double CRCLStatus::getCycleTime() { double cycleTimeOut; ulapi_mutex_take(&statusMutex); cycleTimeOut = cycleTime; ulapi_mutex_give(&statusMutex); return cycleTimeOut; }
static void emove_client_write_task_code(emove_client_write_task_args *args) { ulapi_task_struct *task; int id; int period_nsecs; enum {OUTBUF_SIZE = 1024}; char outbuf[OUTBUF_SIZE]; int nchars; nist_kitting::emove_stat emove_stat; task = args->task; id = args->id; period_nsecs = args->period_nsecs; free(args); while (true) { ros::spinOnce(); ulapi_mutex_take(&emove_stat_mutex); emove_stat = emove_stat_buf; ulapi_mutex_give(&emove_stat_mutex); /* uint8 type uint8 serial_number uint8 state uint8 status uint8 heartbeat float32 period float32 cycle float32 duration extern char *kitting_cmd_to_string(int s); extern char *rcs_state_to_string(int s); extern char *rcs_status_to_string(int s); */ ulapi_snprintf(outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "%s %d %s %s %d %s %s %s\n", kitting_cmd_to_string(emove_stat.stat.type), emove_stat.stat.serial_number, rcs_state_to_string(emove_stat.stat.state), rcs_status_to_string(emove_stat.stat.status), emove_stat.stat.heartbeat,, emove_stat.line.c_str(), emove_stat.crcl.c_str()); outbuf[sizeof(outbuf)-1] = 0; nchars = ulapi_socket_write(id, outbuf, strlen(outbuf)); if (nchars <= 0) break; ulapi_wait(period_nsecs); } ulapi_socket_close(id); if (debug) printf("emove client write handler %d done\n", id); ulapi_task_delete(task); return; }
double CRCLStatus::getMaxAccel(MovementType mType) { double retValue; ulapi_mutex_take(&statusMutex); retValue = maxAccel[mType]; ulapi_mutex_give(&statusMutex); return retValue; }
GripperStatus CRCLStatus::getGripperStatus() { GripperStatus retValue; ulapi_mutex_take(&statusMutex); retValue = gripStatus; ulapi_mutex_give(&statusMutex); return retValue; }
CRCLState CRCLStatus::getCurrentState() { CRCLState retValue; ulapi_mutex_take(&statusMutex); retValue = currentState; ulapi_mutex_give(&statusMutex); return retValue; }
CRCLCmdUnion CRCLStatus::getCurrentCmd() { CRCLCmdUnion cmd; ulapi_mutex_take(&statusMutex); cmd = currentCmd; ulapi_mutex_give(&statusMutex); return cmd; }
RobotStatus CRCLStatus::getRobotStatus() { RobotStatus retValue; ulapi_mutex_take(&statusMutex); retValue = robotStatus; ulapi_mutex_give(&statusMutex); return retValue; }
CRCLCmdStatus CRCLStatus::getCurrentStatus() { CRCLCmdStatus retValue; ulapi_mutex_take(&statusMutex); retValue = currentCmd.status; ulapi_mutex_give(&statusMutex); return retValue; }
CRCLStatus::CRCLStatus() { ulapi_mutex_init(&statusMutex, 1); ulapi_mutex_give(&statusMutex); ulapi_mutex_take(&statusMutex); currentCmd.cmd = CRCL_NOOP; currentCmd.status = CRCL_DONE; currentState = CRCL_UNINITIALIZED; cycleTime = DEFAULT_LOOP_CYCLE; maxAccel[MOVE_DEFAULT] = 0; maxVel[MOVE_DEFAULT] = 0; maxAccel[MOVE_CARTESIAN] = KUKA_DEFAULT_CART_MAX_ACCEL; maxVel[MOVE_CARTESIAN] = KUKA_DEFAULT_CART_MAX_VEL; maxAccel[MOVE_JOINT] = KUKA_DEFAULT_JOINT_MAX_ACCEL; maxVel[MOVE_JOINT] = KUKA_DEFAULT_JOINT_MAX_VEL; ulapi_mutex_give(&statusMutex); }
