void core::DatabaseMapperDialog::init(const QSqlDatabase &db) { _loMain = new QVBoxLayout(); _lcbTables = new LabeledComboBox(tr("Tables")); tblMapView = new QTableWidget(1, 4); tblMapView->verticalHeader()->setVisible(false); if(db.isOpen()){ _lcbTables->getComboBox()->addItems(db.tables(QSql::Tables)); _lcbTables->getComboBox()->addItems(db.tables(QSql::Views)); } _loMain->addWidget(_lcbTables); _loMain->addWidget(tblMapView); getMainToolbar()->addAction(ICON_UPDATE, tr("Update"), this, SLOT(updateConnection())); getMainMenuBar()->setVisible(false); setApplyButtonVisible(false); getMainWindow()->centralWidget()->setLayout(_loMain); _db = db; connect(_lcbTables->getComboBox(), &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, [=](const QString &text){ fillTable(text); }); fillTable(_lcbTables->getComboBox()->currentText()); }
void ddLineConnection::basicMoveBy(int x, int y){ /*ddPoint *newPoint; for(int i=1 ; i<points->count()-1 ; i++){ newPoint = (ddPoint *) points->getItemAt(i); //DD-TODO: replace and test with pointAt newPoint->x += x; newPoint->y += y; points->replaceAtIndex((ddObject *) newPoint,i); //DD-TODO: this is neede because I'm working with pointers?? }*/ ddPolyLineFigure::basicMoveBy(x,y); updateConnection(); }
void settings::port(const unsigned int v) { { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> guard(portMutex_); port_ = v; } updateConnection(); // update the connection }
void settings::dataBase(const std::string & s) { { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> guard(dataBaseMutex_); dataBase_ = s; } updateConnection(); // update the connection }
void settings::password(const std::string & s) { { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> guard(passwordMutex_); password_ = s; } updateConnection(); // update the connection }
void settings::user(const std::string & s) { { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> guard(userMutex_); user_ = s; } updateConnection(); // update the connection }
CVisSystemCanvasConnectionItem::CVisSystemCanvasConnectionItem(IVisNetworkConnection* con, CVisSystemCanvas* canvas) :QGraphicsItem(0, canvas->scene()) { d = new CVisSystemCanvasConnectionItemData; d->canvas = canvas; d->connection = con; IVisSystemNodeIOData* ioData = d->connection->connectionData(); bool success = ioData && ioData->queryInterface("IContainer", (void**)(&d->connectionContainer)); if( success ) { QObject* conObj = d->connectionContainer->containerObject(); d->connectionConfigurable = qobject_cast<IConfigurable*>(conObj); } setZValue(2.0f); setFlags(ItemIsSelectable|ItemIsFocusable); updateConnection(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::update(){ /*------------------- WI-FLY ------------------*/ updateConnection(); /*---------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------- SOUND -------------------*/ float avg_power = 0.0f; myfft.powerSpectrum(0,(int)BUFFER_SIZE/2, left,BUFFER_SIZE,&magnitude[0],&phase[0],&power[0],&avg_power); for (int i = 0; i < (int)(BUFFER_SIZE/2); i++){ freq[i] = magnitude[i]; // cout << freq[i] << endl; } FFTanalyzer.calculate(freq); /*---------------------------------------------*/ //BACKGROUND ofPoint currAverageAccel2 = average(accel2); for (int i=0; i < myTiles.size(); i++) { myTiles[i].update(tileGUImode, selectedTileMode, mouseX, mouseY, freq, threshold, hue, currAverageAccel2, lastAverageAccel2); } lastAverageAccel2 = currAverageAccel2; //VIDEO fogMovie.update(); // PARTICLES ofPoint currAverageAccel1 = average(accel1); for(int i=0; i < myParticles.size(); i++){ myParticles[i].update(particleGUImode, selectedMode, selectedShape, expansion, shapeSize, nVertices, particleSize, rotation, currAverageAccel1, lastAverageAccel1); } lastAverageAccel1 = currAverageAccel1; }
