Exemple #1
void sf2InstrumentView::modelChanged()
	sf2Instrument * k = castModel<sf2Instrument>();
	m_bankNumLcd->setModel( &k->m_bankNum );
	m_patchNumLcd->setModel( &k->m_patchNum );

	m_gainKnob->setModel( &k->m_gain );

	m_reverbButton->setModel( &k->m_reverbOn );
	m_reverbRoomSizeKnob->setModel( &k->m_reverbRoomSize );
	m_reverbDampingKnob->setModel( &k->m_reverbDamping );
	m_reverbWidthKnob->setModel( &k->m_reverbWidth );
	m_reverbLevelKnob->setModel( &k->m_reverbLevel );

	m_chorusButton->setModel( &k->m_chorusOn );
	m_chorusNumKnob->setModel( &k->m_chorusNum );
	m_chorusLevelKnob->setModel( &k->m_chorusLevel );
	m_chorusSpeedKnob->setModel( &k->m_chorusSpeed );
	m_chorusDepthKnob->setModel( &k->m_chorusDepth );

	connect( k, SIGNAL( fileChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateFilename() ) );

	connect( k, SIGNAL( fileLoading() ), this, SLOT( invalidateFile() ) );


Exemple #2
void DatabaseWidget::switchToOpenDatabase(const QString& fileName, const QString& password,
                                          const QString& keyFile)
    m_databaseOpenWidget->enterKey(password, keyFile);
bool MirandaSkinnedDialog::finishedConfiguring()

	if (getDefaultState() == NULL || getOpts() == NULL)
		return false;

	return true;
void MirandaSkinnedDialog::setSkinName(const TCHAR *name)
	if (skinName == name)

	skinName = name;
	setSettting("Skin", skinName.c_str(), true);
Exemple #5
void changeFileExtension(in_file_struct* fileStructPtr,char * newExtensionStr){
    int sz_newExtension = strlen(newExtensionStr),
        sz_oldExtension = strlen(fileStructPtr->extension);
    if(sz_newExtension != sz_oldExtension){
         printf("YOu here exentensions not equal\n");
        // fileStructPtr = (sz_oldExtension>0   ? realloc(fileStructPtr->extension,sz_newExtension) : malloc(sz_newExtension)) + 1;
        fileStructPtr->extension = realloc(fileStructPtr->extension,sz_newExtension)+1; //+1 for null character.
        fileStructPtr->extension[sz_newExtension]='\0'; // = 0 ;
Exemple #6
sf2InstrumentView::sf2InstrumentView( Instrument * _instrument, QWidget * _parent ) :
	InstrumentView( _instrument, _parent )
//	QVBoxLayout * vl = new QVBoxLayout( this );
//	QHBoxLayout * hl = new QHBoxLayout();

	sf2Instrument* k = castModel<sf2Instrument>();

	connect( &k->m_bankNum, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ), this, SLOT( updatePatchName() ) );
	connect( &k->m_patchNum, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ), this, SLOT( updatePatchName() ) );

	// File Button
	m_fileDialogButton = new pixmapButton( this );
	m_fileDialogButton->setCursor( QCursor( Qt::PointingHandCursor ) );
	m_fileDialogButton->setActiveGraphic( PLUGIN_NAME::getIconPixmap( "fileselect_on" ) );
	m_fileDialogButton->setInactiveGraphic( PLUGIN_NAME::getIconPixmap( "fileselect_off" ) );
	m_fileDialogButton->move( 217, 107 );

	connect( m_fileDialogButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showFileDialog() ) );

	toolTip::add( m_fileDialogButton, tr( "Open other SoundFont file" ) );

	m_fileDialogButton->setWhatsThis( tr( "Click here to open another SF2 file" ) );

	// Patch Button
	m_patchDialogButton = new pixmapButton( this );
	m_patchDialogButton->setCursor( QCursor( Qt::PointingHandCursor ) );
	m_patchDialogButton->setActiveGraphic( PLUGIN_NAME::getIconPixmap( "patches_on" ) );
	m_patchDialogButton->setInactiveGraphic( PLUGIN_NAME::getIconPixmap( "patches_off" ) );
	m_patchDialogButton->setEnabled( false );
	m_patchDialogButton->move( 217, 125 );

	connect( m_patchDialogButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showPatchDialog() ) );

	toolTip::add( m_patchDialogButton, tr( "Choose the patch" ) );

