static void ParseSubchunks(const Binary::Data& data, Builder& target) { try { Binary::TypedContainer typed(data); for (std::size_t pos = 0; pos < typed.GetSize(); ) { const SubChunkHeader* const hdr = typed.GetField<SubChunkHeader>(pos); Require(hdr != nullptr); if (hdr->ID == 0 && 0 != (pos % 4)) { //in despite of official format description, subchunks can be not aligned by 4 byte boundary ++pos; } else { Dbg("ParseSubchunk id=%u, type=%u, size=%u", uint_t(hdr->ID), uint_t(hdr->Type), fromLE(hdr->DataSize)); pos += sizeof(*hdr) + hdr->GetDataSize(); Require(pos <= typed.GetSize()); ParseSubchunk(*hdr, target); } } } catch (const std::exception&) { //ignore } }
/*******************************************************************************************************************//** * \brief Gets all devisors of a number n. * * Computes all unique products of n's prime factors. * * \param n The number the devisors are computed for. * * \pre n > 0 * * \return A set of the devisors including 1 and n **********************************************************************************************************************/ std::set<uint_t> getDevisors( const uint_t n ) { if( n == uint_t(0) ) return std::set<uint_t>(); std::vector<uint_t> factors = getPrimeFactors( n ); std::set<uint_t> devisors; std::vector<uint_t> tmpDevisors; devisors.insert( uint_t(1) ); tmpDevisors.reserve( ( size_t(1) << factors.size() ) - size_t(1) ); for( auto fIt = factors.begin(); fIt != factors.end(); ++fIt ) { tmpDevisors.clear(); for(auto pIt = devisors.begin(); pIt != devisors.end(); ++pIt) { tmpDevisors.push_back( *pIt * *fIt ); } devisors.insert( tmpDevisors.begin(), tmpDevisors.end() ); } return devisors; }
uint_t StaticLevelwiseCurveBalance::operator()( SetupBlockForest & forest, const uint_t numberOfProcesses, const memory_t /*perProcessMemoryLimit*/ ) { // TODO: take per process memory limit into account? std::vector< SetupBlock * > blocks; if( hilbert_ ) forest.getHilbertOrder( blocks ); else forest.getMortonOrder( blocks ); uint_t border = uint_t(0); for( uint_t level = forest.getNumberOfLevels(); level-- > uint_t(0); ) { std::vector< SetupBlock * > blocksOnLevel; for( auto block = blocks.begin(); block != blocks.end(); ++block ) if( (*block)->getLevel() == level ) blocksOnLevel.push_back( *block ); const uint_t nBlocks = blocksOnLevel.size(); if( nBlocks <= ( numberOfProcesses - border ) ) { for( auto block = blocksOnLevel.begin(); block != blocksOnLevel.end(); ++block ) (*block)->assignTargetProcess( border++ ); WALBERLA_ASSERT_LESS_EQUAL( border, numberOfProcesses ); if( border == numberOfProcesses ) border = uint_t(0); } else { const uint_t reducedNBlocks = nBlocks - ( numberOfProcesses - border); const uint_t div = reducedNBlocks / numberOfProcesses; const uint_t mod = reducedNBlocks % numberOfProcesses; uint_t bIndex = uint_t(0); for( uint_t p = 0; p != numberOfProcesses; ++p ) { uint_t count = div; if( p < mod ) ++count; if( p >= border ) ++count; WALBERLA_ASSERT_LESS_EQUAL( bIndex + count, blocksOnLevel.size() ); for( uint_t i = bIndex; i < ( bIndex + count ); ++i ) blocksOnLevel[i]->assignTargetProcess( p ); bIndex += count; } border = mod; } } return std::min( numberOfProcesses, blocks.size() ); }
