//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::update(){ if (arduinoAttached){ updateArduino(); if (!bSetupArduino){ if (ard.isArduinoReady()){ ofLogNotice("Connecting") << "setting up arduino"; setupArduino(0); } } } }
void ofApp::update() { // ARDUINO MESSAGES updateArduino(); // OSC MESSAGES sendMessage(); getRenderFromServer(); // PROCESSING BYTES players.at(1)->processArduino(receivedBytes); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::update() { ///////////// // ofxBeatTracking update ////////// // To update the object BeatDetect // The calculation is performed of whether the beat has been detected at this time // The result of the calculation is obtained from the function, such as () bd.isBeat bd.updateFFT(); ///////////// // Arduino Firmata communication update ////////// updateArduino(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::update() { dir.x = ofRandomf() * 1.57; pos.x = (width / 2.0) + (ofRandomf() * 0.5); if(isDrawS && !isPaused) fluid.addTemporalForce(pos, dir, ofFloatColor(0.12, 0.09, 0.09), rad, temp, den); if(isPaused) pCount += ofGetFrameRate() / 60; if(pCount >= pTime) { pCount = 0; isPaused = false; } if(!isStatA) ofSetWindowShape(width, height); else ofSetWindowShape(width + 85.0, height); // Update // fluid.update(); ofSetWindowTitle(ofToString(ofGetFrameRate())); updateArduino(); if(!isPaused) { irsVal = (float)ard.getAnalog(5); } if(irsVal < 590.0) { isPaused = true; } else { isPaused = false; } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::update(){ if ( ard.isArduinoReady()){ // 1st: setup the arduino if haven't already: if (bSetupArduino == false){ setupArduino(); bSetupArduino = true; // only do this once } // 2nd do the update of the arduino updateArduino(); } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::update(){ updateArduino(); ofSoundUpdate(); int currentTime = ofGetElapsedTimef(); if (currentTime > (timeElasped+cycleTime)) { // slow down the random number generator to prevent audio glitching randomGurgle = ofRandom(0,NUM_GURGLE); randomSound = ofRandom(0,NUM_BREATHE); timeElasped = currentTime; cout << "Random Sound# " << randomSound << " Random Gurgle #" << randomGurgle << endl; } // slow down the update of the random gurgle inhaleExhaleSound[randomSound].setSpeed(breathespeed); inhaleExhaleSound[randomSound].setMultiPlay(false); inhaleExhaleSound[randomSound].play(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::update(){ int threshold = 20;// you can change the value here ps3eye.update(); updateArduino(); if (ps3eye.isFrameNew()){ videoColorCvImage.setFromPixels(ps3eye.getPixels(), camWidth, camHeight); videoGrayscaleCvImage = videoColorCvImage; if (ofGetElapsedTimef() < 1.5){ videoBgImage = videoGrayscaleCvImage; } videoDiffImage.absDiff(videoGrayscaleCvImage, videoBgImage); videoDiffImage.threshold(threshold); } }
void testApp::update() { // Arduinoを更新 updateArduino(); float ardIn = (float)ard.getAnalog(0) / 2048.0f; float t = ofGetElapsedTimef(); float div = 100.0f; for (int i=0; i<NUM_PARTICLES; i++) { ofVec3f vec(ofSignedNoise(t, myVerts[i].y/div, myVerts[i].z/div), ofSignedNoise(myVerts[i].x/div, t, myVerts[i].z/div), ofSignedNoise(myVerts[i].x/div, myVerts[i].y/div, t)); vec *= ardIn; myVels[i] += vec; myVerts[i] += myVels[i]; myVels[i] *= 0.9f; } // move the camera around float mx = (float)mouseX/(float)ofGetWidth(); float my = (float)mouseY/(float)ofGetHeight(); ofVec3f des(mx * 360.0, my * 360.0, 0); cameraRotation += (des-cameraRotation) * 0.03; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::update(){ updateArduino(); ofBackground(0,0,0); bool bNewFrame = false; #ifdef _USE_LIVE_VIDEO vidGrabber.grabFrame(); bNewFrame = vidGrabber.isFrameNew(); #else vidPlayer.idleMovie(); bNewFrame = vidPlayer.isFrameNew(); #endif if (bNewFrame){ #ifdef _USE_LIVE_VIDEO colorImg.setFromPixels(vidGrabber.getPixels(), 640,480); #else colorImg.setFromPixels(vidPlayer.getPixels(), 640,480); #endif grayImage = colorImg; if (bLearnBakground == true){ grayBg = grayImage; // the = sign copys the pixels from grayImage into grayBg (operator overloading) bLearnBakground = false; } // take the abs value of the difference between background and incoming and then threshold: grayDiff.absDiff(grayBg, grayImage); grayDiff.threshold(threshold); // find contours which are between the size of 20 pixels and 1/3 the