void hdLineConnection::onFigureChanged(int posIdx, hdIFigure *figure) { updateConnection(posIdx); }
void hdLineConnection::setPointAt (int posIdx, int index, int x, int y) { hdPolyLineFigure::setPointAt(posIdx, index, x, y); updateConnection(posIdx); }
void hdLineConnection::basicMoveBy(int posIdx, int x, int y) { hdPolyLineFigure::basicMoveBy(posIdx, x, y); updateConnection(posIdx); }
//DD-TODO: HIGH-PRIORITY-FINISH-THIS observer pattern void ddLineConnection::onFigureChanged(ddIFigure *figure) { // ddIConnectionFigure::onFigureChanged(figure); //BUGSISIMO ver si debe ir aqui pq da un super error updateConnection(); }
void ddLineConnection::setPointAt (int index, int x, int y) { ddPolyLineFigure::setPointAt(index,x,y); updateConnection(); }
void boundaryArea::divide( int targetPartIndex, int firstCurveIndex, int firstPointIndex, int lastCurveIndex, int lastPointIndex ) { //分割するパートを保存して削除 boundaryPart bporiginal = parts[targetPartIndex]; parts.pop( parts[targetPartIndex] ); //分割後のパートを作成.First Point->Last Pointの順に切って,リストを時計回りで持つ物をbpFL,逆にきる物をbpLFとする. boundaryPart & bpFL = parts.push_back( boundaryPart::factory() ); boundaryPart & bpLF = parts.push_back( boundaryPart::factory() ); //余計な情報をクリアする bpFL.resetConnection(); bpLF.resetConnection(); //周囲のカーブを分割 bool interest1 = true; //分割用のカーブ boundaryPoint & bpfirst = divisions[firstCurveIndex].points[firstPointIndex];//最初の点 boundaryPoint & bplast = divisions[lastCurveIndex].points[lastPointIndex];//最後の点 boundaryCurve & divider = divisions.push_back( boundaryCurve() );//分割線 divider.setAsDivider( bpfirst, bplast ); int dividerCurveIndex = divisions.size - 1;//分割線のカーブリストのインデックス //分割点があるカーブの境界線リストでのインデックス int startingIndex = bporiginal.find( firstCurveIndex, firstPointIndex ); int endingIndex = bporiginal.find( lastCurveIndex, lastPointIndex ); boundaryCurveIndex * bci = NULL; //first->lastの分割線を通った後,残りを探す for ( int i = endingIndex; i <= endingIndex + bporiginal.curves.size; ++i ) { int clampedIndex = i % bporiginal.curves.size;//範囲外をクランプ if ( i == endingIndex ) {//最初だけの処理 //分割線を追加 bci = & bpFL.curves.push_back( boundaryCurveIndex() ); bci->curve = dividerCurveIndex; bci->start = 0; bci->end = 2; bci->size = 2; } //通常の部分を追加 bci = & bpFL.curves.push_back( bporiginal.curves[clampedIndex] ); if ( i == endingIndex ) {//最初 //最初のカーブは初期値を切った位置に合わせる bci->start = lastPointIndex; //一つの境界線上で最初と最後があるとき if ( i == startingIndex ) { //その線が初期の分割されていない周りの線の場合か if ( ( bporiginal.curves[clampedIndex].whole() && bci->curve == 0 ) || //残りの線上に最初の分割点がある場合には bci->include( firstPointIndex ) ) {//これで終わり bci->end = firstPointIndex; break; } } } else if ( clampedIndex == startingIndex ) {//一周して戻ってきた bci->end = firstPointIndex; break; } } bpFL.clean(); //last->firstの分割線を通った後,残りを探す for ( int i = startingIndex; i <= startingIndex + bporiginal.curves.size; ++i ) { int clampedIndex = i % bporiginal.curves.size; if ( i == startingIndex ) { //分割線 bci = & bpLF.curves.push_back( boundaryCurveIndex() ); bci->curve = dividerCurveIndex; bci->start = 2; bci->end = 0; bci->size = 2; } //通常の部分 bci = & bpLF.curves.push_back( bporiginal.curves[clampedIndex] ); if ( i == startingIndex ) {//最初 bci->start = firstPointIndex; if ( i == endingIndex ) { if ( ( bporiginal.curves[clampedIndex].whole() && bci->curve == 0 ) || bci->include( firstPointIndex ) ) {//これで終わり bci->end = lastPointIndex; break; } } } else if ( clampedIndex == endingIndex ) {//一周して戻ってきた bci->end = lastPointIndex; break; } } bpLF.clean(); updateConnection(); }