uint_t StaticLevelwiseCurveBalanceWeighted::operator()( SetupBlockForest & forest, const uint_t numberOfProcesses, const memory_t /*perProcessMemoryLimit*/ ) { // TODO: take per process memory limit into account? std::vector< SetupBlock * > blocks; if( hilbert_ ) forest.getHilbertOrder( blocks ); else forest.getMortonOrder( blocks ); uint_t usedProcesses( uint_t(0) ); for( uint_t level = uint_t(0); level < forest.getNumberOfLevels(); ++level ) { std::vector< SetupBlock * > blocksOnLevel; for( auto block = blocks.begin(); block != blocks.end(); ++block ) if( (*block)->getLevel() == level ) blocksOnLevel.push_back( *block ); workload_t totalWeight( 0 ); for( auto block = blocksOnLevel.begin(); block != blocksOnLevel.end(); ++block ) { WALBERLA_ASSERT( !( (*block)->getWorkload() < workload_t(0) ) ); totalWeight += (*block)->getWorkload(); } uint_t c( uint_t(0) ); for( uint_t p = uint_t(0); p != numberOfProcesses; ++p ) { const workload_t minWeight = totalWeight / workload_c( numberOfProcesses - p ); workload_t weight( 0 ); while( weight < minWeight && c < blocksOnLevel.size() ) { blocksOnLevel[c]->assignTargetProcess(p); WALBERLA_ASSERT_LESS_EQUAL( p, usedProcesses ); usedProcesses = p + uint_t(1); const workload_t addedWeight = blocksOnLevel[c]->getWorkload(); weight += addedWeight; totalWeight -= addedWeight; ++c; } } while( c < blocksOnLevel.size() ) { blocksOnLevel[c]->assignTargetProcess( numberOfProcesses - uint_t(1) ); WALBERLA_ASSERT_LESS_EQUAL( numberOfProcesses - uint_t(1), usedProcesses ); usedProcesses = numberOfProcesses; ++c; } } return usedProcesses; }
void test( const std::string & filename, const Vector3<uint_t> & size, const std::string & datatype, const bool vtkOut ) { WALBERLA_LOG_INFO( "Testing unscaled" ); BinaryRawFile brf( filename, size, datatype ); auto blocks = blockforest::createUniformBlockGrid( uint_t(1), uint_t( 1 ), uint_t( 1 ), size[0], size[1], size[2], real_t( 1 ), uint_t( 1 ), uint_t( 1 ), uint_t( 1 ) ); typedef GhostLayerField< uint8_t, uint_t( 1 ) > ScalarField; BlockDataID scalarFieldID = field::addToStorage<ScalarField>( blocks, "BinaryRawFile" ); for ( auto & block : *blocks) { auto field = block.getData<ScalarField>( scalarFieldID ); CellInterval ci( 0, 0, 0, cell_idx_c( size[0] ) - 1, cell_idx_c( size[1] ) - 1, cell_idx_c( size[2] ) - 1 ); for (const Cell & c : ci) { field->get( c ) = brf.get( uint_c( c[0] ), uint_c( c[1] ), uint_c( c[2] ) ); } } if (vtkOut) { WALBERLA_LOG_INFO( "Writing unscaled" ); auto vtkOutput = vtk::createVTKOutput_BlockData( blocks, "BinaryRawFile" ); vtkOutput->addCellDataWriter( make_shared< field::VTKWriter< ScalarField, uint8_t > >( scalarFieldID, "BinaryRawFile" ) ); writeFiles( vtkOutput, true )(); } }
static void test() { for( uint_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i ) { SetupBlockForest forest; forest.addRefinementSelectionFunction( refinementSelectionFunctionAll ); real_t xmin = math::realRandom( real_c(-100), real_c(100) ); real_t xmax = math::realRandom( xmin + real_c(10), real_c(120) ); real_t ymin = math::realRandom( real_c(-100), real_c(100) ); real_t ymax = math::realRandom( ymin + real_c(10), real_c(120) ); real_t zmin = math::realRandom( real_c(-100), real_c(100) ); real_t zmax = math::realRandom( zmin + real_c(10), real_c(120) ); AABB domain( xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax ); forest.init( domain, math::intRandom( uint_t(5), uint_t(20) ), math::intRandom( uint_t(5), uint_t(20) ), math::intRandom( uint_t(5), uint_t(20) ), math::boolRandom(), math::boolRandom(), math::boolRandom() ); checkNeighborhoodConsistency( forest ); checkCollectorConsistency( forest ); } for( uint_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i ) { SetupBlockForest forest; forest.addRefinementSelectionFunction( refinementSelectionFunctionRandom ); real_t xmin = math::realRandom( real_c(-100), real_c(100) ); real_t xmax = math::realRandom( xmin + real_c(10), real_c(120) ); real_t ymin = math::realRandom( real_c(-100), real_c(100) ); real_t ymax = math::realRandom( ymin + real_c(10), real_c(120) ); real_t zmin = math::realRandom( real_c(-100), real_c(100) ); real_t zmax = math::realRandom( zmin + real_c(10), real_c(120) ); AABB domain( xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax ); forest.init( domain, math::intRandom( uint_t(5), uint_t(20) ), math::intRandom( uint_t(5), uint_t(20) ), math::intRandom( uint_t(5), uint_t(20) ), math::boolRandom(), math::boolRandom(), math::boolRandom() ); checkNeighborhoodConsistency( forest ); checkCollectorConsistency( forest ); } }
