/* Write the current in-memory tape file out to disk */
int tape_write( const char* filename )
  libspectrum_id_t type;
  libspectrum_class_t class;
  libspectrum_byte *buffer; size_t length;

  int error;

  /* Work out what sort of file we want from the filename; default to
     .tzx if we couldn't guess */
  error = libspectrum_identify_file_with_class( &type, &class, filename, NULL,
						0 );
  if( error ) return error;


  length = 0;

  error = libspectrum_tape_write( &buffer, &length, tape, type );
  if( error != LIBSPECTRUM_ERROR_NONE ) return error;

  error = utils_write_file( filename, buffer, length );
  if( error ) { libspectrum_free( buffer ); return error; }

  tape_modified = 0;
  ui_tape_browser_update( UI_TAPE_BROWSER_MODIFIED, NULL );

  libspectrum_free( buffer );

  return 0;
Exemple #2
/* Append to the current tape file in memory; returns 0 if a block was
   saved or non-zero if there was an error at the emulator level, or tape
   traps are not active */
int tape_save_trap( void )
  libspectrum_tape_block *block;
  libspectrum_byte parity, *data;
  size_t length;

  int i;

  /* Do nothing if tape traps aren't active */
  if( !settings_current.tape_traps || tape_recording ) return 2;

  /* Check we're in the right ROM */
  if( ! trap_check_rom() ) return 3;

  block = libspectrum_tape_block_alloc( LIBSPECTRUM_TAPE_BLOCK_ROM );
  /* The +2 here is for the flag and parity bytes */
  length = DE + 2;
  libspectrum_tape_block_set_data_length( block, length );

  data = malloc( length * sizeof(libspectrum_byte) );
  if( !data ) { free( block ); return 1; }
  libspectrum_tape_block_set_data( block, data );

  /* First, store the flag byte (and initialise the parity counter) */
  data[0] = parity = A;

  /* then the main body of the data, counting parity along the way */
  for( i=0; i<DE; i++) {
    libspectrum_byte b = readbyte_internal( IX+i );
    parity ^= b;
    data[i+1] = b;

  /* And finally the parity byte */
  data[ DE+1 ] = parity;

  /* Give a 1 second pause after this block */
  libspectrum_tape_block_set_pause( block, 1000 );

  libspectrum_tape_append_block( tape, block );

  tape_modified = 1;
  ui_tape_browser_update( UI_TAPE_BROWSER_NEW_BLOCK, block );

  /* And then return via the RET at #053E, except on Timex 2068 at #00E4 */
  if ( machine_current->machine == LIBSPECTRUM_MACHINE_TC2068 ||
       machine_current->machine == LIBSPECTRUM_MACHINE_TS2068 ) {
    PC = 0x00e4;
  } else {
    PC = 0x053e;

  return 0;

/* Select the nth block on the tape; 0 => 1st block */
tape_select_block( size_t n )
  int error;

  error = tape_select_block_no_update( n ); if( error ) return error;

  ui_tape_browser_update( UI_TAPE_BROWSER_SELECT_BLOCK, NULL );

  return 0;
/* Use an already open tape file as the current tape */
tape_read_buffer( unsigned char *buffer, size_t length, libspectrum_id_t type,
		  const char *filename, int autoload )
  int error;

  if( libspectrum_tape_present( tape ) ) {
    error = tape_close(); if( error ) return error;

  error = libspectrum_tape_read( tape, buffer, length, type, filename );
  if( error ) return error;

  tape_modified = 0;
  ui_tape_browser_update( UI_TAPE_BROWSER_NEW_TAPE, NULL );

  if( autoload ) {
    error = tape_autoload( machine_current->machine );
    if( error ) return error;

  return 0;
/* Close the active tape file */
int tape_close( void )
  int error;
  ui_confirm_save_t confirm;

  /* If the tape has been modified, check if we want to do this */
  if( tape_modified ) {

    confirm =
      ui_confirm_save( "Tape has been modified.\nDo you want to save it?" );
    switch( confirm ) {

      error = ui_tape_write(); if( error ) return error;

    case UI_CONFIRM_SAVE_CANCEL: return 1;


  /* Stop the tape if it's currently playing */
  if( tape_playing ) {
    error = tape_stop();
    if( error ) return error;

  /* And then remove it from memory */
  error = libspectrum_tape_clear( tape );
  if( error ) return error;

  tape_modified = 0;
  ui_tape_browser_update( UI_TAPE_BROWSER_NEW_TAPE, NULL );

  return 0;
tape_record_stop( void )
  libspectrum_tape_block* block;

  /* put last sample into the recording buffer */
  rec_state.tape_buffer_used = write_rec_buffer( rec_state.tape_buffer,
                                                 rec_state.last_level_count );

  /* stop scheduling events and turn buffer into a block and
     pop into the current tape */
  event_remove_type( record_event );

  block = libspectrum_tape_block_alloc( LIBSPECTRUM_TAPE_BLOCK_RLE_PULSE );

  libspectrum_tape_block_set_scale( block, rec_state.tstates_per_sample );
  libspectrum_tape_block_set_data_length( block, rec_state.tape_buffer_used );
  libspectrum_tape_block_set_data( block, rec_state.tape_buffer );

  libspectrum_tape_append_block( tape, block );

  rec_state.tape_buffer = NULL;
  rec_state.tape_buffer_size = 0;
  rec_state.tape_buffer_used = 0;

  tape_modified = 1;
  ui_tape_browser_update( UI_TAPE_BROWSER_NEW_BLOCK, block );

  tape_recording = 0;