static void state_connection_thread_code(state_connection_thread_args *args) { void *thread; int id; double period; joint_traj_pt_state_message jsmsg; robot_status_message rsmsg; object_state_message obj_state(3); enum {OUTBUF_LEN = 1024}; char outbuf[OUTBUF_LEN]; int nchars, len; int which = 0; thread = args->thread; id = args->id; period = args->period; free(args); for (int t = 0; t < obj_state.object_number(); t++) { obj_state.objects[t].id = t + 1; obj_state.objects[t].x = t + 1.2; obj_state.objects[t].y = t - 3.4; obj_state.objects[t].z = t + 5.6; obj_state.objects[t].qx = 0; obj_state.objects[t].qy = 0; obj_state.objects[t].qz = sin(0.1*t); obj_state.objects[t].qw = cos(0.1*t); } while (true) { float p; int i; switch (which) { case 0: ulapi_mutex_take(&robot_mutex); for (int t = 0; t < JOINT_MAX; t++) { if (the_robot.get_robot_joint_pos(&p, t)) jsmsg.set_pos(p, t); } ulapi_mutex_give(&robot_mutex); nchars = ulapi_socket_write(id, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&jsmsg), sizeof(jsmsg)); if (nchars < 0) break; break; case 1: ulapi_mutex_take(&robot_mutex); the_robot.get_drives_powered(&i); rsmsg.set_drives_powered(i); the_robot.get_e_stopped(&i); rsmsg.set_e_stopped(i); the_robot.get_in_error(&i); rsmsg.set_in_error(i); the_robot.get_in_motion(&i); rsmsg.set_in_motion(i); the_robot.get_mode(&i); rsmsg.set_mode(i); the_robot.get_motion_possible(&i); rsmsg.set_motion_possible(i); ulapi_mutex_give(&robot_mutex); nchars = ulapi_socket_write(id, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&rsmsg), sizeof(rsmsg)); if (nchars < 0) break; break; case 2: #undef DO_OBJECTS #ifdef DO_OBJECTS len = obj_state.size(); if (len <= sizeof(outbuf)) { obj_state.write_object_state(outbuf, sizeof(outbuf)); nchars = ulapi_socket_write(id, outbuf, len); } #endif // DO_OBJECTS break; } // switch (which) if (++which > 2) which = 0; ulapi_wait(period * 1e9); } // while (true) ulapi_socket_close(id); if (debug) printf("joint state connection handler %d done\n", id); free(thread); return; }
void CRCLStatus::setRobotStatus(RobotStatus status) { ulapi_mutex_take(&statusMutex); robotStatus = status; ulapi_mutex_give(&statusMutex); }
void CRCLStatus::setMaxVel(double VelIn, MovementType mType) { ulapi_mutex_take(&statusMutex); maxVel[mType] = VelIn; ulapi_mutex_give(&statusMutex); }
void CRCLStatus::setGripperStatus(GripperStatus status) { ulapi_mutex_take(&statusMutex); gripStatus = status; ulapi_mutex_give(&statusMutex); }
void CRCLStatus::setCurrentStatus(CRCLCmdStatus status) { ulapi_mutex_take(&statusMutex); currentCmd.status = status; ulapi_mutex_give(&statusMutex); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int option; int ival; double dval; int message_port = MESSAGE_PORT_DEFAULT; int state_port = STATE_PORT_DEFAULT; int request_server_id; int state_server_id; ulapi_task_struct request_server_thread; ulapi_task_struct state_server_thread; request_server_thread_args request_server_args; state_server_thread_args state_server_args; double period = 0.2; // ROS recommends 2 Hz at least enum {INBUF_LEN = 1024}; char inbuf[INBUF_LEN]; opterr = 0; while (true) { option = getopt(argc, argv, ":m:s:t:d?"); if (option == -1) break; switch (option) { case 'm': ival = atoi(optarg); message_port = ival; break; case 's': ival = atoi(optarg); state_port = ival; break; case 't': dval = atof(optarg); period = dval; break; case 'd': debug = true; break; case '?': print_help(); return 0; break; case ':': fprintf(stderr, "missing value for -%c\n", optopt); return 1; break; default: fprintf (stderr, "unrecognized option -%c\n", optopt); return 1; break; } // switch (option) } // while (true) for getopt ulapi_mutex_init(&robot_mutex, 1); the_robot.print_robot_status(); request_server_id = ulapi_socket_get_server_id(message_port); if (request_server_id < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "can't serve port %d\n", message_port); return 1; } ulapi_task_init(&request_server_thread); = request_server_id; ulapi_task_start(&request_server_thread, reinterpret_cast<ulapi_task_code>(request_server_thread_code), reinterpret_cast<void *>(&request_server_args), ulapi_prio_highest(), 0); state_server_id = ulapi_socket_get_server_id(state_port); if (state_server_id < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "can't serve port %d\n", state_port); return 1; } ulapi_task_init(&state_server_thread); = state_server_id; state_server_args.period = period; ulapi_task_start(&state_server_thread, reinterpret_cast<ulapi_task_code>(state_server_thread_code), reinterpret_cast<void *>(&state_server_args), ulapi_prio_highest(), 0); bool done = false; bool print_robot_info = true; while (! done) { char *ptr; char *endptr; int ival; float fval; int ret; int joint; // print prompt printf("> "); fflush(stdout); // get input line if (NULL == fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), stdin)) break; // skip leading whitespace ptr = inbuf; while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; // strip off trailing whitespace endptr = inbuf + strlen(inbuf); while ((isspace(*endptr) || 0 == *endptr) && endptr >= ptr) *endptr-- = 0; while (endptr >= ptr) *endptr = tolower(*endptr--); // now 'ptr' is the stripped input string do { if (0 == *ptr) { // blank line, print state ulapi_mutex_take(&robot_mutex); if (print_robot_info) { the_robot.print_robot_info(); } else { the_robot.print_robot_status(); } ulapi_mutex_give(&robot_mutex); break; } if ('q' == *ptr) { // quit done = true; break; } if ('d' == *ptr) { // quit debug = ! debug; break; } if ('i' == *ptr) { print_robot_info = true; } if ('s' == *ptr) { print_robot_info = false; } if ('?' == *ptr) { // help print_help(); break; } if (! strncmp(ptr, "set", strlen("set"))) { ptr += strlen("set"); if (! isspace(*ptr)) { printf("need a joint and value to set\n"); break; } ival = strtol(ptr, &endptr, 0); if (endptr == ptr || isgraph(*endptr)) { printf("need a joint to set\n"); break; } joint = ival; ptr = endptr; while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; if (! strncmp(ptr, "pos", strlen("pos"))) { ptr += strlen("pos"); if (! isspace(*ptr)) { printf("missing position value\n"); break; } fval = strtod(ptr, &endptr); if (endptr == ptr || isgraph(*endptr)) { printf("bad position value\n"); break; } ulapi_mutex_take(&robot_mutex); ret = the_robot.set_robot_joint_pos(fval, joint-1); ulapi_mutex_give(&robot_mutex); if (! ret) { printf("can't set joint %d position to %f\n", joint, dval); } break; } if (! strncmp(ptr, "pmin", strlen("pmin"))) { ptr += strlen("pmin"); if (! isspace(*ptr)) { printf("missing min value\n"); break; } fval = strtod(ptr, &endptr); if (endptr == ptr || isgraph(*endptr)) { printf("bad min value\n"); break; } ulapi_mutex_take(&robot_mutex); ret = the_robot.set_robot_joint_min(fval, joint-1); ulapi_mutex_give(&robot_mutex); if (! ret) { printf("can't set joint %d min value to %f\n", joint, dval); } break; } if (! strncmp(ptr, "pmax", strlen("pmax"))) { ptr += strlen("pmax"); if (! isspace(*ptr)) { printf("missing max value\n"); break; } fval = strtod(ptr, &endptr); if (endptr == ptr || isgraph(*endptr)) { printf("bad max value\n"); break; } ulapi_mutex_take(&robot_mutex); ret = the_robot.set_robot_joint_max(fval, joint-1); ulapi_mutex_give(&robot_mutex); if (! ret) { printf("can't set joint %d max value to %f\n", joint, dval); } break; } printf("need 'pos', 'pmin', or 'pmax' to set\n"); break; } // matches "set" printf("?