T mod_mul(T a, T b, T m) { using uint_t = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type; assert(a >= 0 && b >= 0 && "Does not handle negative numbers"); assert(uint_t(m) <= uint64_t(INT64_MAX) && "Cannot multiply safely"); a %= m; b %= m; if (uint_t(a) <= UINT32_MAX && uint_t(b) <= UINT32_MAX) return T(uint64_t(a) * b % m); uint_t x = 0, y = a % m; while (b > 0) { if (b % 2 == 1) x = (x + y) % m; y = (y * 2) % m; b /= 2; } return x % m; }
void JacobiIteration::operator()() { WALBERLA_LOG_PROGRESS_ON_ROOT( "Starting Jacobi iteration with a maximum number of " << iterations_ << " iterations" ); uint_t i( uint_t(0) ); while( i < iterations_ ) { if( boundary_ ) boundary_(); communication_(); for( auto block = blocks_.begin( requiredSelectors_, incompatibleSelectors_ ); block != blocks_.end(); ++block ) jacobi_( block.get() ); if( residualNormThreshold_ > real_t(0) && residualCheckFrequency_ > uint_t(0) ) { if( (i % residualCheckFrequency_) == uint_t(0) ) { if( boundary_ ) boundary_(); const real_t residualNorm = residualNorm_(); WALBERLA_CHECK( math::finite(residualNorm), "Non-finite residual norm detected during the Jacobi iteration, " "the simulation has probably diverged." ); WALBERLA_LOG_DETAIL_ON_ROOT( "Residual norm after " << (i+1) << " Jacobi iterations: " << residualNorm ); if( residualNorm < residualNormThreshold_ ) { WALBERLA_LOG_PROGRESS_ON_ROOT( "Aborting Jacobi iteration (residual norm threshold reached):" "\n residual norm threshold: " << residualNormThreshold_ << "\n residual norm: " << residualNorm ); break; } } } ++i; } WALBERLA_LOG_PROGRESS_ON_ROOT( "Jacobi iteration finished after " << i << " iterations" ); }
/* {{{ * binary search * */ PHP_METHOD(ip2region_class_entry_ptr, binarySearch) { long ip; datablock_entry _block; uint_t (*func_ptr) (ip2region_t, uint_t, datablock_t); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "l", &ip) == FAILURE) { return; } func_ptr = ip2region_binary_search; search(g_resource_ptr, func_ptr, ip, &return_value, &_block); }
/* {{{ * btree search string * */ PHP_METHOD(ip2region_class_entry_ptr, btreeSearchString) { char *ip = NULL; int arg_len; datablock_entry _block; uint_t (*func_ptr) (ip2region_t, uint_t, datablock_t); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s", &ip, &arg_len) == FAILURE) { return; } func_ptr = ip2region_btree_search; search(g_resource_ptr, func_ptr, ip2long(ip), &return_value, &_block); }
static void apix_dispatch_pending_autovect(uint_t ipl) { uint32_t cpuid = psm_get_cpu_id(); apix_impl_t *apixp = apixs[cpuid]; struct autovec *av; while ((av = apix_remove_pending_av(apixp, ipl)) != NULL) { uint_t r; uint_t (*intr)() = av->av_vector; caddr_t arg1 = av->av_intarg1; caddr_t arg2 = av->av_intarg2; dev_info_t *dip = av->av_dip; uchar_t vector = av->av_flags & AV_PENTRY_VECTMASK; if (intr == NULL) continue; /* Don't enable interrupts during x-calls */ if (ipl != XC_HI_PIL) sti(); DTRACE_PROBE4(interrupt__start, dev_info_t *, dip, void *, intr, caddr_t, arg1, caddr_t, arg2); r = (*intr)(arg1, arg2); DTRACE_PROBE4(interrupt__complete, dev_info_t *, dip, void *, intr, caddr_t, arg1, uint_t, r); if (av->av_ticksp && av->av_prilevel <= LOCK_LEVEL) atomic_add_64(av->av_ticksp, intr_get_time()); cli(); if (vector) { if ((av->av_flags & AV_PENTRY_PEND) == 0) av->av_flags &= ~AV_PENTRY_VECTMASK; apix_post_hardint(vector); } /* mark it as idle */ av->av_flags &= ~AV_PENTRY_ONPROC; } }
