render);
  ui_handler(ui_listbox, ui_listbox_new, ui_listbox_delete, ui_listbox_event, ui_listbox_update, ui_listbox_render);
  ui_handler(ui_option, ui_option_new, ui_option_delete, ui_option_event, ui_option_update, ui_option_render);
  ui_handler(ui_slider, ui_slider_new, ui_slider_delete, ui_slider_event, ui_slider_update, ui_slider_render);
  /* Graphics Manager */
  debug("Creating Graphics Manager...");
  /* Audio Manager */
  debug("Creating Audio Manager...");
  /* Joystick Manager */
  debug("Creating Joystick Manager...");
  /* Network Manager */
  debug("Creating Network Manager...");
Exemple #2
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	printf("ISAKMP: main : <<<START>>> \n");
	fd_set         *rfds, *wfds;
	int             n, m;
	size_t          mask_size;
	struct timeval  tv, *timeout;

	// closefrom(STDERR_FILENO + 1);

	 * Make sure init() won't alloc fd 0, 1 or 2, as daemon() will close
	 * them.
	for (n = 0; n <= 2; n++) 
		if (fcntl(n, F_GETFL, 0) == -1 && errno == EBADF)
			(void) open("/dev/null", n ? O_WRONLY : O_RDONLY, 0);
	/* Log cmd line parsing and initialization errors to stderr.  */
	parse_args(argc, argv);

	/* Open protocols and services databases.  */

	/* Open command fifo */

	/* Daemonize before forking unpriv'ed child */
	if (!debug)
		if (daemon(0, 0))
			log_fatal("main: daemon (0, 0) failed");

	/* Set timezone before priv'separation */
	if (monitor_init(debug)) {
		// The parent, with privileges enters infinite monitor loop.
		//exit(0);	// Never reached.  

	/* Child process only from this point on, no privileges left.  */

	/* If we wanted IKE packet capture to file, initialize it now.  */
	if (pcap_file != 0)

	/* Allocate the file descriptor sets just big enough.  */
// we change here 
	//n = getdtablesize();
	n = 1000;
	mask_size = howmany(n, NFDBITS) * sizeof(fd_mask);
	rfds = (fd_set *) malloc(mask_size);
	if (!rfds)
		log_fatal("main: malloc (%lu) failed",
		    (unsigned long)mask_size);

	wfds = (fd_set *) malloc(mask_size);
	if (!wfds)
		log_fatal("main: malloc (%lu) failed",
		    (unsigned long)mask_size);

	while (1) {
		/* If someone has sent SIGHUP to us, reconfigure.  */
		if (sighupped) {
			sighupped = 0;
			log_print("SIGHUP received");
		/* and if someone sent SIGUSR1, do a state report.  */
		if (sigusr1ed) {
			sigusr1ed = 0;
			log_print("SIGUSR1 received");
		 * and if someone set 'sigtermed' (SIGTERM, SIGINT or via the
		 * UI), this indicates we should start a controlled shutdown
		 * of the daemon.
		 * Note: Since _one_ message is sent per iteration of this
		 * enclosing while-loop, and we want to send a number of
		 * DELETE notifications, we must loop atleast this number of
		 * times. The daemon_shutdown() function starts by queueing
		 * the DELETEs, all other calls just increments the
		 * 'sigtermed' variable until it reaches a "safe" value, and
		 * the daemon exits.
		if (sigtermed)

		/* Setup the descriptors to look for incoming messages at.  */
		bzero(rfds, mask_size);
		n = transport_fd_set(rfds);
		FD_SET(ui_socket, rfds);
		if (ui_socket + 1 > n)
			n = ui_socket + 1;

		 * XXX Some day we might want to deal with an abstract
		 * application class instead, with many instantiations
		 * possible.
		if (!app_none && app_socket >= 0) {
			FD_SET(app_socket, rfds);
			if (app_socket + 1 > n)
				n = app_socket + 1;
		/* Setup the descriptors that have pending messages to send. */
		bzero(wfds, mask_size);
		m = transport_pending_wfd_set(wfds);
		printf(" m = %d , n = %d \n", m,n);
		if (m > n)
			n = m;

		/* Find out when the next timed event is.  */
		timeout = &tv;
		printf(" select (n  n= %d )\n ",n );
		n = select(n, rfds, wfds, 0, timeout);
		if (n == -1) {
			if (errno != EINTR) {
				log_error("main: select");

				 * In order to give the unexpected error
				 * condition time to resolve without letting
				 * this process eat up all available CPU
				 * we sleep for a short while.
		} else if (n) {
			if (FD_ISSET(ui_socket, rfds))
			if (!app_none && app_socket >= 0 &&
			    FD_ISSET(app_socket, rfds))
Exemple #3
 * Send an input key to the UI subsystem, with a print function for response
 * @param key Input character
 * @param pf  Print function for the response
void ui_input_key(char key, struct re_printf *pf)
	ui_handler(key, pf);
Exemple #4
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  fd_set *rfds, *wfds;
  int n, m;
  size_t mask_size;
  struct timeval tv, *timeout;

