void CCalibrateKinect::undistortImages ( const std::vector< cv::Mat >& vImages_,  const cv::Mat_<double>& cvmK_, const cv::Mat_<double>& cvmInvK_, const cv::Mat_<double>& cvmDistCoeffs_, std::vector< cv::Mat >* pvUndistorted_ ) const
    std::cout << "undistortImages() "<< std::endl << std::flush;
    CHECK ( !vImages_.empty(),      "undistortImages(): # of undistorted images can not be zero.\n" );
    CHECK ( !cvmK_.empty(),         "undistortImages(): K matrix cannot be empty.\n" );
    CHECK ( !cvmInvK_.empty(),      "undistortImages(): inverse of K matrix cannot be empty.\n" );
    CHECK ( !cvmDistCoeffs_.empty(), "undistortImages(): distortion coefficients cannot be empty.\n" );

    cv::Size cvFrameSize = vImages_[0].size(); //x,y;

    for ( unsigned int n = 0; n < vImages_.size(); n++ )
        cv::Mat cvUndistorted;
        std::cout << "distort: "<< n << "-th image.\n"<< std::flush;
        undistortImage ( vImages_[n],  cvmK_, cvmInvK_, cvmDistCoeffs_, &cvUndistorted );
        pvUndistorted_->push_back ( cvUndistorted );

        //string strNum = boost::lexical_cast< std::string> ( n );
        //string strRGBUndistortedFileName = "rgbUndistorted" + strNum + ".bmp";
        //cv::imwrite ( strRGBUndistortedFileName, cvUndistorted );

void PinholeUndistorter<DISTORTION_T, MASK_T>::constructUndistortedFrame(
    const cv::Mat & image, frame_t & outFrame) const {
  SM_ASSERT_TRUE(std::runtime_error, _idealGeometry,
                 "Camera has not yet been set.")
  cv::Mat undistImage;
  undistortImage(image, undistImage);
bool NaoInput::getFrame(Frame &frame)
    std::string cameraTop = "CameraTop";
    int space = 1;
    std::vector<float> newCameraPosition = this->motProxy->getPosition(cameraTop, space, true);
    //std::vector<float> relativeCameraPosition;
    //for (int i=0; i<6 ; i++)
    //    relativeCameraPosition.push_back( newCameraPosition[i] - initialCameraPosition[i] );
    frame.camPosition = newCameraPosition;

    // get the image from camera
    cv::Mat imgHeader = cv::Mat(cv::Size(640, 480), CV_8UC3);

    AL::ALValue img = camProxy->getImageRemote(clientName);
    imgHeader.data = (uchar*) img[6].GetBinary();

    undistortImage(imgHeader, cameraMatrix, distortionCoeffs);
    frame.img = imgHeader.clone();

    return true;