StringSeq StringUtil::tokenizeSeq(const char* text, char split /*= ' ' */) { StringSeq result; if (!text || !text[0]) return result; String str; const char* token = text; for (; ;) { /* skip whitespace */ while (*token && uint_t(*token) <= ' ' || *token == split) { token++; } if (!*token) break; str.clear(); // handle quoted strings if (*token == '\"') { token++; while (*token && *token != '\"') { str += *token++; } result.push_back(str); str.clear(); if (!*token) { break; } else { token++; continue; } } do { str+=*token; token++; } while (*token != 0 && *token != split); result.push_back(str); } return result; }
/* * pcmu_intr_wrapper * * This routine is used as wrapper around interrupt handlers installed by child * device drivers. This routine invokes the driver interrupt handlers and * examines the return codes. * There is a count of unclaimed interrupts kept on a per-ino basis. If at * least one handler claims the interrupt then the counter is halved and the * interrupt state machine is idled. If no handler claims the interrupt then * the counter is incremented by one and the state machine is idled. * If the count ever reaches the limit value set by pcmu_unclaimed_intr_max * then the interrupt state machine is not idled thus preventing any further * interrupts on that ino. The state machine will only be idled again if a * handler is subsequently added or removed. * * return value: DDI_INTR_CLAIMED if any handlers claimed the interrupt, * DDI_INTR_UNCLAIMED otherwise. */ uint_t pcmu_intr_wrapper(caddr_t arg) { pcmu_ib_ino_info_t *ino_p = (pcmu_ib_ino_info_t *)arg; uint_t result = 0, r; ih_t *ih_p = ino_p->pino_ih_start; int i; #ifdef DEBUG pcmu_t *pcmu_p = ino_p->pino_ib_p->pib_pcmu_p; #endif for (i = 0; i < ino_p->pino_ih_size; i++, ih_p = ih_p->ih_next) { dev_info_t *dip = ih_p->ih_dip; uint_t (*handler)() = ih_p->ih_handler; caddr_t arg1 = ih_p->ih_handler_arg1; caddr_t arg2 = ih_p->ih_handler_arg2; if (ih_p->ih_intr_state == PCMU_INTR_STATE_DISABLE) { PCMU_DBG3(PCMU_DBG_INTR, pcmu_p->pcmu_dip, "pcmu_intr_wrapper: %s%d interrupt %d is " "disabled\n", ddi_driver_name(dip), ddi_get_instance(dip), ino_p->pino_ino); continue; } DTRACE_PROBE4(pcmu__interrupt__start, dev_info_t, dip, void *, handler, caddr_t, arg1, caddr_t, arg2); r = (*handler)(arg1, arg2); DTRACE_PROBE4(pcmu__interrupt__complete, dev_info_t, dip, void *, handler, caddr_t, arg1, int, r); result += r; } if (!result) { return (pcmu_spurintr(ino_p)); } ino_p->pino_unclaimed = 0; /* clear the pending state */ PCMU_IB_INO_INTR_CLEAR(ino_p->pino_clr_reg); return (DDI_INTR_CLAIMED); }
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_app_zxtune_core_jni_JniPlayer_analyze (JNIEnv* env, jobject self, jbyteArray levels) { return Jni::Call(env, [=] () { const auto playerHandle = NativePlayerJni::GetHandle(env, self); const auto& player = Player::Storage::Instance().Get(playerHandle); typedef AutoArray<jbyteArray, uint8_t> ArrayType; ArrayType rawLevels(env, levels); if (rawLevels) { return player->Analyze(rawLevels.Size(), rawLevels.Data()); } else { return uint_t(0); } }); }