  /* Make sure init() won't alloc fd 0, 1 or 2, as daemon() will close them. */
  for (n = 0; n <= 2; n++)
    if (fcntl (n, F_GETFL, 0) == -1 && errno == EBADF)
      (void)open ("/dev/null", n ? O_WRONLY : O_RDONLY, 0);

  /* Log cmd line parsing and initialization errors to stderr.  */
  log_to (stderr);
  parse_args (argc, argv);
  log_init ();

  /* Do a clean daemon shutdown on TERM reception. (Needed by monitor).  */
  signal (SIGTERM, daemon_shutdown_now);
  if (debug) signal (SIGINT, daemon_shutdown_now);

#if defined (USE_PRIVSEP)
  if (monitor_init ())
      /* The parent, with privileges.  */
      if (!debug)
	if (daemon (0, 0))
	  log_fatal ("main [priv]: daemon (0, 0) failed");

      /* Enter infinite monitor loop.  */
      monitor_loop (debug);
      exit (0); /* Never reached.  */

  /* Child process only from this point on, no privileges left.  */

  init ();

  if (!debug)
      if (daemon (0, 0))
	log_fatal ("main: daemon (0, 0) failed");
      /* Switch to syslog.  */
      log_to (0);

  write_pid_file ();

  /* Reinitialize on HUP reception.  */
  signal (SIGHUP, sighup);

  /* Report state on USR1 reception.  */
  signal (SIGUSR1, sigusr1);

  /* Rehash soft expiration timers on USR2 reception.  */
  signal (SIGUSR2, sigusr2);

#if defined (USE_DEBUG)
  /* If we wanted IKE packet capture to file, initialize it now.  */
  if (pcap_file != 0)
    log_packet_init (pcap_file);

  /* Allocate the file descriptor sets just big enough.  */
  n = getdtablesize ();
  mask_size = howmany (n, NFDBITS) * sizeof (fd_mask);
  rfds = (fd_set *)malloc (mask_size);
  if (!rfds)
    log_fatal ("main: malloc (%lu) failed", (unsigned long)mask_size);
  wfds = (fd_set *)malloc (mask_size);
  if (!wfds)
    log_fatal ("main: malloc (%lu) failed", (unsigned long)mask_size);

  while (1)
      /* If someone has sent SIGHUP to us, reconfigure.  */
      if (sighupped)
	  log_print ("SIGHUP received");
	  reinit ();
	  sighupped = 0;

      /* and if someone sent SIGUSR1, do a state report.  */
      if (sigusr1ed)
	  log_print ("SIGUSR1 received");
	  report ();

      /* and if someone sent SIGUSR2, do a timer rehash.  */
      if (sigusr2ed)
	  log_print ("SIGUSR2 received");
	  rehash_timers ();

       * and if someone set 'sigtermed' (SIGTERM or via the UI), this
       * indicated we should start a shutdown of the daemon.
       * Note: Since _one_ message is sent per iteration of this enclosing
       * while-loop, and we want to send a number of DELETE notifications,
       * we must loop atleast this number of times. The daemon_shutdown()
       * function starts by queueing the DELETEs, all other calls just
       * increments the 'sigtermed' variable until it reaches a "safe"
       * value, and the daemon exits.
      if (sigtermed)
	daemon_shutdown ();

      /* Setup the descriptors to look for incoming messages at.  */
      memset (rfds, 0, mask_size);
      n = transport_fd_set (rfds);
      FD_SET (ui_socket, rfds);
      if (ui_socket + 1 > n)
	n = ui_socket + 1;

       * XXX Some day we might want to deal with an abstract application
       * class instead, with many instantiations possible.
      if (!app_none && app_socket >= 0)
	  FD_SET (app_socket, rfds);
	  if (app_socket + 1 > n)
	    n = app_socket + 1;

      /* Setup the descriptors that have pending messages to send.  */
      memset (wfds, 0, mask_size);
      m = transport_pending_wfd_set (wfds);
      if (m > n)
	n = m;

      /* Find out when the next timed event is.  */
      timeout = &tv;
      timer_next_event (&timeout);

      n = select (n, rfds, wfds, 0, timeout);
      if (n == -1)
	  if (errno != EINTR)
	      log_error ("select");

	       * In order to give the unexpected error condition time to
	       * resolve without letting this process eat up all available CPU
	       * we sleep for a short while.
	      sleep (1);
      else if (n)
	  transport_handle_messages (rfds);
	  transport_send_messages (wfds);
	  if (FD_ISSET (ui_socket, rfds))
	    ui_handler ();
	  if (!app_none && app_socket >= 0 && FD_ISSET (app_socket, rfds))
	    app_handler ();
      timer_handle_expirations ();
Exemple #5
 * Send input to the UI subsystem
 * @param key Input character
void ui_input(char key)
	static struct re_printf pf_stdout = {stdout_handler, NULL};

	ui_handler(key, &pf_stdout);