w*h pixels. // also, find holes is set to true so we will get interior contours as well.... contourFinder.findContours(grayDiff, 20, (640*480)/3, 1, false); // find holes } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::update(){ updateArduino(); //SEND TO WEKINATOR ofxOscMessage toWeki; toWeki.setAddress("/wek/inputs"); toWeki.addFloatArg(analogValue[0]); toWeki.addFloatArg(analogValue[1]); sender.sendMessage(toWeki); isMessageSent = true; //RECEIVE FROM WEKINATOR while(receiver.hasWaitingMessages()){ // get the next message ofxOscMessage toWeki; receiver.getNextMessage(&toWeki); if(toWeki.getAddress() == "/wek/outputs"){ message = toWeki.getArgAsFloat(0); rad = message; } } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::update(){ grabber.update(); if (grabber.isFrameNew()){ colorImage.setFromPixels(grabber.getPixelsRef()); currFrame = colorImage; currFrame.flagImageChanged(); diffImage.absDiff( currFrame, prevFrame ); diffImage.threshold(mouseX/10); int nWhitePixels = diffImage.countNonZeroInRegion(0, 0, 320, 240); cout << nWhitePixels << endl; pixels_LED = nWhitePixels; prevFrame = currFrame; } updateArduino(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void gamuzaMain::update(){ char temp_message[512]; ////////////////////////////////////////////// // INIT PROGRAM | splash image control if(ofGetElapsedTimeMillis() > splashWait){ splashFinish = true; if(flagSystemLoaded){ flagSystemLoaded = false; sprintf(temp_message,"OpenGL version: %s", glGetString (GL_VERSION)); sendPrivateMessage(GAMUZA_CONSOLE_LOG, temp_message); sendPrivateMessage(GAMUZA_CONSOLE_LOG, " "); if(GL_ARB_shader_objects){ sprintf(temp_message,"GL_ARB_shader SUPPORTED by your Graphic Card: %s", glGetString (GL_RENDERER)); sendPrivateMessage(GAMUZA_CONSOLE_LOG, temp_message); sendPrivateMessage(GAMUZA_CONSOLE_LOG, " "); }else{ sprintf(temp_message,"GL_ARB_shader NOT SUPPORTED by your Graphic Card: %s", glGetString (GL_RENDERER)); sendPrivateMessage(GAMUZA_CONSOLE_LOG, temp_message); sendPrivateMessage(GAMUZA_CONSOLE_LOG, "switching to SHADER OFF MODE"); sendPrivateMessage(GAMUZA_CONSOLE_LOG, " "); } if(audioActivated){ soundStream.start(); sendPrivateMessage(GAMUZA_CONSOLE_LOG, "soundStream STARTED"); sendPrivateMessage(GAMUZA_CONSOLE_LOG, " "); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < audioInputChannels; i++){ inputAudioCH[i].computeChannel = true; } computeAudioInput = true; computeAudioOutput = true; } if(arduinoActivated){ sendPrivateMessage(GAMUZA_CONSOLE_LOG, "ARDUINO connection established"); sendPrivateMessage(GAMUZA_CONSOLE_LOG, " "); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main settings control ofSetVerticalSync(useVSync); ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // GUI update updateGui(); gui.update(); ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // FBO Output Texture update updateFBO(); ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // OPENNI if(openniActivated && sensorKinect.useKinect && sensorKinect.isOniConnected){ sensorKinect.updateDevice(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // WEBCAM input devices update if(trackingActivated){ for(unsigned int i=0;i<numCamInputs;i++){ if(inputCam[i].captureVideo){ inputCam[i].update(); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // ARDUINO update if(arduinoActivated && useArduino){ updateArduino(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// } ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // OSC update updateOSC(); // OSC messages receiving receiveOSC(); ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // SYSTEM gamuzaRealFPS = ofGetFrameRate(); gaFrameCounter++; ////////////////////////////////////////////// }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::update(){ //--ARD updateArduino(); //--osc oscReceive(); //--audio background ofSoundUpdate(); //---kasia---updating timer for image timer = ofGetElapsedTimeMillis(); // instructions.draw(350,120); //--daisy if (!bLovesMe_Selected) {//comment this out and close bracket at end of if-statement for (int i=0; i<myFlws.size(); i++) { myFlws[i].resetForce(); } for (int i=0; i<myFlws.size(); i++) { myFlws[i].addRepulsionForce(myFlws[i].pos.x, 0, 30, 1); } for (int i=0; i<myFlws.size(); i++) { if (bClean) { myFlws[i].bClean = true; myFlws[i].addAttractionForce(-100, ofGetHeight()/2, 3000, 0.5); }else{ myFlws[i].bounceOffWalls(); } myFlws[i].update(); //clean ofRectangle window; window.set(-100, -100, ofGetWidth()+100, ofGetHeight()+100); if (!window.inside(myFlws[i].pos)&& bClean) { myFlws[i].bNotDrawDaisy = true; } for (int j=0; j<myFlws[i].myPetals.size(); j++) { if (!window.inside(myFlws[i].myPetals[j].pos)&& bClean) { myFlws[i].myPetals.erase(myFlws[i].myPetals.begin()+j); } } if (myFlws[i].myPetals.size() == 0) { myFlws.erase(myFlws.begin()+i); } } for (int i=0; i<myFlwSmall.size(); i++) { myFlwSmall[i].resetForce(); if (bClean) { myFlwSmall[i].addAttractionForce(-100, ofGetHeight()/2, 3000, 0.5); }else{ myFlwSmall[i].bounceOffWalls(); } myFlwSmall[i].addDampingForce(); myFlwSmall[i].update(); //clean ofRectangle window; window.set(-100, -100, ofGetWidth()+100, ofGetHeight()+100); if (!window.inside(myFlwSmall[i].pos) && bClean) { myFlwSmall.erase(myFlwSmall.begin()+i); } } } // bee touch loves me for (int i=0; i<myFlws.size(); i++) { for (int j=0; j<myFlws[i].myPetals.size(); j++) { if(myFlws[i].myPetals[j].bSelected && myFlws[i].myPetals[j].bIsLovesMe && !bClean){ bLovesMe_Selected =true; ard.sendDigital(13,ARD_HIGH); break; } } } //scale change for (int i=0; i<myFlws.size(); i++) { for(int j=0; j< myFlws[i].myPetals.size(); j++){ myFlws[i].myPetals[j].scaleUpdate(); } } if (bLovesMe_Selected) { for (int i=0; i<myFlws.size(); i++) { for (int j=0; j<myFlws[i].myPetals.size(); j++) { if(myFlws[i].myPetals[j].bSelected){ if (myFlws[i].myPetals[j].scalePct == 1) { bClean =true; bLovesMe_Selected = false; (ard.sendDigital(13,ARD_LOW)); // ofEnableAlphaBlending(); // for (int i=0; i<end.size(); i++) // { // end[i].draw(); // } break; } break; } } } } //-----timer for clean---- if (ofGetElapsedTimeMillis() - cleanerTimer> cleanTime && !bClean) { bClean = true; } if (myFlws.size() == 0 && myFlwSmall.size() == 0) { bClean =false; cleanerTimer = ofGetElapsedTimeMillis(); } if (ofGetElapsedTimeMillis() - buttonTimer >= 3000) { bButton = true; bEmit = false; buttonTimer = ofGetElapsedTimeMillis(); } //---kasia--timer for image /*if(bClean && timer-preTimer > 10000){ end.draw(190,120); }*/ // sound---------------- updateSound(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::update() { updateArduino(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::update(){ updateArduino(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::update(){ if(myArduino.isArduinoReady()){ //when bsetupArduino is false it will run the setupArdiono to define the in and output of the arduiono if(bSetupArduino==false){ setupArduino(); // we started running arduino, so no need to start setup again. bSetupArduino=true; } //2nd run the update updateArduino(); } if(GameStart==true){ check= ofGetElapsedTimeMillis(); if(check>=counter){ distanceRight=myArduino.getAnalog(0); //analog pin A0 distanceLeft=myArduino.getAnalog(1); //analog pin A1 // change 0-1023 to centimeters Rightvolt=ofMap(distanceRight, 0, 1023, 0, 5000); //5 volts Leftvolt=ofMap(distanceLeft, 0, 1023, 0, 5000); Right=(21.61/(Rightvolt-0.1696))*1000; Left=(21.61/(Leftvolt-0.1696))*1000; counter=check+500; } //map the variables of the ir sensor to the width and hight of the screen. x=ofMap(Right,8,30,ofGetWidth(),0); y=ofMap(Left,8,30,ofGetHeight(),0); // if the value of the sensors is higher then 50 set player in center of the screen. if(Right>30){ x=ofGetWidth()/2; } if(Left>30){ y=ofGetHeight()/2; } //make target smaller; for(int i=0; i<points; i++){ rectSize= 40 - i*2; } //player code for(int i=0; i<1+points; i++){ player[i].update(); player[i].checkEdges(); } if(rectSize<1){ GameStart=false; time=check; } }else{ rectSize=40; } cout<<check/1000<< endl; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::update() { myVideo.update(); float amp = (AAleft.amplitude + AAright.amplitude) / 2.0; int numHairs = ofMap(amp, .01, .2, 0, 10, true); currentRadius = ofMap(amp, .01, .2, 6, 28, true); for(int i=0; i<numHairs; i++) { Hair h; h.setup(); hairs.push_back( h ); cout << "adding hair" << endl; } for(int i=0; i<hairs.size(); i++) { hairs[i].update(theHair, lines, currentRadius); if(hairs[i].position.y > ofGetHeight()) { hairs.erase( hairs.begin() + i ); } } updateArduino(); for(int i = 0; i < NUM; i++) { //if(mouse_pressed){ if(ardButtonPressed) { speed_x[i] = (ofGetWidth()/2- loc_x[i]) / 8.0; speed_y[i] = (ofGetHeight()/2 - loc_y[i]) / 