/* * Channel nexus interrupt handler wrapper */ static uint_t cnex_intr_wrapper(caddr_t arg) { int res; uint_t (*handler)(); caddr_t handler_arg1; caddr_t handler_arg2; cnex_intr_t *iinfo = (cnex_intr_t *)arg; ASSERT(iinfo != NULL); handler = iinfo->hdlr; handler_arg1 = iinfo->arg1; handler_arg2 = iinfo->arg2; /* * The 'interrupt__start' and 'interrupt__complete' probes * are provided to support 'intrstat' command. These probes * help monitor the interrupts on a per device basis only. * In order to provide the ability to monitor the * activity on a per channel basis, two additional * probes('channelintr__start','channelintr__complete') * are provided here. */ DTRACE_PROBE4(channelintr__start, uint64_t, iinfo->id, cnex_intr_t *, iinfo, void *, handler, caddr_t, handler_arg1); DTRACE_PROBE4(interrupt__start, dev_info_t, iinfo->dip, void *, handler, caddr_t, handler_arg1, caddr_t, handler_arg2); D1("cnex_intr_wrapper:ino=0x%llx invoke client handler\n", iinfo->ino); res = (*handler)(handler_arg1, handler_arg2); DTRACE_PROBE4(interrupt__complete, dev_info_t, iinfo->dip, void *, handler, caddr_t, handler_arg1, int, res); DTRACE_PROBE4(channelintr__complete, uint64_t, iinfo->id, cnex_intr_t *, iinfo, void *, handler, caddr_t, handler_arg1); return (res); }
void checkSphWallLubricationForce() { const uint_t timestep (timeloop_->getCurrentTimeStep()+1); // variables for output of total force - requires MPI-reduction pe::Vec3 forceSphr1(0); // temporary variables real_t gap (0); for( auto blockIt = blocks_->begin(); blockIt != blocks_->end(); ++blockIt ) { for( auto curSphereIt = pe::BodyIterator::begin<pe::Sphere>( *blockIt, bodyStorageID_); curSphereIt != pe::BodyIterator::end<pe::Sphere>(); ++curSphereIt ) { pe::SphereID sphereI = ( curSphereIt.getBodyID() ); if ( sphereI->getID() == id1_ ) { for( auto globalBodyIt = globalBodyStorage_->begin(); globalBodyIt != globalBodyStorage_->end(); ++globalBodyIt) { if( globalBodyIt->getID() == id2_ ) { pe::PlaneID planeJ = static_cast<pe::PlaneID>( globalBodyIt.getBodyID() ); gap = pe::getSurfaceDistance(sphereI, planeJ); break; } } break; } } } WALBERLA_MPI_SECTION() { mpi::reduceInplace( gap, mpi::MAX ); } WALBERLA_ROOT_SECTION() { if (gap < real_comparison::Epsilon<real_t>::value ) { gap = walberla::math::Limits<real_t>::inf(); WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Sphere still too far from wall to calculate gap!" ); } else { WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Gap between sphere and wall: " << gap ); } } // get force on sphere for( auto blockIt = blocks_->begin(); blockIt != blocks_->end(); ++blockIt ) { for( auto bodyIt = pe::BodyIterator::begin<pe::Sphere>( *blockIt, bodyStorageID_); bodyIt != pe::BodyIterator::end<pe::Sphere>(); ++bodyIt ) { if( bodyIt->getID() == id1_ ) { forceSphr1 += bodyIt->getForce(); } } } // MPI reduction of pe forces over all processes WALBERLA_MPI_SECTION() { mpi::reduceInplace( forceSphr1[0], mpi::SUM ); mpi::reduceInplace( forceSphr1[1], mpi::SUM ); mpi::reduceInplace( forceSphr1[2], mpi::SUM ); } WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT("Total force on sphere " << id1_ << " : " << forceSphr1); if ( print_ ) { WALBERLA_ROOT_SECTION() { std::ofstream file1; std::string filename1("Gap_LubricationForceBody1.txt"); filename1.c_str(), std::ofstream::app ); file1.setf( std::ios::unitbuf ); file1.precision(15); file1 << gap << " " << forceSphr1[0] << std::endl; file1.close(); } } WALBERLA_ROOT_SECTION() { if ( timestep == uint_t(26399) ) { // according to the formula from Ding & Aidun 2003 // F = 6 * M_PI * rho_L * nu_L * relative velocity of both bodies=relative velocity of the sphere * r * r * 1/gap // the correct analytically calculated value is 339.292006996217 // in this geometry setup the relative error is 0.183515322065561 % real_t analytical = real_c(6.0) * walberla::math::M_PI * real_c(1.0) * nu_L_ * real_c(-vel_[0]) * radius_ * radius_ * real_c(1.0)/gap; real_t relErr = std::fabs( analytical - forceSphr1[0] ) / analytical * real_c(100.0); WALBERLA_CHECK_LESS( relErr, real_t(1) ); } } }
