void render_entity( entity_t* ent )
	int i, j;
	coord_t x = ent->r.v1.x;
	coord_t y = ent->r.v1.y;

	if( ent->ent_type == ET_WALL )
		for( i = 0; i < ent->size.x; i++ )
			for( j = 0; j < ent->size.y; j++ )
				wall_model->render( x+i,y+j );
	if( ent->ent_type == ET_APPLE )
		value_t food = ent->attrs[AP_FOOD];
		apple_model->render( x, y, (0.3 + 0.1 * food)*ent->size.x );
	if( ent->ent_type == ET_PLAYER )
		value_t dir = ent->attrs[PL_DIR];
		value_t life = ent->attrs[PL_LIFE];
		value_t hit  = ent->attrs[PL_HIT];
		float pfx2,pfy2;		/* interpolated player position */

		updatePositionForPlayer( ent->ent_id, x, y, &pfx2, &pfy2 );
		if( !hit )	player_model->render( pfx2, pfy2, (0.5 + 0.7*life/100)*ent->size.x, dir*90 );
		else		player_model->render( pfx2, pfy2, (0.5 + 0.7*life/100)*ent->size.x,-dir*90, -90);
void ClientRenderModule::renderSingleFrame()
    int i,j,ii,jj;
    MapCell *m;

    /* local copy for share data */
    int px,py;		/* player position */
    int dir,life,attr;	/* player attributes */
    int x1,x2,y1,y2;	/* map coordinates */
    float pfx,pfy;		/* interpolated player position (for main player) */
    float pfx2,pfy2;	/* interpolated player position (for another player) */
    OglObject *player_model;/* type of player */

    /* create local copy for shared data */
    px = client_data->xpos;
    py = client_data->ypos;
    x1 = client_data->x1;
    x2 = client_data->x2;
    y1 = client_data->y1;
    y2 = client_data->y2;
    dir = client_data->dir;
    life = client_data->life;
    attr = client_data->attr;
    for ( i = 0; i < CLIENT_MATRIX_SIZE; i++ )
        for ( j = 0; j < CLIENT_MATRIX_SIZE; j++ )
            memcpy( &map[i][j], &client_data->map[i][j], sizeof(MapCell) );

    /* begin rendering */

    /* get new player position */
    updatePosition(&pmd, px,py);
    pfx = pmd.pfx;
    pfy = pmd.pfy;

    /* set camera and lights */
    gluLookAt(pfx-4.0,6.0,pfy-4.0, 	/* position */
              pfx-0.5,0.0,pfy-0.5,	/* look at */
              0,1,0);		/* up direction */

    /* draw floor */
    for ( i = max( 0, px - MAX_CLIENT_VIEW ); i <= min( client_data->mapx, px + MAX_CLIENT_VIEW ); i++ )
        for ( j = max( 0, py - MAX_CLIENT_VIEW ); j <= min( client_data->mapy, py + MAX_CLIENT_VIEW ); j++ )
            //for ( i = x1; i < x2; i++ )
            //	for ( j = y1; j < y2; j++ )

    /* draw map */
    for ( i = x1; i < x2; i++ )
        for ( j = y1; j < y2; j++ )
            ii = MAX_CLIENT_VIEW - ( px - i );
            jj = MAX_CLIENT_VIEW - ( py - j );
            m = &map[ii][jj];
            if ( m->terrain != 0 ) obstacle->render( i,j );
            if ( m->type == CELL_OBJECT ) resource->render( i,j, 0.3 + 0.1 * m->quantity );
            if ( m->type == CELL_PLAYER )
                player_model = player[ m->p_attr % nplayer_models ];
                updatePositionForPlayer( m->id, i,j, &pfx2, &pfy2);
                if ( m->dir >= 0 )
                    player_model->render( pfx2,pfy2, 0.5 + 0.7 * m->life / 100, m->dir*90 );
                    player_model->render( pfx2,pfy2, 0.5 + 0.7 * m->life / 100,
                                          -m->dir*90, -90);
            if ( m->type == CELL_OBJ_PLAYER )
                resource->render( i,j, 0.3 + 0.1 * m->quantity );

                player_model = player[ m->p_attr % nplayer_models ];
                updatePositionForPlayer( m->id, i,j, &pfx2, &pfy2);
                if ( m->dir >= 0 )
                    player_model->render( pfx2,pfy2, 0.5 + 0.7 * m->life / 100, m->dir*90 );
                    player_model->render( pfx2,pfy2, 0.5 + 0.7 * m->life / 100,
                                          -m->dir*90, -90);

    /* draw player */
    player_model = player[ attr % nplayer_models ];
    if ( dir >= 0 )
        player_model->render( pfx,pfy, 0.5 + 0.7 * life / 100 , dir * 90 );
        player_model->render( pfx,pfy, 0.5 + 0.7 * life / 100, -dir * 90, -90);

    /* get coordinates for the status area */
    SDL_Surface *screen = w.getScreen();
    SDL_Rect rect;
    rect.w = client_data->resx;
    rect.h = 40;
    rect.x = 0;
    rect.y = client_data->resy - rect.h;

    /* display status */
    SDL_FillRect( screen, &rect, SDL_MapRGB( screen->format, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ) );
    SDL_UpdateRect(screen, rect.x,rect.y, rect.w,rect.h);

    char sbuffer[256];
    SDL_WM_SetCaption( client_data->name, NULL);
    if ( client_data->state != PLAYING )
        sprintf(sbuffer, "%s", client_states[client_data->state]);
        sprintf(sbuffer, "playing -> %s ( coord = %d,%d life = %d )",
                px,py, life);
    font->render(rect.x + 9, rect.y + 2, sbuffer, screen);
    sprintf(sbuffer, "update interval: average = %.1lfms, last = %.1lfms, fps = %.1f",
            client_data->average_update_interval, client_data->last_update_interval,
            1000.0 / frame_render_interval );
    font->render(rect.x + 9, rect.y + 21, sbuffer, screen);
    SDL_UpdateRect(screen, rect.x,rect.y, rect.w,rect.h);

    /* finish frame rendering */