	// LCDs
	m_bankNumLcd = new LcdSpinBox( 3, "21pink", this );
	m_bankNumLcd->move(131, 62);
//	m_bankNumLcd->addTextForValue( -1, "---" );
//	m_bankNumLcd->setEnabled( false );

	m_patchNumLcd = new LcdSpinBox( 3, "21pink", this );
	m_patchNumLcd->move(190, 62);
//	m_patchNumLcd->addTextForValue( -1, "---" );
//	m_patchNumLcd->setEnabled( false );

	/*hl->addWidget( m_fileDialogButton );
	hl->addWidget( m_bankNumLcd );
	hl->addWidget( m_patchNumLcd );
	hl->addWidget( m_patchDialogButton );

	vl->addLayout( hl );*/

	// Next row

	//hl = new QHBoxLayout();

	m_filenameLabel = new QLabel( this );
	m_filenameLabel->setGeometry( 58, 109, 156, 11 );
	m_patchLabel = new QLabel( this );
	m_patchLabel->setGeometry( 58, 127, 156, 11 );

	//hl->addWidget( m_filenameLabel );
//	vl->addLayout( hl );

	// Gain
	m_gainKnob = new sf2Knob( this );
	m_gainKnob->setHintText( tr("Gain") + " ", "" );
	m_gainKnob->move( 86, 55 );
//	vl->addWidget( m_gainKnob );

	// Reverb
//	hl = new QHBoxLayout();

	m_reverbButton = new pixmapButton( this );
	m_reverbButton->setCheckable( true );
	m_reverbButton->move( 14, 180 );
	m_reverbButton->setActiveGraphic( PLUGIN_NAME::getIconPixmap( "reverb_on" ) );
	m_reverbButton->setInactiveGraphic( PLUGIN_NAME::getIconPixmap( "reverb_off" ) );
	toolTip::add( m_reverbButton, tr( "Apply reverb (if supported)" ) );
		tr( "This button enables the reverb effect. "
			"This is useful for cool effects, but only works on "
			"files that support it." ) );

	m_reverbRoomSizeKnob = new sf2Knob( this );
	m_reverbRoomSizeKnob->setHintText( tr("Reverb Roomsize:") + " ", "" );
	m_reverbRoomSizeKnob->move( 93, 160 );

	m_reverbDampingKnob = new sf2Knob( this );
	m_reverbDampingKnob->setHintText( tr("Reverb Damping:") + " ", "" );
	m_reverbDampingKnob->move( 130, 160 );

	m_reverbWidthKnob = new sf2Knob( this );
	m_reverbWidthKnob->setHintText( tr("Reverb Width:") + " ", "" );
	m_reverbWidthKnob->move( 167, 160 );

	m_reverbLevelKnob = new sf2Knob( this );
	m_reverbLevelKnob->setHintText( tr("Reverb Level:") + " ", "" );
	m_reverbLevelKnob->move( 204, 160 );

/*	hl->addWidget( m_reverbOnLed );
	hl->addWidget( m_reverbRoomSizeKnob );
	hl->addWidget( m_reverbDampingKnob );
	hl->addWidget( m_reverbWidthKnob );
	hl->addWidget( m_reverbLevelKnob );

	vl->addLayout( hl );

	// Chorus
//	hl = new QHBoxLayout();

	m_chorusButton = new pixmapButton( this );
	m_chorusButton->setCheckable( true );
	m_chorusButton->move( 14, 226 );
	m_chorusButton->setActiveGraphic( PLUGIN_NAME::getIconPixmap( "chorus_on" ) );
	m_chorusButton->setInactiveGraphic( PLUGIN_NAME::getIconPixmap( "chorus_off" ) );
	toolTip::add( m_reverbButton, tr( "Apply chorus (if supported)" ) );
		tr( "This button enables the chorus effect. "
			"This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on "
			"files that support it." ) );

	m_chorusNumKnob = new sf2Knob( this );
	m_chorusNumKnob->setHintText( tr("Chorus Lines:") + " ", "" );
	m_chorusNumKnob->move( 93, 206 );

	m_chorusLevelKnob = new sf2Knob( this );
	m_chorusLevelKnob->setHintText( tr("Chorus Level:") + " ", "" );
	m_chorusLevelKnob->move( 130 , 206 );

