void ResourceManager::unloadAllResources(const std::string &fileName) { CL_ResourceManager resourceManager = loadResourceFile(fileName); std::vector<CL_String> names = resourceManager.get_resource_names(); for (std::vector<CL_String>::const_iterator it = names.begin(); it != names.end(); ++it) unloadResource(*it); mResourceFiles.erase(fileName); }
void ResourceManager::unloadAll( void ) { for( uint32_t i = 0; i < _resources.size(); ++i ) { string_hash resourceId = *_resources.get_key( i ); unloadResource( resourceId ); } }
void AssetBrowser::selectResource(Lumix::Resource* resource) { if (m_selected_resource) m_history.push(m_selected_resource->getPath()); if (m_history.size() > 20) m_history.erase(0); m_wanted_resource = ""; unloadResource(); m_selected_resource = resource; ASSERT(m_selected_resource->getRefCount() > 0); }
// リソースをすべて解放する void ResourceManager::release() { auto it = m_hash.begin(); while (it != m_hash.end()) { // リソースのアンロード unloadResource(it->second); ++it; } // ハッシュマップのクリア m_hash.clear(); }
AssetBrowser::~AssetBrowser() { unloadResource(); for (auto* plugin : m_plugins) { LUMIX_DELETE(m_editor.getAllocator(), plugin); } m_plugins.clear(); FileSystemWatcher::destroy(m_watchers[0]); FileSystemWatcher::destroy(m_watchers[1]); }
void LoadingScene::loadResource() { unloadResource(); AnimationLoader::loadData(); CCScene* scene = TestScene::scene(); CCDirector::sharedDirector()->popToRootScene(); CCDirector::sharedDirector()->pushScene(scene); for(int i=0; i<DataCollector::getInstance()->getMatchData()->resourcePackList.size(); i++) { ResourceLoader::loadResourcePack(DataCollector::getInstance()->getMatchData()->resourcePackList[i]); } ((TestScene*)scene->getChildByTag(1))->loadResource(); ((TestScene*)scene->getChildByTag(1))->initScene(); }
void AssetBrowser::selectResource(Lumix::Resource* resource, bool record_history) { if (record_history) { while (m_history_index < m_history.size() - 1) { m_history.pop(); } m_history_index++; m_history.push(resource->getPath()); if (m_history.size() > 20) { --m_history_index; m_history.erase(0); } } m_wanted_resource = ""; unloadResource(); m_selected_resource = resource; ASSERT(m_selected_resource->getRefCount() > 0); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plugin::~Plugin() { unloadResource(); }
/** * Loads a resource into memory, a raw resource is loaded in * with above routine, then further decoded here. */ int AgiLoader_v2::loadResource(int t, int n) { int ec = errOK; uint8 *data = NULL; debugC(3, kDebugLevelResources, "(t = %d, n = %d)", t, n); if (n > MAX_DIRS) return errBadResource; switch (t) { case rLOGIC: if (~_vm->_game.dirLogic[n].flags & RES_LOADED) { debugC(3, kDebugLevelResources, "loading logic resource %d", n); unloadResource(rLOGIC, n); // load raw resource into data data = loadVolRes(&_vm->_game.dirLogic[n]); _vm->_game.logics[n].data = data; ec = data ? _vm->decodeLogic(n) : errBadResource; _vm->_game.logics[n].sIP = 2; } // if logic was cached, we get here // reset code pointers incase it was cached _vm->_game.logics[n].cIP = _vm->_game.logics[n].sIP; break; case rPICTURE: // if picture is currently NOT loaded *OR* cacheing is off, // unload the resource (caching == off) and reload it debugC(3, kDebugLevelResources, "loading picture resource %d", n); if (_vm->_game.dirPic[n].flags & RES_LOADED) break; // if loaded but not cached, unload it // if cached but not loaded, etc unloadResource(rPICTURE, n); data = loadVolRes(&_vm->_game.dirPic[n]); if (data != NULL) { _vm->_game.pictures[n].rdata = data; _vm->_game.dirPic[n].flags |= RES_LOADED; } else { ec = errBadResource; } break; case rSOUND: debugC(3, kDebugLevelResources, "loading sound resource %d", n); if (_vm->_game.dirSound[n].flags & RES_LOADED) break; data = loadVolRes(&_vm->_game.dirSound[n]); if (data != NULL) { // Freeing of the raw resource from memory is delegated to the createFromRawResource-function _vm->_game.sounds[n] = AgiSound::createFromRawResource(data, _vm->_game.dirSound[n].len, n, *_vm->_sound, _vm->_soundemu); _vm->_game.dirSound[n].flags |= RES_LOADED; } else { ec = errBadResource; } break; case rVIEW: // Load a VIEW resource into memory... // Since VIEWS alter the view table ALL the time // can we cache the view? or must we reload it all // the time? if (_vm->_game.dirView[n].flags & RES_LOADED) break; debugC(3, kDebugLevelResources, "loading view resource %d", n); unloadResource(rVIEW, n); data = loadVolRes(&_vm->_game.dirView[n]); if (data) { _vm->_game.views[n].rdata = data; _vm->_game.dirView[n].flags |= RES_LOADED; ec = _vm->decodeView(n); } else { ec = errBadResource; } break; default: ec = errBadResource; break; } return ec; }