void checkSphSphLubricationForce() { const uint_t timestep (timeloop_->getCurrentTimeStep()+1); // variables for output of total force - requires MPI-reduction pe::Vec3 forceSphr1(0); pe::Vec3 forceSphr2(0); // temporary variables real_t gap (0); // calculate gap between the two spheres for( auto blockIt = blocks_->begin(); blockIt != blocks_->end(); ++blockIt ) { for( auto curSphereIt = pe::BodyIterator::begin<pe::Sphere>( *blockIt, bodyStorageID_); curSphereIt != pe::BodyIterator::end<pe::Sphere>(); ++curSphereIt ) { pe::SphereID sphereI = ( curSphereIt.getBodyID() ); if ( sphereI->getID() == id1_ ) { for( auto blockIt2 = blocks_->begin(); blockIt2 != blocks_->end(); ++blockIt2 ) { for( auto oSphereIt = pe::BodyIterator::begin<pe::Sphere>( *blockIt2, bodyStorageID_); oSphereIt != pe::BodyIterator::end<pe::Sphere>(); ++oSphereIt ) { pe::SphereID sphereJ = ( oSphereIt.getBodyID() ); if ( sphereJ->getID() == id2_ ) { gap = pe::getSurfaceDistance( sphereI, sphereJ ); break; } } } break; } } } WALBERLA_MPI_SECTION() { mpi::reduceInplace( gap, mpi::MAX ); } WALBERLA_ROOT_SECTION() { if (gap < real_comparison::Epsilon<real_t>::value ) { // shadow copies have not been synced yet as the spheres are outside the overlap region gap = walberla::math::Limits<real_t>::inf(); WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Spheres still too far apart to calculate gap!" ); } else { WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Gap between sphere 1 and 2: " << gap ); } } // get force on spheres for( auto blockIt = blocks_->begin(); blockIt != blocks_->end(); ++blockIt ) { for( auto bodyIt = pe::BodyIterator::begin<pe::Sphere>( *blockIt, bodyStorageID_); bodyIt != pe::BodyIterator::end<pe::Sphere>(); ++bodyIt ) { if( bodyIt->getID() == id1_ ) { forceSphr1 += bodyIt->getForce(); } else if( bodyIt->getID() == id2_ ) { forceSphr2 += bodyIt->getForce(); } } } // MPI reduction of pe forces over all processes WALBERLA_MPI_SECTION() { mpi::reduceInplace( forceSphr1[0], mpi::SUM ); mpi::reduceInplace( forceSphr1[1], mpi::SUM ); mpi::reduceInplace( forceSphr1[2], mpi::SUM ); mpi::reduceInplace( forceSphr2[0], mpi::SUM ); mpi::reduceInplace( forceSphr2[1], mpi::SUM ); mpi::reduceInplace( forceSphr2[2], mpi::SUM ); } WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT("Total force on sphere " << id1_ << " : " << forceSphr1); WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT("Total force on sphere " << id2_ << " : " << forceSphr2); if ( print_ ) { WALBERLA_ROOT_SECTION() { std::ofstream file1; std::string filename1("Gap_LubricationForceBody1.txt"); filename1.c_str(), std::ofstream::app ); file1.setf( std::ios::unitbuf ); file1.precision(15); file1 << gap << " " << forceSphr1[0] << std::endl; file1.close(); std::ofstream file2; std::string filename2("Gap_LubricationForceBody2.txt"); filename2.c_str(), std::ofstream::app ); file2.setf( std::ios::unitbuf ); file2.precision(15); file2 << gap << " " << forceSphr2[0] << std::endl; file2.close(); } } WALBERLA_ROOT_SECTION() { if ( timestep == uint_t(1000) ) { // both force x-components should be the same only with inverted signs WALBERLA_CHECK_FLOAT_EQUAL ( forceSphr2[0], -forceSphr1[0] ); // according to the formula from Ding & Aidun 2003 // F = 3/2 * M_PI * rho_L * nu_L * relative velocity of both spheres * r * r * 1/gap // the correct analytically calculated value is 339.2920063998 // in this geometry setup the relative error is 0.1246489711 % real_t analytical = real_c(3.0)/real_c(2.0) * walberla::math::M_PI * real_c(1.0) * nu_L_ * real_c(2.0) * real_c(vel_[0]) * radius_ * radius_ * real_c(1.0)/gap; real_t relErr = std::fabs( analytical - forceSphr2[0] ) / analytical * real_c(100.0); WALBERLA_CHECK_LESS( relErr, real_t(1) ); } } }
