void cgCheckSurpriseAndStack(IRLS& env, const IRInstruction* inst) {
  auto const fp = srcLoc(env, inst, 0).reg();
  auto const extra = inst->extra<CheckSurpriseAndStack>();
  auto const func = extra->func;

  auto const off = func->getEntryForNumArgs(extra->argc) - func->base();
  auto const fixup = Fixup(off, func->numSlotsInFrame());
  auto& v = vmain(env);

  auto const sf = v.makeReg();
  auto const needed_top = v.makeReg();
  v << lea{fp[-cellsToBytes(func->maxStackCells())], needed_top};
  v << cmpqm{needed_top, rvmtl()[rds::kSurpriseFlagsOff], sf};

  unlikelyIfThen(v, vcold(env), CC_AE, sf, [&] (Vout& v) {
    auto const stub = tc::ustubs().functionSurprisedOrStackOverflow;
    auto const done = v.makeBlock();
    v << vinvoke{CallSpec::stub(stub), v.makeVcallArgs({}), v.makeTuple({}),
                 {done, label(env, inst->taken())}, fixup };
    v = done;
TCA emitFunctionEnterHelper(CodeBlock& cb, UniqueStubs& us) {

  auto const start = vwrap(cb, [&] (Vout& v) {
    auto const ar = v.makeReg();

    v << copy{rvmfp(), ar};

    // Fully set up the call frame for the stub.  We can't skip this like we do
    // in other stubs because we need the return IP for this frame in the %rbp
    // chain, in order to find the proper fixup for the VMRegAnchor in the
    // intercept handler.
    v << stublogue{true};
    v << copy{rsp(), rvmfp()};

    // When we call the event hook, it might tell us to skip the callee
    // (because of fb_intercept).  If that happens, we need to return to the
    // caller, but the handler will have already popped the callee's frame.
    // So, we need to save these values for later.
    v << pushm{ar[AROFF(m_savedRip)]};
    v << pushm{ar[AROFF(m_sfp)]};

    v << copy2{ar, v.cns(EventHook::NormalFunc), rarg(0), rarg(1)};

    bool (*hook)(const ActRec*, int) = &EventHook::onFunctionCall;
    v << call{TCA(hook)};

  us.functionEnterHelperReturn = vwrap2(cb, [&] (Vout& v, Vout& vcold) {
    auto const sf = v.makeReg();
    v << testb{rret(), rret(), sf};

    unlikelyIfThen(v, vcold, CC_Z, sf, [&] (Vout& v) {
      auto const saved_rip = v.makeReg();

      // The event hook has already cleaned up the stack and popped the
      // callee's frame, so we're ready to continue from the original call
      // site.  We just need to grab the fp/rip of the original frame that we
      // saved earlier, and sync rvmsp().
      v << pop{rvmfp()};
      v << pop{saved_rip};

      // Drop our call frame; the stublogue{} instruction guarantees that this
      // is exactly 16 bytes.
      v << lea{rsp()[16], rsp()};

      // Sync vmsp and return to the caller.  This unbalances the return stack
      // buffer, but if we're intercepting, we probably don't care.
      v << load{rvmtl()[rds::kVmspOff], rvmsp()};
      v << jmpr{saved_rip};

    // Skip past the stuff we saved for the intercept case.
    v << lea{rsp()[16], rsp()};

    // Restore rvmfp() and return to the callee's func prologue.
    v << stubret{RegSet(), true};

  return start;