  /* Also want to reenable other tape actions */
  ui_menu_activate( UI_MENU_ITEM_TAPE_RECORDING, 0 );

  return 0;
tape_next_edge( libspectrum_dword last_tstates, int type, void *user_data )
  libspectrum_error libspec_error;
  libspectrum_tape_block *block;

  libspectrum_dword edge_tstates;
  int flags;

  /* If the tape's not playing, just return */
  if( ! tape_playing ) return;

  /* Get the time until the next edge */
  libspec_error = libspectrum_tape_get_next_edge( &edge_tstates, &flags,
						  tape );
  if( libspec_error != LIBSPECTRUM_ERROR_NONE ) return;

  /* Invert the microphone state */
  if( edge_tstates ||
      !( flags & LIBSPECTRUM_TAPE_FLAGS_NO_EDGE ) ||
                  LIBSPECTRUM_TAPE_FLAGS_LEVEL_HIGH ) ) ) {

      /* Do nothing */
    } else if( flags & LIBSPECTRUM_TAPE_FLAGS_LEVEL_LOW ) {
      tape_microphone = 0;
    } else if( flags & LIBSPECTRUM_TAPE_FLAGS_LEVEL_HIGH ) {
      tape_microphone = 1;
    } else {
      tape_microphone = !tape_microphone;

  sound_beeper( last_tstates, tape_microphone );

  /* If we've been requested to stop the tape, do so and then
     return without stacking another edge */
  if( ( flags & LIBSPECTRUM_TAPE_FLAGS_STOP ) ||
      ( ( flags & LIBSPECTRUM_TAPE_FLAGS_STOP48 ) && 
	( !( libspectrum_machine_capabilities( machine_current->machine ) &

  /* If that was the end of a block, update the browser */

    ui_tape_browser_update( UI_TAPE_BROWSER_SELECT_BLOCK, NULL );

    /* If the tape was started automatically, tape traps are active
       and the new block is a ROM loader, stop the tape and return
       without putting another event into the queue */
    block = libspectrum_tape_current_block( tape );
    if( tape_autoplay && settings_current.tape_traps &&
	libspectrum_tape_block_type( block ) == LIBSPECTRUM_TAPE_BLOCK_ROM
      ) {

  /* Otherwise, put this into the event queue; remember that this edge
     should occur 'edge_tstates' after the last edge, not after the
     current time (these will be slightly different as we only process
     events between instructions). */
  event_add( last_tstates + edge_tstates, tape_edge_event );

  /* Store length flags for acceleration purposes */
  loader_set_acceleration_flags( flags );
/* Load the next tape block into memory; returns 0 if a block was
   loaded (even if it had an tape loading error or equivalent) or
   non-zero if there was an error at the emulator level, or tape traps
   are not active */
int tape_load_trap( void )
  libspectrum_tape_block *block, *next_block;
  int error;

  /* Do nothing if tape traps aren't active, or the tape is already playing */
  if( !settings_current.tape_traps || tape_playing ) return 2;

  /* Do nothing if we're not in the correct ROM */
  if( !trap_check_rom( CHECK_TAPE_ROM ) ) return 3;

  /* Return with error if no tape file loaded */
  if( !libspectrum_tape_present( tape ) ) return 1;

  block = libspectrum_tape_current_block( tape );

  /* Skip over any meta-data blocks */
  while( libspectrum_tape_block_metadata( block ) ) {
    block = libspectrum_tape_select_next_block( tape );
    if( !block ) return 1;
  /* If this block isn't a ROM loader, start the block playing. After
     that, return with `error' so that we actually do whichever
     instruction it was that caused the trap to hit */
  if( libspectrum_tape_block_type( block ) != LIBSPECTRUM_TAPE_BLOCK_ROM ||
      libspectrum_tape_state( tape ) != LIBSPECTRUM_TAPE_STATE_PILOT ) {
    tape_play( 1 );
    return -1;

  /* We don't properly handle the case of partial loading, so don't run
     the traps in that situation */
  if( libspectrum_tape_block_data_length( block ) != DE + 2 ) {
    tape_play( 1 );
    return -1;

  /* All returns made via the RET at #05E2, except on Timex 2068 at #0136 */
  if ( machine_current->machine == LIBSPECTRUM_MACHINE_TC2068 ||
       machine_current->machine == LIBSPECTRUM_MACHINE_TS2068 ) {
    PC = 0x0136;
  } else {
    PC = 0x05e2;

  error = trap_load_block( block );
  if( error ) return error;

  /* Peek at the next block. If it's a ROM block, move along, initialise
     the block, and return */
  next_block = libspectrum_tape_peek_next_block( tape );

  if( libspectrum_tape_block_type(next_block) == LIBSPECTRUM_TAPE_BLOCK_ROM ) {

    next_block = libspectrum_tape_select_next_block( tape );
    if( !next_block ) return 1;

    ui_tape_browser_update( UI_TAPE_BROWSER_SELECT_BLOCK, NULL );

    return 0;

  /* If the next block isn't a ROM block, set ourselves up such that the
     next thing to occur is the pause at the end of the current block */
  libspectrum_tape_set_state( tape, LIBSPECTRUM_TAPE_STATE_PAUSE );

  return 0;