\n"); } while (false); // do ... wrapper } // while (! done) return 0; }
rtapi_result rtapi_mutex_take(rtapi_mutex_struct *mutex) { return ulapi_mutex_take(mutex); }
void client_code(void *args) { void *client_task; ulapi_integer client_id; client_db_struct *client_db_ptr; ulapi_integer debug; enum {BUFFERLEN = 256}; char inbuf[BUFFERLEN]; char outbuf[BUFFERLEN]; ulapi_integer nchars; int number; int lastnumber = 0; client_task = ((client_args *) args)->client_task; client_id = ((client_args *) args)->client_id; client_db_ptr = ((client_args *) args)->client_db_ptr; debug = ((client_args *) args)->debug; free(args); /* The client thread asks for an update every second, blocks until it gets a response, prints it, and loops again. */ for (;;) { ulapi_mutex_take(client_db_ptr->mutex); number = client_db_ptr->number; ulapi_mutex_give(client_db_ptr->mutex); if (number != lastnumber) { ulapi_snprintf(outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "write %d", number); lastnumber = number; } else { ulapi_snprintf(outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "read"); } ulapi_socket_write(client_id, outbuf, strlen(outbuf)+1); nchars = ulapi_socket_read(client_id, inbuf, sizeof(inbuf)-1); if (-1 == nchars) { if (debug) printf("connection closed\n"); break; } if (0 == nchars) { if (debug) printf("end of file\n"); break; } inbuf[nchars] = 0; /* Parse and handle the message here as your application requires. */ printf("%s\n", inbuf); ulapi_wait(1000000000); } ulapi_socket_close(client_id); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int option; ulapi_integer port = SAMPLE_APP_DEFAULT_PORT; enum {BUFFERLEN = 256}; char host[BUFFERLEN] = "localhost"; ulapi_integer debug = 0; ulapi_integer client_id; ulapi_task_struct *client_task; client_args *client_args_ptr; client_db_struct client_db; char buffer[BUFFERLEN]; char *ptr; int number; ulapi_opterr = 0; for (;;) { option = ulapi_getopt(argc, argv, ":p:h:d"); if (option == -1) break; switch (option) { case 'p': port = atoi(ulapi_optarg); break; case 'h': strncpy(host, ulapi_optarg, sizeof(host)); host[sizeof(host) - 1] = 0; break; case 'd': debug = 1; break; case ':': fprintf(stderr, "missing value for -%c\n", ulapi_optopt); return 1; break; default: /* '?' */ fprintf(stderr, "unrecognized option -%c\n", ulapi_optopt); return 1; break; } } if (ulapi_optind < argc) { fprintf(stderr, "extra non-option characters: %s\n", argv[ulapi_optind]); return 1; } if (ULAPI_OK != ulapi_init()) { fprintf(stderr, "ulapi_init error\n"); return 1; } if (debug) ulapi_set_debug(ULAPI_DEBUG_ALL); if (0 != sample_app_init()) { fprintf(stderr, "can't init the sample app\n"); return 1; } client_id = ulapi_socket_get_client_id(port, host); if (client_id < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "can't connect to port %d\n", (int) port); ulapi_exit(); return 1; } if (debug) { printf("serving port %d\n", (int) port); } client_db.mutex = ulapi_mutex_new(0); client_db.number = 0; client_task = ulapi_task_new(); client_args_ptr = reinterpret_cast<client_args *>(malloc(sizeof(client_args))); client_args_ptr->client_task = client_task; client_args_ptr->client_id = client_id; client_args_ptr->client_db_ptr = &client_db; client_args_ptr->debug = debug; ulapi_task_start(client_task, client_code, client_args_ptr, ulapi_prio_lowest(), 0); /* enter application main loop */ while (!feof(stdin)) { if (NULL == fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin)) { break; } ptr = buffer; while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; if ('q' == *ptr) break; if (0 == *ptr) { ulapi_mutex_take(client_db.mutex); number = client_db.number; ulapi_mutex_give(client_db.mutex); printf("%d\n", number); continue; } if (1 == sscanf(ptr, "%d", &number)) { ulapi_mutex_take(client_db.mutex); client_db.number = number; ulapi_mutex_give(client_db.mutex); continue; } } ulapi_socket_close(client_id); ulapi_exit(); sample_app_exit(); return 0; }
static void emove_stat_callback(const nist_kitting::emove_stat::ConstPtr& msg) { ulapi_mutex_take(&emove_stat_mutex); emove_stat_buf = *msg; ulapi_mutex_give(&emove_stat_mutex); }
static void ws_stat_callback(const nist_kitting::ws_stat::ConstPtr& msg) { ulapi_mutex_take(&ws_stat_mutex); ws_stat_buf = *msg; ulapi_mutex_give(&ws_stat_mutex); }
void CRCLStatus::setCurrentCmd(CRCLCmdUnion *cmdIn) { ulapi_mutex_take(&statusMutex); crclCmdUnionCopy(cmdIn, ¤tCmd, 1); ulapi_mutex_give(&statusMutex); }
static void request_connection_thread_code(request_connection_thread_args *args) { void *thread; int id; enum {INBUF_LEN = 1024}; char inbuf[INBUF_LEN]; enum {OUTBUF_LEN = 1024}; char outbuf[OUTBUF_LEN]; char *ptr; int nchars; int nleft; int length; int message_type; ping_reply_message pingrep; joint_traj_pt_request_message jtreq; joint_traj_pt_reply_message jtrep; joint_info jinfo; cart_traj_pt_request_message ctreq; cart_traj_pt_reply_message ctrep; float f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7; thread = args->thread; id = args->id; free(args); bool done = false; while (! done) { nchars = ulapi_socket_read(id, inbuf, sizeof(inbuf)); if (nchars <= 0) break; inbuf[sizeof(inbuf)-1] = 0; ptr = inbuf; nleft = nchars; while (nleft > 0) { // get the length and type of the message memcpy(&length, ptr, sizeof(length)); memcpy(&message_type, ptr + sizeof(length), sizeof(message_type)); // switch on the message type and handle it switch (message_type) { case MESSAGE_PING: nchars = ulapi_socket_write(id, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&pingrep), sizeof(pingrep)); if (nchars < 0) done = true; break; case MESSAGE_JOINT_TRAJ_PT: jtreq.read_joint_traj_pt_request(ptr); if (debug) { printf("connection %d requested:\n", id); jtreq.print_joint_traj_pt_request(); } ulapi_mutex_take(&robot_mutex); for (int t = 0; t < JOINT_MAX; t++) { if (! jtreq.get_pos(&f1, t)) break; the_robot.set_robot_joint_pos(f1, t); } // FIXME -- testing with a delay, should thread this off ulapi_sleep(3); ulapi_mutex_give(&robot_mutex); jtrep.set_joint_traj_pt_reply(REPLY_SUCCESS); nchars = ulapi_socket_write(id, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&jtrep), sizeof(jtrep)); if (debug) { printf("replied to connection %d:\n", id); jtrep.print_joint_traj_pt_reply(); } if (nchars < 0) done = true; break; case MESSAGE_CART_TRAJ_PT: ctreq.read_cart_traj_pt_request(ptr); if (debug) { printf("connection %d requested:\n", id); ctreq.print_cart_traj_pt_request(); } // FIXME -- ditto ulapi_sleep(3); ulapi_mutex_take(&robot_mutex); if (! ctreq.get_pos(&f1, &f2, &f3, &f4, &f5, &f6, &f7)) break; the_robot.set_robot_cart_pos(f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7); ulapi_mutex_give(&robot_mutex); ctrep.set_seq_number(ctreq.get_seq_number()); ctrep.set_cart_traj_pt_reply(REPLY_SUCCESS); nchars = ulapi_socket_write(id, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&ctrep), sizeof(ctrep)); if (debug) { printf("replied to connection %d:\n", id); ctrep.print_cart_traj_pt_reply(); } if (nchars < 0) done = true; break; default: // unknown message if (debug) printf("unknown message type: %d\n", message_type); break; } // switch (message type) nleft -= (sizeof(length) + length); ptr += (sizeof(length) + length); } // while (nleft) } // while (true) ulapi_socket_close(id); if (debug) printf("simple message connection handler %d done\n", id); free(thread); return; }
void CRCLStatus::setCurrentState(CRCLState state) { ulapi_mutex_take(&statusMutex); currentState = state; ulapi_mutex_give(&statusMutex); }
LIBRARY_API CanonReturn CrpiRobotiq::SetParameter (const char *paramName, void *paramVal) { int *temp_int = (int*) paramVal; //WaitForSingleObject (ka_.handle, INFINITE); ulapi_mutex_take(ka_.handle); if ((strcmp (paramName, "ACTIVATE") == 0)) { iqGrip->setParameter(1, *temp_int); } else if (strcmp (paramName, "GRIP_TYPE") == 0) { iqGrip->setParameter(2, *temp_int); } else if (strcmp (paramName, "AUTO_CENTER") == 0) { iqGrip->setParameter(4, *temp_int); } else if (strcmp (paramName, "AUTO_RELEASE") == 0) { iqGrip->setParameter(5, *temp_int); } else if (strcmp (paramName, "ADVANCED_CONTROL") == 0) { iqGrip->setParameter(6, *temp_int); } else if (strcmp (paramName, "SCISSOR_CONTROL") == 0) { iqGrip->setParameter(7, *temp_int); } else if (strcmp (paramName, "POSITION_FINGER_A") == 0) { iqGrip->setPositionFingerA(*temp_int); } else if (strcmp (paramName, "SPEED_FINGER_A") == 0) { iqGrip->setSpeedFingerA(*temp_int); } else if (strcmp (paramName, "FORCE_FINGER_A") == 0) { iqGrip->setForceFingerA(*temp_int); } else if (strcmp (paramName, "POSITION_FINGER_B") == 0) { iqGrip->setPositionFingerB(*temp_int); } else if (strcmp (paramName, "SPEED_FINGER_B") == 0) { iqGrip->setSpeedFingerB(*temp_int); } else if (strcmp (paramName, "FORCE_FINGER_B") == 0) { iqGrip->setForceFingerB(*temp_int); } else if (strcmp (paramName, "POSITION_FINGER_C") == 0) { iqGrip->setPositionFingerC(*temp_int); } else if (strcmp (paramName, "SPEED_FINGER_C") == 0) { iqGrip->setSpeedFingerC(*temp_int); } else if (strcmp (paramName, "FORCE_FINGER_C") == 0) { iqGrip->setForceFingerC(*temp_int); } else if (strcmp (paramName, "POSITION_SCISSOR") == 0) { iqGrip->setPositionScissor(*temp_int); } else if (strcmp (paramName, "SPEED_SCISSOR") == 0) { iqGrip->setSpeedScissor(*temp_int); } else if (strcmp (paramName, "FORCE_SCISSOR") == 0) { iqGrip->setForceScissor(*temp_int); } else if (strcmp (paramName, "GRIP") == 0) { iqGrip->setGrip(*temp_int); } else if (strcmp (paramName, "STATUS") == 0) { iqGrip->getStatusRegisters(); } else { return CANON_FAILURE; } //ReleaseMutex (ka_.handle); ulapi_mutex_give(ka_.handle); return CANON_SUCCESS; }