int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFile2 ( unzFile file, int* method, int* level, int raw) { return unzOpenCurrentFile3(file, method, level, raw, NULL); }
std::vector<unsigned char> Unzip::getFileContent(const std::string & fileName) { std::vector<unsigned char> fileContent; if(fileInfos.count(fileName) == 0){ return fileContent; } //locate file if(! goToFile(fileName)){ return fileContent; } //open file if(UNZ_OK != unzOpenCurrentFile3(zipfile_handle, NULL, NULL, 0, formatPassword(this->password))){ return fileContent; } //read content unsigned char buffer[CPPZIP_UNZIP_CHAR_ARRAY_BUFFER_SIZE]; unsigned int len = 0; while((len = unzReadCurrentFile( zipfile_handle, buffer, CPPZIP_UNZIP_CHAR_ARRAY_BUFFER_SIZE)) ){ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < len; ++i){ fileContent.push_back(buffer[i]); } } //close file if(UNZ_OK != unzCloseCurrentFile(zipfile_handle)){ return fileContent; } return fileContent; }
int UnCompressZip::unzOpenCurrentFile (unzFile file) { return unzOpenCurrentFile3(file, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); }
bool Unzip::extractFileTo_Internal( const std::string & fileName, const std::string & path, int max, int current, const bool & overwriteExistingFile) { if(! containsFile(fileName)){ return false; } if(!overwriteExistingFile && doesFileExistOnFileSystem(path)){ return false; } bool extraction_ok = true; try{ std::string destinationPath = path; beforeFileExtraction(destinationPath); boost::filesystem::path p(destinationPath); if(createFolderIfNotExists(p.parent_path().string()) == false){ extraction_ok = false; } //locate filefileContent if(! goToFile(fileName)){ return false; } //open file if(UNZ_OK != unzOpenCurrentFile3(zipfile_handle, NULL, NULL, 0, formatPassword(this->password))){ return false; } //destination boost::filesystem::ofstream ofs(p, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); //copy the content unsigned char buffer[CPPZIP_UNZIP_CHAR_ARRAY_BUFFER_SIZE]; unsigned int len = 0; while((len = unzReadCurrentFile( zipfile_handle, buffer, CPPZIP_UNZIP_CHAR_ARRAY_BUFFER_SIZE)) ){ ofs.write((const char *)buffer, len); } //close file if(UNZ_OK != unzCloseCurrentFile(zipfile_handle)){ return false; } ofs.flush(); if({ extraction_ok = false; } ofs.close(); fileExtracted(destinationPath, max, current); } catch(...){ return false; } return extraction_ok; }
int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFilePassword ( unzFile file, const char* password) { return unzOpenCurrentFile3(file, NULL, NULL, 0, password); }
int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFile ( unzFile file) { return unzOpenCurrentFile3(file, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); }
static int gather_bundled_assemblies_from_apk ( struct DylibMono *mono, const char *apk, MonoBundledAssembly ***bundle, int *bundle_count) { int fd; struct stat buf; struct md_mmap_info mmap_info; unzFile file; zlib_filefunc_def funcs = { md_mmap_open_file, // zopen_file, md_mmap_read_file, // zread_file, NULL, // zwrite_file, md_mmap_tell_file, // ztell_file, md_mmap_seek_file, // zseek_file, md_mmap_close_file, // zclose_file md_mmap_error_file, // zerror_file NULL // opaque }; if ((fd = open (apk, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { log_error (LOG_DEFAULT, "ERROR: Unable to load application package %s.", apk); // TODO: throw return -1; } if (fstat (fd, &buf) < 0) { close (fd); // TODO: throw return -1; } mmap_info.area = mmap (NULL, buf.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0); mmap_info.size = buf.st_size; log_info (LOG_ASSEMBLY, " start: %08p end: %08p len: % 12u apk: %s", mmap_info.area, mmap_info.area + mmap_info.size, (unsigned int) mmap_info.size, apk); close (fd); funcs.opaque = &mmap_info; if ((file = unzOpen2 (NULL, &funcs)) != NULL) { do { unz_file_info info; uLong offset; unsigned int *psize; char cur_entry_name [256]; MonoBundledAssembly *cur; int entry_is_overridden = FALSE; cur_entry_name [0] = 0; if (unzGetCurrentFileInfo (file, &info, cur_entry_name, sizeof (cur_entry_name)-1, NULL, 0, NULL, 0) != UNZ_OK || info.compression_method != 0 || unzOpenCurrentFile3 (file, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL) != UNZ_OK || unzGetRawFileOffset (file, &offset) != UNZ_OK) { continue; } if (strcmp ("", cur_entry_name) == 0) { add_type_mapping (&java_to_managed_maps, apk, cur_entry_name, ((const char*) mmap_info.area) + offset); continue; } if (strcmp ("typemap.mj", cur_entry_name) == 0) { add_type_mapping (&managed_to_java_maps, apk, cur_entry_name, ((const char*) mmap_info.area) + offset); continue; } if (strncmp ("assemblies/", cur_entry_name, sizeof ("assemblies/")-1) != 0) continue; // assemblies must be 4-byte aligned, or Bad Things happen if ((offset & 0x3) != 0) { log_fatal (LOG_ASSEMBLY, "Assembly '%s' is located at a bad address %p\n", cur_entry_name, ((const unsigned char*) mmap_info.area) + offset); log_fatal (LOG_ASSEMBLY, "You MUST run `zipalign` on %s\n", strrchr (apk, '/') + 1); exit (FATAL_EXIT_MISSING_ZIPALIGN); } if (should_register) entry_is_overridden = !should_register (strrchr (cur_entry_name, '/') + 1, should_register_data); if (ends_with (cur_entry_name, ".mdb") && register_debug_symbols && !entry_is_overridden && *bundle != NULL && register_debug_symbols_for_assembly (mono, cur_entry_name, (*bundle) [*bundle_count-1], ((const mono_byte*) mmap_info.area) + offset, info.uncompressed_size)) continue; if (ends_with (cur_entry_name, ".config") && *bundle != NULL) { char *assembly_name = monodroid_strdup_printf ("%s", basename (cur_entry_name)); // Remove '.config' suffix *strrchr (assembly_name, '.') = '\0'; mono->mono_register_config_for_assembly (assembly_name, ((const char*) mmap_info.area) + offset); continue; } if (!(ends_with (cur_entry_name, ".dll") || ends_with (cur_entry_name, ".exe"))) continue; if (entry_is_overridden) continue; *bundle = xrealloc (*bundle, sizeof(void*)*(*bundle_count + 1)); cur = (*bundle) [*bundle_count] = xcalloc (1, sizeof (MonoBundledAssembly)); ++*bundle_count; cur->name = monodroid_strdup_printf ("%s", strstr (cur_entry_name, "assemblies/") + sizeof ("assemblies")); cur->data = ((const unsigned char*) mmap_info.area) + offset; // MonoBundledAssembly::size is const?! psize = (unsigned int*) &cur->size; *psize = info.uncompressed_size; if ((log_categories & LOG_ASSEMBLY) != 0) { const char *p = (const char*) cur->data; char header[9]; int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(header)-1; ++i) header[i] = isprint (p [i]) ? p [i] : '.'; header [sizeof(header)-1] = '\0'; log_info (LOG_ASSEMBLY, "file-offset: % 8x start: %08p end: %08p len: % 12i zip-entry: %s name: %s [%s]", (int) offset, cur->data, cur->data + *psize, (int) info.uncompressed_size, cur_entry_name, cur->name, header); } unzCloseCurrentFile (file); } while (unzGoToNextFile (file) == UNZ_OK); unzClose (file); } return 0; }