8.0; } speed_x[i] = speed_x[i] * friction; speed_y[i] = speed_y[i] * friction; speed_y[i] = speed_y[i] + gravity; loc_x[i] = loc_x[i] + speed_x[i]; loc_y[i] = loc_y[i] + speed_y[i]; if(loc_x[i] < 0) { loc_x[i] = 0; speed_x[i] = speed_x[i] * -1.0; } if(loc_x[i] > ofGetWidth()) { loc_x[i] = ofGetWidth(); speed_x[i] = speed_x[i] * -1.0; } if(loc_y[i] < 0) { loc_y[i] = 0; speed_y[i] = speed_y[i] * -1.0; } if(loc_y[i] > ofGetHeight()) { loc_y[i] = ofGetHeight(); speed_y[i] = speed_y[i] * -1.0; } } int buttonState = ard.getDigital(2); if(buttonState == true) { //mouse_pressed = true; ardButtonPressed = true; } else if(buttonState == false) { //mouse_pressed = false; ardButtonPressed = false; } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void shelfApp::update(){ updateArduino(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::update(){ //pulls info from Arduino each frame updateArduino(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void gamuzaMain::update(){ ////////////////////////////////////////////// // INIT PROGRAM | splash image control if(ofGetElapsedTimeMillis() > splashWait){ splashFinish = true; if(flagSystemLoaded){ flagSystemLoaded = false; if(audioActivated){ soundStream.start(); printf("\nsoundStream STARTED\n\n"); logger.log(99, " soundStream STARTED"); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < audioInputChannels; i++){ inputAudioCH[i].computeChannel = true; } computeAudioInput = true; computeAudioOutput = true; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main settings control ofSetVerticalSync(useVSync); ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // GUI update updateGui(); gui.update(); ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // OPENNI if(openniActivated && sensorKinect.useKinect){ sensorKinect.updateDevice(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // WEBCAM input devices update if(trackingActivated){ for(unsigned int i=0;i<numCamInputs;i++){ if(inputCam[i].captureVideo){ inputCam[i].update(); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // ARDUINO update if(arduinoActivated && useArduino){ updateArduino(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // OSC update if(oscActivated && useOsc){ updateOSC(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// } ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Various reference var gamuzaRealFPS = ofGetFrameRate(); ////////////////////////////////////////////// }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::update(){ //all math stuff //first step //if my arduino is ready ---> its a must to make openframworks to run with the arduino if(myArduino.isArduinoReady()){ //when bsetupArduino is false it will run the setupArdiono to define the in and output of the arduiono if(bSetupArduino==false){ setupArduino(); // we started running arduino, so no need to start setup again. bSetupArduino=true; } //2nd run the update updateArduino(); } if(hasLostGame==false){ //playerspeed //player one controls if(players[1].up==true){ players[1].YposPlayer --; } if(players[1].down==true){ players[1].YposPlayer++; } if(players[1].left==true){ players[1].XposPlayer --; } if(players[1].right==true){ players[1].XposPlayer++; } //player 2 controls if(players[2].up==true){ players[2].YposPlayer --; } if(players[2].down==true){ players[2].YposPlayer++; } if(players[2].left==true){ players[2].XposPlayer --; } if(players[2].right==true){ players[2].XposPlayer++; } pullToPlayer(); // //player score counter. player 1 if(ofDist(players[1].XposPlayer,players[1].YposPlayer,players[2].XposWeapon,players[2].YposWeapon) < players[1].playerRadius+WeaponRadius){ players[2].playerHit=true; Hitvalue2++; if(players[2].playerHit==true && Hitvalue2==1){ players[2].playerScore++; Hit.play(); } }else{ players[2].playerHit=false; Hitvalue2=0; } //player score 2 if(ofDist(players[2].XposPlayer,players[2].YposPlayer,players[1].XposWeapon,players[1].YposWeapon) < players[1].playerRadius+WeaponRadius){ players[1].playerHit=true; Hitvalue1++; //counts up when true if(players[1].playerHit==true && Hitvalue1==1){ //when it is 1 score will go +1 players[1].playerScore++; Hit.play(); } //when false the counter will reset so when it hits again you add 1 to the score again. }else{ players[1].playerHit=false; Hitvalue1=0; } if(players[1].playerScore>=5 || players[2].playerScore==5){ hasLostGame=true; } } }