Time::Seconds GetFadeTime() const { const uint_t val = uint_t(FadeTimeSec[0]) | (uint_t(FadeTimeSec[1]) << 8) | (uint_t(FadeTimeSec[2]) << 16); return Time::Seconds(val); }
constexpr eT binomial_coef(const pT n, const pT k) { return internal::binomial_coef_check<eT>(uint_t(n),uint_t(k)); }
void testScaled( const std::string & filename, const Vector3<uint_t> & size, const std::string & datatype, const bool vtkOut ) { WALBERLA_LOG_INFO( "Testing scaled" ); BinaryRawFile brf( filename, size, datatype ); Vector3<uint_t> scaledSize( std::max( uint_t( 1 ), size[0] / uint_t( 2 ) ), std::max( uint_t( 1 ), size[1] / uint_t( 3 ) ), std::max( uint_t( 1 ), size[2] / uint_t( 5 ) ) ); auto blocks = blockforest::createUniformBlockGrid( uint_t( 1 ), uint_t( 1 ), uint_t( 1 ), scaledSize[0], scaledSize[1], scaledSize[2], real_t( 1 ), uint_t( 1 ), uint_t( 1 ), uint_t( 1 ) ); BinaryRawFileInterpolator brfi( blocks->getDomain(), brf, BinaryRawFileInterpolator::NEAREST_NEIGHBOR ); typedef GhostLayerField< uint8_t, uint_t( 1 ) > ScalarField; BlockDataID scalarFieldID = field::addToStorage<ScalarField>( blocks, "BinaryRawFile" ); for (auto & block : *blocks) { auto field = block.getData<ScalarField>( scalarFieldID ); CellInterval ci( 0, 0, 0, cell_idx_c( scaledSize[0] ) - 1, cell_idx_c( scaledSize[1] ) - 1, cell_idx_c( scaledSize[2] ) - 1 ); for (const Cell & c : ci) { auto pos = blocks->getBlockLocalCellCenter( block, c ); field->get( c ) = brfi.get( pos ); } } if (vtkOut) { WALBERLA_LOG_INFO( "Writing scaled" ); auto vtkOutput = vtk::createVTKOutput_BlockData( blocks, "BinaryRawFileScaled" ); vtkOutput->addCellDataWriter( make_shared< field::VTKWriter< ScalarField, uint8_t > >( scalarFieldID, "BinaryRawFile" ) ); writeFiles( vtkOutput, true )(); } }
uint_t String2Mask(const String& str) { return std::accumulate(str.begin(), str.end(), uint_t(0), LetterToMask); }
Color3::Color3( uint32_t rgb ) : Tuple3<uchar_t>(uchar_t((rgb & 0xff0000) >> 16),uchar_t((rgb & 0x00ff00) >> 8),uchar_t(rgb & 0x0000ff)) {} Color3::~Color3(){ } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool Color3::operator==( const Color3& c ) const { return (__RED == c.__RED) && (__GREEN == c.__GREEN) && (__BLUE == c.__BLUE); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ uchar_t Color3::getBlue( ) const { return __BLUE; } uchar_t& Color3::getBlue( ) { return __BLUE; } real_t Color3::getBlueClamped( ) const { return (real_t)__BLUE / 255; } uchar_t Color3::getGreen( ) const { return __GREEN; } uchar_t& Color3::getGreen( ) { return __GREEN; } real_t Color3::getGreenClamped( ) const { return (real_t)__GREEN / 255; } uchar_t Color3::getRed( ) const { return __RED; } uchar_t& Color3::getRed( ) { return __RED; } real_t Color3::getRedClamped( ) const { return (real_t)__RED / 255; } real_t Color3::getAverage() const { return (real_t)(__RED + __GREEN +__BLUE)/(real_t)3; } real_t Color3::getAverageClamped() const { return (real_t)(__RED + __GREEN +__BLUE)/(real_t)765; } uint_t Color3::toUint() const { return (uint_t(__RED) << 16) + (uint_t(__GREEN) << 8) + uint_t(__BLUE); } Color3 Color3::fromUint(uint_t value) { Color3 res; res.__RED = uchar_t((value & 0xff0000) >> 16); res.__GREEN = uchar_t((value & 0x00ff00) >> 8); res.__BLUE = uchar_t(value & 0x0000ff); return res; }