	m_chorusSpeedKnob = new sf2Knob( this );
	m_chorusSpeedKnob->setHintText( tr("Chorus Speed:") + " ", "" );
	m_chorusSpeedKnob->move( 167 , 206 );

	m_chorusDepthKnob = new sf2Knob( this );
	m_chorusDepthKnob->setHintText( tr("Chorus Depth:") + " ", "" );
	m_chorusDepthKnob->move( 204 , 206 );
	hl->addWidget( m_chorusOnLed );
	hl->addWidget( m_chorusNumKnob);
	hl->addWidget( m_chorusLevelKnob);
	hl->addWidget( m_chorusSpeedKnob);
	hl->addWidget( m_chorusDepthKnob);

	vl->addLayout( hl );
	setAutoFillBackground( true );
	QPalette pal;
	pal.setBrush( backgroundRole(), PLUGIN_NAME::getIconPixmap( "artwork" ) );
	setPalette( pal );


Exemple #7
void DatabaseWidget::switchToImportKeepass1(const QString& fileName)
Exemple #8
void DatabaseWidget::switchToOpenDatabase(const QString& fileName)
/* This correction sets the max of each peak to be approximately equal to the
 * others. It is meant as a small experiment in response to an unfortunate
 * pattern noticed in the scans after the correction is applied. 
 * Determine the correction to be applied to emission spectra from the
 * integrating sphere, by printing the inverse of the sum (with an averaged 
 * baseline subtracted from each point) of events from each scan.
 * Data was collected using a high pressure xenon lamp with two monochromators 
 * to select one exitation wavelength, which traveled through a light tube
 * to an integrating sphere which contained a borosilicate vial of cyclohexane.
 * Reflected light went through another light tube and was recorded by a PMT 
 * behind an emission monochromator with FeliXGX data acquisition software.
 * 39 emission scans were taken, with a +-15nm range from the excitation 
 * wavelength. Gain was set to 6.8V, slit widths were all 1mm, integration
 * time was 10 seconds. Default excitation correction was previously applied
 * to data.
 * An offset between reported wavelengths has been observed: the sample is 
 * excited at the desired excitation wavelength minus ~3 nm, which the emission
 * monochromator reports as -2 nm.
void CyhxEmissionCorrectionB() {
    double corr[NUM_FILES];
    double w[NUM_FILES];
    char filename[LINE_SIZE];    
    int wavelength = 300;

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FILES; i++) {    
        double baseline = 0.0;
        double x[NUM_POINTS + 1];
        double y[NUM_POINTS + 1];
        sprintf(filename, "data/emcorr w cyhx/%d.txt", wavelength);
        FILE *data = fopen(filename, "r");
        char line[LINE_SIZE];
        char* p;
        int index = 0;
        double xmax = 0, ymax = 0;
        for (int h = 0; h < HEADER_SIZE; h++) 
            fgets(line, sizeof(line), data);    
        while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), data)) {
            strtok(line, "\n");
            if (index >= NUM_POINTS) break;
            double xval = strtod(line, &p);
            double yval = atof(p);
            x[index] = xval;
            y[index] = yval;
            if (yval > ymax) {
                xmax = xval;
                ymax = yval;

            if (index < NUM_AVG || index >= NUM_POINTS - NUM_AVG) {
                baseline += yval;

        baseline /= (NUM_AVG * 2);
        corr[i] = 250000 / (ymax - baseline);
        printf("xmax %d baseline %f\n", xmax, baseline);
        w[i] = xmax;
    FILE* result = fopen("correction/CyhxCorrectionDataB.txt", "w");
    for (int k = 0; k < NUM_FILES; k++) {
        printf("%dnm: %f\n", w[k], corr[k]);
        sprintf(line, "%d %f\n", w[k], corr[k]);
        fputs(line, result);
    /* VARIATION.C was used to calculate the average fraction of the
     * standard deviation over the mean photon count for each of the three
     * excitation corrections. This is the factor used for error bars.
    double err[NUM_FILES + 1];

    for (int n = 0; n < NUM_FILES; n++) {
        err[n] = 0.04148067 * corr[n];
    TGraphErrors* g = new TGraphErrors(39, w, corr, NULL, err);
    g->SetTitle("Emission Corrections");